Articles by Johan Galtung

We found 973 results.

Military Peace Missions and Cultural Awareness
Johan Galtung, 29 Jun 2009

Inaugural Speech CITpax Seminar, European Commission, Madrid, 17 Jun 09 Officials from the Ministry of Defense, Officers from the Army, Ladies and Gentlemen, Power comes in hard and soft varieties, be that as economic power, exploitation vs equity; military power, offensive vs defensive; or political power (dictatorship vs democracy).  Or as cultural power, legitimizing the […]

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Women and Men, Peace and Security
Johan Galtung, 15 Jun 2009

European Commission Speech – Making the Difference: Strengthening the Capacities to Respond to Crises and Security Threats; Brussels, 03/May/09 Ladies and gentlemen, My approach to this topic is based on 50 years experience with how women and men relate to peace and security issues; in formal and informal politics, in mediation and mediation training, in […]

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Concluding Remarks: Wrapping Up, the Road Ahead
Johan Galtung, 10 Jun 2009

Keynote Speech, European Commission, Making the Difference: Strengthening the Capacities to Respond to Crises and Security Threats – Brussels 04 Jun 09 This fine conference has 4 tracks–Security and Development, Strengthening Cooperation, Lessons Learnt-Geography; Lessons Learnt-Thematic–with 4 sessions for each on specifics and 16 rapporteurs. My role is to wrap up, presenting an overview indicating […]

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What Peace Research Would Be Like If Founded Today
Johan Galtung, 8 Jun 2009

On the occasion of the Peace Research Institute, Oslo-PRIO 50 Years – Oslo City Hall, 5 June 2009 Lord Mayor, friends: Incredible all that happened only 50 years ago!  Like PRIO, the institute we are celebrating today, In the English name there are four letters.  There was some thinking behind all of them, not only […]

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Dialectics of History: Germany-Israel
Johan Galtung, 31 May 2009

“I feel uneasy. I love him, but how do I know how he is?”  The councilor said, “Watch how his father treats his mother.  This is his key model.  Unless challenged to the contrary this is what he takes for normal, natural.  If you have problems with that as his model, rather challenge it now.  […]

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On Truth
Johan Galtung, 27 May 2009

Norwegian Literature Festival, Lillehammer-Norway, 26 May 2009 The idea of Truth is as relevant for the arts as for the sciences.  Truth is an attribute of a symbolic articulation–a thesis, a text, a painting-sculpture, a piece of music–when held up against reality: does it reflect, agree with what we consider “reality”?  Some deny the existence […]

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Obama 100: Trop Beau, Ce Président!
Johan Galtung, 17 May 2009

“Too handsome that president” was the conclusion of the French women’s magazine Voici (27/12/08) “le président plus sexy jamais élu”, the most sexy president ever elected, “attendu comme le Messie”, awaited like the Messiah”. In the swimming trunks, also appearing in an IHT column 16/05/09 calling Michelle’s remark about being “proud about her country for […]

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Cambodia’s Killing Fields and the Rule of Law
Johan Galtung, 12 May 2009

There are many of those fields in this country treated extremely badly by history.  An enormity of structural violence by Phnom Penh on the countryside for centuries, legitimized by a Hindu caste system, softened by a Buddhism that eventually became state religion.  Thai and Vietnamese invasions and occupations.  French colonialism (as part of “Indo-China”) 1863, […]

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Piracy and Somalia
Johan Galtung, 4 May 2009

To start with the conclusion: the piracy issue–in 2008 40 of 100; in 2009 so far 25, attacks succeeded, 18 vessels with about 310 sailors captive, ransom average $2-3 million–can be solved but only if treated as part of the whole Somalia complex. But USA and EU detach piracy as a crime to be fought, […]

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Jesus, Judas and Che Guevara
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2009

There is an exercise called Western Civilization, and a dramatic narrative at the center of that exercise with two persons in the key roles, Jesus and Judas.  Easter times, now, are here to remind us of the drama. The outer events, delivered through the millennia, by Mark in the 70s, Matthew in the 80s, then […]

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Into Africa: Cameroon
Johan Galtung, 14 Apr 2009

This is about non-news from a country not high on the scale of countries, elites not world famous, no particular event to report, only something quite permanent:  a country that works, with smiling, gentle, generous, kind people, 18 million of them, in the midst of Africa; in peace with itself and others. True, there is […]

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G20, and NATO, and the World.
Johan Galtung, 6 Apr 2009

The white, tall, Anglo-American, Wall Street defenders in London won; but Lula was wrong about blue eye color, and one was black.  No “turning point” (Obama) in the 29 points, but: *  one trillion, in bailout money for the financial economy, no stimulus for the real economy, protecting wrong banks, not right people, on top […]

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Retired in all Lands, Unite!
Johan Galtung, 30 Mar 2009

    You have only your exclusion, your marginalization to lose. We simply have a major flaw in our social construction: the institution of obligatory retirement, the final stage in biological life, the R in Childhood-Education-Work-Retirement. Nobody will argue against the right of the tired to be retired, from the duties of work, of inputs into […]

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The Energy-Environment-Development Triad
Johan Galtung, 23 Mar 2009

A very felicitous idea to bring together three major concerns in what could become a political, economic and intellectual pact. Like a poor, creative family in Kerala wanting to boil their rice, having neither electricity nor kerosene nor wood nor matches but a sheet of black paper, a used tire, a piece of window glass […]

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Economy, Economics, Economists
Johan Galtung, 9 Mar 2009

What would we say about meteorologists unable to foresee major hurricanes devastating humans beings and their creations, like towns and houses, whirling them into the air to crashland them far away? We might accept their inability to do anything about it, but would we accept the absence of any early warning? No, and they are […]

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Freedom of Expression vs. Freedom from Humiliation
Johan Galtung, 2 Mar 2009

    Basic thesis: A false dichotomy. With some skill we can deliver both, refusing to be trapped by fundamentalists of either kind. How?  Well, let us first do our best to clarify the two freedoms. On the Big Island, Hawai’i, a US army physician was once asked to identify the most vulnerable points of the […]

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1421 1434
Johan Galtung, 20 Feb 2009

In 1421 the Chinese traveled to America – more than 70 years ahead of the event used by the West to celebrate itself: Columbus “discovering” America and taking the Watling Island in the Bahamas in possession for Spain 12 October 1492. “These remarkable Chinese admirals rounded the Cape of Good Hope sixty-six years before Bartolomeu […]

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Class, Nation and the Philippines
Johan Galtung, 14 Feb 2009

Key comments in the conversations in Manila 4-9 February 2009 about the process between Government panels and Parties for change in class and nation relations were: paralyzed, no prospect, limbo, stuck, insincere, agreements unimplemented, broken. But Parties are mesmerized by the peace process, and want to get unstuck. How? The key positions of the Parties–lifting […]

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Family-School-Work Bullying: What is on?
Johan Galtung, 5 Feb 2009

There is much talk of global warming and overheated finances. But society is also overheating, only that sociologists have not come up with good figures for heating, melting and negative growth. The three pillars of our societies, the Family delivering children reasonably socialized to School, which in turn delivers students reasonably educated to Work, which […]

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Obama: The First Ten Days
Johan Galtung, 29 Jan 2009

Few politicians have been met with so high expectations as the 44th president of the USA, Barack Obama. So many people love the USA, and love to love the USA, making a distinction between the USA and its foreign policy. Love makes blind, the saying goes, and much blindness was needed to love the USA […]

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Statement to the European Parliament on Conscientious Objection
Johan Galtung, 26 Jan 2009

Mr. Chairperson, Parliamentarians, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have six points, three about conscientious objection for soldiers-officers in bello, when the war–organized violence with one or more governments–is on, and three about objection ad bellum, to specific wars or war as such. But first a question: Why is the right to conscientious objection important? For the […]

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A Murderer Says Good-Bye
Johan Galtung, 21 Jan 2009

Iraq, from being “a brutal dictatorship, is now an Arab democracy”, he said, W, after having set the USA back more than his eight years.  And Iraq?  Let us try an evaluation. Politics, like all human action, is about ends and means; a useful if not sharp distinction.  Bush’ phrase covers two ends–let us accept […]

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Johan Galtung, 12 Jan 2009

Beyond the immense human tragedy unfolding in the Gaza atrocity a question takes shape: have the Israeli leaders, politicians and military alike, totally lost their senses? A sledgehammer for a toothache, those tiny needle-pricks of missiles fired in anger, 8 killed–and then killing 800? Where is the sophistication of the attack on Egypt, timed to […]

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Welcome to you, 2009!
Johan Galtung, 5 Jan 2009

With some trepidation.  There is that Rumanian joke born out of pessimism tempered by realism: it will be an average year.  Average?  Yes, worse than 2008, but better than 2010. The emblematic expression for 2008 are two whirling shoes thrown at the US Empire in person, expressing disgust and contempt. The emblematic expression for 2009 […]

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On The Fruits Thou Shalt Know The Tree
Johan Galtung, 29 Dec 2008

We hear about fundamentalist, violent Islam, sadly correct at times. But what is the Christian counter-message? Read Pope Alexander VI, in his Papal Bull Inter Caetera of May 4 1493, celebrating Columbus and his “discoveries”: Wherein dwell very many peoples living in peace–going unclothed and not eating flesh–disposed to embrace the Catholic faith and be […]

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There Is Gentle Wisdom In Them All
Johan Galtung, 25 Dec 2008

“Best wishes for the Season and the New Year” we easily write and read these days. So let us reflect on the Season, a time for religare, reconnect between that out there, and that in here, in us, for globalizing truths on the still unborn 2009. Seven years ago these unpublished lines for the Season […]

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A UN Economic Security Council
Johan Galtung, 22 Dec 2008

The world needs a UN Economic Security Council to intervene against massive economic crimes against humanity. Why? How? To produce, we are told, one needs nature (“land”), workers (“labor”) and capital (adding technology and management). Any healthy economic system based on these factors will see to it that quantity and quality of the stock of […]

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60 Years: Human Rights as a Discourse
Johan Galtung, 15 Dec 2008

A meeting honoring the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948 was just concluded in Paris: the 9th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, dedicated to “Human Rights and a World without Violence”. An impressive parade of 50 statements, half by Nobel peace laureates and half by “invited guests”. […]

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It’s The Economy, Stupid!
Johan Galtung, 8 Dec 2008

Let’s assume that.  Then, what follows?  Let’s have a look. Money is needed, for production of goods and services by existing enterprises, and for creating new ones–investment–to produce more goods and services.  Money is also sometimes needed to buy and consume those goods and services by existing, and by new consumers as net population increase. […]

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Pirates, Mumbai, and then?
Johan Galtung, 1 Dec 2008

We are back again to the basics.  Atrocities are committed along the Somali coast and in Mumbai, and our thoughts are with the victims and the bereaved. “Life as normal” is a casualty.  And yet we have that burning question, why, why, why!? Why is journalism so bad at getting at motives; not that motives […]

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Prof. Johan Galtung Interviewed by Kimberlye Kowalczyk
Johan Galtung, 30 Nov 2008

The “father of Peace and Conflict Studies” and founder of TRANSCEND on the US presidential election of Barack Obama.

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An Empire Named Charisma?
Johan Galtung, 24 Nov 2008

Change? Or – maybe not, because No, We Cannot? Major foreign policy positions have emerged as Obama had to make some concrete positions known: Jerusalem, united for Israel forever; a surge in Afghanistan and Pakistan to get rid of terrorism once and for all; Georgia and Ukraine members of NATO; a League of Democracies to […]

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Full Moon Over Bolivia
Johan Galtung, 17 Nov 2008

La Paz-Santa Cruz 17/Nov/08 A full moon illuminates the mountains, the altiplano, and that vertical capital La Paz, as well as the plains around Santa Cruz, center of the four (of nine) departments of the medialuna, half moon shaped, part demanding autonomía from La Paz, and for municipalities. Deep polarization and serious violence. Why? History, […]

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The Economic Crisis And The US Empire
Johan Galtung, 10 Nov 2008

The crisis in the US economy would also have happened even without the empire. The crisis is an outcome of US hyper-capitalism, capitalism at maximum pressure, with no constraints or “regulation” as the market forces say. And more particularly of the pumping, sucking up of wealth from below, placing 90 million US citizens in misery, […]

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4 November 2008: A New Beginning?
Johan Galtung, 5 Nov 2008

Yes, it is.  The race barrier broken, the referendum on the 43d US president, George W. Bush won overwhelmingly, there will be a basic change in the image of the United States of America all over the world.  People around the world love to love USA, warts and all.  Bush made it impossible for most, […]

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America The Beautiful
Johan Galtung, 26 Oct 2008

We had left Harrisonburg VA early to get the sunrise when crossing the Skyline Drive–a national, historical landmark–with hilly Virginia, a little misty, in front of us. The sun was redlining that traditionally Republican state.  The flaming fall colors were lighted by the rising sun as the road twisted and curled and rose and sank […]

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Johan Galtung, 22 Oct 2008 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2008

[Economic Contradictions- (2)]- between productive and finance economy: Domestic and global market turnover being high even if the growth is sluggish in the productive economy in many countries, and distribution being low, there will be heavy accumulation of liquidity high up searching for an outlet. Luxury consumption and productive investment being limited, the obvious outlet […]

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Reconstructing USA
Johan Galtung, 20 Oct 2008 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2008

Greensboro and the Blue Ridge, North Carolina, 20/Oct/2008 There is tremendous excitement in the air, carried by the name Obama.  Change.  The mantra word.  The feeling that a New Beginning may be around the corner.  For one who has the privilege of organizing workshops on the concrete content Americans might like to see happen, there […]

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Alfred Nobel’s Will Betrayed
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2008

A Norwegian lawyer and peace activist, Fredrik Heffermehl, has done the world a great favor with his book Nobels Vilje, Nobel’s Will, just out, showing that the Nobel Peace Prize committees have strayed away from Nobel’s testament. The prize, according to Nobel’s will, is for “the most or the best work for fraternity between the […]

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Johan Galtung’s Published Books
Johan Galtung, 11 Oct 2008


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Galtung – 50 Years with Peace Studies
Johan Galtung, 7 Oct 2008


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Johan Galtung Talks about His Forthcoming Books
Johan Galtung, 7 Oct 2008

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On Understanding Conflict: Matti, 22
Johan Galtung, 6 Oct 2008

6 Oct. 2008 Last month tragedy visited a peaceful place in a peaceful Nordic country, Kauhajoki in southeastern Finland; the second time in less than a year, after November 2007 in Jokela in southern Finland, 19 killed; last month Matti, 22, killed 10 with himself. At their own school, entering a class, gun in hand, […]

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TMS Message from Johan Galtung
Johan Galtung, 2 Oct 2008

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The US Economic Crisis: 10 Proposals
Johan Galtung, 29 Sep 2008 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Sep 2008

Stavanger-Norway, September 29/2008 What a cynicism to talk about “crisis” as a phenomenon of a month or a year or two, when every day about 125,000 die from system-produced hunger and curable-preventable diseases!  Much of the responsibility lies buried in an economism privileging the transaction system above the basic needs of the actors. Economics as […]

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Israel-Palestine: What Peace Looks Like
Johan Galtung, 22 Sep 2008

Israel and Palestine met for peace this weekend or, so did positive parts of their civil societies, under the good auspices not of Italy’s government but of the Regione Toscana, in Pisa, where a tower is leaning, but still standing. The theme was European Union as a mediator. With the Israeli government in permanent coma, […]

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The US Elections
Johan Galtung, 16 Sep 2008

Should the world have the right to vote in US presidential elections given their importance for world affairs?Formally speaking, a better solution would be a UN Peoples’ Assembly. But the second best would be a US president with the interests of the world, all nations, humans and nature on top of his mind and deep […]

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Japan: A Stagnant Country with NGO Dynamism
Johan Galtung, 16 Sep 2008

The news from Japan is that there are no news.  Thecountry seems lost between a rapidly declining US Empire and a quicklyrising China-India, Chindia, with the yuan-rupee (yupee?) soonovershadowing the yen.  The State seems to have no other project thannourishing status quo.  Capital is lost in small and big scandals ofthe type capitalism seems to […]

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The Korean Peninsula Conflict is not North-South, but North-USA
Johan Galtung, 16 Sep 2008

Peace studies divide into two parts, negative and positive. Negativepeace studies are about prevention of violence, and the most promisingapproach is to solve underlying conflicts through mediation andconciliation. Positivepeace studies are about building equitable relations, not only formutual but also for equal benefit, and the most promising approachesare through cooperation, harmony and fusion into a […]

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On Conferences and Anti-Conferences
Johan Galtung, 15 Sep 2008

Point of Peace in Stavanger, Norway, just concluded a 3 days so-called summit conference with some Nobel Peace Prize Laureates on Alarms and Solutions; with no solutions. The themes: “Facing the Climate Challenge”, “9/11 And Then What?”, “The Challenge of Informing the Public”, and the Millennium Development Goals, MDG. Much money, much establishment, a crown […]

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10 Steps to Millennium Development Goals
Johan Galtung, 8 Sep 2008

The Millennium goals by 2015 are well chosen, even laudable: [1]Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; reducing by one half those wholive on less than $1 a day and those who are starving. [2] Ensure that all boys and girls complete elementary school. [3] Promote gender equality and empower women; removing the proportion difference of girls […]

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12 Approaches to Global Warming
Johan Galtung, 1 Sep 2008

here is much talk about global warming, and rightly so.But, we need concrete ideas about moving from talk to action, possiblywith two concerns lurking in the back of the mind: *  What is thehuman-generated percentage, as opposed to giant cosmic processes; andwhere is the good laboratory simulation? *  How much of this is promotion of […]

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Spirituality and Peace
Johan Galtung, 25 Aug 2008

Our world is clearly missing something, in fact much, in its efforts to achieve peace. And one of them is expressed by the word “spirituality”, about as overused as the word “peace” precisely because they both embody so many of our dreams. Having spent much time demystifying peace (50 Years: 25 Intellectual Landscapes Explored, TRANSCEND […]

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Energy Conversion and Its Discontents
Johan Galtung, 18 Aug 2008

There is much talk about energy and it conversion these days. Actually, as the sum of energy is constant, it is about conversion from one form to the other, like thermal energy stored in oil-gas-coal, or kinetic energy from moving water and wind to electric energy, bio-mass energy to thermal energy, etc. There are problems, […]

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Caucasus: The Powder Keg at Work
Johan Galtung, 11 Aug 2008

In 2003, from a TRANSCEND perspective on Caucasus (50 Years: 100 Peace & Conflict Perspectives, TRANSCEND University Press 2008, chapter 39c, see also chapter 64): TRANSCEND was asked in June 1997 to explore possible ways out for the (South) Caucasian situation. As nothing along the lines suggested (broadly speaking, a Caucasian Community for the 3 […]

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The Host Country/Immigrant Contract
Johan Galtung, 4 Aug 2008

A sad drama is unfolding in one European countryafter the other: higher barriers for immigrants, and for citizenship. Denmark, today one of the least tolerant countries, has an exam inDanish facts and values, Germany and France are planning the same,Norway’s opposition party, probably in government next year, iscontemplating; as opposed to Sweden, with citizenship automatic […]

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Perfide Albion And Grand Strategy
Johan Galtung, 28 Jul 2008

Like today, Anglo-America (A-A) faced two major challenges in Europe in the first between-wars period: communism from Lenin took power in 1917, and nazism from Hitler was given power in 1933. The latter was a geo-political challenge with Germany demanding revision of Versailles, Neuordnung in Europe with Lebensraum–a New Order and space–as did Italy more […]

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G8 and Global Pollution
Johan Galtung, 14 Jul 2008

There are figures in the air.  CNN’s Todd Benjaminpointed out that the G8 countries account for 50% of the world wealth,but major developing countries for 70% of the world growth.  And AlJazeera estimated the G8 share at 48% some years ago, now down to 43%,whereas-because major developing countries’ share has risen from 12% to27%, like […]

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Housing, Food, Oil – What Next
Johan Galtung, 7 Jul 2008

“You see, this is a buying-and-selling car, not a driving car!”, the Chilean said as he wrapped the car I had sold him in plastic. I had used it, as a UNESCO expert, and did like they all do (the standard excuse): had a garage make it look new, and pocketed the difference. Seller and […]

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Cold War I and II – Solutions Anyone?
Johan Galtung, 30 Jun 2008

Cold War-I, say 1949-1989, came and went.  Whathappened?  Cold War-II started mid-1990s, building on the ruins of ColdWar-I and is now building up.  What will happen?  Anything to learn? Whatwas Cold War-I about?  Reading the rhetoric of the time byestablishment and anti-establishment we might believe it was about armsrace in general, nuclear arms in particular, […]

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The West and Islam
Johan Galtung, 23 Jun 2008

We have been there before, many times. The West, particularly the United Kingdom-Britain-England, have attacked Islam after the massive Christian attack known as the Crusades. By no means forgetting the Omayyad Islamic attack on the Iberian peninsula and close to 800 years occupation up to Poitiers in France, nor the Ottoman expansion into Southeastern Europe […]

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Johan Galtung, 16 Jun 2008

He held his cards close to his breast, this Barack Obama.  Rather than talking program he talked Change and Together, and his incredible charisma did the rest.  Now a nominee. But cards must be shown.  Democracy is about transparency, including of what the candidates stand for.  He is surrounded by advisors, there are leaks, and […]

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The May 1968 Revolution 40 Years Later
Johan Galtung, 2 Jun 2008

I will never forget that day. There was the standard French ritual: barricades, cobblestones, cars, buses even, turned over, tires burning, tear gas, CRS police in full gear, and hordes of students jumping from car to car to get away from the drifting clouds. One sensed 1789-1830-1948-1870/71. And strikes, grève. But then it changed tonality […]

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A Vision for Sudan
Johan Galtung, 26 May 2008

Dear friends in peace, Peace Be Upon You, Sala’am Aleikum! My task at the end of this very impressive conference with 150 participants here in Hermansburg on the Lüneburger Heide is to fly above the nitty-gritty of failing implementations of the many peace agreements, report the visions, and indicate possible solutions that have been tried […]

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Thinking Colombia
Johan Galtung, 19 May 2008

What a brilliant idea! The Senate of the República and the Universidad Nacional organize Thursday meetings in the Congress on how to think about Colombia, opened by president Alvaro Uribe, the president of the Congress, Nancy Gutiérrez, and then a foreigner, this author, amply covered by the press and TV channels. Many countries might benefit […]

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Israel at Sixty
Johan Galtung, 12 May 2008

Casalmonferrato 09 May 2008 The synagogue in this rather remote little town, in the middle of the Milano-Genova-Torino triangle, dates from 1735. They came here, Spanish Jews, expelled by that primordial ethnic cleansing, at the hands of the Spanish reyes católicos Ferdinand and Isabella, from 1492 onwards. Moros, Jews, heretics, or all those suspected thereof; […]

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Catastrophes, Aid and Peace Politics
Johan Galtung, 5 May 2008

Four natural catastrophes have touched our hearts theselast years: the tsunami hitting the coastlines of the Indian Ocean; thehurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans, USA; the cyclone hitting Myanmar; and the earthquake hitting Sichuan in China.  All four clearcases of natural violence, nature’s violence, against us, humanbeings.  Of course, we sometimes attribute intent to Nature as revengefor […]

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A Little Future History?
Johan Galtung, 28 Apr 2008

I have in front of me the 120 members of the SwissZulassungs-kommision who decide whether a young man who refusesmilitary service should be accepted as conscientious objector and betransferred to Zivildienst, civil service.  Criteria: is theirconscience, not necessarily religious, compelling, and is the youngman’s construction of reality, from inner conscience-intentions to theouter actions-consequences contradiction-free?     […]

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Thinking Conflict
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Apr 2008

In an important article in the leading Austrian newspaper Der Standard (16-17 Feb 2008), Hans Küng, the famous president of the World Ethos Foundation, calls for more than “change” from a new US president. He calls for basic change, guided by a new ethos. And Küng gives a number of examples of misguided policies by […]

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The Democratic Illusion
Johan Galtung, 14 Apr 2008

Democracy is about people choosing leaders who areaccountable downward, to the people.  So, what kind of leaders do wechoose?  Not too impressive in the Western democracies. George W. Bush obviously suffers from a mental disorder, some kind ofautism, living in his own bubble, repeating the same message offreedom–even saying that his criterion for success is […]

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Johan Galtung, 7 Apr 2008

All over the same story: nations imprisoned in statesagainst their will, wanting freedom-independence-autonomy, like forTibet, the “Xizang autonomous region” next toNepal-India-Bhutan-Myanmar; – once–like Samis in Norway–primitivehunter-gatherers and then traditional agriculturalists, united by the5th Dalai Lama in 1642; – then the Big conqueror/civilizer, the Qing Chinese dynasty, came in1720 and occupied till the Qing collapse in […]

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The Crime Against the Serbs: Kosova Independence
Johan Galtung, 10 Mar 2008

That the USA was the first out to recognize the break-away state was to be expected. From a country devoid of historical understanding but filled with the solid egocentrism of oil pipelines, with an enormous base, Camp Bondsteel, at Urosevac near Pristina, as a part of the encirclement of Russia-China, so militarist that they could […]

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50 Years of Fidel
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Mar 2008

Late 1958, 50 years ago, the revolution won, Batista fled, Fidel and his brother Raúl entered Habana early 1959. The rest is history. Castro’s resignation as President is a mini-event. He has put his mark on the history of Cuba, Latin America, the whole world. He has survived politically 10 US presidents (5 even serving […]

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