Articles by The Sun

We found 7 results.

Heart-Stopping Moment Bridge Is Wiped Out in ‘Apocalyptic’ Brazil Floods & Roads Turn to Rivers
The Sun - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

3 May 2024 – Shocking footage shows the moment a bridge collapses and vanishes in “apocalyptic” Brazil floods that killed at least 32 people. The death toll is expected to rise as 60 people are reported missing in Rio Grande do Sul while the state suffers “its biggest disaster”.

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For Eli Jacobson
Kenneth Rexroth – The Sun Magazine, 12 Nov 2018

December 1952

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Capitalism and the Wage System
Bertrand Russell – The Sun Magazine, 5 Nov 2018

The modern growth of monopolies in the shape of trusts, cartels, federations of employers and so on has greatly increased the power of the capitalist to levy toll on the community. This tendency will not cease of itself, but only through definite action on the part of those who do not profit by the capitalist regime.

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Sea Red with Blood: Horrifying Moment Dolphins Are Slaughtered by Laughing Fishermen in the Faroe Islands
Jay Akbar – The Sun, 1 Oct 2018

12 Sep 2018 – Around 800 long-finned pilot whales and white-sided dolphins are massacred by Faroese whalers annually. Warning: Stomach-churning images show more than 100 dolphins and whales being slaughtered during a traditional hunt in the Faroe Islands today.

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[Member of UN Human Rights Council] Saudi Arabia Sentences Man to 10 Years in Prison and 2,000 Lashes for Being an Atheist
Felix Allen - The Sun, 7 Nov 2016

The Hardline Islamic State Has a Law Defining Atheist Beliefs as ‘Terrorism’

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“India’s Democracy Has Been Kidnapped” – Udayakumar
Aditi Prasad - The Sunday Indian, 15 Oct 2012

The government’s expert committee has declared the plant safe. But if the reactors are so safe, why is the Russian company not accepting the liability? Our government has agreed that if there is an accident we will pay from our own pockets – that is, pay from the taxpayers money. That is not fair. Also, the plant itself is situated on a fault line. People are saying that there will be no tsunami because the plant is 1600 kilometers away from the tsunami line. But did we expect tsunami to strike the Indian coast in 2004? There are two major slumps near the plant which can trigger a massive tsunami if there is an earthquake.

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Big Brother Brainwash Comes To Koodankulam
Veena Joshi Datta – The Sunday Standard, 28 May 2012

BANGALORE: The Centre has decided to counsel protestors at Koodankulam on the necessity of nuclear power plants for the development of the country by engaging a team of psychiatrists from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) in Bangalore for the job.

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