Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26487 results.

5G: The Big Picture
Jeremy Naydler | Take Back Your Power – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

6 Apr 2019 – Acclaimed author and philosopher Jeremy Naydler, Ph.D. is our guide as we explore what a full-scale deployment of 5G may mean for humanity at this critical time… and how we can help create a better alternative. “The irony that the ‘connected’ future is one in which dizzying profits stand to be made from technologies that disconnect us more and more from the real world is entirely missed.”

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What Is Wrong with This Photo?
TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

Hint: Color sensitive photo op–rebuilding Haiti after Hurricane Matthew.

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Among Poets…
Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019


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In Search of Equivalence
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

Poem at Springtime

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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry on How a Simple Human Smile Saved His Life
Maria Popova| Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

“Care granted to the sick, welcome offered to the banished, forgiveness itself are worth nothing without a smile enlightening the deed.”

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(Italiano) L’effimera aspettativa di vita delle democrazie autocratiche
Richard Falk | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

Le varie democrazie autocratiche ora dominanti il paesaggio politico del mondo sono condannate in quanto forma politica, ma che cosa verrà dopo di esse non si può prevedere. Potrebbe essere un’occasione di celebrazione o di disperazione, o entrambe se società differenti si sposteranno in direzioni opposte, chi verso più profonde democrazie, chi verso una governance fascista.

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The Most Expensive 529 Billion Dollars
Baher Kamal | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

8 May 2019 – The immense human cost over 260 million migrant workers do pay to rescue their families. Children are being smuggled, sexually abused, maimed, killed for their vital organs, recruited as soldiers or otherwise enslaved. According to the International Labour Organization, forced labour alone (one component of human trafficking) generates an estimated 150 billion dollars in profits per annum.

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The Disintegrated Mind: The Greatest Threat to Human Survival on Earth
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

Given that the expression ‘mental disintegration’ describes a shocking psychological state but also one that is so widespread it afflicts virtually everyone, it can be described as posing the greatest threat to human survival on Earth because it caused – and now prevents virtually everyone from thinking, feeling, planning and behaving functionally in response to – the multifaceted threats to humanity and the biosphere.

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El Día Que Me Quieras (Music Video of the Week)
Daniel Barenboim – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

Sensual Tango

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‘Humanitarian’ Concerns Increase Wars, Benefit Only Arms-Producers
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

11 May 2019 – In a country such as the United States, the constant need for new wars is being constantly driven by investors’ needs for expanding both markets and targets… A more-serious phrase for this is “the Deep State.”

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(Português) Ativista de 97 anos que frequenta gym/academia todos os dias atribui ao veganismo sua vitalidade
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

8 maio 2019 – Brenner diz que o verdadeiro segredo de sua vitalidade e disposição que a leva todos os dias a treinar é sua alimentação vegana. Um estudo publicado no mês passado descobriu que pessoas que consumiam uma alimentação predominantemente vegana tinham menos probabilidade de desenvolver certos tipos de doenças crônicas.

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Blackwater Founder Calling for 5,000 Mercenaries to Topple Maduro
Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

30 Apr 2019 – As if the past months of US push for regime change in Venezuela with officials like Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra conviction infamy at the helm wasn’t bizarre enough, things just got weirder, as Erik Prince has apparently been pitching a plan around Washington to privatize US coup efforts using his latest Blackwater inspired mercenary empire.

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Airports –Elegance and Artistry
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

7 May 2019 – Most big airports are amazing. They display the variety and diversity of human beings apart from the different size, decors and designs of the buildings of the airports themselves.

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Curing Depression with Spirituality
Stephen Knapp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

The reason for depression may be different for each person, and there are a variety of causes. So it must be analyzed and understood. What can we do to help cure such an attitude, as long as it is not a biological problem? Spiritually, there are many ways to help take care of this condition. So let us take a deeper look at this.

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Istanbul Elections: A Turkish Constitutional Crisis? Davutoglu’s Manifesto
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

10 May 2019 – Despite all the deficiencies of Turkish political life and democracy, the most important power is the legitimacy of the elections. The most fundamental value of our political future is the voice of the people, and this will be manifested at the ballot box. Regardless of the excuse given and whatever the rationale, what happened after the March 31st election and the decision of annulment by the High Electoral Council has inflicted damage on these core values.

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Money, Media and the Climate Crisis
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

13 May 2019 – Old ideas and old economic indicators can no longer serve us. Seen from an ecological perspective, the gross national product of a country does not indicate how well the economy is doing, but almost the reverse. GNP has become a measure of how fast an economy is destroying the environment. ->A New Book on the Climate Crisis

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D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

7 May 2019 – What characterizes American government today is not so much dysfunctional politics as it is ruthlessly contrived governance carried out behind the entertaining, distracting and disingenuous curtain of political theater. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age. You can call it the age of authoritarianism. Or fascism. Or oligarchy. Or the American police state. Whatever label you want to put on it, the end result is the same: tyranny.

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Theories of Everything
Rebecca Elson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2019

When the Lecturer’s Shirt Matches the Painting on the Wall

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Satanic Venezuela vs Saintly America
Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

5 May 2019 – America’s entire political class, its foreign policy community in particular, agrees that Maduro ‘has to go.’ Just as Assad ‘had to go’, Gaddafi ‘had to go,’ and before them Saddam ‘had to go.’ With the Ayatollahs high on the to-do list. The only debate is on the method. Tactics are discussed endlessly on Op Ed pages, on the talk shows, on think tank row without any reference to why he ‘must go’ – with what implications. It’s little different from the agitated post-game yapping about an NBA play-off game: why did team ‘X’ fail to execute their pick-and-roll as planned, why this match-up rather than that, what adjustments will the coach make before the next game.

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Tripoli Reflects a Disintegrated Libya
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

3 May 2019 – The current situation in Tripoli is a reflection of the past seven years of disintegration. The crucial question remains how to structure a country as diverse in terms of geography and tribal societies. It is not certain that the U.N.-led negotiations can be held in the near future although a good deal of preparatory work was undertaken. There may be some room for Track II-type efforts sponsored by non-governmental organizations.

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China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Towards a Just World?
Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

1 May 2019 – As globalization’s third wave, One Belt One Road-OBOR is opposed to hegemony. The Chinese leadership sees relationships among OBOR states as a partnership. This was put to the test in the East Coast Rail Link issue which saw Malaysia objecting to various terms of the agreement forged between a Chinese company and the previous Malaysian government that were clearly detrimental to the nation’s interests.

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Squamish Company That Sucks Up Carbon Dioxide to Make Fuel Gets $68 Million Investment
Kenneth Chan | Daily Hive – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

25 Mar 2019 – A major investment will allow a Squamish-based company to scale its innovative technology of converting carbon dioxide into usable fuels. Carbon Engineering says it will allow the company to commercialize and enter mainstream markets with its fully-demonstrated direct air capture technology of capturing and purifying atmospheric carbon dioxide for under USD$100 per tonne.

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(Italiano) La Liberazione e vecchi e nuovi fascismi
Prof. Amedeo Cottino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

27 Aprile 2019 – Cento anni fa, il 15 aprile a Milano, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti arringa una piccola folla di borghesi, di fascisti, di Arditi. Perché ricordare quel giorno a Milano? Perché, a mio modo di vedere, è rappresentativo delle componenti fondamentali del fascismo: la violenza, il disprezzo per la cultura e l’esaltazione della guerra. Ma è anche l’anno in cui nascono molte di quelle donne e di quegli uomini che faranno l’altra Italia. L’Italia della Costituzione repubblicana.

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Plastic in Paradise: The Battle for the Galápagos Islands’ Future
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

3 Apr 2019 – The Galápagos Islands are one of the most pristine locations on the planet, but plastic pollution arriving by sea is threatening this unique habitat. How the archipelago is hoping to lead the worldwide fight against plastic.

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Metaphorizing Dialogue to Enact a Flow Culture
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

6 May 2019 – Transcending Divisiveness by Systematic Embodiment of Metaphor in Discourse – There is no difficulty in recognizing the extent to which discourse has become problematic, whether in national assemblies, parliaments, or the media (social media or otherwise). The current scene has been described as poisonously divisive.

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A World without Walls
Johan Galtung | Academy for Cultural Diplomacy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

Berlin, Nov 2010 – International Conference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World

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(Italiano) La mini naja, che tristezza!
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

30 Aprile 2019 – Ne avevo sentito parlare, ma non ci credevo: invece – spigolando tra i siti web – eccola qui, la notizia: il 27 marzo 2019 la Camera ha dato l’OK al progetto di legge che prevede un servizio militare di sei mesi su base volontaria per i giovani fra i 18 e i 22 anni, distribuiti fra caserma e studio…. Prendere atto dei veri confini – quelli che la natura ci pone – invece di costruire confini fittizi. Si, la mini-Gaia sarebbe fonte di gioia e di ispirazione, e ci farebbe superare la tristezza suscitata dall’idea della vecchia, bellicosa, obsoleta naja.

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The Problem Is Capitalism
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

30 Apr 2019 – It is a weapon pointed at the living world. We urgently need to develop a new system. For most of my adult life, I’ve railed against “corporate capitalism”, “consumer capitalism” and “crony capitalism”. It took me a long time to see that the problem is not the adjective, but the noun. Our choice comes down to this. Do we stop life to allow capitalism to continue, or stop capitalism to allow life to continue?

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Blackwater Founder’s Latest Sales Pitch: Mercenaries for Venezuela
Aram Roston and Matt Spetalnick | Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

30 Apr 2019 – Erik Prince, the founder of the controversial private security firm Blackwater and a prominent supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump, has been pushing a plan to deploy a private army to help topple Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicolas Maduro, four sources with knowledge of the effort told Reuters.

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These Are the Pitfalls of a Cash-Free Society
Rosamond Hutt | World Economic Forum – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

2 May 2019 – An independent report on cash use published in the UK finds that the rush to embrace digital payments risks leaving the most vulnerable people in society behind. Researchers spoke to central bankers, consumer groups and a cross-party commission in Sweden, the most cashless society in the world. They emphasized the importance of planning now, to include everyone in the digital economy.

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Top Executives at Major Opioid Company Found Guilty of Criminal Racketeering
German Lopez | Vox – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

3 May 2019 – Big Pharma Billionaire Guilty of Bribing Doctors to Prescribe Drug – The verdict could send the former executives to prison for years for their role in the nationwide opioid epidemic.

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TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019


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99% of Seabirds Will Have Plastic in Their Guts within Decades
Lorraine Chow | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

In a sweeping 2015 study, researchers calculated that 9 billion tons of the material have been made, distributed and disposed in fewer than 70 years. That’s an astonishing figure, but it’s also one that’s hard to picture.

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Why Julian Assange Is So Important
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

The control of information has become a crucial means for the culture of war – without this control it cannot be sustained. In the past, only a few of the secrets and lies were revealed. But thanks to Julian Assange and his organization WikiLeaks, we have learned about many more secrets and lies in the past few years. How do governments react?

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40,000 Dead Venezuelans under US Sanctions: Corporate Media Turn a Blind Eye
Media Lens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

30 Apr 2019 – A new report on April 25 co-authored by Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs for the US-based Center for Economic and Policy Research has estimated that US sanctions imposed on Venezuela in August 2017 have caused around 40,000 deaths. This atrocity has been entirely blanked by the ‘mainstream’ media. Additional sanctions imposed in January 2019 are likely to lead to tens of thousands of further deaths.

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Statues — Respect and Sacrilege
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

There are tens of thousands if not millions of statues all over the world — of gods, goddesses, religious personalities, princes, scholars, scientists, politicians, and sometimes of sportsmen or even ordinary human beings. At times these personalities are standing with dignity or else sitting peacefully, blessing onlookers. But at other times, as in the case of kings or warriors…

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Катюша [Katusha – Katyusha] (Music Video of the Week)
Ottoman Military Band and Red Army Choir - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

A Russian Classic on Victory Day Celebrations against Nazism/Fascism in Europe, 9 May 1945

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report #14 (Apr 2019)
Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone & Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

This is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ together with a sample of news about Charter signatories and organizations. Our collective effort to build a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts continues to make progress, even against rather overwhelming odds! At the time of today’s report, we have signatories in 105 countries. We also have 117 organizations/networks from 37 countries.

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The Dawn of the Dependence Economy: Your Attention Was Never the Endgame
Jesse Weaver | One Zero – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

26 Apr 2019 – Planned obsolescence isn’t the most powerful problem a company can generate. The most powerful problem is the “I can’t live without it” problem. If a product replaces a human skill, we become dependent on it, and making us dependent is the ultimate long-term growth strategy. Monopolization isn’t just about pushing out the competition. It’s about monopolizing human capability.

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No Direction Home: The Journey of Frantz Fanon
Adam Shatz | Raritan Quarterly, Rutgers University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

Winter 2019 – Reading Fanon, one sometimes has the impression that mere expository prose cannot do justice to the impulsive movement of his thought. I use the word “movement” advisedly: Fanon did not write his texts; he dictated them while pacing back and forth, either to his wife, Josie, or to his secretary, Marie-Jeanne Manuellan (who has just published a memoir about the experience). This method of composition lends his writings an electrifying musicality: restless, searching, and, as he fell prey to the leukemia that would kill him, otherworldly in its call for a new planetary order, cleansed of racism and oppression.

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(Italiano) L’emergenza climatica
John Scales Avery | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

“Non venite con un discorso, venite con un piano. Questo è quanto la scienza sostiene necessario. E quanto i giovani del globo stanno giustificatamente domandando.” — Segretario Generale ONU Antonio Guterres

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Rabindranath Tagore (7 May 1861 – 7 Aug 1941): The Local and the Universal
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

In a period of rapid change as we face today, it is often difficult to find the right balance between the cultural contributions and needs of the local, the national, and the universal. One way of finding this balance is to look at the life and work of others, who earlier confronted the same challenges. One such person was the poet, writer and cultural reformer Rabindranath Tagore.

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Global Military Spending Has Soared to Its Highest Level in Recorded History
Jessica Corbett | Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

1 May 2019 — Global military spending reached its highest level since the records began two decades ago, according to a new analysis released Monday [29 Apr]. At $649 billion, US military spending increased for the first time in 7 years by 4.6% in 2018. The US remained the largest spender in the world, accounting for 36% of global military spending.

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(Castellano) Hacer frente a lo “imposible”: Poner fin a la violencia
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

29 Apr 2019 – Siempre que, en circunstancias normales, se plantea el tema de la violencia, la mayoría de las personas levantan las manos horrorizadas y comentan que “está en nuestros genes”, “no se puede hacer nada al respecto” u otras palabras que reflejan la impotencia que la mayoría de la gente siente en torno a la violencia. Pero hay un gran número de personas en todo el mundo que no aceptan esto y que están luchando, sin descanso, para poner fin a la violencia antes de que nos acabe a nosotros. ¿Qué hay de usted?

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The Business of Cancer
Sonia Poulton | Truth & Integrity Productions – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

14 Apr 2019 – Journalist and Broadcaster Sonia Poulton explores cancer in the UK. She talks with scientists, surgeons, doctors, politicians, academics, campaigners, industry insiders, authors and those on the frontline: the patients, themselves.

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US Takes Back Signature on Arms Trade Treaty
Thalif Deen | IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

29 Apr 2019 – The United States dropped a political bombshell when President Donald Trump announced his administration would withdraw from the historic Arms Trade Treaty which the former Obama administration signed in September 2013. The US, in effect, joins three other “rogue states” – North Korea, Iran and Syria – who voted against the treaty along with 23 countries that abstained on the voting, including China, Russia, India, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

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Nonviolence or Nonexistence
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

2 May 2019 – The day before he died, Martin Luther King said these words at a packed church in Memphis: “Men for years now have been talking about war and peace. Now no longer can they just talk about it. It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence in this world, it is nonviolence or nonexistence. That is where we are today.”That’s where we are today . . . half a century later!

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Sharing Efforts with Fair Distribution of Results
Editorial | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

29 Apr 2019 – The outrageous concentration of wealth and the consequent decisional power will blow out of proportion more and more. Neither the fiscal restructuring nor the dismantling of the sovereign over-indebtedness should be charged on the most vulnerable: make the great evaders that flight their ill-gotten capitals cope with it.

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Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

Solidarity anyone?

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National Campaign for Peace Education Launched in Cameroon
Global Campaign for Peace Education – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

On 6 Mar 2019, Cameroon Peace Foundation Association, in collaboration with the Global Campaign for Peace Education, launched a National Campaign for Peace Education in Buea. The Campaign brought together religious leaders, lecturers, teachers and police officers.

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(Français) Êtes-vous plutôt tourismophobe ou touristophobe?
Bernard Duterme | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

15 avril 2019 – «Tourismophobie », « touristophobie », les deux néologismes sont apparus ces dernières années dans la foulée d’un autre, le « surtourisme », lui-même avatar 2.0 du « tourisme de masse », boosté par l’explosion des minitrips low-costs et l’« airbnbisation » des centres-villes historiques. Qui est touristophobe, qui est tourismophobe aujourd’hui ? Les critiques du tourisme international publiées par le CETRI le sont-elles ? Focus sur les contours et les raisons d’une aversion… moins récente qu’il n’y paraît.

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The Pentagon’s Long Con
William J. Astore | Bracing Views – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

30 Apr 2019 – “War is a racket,” wrote General Smedley Butler in the 1930s. Dwight D. Eisenhower warned at the end of his presidency about the military-industrial complex and its misplaced, anti-democratic power. Martin Luther King Jr spoke against militarism and the “spiritual death” he believed Americans were suffering from in the 1960s… The Pentagon will never be forced to make significant reforms until Americans stop believing in (and consenting to) its comforting lies.

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Venezuelan Military Putsch Defeated as Leopoldo Lopez Takes Refuge in Spanish Embassy
Ricardo Vaz | Venezuelanalysis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

30 Apr 2019 – “Interim President” Juan Guaido and right-wing opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez spearheaded an unsuccessful coup attempt in Caracas today. Opposition protesters clashed with security forces while government supporters swiftly mobilized to defend the presidential palace.

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Rachel Carson on Writing and the Loneliness of Creative Work
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

“If you write what you yourself sincerely think and feel and are interested in… you will interest other people.”

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Why Ukraine’s Comedian President Is Likely to Be More Joke than Solution
Editorial | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

26 Apr 2019 – The ordinary Ukrainian people are so sick and tired of the militaristic nationalism as well as endemic corruption in Kiev that they voted for someone, anyone, who appears slightly more reasonable.

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(Português) Elefante luta contra suas correntes antes de desmaiar e morrer em parque nacional indiano
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

29 Abr 2019 – Desrespeitados, agredidos e cruelmente acorrentados esses animais tem mortes tristes e solitárias, a maioria das vezes antes da previsão natural de vida de um elefante em estado selvagem, presos eles morrem afastados dos seus iguais e de seu habitat. Esse é o caso de Drona, um elefante indiano de 37 anos que teve sua morte documentada em um vídeo triste e chocante.

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(Italiano) Quando si arriva alla fine della strada è ora di pensare fuori dagli schemi
Howard Richards | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

22 Aprile 2019 – il mondo di ieri basato sulla premessa di guadagnarsi da vivere con un lavoro è finito. Finito! Tassare i ricchi per sovvenzionare i poveri – proposta con le migliori intenzioni da qualcuno a sinistra – è impossibile perché se si prova a tassarli, si trasferiscono. Inoltre, nessuno sa davvero quanto denaro è nascosto in fondi fiduciari dei paradisi fiscali sotto nomi fittizi, o quanto ne guizza per il mondo in frazioni di secondo in transazioni speculative mega-milionarie che rendono insignificante l’economia reale.

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US-Backed Saudi Regime Beheads 37 Political Prisoners
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

25 Apr 2019 – The monarchical dictatorship of Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday [23 Apr] that it had carried out another killing spree, publicly executing 37 people. One of the headless corpses was then crucified and left hanging in public as a hideous warning to anyone who would even contemplate opposing the absolute power of the ruling royal family admired by Pres. Trump.

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Meanwhile, Around the World
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

What more is needed, beyond “dialogue of civilizations”? Like for man-woman: creating something new. A real dialogue goes beyond getting to know each other to mutual learning, beyond mutual learning to mutual visions, and beyond that to mutual practice.

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These 28 Companies Are Building Nuclear Weapons
ICAN- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

2 May 2019 – ICAN and its partner organisation Pax have released a report with full profiles of 28 companies connected to the production of nuclear weapons.

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On Peace vs. Love
Radhanath Swami – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

Instead of fighting for peace, we have to find peace within ourselves first. Love is a positive expression of the heart. Love means sacrifice—sacrificing even our own peace for the pleasure of the beloved.

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(Português) A Caminho do Matadouro
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2019

28 abr 2019 – É difícil imaginar quantas vidas passam por aqui. Indo de um lado para o outro – somente ida, sem volta. Uma prisão sobre rodas, que pouco permite observar o que existe ali fora. Hoje é a sua vez. Amanhã serão outros, e assim por diante.

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(Português) Ex-Presidente Brasileiro Lula da Silva Dá Sua 1ª Entrevista da Prisão
TV Folha – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

26 abril 2019 – Subtitles in English – O ex-presidente Lula afirmou hoje, em entrevista exclusiva concedida à Folha e ao jornal El País, que o Brasil está sendo governado por “um bando de malucos”. Depois de uma batalha judicial na qual a entrevista chegou a ser censurada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, o petista enfim concedeu a entrevista.

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(Português) Bolsonaro decreta fim das faculdades de Filosofia e Sociologia no Brasil: “Objetivo é focar em áreas que gerem retorno imediato”
Editorial | Revista Forum – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Enquanto os filhos – e ele próprio – são doutrinados pelo “filósofo” Olavo de Carvalho, Bolsonaro decreta fim dos estudos de humanas alegando que a educação deve servir para ensinar “leitura, escrita e a fazer conta e depois um ofício que gere renda para a pessoa”

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(Castellano) El vídeo de la entrevista de EL PAÍS a Lula da Silva
El País – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

27 Abr 2019 – Adelanto de la entrevista realizada de manera conjunta por EL PAÍS con el diario brasileño Folha de São Paulo al expresidente de Brasil Lula da Silva, la primera desde su entrada en prisión. El que un día fue presidente de Brasil no está pasando por su mejor época. Aún condenado durante 8 años y 10 meses por lavado de dinero y corrupción e imputado en otros seis procesos judiciales, Lula da Silva se mantiene fuerte y firme en sus convicciones.

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(Italiano) Per TMS. 25 aprile 2019. aosta. collettivamente memoria e il dovere di non collaborare
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Dedicato alle lettrici e ai lettori di Transcend Media Service – Extraits da una censura

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Doctoral Thesis on Nonkilling Mechanisms by TRANSCEND Member Joám Evans Pim at Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Center for Global Nonkilling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Evans defended the role of restraint mechanisms for the prevention of potentially lethal aggression as an evolutionary driver for the development and complexification of hominin communicative abilities, including articulated language and symbolic cultural practices.

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(Français) Le Venezuela et la guerre de l’empire contre les Peuples: les vautours du « fracking »
Paulo Correia | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

27 Avr 2019 – L’objectif annoncé des vautours est de venir en « aide humanitaire urgente aux victimes du socialisme chaviste » et d’appliquer massivement dans le sol de la République bolivarienne la technique d’exploitation pétrolière connue sous le terme de « fracking » ».

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Teilhard de Chardin (1 May 1881 – 10 Apr 1955): Evolution toward World Unity
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Pierrre Teihard de Chardin, the French paleontologist, after a lifetime of study of the evolution of the human species concluded that humanity was entering a new age with a higher, peaceful and more responsible sense of the unity of the world community. Optimism and evolution are the two themes that Teilhard de Chardin leaves with us. He insisted at looking at the human population as one global family, developing a network of mutual support − recognizing the need of global solidarity.

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Event Horizon Telescope Animated Movie
ehtelescope – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is an international collaboration aiming to capture the first image of a black hole by creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope. This short animated movie explains some of the nuts and bolts behind this ambitious endeavour.

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Historical Misrepresentation of a “Union of International Associations”?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Scholastic “Demeaning” of Global Civil Society in a Period of Widespread Crisis

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The War Has Started
Luis Henrique Beust – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

The War has started
But life goes on:
(This conclusion is pathetic and painful,
Yet so, so true…)

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(Português) Experimento Cruel: Cientistas exploram macacos e colocam genes humanos nos animais
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Macacos foram explorados e submetidos a experimentos cruéis por cientistas chineses do Instituto de Zoologia de Kunming, que injetaram genes humanos nos cérebros desses animais com a intenção de torná-los mais inteligentes. O estudo foi publicado no jornal National Science Review.

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Assange – A Dangerous Precedent
Courtenay Barnett – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

As defence Attorney and a human rights activist I am acutely aware of the importance of legal protection for the right to speak via the media, both print and electronic, to bring public attention to matters of administrative, governmental and other official wrongdoings.

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Does the Overthrow of el-Bashir in Sudan Signal a Second Arab Spring?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

28 Apr 2019 – Of particular interest is whether the mass movement of the Sudanese people and the counterrevolutionary dangers posed by the retention of emergency powers by the military entourage surrounding the former dictator will destroy the hopes of the mobilized population as happened in Egypt in seemingly analogous circumstances.

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Genocide Is an Act of State, and Demands a Response by Other States
John Packer | OpenGlobalRights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

24 Apr 2019 – The Myanmar state can and must be held accountable for the genocide being perpetrated against the Rohingya, a point lost in largely illusory efforts to pursue international criminal trials of individuals.

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Reflections on Government Change, Reform, Renewal (Part 2)
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Suggested Topics for Discussion, Dialog and Debate

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(Português) Amor em Tempos de Ira e de Ódio
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

25 abr 2019 – Vivemos no Brasil bolsonariano e no mundo afora tempos de ira e de ódio, fruto do fundamentalismo e da intolerância como se viu em Siri Lanka onde centenas de cristãos foram assassinados no momento em que celebravam a vitória do amor sobre morte na festa de ressurreição. Este cenário macabro nos faz renovar a esperança de que, apesar de tudo, o amor é mais forte do que a morte.

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Tackling the ‘Impossible’: Ending Violence
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

24 Apr 2019 – Anyone who pays attention to the subject of violence in any detail soon discovers that plenty of people are interested in tackling this problem, even if it is ‘impossible’. Moreover, of course, at least some people recognize that while we must tackle each manifestation of violence, understanding the cause of violence is imperative if we are to successfully tackle its many manifestations at their source. To do all of this effectively, however, is a team effort. And hopefully, one day, this team will include all of us.

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Annoyed by the Vegan Protestors? Then Imagine This…
Paul Mahony | New Matilda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

16 Apr 2019 – Supporting or opposing the recent vegan protests is partly about perspective, and partly about ethics. There’s a simple ethical test for those complaining about the protests held recently in Melbourne and elsewhere around Australia.

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International Organizations and Global Civil Society – Histories of the Union of International Associations
Edited by Daniel Laqua, Wouter Van Acker and Christophe Verbruggen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

The Union of International Associations (UIA) was founded in 1910, aiming to coordinate the relations and interests of international organizations across the world. Its long history makes it a prism through which to study the field of international organizations and its dynamics.

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(Português) Brasil: Com a farra do boi, Semana Santa vira semana de violência contra animais em Santa Catarina
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Nessa violenta “brincadeira”, o animal é alvejado com pedras, paus, objetos cortantes e bombinhas, além de perseguido e mordido por cães.

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Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 Mar 1883)
The European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

In 1845 Marx was expelled from France by Guizot. He fled with Friedrich Engels to Brussels where they stayed for three years with intermittent trips to England to visit Engels’ family who had cotton-spinning interests in Manchester. While in Brussels Marx wrote a piece against the idealistic socialism of P.J. Proudhon called The Poverty of Philosophy. He also worked on his materialist conception of history, and developed the manuscript that would come to be named The German Ideology when it was published after his death. This paper argues that the nature of an individual is dependent upon the material conditions that determine his production.

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Poroshenko Out, Zelensky In. Will Things Change in Ukraine?
Tom Luongo | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

25 Apr 2019 – The incalculable damage that’s been done to the region for cynical geopolitical goals can never be undone but it can stop.

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UNESCO Brisbane Declaration – Freedom of Information: The Right to Know
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

We, the participants at the UNESCO World Press Freedom Day conference in Brisbane, Australia, 3 May 2010: 

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Where the Silk Roads Meet the Mighty Mekong
Pepe Escobar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

26 Apr 2019 – Sleepy, landlocked Laos is undergoing rapid changes as China builds connections to mainland Southeast Asia… It’s this extremely complex, fragile, social and environmental system that from 2021 will have to learn to coexist with the era of the high-speed naga.

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Anti-Semitism and Jewish Self-Determination
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Is There a Jewish Right of Self-Determination?
Self-Determination on What Territory?
Self-Determination for Whom and for What?

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Giving Birth
Pawel Kuczynski – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

Garbage In…

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Sri Lanka and New Zealand: The Real Link
Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

24 Apr 2019 – There are voices — among them from the Sri Lankan government — that are saying that the carnage in Sri Lanka was revenge by a local extremist Muslim group, the National Thowheeth Jama’ath for the massacre of Muslim worshippers at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand by a White supremacist on the 15th of March 2019.

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All about That Bass (Music Video of the Week)
PostmodernJukebox – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019


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The Short-Lived Life Expectancy of Autocratic Democracies
Prof. Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

The rise of autocratic leaders via democratic procedures is an outcome that can be either reversed or accentuated. The various autocratic democracies now dominating the political landscape of the world are doomed as a political form, but what will come after them cannot now be foreseen. It could be either an occasion for celebration or despair, or both if different societies move in opposite directions, some toward a deeper democracies, some toward fascist governance.

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A New Middle East: The Long Awaited Independence
Cristina Cabrejas-Artola – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

26 Apr 2019 – For centuries, Western powers have essentially blocked any attempts to make the Middle East a self-sufficient region. A powerful Middle East gave rise to a declined Europe through scientific discoveries, providing the foundations of the industrial revolution. The Middle East is rising again, hopefully to end centuries of foreign dependency and false protection retaking the lead of further scientific advancement.

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A Step Forward in the U.N.’s Efforts against Rape as a Weapon of War
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

On Tuesday, 23 April 2019, the United Nations Security Council voted resolution N° 2467 concerning the use of rape as a weapon in times of armed conflict. The new resolution introduced by Germany contained two new elements, both of which were eliminated in the intense negotiations in the four days prior to the vote of 13 in favor and two abstentions, those of Russia and China.

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Back to Marx: How Can His Work Help Us to Understand Modern Times?
Laurent Etre | l’Humanité – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

The world economic crisis has ended the taboo on referring to Marx. More and more works are being published on the author of Das Kapital, and the press is publishing special sections on him. A discussion with Edgar Morin, the philosopher and sociologist, emeritus research director at the CNRS who holds honorary doctorates from many universities around the world and with André Tosel, the philosopher and specialist in Karl Marx and Marxism, professor at the University of Nice.

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Notre Dame of Gaza: Our Mosques and Churches Are Also Burning
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

24 Apr 2019 – The Israeli army bombed the historic Al-Omari Mosque in northern Gaza. The ancient mosque dates back to the 7th century and has since served as a symbol of resilience and faith for the people of Gaza. As Notre Dame burned, I thought of Al-Omari too. While the fire at the French cathedral was likely accidental, destroyed Palestinian houses of worship were intentionally targeted. The Israeli culprits are yet to be held accountable.

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The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America
John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

23 Apr 2019 – Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old. This is America’s dirty little secret.

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Of Godmen, Godwomen, and Ordinary Individuals
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

The society being what it is–disparities between the rich elite and the impoverished poor, the new liberal economic system that promotes degradation of our planet, the political and religious conflicts that are resulting in crimes and bombings–it is difficult to act sanely and with compassion and justice towards all forms of life. But let us not feel hopeless and dejected. Let us not just adore, admire the modern forms of Godmen and Godwomen.

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Consciousness: The Symptom of the Soul
Stephen Knapp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

The current idea that the mind is part of the brain is held not only by many biologists, neurologists, etc., but by others in all branches of science, including physics, computer science, and psychology. We might, however, point out a number of problems with this current thinking. Let us suggest that it is just as reasonable to consider an alternative view, and that the Vedic concept is actually more consistent and does not have as many problems as their concept has.

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TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

How nice!

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Planning Can Save the Planet: China Chooses Renewable Energy
Sara Flounders | Workers World – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2019

23 Apr 2019 – The United States and China are the largest consumers of coal and oil. The choices made by the leaders of the two largest industrialized economies are having an impact on climate and on air quality for everyone. But the decisions being made in these two countries are going in totally different directions. Their choices reveal a lot about the different social and political bases of each country.

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