Articles by Vatican News

We found 4 results.

Former Pope Benedict XVI (16 Apr 1927 – 31 Dec 2022) Passes Away
Vatican News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2023

31 Dec 2022 – Following the announcement of the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI today at the age of 95, we look back at his long life and its main highlights with the following official biography.

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Vatican Conference on Peace Journalism: Empathy, Not Only Sympathy
Francesca Merlo – Vatican News, 15 Oct 2018

13 Oct 2018 – Four peace journalists spoke today in an International Conference on “Peace Journalism”, at the Vatican. Professor Johan Galtung, the creator of the concept and one of the speakers, defines PJ as “editors and reporters making choices – about what to report, and how to report it – that create opportunities for society at large to consider and to value nonviolent responses to conflict.”

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Audio Interview with Johan Galtung on Peace Journalism
Vatican News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

8 May 2018 – Galtung answers the questions, Why is it so difficult for the media to inform about peace? Why does it appear it to be interested only in war? “It is because they don’t know how to write about it, they don’t even know how to conceptualize peace,” he says.

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‘Peace Journalism’ To Help Build a More Peaceful World
Vatican News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

8 May 2018 – Pope Francis dedicated his Message for World Communications Day 2018 to “peace journalism” and Galtung expressed his gratitude for this. He said he believes that Pope Francis is one of the greatest positive figures of our time and “obviously I am deeply struck by his stance on a concept such as “peace journalism” and find his support a great boost.

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