Articles by The Unz Review

We found 18 results.

Ukraine War: Washington Moves on to Plan B
Mike Whitney | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

26 Apr 2024 – Here’s what everyone needs to understand about Ukraine: The US has already moved on to Plan B, but the Biden administration has not issued an official statement; the shift has already begun. The Washington Brain-trust has abandoned any hope of winning the war outright.

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China’s Turn
Mike Whitney | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2023

1 Mar 2023 – The U.S. Hyper-Financialized Economic System Is No Match for China’s Government-Directed Investment Model–Regrettably, China’s Explosive Growth Is Pushing a Desperate Washington Closer to War

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The Stage Is Set for US Combat Troops in Ukraine
Mike Whitney | The Unz Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Nov 2022

11 Nov 2022 – If US forces join the fighting, the calculus for winning could change dramatically, but the strategic objectives would remain the same. No nation can be expected to live at peace when a gun is pointed at its head. That is why Putin opposed NATO membership for Ukraine, and that is why the current war is being fought.

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Why Is Germany Committing Suicide? The Same Reasons that the EU/UK Are Being Deindustrialized
David Chu | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

17 Sep 2022 – Why is Germany committing harakiri (or seppuku)? Because the USA ordered them to do so! Is it to emasculate Europe completely so as to make it completely dependent on the US for both energy and technology? The rest of the world is moving towards BRI and BRICS.

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Kissinger Nails It. For Once.
Michael Whitney | The Unz Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2022

3 Jun 2022 – Kissinger didn’t criticize the way the war in Ukraine is being conducted or the lack of progress on the ground. No. What Kissinger criticized was the policy itself, that’s what triggered the firestorm. He was throwing a bucket of cold water on the people who concocted this loony policy by telling them to their faces that they “got it wrong.”

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Fauci as Darth Vader of the Covid Wars
Pepe Escobar | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Nov 2021

25 Nov 2021 – A rollicking review of RF Kennedy Jr’s, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

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The Zionists on the Defensive
Philip Giraldi | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

25 May 2021 – Israel’s Friends Overwhelm Capitol Hill – Yes folks, there is an international conspiracy and it is all about “protecting” Israel. It operates through front and lobbying groups that uniquely promote the interests of a foreign country, Israel, even when those interests do serious damage to the host country where the lobbyists actually live.

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The White Helmets Ride Again
Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review, 29 Oct 2018

23 Oct 2018 – There are two notable groups that should be universally condemned as terrorists but are not for political reasons. They are the Mujaheddin e Khalq (MEK), Iranian dissidents that are based in Paris and Washington, and the so-called White Helmets who have been active in Syria.

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America’s Militarized Economy
Eric Zuesse – The Unz Review, 20 Aug 2018

10 Aug 2018 – Donald Trump’s biggest success has been his sale of $400 billion of U.S.-made weapons to the Saudi Arabian Government, which is owned by its royal family. This sale is gigantic, and, by far, unprecedented in world-history. The weapons that the Sauds and their friends, the 7 monarchies that constitute the United Arab Emirates, are using right now, in order to conquer and subdue Yemen, are entirely made in America. That’s terrific business.

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The Skripals Will Most Likely Never Be Allowed to Talk
The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

11 May 2018 – It has been two months already since the Skripals are held in total secrecy by the UK authorities. What I see is this: on substance, the Skripal false flag has crashed and burned, just like MH17 or the Douma chemical attack, but unlike MH17 or Douma, the Skripals are two witnesses whose testimony has the potential to result in a gigantic scandal, not just for the May government, but for all those spineless Europeans who showed “solidarity” with Britain.

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Military, a Most Sordid Profession
Fred Reed | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

A few thoughts on our disastrous trillion-dollar military: It is unnecessary. It does not defend the United States. The US has no military enemies. No nation has anything even close to the forces necessary to invade America, and probably none the desire. “Our boys” are not noble warriors protecting democracy, rescuing maidens, and righting wrongs. They are, like all soldiers, obedient and amoral killers. Pilots bombing Iraq or Syria know they are killing civilians.

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Boycotting Israel Is the Right Thing to Do
Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review, 19 Feb 2018

Israel’s War on Free Speech Continues

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Bestselling Revisionist Historian: Germany Was Just a Patsy!
Kevin Barrett – The Unz Review, 17 Jul 2017

Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads: A New History of the World shows why we need to re-vision history. The word revisionist derives from roots meaning “to look again.” And since history is an ongoing project, whose main purpose is to help us understand where we have come from and where we are going, we obviously need to keep taking fresh looks at the past as we propose new visions of the future.

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Making Sense of the “Super Fuse” Scare
The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 May 2017

11 May 2017 – For weeks now I have been getting panicked emails with readers asking me whether the USA had developed a special technology called “super fuses” which would make it possible for the USA to successfully pull-off a (preemptive) disarming first strike against Russia.

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Our American Pravda
Ron Unz | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

17 Apr 2017 – Top academic scholars and seasoned Intelligence professionals have widely derided the alleged Syrian government Sarin gas attack as an apparent false-flag hoax. Yet our fanatically Trump-hating mainstream media has almost totally ignored these facts, instead fulsomely praising the President for immediately launching an unconstitutional missile attack upon Syria in retaliation, while congratulating him for his new-found “moderation” in potentially provoking a dangerous military confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia.

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The Trump Ploy
Linh Dinh – The Unz Review, 14 Nov 2016

Since the deep state won’t even tolerate a renegade reporter at, say, the San Jose Mercury News, how can you expect a deep state’s enemy to land in the White House?! It cannot happen… The deep state ushered in Trump because he’s clearly their most useful decoy. As the country hopes in vain, the crooked men behind the curtain will go on with business as usual. Trump is simply an Obama for a different demographic. Nothing will change for the better.

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Fifty-One Foreign Service Officers Can’t Be Wrong–Or Can They? More Bombs and Less Talk on Syria
Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review, 27 Jun 2016

21 Jun 2016 – It is ironic that fifty-one U.S. State Department employees, perhaps overly-generously dignified in the media with the title of “diplomats,” have come out in favor of removing a foreign head of state by force. Now consider for a moment who might have been involved in writing this memo. The authors are described by the newspapers that obtained copies of the memo as “mid-level.”

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North Korea: Love Thy Leader
Israel Shamir – The Unz Review, 23 May 2016

12 May 2016 | Author’s Note: I returned just now from North Korea. Here is my report from this unusual land.

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