Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

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(Castellano) Mundial 2018 Rusia: De la fiesta del fútbol a la fiesta de la educación para la no violencia y la tolerancia
Dra. Alicia Cabezudo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Tal como sucede en el futbol, los gobiernos deben disponer de un “buen equipo” en el que cada actor político contribuya desde su “posición” a la necesaria y acuciante construcción de un “resultado” armónico, equilibrado y justo para toda la ciudadanía, “jugando limpio, respetando los derechos de todos(as) y construyendo lecciones vitales de no violencia, reconciliación, trabajo y eficacia en el desarrollo del compromiso asumido.” Que así sea en el fútbol y en la vida de los pueblos del mundo entero.

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The Multiple Stepmothers of Daesh [ISIS] in Syria (Part I)
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Well dear reader, if Bashar Assad, Ali Khamenei and Hassan Nasrallah, among others are Stepmothers of ISIS. Who’s the Mother?

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Walt Whitman (31 May 1819 – 26 Mar 1892)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Walt Whitman was an American poet whose verse collection ‘Leaves of Grass’ is a landmark in the history of American literature. Fascinated by this newcomer to the poetry scene, Emerson dispatched writers Henry David Thoreau and Bronson Alcott to Brooklyn to meet Whitman.

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Deconstructing Power (Part 4)
Dr. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

28 May 2018 – The exploration of “power” made so far has been general. It is applicable to any human society, irrespective of time and place. We shall focus now on the specifics of the exciting but alarming situation prevalent today.

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Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

What more can be said of war
That has not already been said,
That has not already been written,
That has not already been sung in song,
Recited in verse, shared in epic tales?

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What Is Behind Amnesty’s Burmese Military-Friendly Report?
Shafiur Rahman | Bloomberg, Quint – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

25 May 2018 – Maung Zarni, a Buddhist and a leading advocate of the Rohingya cause, was concerned about how the interviews were conducted and which authorities acted as gatekeeper. “Who selected the victims in Sittwe, Rakhine for their researchers? Who arranged the interviews (bringing Hindu victims from the highly restricted Northern Rakhine to Sittwe, central Rakhine)? Who gave Amnesty International travel permission to visit Rakhine?”

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Israel’s Premature Celebration: Gazans Have Crossed the Fear Barrier
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

23 May 2018 – ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’, White House officials announced, paying no heed to the ludicrousness of the statement when understood within the current context. Peaceful protesters were not threatening the existence of Israel; rock-throwing kids were not about to overwhelm hundreds of Israeli snipers, who shot, killed and wounded Gaza youngsters with no legal or moral boundary whatsoever.

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The Message of Ramadan
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

28 May 2018 – This is the holy month when Muslims, about one fifth of the world’s population, undergo a rigorous fast (not even a drop of water or spittle passes their throats). From dawn to dusk each day this month, Muslims do not eat, drink, smoke, use perfume or apply leeches and abstain from conjugal relations.

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The Luck of the Gambler
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

26 May 2018 – We all know the picture from the books and the movies: a gambler sits at the roulette table in a casino. He has luck. A lot of luck. In front of the gambler the pile of chips is growing. Higher and higher. Every spin of the roulette wheel adds to the heap. Binyamin Netanyahu resembles this man. He has luck. A lot of luck. It is uncanny.

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Why I Stopped Being a Zionist
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

The breaking point for me in relation to Zionism came in the beginning of 1997. The Israeli army demolished the houses and evacuated Palestinian-Bedouin inhabitants of the Jahalin tribe in order to expand the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. This was during the period of the Oslo peace process.

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What Is Structural Violence? What Does It Mean?
The Audiopedia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Structural violence is a term commonly ascribed to Johan Galtung, which he introduced in the article “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research” (1969). It refers to a form of violence wherein some social structure or social institution may harm people by preventing them from meeting their basic needs…

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Media Delegitimize Venezuelan Elections amid Complete Unanimity of Outlook
Alan MacLeod | Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting-FAIR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

23 May 2018 – Despite an opposition boycott making the result predictable, Maduro received the vote of 28 percent of the eligible electorate, around the same as Barack Obama received in 2008 and more than he got in 2012, or Trump in 2016. Ignoring this, Reuters (5/20/18) claimed poor Venezuelans were voting for Maduro because they believed they were going to “win a prize.”

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500 Years Is Long Enough! Human Depravity in the Congo
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

I would like to tell you something about human depravity and illustrate just how widespread it is among those we often regard as ‘responsible’ and am going to use the Democratic Republic of the Congo as my example. As I illustrate and explain what has happened to the Congo and its people during the past 500 years, I invite you to consider my essential point.

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On Israel and Palestine
Zoltán Grossman | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

21 May 2018 – We’re often told that the Israel-Palestine “conflict” is “complex,” and we need to be “even-handed” and “balanced” in the way we “promote dialogue,” since there’s “blame on both sides.” I couldn’t agree more.

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Beware the So-Called Mental Health “De-Stigmatization” Campaigns such as Make It OK and NAMI, for They Are Front Groups for Big Pharma
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Why doesn’t that surprise anybody? The norm for all capitalist enterprises is to make money by hook or by crook. With a seemingly altruistic agenda of understanding and compassionately dealing with unfortunate people that are somehow different than the rest of us, the fact is that the campaign is all about marketing a product rather than ending the “stigma” of so-called “mental illnesses”.

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Ushering in a New Era of Peace and Feminist Future
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Seoul International Women‘s Peace Symposium, South Korea National Assembly

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Max Müller and the Indian Connection
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Although Max Müller was a German, he spent a considerable period of his life in England, taught at Oxford University, and was admired for his knowledge of classical Indian texts including the Upanishads and Vedas. He had access to several scholarly Sanskrit words that the East India Company had brought from India.

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Journalists as Peacebuilders
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

A Rhymed Reflection

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Operazione Colomba
Nonviolent Peace Corps of the Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Descriptive Document on the Phenomenon of “Hakmarrja” and “Gjakmarrja” to Raise Awareness among Albanian and International Institutions

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Khamenei, in Reply to Trump, Gives Europe 6-Point Ultimatum on Nuclear Deal
Juan Cole | Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

24 May 2018 – A set of ultimatums of this sort signals that Khamenei wants out of the JCPOA, since he surely knows that Europe is highly unlikely to acquiesce in his demands. He clearly has decided that Europe cannot be depended upon to buck Trump.

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The Continuing Cost of War
Arnie Alpert | American Friends Service Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

23 May 2018 – Fifty-one years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King warned that “a nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” The loss of lives, lasting trauma, and the diversion of resources from our communities.

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Conflict Theory and Biosphere Annihilation
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

I would like to explain the psychological origin of this biosphere-annihilating conflict and how this origin has nurtured the incredibly destructive aspects of capitalism (and socialism, for that matter) from the beginning. I would also like to explain what we can do about it.

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(Português) Jess Strathdee, a mulher que se tornou vegana depois de trabalhar em uma fazenda de produção de leite
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

“Vi mães que deram à luz na neve ou durante tempestades e foram privadas de seus bebês”.

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Expert Justification
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

A tourist’s car broke down in a small village.

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Life Management
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

A professor gave a lecture on time management. He filled a mason jar with a dozen fist-sized rocks, until no more would fit. He asked his students, “Is this jar full?”

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Hey Brother (Music Video of the Week)
Avicii – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

Tim Bergling (8 Sep 1989 – 20 Apr 2018), better known by his stage name DJ Avicii was a Swedish musician, DJ, remixer and record producer. Bergling began his career at age 16 posting his remixes in online forums of electronic music. Knowledge about the circumstances of Avicii’s death and surrounding events may change rapidly as more facts come to light. Avicii was 28 years old. (Wikipedia 23 Apr 2018)

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Onuma-san’s World
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

International Law in a Transcivilizational World, by Onuma Yasuaki, Cambridge University Press, 2017 – This text was published in May 2018 in the Yale Journal of International Law.

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The Truth behind Israel’s Killing of Palestinians
Rising Up – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

16 May 2018 – Nearly 60 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire on May 14th at the Gaza border in the latest and bloodiest instance of violence since mass protests began weeks ago. Tens of thousands of Palestinians intending to mark Nakba Day had gathered to protest the collective imprisonment they face under a decades-long Israeli siege. Among the victims were an 8-month old child and a doctor…

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I Live in Gaza and I Want You to Know Why We’re Protesting
Intimaa Alsdudi | Think Progress – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

18 May 2018 – Gaza is the biggest open-air prison on earth. Nearly two million people are denied the basic freedom of movement. Ninety-seven percent of the water here is undrinkable. The unemployment rate is 44 percent. That is why we have been protesting since March 30. Two-thirds of Palestinians in Gaza are refugees from lands stolen by Israel in 1948.

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Transforming World Order?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

20 May 2018 – Review of an important critical study of the deplorable conditions of law and politics in the current global setting. The author grounds his diagnosis and proposals on a philosophical interpretation of this subject-matter, but the radical vision although appealing gives little attention to how such a vision can become a political project, and so this learned text creates an impression of apolitical utopianism.

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Pope Francis Tells Gay Abuse Victim: ‘God Loves You Just the Way You Are’
James Macintyre | Christian Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

21 May 2018 – A victim of clerical sex abuse has said Pope Francis told him God made him gay, that his sexuality ‘does not matter’ and that God and the pope love him as he is. Juan Carlos Cruz revealed what he said were details of the private conversation he had with Francis last week about the abuse he suffered at the hands of a prominent Chilean priest, Fernando Karadima.

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New Data Offers Insights into the Dynamics of Nonviolent Resistance
Jonathan Pinckney and Erica Chenoweth | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

12 May 2018 – Despite a growing literature on nonviolent resistance, many of these questions remain unresolved. In the absence of systematic study, the lessons of prominent nonviolent resistance movements can often be misinterpreted or misunderstood.

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GAZA: Grief, Horror, Outrage, Remembering
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – How can one not feel intense grief for the young Palestinians who out of despair and fury joined the Great March of Return, and so often found death and severe injury awaiting them as they approached the border unarmed!!? The feeble Israeli claims of its right of self-defense or attributing Palestinian martyrdom to Hamas are as shallow and lacking in credibility as to discredit further rather than provide justifications for this exhibition of homicidal violence on a massive scale not as isolated incident but as a series of arrogant reenactments.

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Why The Non-Armed Palestinian Struggle Is Also “Illegitimate”?
Walid Salem – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – Till Nine PM yesterday evening, the death toll among Gaza Palestinians participating in the Marches reached the number of 55 (increased to 58 by 1:26 am this morning), in addition to 2410 injured. How come these killings and injuries just in one day are merely practiced in the framework of “Israel right to defend itself”?

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Signs of End of the Civilization and Signs of Its Rejuvenation
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – There are many signs of end of the civilization and signs of its rejuvenation. These difficult times do test people’s souls and minds and while we find those who fail the test (Netanyahu, Trump, Hagee, Bin Salman, etc), we do find so many that pass it and light the way for us.

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12 Features Zionist Israel Shares with Nazi Germany
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

The souls of the nearly 6-millions Jewish victims of the Holocaust must not be at rest, I can imagine, as long as the Zionists continue on with its version of Final Solution with respect the Palestinians. They would feel extremely pained that the State built on their ashes, tales of pains and horrors has morphed into, or simply conceived along the lines of the Third Reich of Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and Eichman.

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70 Years Ago Today Palestine Was Stolen
Askiah Adam – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – NAKBA or CATASTROPHE DAY is being remembered today in Palestine. The March of Return, which has been going on for over a month, culminates in its commemoration. The Nakba began when Palestinians were robbed of their homeland; when the genocide began; and, will not stop until the land is ethnically cleansed by the thieving multi-national Zionists ensconced in Tel Aviv.

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Have Recent Events Sounded the Death Knell for Iran’s Regional Project?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

The people in this region, and beyond, are becoming tired of Iran’s project and its cost in human lives and treasury, not least of whom are the civilian populations of Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon not to mention Russian officials and elements of the Assad regime.

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Gaza Killings: Names and Faces of Those Killed by Israeli Forces This Week
Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Eight-month-old Laila is youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday 14 May, the deadliest day since 2014 war. As of Tuesday afternoon, the Gaza Ministry of Health released the names of 59 Palestinians killed:

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Gina Haspel and Pinocchio from Rome
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

My thoughts kept returning to all the U.S. Senators who have voted for this torturer to lead the CIA. Will they say they were only doing their jobs and following orders? Do they think of themselves as civilized? Where will we conduct the next Nuremberg trials?

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Fundamental Need for Human Sacrifice by Abrahamic Religions
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Vital Prerequisite for Sustainable Global Civilization?

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The Day of Shame
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

19 May 2018 – On bloody Monday this week, when the number of Palestinian killed and wounded was rising by the hour, I asked myself: what would I have done if I had been a youngster of 15 in the Gaza Strip? My answer was, without hesitation: I would have stood near the border fence and demonstrated, risking my life and limbs every minute. I did the same when I was 15 as a member of the National Military Organization (the “Irgun”), an armed underground group labeled “terrorist”.

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Israeli Army Shoots Dead Dozens in Gaza’s Bloodiest Day Since 2014
+972 Magazine Staff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – Israeli military kills 58 Palestinians and wounds over 2,700 others in Gaza. Palestinians and Israelis across the West Bank protest in solidarity with Gaza and against the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem.

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Minuteman III Missile Test Launched Prior to USA-North Korea Summit
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation- TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

14 May 2018 – The U.S. tested a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile carrying a mock nuclear warhead early morning today from Vandenberg Air Force Base. What kind of message is the U.S. sending to North Korea with this latest launch when these are the same class of missiles for which the U.S. has been highly critical of the North Koreans for developing and testing?

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Genocide: The Ecology of Pathways to Ending Lives and Life
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

21 May 2018 – This may be a tough read for some. It was difficult for me to write. I dislike being a Cassandra, Jeremiah, or any other voice that keeps calling attention to the many challenges ahead for humanity and for the world. And yet, it seems to me that if I do not, then somehow I have betrayed my responsibilities, duties, and obligations as professional psychologist, citizen, and human being.

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(عربى – Arabic) مسيرة العودة الكبرى – غزة ، فلسطين
عزالدين أبو العيش – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

إن “الصفقة النهائية” هي تحقيق لفكرة الأرض المقدسة، أرض السلام، ومن خلال العمل المشترك يمكن للفلسطينيين والإسرائيليين أن يعيشوا جميعًا على هذه الأرض -أي المسلمين والمسيحيين واليهود -كمواطنين متساوين كونهم جميعًا أديانًا إبراهيمية. ضمدوا الجراح، امسحوا الدموع ولا تنظروا إلى الوراء ولكن انظروا إلى الأمام وتعلموا الدروس

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Audio Interview with Johan Galtung on Peace Journalism
Vatican News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

8 May 2018 – Galtung answers the questions, Why is it so difficult for the media to inform about peace? Why does it appear it to be interested only in war? “It is because they don’t know how to write about it, they don’t even know how to conceptualize peace,” he says.

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A Blessing for PEACE
John O' Donohue – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

As the fever of day calms towards twilight
May all that is strained in us come to ease.

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A Challenge to Philanthropists
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Instead of expressing admiration for rich people who give to the poor we should be challenging them to join us in demanding structural changes to ensure a decent and dignified life for everyone. The Greek root of the word philanthropy is love of humanity. So I invite those who truly love humanity to walk the talk, shoulder to shoulder with all our sisters and brothers, following these four principles.

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70th Anniversary of Apartheid Israel: History of Violent Invasion. Chronology of Palestinian Genocide
Gideon Polya | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

14 May 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence by Zionist terrorist David Ben Gurion, the foundation of an invasion-, violence-, racism- , genocide- and theft-based Apartheid Israel. US Alliance backers of Apartheid Israel will mark the occasion with lying praise for this evil rogue state, but decent Humanity will tell the truth and demand “Free Palestine”, an end to Israeli Apartheid, return of all refugees and a democratic, multi-ethnic Unitary State in Palestine.

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After 70 Years of Ethnic Cleansing and Global Complicity – Are We Racist?
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

16 May 2018 – Since the beginning of the Palestinian Grand Return March on land Day 30th April, the world has looked on in horror as Israel has killed at least 109 Palestinians and injured thousands of unarmed protestors. I extend to the Palestinian people my deepest sympathy on the killing of their sons and daughters and the continuing occupation and seizing of their land by Israel. I thank them for their courage and sacrifice to challenge injustice and the latest inhumanity perpetrated upon them by Israeli/USA policies.

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The Art of War: The B61-12, America’s New “Nuclear Parcel Bomb”
Manlio Dinucci | Pandora TV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

8 May 2018 – The new B61-12 nuclear bomb – which the US is preparing to send to Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland and other European countries – is now in its final stages of development for a cost of 10 billion dollars for the production of 500 bombs. (This means that each one will cost twice what it would cost if it were built entirely of gold).

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EU Launches Nine-Point Economic Plan to Rescue Iran Nuclear Deal
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

16 May 2018 – The foreign ministers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, along with Iran’s foreign minister, have agreed on a nine-point economic plan to keep the Iran nuclear deal alive, including maintaining economic ties with Iran, ensuring Iran’s ability to sell oil and gas products and protecting EU companies doing business in Iran.

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Trump Withdraws U.S. from Iran Nuclear Deal: There Will Be Negative Consequences
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

The decision to withdraw from the treaty:
* Makes it more likely Iran will pursue nuclear weapons.
* Makes war between the U.S. and Iran more likely.
* Separates the U.S. from its major allies.
* Shows U.S. commitments are not reliable.
* Further reinforces lack of U.S. leadership in the world.
* Will likely have adverse effects on achieving nuclear deal with N. Korea.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

A man did not feel well and went to see his doctor.

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United Nations: Looking toward 2020
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

18 May 2018 – There are two major issues today that the League of Nations did not have to face. Thus when the League was reincarnated in 1945 as the United Nations, no one considered how to structure appropriate responses. The major political issue today is the disintegration of Member States. The second major issue is the ecological and social consequences of global warming.

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A Snowflake
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Randy Kehler, who later became national coordinator of the Nuclear Freeze movement in the United States, was drafted into the Army in the early 1970s to go fight in Vietnam. Like many others, he refused to serve and was sentenced to prison. But unlike many others, he did more than that.

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The Purpose of Nonviolent Communication
Sustainable Human | The Center for Nonviolent Communication – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Nonviolent Communication is based on the principles of nonviolence– the natural state of compassion when no violence is present in the heart. People who practice NVC have found greater authenticity in their communication, increased understanding, deepening connection and conflict resolution.

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In Love with Mountains
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Mountains are not only beautiful and are a source of joy; they invite mountaineers to climb to the summits despite the obvious perils and difficulties involved. Mt. Everest being the highest in the world followed by K2 and Kanchenjunga has attracted hundreds of brave persons to climb to their summits.

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Mass Murder in Gaza
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – The Israeli military slaughtered dozens of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators and wounded thousands more in Gaza today. As this atrocity was being carried out, a grotesque ceremony was unfolding 50 miles away to mark the opening of a US embassy in Jerusalem. The number of unarmed Palestinian protesters shot dead by IDF snipers rose to at least 58, with over 2,700 wounded.

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Palestine: The Last Chapter?
Jafar M Ramini - Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – There have been many setbacks for us Palestinians in the last 100 years. First, the British unjustly and illegally imposed on us the Balfour Declaration in 1917. We stood fast and said ‘no.’ Then the same British tried to impose on us the partition of the Peel Report in 1937. We stood fast and said ‘no’. Then came the unfair UN partition plan of 1947 and we stood fast and said ‘no’. Then they allowed the creation of Israel in 1948. We stood fast and we said ‘no’. Still the Israeli Apartheid fascist regime ethnically cleansed our land and murdered our people. We took the blows, we stood fast and we said ‘no’.

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On Communicative Goodness: A Peace Linguist’s View
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

The communicative good we can do
should help our dignity deeply renew

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Jewish Past vs Jewish State
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

14 May 2018 – Zionism promised to make Jews ‘people like all other people.’ The horrific scenes flooding in from Gaza today demonstrate that Zionism failed miserably. The Jewish State is an embarrassment to its original humanist endeavour and to humanity in general. Just today, at least 43 Palestinian protestors have been killed and 2,200 wounded by Israeli troops at the Gaza border.

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World Day for Cultural Diversity, Dialogue and Development
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

In December 2002, the UN General Assembly declared that 21 May each year should be the World Day for Cultural Diversity, for Dialogue and Development. The Day was created as a response to the destruction of the Buddha statues of Bamiyam in Afghanistan in 2001.

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US Opens Embassy in Jerusalem: Which Countries Attended?
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

29 countries attend US ceremony to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem, says Israel’s foreign ministry.

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Baba Amte’s Legacy Ignites Granddaughter
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

The world is witnessing a new breed of women leaders and game-changers who are gate crashing and boldly scaling new heights even as they are pairing their ingenuity and knowledge with passion for bringing lasting solutions to society to create a sustainable and more equitable world.

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Viðrar vel til loftárása (Music Video of the Week)
Sigur Rós – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Depicting a Violent Reaction of Deep Structural/Cultural Homophobia

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The NNV (Number Needed to Vaccinate) and the NNT (Number Needed to Treat): Truth-telling Statistics that Big Pharma and the CDC Never Report to us Physicians or our Patients
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

We uninformed physicians, thanks to Merck’s deceptive tactics, ignorantly but energetically prescribed the drug for decades, thus inadvertently also deceiving our patients, some of whom suffered the permanently devastating disease called (Fosamax-induced) osteonecrosis of the jaw, an incurable disease that only came to light when thousands of dentists did otherwise standard dental extractions on Fosamax patients and then found that the extraction sites never healed, sometimes actually resulting in incurable infections, chronic pain and even fractures.

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Jerusalem Can Never Be Taken Off the Table
Wasan Abu-Baker | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – Ben Gurion in 1948 said, “We must do everything to insure the Palestinians never do return. The old will die and the young will forget”. How long will the international community remain silent about the escalating Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, Hebron and the West Bank, and policies of Judaization of Jerusalem, Hebron, and the West Bank? For how long will the confiscation of land, demolition of homes, and the enactment of laws that deprive the Palestinians of their rights and their land continue?

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Factsheet on the Rohingya: Group Identity, Citizenship, Persecution
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

17 May 2018 – Rohingyas are a native, pre-colonial ethnic minority group of Rakhine State of Western Myanmar (formerly Burma), which shares 170 miles of long modern-day borders with Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan). Rohingya people view Myanmar as the country to which they belong.

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The U.S. Army Is Turning to Robot Soldiers
Justin Bachman | Bloomberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

18 May 2018 – From the spears hurled by Romans to the missiles launched by fighter pilots, the weapons humans use to kill each other have always been subject to improvement. Right now, robots are used for reconnaissance and explosives. Soon, they’ll be on the battlefield alongside troops. Then comes the hard part.

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The Information Explosion
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

The greed of giant fossil fuel corporations is driving us towards a tipping point after which human efforts to control climate change will be futile because feedback loops will have taken over. The greed of the military industrial complex is driving us towards a Third World War that might develop into a catastrophic thermonuclear war. The greed of our financial institutions is also driving us towards economic collapse.

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Monsanto Loses Indian Legal Battle over GM Cotton Patents
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

11 Apr 2018 – A court ruled today that Monsanto cannot claim patents on its genetically modified cotton seeds in India, the Indian company that brought the case said. More than 90 percent of India’s cotton crop is genetically modified.

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The Trust Deficit and the BN Defeat in Malaysia
Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

9th May will be remembered as the day when the multi-ethnic population of a country ousted the world’s longest ruling coalition through the ballot-box in a peaceful atmosphere without a drop of blood. This is unique in emerging democracies in the Global South. It makes one proud to be a Malaysian.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson (25 May 1803 – 27 Apr 1882)
Ann Woodlief | Virginia Commonwealth University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

He had become quite famous, a major figure in the American literary landscape, a celebrity which brought both adulation and satire. He had been a profound inspiration for many writers, especially Henry Thoreau and Walt Whitman.

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Violating the Iran Deal: Playing with Nuclear Fire
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

9 May 2018 – President Trump has demonstrated yet again why he lacks the understanding, intelligence and temperament to be president of the United States. By violating the Iran nuclear deal, he is undermining the security of the U.S., our allies and the world. He has just fired another serious warning shot across the bow of democracy, one that bodes ill for the nuclear non-proliferation regime, for peace and for the future of our democratic institutions.

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(Português) Um Jornalismo de Paz Não É um “Jornalismo Bonzinho”, e É por Ele que Francisco Quer Lutar
Alexandra Antunes | Sapo 24 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

13 maio 2018 – Dia Mundial das Comunicações Sociais, proposto pelo Papa Francisco e celebrado hoje. É preciso “um jornalismo que não se limite a queimar notícias, mas se comprometa com a procura das causas reais dos conflitos, para favorecer a sua compreensão e a sua superação através de processos virtuosos; um jornalismo empenhado a indicar soluções alternativas ao aumento do clamor e da violência verbal”, disse o Papa Francisco [aludindo ao Prof. Johan Galtung].

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The Infinite Hotel Paradox
Jeff Dekofsky | TED – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

The Infinite Hotel, a thought experiment created by German mathematician David Hilbert, is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Easy to comprehend, right? Wrong.

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‘Peace Journalism’ To Help Build a More Peaceful World
Vatican News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

8 May 2018 – Pope Francis dedicated his Message for World Communications Day 2018 to “peace journalism” and Galtung expressed his gratitude for this. He said he believes that Pope Francis is one of the greatest positive figures of our time and “obviously I am deeply struck by his stance on a concept such as “peace journalism” and find his support a great boost.

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The CIA Black Sites Program and the Gina Haspel Nomination
George Washington University, National Security Archive – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

9 May 2018—Today’s nomination hearing for Gina Haspel to be CIA director provides an opportunity for the agency and Haspel to fill in the blanks on the CIA “black sites” and interrogation program. The National Security Archive has already identified key questions about Haspel’s record [see box below]. Today, the Archive provides the basis for an evidence-based review of the Rendition, Detention and Interrogation program, posting a selection of the most recent versions of declassified documents that reveal the RDI’s background.

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(Português) O centro não é o ser humano mas a vida em sua diversidade
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

14 maio 2018 – Na compreensão dos grandes cosmólogos que estudam o processo da cosmogênese e da biogênese, a culminância desse processo não se realiza no ser humano. A grande emergência é a vida em sua imensa diversidade e àquilo que lhe pertence essencialmente que é o cuidado.

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The Rationality and the Delegitimization of Mahmoud Abbas
Walid Salem – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

5 May 2018 – The leaders of the underdog party in a protracted and intractable conflict cannot be expected to act all the time rationally, regardless of the context and its history. And also regardless of the general and the overall positions of those leaders. On this basis, one can look to the last statement of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas considering the “Jewish usury” as the reason for their hate and therefore the successive killings in Europe.

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The End of Democracy?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

8 May 2018 – Because of globalization in its manifest forms, it is no longer tenable to confine the ambitions of democracy to national spaces. Global democracy has become, is becoming, a matter of ultimate concern. Issues raised concern transparency, accountability, participation, and responsiveness of global policy processes, and of course, how the global is to be linked to the regional and national.

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Who Is the Vassal?
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

12 May 2018 – If you are living in Israel, these days, you get the impression that the huge State of Israel is dictating to its American vassal what to do about Iran. President Donald Trump listens and complies. Bibi the Great tells him to tear up the Iranian deal for no obvious reason, and he obeys. He has no choice, poor man.

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Iran Deal Represents ‘Significant Verification Gain’ – UN Atomic Energy Chief
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

9 May 2018 – Speaking the day after the United States withdrew from an international agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme, the head of the United Nations atomic watchdog agency made it clear that Iran has consistently stuck to its commitments.

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Tango – Por Una Cabeza (Music Video of the Week)
Nicola Benedetti – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

Nicola Benedetti, Ksenija Sidorova, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Leonard Elschenbroich and Alexei Grynyuk. Delightful!

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Malcolm X (19 May 1925 – 21 Feb 1965)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

Civil Rights Activist, Minister – African-American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X articulated concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the 1950s and ’60s.

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Trump Fuels Extremism and Violence!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

Donald Trump’s May 8 withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear deal and the May 14 US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will only further isolate the U.S. European Prof. Johan Galtung who predicted the crash of the Soviet empire in 1991 now predicts the end of the American empire within the next two years.

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The American Psychological Association Speaks Out Against Gina Haspel
Roy Eidelson, Ph.D. | Psychology Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

The APA took an important step last week. In key ways, the APA’s opposition to Gina Haspel’s nomination is important symbolically even if its immediate practical impact proves limited.

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For Rohingya Refugees, Imminent Surge in Births Is Traumatic Legacy of Sexual Violence – Special Report
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

11 May 2018 – Late last year, as violent repression in Myanmar sent Rohingyas fleeing to safety in Bangladesh, women from the mainly Muslim minority were subjected to what a United Nations official called “a frenzy of sexual violence”.

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De-Briefing Academics: Unpaid Intelligence Informants
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

3 May 2018 – Many academics are frequently engage in what government officials dub ‘de-briefing’! They meet and discuss their field-work, data collection, research finding, observations and personal contacts over lunch at the Embassy with US government officials or in Washington with State Department officials.

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Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution
Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

In a world fraught with violence, misuse of power, corruption and complex conflicts endangering human security and global peace, the book offers an outstanding contribution to rational thinking envisaging intellectual excellence and proactive vision for change and adaptability to the futuristic challenges in global affairs.

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A Bomber Pilot Speaks
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

The stain of death spreads below,
but from my cockpit I see none of it.
I only drop bombs as I have been trained

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(Português) Somos estranhos na nossa relação com outras espécies
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

A ideia da inferiorização do que é diferente há muito embruteceu o ser humano. E mesmo hoje, quando o pretexto de suplantar o outro é mais desnecessário do que nunca, até mesmo aqueles que gozam de certas habilidades intelectuais defendem essa prática. Mas por que as coisas são assim? Encarceramos espécies que jamais nos causaram qualquer mal.

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Copper Mining Tailings Ponds Are Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things (and Neither Are Hydrofluoric Acid Storage Tanks)
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

An Open Letter to the Affected Mayors, City Councilors and Assorted Thought Leaders Who Inhabit the Areas Downstream and Downwind

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Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for World Communications Day
Pope Francis | Libreria Editrice Vaticana – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

I would like to invite everyone to promote a journalism of peace. By that, I do not mean the saccharine kind of journalism that refuses to acknowledge the existence of serious problems or smacks of sentimentalism. On the contrary, I mean a journalism that is truthful and opposed to falsehoods, rhetorical slogans, and sensational headlines. A journalism less concentrated on breaking news than on exploring the underlying causes of conflicts, in order to promote deeper understanding and contribute to their resolution by setting in place virtuous processes. A journalism committed to pointing out alternatives to the escalation of shouting matches and verbal violence.

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Eclipsing Factionalism: The Missing Story from Gaza Protests
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

10 May 2018 – Palestinians, disenchanted with factional division, are laboring to create a new political space, independent from the whims of factions; because, for them, the real fight is that against Israeli Occupation, for Palestinian freedom and nothing else.

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Careless Flowering
Emanuel E. Garcia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

Surrounded by trees,
A public garden steps away,
The autumn-angling sun stirring the roses,

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The Skripals Will Most Likely Never Be Allowed to Talk
The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

11 May 2018 – It has been two months already since the Skripals are held in total secrecy by the UK authorities. What I see is this: on substance, the Skripal false flag has crashed and burned, just like MH17 or the Douma chemical attack, but unlike MH17 or Douma, the Skripals are two witnesses whose testimony has the potential to result in a gigantic scandal, not just for the May government, but for all those spineless Europeans who showed “solidarity” with Britain.

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Three More…
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

An Irishman arrived late at night at a bar in Belfast and saw a big fight.

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