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Preeti Tej Singh — TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

You built walls
The domestic ones
And found everything within

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Facebook Removes Page of Ecuador’s Former President on Same Day as Assange’s Arrest
Elias Marat | The Mind Unleashed – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

11 Apr 2019 – Facebook has unpublished the page of Ecuador’s former president, Rafael Correa. The removal of his page for violating Facebook’s “community standards” is an unprecedented move, and the former statesman is the most high-profile public political figure to ever be removed from the social platform–placing him in the same unlikely category as right-wing conspiracy theorist and broadcaster Alex Jones.

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The Martyrdom of Julian Assange
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

11 Apr 2019 – The arrest today of Julian Assange eviscerates all pretense of the rule of law and the rights of a free press. His arrest by British police, a flagrant violation of international law, signals the final stage of the destruction of a free press.

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Battlefield Libya: Fruits of US-NATO Regime Change
Tony Cartalucci | Land Destroyer Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

10 Apr 2019 – Libya is back in the news, as fighting escalates around the capital, Tripoli. The confusing chaos that has continually engulfed Libya since 2011 is the predictable outcome of a US-led political and military intervention. Other examples showcasing US-led regime change “success” include Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine.

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WikiLeaks’ Assange Arrested in London, Accused by U.S. of Conspiring in 2010 Computer Hacking Attempt
William Booth, Ellen Nakashima, James McAuley and Matt Zapotosky - The Washington Post, 15 Apr 2019

11 April 2019 – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was expelled from the Ecuadoran Embassy here today and arrested on a U.S. hacking charge — maneuvers that initiated a potentially years-long legal battle over his extradition and reignited debates about press freedom.

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After 30 Years of Stagnation, Incompetence and Repression Omar al-Bashir of Sudan is Pushed Out–Problems Remain
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

On 11 April 2019, the Defense Minister of Sudan, Ahmed Awad Ibn Auf, announced that the President Omar al-Bashir had been removed from office and was under house arrest along with a few members of his inner circle. General Ibn Auf proposed that a transitional body of military and technicians lead the country for a two-year period after which elections for president would be held. Some have called the events “a recycled coup”.

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On Religion & Spirituality
Radhanath Swami – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

If we try to understand the true meaning of religion, we will find that there is no difference. But if we view the way religion is often followed in the world today, there is a big difference.

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The Big Vaccine Cartel and Its Wholly-owned Subsidiaries at the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the AAP and the AMA
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

They Are NOT Your Friends – Below is a tiny portion of the many very good reasons that legal drug cartels should never have been trusted in the past and why they should never be trusted again.

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More of the Same…
Latuff – MintPress News, 15 Apr 2019

Clouts. Right!

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The Florence Declaration: The Creation of a “NATO-Exit” International Front
Manlio Dinucci – Global Research, 15 Apr 2019

11 Apr 2019 – NATO is not an Alliance; it is a war machine that works for the interests of the United States, with the complicity of the major European power groups. We propose the creation of a NATO EXIT International Front in all NATO member countries, by building an organisational network at a basic level strong enough to support the very difficult struggle we must face in order to attain this objective, which is vital for our future.

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Prof. Galtung on Violence, Peace, Mediation and Legitimate Goals
Positive TV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

Timeless, Relevant Interview from 2010

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Determined to Save India’s Water Supply, 26-Year-old Has Revived 10 Lakes from a Polluted Mess
McKinley Corbley | Good News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

7 Apr 2019 – Ramveer Tanwar had just finished his final year at the university in 2013 when he became concerned about the state of Uttar Pradesh. The region had experienced 13 droughts in just 15 years, and the local communities were suffering. The 26-year-old engineer could not bear to see his country’s rivers and lakes plagued by drought and pollution – so he decided to do something about it.

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(Français) Sept années de mensonges sur Assange et ce n’est pas fini
Jonathan Cook | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

14 Avr 2019 – Depuis sept ans, depuis le moment où Julian Assange s’est réfugié à l’ambassade équatorienne à Londres, ils nous disent que nous avions tort, que nous étions des théoriciens du complot paranoïaques. On nous a dit qu’il n’y avait aucune menace réelle d’extradition d’Assange vers les États-Unis, que tout cela était dans notre imagination fiévreuse.

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Stress and the Social Self: How Relationships Affect Our Immune System
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

“We are all tethered to our social worlds by invisible but steel strong wires.” Relationships refine our truths. But they also, it turns out, refine our immune systems. That’s what pioneering immunologist Esther Sternberg examines in The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions — a revelatory inquiry into how emotional stress affects our susceptibility to burnout and disease.

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NATO at 70: An Unlawful Organisation with Serious Psychological Problems
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

3 Apr 2019 – Western mainstream media and their carefully selected editors and commentators are likely to have only politically correct perspectives on the anniversary. We believe it is important to raise questions about its members and NATO itself: NATO’s huge, accelerating armaments from an already superior position, its nuclear weapons and doctrine, its post-1989 expansion and confrontational policies, its interventions without UN mandate, its role in the new Cold War and – not the least – NATO’s permanent operation in violation of its own Treaty.

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(Italiano) 1919-2019. Rosa Luxemburg
Enrico Peyretti | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

29 Marzo 2019 – In tema di ricorrenze centenarie, mi ha commosso il ricordo di Rosa Luxemburg, uccisa a freddo dalla polizia a Berlino il 15 gennaio 1919, fallito il tentativo di rivoluzione spartachista. Ho amato questa figura di donna e di lottatrice quando lessi i suoi scritti che Lelio Basso ci fece conoscere.

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The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

A Quasi-Review of, A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Lisa Pease

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How Bad Is Global Inequality, Really?
Jason Hickel – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

3 Mar 2019 – Most everyone who’s interested in global inequality has come across the famous elephant graph, originally developed by Branko Milanovic and Christoph Lakner using World Bank data (see below). The graph charts the change in income that the world’s population have experienced over time, from the very poorest to the richest 1%.

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(Français) Lynchages de Roms: les mécanismes du stéréotype
Tommaso Vitale – The Conversation, 8 Apr 2019

29 Mar 2019 – Comment comprendre les mécanismes psychologiques qui entretiennent et nourrissent la rumeur anti-Roms au point de déclencher de véritables assauts organisés à leur encontre?

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Jane Goodall (Born 3 Apr 1934)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Animal Rights Activist, Scientist, Activist, Scientist – Jane Goodall is known for her years of living among chimpanzees in Tanzania to create one of the most trailblazing studies of primates in modern times.

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Belgium and Other EU Members on the Recognition of the Sovereignty over the Golan Heights
UN Web TV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

26 Mar 2019 – Press briefing by:
–Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve, Belgium
–François Delattre, France
–Christoph Heusgen, Germany
–Karen Pierce, United Kingdom
–Joanna Wronecka, Poland

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Latuff – MintPress News, 8 Apr 2019


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(Français) Gilets Jaunes: la Révolution d’avril?
Paulo Correia | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

1 Avr 2019 – Avril, c’est le mois de la Révolution des œillets au Portugal. Comme il serait beau de voir encore un avril du Peuple, pour le Peuple, cette fois-ci en France, contre les affaires et combines de milliardaires dans les hautes sphères financières en promiscuité avec Bercy et qui font du Peuple le spolié permanent. RIC, VIème République… je n’y entrevois qu’une seule chose : la vraie Démocratie ! C’est le temps d’avril, c’est le temps des Gilets Jaunes !

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(Castellano) Por qué fracasan los activistas
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Los sistemas formales de gobernanza humana en la Tierra -es decir, los gobiernos y las organizaciones intergubernamentales como las Naciones Unidas- están controlados por la élite mundial, que es invisible para la mayoría de las personas, incluidos los activistas, y por lo tanto no es considerada por ellos. Así, por supuesto, es como la élite lo quiere y uno todavía puede encontrar fácilmente cuentas que preguntan si la élite (por el nombre que se le dé) realmente existe e incluso le atribuyen una cualidad mística. Si es que la idea no es simplemente descartada como una “teoría de la conspiración”.

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Can Students Become a Revolutionary Force?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – It seems we are now starting to see student strikes to demand that their governments address the problem of climate change. Can this movement become revolutionary? Students are beginning to see that their world is being exploited by their governments and that their schools seem to be in complicity with the governments. The American Youth Climate Strike say in their mission statement that “if the social order is disrupted by our refusal to attend school, then the system is forced to face the climate crisis and enact change.”

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USA Foreign Policy and Action Choices, Options, Alternatives (Part 1)
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Assassinations/death squads/drones
Bounties for info/capture/murder
Celebration of national “morality”/necessity of torture
Central-banking network (Debt)

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Why Is the Fed Paying So Much Interest to Banks?
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

3 Apr 2019 – Combining postal banks with a network of local public banks having affordable access to the Fed’s deep pocket could provide a safe and efficient public banking option for individuals, businesses and local governments.

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Extensive War Crimes: Break Away from NATO by Invoking Article 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty
Mark Taliano – Global Research, 8 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – NATO and NATO member states, separately and together, destroy non-belligerent countries as policy. They destroy the rule of international law, they destroy socially uplifting economies, they destroy democratic political economies, they create millions of refugees, and their wars of aggression impose the death penalty on millions.

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When the Hero Is the Problem
Rebecca Solnit | Literary Hub – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

2 Apr 2019 – Finding Strength in Numbers: Heroes & Heroines Are Major Obstacles to Successful Movement Building – Our largest problems won’t be solved by heroes. They’ll be solved, if they are, by movements, coalitions, civil society.

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(Português) Zoo fecha na Espanha e animais são abandonados sem comida e água
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Ativistas dizem que há risco de fuga ou morte para os ursos, tigres e outros animais deixados no Parque Zoológico Prudencio Navarro, na Costa de la Luz, na Espanha

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Thoreau on the Long Cycles of Social Change and the Importance of Not Mistaking Politics for Progress
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

All men are partially buried in the grave of custom, and of some we see only the crown of the head above ground. Better are the physically dead, for they more lively rot. Even virtue is no longer such if it be stagnant. A man’s life should be constantly as fresh as this river. It should be the same channel, but a new water every instant. The longer the lever the less perceptible its motion… The hero then will know how to wait, as well as to make haste. All good abides with him who waiteth wisely.

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W.S. Merwin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

I will tell you what he told me
in the years just after the war
as we then called
the second world war

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Syria: Is US Fighting ISIS or Liquidating Assets?
Tony Cartalucci | Land Destroyer Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

28 Mar 2019 – That the “final stronghold” of ISIS resides in US occupied territory in Syria says it all. From US Defense Intelligence Agency memos noting efforts to create a “Salafist” [Islamic] “principality” [State] in eastern Syria precisely where ISIS rose and now clings to its “final stronghold,” to the obvious fact that ISIS’ fighting capacity was only possible through extensive state sponsorship – it was already clear that the US and its partners in regime change against Syria had been using terrorists including ISIS as proxy ground forces.

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Peace Journalism
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Peace Journalism has two primary tasks: to make creative proposals for the settlement of conflicts and to work for broad inclusion of parties for negotiations held in good faith. Thus Peace Journalists need to work so that all voices can be heard. Inclusiveness may not make negotiations easier.

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On the Beginnings of Language
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

8 Apr 2019 – Language is an intimate part of human beings that largely distinguishes us from animals or birds. Whereas the latter do communicate with each other mainly through sounds — grunts, squeaks and howls etc, only humans have the ability to communicate with each other through language.

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Voices of Latin America: Social Movements and the New Activism
Tom Gatehouse | Monthly Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

3 Apr 2019 – These are uncertain times in Latin America. Popular faith in democracy has been shaken; traditional political parties and institutions are stagnating, and there is a growing right-wing extremism overtaking some governments. Yet, in recent years, autonomous social movements have multiplied and thrived. This book presents voices of these movement protagonists themselves, as they describe the major issues, conflicts, and campaigns for social justice in Latin America today.

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Ghana Child Slavery: When Seeking Context Overlooks Harm
Kuukuwa Manful – Al Jazeera, 8 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – That Africa and Africans are often misrepresented and stereotyped in Western imaginations is not new, or news. From the many lazy and insulting depictions of Africans in Western cinema to respected academic publications that overgeneralise and cast Africa as backward, negative representations abound. However, even if we don’t have exact data on how pervasive child slavery is in Ghana, we can’t accept harmful child labour as normal.

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The Pentagon Wins Again
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, 8 Apr 2019

4 Apr 2019 – In budget negotiations this week, congressional Democrats seem to have brought knives to the Republican gunfight. This time, the issue was defense spending. In an effort to prevent non-defense cuts, House Democrats grant the DOD exactly the raise it wanted.

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Montreal City Councillors Demand Justice for Myanmar’s Rohingya Refugees
Marian Scott - Montreal Gazette, 8 Apr 2019

3 Apr 2019 – The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies says municipalities have an important part to play in drawing attention to the issue.

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(Italiano) PLEDGE… da appello, a promessa, a impegno
Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

28 Marzo 2019 – ‘Pledge’ è una parola inglese interessante, con una pluralità di significati. In italiano il sostantivo si può tradurre con impegno, promessa, giuramento…Con il verbo (to pledge) si intende giurare fedeltà, promettere, sostenere, garantire, impegnarsi… Sono attualmente presenti a livello internazionale numerosi ‘pledges’ (appelli, impegni…), che vengono proposti al pubblico (ai singoli individui, alle associazioni, fino ai governi) sollecitando un’adesione: da una semplice firma fino a un impegno economico, una donazione.

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(Português) China aceita dois métodos de testes sem uso de animais para a regulamentação de cosméticos
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

4 abr 2019 – Os novos métodos serão colocados em prática a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2020.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Two aliens in their spaceship approached earth.

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The Communitarianism of Violence in the Sahel: States Confronted with the Challenge of Identity
Abdoulaye Bâ | Cordoba Foundation of Geneva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

31 Mar 2019 – The new violent intrusion of “jihadism” in the Sahel in the early 2000s has plunged the region into a new, atypical phase of insecurity, which is putting a strain on social cohesion in these countries. Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon, among others, have increasingly been hit in the last decade, and to varying degrees, by groups proclaiming “jihad”.

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Great March of Return Is Palestinians’ Cry for Justice
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

3 Apr 2019 – The aims of the Great March of Return protests, which began in Gaza on March 30 last year, are to put an end to the suffocating Israeli siege and implement the right of return for Palestinian refugees who were expelled from their homes and towns in historic Palestine 70 years ago. But there is much more to the protests than a few demands, especially bearing in mind the high human cost associated with them.

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Social Wealth Fund
Adam Simpson | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

28 Mar 2019 – A social wealth fund is a publicly owned pool of money and other assets, such as stocks or land, which can be used for socially beneficial purposes.

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(Français) Golan: Trump bafoue le droit international et plonge encore plus le Moyen-Orient dans l’instabilité
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

2 Avr 2019 – Donald Trump a reconnu la souveraineté d’Israël sur le Golan, plateau syrien occupé illégalement depuis 1967. Motivée par des enjeux politiciens, sa décision pourrait créer un dangereux précédent au regard du droit international. Cette reconnaissance pourrait également avoir de graves répercussions sur tout le Moyen-Orient, une région déjà instable.

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Hugo Grotius (10 Apr 1583 – 28 Aug 1645): War and Peace
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Hugo Grotius was a jurist born in Delft, the Netherlands and he laid the foundations for international law, based on natural law. It is thought that he was not the first to formulate the international society doctrine, but he was one of the first to define expressly the idea of one society of states, governed not by force or warfare but by actual laws and mutual agreement to enforce those laws.

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All What Your Jeans Can (and Do) Hide!
Baher Kamal - Wall Street International Magazine, 8 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – Let’s start with the case of innocent blue jeans: it takes around 7,500 litres (some 2,000 gallons) of water to make just one single pair! Know what this means? It is equivalent to the amount of water the average person drinks over a period of seven years. That’s just one of the many startling facts that emerge from recent environmental research, which show that the cost of staying fashionable is a lot more than just the price tag.

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The US Just ‘Invaded’ an Island in the East China Sea & No One Noticed
Darius Shahtahmasebi – RT, 8 Apr 2019

29 Mar 2019 – Just recently, the US military launched a full-on invasion of an island in the East China Sea to send a strong message to China, and yet barely any mainstream media outlet has covered the story or its massive implications.

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(Français) Gaza: “Nous ne sommes pas des chiffres”
Iyad Alasttal | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

01 Avr 2019 – Le 30 mars 2018, c’était le début des manifestations de la Grande Marche du Retour dans la bande de Gaza. Une série des manifestations pacifiques suite au déplacement de l’ambassade des États-Unis à Jérusalem et à la reconnaissance par Donald Trump de cette ville sainte comme capitale d’Israël. Ces manifestations pacifiques exigent le droit de retour aux réfugiés palestiniens, la levé du blocus israélien inhumain imposé sur la bande de Gaza depuis 2007 et le retrait du plan de Donald Trump, le « deal du siècle », qui n’est qu’une tentative pour imposer un fait accompli.

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War with Russia?
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

3 Apr 2019 – Former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper are key figures, along with mainstream media parrots, in fueling the new demonization of Russia on behalf of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex. The demonizing of Russia is now as bad as or worse than during the 1950s McCarthy-era and the height of the Cold War. To avoid catastrophic nuclear confrontation with Russia we need dialog and diplomacy, not escalating confrontation.

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Massimo Mazzucco’s American Moon
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Aulis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

Apr 2019 – Massimo Mazzucco, the Italian-born photographer and filmmaker is no stranger to deceptions. He brings his considerable talents and methodology to tackling the Moon landings, and the result is American Moon, a 3 ½ hour long documentary that is clear, comprehensive and utterly damning.

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Can Vedic Dharma Bring Peace to the World?
Stephen Knapp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

When you progress in yoga, you can feel the unwanted burdens of the mind fall away, such as anxiety, anger, greed, envy, hate, discontent, etc. Then other qualities like peacefulness, tranquility, contentment, and blissfulness will be felt. These are qualities everyone is trying to find and are some of the many things that can be accomplished with yoga, at least on the elementary level. As you make further progress, you may enter into the deeper levels of understanding and transcending the mind and gradually go so far as to attain realizations as to what your own spiritual identity is and what your relationship is with the Absolute.

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Teach Your Children (Music Video of the Week)
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

From the 1970 Album “Déjà Vu” – A classic for teachers & parents.

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SUNY Uses Taxpayer Dollars to Torture Kittens in Useless Experiments
Stephen Wells | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

4 Apr 2019 – Documents reviewed by the Animal Legal Defense Fund show that since 2002, researchers at the State University of New York’s (SUNY) College of Optometry have been performing invasive, painful and expensive experiments on young cats and kittens. These experiments appear to be of little to no scientific value, and taxpayers have been footing the bill.

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“Like Fish in a Pool with Little Water”: Who Will Help the Rohingya?
Matthew Gindin | Tricycle – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

2 Apr 2019 – Conditions deteriorate for Rohingya in Myanmar and Bangladesh’s refugee camps as countries around the globe close their doors.

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UN Agencies Urge Brunei to Repeal New ‘Extreme and Unjustified’ Penal Code
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

4 Apr 2019 – New criminal laws in Brunei that impose the death penalty for same-sex relationships, adultery and childbirth out of marriage, “breach international human rights norms”, and should be suspended or repealed said the heads of two United Nations agencies today.

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Meanwhile, Around the World: An Overview
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2019

What is needed is a system where negative, violent relations are changing to neutral or no relations, where neutral or no relations are changing to positive, peaceful relations, and where positive, peaceful relations become even more peaceful and positive. The Octagon World might be one such system. But for this to work, the state system is not sufficient.

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Everywhere You Go in Gaza, You See People Wounded in the Return March
Rami Younis - +972 Magazine, 1 Apr 2019

28 Mar 2019 – According to figures released by the United Nations this week, since the protests began last March 30th, Israeli forces have shot and killed 195 participants, including 41 children. More than 29,000 protesters were injured or wounded, more than half of them by Israeli gunfire. Some estimate even higher numbers.

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‘Every War Is a War against Children’
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

28 Mar 2019 – We, in the United States, have yet to realize both the futility and immense consequences of war even as we develop, store, sell, and use hideous weapons. The number of children killed is rising.

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What Have the Palestinians Gained from a Year of Protests along the Eastern Gaza Fence?
Motasem A Dalloul – Middle East Monitor, 1 Apr 2019

29 Mar 2019 – Putting the bloodshed to one side, the Palestinian factions and many observers argue that the protests have achieved a lot on the political, national and humanitarian levels. They have, for example, put the Palestinian issue back to the top of the regional and international agendas. The protesters have also undermined the implementation of the US “deal of the century”, which has not yet found the quiet and stable environment necessary for it to be unveiled.

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Conserving Our Water Systems
Dr Ravi Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

Recently the issue of water and its increasing scarcity the world over was highlighted on 22 March which appropriately is now termed as World Water Day. Today more than anything else, we need to understand and appreciate the issues of conservation of water and protection of our environment. Some people are saying it is already too late since we have shown a total disregard towards these concerns. But better late than never.

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A Dark Day for the Internet
OpenMedia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

27 Mar 2019 – Yesterday, the European Parliament held the final vote on the controversial EU Copyright Directive, which is one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation in European history.1 The final vote approved Articles 11 (Link Tax) and 13 (mandatory content filtering) of the Copyright Directive, in a vote of 348 to 274.

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Legacy: Portal to Immortality!
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

29 Mar 2019 – A legacy is an act, known and unknown, to ourselves and to others, in which we assert presence as identity, thoughts, and feeling. Legacy is, in some respects, an effort to preserve immortality. In contrast to consciousness legacy, much of our life is passed unaware each day, we create legacy in what we do; legacy has profound implications for ourselves and others.

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Hunger, Universal Health Care, and the Right to Food in India
Prof. George Kent – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – I appreciate Moin Qazi’s recent article on India’s losing the battle against hunger, but reducing waste in India’s food system is not likely to be an effective remedy. If large quantities of food are prevented from rotting, who is likely to get it? In the food chain, refrigeration and other technologies for preserving foods are more likely to be used to protect food for the rich than food for the poor. In market-dominated food systems, food migrates toward money, not toward needs.

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(Português) Os Conceitos que Nos Faltam
Boaventura de Sousa Santos | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

29 mar 2019 – Os seres humanos, ao contrário dos pássaros, voam com raízes. Parte das raízes estão nos conceitos que herdamos para analisar ou avaliar o mundo em que vivemos. Sem eles, o mundo pareceria caótico, uma incógnita perigosa, uma ameaça desconhecida, uma jornada insondável.

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Exploring Representation of the Tao in 3D
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – The Tao symbol is widely known as an indication of viable harmony between opposites — understood as a possibility for a mature human civilization of the future. There is extensive commentary on the subtlety of the insight it represents, dating most notably from that of Laozi in the Tao Te Ching. This explains that the Tao is not a ‘name’ for a ‘thing’ but the underlying natural order of the Universe whose ultimate essence is difficult to circumscribe due to it being non conceptual yet evident in one’s being of aliveness.

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Dogon-Peul Conflict in Mali Draws U.N. Attention to Broader Settled Agriculturalist-Pastoralists Tensions in Africa
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

The degree of poor administration and the disintegration of the State of Mali became apparent in March 2012 when there were revolts led by the Twareg in northern Mali. The creation of a new state, Azawed, to be led by ethnic Twareg was proclaimed.

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Blood in the Water: How the U.S. and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty, by Joan Mellen
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

29 Mar 2019 – The author on the basis of meticulous research probes every detail to establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that the sinking of USS Liberty in the midst of the 1967 War is the greatest moral and political scandal in all of American history. In what was long described as a ‘mistake’ or ‘accident’ Israeli planes and submarines attacked the Liberty, killing 34, wounding 174 American naval personnel.

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The Rise of Surveillance Capitalism
Naomi Klein and Shoshana Zuboff -The Intercept, 1 Apr 2019

1 Mar 2019 – Join The Intercept’s Naomi Klein and Harvard Business School professor Shoshana Zuboff for an engaging discussion about the unprecedented form of power called “surveillance capitalism” and the quest by corporations to predict and control our behavior.

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Honest Government Ad | Article 13 (Internet Censorship Bill)
thejuicimedia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

The European Union has made an ad about its Internet Censorship Bill (aka Article 13) and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

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(Français) Bal macabre au Brésil: le clan Bolsonaro, l’extrême droite et les milices
Laurent Delcourt | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

14 mars 2019 – Les révélations récentes de la presse brésilienne sur les liens entre le fils aîné du président Bolsonaro et l’une des plus dangereuses organisations criminelles de Rio, soupçonnée notamment de l’assassinat de la jeune conseillère progressiste Marielle Franco, le 14 mars 2018, jettent une lumière crue sur la proximité entre l’extrême droite politique et les milices urbaines qui contrôlent une partie des quartiers périphériques de la ville. Les mesures prises par l’actuel gouvernement offrent à ces groupes paramilitaires de nouvelles marges de manœuvre pour opérer en toute impunité, tandis qu’elles annoncent pour les défenseurs des droits humains, les minorités et les populations marginalisées des heures encore plus sombres.

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U.S. Closes Jerusalem Consulate That Gave Palestinians a Link to Washington
Bill Chappell | NPR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

4 Mar 2019 – The U.S. officially shut down its Jerusalem Consulate General today, severing a connection that for decades served as a direct link between Palestinians and Washington. The consulate’s work is being folded into the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem — a move Palestinian officials have condemned.

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Born Complete, Don’t Mutilate Them!
Baher Kamal | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

30 March 2019 — While male circumcision is spread mainly among Muslim and Jews communities, and it is apparently accepted by some medical spheres, more than 200 million child-girls have already fallen prey to a dangerous practice, which is carried out in the name of traditions or even religions: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

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The United Kingdom vis-a-vis the European Union
Cristina Cabrejas Artola – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

During the 60’s, France under the leadership of President Charles de Gaulle vetoed Britain’s entry as he expressed his concern about Britain diminishing France’s position in the EEC and the influence of the Anglo-American relations in Europe. It would take 24 years after the inception of the EEC, that on January 1st 1973 UK together with Denmark and the Republic of Ireland, that finally Britain joined the European block.

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Pablo Neruda: Against the Illusion of Separateness
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

There is no insurmountable solitude. All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song — but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our conscience in the awareness of being human and of believing in a common destiny.

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(Français) Roms: pourquoi sont-ils aussi haïs?
Aidan McGarry – The Conversation, 1 Apr 2019

Dans certains États européens, les Roms occupent une position sociale aussi basse que les pédophiles et les trafiquants de drogue. Pourquoi subissent-ils exclusion et discrimination ?

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Baba Amte’s Legacy Sparks a Granddaughter’s Fire
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

26 Mar 2019 – The world is witnessing a spring of a new generation of young game-changing women social entrepreneurs that is boldly scripting inspiring stories of change. It is pairing ingenuity and knowledge with passion for bringing innovative and sustainable solutions to long entrenched social challenges so that our world becomes more equitable and sustainable. These young icons are stepping into power in technology, banking, philanthropy, civil society, business, media and even politics.

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Ukraine: US Arms Sales Making Big Business Money while Ordinary People Pay the Price
Liana Semchuk – The Conversation, 1 Apr 2019

27 Mar 2019 – Selling lethal weapons to Ukraine is the equivalent of pouring kerosene onto a flame. At worst, more lethal aid could escalate the conflict further. At best, it will continue to keep alive a conflict that has already claimed more than 10,000 lives.

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Chelsea Manning and the New Inquisition
Chris Hedges | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

18 Mar 2019 — The whistleblower is back behind bars as the government continues to try to hide its crimes.

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A Poem to Live By
Walt Whitman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

Love the earth and sun and animals,
Despise riches, give alms do everyone that asks,
Stand up for the stupid and crazy,

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‘Renouncing Violence’ Is a Demand Made Almost Exclusively of Muslims
Adam Johnson | FAIR-Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

29 Mar 2019 – A FAIR survey of the phrase “renounce violence” in the New York Times over the past 10 years shows that 95 percent of the time the demand is made of Muslim organizations, people or political parties, the most prominent being the Taliban and Hamas. There are zero instances of anyone in the Times—whether reporters quoting officials or columnists—from March 28, 2009, to March 28, 2019, insisting or suggesting that the United States, Israel or any white-majority country “renounce violence.”

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Maya Angelou (4 Apr 1928 – 28 May 2014): Identity and the Meaning of Life
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

Angelou’s timeless wisdom shines with unparalleled light in a 1977 interview by journalist Judith Rich, in which Angelou explores issues of identity and the meaning of life.

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Becoming Free from Sex Desire
Stephen Knapp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

The greatest happiness for the soul starts with complete freedom: freedom from misery, unhappiness, suffering, freedom from the dictates of desires, and, ultimately, freedom from being trapped in a material body. But what keeps us ensnared in such a condition are the desires for sensual and mental pleasures. And the hardest freedom to attain is freedom from sex desire.

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Is This the End of the American Century?
Adam Tooze | London Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

4 Apr 2019 – Trump can be compared to Napoleon, according to Sargent, because they are both destroyers of international order. In the wake of the French Revolution, Napoleon wrecked what was left of the legitimate order of Europe. Trump, in turn, has apparently ended the American world order, or, as Sargent prefers to call it, Pax Americana. Sargent’s is an extraordinary suggestion, even though overenthusiastic historic comparisons have now become commonplace.

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We Need an Ecological Revolution
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

I would like to announce the publication of a new book entitled We Need an Ecological Revolution. It can be freely downloaded and circulated .

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Truth v. Fiction in Venezuela
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

25 Mar 2019 – Followers of independent alternative media know Venezuela is the hemisphere’s leading social democracy. It’s not a “dictatorship” as falsely claimed by US hardliners and establishment media. Reality on the ground in Venezuela is a world apart from the fabricated Western narrative—all propaganda all the time, supporting the Trump regime’s coup plot.

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Reforestation Drones Drop Seeds Instead of Bombs, Planting 100,000 Trees a Day Each
Sara Burrows | Return to Now – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

20 Mar 2019 – A former NASA engineer has developed drones that can plant 100,000 trees a day each. Multiply that by 165 drones, and we could easily fill the 6-billion-tree gap we face each year. The drones are far more efficient than humans at planting trees.

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(Português) Trabalhar Abatendo Animais Pode Alterar a Personalidade Humana
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

26 mar 2019 – O professor Antoni Barnard, da Universidade da África do Sul, republicou um estudo sobre o impacto psicológico e emocional de se trabalhar em matadouros. RP8 segredou que nunca havia agredido um animal como um cão ou gato, mas desde que começou a matar bovinos ele já não sente a mesma inibição de antes: “Eu acredito que posso chutar se eu quiser porque eu mato boi todos os dias. Chutar um cão ou gato e jogá-lo para longe já não é uma preocupação.”

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Our Wounded Planet
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

27 Mar 2019 – Should we save the planet or kill the enemy?… I am because you are!

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Jury Slams Monsanto for Corporate Malfeasance in Roundup Cancer Trial, Awards $80 Million in Damages
Environmental Working Group – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

27 Mar 2019 – Today, a second jury in less than 8 months found weed killer Roundup responsible for causing cancer. Courtroom testimony obliterated Bayer-Monsanto defense of Roundup.

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TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019


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Scientists from Around the World Call for Immediate Halt to ‘Genetically Altered Children’
Derrick Broze | The Mind Unleashed – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

21 Mar 2019 – Scientists and ethicists from around the world are warning of the consequences of failing to implement a temporary global halt on gene editing of human eggs, embryos, and sperm.

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Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head (Music Video of the Week)
BJ Thomas – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019


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Find the Differences
Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

Brainwashing? Masochism? Stupidity?…

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(Português) Oceano subterrâneo com 160 trilhões de metros cúbicos é descoberto na Amazônia
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

27 mar 2019 – Um oceano subterrâneo foi descoberto na Amazônia. A reserva de água tem volume de aproximadamente 160 trilhões de metros cúbicos. Com 1,2 milhão de quilômetros quadrados, ele abrange os territórios do Uruguai, Argentina, Paraguai e Brasil. A informação é de João Lara Mesquita, publicada pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo.

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(Français) Venezuela: l’humanitaire entre gâchette et substitut
Frédéric Thomas | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

19 mars 2019 – La crise a remis au-devant de la scène la question du bon usage de l’humanitaire. Si son instrumentalisation ne fait guère de doute, reprocher à l’humanitaire de faire le jeu du politique est naïf et déplacé.

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Third Trump Regime Sabotage of Venezuela’s Electrical Grid Foiled
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2019

28 Mar 2019 – Unbowed after over two months of failed efforts to topple Maduro, failure to win over its military or gain popular support, its paramilitary attack scheme and other tactics foiled so far—the Trump regime cyberattacked Venezuela’s electrical power grid for the third time since March 7. This time, preparations were in place to counter further cyberattacks.

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Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

I wrote Harbingers to remind myself and others, of the 1950s and 1960s, years of our youth, there were people who warned us of the costs of silence and passivity. Sometimes, courage comes late in life. I did not want to waste another chance. We squander time!

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Monetary Policy Takes Center Stage: MMT, QE or Public Banks?
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

21 Mar 2019 – As alarm bells sound over the advancing destruction of the environment, a variety of Green New Deal proposals have appeared in the U.S. and Europe, along with some interesting academic debates about how to fund them. Monetary policy, normally relegated to obscure academic tomes and bureaucratic meetings behind closed doors, has suddenly taken center stage.

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