Articles by Veterans For Peace

We found 11 results.

Active-Duty Air Force Airman on White House Hunger Strike for Gaza
Veterans for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2024

On Easter Sunday, 31  Mar 2024 at the White House, active-duty Air Force Senior Airman Larry Hebert began a hunger strike to highlight the plight of the starving children of Gaza.

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The Initiative to Clean Up Unexploded Bombs in Vietnam
Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Sep 2019

Chuck Searcy of Project RENEW describes the major success and strides in making Vietnam safe from the devices of death dropped on the country by the United States.

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Talk by John Perkins, Author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’
Veterans For Peace National Convention – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

A Talk at the Veterans For Peace National Convention

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Veterans For Peace Statement on Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria
Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Dec 2018

24 Dec 2018 – Veterans For Peace is pleased to hear that President Trump has ordered a total withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, where they had no legal right to be in the first place. Whatever the reasoning, withdrawing U.S. troops is the right thing to do.

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U.S. Attack on Syria Could Lead to Nuclear War – Call for Veterans and GI’s to Resist Illegal Orders
Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

11 Apr 2018 – “Why the rush to war?” asked Gerry Condon, president of Veterans For Peace. “Why is the mass media cheerleading for war instead of asking hard questions? Why are Democratic and Republican politicians trying to out-do one another with calls for ever more massive attacks on Syria? There is no proof yet of a Syrian government gas attack, only a video made by a fundamentalist rebel group that wants more U.S. intervention.”

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Open Letter to People of Viet Nam
Veterans for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

The letter below has been written by members of Veterans For Peace’s Vietnam: Full Disclosure Committee. It will be delivered to the people of Viet Nam by members of Veterans For Peace. To be read at the closing of the official ceremony on March 16th at My Lai.

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New Veteran-led Campaign Challenges Islamophobia
Brian Trautman, Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

ISIL do not speak for Islam, the vast majority of their victims being Muslims. It commits horrible atrocities against Westerners because it wants us to overreact by stereotyping, dehumanizing, and alienating Muslims. Islamophobia, therefore, has the real potential of strengthening ISIL, especially if left unchallenged.

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Letter to the Canadian Government
Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Feb 2016

We are writing you on behalf of Veterans For Peace, with chapters in 14O U.S. cities, United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, South Korea and Vietnam. Our urgent mission is to abolish war once and for all and to build a culture of peace. Our primary purpose in writing you today concerns some unfinished business stemming from the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.

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Veterans Oppose US Troop Deployments near Ukraine
Veterans for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 May 2014

The veterans are reacting to a decision by the Obama administration to send US troops to Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as the crisis in Ukraine heats up and Russia conducts military exercises on its border with Ukraine.

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Appeal to Non-Aligned Leaders Meeting in Tehran
Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2012

With the Non-Aligned Movement meeting this week [26 Aug 2012] in Tehran, Veterans For Peace is urging the organization of 120 nations not formally allied with any major power bloc to take steps to deter the Israeli-American threats of war against Iran over its nuclear enrichment program.

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U.S. And South Korea Assault an Idyllic Island: Not For the First Time
S. Brian Wilson – Veterans for Peace, 30 Apr 2012

Our military experiences tell us this plan by Korea and the U.S. to host missile-equipped Aegis Destroyers as part of its global anti-ballistic missile system on the pristine Island of Jeju is extremely threatening to world peace, destroys the peace of the residents of Jeju and Gangjeong village, and flaunts Korea’s Constitutional assurances of protecting free speech of its citizens.

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