Articles by submission from Emma Leslie

We found 2 results.

Listening to Voices from Inside: People’s Perspectives on Myanmar’s 2010 Election
submission from Emma Leslie – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

Given the elections are widely debated in the ‘international community’, it is critical that the voices of ‘ordinary’ citizens be heard. Given the wide range of views this report may not simplify the debate, and if anything reflects the increasing diversity of opinion inside Myanmar about future directions, possibilities for change and the development of their nation. This report does not intend to draw any conclusions, but simply to amplify what has been recorded from a series of 87 interviews conducted across Myanmar. However if the international community is to accompany a process towards democracy in Myanmar, it must come to terms with the complexity and myriad of perspectives held by its citizens.

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Listening Project Field Visit Report: Myanmar/Burma
submission from Emma Leslie – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2010

The Myanmar Listening Project was a joint venture between CPCS, Nyien/Shalom Foundation of Myanmar and CDA Collaborative Learning Projects of the United States. It sought to listen to recipients and deliverers of international assistance as a means of improving international assistance practices.

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