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Failed Economics
Rex Weyler | Greenpeace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

17 Mar 2019 – The super-elites, the 2,208 billionaires — those who attend Global Economic Summits, own banks, buy off governments, pollute with impunity, and hold political influence in virtually every nation in the world — comprise not the “1%” but only 28-millionths of a percent of the human population. According to Forbes magazine, the average billionaire makes about $635 million dollars every year, $12 million per week, even when they’re on holiday.

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U.S. Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti Were Part of a Half-Baked Scheme to Move $80 Million for Embattled President
Matthew Cole and Kim Ives – The Intercept, 25 Mar 2019

20 Mar 2019 – It was too good a deal for the band of semi-employed military veterans and security contractors to turn down.

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Fukushima at Eight: Ongoing Cover-Up of the Nuclear Hazards in Japan and Abroad
Michael Welch, Dr. Helen Caldicott, and Arnie Gundersen – Global Research, 25 Mar 2019

As of November 2018, 18,434 people are known to have died from the March 11, 2011 earthquake and the follow-up tsunami which struck the nuclear facility. When the generators failed, three units experienced catastrophic meltdowns. Radioactive water has for years now been draining into the Pacific Ocean. Toxic debris spewed into the Earth’s atmosphere. More than 73,000 people remain evacuated and fully 3,600 die from causes like illness and suicide linked to the aftermath of the event.

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Stoking Fear: We Must Remember How the Iraq War Was Sold
Roy Eidelson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.” — Nazi propagandist Hermann Goering .
It was 16 years ago this month, on March 19, 2003, that U.S. forces began a misguided and illegal “shock and awe” military assault on Iraq.

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Bloomberg Billionaires Index
Bloomberg News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

As of March 25, 2019: The Bloomberg Billionaires Index is a daily ranking of the world’s richest people. View profiles for each of the world’s 500 richest people, see the biggest movers, and compare fortunes or track returns.

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Thomas Piketty vs. Yanis Varoufakis
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

Markets are the primary institution.  Governments are secondary.  Markets govern governments.  Governments do not control markets.  The first imperative for any government is to make the economy work for the people.  The government can only comply with that imperative by pleasing the markets… This is why the disagreement between Thomas Piketty and Yanis Varoufakis is a splendid educational opportunity to move the conversation to a deeper level, to take to heart the words of Albert Einstein: ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.’ 

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Primitive Accumulation
Daniel Little | Understanding Society – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

It is Marx’s account of the historical processes of change in rural life of the fifteenth through eighteenth century in Britain and Ireland, through which peasants were forced off their land and the commons were enclosed. Marx believes that this separation of the peasantry from the land was a necessary condition for the development of capitalism, in that it created the conditions in which there was a pliable and abundant proletariat. This “free” proletariat was needed for the creation of the factory system and the development of manufacturing cities. So the process of primitive accumulation created the changes in social relations, property relations, and the accumulation of wealth that permitted the creation of the capital-labor relation and factory-based capitalism.

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Evolutionary Economics and the Question of Corporate Power
Matti Ylönen | E-IR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

The past decades have seen a great number of books and articles that discuss the retreat of the state and the triumph of corporate-driven globalization. If we want to seek answers to the question of what role MNEs should play in IR scholarship, we need to take seriously the blurring boundaries between seemingly market-based mechanisms, hierarchical transactions, and political rule.

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Tulsi Gabbard Comes to San Francisco
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

20 Mar 2019 – Tulsi Gabbard visited the San Francisco Bay Area last weekend. The 3-term Congresswoman from Hawaii is 37 years old and ethnically diverse. Remarkably, she has 15 years military experience in the US Army and National Guard as well as substantial political experience. She was elected to the Hawaii State Assembly at age 21.

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Donald Trump Says ISIS Defeated for at Least the Tenth Time
Tom O'Connor - Newsweek, 25 Mar 2019

22 Mar 2019 – President Donald Trump has repeatedly declared victory over the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) throughout his term, even as embattled jihadis continued to put up resistance to U.S.-backed forces.

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The Empathic Civilization
Jeremy Rifkin | Ross Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

Jeremy Rifkin argues that society has been living off outdated ideas that are increasingly dysfunctional and that we need to actively work to change our mode of consciousness. With a belief that human beings are ‘soft wired’ for empathy, he pleads for educators and society at large to nurture and cultivate this empathy in students in an effort to form a global, biospheric consciousness.

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Why Did Bush Go to War in Iraq? The Answer Is More Sinister Than You Think
Ahsan I Butt – Common Dreams, 25 Mar 2019

20 Mar 2019 – No, it wasn’t because of WMDs, democracy or Iraqi oil. The “Ledeen Doctrine” was named after neoconservative historian Michael Ledeen. The “doctrine” states: “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.” It may be discomfiting to Americans to say nothing of millions of Iraqis that the Bush administration spent their blood and treasure for a war inspired by the Ledeen Doctrine.

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Total Recall: The People Who Never Forget
Linda Rodriguez McRobbie – The Guardian, 25 Mar 2019

An Extremely Rare Condition May Transform Our Understanding of Memory – If you ask Jill Price to remember any day of her life, she can come up with an answer in a heartbeat. What was she doing on 29 August 1980? “It was a Friday, I went to Palm Springs with my friends.

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Why Activists Fail
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

Despite enormous ongoing effort over more than a thousand years, during and since the formation and shaping of the modern world, and as the number of issues being contested has steadily increased, activists of many types have made insufficient progress on key issues, particularly in relation to ending violence and war (and the threat of nuclear war), stopping the exploitation of many peoples and halting the endless assaults on Earth’s biosphere.

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(Castellano) Banca de élite a sus expensas: Cómo se utilizan los paraísos fiscales secretos para robarle su dinero
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

18 Mar 2019 – Los paraísos fiscales son lugares en todo el mundo donde las personas ricas, los delincuentes y los terroristas, así como los gobiernos y los organismos gubernamentales (como la CIA), los bancos, las empresas, los fondos de cobertura, las organizaciones internacionales (como el Vaticano) y los sindicatos del crimen (como la Mafia), pueden esconder su dinero para evitar la regulación y la supervisión y, muy a menudo, evadir impuestos.

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Challenging Pitzer/Haifa Study Abroad Program: Can Civil Society Act?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

22 Mar 2019 – This post is an open letter to the President of Pitzer College urging support for reconsideration of his veto of a resolution urging the college to suspend its study abroad program with the University of Haifa until Israel ends its discriminatory policies in the educational sphere that affect Palestinians and anyone exercising rights of free expression in a manner that Israel disapproves, and more specifically the BDS Campaign.

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations General Assembly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages.

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Planetary Collapse Threatens Our Survival: A New Study Says That More Than 1,200 Species “Will Almost Certainly Face Extinction”
Michael Snyder |The Economic Collapse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019 – We are witnessing a worldwide environmental collapse, and nobody seems to know how to stop it. A study just released looked at more than 5,000 species of birds, mammals, and amphibians and discovered that nearly a quarter of them “will almost certainly face extinction”. Yet the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem concerned about what is happening. Species after species is being permanently wiped out, and most of us couldn’t care less.

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“Rebuilding U.S. Defenses” Project for the New American Century (PNAC) – A Summary
Compiled by Bette Stockbauer | PNAC Library & Resources – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

Blueprint of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony – Not since “Mein Kampf” has a geopolitical punch been so blatantly telegraphed years ahead of the blow. 20 Mar 2019 is the anniversary of tragic and criminal invasion of Iraq. The PNAC, planned in the 1990s to invade, used 9/11 as excuse. We must not forget this treasonous and criminal act by a cabal of self-interested men and nations.

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Vaping Is an Urgent Threat to Public Health
Elliott M. Reichardt and Juliet R. Guichon – The Conversation, 25 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019 – Youth are using e-cigarettes (also known as vaping devices) at a rapidly increasing rate — a practice that constitutes an urgent threat to public health. The evidence shows that vaping is creating a generation of nicotine-addicted youth, who start with e-cigarettes and move on to smoke tobacco products.

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Human Genome Project: New Alcohol Abuse Study Could Help Us Finally Unlock Secrets to Beating Genetic Diseases
Alasdair Mackenzie – The Conversation, 25 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019 – Human Genome Project has not lived up to the hype on beating disease, but new alcohol abuse study could change that. It is almost 20 years since the first rough sequencing of the human genome in June 2000.

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Viral Internet Challenge Is Spurring People around the World to Pick up Tons of Trash and Then Snap Photos
McKinley Corbley | Good News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

13 Mar 2019 – Rather than eating tide pods or spoonfuls of cinnamon, an eco-friendly new social media trend is inspiring people around the world to clean up litter.

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(Português) Manteiga Vegana Criada a Partir da Água do Grão-de-Bico Agrada Chefs nos EUA
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

16 mar 2019 – No ano passado, a Fora Foods, uma startup que surgiu no bairro do Brooklyn, NY, lançou uma manteiga vegana à base de aquafaba, a água do grão-de-bico cozido, com óleo de coco. O produto que recebeu o nome de FabaButter não é transgênico, não contém óleo de palma e substitui a manteiga tradicional em receitas.

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How a Cooperative Approach to Property Management Can Build Collective Power
Saki Bailey | Shareable – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

13 Mar 2019 – Historically, affordable housing has had a stigma as “welfare,” which often disempowers its recipients. The Bay Area trust’s program is aimed at removing this stigma and creating a greater sense of dignity and empowerment through self-organization and the security offered by ownership.

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The Rightful Owners of a Key Island US Military Base Would Like It Back, and the UN Agrees
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

The Chagos Archipelago belongs to the country of Mauritius; it’s not a bargaining chip for the American empire.

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Environmental Enthusiasm or Gunning Down People: Unusual Interplay of Recent Events
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

20 Mar 2019 – The last Friday, 15 March saw students from about 125 countries pushing their governments, parliamentarians and community leaders to come together for the protection of the environment that has degraded to an extent that life of human beings, plants and animals is at risk. On the same date 15 March, a totally different act has been perpetrated in a far away town of Christchurch in New Zealand by a 28 year old Australian Brenton Tarrant.

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‘Safe Zones’ Put the Rohingya at Greater Risk
Azeem Ibrahim | Stars & Stripes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

22 Mar 2019 – Myanmar has “honored” its resettlement agreement with Bangladesh by building so-called transit camps for returning refugees — which look eerily similar to World War II concentration camps, with barbed wire, high fences and “security” provided by the very same army that carried out the initial “clearance operations” two years ago. Thankfully, those camps are currently sitting empty, as the Rohingya refuse to trade the safe camps in Bangladesh for the prison camps in Myanmar.

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Brazil to Open Indigenous Reserves to Mining without Indigenous Consent
Sue Branford and Maurício Torres | Mongabay – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019 – For many years, international and Brazilian mining companies have dreamed of getting access to the mineral wealth lying beneath indigenous lands. And finally, the government of Jair Bolsonaro seems determined to give them that opportunity. On 4 March, while Brazilians were distracted by Carnival celebrations, the new Minister of Mines and Energy Admiral Bento Albuquerque announced plans to permit mining on indigenous land.

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Johan Galtung: The American Empire Will Fall by 2020
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

Jan 2017 – Famous researcher-prognosticator, father of Peace Studies John Galtung explains his prediction.

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Reflections of My Life (Music Video of the Week)
The Marmalade – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

Reflections of My Life was recorded in London in October 1969. With hypnotic music and lyrics, what a monumental ballad it was and still is! Enjoy.

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UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar Advances Accountability and Initiates New Investigations
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019 – As a result of the serious nature of the findings of the Fact-Finding Mission, the Human Rights Council also established the Independent Mechanism on Myanmar. The new mechanism will build on the important work of the FFM by collecting, consolidating, preserving and analysing evidence of the most serious crimes and violations of international law committed in Myanmar since 2011.

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A New Theory on Time Indicates Present and Future Exist Simultaneously
Physics-Astronomy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

8 Jan 2019 – According to a new controversial theory, everything around us is intricately planned, and each and everyone’s destiny has already been decided. The new theory suggests that time does not PASS and that everything is ever-present.

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Vincent van Gogh (30 Mar 1853 – 29 Jul 1890)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

Vincent van Gogh is considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt, although he remained poor and virtually unknown throughout his life. After having been physically and psychologically unstable, he cut off his ear and offered it to a prostitute.

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Monsanto Loses Millions of Dollars after Indian Farmers Switch to Indigenous Seeds
Ruth Milka | Nation of Change – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

9 Mar 2019 – Monsanto is losing millions of dollars now that farmers in India are switching to indigenous cotton seeds rather than Bt cotton. Monsanto claims that the genetically modified cotton seeds they sell are superior. So why are so many people trying to switch?

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The Attack on the Amazon Accelerates under Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro
Andre Cardoso | Tricontinental Institute for Social Research – Independent Media Institute, 25 Mar 2019

19 Mar 2019 — As the largest tropical forest, biggest reserve of minerals, and main biogenetic reserve on the planet, the Amazon is among the most sought-after territories by global capital. As the attack against the Amazon advances under Brazil’s right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research launches its 14th dossier analyzing the socio-environmental impact on the region.

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Food for Thought: India Losing the Battle against Hunger
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

India produces enough food to meet the needs of its entire population, and has at its disposal arable land that has the potential to produce food surplus for export. Yet, it is unable to feed millions of its people, especially women and children. India needs to mobilise large-scale investments in cold storage methods, refrigerated transport and other modern logistics to modernise its food supply chain.

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GODOT (Reconsidered)
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

“Waiting for Godot,” emerged amidst the “beat generation,” in which the absurdities of the time, the sheer contradictions, were captured in ironies, cynicism, despair, and ambivalence. I need express my feelings about current times. Finding in them, parallel, the same absurdities; but the risks, dangers, threats, greater! Does it ever change?

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The Conflict of Our Time: U.S. Imperialism vs the Rule of Law
Nicolas J S Davies | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – The world faces many overlapping crises: regional political crises from Kashmir to Venezuela; brutal wars that rage on in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia; and the existential dangers of nuclear weapons, climate change, and mass extinction. The underlying crisis of legitimacy and authority that makes so many of our problems almost impossible to solve is the conflict between U.S. imperialism and the rule of law.

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Intergenerational Theft
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

18 Mar 2019 – At the heart of capitalism is a vast and scarcely examined assumption: you are entitled to as great a share of the world’s resources as your money can buy. You can purchase as much land, as much atmospheric space, as many minerals, as much meat and fish as you can afford, regardless of who might be deprived. If you can pay for them, you can own entire mountain ranges and fertile plains. You can burn as much fuel as you like. Every pound or dollar secures a certain right over the world’s natural wealth. But why? What just principle equates the numbers in your bank account with a right to own the fabric of the Earth? Most people I ask are completely stumped by this question.

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The Destruction of Freedom: Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and the Corporate Media
Media Lens | Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

19 March 2019 – The corporate media is institutionally opposed to the interests of the vast majority of the public; that is why we reject the label ‘mainstream’. The corporate media including BBC News, systematically promotes imperialist and exploitative state interests, together with private power in the form of big business, financial speculation, military forces, the arms industry, the fossil fuel lobby, destructive agribusiness, unsustainable food production and rampant global consumerism that is destroying ecosystems, ramping up mass loss of species and endangering human survival through climate chaos.

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Anti-Semitism and “The Israel Project”
Askiah Adam – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

19 Mar 2019 – Israel is off-limits. The criminalisation of anti-Semitism means nothing short of this. In fact, France’s President Macron says anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism and both are now legally defined as “hate crimes”. Will this be a global precursor? Will the world uphold such a sweeping, broad legal definition that has the potential to embrace the inhumanity and egregious acts of such nations as Israel, now an apartheid Jewish state?

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The Difficult Balance of Intimacy and Independence: Beloved Philosopher and Poet Kahlil Gibran on the Secret to a Loving and Lasting Relationship
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

“Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”

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Rocky Road to World Law: Need for a U.N.-led Conference on the Reaffirmation of Humanitarian Law
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

World law, as world citizens use the term, is more than current international law. World law has as its base universally recognized international law but also the human rights declarations and standards, the oft-repeated declarations of the United Nations General Assembly as well as the international legal bodies such as the World Court and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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Trump Ally Erik Prince’s Company Expands to another Country Allegedly Committing Human Rights Violations: Myanmar
Cristina Maza - Newsweek, 25 Mar 2019

18 Mar 2019 – A company partially owned by Erik Prince, a former Navy Seal who created the controversial private military company Blackwater, is now heading to Myanmar to protect Chinese construction projects there, according to reports.

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Big Mistake
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2019

A new young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand.

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Judging U.S. War Crimes
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

10 Mar 2’019 – Chelsea Manning, who bravely exposed atrocities committed by the U.S. military, is again imprisoned in a U.S. jail. On International Women’s Day, March 8, she was incarcerated for refusing to testify in front of a secretive Grand Jury. Her principled and courageous actions provide guidance for us to control our fears. We must seek an end to war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and other areas where the U.S. terrifies and kills civilians.

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US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as ‘Watershed Event’ for ‘Galvanizing Public Unrest’
Max Blumenthal | Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – The US-funded CANVAS organization that trained Juan Guaido and his allies produced a 2010 memo on exploiting electricity outages and urged the opposition “to take advantage of the situation…towards their needs.”

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Cyberattack Caused Venezuela’s Power Outage
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – On Thursday [7 Mar] at around 5:00PM during the rush hour for maximum effect, a cyberattack on Venezuela’s electrical grid plunged most of the nation into darkness.

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(Castellano) Niño autista es el alumno más joven de Universidad de Oxford. Con 6 años estudió historia y filosofía
Constanza Suárez | Upsocl – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

8 mar 2019 – A los seis años, la mayoría de los niños ingresan a primer grado. Aprenden a relacionarse con sus compañeros, a leer, los números. Pero el pequeño Joshua Beckford, apostó por conocimientos más complejos y a esa edad se convirtió en la persona más joven en asistir a la prestigiosa Universidad de Oxford.

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Snoring of The Other
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

A Politically Relevant Psycho-Spiritual Metaphor? – The snoring of The Other keeps me awake — preventing me from getting back to sleep.

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Footage Contradicts U.S. Claim That Nicolás Maduro Burned Aid Convoy
Nicholas Casey, Christoph Koettl and Deborah Acosta – The New York Times, 18 Mar 2019

10 Mar 2019 – Top U.S. officials have said Nicolás Maduro’s regime burned an aid convoy last month. But TV footage contradicts that claim and shows how this unverified information spread across Twitter and television.

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Syrian Crisis Enters Ninth Year with 11 Million Refugees Overseas & 6 Million Home
Herve Verhoosel | IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

This Friday [15 Mar] marks the ninth anniversary of the start of the Syria crisis. For most of us, it is difficult to understand what it must feel like to be uprooted by conflict. To flee bullets and bombs and leave behind a life, a house, a job, a family, friends, school…. In the meantime, we need to maintain the vital lifeline of food assistance on which millions of vulnerable Syrians depend.

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(Italiano) Perché la chiesa ufficiale non vuole discutere né la sessualita né la legge del celibato
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

15 mar 2019 – È innegabile il coraggio di Papa Francesco nell’affrontare apertamente la questione della pedofilia all’interno della chiesa. Ha fatto consegnare alla giustizia civile i pedofili, a cominciare dai preti e religiosi fino ai cardinali per farli giudicare e punire. Nell’incontro di Roma verso la fine di febbraio del 2019 sulla protezione dei minori, il Papa ha imposto otto punti tra i quali “pedofilia zero” e la “protezione dei bambini abusati”.

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Dozens Killed and Injured by New Airstrikes in Western Yemen, UN Coordinator Condemns ‘Outrageous’ Toll
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – Reports from Yemen’s Hajjah Governorate indicate that scores of civilians have been killed following airstrikes that hit residential areas over the past two days. Medical sources suggest that at least 22 have died, with more than 30 injured during the aerial bombardment.

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Indefatigable Evil
Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

No end in sight…

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(Português) Fisalis: a planta que ajuda na recuperação de Alzheimer e Parkinson
Alice Branco | greenMe – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

O interessante é que a ciência está estudando esta planta pois ela ajuda na recuperação dos neurônios e, portanto, das doenças neuro-degenerativas como o Alzheimer, o Parkinson e diversas outras.

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New Zealand Mosque Attacks and the Scourge of White Supremacy
Mohamad Elmasry – Al Jazeera, 18 Mar 2019

15 Mar 2019 – Today’s New Zealand mosque shootings, which killed at least 49 people and were allegedly carried out by white supremacists, are only the latest on a long list of recent acts of white supremacist terrorism. Despite the growing and constant threat, Western governments have failed to adequately address the danger of white supremacy.

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Syria: Concerns Raised and Possible Next Steps
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

I think that it is important for us to look at why organizations that promote nonviolent action and conflict resolution in the US and Western Europe were not able to do more to aid those in Syria who tried to use nonviolence during the first months of 2011.

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Love Letter from Smoky Kabul: Nonviolent vs Violent Peace in Afghanistan and the World
Dr Hakim – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

15 Mar 2019 – “Salam (peace)!” is how Afghans greet one another, some of them simultaneously placing a hand over their hearts. But, while everyone including Afghans wants peace, the Afghan Peace Volunteers and I have observed that the human species appears to be stuck on violent peace.

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(Português) A verdade sobre os passeios com elefantes
Eliane Arakaki - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 18 Mar 2019

Todos os anos, turistas do mundo inteiro viajam até o sudoeste da Ásia para montar em elefantes nas férias, por trás dessa “diversão” os animais são torturados, maltratados e chegam…

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Xinjiang: The Silence of the Muslims
Gwynne Dyer – The Japan Times, 18 Mar 2019

12 Mar 2019 – Muslim governments were not silent when Myanmar murdered Rohingya, its Muslim minority, and expelled 700,000 of them to Bangladesh. They were unanimous in their anger when the Trump administration moved the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But they are almost silent on China’s attempt to suppress Islam in its far western province, Xinjiang.

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Climate-Proofing Our Communities
Ban Ki-moon and Patrick Verkooijen – The Boston Globe, 18 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019 – There seems to be no limit to the earth’s fury these days, as polar vortices, hurricanes, floods, and forest fires wreak havoc with increasing regularity… This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get it right. A program that prioritized smart adaptation would pay for itself several times over in healthier and more resilient communities, better productivity, higher economic growth, and higher standards of living.

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Underwater Mudslides Are the Biggest Threat to Offshore Drilling, and Energy Companies Aren’t Ready for Them
Ian R. MacDonald – The Conversation, 18 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – Like generals planning for the last war, oil company managers and government inspectors tend to believe that because they survived the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, they are ready for all contingencies. Today they are expanding drilling into deeper and deeper waters, and the Trump administration is opening more offshore areas to production.

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What is Justice?
Gregory Stanton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

What is justice to a woman who’s children were slaughtered just before she was raped? What is justice to a bride who’s last caress was the last she will ever know? What is justice to a woman who will never trust a man again? What is justice to an orphan in a refugee camp?

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Rachel Corrie Remembered
Middle East Monitor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

16 Mar 2019 – On 16 March 2003 in the Gaza Strip’s southern city of Rafah, Corrie stood before an Israeli bulldozer in hopes of stopping it from demolishing the home of a local Palestinian family. Corrie believed that her foreign features and blonde hair would deter the bulldozer – but she was wrong. She was crushed to death when the bulldozer driver ran her over repeatedly, according to witnesses.

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U.S. Air Force Confirms Boeing’s Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon
Digital Trends – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

25 May 2015 – Stepping out of the realm of science fiction and into reality is the joint U.S. Air Force and Boeing electromagnetic pulse weapon, capable of targeting and destroying electrical systems without the collateral damage often associated with traditional firepower. As Don Cheadle noted in the ever-relevant Ocean’s 11, this new weapon “is a bomb — but without the bomb.”

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US Bars Entry to International Criminal Court Investigators
Matthew Lee | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

15 Mar 2019 — The United States will revoke or deny visas+ to International Criminal Court personnel seeking to investigate alleged war crimes and other abuses committed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan or elsewhere, and may do the same with those who seek action against Israel, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said today.

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Ilhan Omar, AIPAC, Congress, and the Future of American Democracy
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

The Ilhan Omar Incident: A Zionist Witch Hunt?

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Engaging with the Past — Numbers, Nostalgia, Perspectives
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

One can add to the above features and outlook of engaging with history. This is a never ending process. What is contemporary for us and generates awe and nostalgia, will become past over time to our future generations; they will look at their own past with different lens and fresh perspectives. Let this process continue and enrich us all.

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Myanmar: New Land Law Could Have Disastrous Impact on Ethnic Minorities
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

• Law affects traditional communities who passed down land for generations
• Revenues from resource extraction going to army and its allies
• Alleged crimes committed in Myanmar must be referred to ICC

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New Film
Alberto Portugheis | HUFUD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

Following its Premiere on 7 March at the London premises of Global Justice Now premises and organised by their youth division Our Future Now, the documentary film PEACE IS POSSIBLE, on the work of HUFUD (Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation), is now available on the Internet.

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Is the United States about to Lose Control of Its Secretive Diego Garcia Military Base?
Jenni Marsh - CNN, 18 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – Home to over 1,000 US troops and staff, it has been used by the US Navy, the US Air Force and even NASA — the island’s enormous runway was a designated emergency landing site for the space shuttle. Diego Garcia has helped to launch two invasions of Iraq, served as a vital landing spot for bombers that fly missions across Asia, including over the South China Sea, and has been linked to US rendition efforts.

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TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019


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The Kashmir Conflict
Sohail Mahmood – Wall Street Magazine, 18 Mar 2019

7 Mar 2019 – Seemingly, the best solution is the independence of Kashmir from India, and subsequently joining the Pakistan occupied part, through UN referendum held for the purpose. India and Pakistan must resolve Kashmir dispute now. However, a facilitator is need for the purpose. On their own Pakistan and India can’t resolve the dispute. Who will step forward for the role to diffuse tension?

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Human Rights Council Discusses the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar
UN Human Rights Council – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – The Human Rights Council held an interactive dialogue with Yanghee Lee, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar.

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Fame – Remember My Name (Music Video of the Week)
MGM – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

Versions from 1980 and 2009 – Enjoy!

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What Is Consciousness?
Sadhguru | Uplift – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

You actually can neither raise consciousness, nor can you bring it down. We only use the expression of “raising consciousness” against the following background: if you are strongly identified with your physical body, the boundaries of what is you and what is not you are distinctly clear. In this state, you experience yourself as a separate existence. This means you are in survival mode, which is what every other creature is in too. When you identify yourself as the body, the boundaries of who you are, are 100% fixed.

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UN Rights Expert Calls for End to ‘Purgatory’ of ‘International Inaction’ Facing Myanmar’s Remaining Rohingya
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

11 Mar 2019 – A humanitarian crisis fuelled by the suppression of basic human rights is continuing across Myanmar’s Rakhine state, a UN Human Rights Council-appointed expert said today, in an appeal for alleged atrocities there to be referred to the International Criminal Court.

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Global Humanity Looks to Unity of Minds in Crisis: Massacres of Muslim Worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

Killing of the innocent people undoubtedly is a crime against humanity. The global political consciousness is obsessed with terms like “terrorism”, “Islamophobia” and “extremism”, not knowing its reality and how and why it is happening across the globe. The 21st century global humanity is conscientious how some political propagandists besiege the people with false flags and imagery to incite hatred, violence and human destruction in societies having systematic liberal democracies.

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(Français) Pour comprendre la révolte des Haïtiens
Maurice Lemoine | Mémoire des luttes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

« Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis exhorte tous les citoyens, partis politiques et organisations de la société civile à s’exprimer pacifiquement. La violence aggrave l’instabilité et la souffrance du peuple (…). » Ce n’est bien entendu ni à l’opposition vénézuélienne, en phase insurrectionnelle en 2014 et 2017, ni à celle du Nicaragua, pareillement soulevée en 2018, que l’ambassade des Etats-Unis a adressé ce message. Ce 15 février 2019, à Port-au-Prince, la déclaration est destinée aux Haïtiens qui, depuis le 7 février, se soulèvent contre le pouvoir dans les principales villes du pays le plus pauvre d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes.

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ICC Tribunal Declares Trump and Duterte Guilty of Crimes against Humanity
Prof. Marjorie Cohn – Global Research, 18 Mar 2019

17 Mar 2019 – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his government committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, aided and abetted by U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration, according to a recent ruling from the International Peoples’ Tribunal on the Philippines.

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Two International Poets Dialoguing Across Borders
Gary Corseri and Preeti Tej Singh – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

“All real living is meeting” – Martin Buber (I And Thou)

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3-5°C Temperature Rise Is Now ‘Locked-in’ for the Arctic
UN Environment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

• Even if Paris Agreement goals met, Arctic winter temperatures will increase 3-5°C by 2050 compared to 1986-2005 levels.
• Thawing permafrost could wake ‘sleeping giant’ of more greenhouse gases, potentially derailing global climate goals.
• Ocean acidification and pollution also posing major threats to Arctic

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Don’t Just Condemn the New Zealand Attacks — Politicians and Pundits Must Stop Their Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 18 Mar 2019

15 Mar 2019 – “It’s the birthrates.” So begins the online manifesto of the man accused of shooting and killing at least 49 Muslims in a terror attack targeted at two mosques in New Zealand. “Even if we were to deport all Non-Europeans from our lands tomorrow, the European people would still be spiraling into decay and eventual death,” it continues. “In the end we must return to replacement fertility levels, or it will kill us.”

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India’s First Urban Self-Help Group Continues to Bloom
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize: “Poverty is not created by poor people. It’s created by the system we built. Poor people are like a bonsai tree. You take the best seed from the tallest tree in the forest, but if you put it in a flower pot to grow, it grows only a meter high. There’s nothing wrong with the seed. The problem is the size of the pot. Society doesn’t give poor people the space to grow as tall as everybody else. ”

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Talk by John Perkins, Author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’
Veterans For Peace National Convention – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

A Talk at the Veterans For Peace National Convention

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The Future of Work
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

In order to prepare our children for the future of work we need to teach them in school about worker solidarity and the history of the labor movement. Instead of being prodded to compete for limited spaces at universities and scarce “dream” jobs (guaranteeing that many will lose out), young people should be learning how to build a society where every job is a good job.

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Multilateralism: A Testimony
Ambassador Idriss Jazairy and Roberto Savio| Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

For over 70 years, the UN system has been perceived as the guardian of peace and development in the world. However, multilateralism today is undeniably under strain. The effectiveness of global institutions and of global policymaking is questioned, and alliances are fraying.

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Create Dangerously: Albert Camus on the Artist as a Voice of Resistance and a Liberator of Society
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

“To create today is to create dangerously… The question, for all those who cannot live without art and what it signifies, is merely to find out how, among the police forces of so many ideologies… the strange liberty of creation is possible.”

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(Português) Apicultores brasileiros encontram meio bilhão de abelhas mortas em três meses
Pedro Grigori | Agência Pública/Repórter Brasil – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

• Pesticidas que causaram extermínio no Brasil estão banidos da União Europeia
• Impacto nos polinizadores faz Ibama reavaliar registro de quatro ingredientes ativos
• MPF investiga mortes em 4 estados e no Distrito Federal

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Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

Side pitted against other!
Human against human!
Arms against arms!
Belief against belief!
Life, lives, time, … lost!

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Atomic Bombs Are Not Lifesavers
Timothy Braatz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

One shouldn’t have to state the obvious. It is well known that two atomic detonations, in early August, 1945, killed over 100,000 Hiroshima and Nagasaki residents, revealing the unlimited human capacity for atrocity in wartime. But it seems many U.S. history teachers are still telling students that the atomic bombings somehow saved lives.

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«Humanitarian» — Really?
Latuff – MintPress News, 11 Mar 2019

Who needs enemies with friends like these?

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Elite Banking at Your Expense: How Secretive Tax Havens Are Used to Steal Your Money
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

Tax havens are locations around the world where wealthy individuals, criminals and terrorists, as well as governments and government agencies (such as the CIA), banks, corporations, hedge funds, international organizations (such as the Vatican) and crime syndicates (such as the Mafia), can stash their money so that they can avoid regulation and oversight and, very often, evade tax. According to Nicholas Shaxson: ‘Tax havens are now at the heart of the global economy.’

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Trump to World: Pay Up for Hosting US Troops
Jose Nino | Big League Politics – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

8 Mar 2019 – President Trump wants countries to pay up for hosting American troops. Trump is now advocating for a plan to make Germany, Japan, and other countries hosting U.S. troops to pay in full plus 50 percent or more for the privilege of hosting them on their soil. In a speech to the Pentagon on January 17, Trump said “Wealthy, wealthy countries that we’re protecting are all under notice. We cannot be the fools for others.”

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Albert Einstein (14 Mar 1879 – 18 Apr 1955)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

Born in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany in 1879, Albert Einstein developed the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey.

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Since You Insist…
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

A woman taught English to immigrants in London.

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Gender Gap: A Bridge Still Far
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

Women and families the world over work tirelessly to end the poverty and hunger in their lives. But it can take much more than hard work. They need new tools to create their own paths forward. They need opportunities that can overcome economic, cultural and gender barriers. It needs multissectoral cooperation to create breakthrough ideas and breakthrough solutions that break through and break down economic, social and technical barriers.

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The Spiritual and Socialist Start of International Women’s Day
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

8 March is the International Day of Women and thus a time to highlight the specific role of women in local, national and world society. International Women’s Day was first proposed by Clara Zetlin (1857-1933) at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen in 1911. Later, she served as a socialist-communist member of the German Parliament during the Wiemar Republic which existed from 1920 to 1933 when Hitler came to power. Zetlin went into exile in the Soviet Union shortly after Hitler came to power. She died there several months later in 1933.

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Cracks Found in Nuclear Reactor That Could Lead to the Full Evacuation of Edinburgh and Glasgow
Edinburgh Live – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2019

The Hunterston B reactors in Ayrshire are the oldest in Europe, and dangerous cracks have been found.

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