Articles by Zoltan Dujisin

We found 2 results.

Hungary: ‘Unorthodoxy’ Fails, IMF Returns
Zoltan Dujisin – TerraViva Europe, 12 Dec 2011

A year after slamming the door on the International Monetary Fund and announcing that a small country like Hungary could pursue an independent economic policy, conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been forced to kneel to the IMF and ask for help. Was there ever an alternative?

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Europe: Media Complicit in Rise of Xenophobia
Zoltán Dujisin – TerraViva Europe, 23 May 2011

As European leaders increasingly question the concept of Europe without borders and follow each other in announcing the end of multiculturalism, the media response has been mostly to present migrants as destabilising Europe’s labour markets and welfare states.

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