Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

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Pink Floyd’s Waters Slams Venezuela Border Aid Concert
Brian Ellsworth and Sarah Marsh | Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

19 Feb 2019 – Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters slammed an upcoming “Live Aid”-style concert to raise funds for humanitarian aid for Venezuela, calling the event a U.S.-backed effort to tarnish the socialist government in a video circulating today.

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What Can Video Games Teach Us about Peace?
Gene Carolan | Raidió Teilifís Éireann [Ireland] – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

18 Feb 2019 – More and more games are incorporating nonviolence as a feature and encouraging better social behaviour in the real world.

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(Português) Austrália aprova lei que proíbe testes em animais para produtos cosméticos
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

18 fev 2019 – Empresas livres de crueldade abandonaram os testes em animais, mas ainda são capazes de oferecer produtos de beleza seguros e de qualidade. Com o uso de ingredientes e testes livres de crueldade animal, atendem a enorme e consciente demanda do mercado. Após quase dois anos de discussões sobre o assunto, o Senado australiano aprovou a proibição de testes em animais na indústria cosmética.

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Ram Rajya — Gandhi and His Religious Outlook
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

25 Feb 2019 – The world is celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi this year. On this important occasion, let us remember Gandhi’s belief in the core values of Truth, Nonviolence, Satyagraha, Religious Amity, Harmony, Cleanliness and Love for Nature. He not only believed in these values but consistently acted in consonance with them.

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Artist in Agony: My Step-Father, Stefano
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

My step-father, Stefano, died in my arms at home at age 66. In the days before his death, he said to me: “The great tragedy of life is so few people have an opportunity to develop their talents.” He knew the agony!

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(Português) Número de veganos tem dobrado a cada dois anos
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

18 fev2019 – De acordo com a organização britânica The Vegan Society, o número de veganos, ou seja, de pessoas que não consomem produtos de origem animal e que fazem oposição à exploração animal para qualquer fim, tem dobrado a cada dois anos desde 2014. No ano passado, só no Reino Unido, o total de veganos chegou a 600 mil, superando de longe os 300 mil de 2016.

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A World Party
Roberto Savio | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

19 Feb 2019 – I have decided that I can be more useful as a practitioner than as a theoretician in the cultured an interesting debate that Paul Raskin has opened on a world political party. But I still remember that during the debate on the New International Information Order in the seventies, the German chairman of the conference observed: “what Roberto had said works in practice. But the question is: would it work in theory”?

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Training in Conflict Transformation, Morocco
The Cordoba Foundation of Geneva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

The Cordoba Foundation of Geneva’s work in Morocco has focused on building the capacity of university activists in conflict transformation with the aim of equipping them with the skills to alleviate violence between political groups in university campuses. When we asked these activists how their participation in our workshops changed their awareness about conflict and peace promotion, this is what they said.

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American Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti Go Free
Ezili Dantò – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

21 Feb 2019 – On February 20, 2019, five former American military men and other nationals arrested on 17 Feb got on a specially charted plane and took off for the United States.

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Another Day in Paradise (Music Video of the Week)
Phil Collins – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

– Lyrics – Kick back & enjoy…

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The Misuses of Histories and Historiography by the state in Myanmar: The Case of Rakhine and Rohingya
Michael W. Charney | SOAS University of London – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

10 Feb 2019 – I am not a lawyer but a historian so my talk will be a little different than the others we listened to yesterday. While everyone else is looking for solutions, I am not doing that necessarily. Ultimately, some look to find solutions in holding Myanmar to account through international law. That’s what they can do.

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World Premiere London, UK
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

Disarmament: Alternative to International Security – Screening of the documentary ‘Peace is Possible’, about the work of HUFUD-Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation. London Thursday 7 March, 7 pm. Event organised by Our Future Now, the Youth Network of Global Justice Now.

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Facts Don’t Interfere with Propaganda Blitz against Venezuela’s Elected President
Joe Emersberger | Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

12 Feb 2019 – The Miami Herald (2/8/19) reported, “Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro continues to reject international aid.”“ The “Venezuelan leader” is Venezuela’s elected president. In contrast, it referred to Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s “interim president.” Calling for international aid and being democratically elected will do as little to protect Maduro’s government from US aggression as being disarmed of WMD did to prevent Iraq from being invaded—unless there is much more pushback from the US public against a lethal propaganda system.

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In Bygone Times…
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

In Vienna, everything that is not explicitly forbidden is permitted.

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Hate-Fest in Warsaw
Eric Margolis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

16 Feb 2019 – Warsaw, Poland is where the US just staged an anti-Iranian jamboree of 60 client states that brought derision and scorn from Europeans and much of the Mideast. The point of this exercise was an anti-Iranian coalition for an upcoming attack on Iran planned by President Donald Trump and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. It seems to many that the Israeli tail is again wagging the American dog.

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Venezuela False Flag Brewing? Under the Cloak of “the Humanitarian Convoy”
Global Research News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

19 Feb 2019 – The alleged false flag operation is intended to justify “an outside invasion” of Venezuela by one or more foreign powers. The false flag is slated to result in the deaths of civilians.

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Animals, Workers and Consumers Suffer Under USDA Slaughter Programs
Laura Cascada | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

21 Feb 2019 – The Trump administration is letting slaughter plants kill at increasingly dangerous rates, benefiting only the meat industry at the expense of animals, workers and consumers.

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Carl Sagan on Mystery, Why Common Sense Blinds Us to the Universe, and How to Live with the Unknown
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

“We are bathing in mystery and confusion on many subjects, and I think that will always be our destiny. The universe will always be much richer than our ability to understand it.”

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Israel in Gaza
Sabaaneth – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

Business as usual… and the world indifferent.

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That Cooler Heads May Prevail
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

25 Feb 2019 – When the drums of war start beating, can cooler heads prevail and negotiations in good faith start? Vijay Mehta has written a useful overview of efforts to create a Department of Peace within governments so that there would be an institutionalized official voice proposing other avenues than war. Such proposals are not new.

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How Come the World Is Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

15 Feb 2019 – In Countries Destroyed by the West, People Should Stop Admiring It – It may sound incredible, but it is true: in countries that have been damaged, even totally robbed and destroyed by the West, many people are still enamored with Europe and North America.

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Can We Imagine Peace for Palestine?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

In such a binational situation, the newly created single state could offer homelands to Jews and Palestinians, while finding a name for the new state that is congenial to both peoples. Maybe this will never happen, but it the most sustainable vision of a peaceful future that responds to decades of diplomatic failure, massive Palestinian suffering and abuse, and recognizes the moral authority and political potency of national resistance and global solidarity, a legislative victory by that unacknowledged Parliament of Humanity.

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QE Forever: The Fed’s Dramatic About-face
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

21 Feb 2019 – Loans create deposits, and deposits make up the bulk of the money supply. Money today is created by banks as a debt on their balance sheets, and more is always owed back than was created, since the interest claimed by the banks is not created in the original loan. Debt thus grows faster than the money supply. When overextended borrowers quit taking out the new loans needed to repay old loans, the gap widens even further.

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A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat a US Military Invasion of Venezuela
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

To the People of Venezuela: Recently I wrote an article explaining how you could defeat, using nonviolent strategy, the US coup attempt that is taking place in your country. I would like to complement that article by now briefly explaining how you can also defeat a military invasion by the United States and any collaborating invaders by using a strategy of nonviolent defense as well.

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A Response to Heikki Patomaki: Is the Time Right for a World Political Party?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

16 Feb 2019 – My commentary on an essay by Heikki Patomiki, a leading Finnish scholar, where he explores and cautiously advocates a civil society global effort to establish a world political party in a form appropriate to global conditions and with the overriding goal of the enhancement of the individual and collective wellbeing of humanity.

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Local Reality of Overcrowding — Global Unreality of Overpopulation
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

18 Feb 2019 – A set of seemingly disparate issues are curiously entangled — whilst variously upheld as of both local and global significance. Most obvious are the attractions of migration for the desperate and the divisive impact on local communities — possibly framed as invasion or encroachment.

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Saving the Future
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Only immediate climate action can save the future. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world are on the horizon.

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(မြန်မာ -Myanmar Burmese) နယူးေယာက္ ႐ိုဟင္ဂ်ာအေရးေဆြးေႏြးပြဲ ပထမေန႔
ေက်ာ္ေအာင္လြင္ - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

09 ေဖေဖာ္၀ါရီ၊ 2019 -႐ိုဟင္ဂ်ာမူဆလင္အေရးနဲ႔ပတ္သက္ၿပီးေျပာဆိုၾကတဲ့ ၂ ရက္ၾကာေဆြးေႏြးပြဲတခုကို အေမရိကန္ျပည္ေထာင္စု နယူးေယာက္ၿမိဳ႕မွာ မေန႔ကစၿပီး က်င္းပေနပါတယ္။ ဒီအခန္းအနားကို ကုလသမဂၢရဲ႕ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ လူ႔အခြင့္အေရး ဆိုင္ရာအထူး ကိုယ္စားလွယ္ မစၥယန္ဟီးလီက ဗီြဒီယိုကတဆင့္အမွာစကားပါးခဲ့ပါတယ္။ ႐ိုဟင္ဂ်ာအေရး အဓိက ထားၿပီး ေျပာဆိုေနၾကတဲ့ ဒီအခန္းအနားက ထူးျခားခ်က္တခ်ိဳ႕ကို ကိုေက်ာ္ေအာင္လြင္က တင္ျပေပးထားပါတယ္။

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(Português) Uma estratégia não violenta para derrotar uma invasão militar dos EUA na Venezuela
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. | Dinâmica Global – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Para o povo da Venezuela: Recentemente eu escrevi um artigo explicando como você poderia derrotar, usando a estratégia não-violenta, a tentativa de golpe dos EUA que está ocorrendo em seu país. Gostaria de complementar esse artigo explicando brevemente como você também pode derrotar uma invasão militar dos Estados Unidos e de qualquer invasor colaborador usando uma estratégia de defesa não-violenta também.

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Juan Guaidó: The Man Who Would Be President of Venezuela Doesn’t Have a Constitutional Leg to Stand On
Roger Harris – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Donald Trump imagines Juan Guaidó is the rightful president of Venezuela but he is a product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington’s regime change trainers. As Alfred de Zayas, UN rapporteur tweeted, “Article 233 of the Venezuelan constitution is inapplicable and cannot be twisted into legitimizing Guaidó’s self-proclamation as interim President. A coup is a coup.”

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(Português) Brasil: Sobe para 169 o número de mortes devido a rutura de barragem em Brumadinho
MadreMedia/Lusa | Sapo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

18 fev 2019 – O número de vítimas mortais devido ao colapso de uma barragem de uma mina de ferro no Brasil subiu a 169, enquanto as autoridades prosseguem as buscas para localizar 141 desaparecidos, informou hoje a Defesa Civil de Minas Gerais.

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The Warsaw Process: Slow Start, Clear Focus
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

“This is a new era for the future and for prosperity for all the nations” Yusuf bin Alawi, Foreign Minister of Oman, said optimistically in Warsaw at the 13-14 February 2019 Ministerial Conference to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East. The Warsaw Conference may end up as only a “photo opportunity” and for Warsaw to be center stage for a short time, or we may work to have the Warsaw Process be the real start of a new era.

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UN Official Cites Horrific Crimes against Rohingya
Dildar Baykan | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Rohingya children thrown into fire, member of UN fact-finding mission on Myanmar says.

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Learning Foreign Languages in India
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

India has much diversity — cultural, linguistic, geographic, religious, political and even from the point of cuisine — the food eaten. Linguistically, India has 22 official languages including Hindi and English. Hindi, as well as its many dialects, has the largest number of speakers and English is being widely used in judiciary, parliament, science and technology, education, etc.

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Enough of Western Interventions: Let the People of Venezuela Decide
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

13 Feb 2019 – The situation in Venezuela is dire, with children reportedly dying as a result of the lack of medicine and food. The country is also gearing up for a US military intervention and possible civil war. Considering that all such tragic predictions have already been witnessed in Iraq, Syria, Libya and elsewhere, South American leaders and the few sensible voices around the world must move to block any further US meddling, and allow the people of Venezuela, through democratic means, to determine their own future.

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Global Cooperation
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

The first advanced civilizations emerged about 6,000 years ago in the Nile, Euphrates and Yellow River valleys when farmers faced problems that they could not solve alone.

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In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key to Trump’s Coup
Greg Palast – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

8 Feb 2019 – This is the story of Venezuela in black and white, the story not told in our establishment media. This year’s so-called popular uprising is, at its heart, a furious backlash of the whiter (and wealthier) Venezuelans against their replacement by the larger Mestizo (mixed-race) poor. Four centuries of white supremacy in Venezuela by those who identify their ancestors as European came to an end with the 1998 election of Hugo Chavez who won with the overwhelming support of the Mestizo majority.

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New Class of Intellectuals Must Engage in Building Policy Framework for a New World System
The Tricontinental – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

12 Feb 2019 – Tricontinental Institute for Social Research releases dossier “The New Intellectual,” emphasizing the need to “develop a theory of the future.”

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Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Remains the Worst in the World, Warns UN
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

14 Feb 2019 – An estimated 24 million people – close to 80 per cent of the population – need assistance and protection in Yemen, the UN warned today. With famine threatening hundreds of thousands of lives, humanitarian aid is increasingly becoming the only lifeline for millions across the country.

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The Godfather
Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

The late author William Blum said:

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Worshipping the Electronic Image
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

17 Feb 2019 – Our post-literate culture has crippled us intellectually and produced a president whose babble replicates the nonsensical diatribes of the age.

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Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin (22 Feb or 1 Mar 1810 – 17 Oct 1849)
Barbara Smolenska-Zielinska – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

The musical talent of Fryderyk became apparent extremely early on, and it was compared with the childhood genius of Mozart. Already at the age of 7, Fryderyk was the author of two polonaises (in G minor and B flat major), the first being published in the engraving workshop of Father Cybulski. The prodigy was featured in the Warsaw newspapers, and “little Chopin” became the attraction and ornament of receptions given in the aristocratic salons of the capital.

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(Português) Nos Dá Medo Pensar?
Bertrand Russell | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Fora o pensamento! Voltemos aos fantasmas do preconceito, não estejam a propriedade, a moral e a guerra em perigo! É melhor que os seres humanos sejam estúpidos, amorfos e tirânicos, antes que seus pensamentos sejam livres. Posto que se seus pensamentos fossem livres, seguramente não pensariam como nós. E esse desastre deve se evitar a todo custo. Assim argumentam os inimigos do pensamento nas profundezas inconscientes de suas almas. E assim agem as igrejas, escolas e universidades.

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Professional Integrity
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

During the French revolution, a doctor, a lawyer and an engineer were sentenced to be beheaded by the guillotine.

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The Cancer of Bankers
Rudo de Ruijter | Court Fool – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

In The magic of bankers you have been able to read how bankers create balances for loans with a simple line of bookkeeping. There is no money involved. The money for the balances doesn’t even exist. This extremely lucrative trick incites the bankers to supply as many loans as possible, but there is more. There are specific growth impulses that make it impossible to stop the growth of the outstanding loans. Not even with regulations. This has tremendous consequences for our society.

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Internet Trolls, Disinformation Agents and Big Vaccine
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

11 Feb 2019 – An internet troll is a person who starts quarrels or tries to upset people on the internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain. Sociopathic corporations use the technique to manipulate public opinion.

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African American Female Vocalists
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

14 Feb 2019 – I share this tribute to African American female vocalists on Valentine’s Day because they sing and sang of every meaning of love in one way or another: joys, pleasures, struggles, pain, and recovery. Imagine; two centuries of unparalleled talent as individuals and as a group. I have heard many, and many are new to me. Listening to African American Female Vocalists fashioning a song, watching them command presence, and reading about their lives fills me with appreciation and awe.

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India’s Invisible Water Wizard Conquers the World
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Meeanayak’s silent crusade caught international eyes and he was awarded the Energy Globe World Award 2018 in the category ‘Water’ for his innovative development of the twin ring method of rain water harvesting through bore well recharge at the international award ceremony at Yazd in Iran, on 28th January this year.

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Give a Little Bit (Music Video of the Week)
Roger Hodgson | Supertramp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Faroe Islands: What a night! For the first time ever, Roger Hodgson, legendary singer/songwriter and formerly of Supertramp, gave a concert at 4:00AM! Due to multiple plane delays that were out of his control, he arrived extremely late and people were waiting! The show must go on and on it went!

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Gandhi’s Message for Today’s World
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

If humans are ever to achieve a stable global society in the future, they will have to become much more modest in their economic behavior and much more peaceful in their politics. For both modesty and peace, Gandhi is a useful source of ideas. The problems with which he struggled during his lifetime are extremely relevant to us in the 21st Century, when both nuclear and ecological catastrophes threaten the world.

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Burma: The Subaltern in Search of Speech
Radhika Coomaraswamy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

8 Feb 2019 – I would like to thank Mr. Mawng Zarni and his enthusiasm for bringing me here today to discuss one of the most important issues of our lifetime. I speak today as a member of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar set up in March 2017 after large scale attacks on the Rohingya civilian population in Rakhine state by the Burmese Security Forces, or the Tatmadaw.

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(Português) Tolstói: “Enquanto o sangue descia, o açougueiro acendeu o cigarro”
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2019

Quando o boi não caiu onde o açougueiro queria, ele gritou: “Maldito diabo!”

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Venezuela Blitz (Part 1): Tyrants Don’t Have Free Elections
Editorial | Media Lens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

5 Feb 2019 – A ‘Propaganda Blitz’ is a fast-moving campaign to persuade the public of the need for ‘action’ or ‘intervention’ furthering elite interests. Affecting great moral outrage, corporate media line up to insist that a watershed moment has arrived – something must be done! A classic propaganda blitz was triggered on January 23, when Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself ‘interim President’.

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Denouncing Socialism, Practicing Fascism
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

8 Feb 2019 – With Trump the silences are usually as expressive of his intentions as the incoherent dogmas. Indeed, his Second State of the Union Address (delivered in Congress on February 5, 2019) gives a clear insight into the political mentality of tormentor in chief when it comes to the human condition.

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Europe is in Danger! But Why?
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

8 Feb 2019 – Now a hue and cry has gone up that Europe is in danger. The continued existence of Europe’s core ideals –of its very essence– is said to be threatened. The occasion of today’s hue and cry is the possibility that the populist far right might sweep the elections of May 2019. I take this opportunity to question what I take to be the conventional wisdom of the official story.

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The Venezuela Myth Keeping Us from Transforming Our Economy
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

9 Feb 2019 – Venezuela’s problems are not the result of the government issuing money and using it to hire people to build infrastructure, provide essential services and expand economic development. If it were, unemployment would not be at 33 percent and climbing. Venezuela has a problem the U.S. does not, and will never have: It owes massive debts in a currency it cannot print itself, namely, U.S. dollars. When oil (its principal resource) was booming, Venezuela was able to meet its repayment schedule.

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India’s Civil Service Needs to Reinvent Itself
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

The New Public Management (NPM) is a paradigm of hybrid administration that calls for the integration of diverse actors in governance. These actors include the state, market, and civil society where the government is strengthening the political line of command through the privatisation of bureaucracy. The LE decision is being presented as a mini-reform considering the government’s disenchantment with the old public administration.

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Warsaw Process toward a Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Middle East
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

On 13-14 February 2019, there is planned The Ministerial Conference to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East called jointly by the U.S.A. and Poland. Not all “players” of the Middle East drama are invited to Warsaw. Iran and Russia as governments were not invited. Non-State actors such as the Palestinians, the Kurds, the Islamic State and a host of armed militias – all of whom play a current role – will be officially absent.

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Thoughts on Changing Times, Changing Values
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

When a person has crossed seven decades of his life, he often feels he can be a little indiscreet and talk of situations or events in his life which he has not done so before — at least publicly. There are many regrets in one’s life and a few occasions of feeling a sense of satisfaction. In addition there is a sense of unease at the way the world has shaped politically, economically, socially.

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(Français) Où est la démocratie?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

1er février 2019 – Au cours des derniers mois, deux élections ont eu lieu: en République Démocratique du Congo et au Venezuela.

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(Português) Dez Mentiras Sobre a Venezuela que pela Repetição se Tornaram Verdade
Katu Arkonada | La Jornada – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

5 fev 2019 – A guerra híbrida que vive a Venezuela tem a desinformação e manipulação midiática como uma de suas principais armas de combate. Lemos e escutamos mentiras de analistas que nunca estiveram na Venezuela e as repetem tantas vezes que se convertem em realidade para a opinião pública.

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(Português) “Verdades” que São Imposições: O Caso dos Juros das Grandes Corporações
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi | Opininon Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

29 jan 2019 – Em economia há questões apresentadas como “verdades” indisputáveis que, na realidade, servem para impor interesses e privilégios não defensáveis a céu aberto. Um exemplo é como se veem e se apresentam os juros de grandes corporações, como se obtêm e se distribuem. É crítico explicitar o que estiver encoberto para poder considerar novas opções.

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(Castellano) Aprendiendo de Gandhi
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

Aunque creía que la acción personal era muy importante, Gandhi también era un extraordinario estratega político y sabía que tenemos que hacer algo más que transformar nuestras vidas personales. Tenemos que ofrecer oportunidades que obliguen a otros a considerar hacer lo mismo. Gandhi fue asesinado el 30 de enero de 1948. Pero su legado perdura. Usted también puede aprender de él, si lo desea.

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Disaster Capitalism in Brazil: Mining Greed Produces a Horrific Death Toll
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

7 Feb 2019 – On January 25, 2019, a dam burst in the town of Brumadinho, north of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The dam was built by the iron-ore company Vale to store residue after the iron ore had been extracted. Once the dam began to crumble, it did not take long for its 13 million cubic meters of iron waste to sweep down onto the workers and into their town.

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Norway Killing Whales to Feed Animals on Fur Farms
EcoHustler – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

Animal welfare nightmare – with no demand for the meat, the Norwegian government has a horrific and perverse way of maintaining its cruel and unnecessary hunts

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Julian Assange Is Dying in Darkness while the Washington Post Pats Itself on the Back
Adam Garrie | Eurasia Future – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

5 Feb 2019 – During Sunday’s Super Bowl, viewers witnessed the debut of an advertisement for the Washington Post. The Tom Hanks narrated advertisement paid tribute to Saudi born journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But when it comes to journalists being harmed inside the consulates or embassies of foreign nations, there is one incredibly brave journalist, publisher and peace activist who continues to rot inside the tiny chambers of Ecuador’s Embassy in London: Julian Assange.

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Trump vs. the Anti-Trumps: It’s the System That Needs Changing, Not just the Personnel
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

President Trump’s adversaries do not understand that in making attacks on his character their primary strategy, they are playing his game, in his stadium, according to his rules. By doing so, they reinforce the stereotypes that Trump has successfully marketed to his base. This sort of personalism excludes a discourse that is essential to solving the problems that gave Trump the presidency: the discourse of systems and system-change.

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US ‘Regime Changes’–The Historical Record: Latin America, Caribbean
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

4 Feb 2019 – As the US strives to overthrow the democratic and independent Venezuelan government, the historical record regarding the short, middle and long-term consequences are mixed. We will proceed to examine the consequences and impact of US intervention in Venezuela over the past half century. We will then turn to examine the success and failure of US ‘regime changes’ throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Rohingya Meeting to Push for ‘Boycott Myanmar’ Movement
Sorwar Alam and Riyaz ul Khaliq | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

7 Feb 2019 – An international conference on Rohingya in New York on 8 Feb will serve as a “unifier” for academics, activists, the UN and law practitioners, its organizers said today. The conference, hosted by the Free Rohingya Coalition (FRC), will seek a boycott movement against Myanmar, said Maung Zarni, coordinator of strategic affairs for the group.

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Johan Galtung and Dennis Kucinich Discuss the Proposal for a Department of Peace
Paul Jay | The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

Johan Galtung and Dennis Kucinich interviewed by Paul Jay

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TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019


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World Premiere London, UK
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

Screening of the documentary ‘Peace is Possible’, about the work of HUFUD-Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation. London Thursday 7 March, 7 pm. Event organised by Our Future Now, the Youth Network of Global Justice Now.

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Are We Afraid of Thinking?
Bertrand Russell | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

Away with thought! Back into the shades of prejudice, lest property, morals, and war should be endangered! Better men should be stupid, slothful, and oppressive than that their thoughts should be free. For if their thoughts were free they might not think as We do. And at all costs this disaster must be averted.” So the opponents of thought argue in the unconscious depths of their souls. And so they act in their churches, their schools, and their universities.

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What the Press Hides from You about Venezuela — A Case of News-Suppression
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

8 Feb 2019 – This news-report is being submitted to inform you of crucial facts that dishonest media are hiding about Venezuela. The Covered-Up Document: On 3 Aug 2018, the UN General Assembly received the report from the U.N.s Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order, concerning his mission to Venezuela and Ecuador. His recent travel though both countries focused on “how best to enhance the enjoyment of all human rights by the populations of both countries.”

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The Mysterious Destiny of Each One
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

3 Feb 2019 – Each of us is as old as the universe, 13.7 billion years. We were all there in that tiny point, smaller than the head of a pin, but full of energy and matter. The big bang created the enormous red stars, containing all the physical-chemical elements that comprise the universe and all beings that were created from them. We are the sons and daughters of the stars and cosmic dust.

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International Conference for Peace and “World Balance” Supports Venezuela
Roger Harris - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

3 Feb 2019 – Close to 700 conferees from 65 countries convened in Havana, Cuba from January 28-31, for peace and “world balance.” This, the fourth such conference, was dedicated to honoring the ideals of Cuban national hero José Martí who died in 1895 at the age of 42 fighting for independence from colonial Spain. The event was organized by the José Martí Project of International Solidarity, which is sponsored by UNESCO.

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(Français) Le Brésil est dans la boue
Paulo Correia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

La tragédie boueuse de Brumadinho et l’action des vautours-vampires de l’industrie extractive. 134 morts et 199 disparus, c’est le dernier bilan de la catastrophe du 25 janvier dans la municipalité brésilienne de Brumadinho (lire « Broumadjignou »), à 65 Km de Belo Horizonte.

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The Magic of Bankers
Rudo de Ruijter | Court Fool – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

If you don’t know how banks work, you will never be able to understand the world.

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Canon in D (Music Video of the Week)
Pachelbel – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

Nippon New Philharmonic Orchestra | Conductor: Takashi Ueno

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An Open Letter to the People of the United States from President Nicolás Maduro
Nicolás Maduro | Bolivarian Government of Venezuela – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

7 Feb 2019 – I address these words to the people of the United States of America to warn of the gravity and danger that intend some sectors in the White House to invade Venezuela with unpredictable consequences for my country and for the entire American region. We appeal to the good soul of American society, victim of its own leaders, to join our call for peace, let us be all one people against warmongering and war. Long live the peoples of America!

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The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader
Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

Before the fateful day of January 22, fewer than one in five Venezuelans had heard of Juan Guaidó. Only a few months ago, the 35-year-old was an obscure character in a politically marginal far-right group closely associated with gruesome acts of street violence. He is the product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington’s elite regime change trainers. While posing as a champion of democracy, he has spent years at the forefront of a violent campaign of destabilization.

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US Media Ignore—and Applaud—Economic War on Venezuela
Gregory Shupak | Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

6 Feb 2019 – The US media chorus supporting a US overthrow of the Venezuelan government has for years pointed to the country’s economic crisis as a justification for regime change, while whitewashing the ways in which the US has strangled the Venezuelan economy.

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Rohingya Activists Share Stories of Community’s Plight
Umar Farooq | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

9 Feb 2019 – Fear, intimidation, repression and genocide. These are the words used by members of the Rohingya community to describe what is happening to them at the hands of Myanmar’s military forces. New York conference highlights Muslim minority’s predicament and calls on world to pressure Myanmar to stop attacks.

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Geopolitical Provocations for 2019
Juan Eugenio Corradi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

22 Jan 2019 – The following opinions are their own summary. Their combined lesson is: the old order is crumbling and there is no new order –only a series of paradoxical and self-defeating reactions without clear strategies. It is time to think out of the box.

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Million across Yemen ‘just a Step Away from Famine’, with Food Available but Inaccessible
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

7 Feb 2019 – While nearly 10 million people across Yemen remain “just a step away from famine”, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator has spoken of his deep concern that a large food storage depot on the outskirts of the crucial port city of Hudaydah, has been out of bounds since last September.

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There’s Something Rotten with the Meat Industry
Nora Holzman and Katarzyna Jagiełło | Greenpeace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

It was an unimaginable scene: diseased cows dragged to slaughter in excruciating pain, then sold without veterinary control around Europe and landing on the plates of many consumers.

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Recrafting International Relations through Relationality
Tamara Trownsell, Amaya Querejazu Escobari, et al. | E-IR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

How we relate to others should be a central concern of the field of International Relations. However, independent political communities—states—and their interrelations have historically been the ‘focus’ of the discipline of IR, thus limiting the forms of interaction that potentially constitute the ‘field.’ We would like to extend an invitation to bring relations back into IR. That is, besides knowing how to study and apply predetermined notions of what constitutes the “international”, it is also critical to know how to start from/with “relations.”

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(Português) Filme Expõe a Realidade da Caça de Rinocerontes
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2019

4 fev 2019 – Recentemente o diretor Toby Wosskow lançou o filme de curta-metragem “Sides of a Horn”, que expõe a realidade dos rinocerontes, animais que têm sido perseguidos e mortos na África porque seus chifres são muito valorizados no mercado asiático.

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300 Miners Feared Drowned after a PolyMet-style Tailings Dam Ruptures in Brazil
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

27 Jan 2019 – The two most recent Brazilian open-pit mine “accidents” that will be discussed in this extended-length Duty to Warn column, will probably require close to a trillion dollar death and disability benefits for just the following two categories: 1) the hundreds of dead and wounded miners (and their grieving families); and 2) the massive amounts of property damaged that was owned by the thousands of government and private owners whose roads, bridges, homes, land, lives and health that were destroyed or damaged after the deluge – all the way to the coast.

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A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat the US Coup Attempt in Venezuela
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

To the People of Venezuela – Yet again, the United States elite has decided to attempt to impose its will on the people of another nation, in this case, and not for the first time either, your country Venezuela. Your ongoing resistance to the coup is essential if you are to defeat the coupmakers and defend your elected government. But the chances of success are vastly enhanced if your struggle, and that of your solidarity allies around the world, is focused for maximum strategic impact and designed to spread the cost of doing so. Of course, whether or not you decide to consider and/or adopt my proposed strategy, you have my solidarity.

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(Português) Catástrofe de Brumadinho: O que sobra depois de não sobrar nada?
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

29 Jan 2019 – Muitos no Brasil vivemos uma situação de luto. O luto se impõe quando sofremos perdas: os muitos mortos e centenas de desaparecidos do rompimento da barragem da Vale que destruiu criminosamente a cidade de Brumadinho. A perda da pessoa amada, do emprego que garantia a família, a emigração forçada por causa de ameaças de morte. Maior é o luto quando atinge bens fundamentais de um país: a perda da democracia, dos direitos trabalhistas…

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Trump Withdraws U.S. from INF Treaty
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

1 Feb 2019 – The Trump administration announced the USA will suspend the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty effective 2 Feb. This crucial treaty requires the USA and Russia to eliminate all nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. Where does this leave us?

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Defying War and Defining Peace in Afghanistan
Kathy Kelly | Voices for Creative Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

29 Jan 2019 – On January 27th, 2019, the Taliban and the U.S. government each publicly stated acceptance, in principle, of a draft framework for ongoing negotiations that could culminate in a peace deal to end a two-decade war in Afghanistan. As we learn more about the negotiations, it’s important to remember others working toward dialogue and negotiation in Afghanistan.

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(Português) Provocações Geopolíticas para 2019
Juan Eugenio Corradi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

31 jan 2019 – As seguintes opiniões constituem seu próprio resumo. Sua lição combinada é: a velha ordem se está desmoronando e não há uma nova ordem – só uma série de reações paradoxais e contraproducentes sem estratégias claras. É hora de se pôr criativo.

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Response to the Bank Chairman
Dr. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

The Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International was interviewed on Sophie & Co about the state of the world economy. So-called ‘Masters of the Universe’ regularly come up with self-serving arguments. But any right-thinking ‘amateur’ who is not in their pockets can easily demolish their arguments!

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An Asset That We Cannot Afford to Neglect
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

4 Feb 2019 – The building blocks of a nation are the citizens of its tomorrow. The way these seeds will sprout will always depend on the way you choose to water them. India’s education sector is one of the largest sunrise sectors in the economic and social development of the country.

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Where Is Democracy?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

1 Feb 2019 – In the past few months we have a tale of two elections: In the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Venezuela.

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(Português) É a lama, é a lama: Águas de Janeiro, num Brasil enlameado
Paulo Correia | Ideia Perigosa - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

Brumadinho : A Tragédia de Um País Enlameado Pelos Abutres-Vampiros da Mineração

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The Future of Statehood: Israel & Palestine
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

3 Feb 2019 – Fatah, Hamas, the Future of Statehood and Peace Prospects – Interview from Brazilian journalist Rodrigo Craveiro for Correio Braziliense on current prospects of Palestinian national movement.

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Vegetarianism, Veganism, Jainism — What to Eat, What Not to Eat
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

Vegans point out that milk is produced from cows and buffaloes that are cramped together in crowded sheds, are cruelly treated and are not allowed even to adequately feed their calves. This is being done for economic reasons to maximise profits. Vegans further justify their prohibition of dairy products by stating that the cruelty suffered by cows is transmitted to the milk they produce.

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