Articles by M

We found 33761 results.

Leon Trotsky’s Four Fateful Years in Prinkipo: 1929-1933
David North | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

23 Sep 2019 – Review of the political struggle conducted by Trotsky during his four years on the Turkish island of Prinkipo to oppose the bureaucracy headed by Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union. Trotsky arrived in Turkey, along with his wife Natalia Sedova, in February 1929 as a political exile, deported by Stalin’s GPU. “Unable to answer Trotsky with principled arguments,” North notes, “Stalin was determined to silence him.”

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Gandhi the Organiser
Jørgen Johansen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

Gandhi the Organiser tells the extraordinary story of how Gandhi’s early campaigns of nonviolent direct action in India took the country by storm. From the impact of these first dramatic, local and nationwide struggles, Gandhi, this most unlikely politician, became leader of the Indian national movement and utterly transformed its fortunes. At the climax in 1921-22, the British hold
on India no longer seemed unbreakable, in the face of Gandhi’s carefully orchestrated withdrawal of popular support known as Noncooperation.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

Never be afraid to try something new.

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Climate Change and Consciousness Shift
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

25 Sep 2019 – Climate change: It feels like the approaching End Times. But it’s the secular version thereof, which means that humanity is responsible for both its cause and — if possible — its transcendence. All we need to do is change everything about the way the high-tech, global society functions in the next dozen years.

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The Disaster of Negative Interest Rates
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

29 Sep 2019 – President Trump wants negative interest rates, but they would be disastrous for the U.S. economy; his objectives can be better achieved by other means.

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Remembering Hisham Ahmed
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

Sometimes you meet someone who is unforgettable. Hisham Ahmed was such a person. He was born in a refugee camp in Bethlehem, Palestine in 1963. Blind from birth, Hisham somehow surmounted all odds and ultimately earned a PhD. He taught for many years at Birzeit University in Palestine before coming to Saint Mary’s College of California in 2006. He died of cancer in July 2019, age 56.

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Is Julian Assange Britain’s Latest ‘Political Prisoner’?
Fra Hughes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

23 Sep 2019 – Is Julian Assange now a ‘political prisoner’ being held in Belmarsh maximum security prison on behalf the American administration that wants to sentence him to a possible 175 years in prison for simply exposing the truth?

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The Lion and the Three Bulls
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

There is fable attributed to Aesop and others about three bulls and the lion. While there are variations to the story, the moral remains the same. The lion comes to the Red and black bull and says: You are in danger; the white bull stands out and can attract predators which can endanger you, so let me eliminate him. They agreed.

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Another Climate Woe
Bob Neumann | Democratic World Federalists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

25 Sep 2019 – The climate scientists and climate freaks are finally being heard and many politicians are ready to take action. It has only taken forty or fifty years of talk and pleading by experts. Then I got to thinking, there is no worldwide leadership or enforcement in the UN. Who will lead? Who will coordinate? Sadly the UN failed its main job since 1945 in preventing wars. We’ve only had 348 wars since 1945. The UN must have prevented or stopped a few wars — I just can’t name one.

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The Origins of European Unification
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

After World War II, the French economist and diplomat Jean Monnet thought that the best way to end the century old hostility between Germany and France was to tie the two countries together in some mutually beneficial economic venture.

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The Right to a Future, with Naomi Klein and Greta Thunberg
The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

10 Sep 2019 – Watch a special event in New York City hosted by Intercept senior correspondent Naomi Klein and headlined by trailblazing climate activist Greta Thunberg.

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Lives in Medicine
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

A New Freely Downloadable Book – As it is taught today, history is a chronicle of power struggles and war, told from a biased national standpoint. We are taught that our own country is always heroic and in the right. We urgently need to replace this indoctrination in chauvinism by a reformed view of history.

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Our Lifestyles Must Change
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

Our House Is on Fire! History has given to our generation an enormous responsibility towards future generations. We must achieve a new kind of economy, a steady-state economy. We must stabilize global population. We must replace fossil fuels by renewable energy. We must abolish nuclear weapons. We must end the institution of war… {Read on}

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The Deepening Decay of the West – And the Brighter Post-West Future
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

25 Sep 2019 – It is entire systems approaching existential breakdown because of their own morally corrupt actions and policies – or system fatique. Two Western societies in contemporary history – a former Empire and the present one – increasingly look like failed states, failed societies, and failing their own ideals and laws. What we see is a decay of morals, an erosion of democracy and a downward spiraling chaos with an end but no solution in sight. The Occident has become an Accident. To itself and to the Rest.

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The Untold Story of the Trump-Ukraine ‘Scandal’: The Routine Corruption of US Foreign Policy
Joe Lauria - Consortium News, 30 Sep 2019

26 Sep 2019 – The most crucial aspects of the Trump-Ukraine “scandal,” which has led to impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, are not being told, even by Republicans. What’s not being talked about in the mainstream is the context of this story, which shows that, politics aside, Biden should indeed be investigated in both Ukraine and in the United States.

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Lives in Ecology
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

A New Freely Downloadable Book – I would like to announce the publication of a book, which reviews the lives and thoughts of some of the women and men who have addressed the crucial problems of ecology and sustainability that we are currently facing. I have tried to let them speak to us in their own words.

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Annexing the World as the Deal of the Century
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

23 Sep 2019 – Imaginative Global Transformation through Full-Spectrum Dominance by MeToo – Inspired by the proposal for a Deal of the Century regarding the challenge of Palestine-Israel and by Green New Deal initiatives.

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Attend September 28 Demonstration at London’s Belmarsh Prison to Demand Freedom for Julian Assange!
WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

We urge all those who can to attend the rally outside Belmarsh Prison on Saturday, September 28 at 2 p.m. The rally has been called by the Julian Assange Defence Committee to demand Assange’s freedom from the high-security jail in London. Help to publicise this important protest, share the article as widely as possible on social media and with friends, family and colleagues.

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(Português) A Destruição das “Indias Brasileiras”
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

17 set 2019 – Em função do Sínodo panamazônico de outubro, comvém relembrar o que foi a destruição das Indias Brasileiras, no linguajar de Bartolomé de las Casas. Com a dizimação de mais de mil povos, em 500 anos de história brasileira, desapareceu para sempre uma herança humana construída em milhares de anos de trabalho cultural, de dialogação com a natureza, de invenção de línguas e de construção de uma visão do mundo, amiga da vida e respeitosa da natureza.

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Japan Is Lying about the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, as It Promotes the 2020 Olympic Games
Nuclear News | CounterPunch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

16 Sep 2019 – Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which experienced three massive meltdowns in 2011, is running out of room to store radioactive water. No surprise! But now, what to do about phosphorescent water? The Japanese government is lying and should be held accountable for hoodwinking the world about the ravages of Fukushima, especially with the Olympics scheduled for next year.

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Amazon: The Common Wealth of the Earth and Humanity
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

17 Sep 2019 – The Amazonian biome covers an area of 8,129,057 square kilometers in nine countries: Brazil (67%), Peru (13%), Bolivia (11%), Colombia (6%), Ecuador (2%), Venezuela (1%), Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana (0.15%). It has over 37,700,000 inhabitants, of which 2.8 million are Indigenous, from 390 different nations, who speak 240 languages, of the rich matrix of 49 linguistic branches, a unique phenomenon in the history of world linguistics.

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(Italiano) Jai Jagat – Vittoria per tutti
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Jai Jagat è una marcia di 10.000 chilometri che inizierà il 2 ottobre 2019 a Nuova Delhi (India), nel giorno del centocinquantesimo anniversario dalla nascita del Mahatma Gandhi, per concludersi a Ginevra (Svizzera) il 25 settembre 2020, nella giornata dedicata alla pace internazionale.

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Iran: Neither Military Action nor Economic Sanctions
Chandra Muzaffar | JUST – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

21 Sep 2019 – It would be utterly immoral of the United States to launch a military attack upon Iran if it is true that one of the missiles that destroyed an oil refinery in Saudi Arabia on 14 Sep 2019 had a casing bearing a number that suggested that the weapon was manufactured for NATO forces. The picture of the missile was inadvertently supplied to the media by the Saudi Defence Ministry. A theory that has emerged in the wake of the picture is that the assault on the oil refineries in Saudi’s Eastern Province could have been a false flag operation initiated by John Bolton.

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Seeds of Sustenance/Freedom vs. Seeds of Suicide/Surveillance
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Corporations that made war chemicals introduced these chemicals as agrichemicals. In the first Green Revolution they changed the seeds to adapt to chemicals. In the second Green Revolution they tried to own and control the seed itself through genetic engineering and patents. There is now an attempt to introduce the third Green Revolution with total control over the seed through the convergence of industrial breeding and surveillance digital technologies. What is at stake is our biodiversity and our freedom.

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Growing Tensions on the Road to Persian Gulf Security
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

17 Sep 2019 – The 14 Sep drone attacks on oil installations in Saudi Arabia have dimmed hope for U.S. – Iranian discussions. Tensions have increased, and oil prices have risen. In fact, the aim of the attacks may have been to lessen the possibility of Iran – U.S. discussions which might have taken place during the start of the UNGA later in September. There is a need for non-governmental efforts today as the Persian Gulf and the wider Middle East are growing ever-more tense.

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Desperate Central Bankers Grab for More Power
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

18 Sep 2019 – Conceding that their grip on the economy is slipping, central bankers are proposing a radical economic reset that would shift yet more power from government to themselves.

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Nelson Mandela’s Inspirational Message
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

The Simplicity of Wisdom [3 min]

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The Struggle for Peace in Afghanistan: Is Community Engagement the Key?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

19 Sep 2019 – I have just read a superb book by Mark Isaacs, ‘The Kabul Peace House: How a Group of Young Afghans are Daring to Dream in a Land of War,’ which records in considerable detail the struggle, both internal and external, to generate a peaceful future in Afghanistan… Allow yourself to be inspired by a group of young people, each of whom has lived their entire life in a country at war both with itself and with foreign countries, but has refused to submit to the predominant delusion that violence is the way out.

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On the Road to Damascus: International Conference in Syria on Sanctions and Its Blowback
Roger D. Harris – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

20 Sep 2019 – Security-wise, it was a lot easier to get into the presidential palace to meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad than it is to take a commuter plane from San Francisco to Los Angeles. The president individually greeted each one of us as we entered. He thanked a German delegate for his country’s acceptance of Syrian refugees.

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UK “Justice” System Tortures Julian Assange, Treats Fascist Tommy Robinson with Kid Gloves
Thomas Scripps | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

19 Sep 2019 – British class justice was on full display last Friday [13 Sep], as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was detained indefinitely at Belmarsh prison, beyond the completion of his sentence, while fascist leader Tommy Robinson was released 10 weeks early from the same jail. Robinson is the founder of the fascist English Defence League and a former British National Party member.

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Chelsea Manning Imprisoned without Charge for Six Months for Refusing to Testify against Julian Assange
Kevin Reed and James Cogan | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

21 Sep 2019 – The courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning has now been held in a federal detention center for more than six months. Manning has not been charged with or committed any crime. She was sent to jail for refusing to testify before a secret grand jury that has indicted persecuted Julian Assange, who published the information she leaked exposing rampant US imperialist criminality.

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(Italiano) India tra fame e sete
Vandana Shiva | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

12 Settembre 2019 – I Ghats occidentali ci hanno dato le spezie. E l’Himalaya ci ha dato amaranto, grano saraceno e una grande varietà di altre colture nutrienti. Oggi l’India sta affrontando un’emergenza idrica e un’emergenza nutrizionale. Le due emergenze sono interconnesse. Le origini dell’emergenza che viviamo oggi risalgono a 40-50 anni fa con i «consigli» della Banca Mondiale e con la cosiddetta «rivoluzione verde», che ha distrutto le nostre risorse d’acqua, il nostro suolo, la nostra biodiversità.

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The Freud-Einstein Correspondence of 1932: Theories of War
Norrie MacQueen | Academia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

At the end of 1931 the League of Nations invited Albert Einstein to initiate an exchange of letters with a fellow ‘leader of intellectual thought’ on a subject ‘calculated to serve the common interest of the LN and of intellectual life’.  Einstein selected Sigmund Freud as his correspondent and the question he wished to explore with him was, simply and ambitiously, ‘is there any way of delivering mankind from the scourge of war?’

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Chained to Its Past: A German Recipe for Injustice toward the People of Palestine
Hans von Sponeck and Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

17 Sep 2019 – The Bundestag resolution that condemned the BDS Campaign as contributing to a rising threat of antisemitism in Europe is a grave cause of concern. It brands the BDS, a nonviolent Palestinian initiative, anti-Semitic and takes this stand pointing out Germany’s special responsibility toward Jews, without any reference at all to Israel’s prolonged abuse of the most fundamental of human rights, that of self-determination, of the Palestinian people.

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How a Major Meat Company Is Linked to Amazon Deforestation
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

In an investigation with Repórter Brasil and The Guardian, we found that the world’s largest beef supplier is buying cattle from a company that illegally grazes its cows on deforested land.

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(Italiano) Per Ilaria Alpi e Miran Hrovatin Noi Ricorderemo. 25 anni (dopo l’esecuzione dei due reporter) senza VERITA’
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

21 Set 2019 – Dedicato alle lettrici e ai lettori di Trascend Media Service – NOI RICORDEREMO, anche se, di tanto in tanto, qualcuno preferisce che noi dimentichiamo … NOI RICORDEREMO.

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Boycott All U.S.-Corporate Media!
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

13 Sep 2019 – Now Twitter is just as corrupt (propaganda-organizations) as Google and Facebook and MSNBC and CNN and Fox and the Washington Post and The Atlantic and all the rest. Twitter has suspended multiple large Cuban media accounts for reasons the social media platform has yet to explain as of this writing.

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On the Precipice: The Collective Asteroid of Human History
Tom Engelhardt - TomDispatch, 23 Sep 2019

17 Sep 2019 – From Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro to the CEOs of all those fossil-fuel companies, we’re still left with the pyromaniacs largely in charge. If they have their way, they will undoubtedly take their pleasures and profits and not give a damn about turning much of this world into an oven for the Greta Thunbergs of the future. Think of this as a planet on the precipice. If Pyromaniacs, Inc., succeeds, if the arsonists are truly able to persevere, there will have been no crime like this in history, none at all.

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The Blue Danube (Music Video of the Week)
Johann Strauss – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

The Blue Danube is the common title of ‘An der schönen blauen Donau’, ‘By the Beautiful Blue Danube’, a waltz composed in 1866 by Austrian composer Johann Strauss II.

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Nuclear Abolition: Q&A with Dr. David Krieger
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

A special dialogue held at Nuclear Age Peace Foundation during our overseas fieldwork on 1 Feb 2019. This session was held between 13 Kansai Soka High School students and Dr. David Krieger, President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.

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The Mysterious Death of the Hacker Who Turned in Chelsea Manning
Dina Temple-Raston | NPR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

19 Sep 2019 – Debbie Scroggin and her husband live at the end of a series of gravel roads in a lonesome part of Kansas. It is the kind of place where, Debbie says, “you have to drive 15 minutes to get anywhere.” It was easy to think that someone might come here to either get lost or be forgotten. Scroggin remembers Adrian Lamo arriving on a night train with nothing but a broken suitcase and a hangdog expression.

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Superman’s USA
Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Remember principles?

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Shame on Us
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Shame on us
for silence on Palestine, Kashmir, Amazon, Bahamas, detention centers in US and much more
for letting our neighbor’s homes be demolished
for allowing fascist politicians to take over our countries…

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Russia Has ‘Oligarchs,’ the US Has ‘Businessmen’
Alan MacLeod | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

In 150 NYT, CNN and Fox articles, ‘oligarch’ seems reserved for Slavic billionaires.

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Conceptual Embedding: A Continuum
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Human Rights are embedded in Dignity
Dignity is embedded in Character
Character is embedded in Conduct…

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Current Events in an Historical Perspective
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

To rebuild the world, to build a world that works, we do not need ‘other economists’ as much as we need people trained in other fields who are able to look at problems now classified as ‘economic’–like ‘unemployment’–from other perspectives using different conceptual and mathematical tools.

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A Lake without Fish
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Someone flew in a seaplane over a lake and saw two people fishing down there.

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Genocide Threat for Myanmar’s Rohingya Greater than Ever, Investigators Warn Human Rights Council
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

16 Sep 2019 – Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Rohingya who remain in Myanmar may face a greater threat of genocide than ever, amid Government attempts to “erase their identity and remove them from the country”, UN-appointed independent investigators said today.

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Tall and Short — Similar Issues, Similar Challenges
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Recently I saw a photo in an Indian newspaper of a man who is supposed to be 8 feet-2 inch tall and is the tallest man in India… There is a well known dwarf family in the Indian city of Hyderabad consisting of eleven members, nine of whom are dwarfs… All people have the same Humanity and same challenges.

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(Português) Brasil: Lei da vaquejada sancionada por Bolsonaro entra em vigor
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

18 set 2019 – A lei também beneficia rodeios, atividades como enduro, hipismo rural, provas de velocidade, cavalgada, cavalhada, concurso de marcha, corrida e polo equestre.

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Preparing the U.N.’s 2020
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Although it is likely that the 2020 U.S. presidential elections will get more media space, the United Nations is preparing a number of 2020 landmarks.  Members of the TRANSCEND network may propose avenues of creative action, and we must prepare now, as negotiations on content are already underway. The UN is sensitive to anniversary dates to look back as to what has been done (or not done) and to look ahead at the new challenges and what can be done to meet them. 

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2019

Sunday school teacher: “What do we have to do so that our sins can be forgiven?”

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(Português) Milhares de macacos são mortos pela indústria do tráfico de carne de animais selvagens
Eliane Arakaki - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 23 Sep 2019

18 set 2019 – Embora o comércio da carne de animais selvagens seja ilegal, uma mistura de penalidades mínimas e fronteiras com vigilância frouxa permitem que a atividade cresça cada vez mais.

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A Think Tank Named PNAC (Project for a New American Century)
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

11 Sep 2019 – Below is a list of 25 of the signatories of a high-powered Right-wing Think Tank that wanted to increase military spending in order to ensure American global hegemony. The PNAC document had a concluding phrase used as evidence that it was ready for a catastrophic event (real OR false flag) that would shake up the citizenry and make them go off to war: “The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

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Top 100 Polluter Indexes
Political Economy Research Institute | University of Massachusetts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Aug 2019 – The Top 100 Polluter indexes identify the top corporate air and water polluters and top greenhouse gas emitters using the most recent data available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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August Mornings
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Hiroshima – Nagasaki

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Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story
Viva Vegan Charity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

28 Aug 2019 – Our groundbreaking documentary about the Hogwood Farm is the biggest ever exposure of UK pig factory farming.

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Kashmir after 370
Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

11 Sep 2019 – Early in August 2019, the Indian government repealed Article 370 of the Indian constitution, which provided special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The Article, a later incorporation to the Indian constitution, was titled temporary. In this article, I will focus on the implications of this decision at three levels: people within Jammu and Kashmir; the states of India and Pakistan; and the world in general and major powers in particular.

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While Britain’s Parliament Is Suspended, Its Arms Fair Is Open for Business
Tim Gee | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

9 Sep 2019 – In any other week, the arrival of the world’s largest arms fair to Britain would have been big news. Thirty-six thousand people are expected to attend the Defense and Security Equipment International fair, which opens on Tuesday [10 Sep]. It is cruelly symbolic that even as the prime minister closes the doors on Parliament, his government opens the doors of the arms fair.

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Who’s Responsible for the Ecocide in the Amazon
Juan Manuel Crespo | Open Democracy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

9 Sep 2019 – There’s a cause for alarm as the world witnesses how the Amazon forests in Brazil, the Bolivian Chiquitanía and the Paraguayan swamps are being ravaged by uncontrolled fires. And it’s not just Bolsonaro, nor is it just Morales or Correa. There is more to it than meets the eye.

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(Castellano) Liderazgo Político Comparativo: Gandhi vs. Líderes Contemporáneos
Robert Burrowes | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

El 2 de octubre de 2019 se cumple el 150º aniversario del nacimiento de Mohandas K. Gandhi en Gujarat, India. Me gustaría reflexionar sobre el liderazgo visionario que Gandhi ofreció al mundo, comparándolo brevemente con algunos líderes nacionales de hoy en día, e invitarlos a emular el liderazgo de Gandhi.

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«Give Nonkilling a Chance» Book Released in Delhi
Joám Evans Pim | Center for Global Nonkilling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

7 Sep 2019 – Give Nonkilling a Chance: Are Nonkilling Societies Possible? edited by Prof. Anoop Swarup and dedicated to late Prof. Glenn D. Paige, with contributions from across the world, was released at Gandhi Smriti, Delhi on 31 Aug 2019.

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Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Sows Confusion
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

If Democrats are unable to recognize Trump’s (and their own) addiction to power as the sole means of dealing with conflicts, they will not understand that “toughness” and “softness” constitute a false dichotomy in foreign affairs. Power does not solve the social problems that generate war. Creativity, empathy, analysis, and determination are needed to solve those problems and generate effective options for conflict resolution. We have reason to believe that younger members of the opposition, in particular, have already begun to understand this.

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Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Is it?

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The Pompeo Doctrine
Michael T. Klare - TomDispatch, 16 Sep 2019

How to Seize the Arctic’s Resources, Now Accessible Due to Climate Change (Just Don’t Mention Those Words!) Perhaps no aspect of humanity’s response to the climate crisis is more diabolical than this. The greater the number of fossil fuels we consume, the more rapidly we alter the Arctic, inviting the further extraction of just such fuels and their contribution to global warming.

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France and Germany Escalate Occupation of Mali and the Sahel
Will Morrow | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

11 Sep 2019 – The French and German governments are expanding their nearly seven-year-old neo-colonial occupation of Mali and the resource-rich Sahel region of western Africa.

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Yemen: Western Powers May Be Held Responsible for War Crimes – UN
BBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

4 Sep 2019 – The UK, US, France and Iran may be complicit in possible war crimes in Yemen over their support for parties to the conflict there, UN experts say. The Western powers provide weapons and logistical support to the Saudi-led coalition backing Yemen’s government, while Iran backs the Houthi rebels. The experts say both sides continue to commit violations with impunity.

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US Agency Warns of Lung Illness Epidemic among Young People, Attributed to E-Cigarettes
Benjamin Mateus | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

9 Sep 2019 – The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a public warning of a rapidly developing epidemic of severe lung illnesses associated with the smoking of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), also known as “vaping.”

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Complete 9/11 Timeline Pipeline Politics
Submitted by Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

The Soviet Union collapses in 1991, creating several new nations in Central Asia. Major US oil companies, including ExxonMobil, Texaco, Unocal, BP Amoco, Shell, and Enron, directly invest billions in these Central Asian nations, bribing heads of state to secure equity rights in the huge oil reserves in these regions. The oil companies commit to $35 billion in future direct investments in Kazakhstan. {Read on…}

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Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Back in the 1960s, the CIA official Cord Meyer said the agency needed to “court the compatible left.” He knew that drawing liberals and leftists into the CIA’s orbit was the key to efficient propaganda. Right-wing and left-wing collaborators were needed to create a powerful propaganda apparatus that would be capable of hypnotizing audiences into believing the myth of American exceptionalism and its divine right to rule the world.

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Why War?
Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Letters between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, 1932

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A Morning in Afghanistan
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

11 Sep 2019 – On a very warm September morning in Kabul, several dozen men, women, and children sit on the carpeted floor of a room at the Afghan Peace Volunteers’ Borderfree Center. Amidst political posturing, aerial terrorism and street bombings, Afghan citizens pursue their daily work toward peace.

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Principles for Global Sustainability
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

11 Sep 2019 – I would encourage you to seek to advance global sustainability by adopting a planetary perspective, doing no harm, engaging in doing good for the planet and its present and future inhabitants, choosing hope, and persevering. If we accept these responsibilities as individuals and work to implement them in our national and international policies, we can turn Earth Day into a year-around commitment to creating a planet we can be proud to pass on to future generations.

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USA and Brazil Agree to Amazon Development
BBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

14 Sep 2019 – The US and Brazil have agreed to promote private-sector development in the Amazon, during a meeting in Washington on Friday the 13th. Brazil’s foreign minister said opening the rainforest to economic development was the only way to protect it. He also hit back at criticism of Brazil’s handling of the forest fires.

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Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Among the deplorable – isms that hurt and dehumanize
Ageism is one all Humanity should learn to neutralize

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Why I Was Refused Entry to Cover UK Arms Fair
Ian Cobain – Middle East Eye, 16 Sep 2019

On Tuesday [10 Sep], I watched as thousands of people streamed towards a 100-acre conference centre in east London, flashed their passes to the security guards at the gates, and strolled inside. Never before in my career have I been banned from attending an event to which other journalists have been admitted.

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Activists Follow the Money Fueling Amazon Fires
Negin Owliaei Kelsey Hawkins-Johnson | Inequality – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

9 Sep 2019 – Protesters around the World Are Singling Out the Bad Actors Profiting Off

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9/11 Whistleblowers: Michael Springmann
The Corbett Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

That so many of the visas were issued from a single office may seem like a minor footnote at first glance, but it is not. In fact, the Jeddah Consulate is not just another US Consular Office. It has a history of issuing visas to terrorists at the request of the CIA. This is the story.

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(Português) Pombos são rolados como bolas de boliche em concurso no Canadá
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

6 set 2019 – Crianças e adultos participam da competição que acontece anualmente em uma feira no Canadá; as aves são jogadas e rolam pelo chão perdendo equilíbrio e caindo na maioria das vezes.

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Japan May Have to Dump Radioactive Water into the Sea, Minister Says
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

10 Sep 2019 – “Japan’s government must commit to the only environmentally acceptable option for managing this water crisis which is long term storage and processing to remove radioactivity, including tritium,” Shaun Burnie, senior nuclear specialist with Greenpeace Germany, said in an email.

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NRA Sues San Francisco for Declaring It a “Domestic Terrorist Organization”
Elliot Hannon | Slate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

10 Sep 2019 – The National Rifle Association filed suit against the city of San Francisco yesterday after the city declared the gun rights group a “domestic terrorist organization.” The city’s Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the resolution after at least three people were shot and killed at a garlic festival in Gilroy, California.

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British Judge Jails Assange Indefinitely, Despite End of Prison Sentence
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

14 Sep 2019 – In a hearing at Westminster Magistrates’ Court yesterday, Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled that WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange will remain in prison, despite the fact that his custodial sentence for “absconding” bail expires on Sep 22. The ruling is the latest in a series of attacks on Assange’s legal and democratic rights by the British judiciary.

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Have You Noticed How Social Media Purges Always Align with the US Empire?
Caitlin Johnstone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

12 Sep 2019 – Twitter has suspended multiple large Cuban media accounts. Earlier this year, Twitter and Facebook coordinated with each other to remove hundreds of accounts they claim were tied to “coordinated influence operations” in Iran, Russia, and Venezuela. Cuba, China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and the Catalan independence movement. Noticing a pattern here?

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By the way…
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

A little girl comes running and says, “Father, my toothbrush fell into the toilet!”

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War on the World: Industrialized Militaries Are a Bigger Part of the Climate Emergency Than You Know
Murtaza Hussain – The Interept, 16 Sep 2019

15 Sep 2019 – Not only do conflicts leave a poisoned landscape in their wake, but the U.S. military has a larger carbon footprint than most countries on earth.

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How Animal Researchers Stay Out of the News
Martha Rosenberg | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

10 Sep 2019 – Perhaps you know a lot more about how farm animals are treated on factory farms than dogs, primates and other animals are treated in US labs. It is no coincidence. Exposure of what occurs behind the Plexiglass Curtain would be so damaging to university research contracts that millions are spent to prevent transparency. The animal-research industry is a vast, macabre enterprise.

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Africa India Relations — Promoting Harmony and Goodwill
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Africa is a continent comprising 54 countries and has a population of about 1.3 billion people of which Nigeria on the western coast is the most populated one. Incidentally India itself has a population of the same size. Africa is a multi lingual continent and has vast diversities — social, economic, racial and historical.

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The Shocking Paper Predicting the End of Democracy [in the USA]
Rick Shenkman | Politico – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

8 Sep 2019 – Human brains aren’t built for self-rule, says Shawn Rosenberg. That’s more evident than ever. People have been saying for two millennia that democracy is unworkable, going back to Plato. The Founding Fathers were sufficiently worried that they left only one half of one branch of the federal government in the hands of the people.

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US Military Encircling Venezuela: Regime Change Preparations?
Darius Shahtahmasebi – RT, 16 Sep 2019

12 Sep 2019 – While protests in Hong Kong and the debacles in the UK under Boris Johnson pushed Venezuela out of the media, a recent troop detachment indicates Caracas may be back in the crosshairs. The US has a long history of encircling rivals and adversaries with military bases with two notable goals: to prevent it from expanding its sphere of influence, and regime-change.

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姜暁艶 シルクロード- Silk Road (Music Video of the Week)
姜暁艶 - Jian Xiaoyan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Enjoy and imagine that for thousands of years people traveled on foot between China and the Middle East. Wishing Peace to the World from the Heart of Compassion. Composed by Kitaro.

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Conflict Management in Kashmir: State–People Relations and Peace
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Conflict Management in Kashmir: State–People Relations and Peace, by Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra, Cambridge University Press – The book examines the intersections of political violence, deprivation and conflict and explores the prospects of conflict management by studying one of the world’s most multifaceted and complex political turmoils – Kashmir.

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Natural Disasters: Where Is God in All of This?
Stephen Knapp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

As we look around the world or watch and read the news, practically everywhere is affected by some kind of natural disaster. Floods are displacing millions of people, forest fires are destroying thousands of acres and burning out of control, earthquakes continue to force people to live in fear, and tornadoes and hurricanes have become more fierce and numerous than ever. And if that is not enough, droughts are causing massive crop damage and water shortages.

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(Português) Porcos: ONG internacional registra em vídeo triste realidade por trás do bacon
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

5 set 2019 – Gaiolas de gestação, expressões viscerais de descontentamento, gritos que parecem de crianças agonizando, incapacidade de se mover e de ter contato íntimo com os próprios filhos; e estresse crônica que culmina em mordidas nas grades de metal. Este é o cenário registrado pela ONG internacional Wake em seu novo vídeo sobre a triste realidade de porcos criados para consumo.

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State Responses to the Torture of Julian Assange, Morally Disengaging Media, and What It Means for Us All
Dr Lissa Johnson – New Matilda, 16 Sep 2019

Talk to the totalitarian hand: While Julian Assange rots in prison for publishing journalism, clinical psychologist Dr Lissa Johnson explains some of the science behind how we got here, and also how we push back.

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Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” Live (Music Video of the Week)
Roger Waters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Sep 2019

2 Sep 2019 – Roger Water Performs at London Rally in Defense of Julian Assange

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Burning Amazonia, Denying Climate Change, Devastating Syria, Starving Yemen, Ignoring Kashmir
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Sep 2019

5 Sep 2019 – What is suggested is the dependence of human wellbeing on the emergence of a transnational activist movement that demands major structural reforms of world order that seek a favorable resolution of the bio-ethical crisis. If this seems utopian, you are quite right to react as if there is no plausible path leading from here to there. Yet I believe it is more illuminating to insist that activating the utopian imagination is the only source of a transformed realism that is sensitive to the distinctive challenges and opportunities of the 21stcentury.

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Plants Can Recover after Being Burned, so Why Might Some Species in the Amazon Face Local Wipe Out?
Kimberley Simpson – The Conversation, 9 Sep 2019

30 Aug 2019 – Not only can plants survive fire, they can use the experience of being burned to prepare themselves for future blazes.

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(Castellano) Nuestro Mundo que se Desvanece: Glaciares
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Sep 2019

Algo está causando que los glaciares y los campos de hielo de las montañas del mundo se derritan. Y, a pesar de su primer pensamiento, no es la catástrofe climática en curso.

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(Français) Les feux en Amazonie : pour mieux comprendre
Thierry Velu | Groupe de Secours Catastrophe Français – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Sep 2019

Août 27, 2019 – Une forêt humide qui brûle, c’est plutôt étrange. Le président des pompiers humanitaires du GSCF explique que les incendies qui ravagent l’Amazonie révèlent surtout les problèmes liés à la déforestation du poumon vert. Il relève dès lors toute la vacuité des débats du G7, des débats menés par des gouvernements dont le modèle économique encourage la déforestation de l’Amazonie.

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(Italiano) 5G -Una sigla invitante… E dietro?
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Sep 2019

22 Agosto 2019 – Nell’urgenza di applicare le ultime novità, si perdono sempre più di vista gli impatti sociali e ambientali, con conseguenze che si stanno evidenziando come sempre più irreversibili. Nonostante l’ottimismo che accompagna lo sviluppo del mondo ICT, anche questo settore tecnologico presenta aspetti ambigui: conseguenze sociali ancora inesplorate, effetti imprevisti sulle possibilità di governance delle comunità umane a tutti i livelli, impatti ambientali e sanitari non misurati…

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