Articles by Al Jazeera

We found 953 results.

What’s Melting Greenland’s Glaciers?
Nazanine Moshiri – Al Jazeera, 13 Sep 2010

Well, climate change is one of the issues I am looking at while I am here. Just last month a giant iceberg four times the size of Manhattan snapped away from the Petermann ice shelf in the North West of Greenland. It was the largest Arctic break off in half a century and has got scientist around the world worried about what is going to happen next.

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Brazil’s Groundbreaking Step to Halt Corruption
Gabriel Elizondo – Al Jazeera, 13 Sep 2010

Campaigners said few politicians wanted to sponsor an anti-corruption bill in congress, so the organisation took advantage of a little-known, and almost never implemented, ‘popular initiative’ clause in congress that says with signatures from one per cent of the Brazilian population a bill can be taken up in congress. Only four bills in Brazilian history have reached congress in such a manner. In September of last year, after 18 months of signature collecting, the law organisers forwarded to congress 1.7 million signatures. Soon after, another two million people registered their support for the bill online. On June 4, 2010 President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva signed the bill and three days later it became the law of the land.

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During War There Are No Civilians
Nora Barrows-Friedman – Al Jazeera, 13 Sep 2010

Sitting in on the Rachel Corrie trial alarmingly reveals an open Israeli policy of indiscrimination towards civilians.

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The Elephant in the Room
Larbi Sadiki – Al Jazeera, 6 Sep 2010

Excluding Hamas from current and future Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations is an exercise in futility.

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US Wars: People vs Generals
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera, 30 Aug 2010

While the Obama administration continues to affirm its intention to withdraw US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, the US’ military presence in the Muslim world is actually expanding and this is exacerbating tensions and inflaming animosities. Barack Obama’s promise to open a new page with the Muslim world on the basis of mutual respect and interests – supplemented and enforced by the use of soft rather than hard power – now rings hollow.

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Boats Reach Gaza Despite Blockade
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Aug 2010

Human rights activists reach Hamas-ruled strip by sea, despite Israeli blockade.

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John Pilger on the Last US Combat Forces in Iraq
Riz Khan – Al Jazeera, 30 Aug 2010

US combat forces have left Iraq, but who should be held accountable for the invasion and occupation that has left hundreds of thousands dead? Veteran investigative journalist John Pilger joins the show to discuss.

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Nagasaki Remembers Atomic Victims
Wayne Hay – Al Jazeera, 16 Aug 2010

Thousands of people gathered in the Japanese city of Nagasaki on Monday [9 Aug 2010] to mark 65 years since the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city during the Second World War.

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Going Organic: The Siege on Gaza
Jon Elmer – Al Jazeera, 16 Aug 2010

In February 2006, following Hamas’ electoral victory, a top advisor to Ehud Olmert, the then Israeli prime minister, Dov Weisglass, described the essence of Israel’s Gaza policy. “It’s like a meeting with a dietitian,” Weisglass said. “We need to make the Palestinians lose weight, but not to starve to death.”

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Blowing the Whistle
Andrew Fowler – Al Jazeera, 9 Aug 2010

It used to be nondescript parcels on the doorstep, cryptic phone calls at midnight or shadowy meetings in underground car parks. Now explosive information is more likely to arrive – to the tune of a novelty sound effect – in an email. But profound and important questions surround the transaction of secret, highly sensitive, classified material. Governments and big business are fiercely protective of their internal dynamics and are increasingly coming down hard on leakers and whistleblowers.

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Cluster Bomb Ban Comes Into Effect
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Aug 2010

A global treaty banning cluster munitions has gone into force. The Convention on Cluster Munitions, which became binding international law on Sunday [1 Aug 2010], prohibits the use, production and stockpiling of the weapon, which is blamed for killing and maiming tens of thousands of civilians.

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The Listening Post – South of the Border
Richard Gizbert – Al Jazeera, 2 Aug 2010

This week, we bring you a special edition of the Listening Post. Richard Gizbert sits down with Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone to talk about his new film ‘South of the Border’ and the surprising role that media, both Latin American and North American play in shaping and reflecting the narrative of South America’s political history.

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Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Aug 2010

Israeli authorities have demolished the homes of about 300 Bedouins in a village in the southern Negev desert. The entire village of al-Arakib was bulldozed on Tuesday [27 Jul 2010], with many of the former residents’ cattle, trees and belongings lost. Al-Arakib, which had about 40 homes, is one of 45 Bedouin villages not recognised by Israeli authorities.

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Is Israel a Liability for the US?
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera, 2 Aug 2010

The all too predictable pro and con nature of the debate meant repeating same-old same-old selective mantras about the “special relationship”. More importantly, as per usual for such discussions, the debate fell within the ideological limits of US-based mainstream think-tank perspectives. The question of whether US foreign policy is a liability for the Middle East; whether serving Washington’s interests is a liability for Americans, Arabs and Israelis did not arise. And whether US foreign policy is a liability to the future of a Jewish presence in the region was totally discounted.

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US Bars Acclaimed Colombian Journalist
Gabriel Elizondo – Al Jazeera, 19 Jul 2010

Hollman Morris is a Colombian journalist who has received dozens of international awards for his work uncovering atrocities and human rights abuses in the decade’s-long armed conflict in his country…. Because after Morris was accepted to Harvard, at first glance, one would think the US State Department would have opened the door and patted him on the shoulder with congratulations. Instead, the State Department slammed the door and slapped him across the face and branded him with the terrorist label.

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Israel’s Boat Problem
Sherine Tadros – Al Jazeera, 19 Jul 2010

Israel’s siege on Gaza essentially consists of one thing – surrounding the territory and controlling all exit and entry points. Logically, to break the siege you enter or exit the territory against Israel’s will. Exiting without permission is not an option, so on came the boats… In theory it’s a simple, perhaps even ingenius idea. It started shortly after the siege began – back then Israel sporadically let in small boats carrying aid. Israel let them in because they had more to lose by stopping them than by allowing through a few lefty activists (and the odd politician) carrying a gratuitous amount of aid. But the boats got bigger…

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Israel Dumps Waste on Palestinians
Nisreen El-Shamayleh – Al Jazeera, 19 Jul 2010

Israeli settlements have been dumping untreated waste directly into a sewage canal that runs through the occupied West Bank, affecting Palestinian villages along its banks. The hazard posed is compounded by the dumping of toxic chemical waste on agricultural land, with villagers reporting a rash of skin diseases and respiratory problems. The Israeli government has banned plans by the Palestinian Authority to build pipes and pumps to treat and divert wastewater away from the affected villages.

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West Africa’s Gas-Flaring Curse
Yvonne Ndege – Al Jazeera, 13 Jul 2010

Every year billions of dollars “go up in smoke” as oil and gas companies burn off unwanted natural gas. The World Bank estimates that about $30bn worth of gas is burned off every year, which is equivalent to 30 per cent of the European Union’s annual gas consumption. The world’s largest gas-flaring operations are in the Niger Delta, where communities are complaining of chronic health problems and pollution.

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Israeli Boy Campaigns against Border Mines
Nisreen El-Shamayleh - Al Jazeera, 12 Jul 2010

More than 2,600 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli landmines in the past 40 years. This is no surprise considering that more than a million mines remain active. They are scattered along Israel’s borders with Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. Israel has always refused to remove them, but now an 11-year-old Israeli boy is campaigning to have them cleared.

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Televangelism Sweeping Across Kenya
Zeina Awad – Al Jazeera, 5 Jul 2010

Televangelism is growing across Africa, but especially in Kenya where religious programmes are led by powerful and charismatic pastors who often preach unconventional ideas, like miracle cures for HIV and Aids. For many pastors, it is a lucrative business, prompting concerns that they might be exploiting the commitment of their followers.

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‘Wall Street Leads in Phony Reform’
Danny Schechter – Al Jazeera, 5 Jul 2010

an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance: talk of unity was nothing more than a charade. The plan was to get the financial reform bill “done” by last weekend so that Barack Obama, the US president, could pull it out of the his back pocket at the G20 meeting in Canada to demonstrate American “leadership” on an issue the whole world is legitimately worried about: the real prospect of an even more serious global economic collapse.

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West Bank Poor Pay Heavy Price
Bernard Smith – Al Jazeera, 5 Jul 2010

A report by the charity Save the Children has said that living conditions in parts of the West Bank are now so dire that people living there are worse off than in blockaded Gaza. The charity claims that an estimated 40,000 Palestinians living under Israeli control are prevented from performing even the most basic repairs to homes, schools and hospitals.

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Pope Condemns Belgian Raid
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2010

Pope Benedict XVI has criticised the “deplorable methods” of Belgian police who raided a meeting of bishops as part of a paedophilia probe. In a letter of support to Andre-Joseph Leonbard, the archbishop of Brussels-Malines, Benedict on Sunday expressed anger at the confiscation of phones, computers and other items.

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Australia Nuclear Waste Dump Row
Azhar Sukri – Al Jazeera, 28 Jun 2010

Australia’s government is pushing its plans for a nuclear waste dump in a remote part of the country’s Northern Territory. It has signed an agreement with the traditional owners of the land who will receive $10m in compensation, most of it in cash. But the proposed nuclear dump has divided local people while and environmentalists warn it could one day be used to store waste from overseas.

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Vatican Anger over Belgium Raids
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2010

The Vatican has said it is indignant and astonished at police searches of the graves of two cardinals during Belgian investigations over child sex abuse. Police on Thursday [24 Jun 2010] raided the headquarters of Belgium’s Roman Catholic church, several buildings of the Mechelen-Brussels archdiocese and the offices of a church commission investigating abuse claims.

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Red Cross: Gaza Blockade Illegal
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2010

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has described Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip as a violation of the Geneva Conventions and called on the Israeli government to lift it.

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Waiting in Gaza
Safa Joudeh – Al Jazeera, 21 Jun 2010

Many American, European, Arab and UN officials at the highest levels have come to look at Gaza after the offensive. They take the tour, visiting the sites of destruction, meet with representatives of the Palestinian factions, give a speech pledging solidarity and promising an end to the collective punishment that is the blockade. These visits no longer raise hopes among Palestinians, or draw criticism from Israel, as both sides have come to understand that they are both fruitless (for Gazans) and inconsequential (to Israel).

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The Meaning of Strangulation
Mark LeVine – Al Jazeera, 21 Jun 2010

The remarks were not made in anger or haste, as were the now infamous, flippant and ill-conceived comments that cost White House reporter Helen Thomas her job, if not her legacy. Instead, they were made quite deliberately, with an air of thoughtfulness, while leaning over a lectern, as if lecturing to a class. Thomas was forced into retirement for declaring that Jews “should get the hell out of Palestine,” but New York Senator Chuck Schumer, one of the most powerful politicians in the US, has avoided any criticism or even major press coverage for remarks he made only days later that supported the continued “economic strangulation” of Gaza; in part, because, he essentially argues, the inhabitants of the benighted Strip are not Jewish.

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Nigeria’s Forgotten Oil Spills
Yvonne Ndege – Al Jazeera, 14 Jun 2010

BP has said again and again that it will cover the costs of cleaning up its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But away from the cameras, thousands in the Niger Delta, continue to battle for any compensation from numerous oil spills. Yvonne Ndege reports on the legal battle against foreign oil companies from the southern state of Bayelsa.

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(Animal Protection/Cruelty) Flak for Orangutan Kickboxing
Laura Kyle – Al Jazeera, 14 Jun 2010

In Thailand, where kickboxing is a popular spectator sport, an unusual show pitting orangutans against each other, has drawn criticism from animal rights activists. Organisers say what they are doing is legal but activists blame lax laws – which police admit to – for that situation.

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IAEA Turns Its Attention to Israel
Alan Fisher – Al Jazeera, 14 Jun 2010

For the first time in 19 years, the gathering will discuss “Israel’s nuclear capability”. The item has been forced onto the agenda by the 18-nation Arab block, elevating Israel to the same status as Iran and Syria.

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Facebook Future after Boycott
Cath Turner in New York - Al Jazeera, 7 Jun 2010

The social networking website Facebook has drastically changed the way many communicate and share information online. But the company has been accused of abusing members’ privacy settings, prompting more than 23,000 users to quit Facebook on May 31.

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The Myth of Israeli Morality
Lamis Andoni – Al Jazeera, 7 Jun 2010

Israel’s reaction to non-violent protests inside and outside the occupied territories is part of its fear of the assertion of Palestinian identity in the historic land of Palestine…. The bullets that pierced the bodies of the activists have boomeranged, shattering the myth of Israeli morality.

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Australia Acts over Japan Whaling
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2010

Australia has launched legal case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague in an effort to halt Japanese whaling in the seas off Antarctica, officials in Tokyo have said.

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Israel Boards another Gaza Aid Boat
Jacky Rowland - Al Jazeera, 7 Jun 2010

Israeli troops have boarded another aid ship bound for the Gaza Strip. However, unlike the deadly confrontation on when Israeli troops stormed the Mavi Maramara aid boat earlier this week, killing seven people, there was no violence. The crew aboard the Irish aid ship, the MV Rachel Corrie, surrendered quietly on Saturday [5 June 2010]. Israeli forces boarded the ship, and escorted it into port, where the aid will be processed.

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Interview with Al Jazeera’s Jamal ElShayyal: One of the Passengers on the Mavi Marmara
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2010

Al Jazeera’s Jamal Elshayyal has been released by Israeli authorities following Monday’s deadly raid on the Mavi Marmara aid ship that was destined for Gaza.

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ICC Accused of Targeting Africa
Mohammed Adow – Al Jazeera, 7 Jun 2010

Its creation was supposed to extend the rule of law to the corners of the world that needed it most. But eight years on, the International Criminal Court stands accused of focusing exclusively on African countries and exacerbating existing conflicts in its refusal to drop charges in exchange for peace deals.

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BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet in International Waters
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service 31 May 2010, 31 May 2010

Al Jazeera’s report on board the Mavi Marmara before communications were cut.

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BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet in International Waters
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service 31 May 2010, 31 May 2010

Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships aiming to break the country’s siege on Gaza. More than 10 people were killed and dozens injured when troops intercepted the convoy of ships dubbed the Freedom Flotilla early on Monday, the Israeli military said.

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Arundhati Roy
Avi Lewis – Al Jazeera, 17 May 2010

Avi Lewis sits down for a one-on-one interview with author and activist Arundhati Roy.

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Iran-Brazil Ties: Lula hopes to broker Iran deal
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2010

President Lula hopes to aid nuclear deal.

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Differences on Brazil’s Iran Engagement
Gabriel Elizondo - Al Jazeera, 17 May 2010

“In short, despite the crying of the traditional opponents, I see Brazil’s engagement with Iran as a win-win situation for Brazilian diplomacy. But it is evident that the ‘old boys’ are inconvenienced by this new kid who has arrived on the block and who is not asking for permission to use the bathroom.”

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The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners
John J. Mearsheimer – Al Jazeera, 3 May 2010

The following is an excerpt from the The Hisham Sharabi Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor John Mearsheimer at the Palestine Center in Washington D.C. on April 29, 2010. …There is going to be a Greater Israel between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. In fact, I would argue that it already exists. But who will live there and what kind of political system will it have?

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Brazil Takes Centre-Stage
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera, 3 May 2010

It is rare that you see an optimistic country in these dire times. But Brazil is flying high when many are landing or crashing.

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Reconciliation Lessons from Africa
Barnaby Phillips – Al Jazeera, 3 May 2010

Africa does many things badly, but one thing especially well. It has perhaps unparalleled ability to reconcile and overcome painful divisions in the aftermath of conflict.

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US Community Learns About Rural Healthcare from Iran
Rosiland Jordan – Al Jazeera, 26 Apr 2010

Mississippi delta neighbourhood is learning from the Iranians on how they have successfully run a rural healthcare plan.

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Japanese Rally against US Air Base
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Apr 2010

On the eve of the protest, the Washington Post said the Japanese government had indicated it would broadly accept the 2006 pact. But the government denied that on Saturday [24 April 2010], with [Prime Minister] Hatoyama repeating his objection to the 2006 plan. “The report is not true … We cannot accept the existing plan,” he said.

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Al Jazeera's Avi Lewis reports, 14 Jan 2010

Haiti’s place as one of the poorest countries in the hemisphere was not inevitable.Its history has been marked not only by natural disasters, but by political and economic conflict. It is a story of international intervention that has left the country particularly vulnerable. 2:58-Min. YouTube VideoCLICK TO VIEW

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Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, 12 Jan 2010

According to tribal Yemeni tradition, if a dispute has been resolved peacefully, any dagger that has been drawn cannot go back into its scabbard unless it tastes blood. Traditionally, an animal is slaughtered to satisfy its thirst and restore its holder’s honour. Since the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and […]

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Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, 9 Jan 2010

By offering military support the West might prolong an autocratic regime.Marginalised by regional developments and intimidated by Washington’s Cold War and Gulf War victories, two Yemenis – so goes the joke – wondered if their country should declare war on the US, force it to occupy Yemen and care for it. "But what if we […]

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Sherine Tadros, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Gaza - June 27, 2009, 27 Jun 2009

Exactly six months ago – minutes before Israel launched its war – I was sitting in a coffee shop in Gaza City’s main square. Six months later, here I am again. At the same table, ordering the same drink from the same waiter who is talking about the same thing – no fuel, no electricity, […]

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Al Jazeera, 22 Nov 2008

Has the US become over-dependent on military force? Riz Khan speaks with Andrew Bacevich, author of The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism. CLICK TO VIEW

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Al Jazeera, 17 Sep 2008

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