Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

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(עברית – Hebrew) מצעד השיבה הגדול – עזה, פלסטין
ד עזדין אבו אל עיש – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

“העסקה האולטימטיבית” היא הגשמת ארץ הקודש כארץ שלום. בשותפות, יוכלו הפלסטינים והישראלים לחיות כולם בארץ זו – מוסלמים, נוצרים ויהודים – כאזרחים שווים בני דתות אברהם. רפאו את הפצעים ומחו את הדמעות. אל תביטו לאחור, הביטו קדימה ולימדו את השיעורים.

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The Machiavellian Threefold Game of the Neoconservatives
Laurent Guyénot | Voltaire Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

To realize their fantasies of world domination, the neocons resorted to a triple discourse: a cynical political philosophy developed by their mentor Leo Strauss for domestic consumption; a cold analysis of Israeli strategic interests for the benefit of the leaders in Tel Aviv; and a fear-mongering warning against imaginary dangers besetting U.S. public opinion.

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Is Marx Still Relevant?
Peter Singer | Project Syndicate - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

On the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth on May 5, 1818, it isn’t far-fetched to suggest that his predictions have been falsified, his theories discredited, and his ideas rendered obsolete. So why should we care about his legacy in the twenty-first century?

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Governance as “Juggling” — Juggling as “Governance”
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

14 May 2018 – Dynamics of Braiding Incommensurable Insights for Sustainable Governance – There is a case for recognizing the extent to which governance of many kinds is a matter of “juggling” parameters, variables, resources, people, schedules, risks, and disparate skills.

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World Order after the Cold War
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

The aftermath of the Cold War exhibited several forms of dysfunctionality: failures by the American-led West to recognize and act upon a new global agenda that served the ‘human interest’ rather than continue to pursue ‘geopolitical ambitions’ by relying on coercive diplomacy and militarism. What is politically ‘feasible’ at this point will not do. The peoples of the world deserve and require a politics that recognizes what is ‘necessary’ and aspires to achieve what is ‘desirable.’

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Palestinian Refugees Suffer Setback in Lebanon’s Parliamentary Election
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

10 May 2018 – Despite the recent election results, Palestinians in Lebanon will continue their struggle to achieve the elementary civil rights to work and to own a home. Their prospects will increase if more of their international supporters active on myriad internet blogs will focus on their plight in Lebanon and hopefully many will come to Lebanon to help organize an effective grassroots civil rights campaign.

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Unearthing Truths: Israel, the Nakba, and the Jewish National Fund
The Editors | Moving Forward Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

The Forward courageously reminds American Jews of the reality of the Nakba, the slogans and symbols of the Jewish project that enabled mass expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people – and the policies that enable it to continue today. Our hope is that pro-Israel communities will honestly confront the history and the present situation in the land, and move toward justice.

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Oliver North Will Be Next President of NRA, Organization Says
Camila Domonoske | National Public Radio – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

7 May 2018 – Retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, infamous for his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s, will be the next president of the National Rifle Association, the organization says in a statement.

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Achieving Peace
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik – University of Oslo, Norway 1975

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A Warm Room
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

As long as peace negotiators focus on the elimination of weapons, anyone with a gun or bomb can sabotage the peace process. Violence relates to an unresolved conflict like smoke to fire. To stop the smoke, it is necessary to quench the fire, not the other way round.

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Electrifying Development
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

14 May 2018 – It is hard to believe that there are still some regions in the world that are without electric power. But there are actually several regions without it. According to a recent report of the Washington Post, there are several countries in Africa and Asia which have either no electricity or suffer from electricity hunger.

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The UNO at Crossroads While Warriors Are Destroying Humanity
Mahboob A Khawaja, PhD. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

Is There a UNO to Protect the Beleaguered Humanity? Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen are destroyed by design. Some of these places were the hub of ancient cultures and human civilizations and will never be rebuilt by the warmongers and raging sectarian bloodbath. It reminds us all of the man-made sadistic events leading to the First and the 2nd World Wars. As a conscientious global community, what have we learned from history?

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News from Burma/Myanmar’s Rohingya Genocide
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

11 May 2018 – Travels and intense activist work, and observing INGOs, old and new, treating the ongoing Rohingya genocide as if it were a business item among rivals, have drained me tremendously… Everyone remotely familiar with international justice–if at all–knows that by the time the lawyers arrive and the Court set up, the targets are all dead, their villages bulldozed in the case of Rohingyas, and they have nowhere to go or no place they can call ‘home’ or their homeland.

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Remediating Fukushima—“When Everything Goes to Hell, You Go Back to Basics”
William Steel | Ars Technica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

11 May 2018 – Seven years on from the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has come a long way from the state it was reduced to. It may take 40 years for the site to appear like “a normal reactor at the end of its life.” 8 trillion yen ($74.6 billion) approved by the Japanese state last May for the complete decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi.

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Military, a Most Sordid Profession
Fred Reed | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

A few thoughts on our disastrous trillion-dollar military: It is unnecessary. It does not defend the United States. The US has no military enemies. No nation has anything even close to the forces necessary to invade America, and probably none the desire. “Our boys” are not noble warriors protecting democracy, rescuing maidens, and righting wrongs. They are, like all soldiers, obedient and amoral killers. Pilots bombing Iraq or Syria know they are killing civilians.

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Transforming Violent Systems: The Key to Social Peace
Dr. Richard Rubenstein | TED – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

12 Apr 2018 – Richard E. Rubenstein is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment and a professor at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia. His recent book, Resolving Structural Conflicts, was published by Routledge in 2017.

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Commercializing Peace?
Gary Brumback | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

28 Apr 2018 – I’m no less skeptical and even more cynical about peace through commerce after reading this book, especially its case studies. The book risks being an insult to people who know the real story about the UN and MNCs. Were the academic contributors in some instances bamboozled or corporatized? I don’t know.

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The Times Call for Radical Action!
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

1 May 2018 – Johan Galtung predicted the crash of the Soviet empire within one year, and he predicts the end of the American empire within the next two years. If he is correct, the crash of the global economy is likely to come before the threatened wars, before the full development of fascism, and before the full effects of global warming. And if he is correct, it will provide us with a window of opportunity in the next two years to refound the global political system.

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Israeli Soldiers Cheer after Shooting Unarmed Palestinian Protester in the Village of Madama
btselem – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

24 Apr 2018 – Filmed by B’Tselem Volunteers Mu’awiyah Nassar and Ahmad Ziyadah.

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U.S. Should Accept Putin’s Offer to Negotiate on Nukes
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

The U.S. should take him up on this offer. As the two most powerful nuclear powers on the planet, with enough nuclear weapons to end civilization as we know it and possibly the human species, the two countries need to be engaged in productive and good-faith negotiations to end the nuclear weapons threat to each other and to all humanity.

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Is a New Intifada Possible?
Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

2 May 2018 – Decades of Zionist colonialism transformed the Palestinian people from among the most economically and educationally advanced in Western Asia to
its most dependent and desperate. It is the world’s sole remaining unresolved case of colonialism, and it will be settled in the same manner as it has been in more than 140 other countries: by sharing the land and agreeing to coexist. Until this freedom and equality is achieved, Palestinians will continue to resist.

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(Castellano) Venezuela: preparativos mediáticos para una intervención
Romain Migus | El Medium – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

El 20 de mayo de 2018, se celebrará la elección presidencial en Venezuela. El sistema mediático ha empezado a crear matrices de opinion negativas contra el sistema electoral con el objetivo de deslegitimizar el proceso electoral. Este artículo es para que puedas comprender la complejidad de la situación en Venezuela.

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The Great March of Return – Gaza, Palestine
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

2 May 2018 – The ‘ultimate deal’ is the realization of the Holy Land is the land of peace. In partnership, Palestinians and Israelis can all live in this land – Muslims, Christians and Jews – as equal citizens of Abrahamic faiths. Heal the wounds, and wipe the tears. Do not look backwards – look forward and learn the lessons.

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Global Military Spending at Record $1.7 Trillion
Niles Niemuth | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

4 May 2018 – Global military spending hit a record of more than $1.7 trillion in 2017, the highest level since the Cold War, according to figures published yesterday by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The report gives some idea of the scale of the squandering of resources for destructive ends.

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Somewhere over the Rainbow (Music Video of the Week)
Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Israel “Iz” Kaʻanoʻi Kamakawiwoʻole, in Hawaiian, The Fearless Eyed was a Hawaiian musician and sovereignty activist. Thousands of fans gathered as his ashes were scattered into the Pacific Ocean at Mākua Beach, Hawai’i on July 12, 1997. This video documents the event. RIP dear friend, 350 kg of heart.

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Imperial Road to Conquest: Peace and Disarmament Agreements
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

In recent years US imperial strategy has sought to lessen the cost of defeating and overthrowing independent countries.

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A New Friendship
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Al was walking home from school. Suddenly he saw that the boy in front of him had fallen and dropped a large pile of books and other things that he was carrying. Al bent down and helped him pick up the scattered items.

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That Woman
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

5 May 2018 – Ben-Gurion said about her: “The only thing Golda knows how to do is to hate!” Golda Meir did not hate me. That would be an understatement. She detested me. The way I speak, the way I dress, the way I look. Everything.

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Having Bought into a Wreck — What Now?
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Cognitive Challenges of Embodying Reality Otherwise

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Suicide Prevention Is Part of the Right to Life
Christophe Barbey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

The best prevention of suicide is to be able to live, in dignity, a serene and gratifying life. To choose to live and to lead a happy life is a personal choice reinforcing this prevention process. – As Such, It Is a State Duty Switzerland Recognized

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Solidarity Economy: Building an Economy for People & Planet
Emily Kawano | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

1 May 2018 – This paper presents a vision of an alternative economic system that puts people and the planet at its core. More than an academic model, Solidarity Economy is an organizing strategy that seeks to transform all sectors of our economy by proliferating and connecting existing practices outside the mainstream of capitalism. The goal is to ultimately move the system away from a focus just on what works for homo economicus and towards an economy grounded in solidarity, equity, participatory democracy, sustainability, and pluralism.

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Declaration on the Right to Peace (2)
United Nations General Assembly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Resolution 71/189 adopted by the General Assembly on 19 Dec 2016

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Brooklyn Students Use ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ to Explore Solutions to Gun Violence
Anya van Wagtendonk | Youth Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

30 Apr 2018 —The inspiration comes from ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ by Nobel Peace Prize nominee, dramaturge Augusto Boal, a ramification of Paulo Freire’s seminal book, ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed.’ Both educators were Brazilian.

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The Underworld of Banksters
Gary Brumback | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

2 May 2018 – This article burrows into a sector that I call the “underworld of banksters.” A bankster is a bank or banker that relies on illegal or unethical wrongdoing in their financial dealings. The wrongdoing to be found in their underworld is monumental and incalculable in size and harm done.

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Defence Stocks Plummet amid Threats of Peace Breaking Out on Korean Peninsula
New Matilda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

War. What is it good for? Well, the economy, stupid. And conversely, if the prospects of war reduce, you can pretty much guess what happens to the fortunes of major defence companies.

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How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today
Philip M. Giraldi | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

30 Apr 2018 – Today’s false flag operations are generally carried out by intelligence agencies and non-government actors including terrorist groups. There is nothing honorable about them as their intention is to blame an innocent party for something that it did not do. There has been a lot of such activity lately. The CIA has developed a capability to mimic the Internet fingerprints of other foreign intelligence services. False flags can be involved in other sorts of activity as well.

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(Français) Crise humanitaire au Yémen: des millions de personnes sont concernées
Vijay Prashad | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

La population du Yémen a désespérément besoin de signes que cette guerre va bientôt prendre fin.

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As Israel Kills Dozens and Maims Thousands, Palestinian ‘Violence’ Under Media Microscope
Gregory Shupak | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

30 Apr 2018 – Corporate media help set the terms of debate about the issues they cover by pointing toward specific sets of questions and ignoring others. When news outlets highlight particular points of contention, they encourage audiences to see these as the central aspects of the story and discourage consideration of other facets of the topic. Recent reporting on the Palestinians’ Great Return March offers a case study in how news media establish truncated, distorted parameters of discussion.

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Jake Lynch on Peace Journalism
Leeds Beckett University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Dr Jake Lynch, former BBC newsreader, Political Correspondent for Sky News and Sydney Correspondent for the Independent. Jake is now the Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney and is one of the most published authors in the field of Peace Journalism.

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Big Pharma Wants People on Antidepressants for Years and It’s Working
Martha Rosenberg | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

30 Apr 2018 – Antidepressants were once considered a short-term therapy to help people get over a troubled time. All that changed with the debut of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, drug ads on TV, and the promotion of the “chemical imbalance” theory of depression.

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Meanwhile, Around the World
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

The violence pandemic continues, unabated, particularly in the USA. There is interest in peace but not much in doing anything about it. And even less in what this column recommends with 60 years experience: identify and solve underlying conflicts, concile underlying traumas. Not easy. But feasible, if the will is there. A 2-point agenda.

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To Be a Palestinian Jerusalemite These Days
Walid Salem – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

The Arab Summit held in Saudi Arabia in the 15th of April passed this year without attracting media attention. Strong decisions about Palestine and Iran, and a deep split regarding Syria. In Israel, there were almost no responses to the Arab Summit resolutions. The Israeli plans in regard to Jerusalem continued as if nothing happened.

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(Castellano) Carta de la No-Violencia: Informe de Progreso 12 (abril 2018)
Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone & Anahata Giri | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

23 abril 2018- Nuestro esfuerzo colectivo para construir un consenso mundial contra el uso de la violencia en todos los contextos continúa progresando, ¡incluso en contra de obstáculos abrumadores!

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.

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Archeology of War
David Krieger - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

The years of war have numbed us,
grinding us down as they pile up one upon
the other forming a burial mound not only

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Leading Healthy, Spiritual, Meaningful Lives
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

7 May 2018 – Large number of people around the world are leading stressful, tension prone lives. This is due to several factors – economic, ageing and health related, racial and caste issues, violence and terrorist activities to name few principal ones. A resultant factor is poverty, loneliness and social isolation.

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Though Invisible to Us, Our Dead Are Not Absent
Edward Curtin, Jr. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Those titular words were sent to me by Fr. Daniel Berrigan shortly before he died.

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Netanyahu: Don’t Look Here Where We’re Shooting Children, Look Over There at Iran
Juan Cole | Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

1 May 2018 – Netanyahu even seems to have provoked the White House to issue a communique falsely stating that Iran has a weapons program presently, which it promptly had to retract. The incident shows how easy it is to manipulate the erratic Trump and his not-ready-for-prime-time staff.

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(Français) Nicaragua: 7 similitudes entre les protestations violentes au Nicaragua et au Venezuela
Misión Verdad | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

26 Avr 2018 – Les similitudes entre l’escalade de violence qui a été menée à bien au Nicaragua ces derniers jours et les guarimbas organisées par l’anti-chavisme aussi bien en 2014 qu’en 2017 sont nombreuses. Non seulement en ce qui concerne ceux qui financent ces opérations mais aussi dans le mode opératoire, tant dans la rue que dans les médias et sur les réseaux sociaux. Ci-après, sept comparaisons qui le confirment.

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Peace Journalism and Conflict Transformation: The Importance of Training
Abbas Aroua | Cordoba Foundation of Geneva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Training journalists in the concepts and techniques of peace journalism, is to promote access to properly established information, to make people understand the causes and issues of conflict, and finally to encourage the participation of society in the peaceful transformation of these conflicts.

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Twenty Arbiters for Policy Decisions and Actions: A Template for Our Times
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

5 May 2018 – Perhaps it would be helpful to keep before us the various aspirations for society’s models supportive of nature and human life. Idealistic? Of course! But, if we deny the possible, then reality fills the gaps with less than laudatory choices.

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(Português) Moby está vendendo seus equipamentos musicais para arrecadar dinheiro para um comitê de médicos veganos
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

26 abr 2018 – O renomado músico e ativista vegano Richad Melville Hall, mais conhecido como Moby, abriu hoje uma loja online depois de firmar uma parceria com o mercado online para vender mais de 100 peças de seus instrumentos e equipamentos musicais pessoais.

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Rabindranath Tagore (7 May 1861 – 7 Aug 1941): The Local and the Universal
René Wadlow - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

In a period of rapid change as we face today, it is often difficult to find the right balance between the cultural contributions and needs of the local, the national, and the universal. One way of finding this balance is to look at the life and work of others, who earlier confronted the same challenges. One such person was the poet, writer and cultural reformer Rabindranath Tagore.

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Syria’s New Law Number Ten Devastates Sunni Refugees as Regime Loyalists Are Deeded Their Homes and Real Estate
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Law Number 10 sets in motion a massive political and legal overhaul of the government land registry and gives Syrian refugees, whether inside the country or abroad just 30 days to prove ownership of their houses and property. As of today, 4 May 2018, they have one week and if they fail to do so the state will liquidate their titles and seize their holdings.

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Postscript: Additional Indonesian Impressions
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

1 May 2018 – It occurs to me that two additional impressions of Indonesia seem relevant enough to be worth a short supplement to my post of a few days ago.

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(Français) Le complexe militaro-industriel est la principale cause de la crise globale
John Scales Avery | Investig’Acion – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Avr 2018 – Je voudrais vous annoncer la publication d’un nouveau livre intitulé The Devil’s Dynamo [La dynamo du diable]. Il s’agit d’une collection d’articles et de textes sur la façon dont les complexes militaro-industriels du monde entier conduisent et perpétuent la guerre.

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May the Korean Peace Deal Trigger Anti-Militarist, Anti-Fascist Movements in Asia–and Globally
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Today–27 April 2018–will likely be chronicled in history as the day that gave little people like us, grassroots activists, to feel that PEACE is possible and that PEACE is the way. I hope Western mass media will stop its demonization of N. Korea which has, with good historical reasons, lived with the fear of being genocided by the United States.

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Israel Again Opens Fire on Gaza Protesters, Killing Three and Wounding Hundreds
Will Morrow | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

28 Apr 2018 – For the fifth consecutive week, the Israeli military rained live ammunition on thousands of unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza yesterday, killing three and wounding 900. Friday’s bloodletting brings the total number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army over the past five weeks to 45, including four children, with more than 6,000 wounded. Zero Israeli wounded or killed.

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North Korea’s Suspension of Missile Tests Should Lead to ‘Irreversible’ Commitment to Ban Nuclear Testing – UN-Backed Treaty Body
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – The world’s nuclear proliferation watchdog has welcomed the announcement by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to suspend its nuclear and missile tests and shut down its Punggye-ri atomic test site.

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Latin America in the Time of Trump
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 – President Trump cancelled his attendance at the Summit of the Americas meeting of all the 35 presidents of the region and delegated VP Pence in his place. Pence, a known nonentity with zero experience and even less knowledge of Latin America–US relations, indicates the Trump regime’s disdain and low opinion of the eighth meeting of the tri-annual Summit.

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Do Animals Have Souls?
ISKCON Desire Tree – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Is it only humans who have souls? Have you ever wondered whether animals have souls, or what happens after a pet dies? Do animals go to heaven, which is the word people commonly use to refer to the afterlife? Is an animal soul the same as a human one? What happens to animals in the afterlife? These are interesting questions.

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(Italiano) 25 aprile 2018_Il sogno concreto_Salò. Liberazione e Resistenza valori per donne libere e uomini liberi
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

IL SOGNO CONCRETO – Il testo dell’orazione è stato scritto a più mani ed è stato letto, oggi, a due voci.

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Unnecessary Suffering: The Legacy of Depleted Uranium
Carol Dudek | The World Can't Wait – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

A UN Sub-Commission on Human Rights has condemned depleted uranium munitions as weapons of indiscriminate destruction. Its effects continue after war ends and beyond military objectives; particles travel to noncombatant countries, polluting soil, water and food. In 1996 the UN passed a resolution to ban the use of DUs. The US voted no, and all abstentions were from Europe.

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Social Skill
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

A Swiss farmer’s son was for the first time at a ball.

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Panmunjom Declaration: A Glimmer of Hope
Askiah Adam – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

28 Apr 2018 – Taken pleasantly by surprise, not least because of the speed at which the joint Panmunjom Declaration has materialised, the world cannot but rejoice. Both leaders of North and South Korea have planted a tree of peace, shook hands and walked together, at one point hand in hand. Indeed, there is cause for optimism this time around and that both Washington and Beijing may yet endorse the Declaration.

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Democratic Space in Adverse Times: Milestone at Haiti’s University of the Aristide Foundation
Leslie Mullin | Resumen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

“Haiti vitally needs a safe space where young people can come together, think country and construct a future under difficult circumstances… an institution that will address national issues and seek viable solutions to national problems. Dreams of working, prospering and changing Haiti – not chasing after a foreign visa or a job with a foreign NGO. This is UniFA’s commitment.”
— Mildred Aristide

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Declaration on the Right to Peace (1)
UN Human Rights Council – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Resolution 32/28 adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on 1 July 2016

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The Real Victor
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

28 Apr 2018 – On the fifth day of the six-day war in 1967, I published an open letter to the Prime Minister, Levy Eshkol. The Israeli army had just conquered the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, and I proposed that Eshkol immediately offer the Palestinian people to establish the State of Palestine there, in return for peace with Israel.

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Germany’s Refusal to Join the Latest US-Led Missile Strikes on Syria
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – Germany’s leader wanted to join the U.S., France and Britain in the bombing of Syria, but backed off because of domestic opposition. The major left party concluded that the US-led missile strikes violated international law.

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North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un meets South Korean President Moon Jae-in at DMZ
VOA News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Peace in the Making: Historic Third Summit between North and South Korea – Streamed Live 27 Apr 2018

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Deconstructing Power (Part 3)
Dr. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

With help from court poets and scribes, a “rising power” has traditionally been made to appear “heroic” and “majestic”. But a “disoriented and declining power” is pathetic – although poets and scribes would continue their assigned work, as long as the treasury continues to pay their salaries. Is a declining power more of a threat to humanity than a rising power?

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Minuteman III Missile Test Launched from California in Cloud of Secrecy
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – Poor Timing and Lack of Transparency Send Wrong Message – The United States launched a Minuteman III Ballistic Missile this morning from Vandenberg Air Force Base. This is the same class of missiles for which the U.S. has been highly critical of the North Koreans for developing and testing. It is particularly disappointing because it was conducted just over a day in advance of the planned summit of the leaders of North and South Korea.

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The Slaughter in Gaza and the Crisis of Israel on Its 70th Anniversary
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Apr 2018 – As of today, the number of nonviolent, unarmed demonstrators murdered by Israeli army snipers firing into Gaza has risen to at least 40, with another 5,000 wounded, 1,600 by live ammunition.

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An Island Called Respect
Christophe Barbey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

I live an island called “respect”.
Living there allows me to see
Humanity in you;
Living there allows me to see,

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Marx and Modern Microeconomics
Samuel Bowles | Vox – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

21 Apr 2018 – This column argues that Marx’s representation of the power relationship between capital and labour in the firm is an essential insight for understanding and improving modern capitalism.

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Robert Fisk Puts to Test the Free-Press Myth in Douma
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – The content of what he reported was incendiary. Just a few days after France, UK and US had bombed Syria, in violation of all principles of international law, on the grounds that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons in Douma, Fisk interviewed a doctor at the clinic where the victims were treated. The doctor said no chemical attack occurred. The video footage from last week was genuine, the doctor added, but it showed civilians who had inhaled dust after a Syrian bombing attack, not gas.

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(Français) Le Manifeste communiste, 170 ans plus tard
Samir Amin | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Avr 2018 – Aucun texte écrit au milieu du XIX è siècle n’a tenu la route jusqu’aujourd’hui aussi bien que le Manifeste Communiste de 1848. (…) Marx et Engels étaient-ils des prophètes inspirés ? Des magiciens capables de lire dans une boule de cristal ? Des êtres exceptionnels pour leur intuition ? Non. Ils avaient seulement mieux compris que quiconque, en leur temps et pour notre temps encore, l’essentiel de ce qui définit et caractérise le capitalisme.

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Indonesian Impressions
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Impressions from a Third Visit to Indonesia

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Fox in the Hen House: Why Interest Rates Are Rising
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 – The Federal Reserve calls itself “independent,” but it is independent only of government. It marches to the drums of the banks that are its private owners. Congress needs to nationalize the Fed and turn it into a public utility, one that is responsive to the needs of the public and the economy, not of the banks.

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Can We Talk (about Animal Rights)?
Roger S. Gottlieb | Harvard Divinity School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Animals suffer for lots of reasons: The sea birds covered in oil, the fox caught in a fur hunter’s trap gnawing off its leg, the long, long lines of cows waiting to be bludgeoned and then to have their throats slit, the millions of mice to be used for God knows what, including the ones who have been scientifically, genetically engineered to get cancer (“onco-mice,” they are called). Not to mention whole species, thousands of them, dying off because humans have taken or contaminated their habitat, or brought in exotic species against which they have not evolved defenses, or just eaten too many.

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OPCW Investigators Found “No Evidence” of Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by F-UK-US
Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – According to new reports, investigators from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have spoken with Russian military officials after visiting the site of the Barzeh research center in Damascus. If France, UK and the US really did bomb a building filled with chemical weapons, there would have been thousands of bodies to show for it.

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Jake Lynch on Peace Journalism
Leeds Beckett University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Dr Jake Lynch, former BBC newsreader, Political Correspondent for Sky News and Sydney Correspondent for the Independent. Jake is now the Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney and is one of the most published authors in the field of Peace Journalism.

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Saudi Aggression War against Yemen
Yemen News Agency Saba – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – At least 88 victims of the wedding massacre of the US-backed Saudi-led aggression warplane were killed and injured, which targeted a wedding in al-raqah area at Bani Qais in Hajjah province, a medical official told Saba today.

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‘Committed International Leadership Needed for Rohingya Issue’
Selin Calik Muhasilovic | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Apr 2018 – Myanmarese scholar and democracy advocate Dr. Maung Zarni spoke on the ongoing humanitarian crisis involving Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence and persecution in the Rakhine state and Turkey’s important role specifically to help them return to the ‘Protected Homeland’.

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Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 Mar 1883)
The European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Germany. His father was a lawyer who came from a long line of Rabbis, but had changed his faith to Protestantism in order to keep his job. By 1857 Marx had written an 800-page manuscript which was to become Das Kapital (Capital). This is his major work on political economy, capital, landed property, the state, wage labor, foreign trade and the world market.

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Nuclear Arms Issues: Progress but Still a Rocky Road Ahead
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

NGOs active in conflict resolution and tension reduction efforts must build upon this new momentum to help deepening the positive atmosphere. A new “window of opportunity” has opened, and we must see how to move forward creatively. There are times when there are links among otherwise separate events and concerns. We need to take advantage of this convergence and work so that our voices are heard ever more clearly.

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Canadian Prisoner in Search of Justice: The Case of M. Momin Khawaja
Samih U. Malik – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

What did M. Momin Khawaja do to be called a “terrorist?” On March 29, 2004, he was arrested on accusation of being co-conspirator for the UK London Bomb plan. But the Canadian Trial Judge acquitted him of this focal allegation of the case. There was no evidence to support this scenario. Subsequently, the Government made up five other criminal charges to try him in a public court of law in Canada.

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(Português) Podemos falar sobre os direitos dos animais?
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 abr 2018 – Em 2014, o filósofo Roger S. Gottlieb, professor de filosofia e autor de 18 livros, publicou pelo Harvard Divinity Bulletin um artigo intitulado “Can We Talk (about Animal Rights)?”. “Podemos começar reconhecendo que o fracasso moral do moderno consumo de carne não é o fim da história”.

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Words Can Save Lives
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

A group of frogs were walking through a forest. Suddenly, two of them fell into a hole. All the other frogs gathered around the hole and looked down over the edge.

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ETA Statement to the Basque Country: Declaration on Harm Caused
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

8 Apr 2018 – We are aware that we have caused great pain throughout this long period of armed struggle. We know much of this harm cannot be mended. We wish to express our respect to all the victims of ETA’s actions, in that they were harmed as a consequence of the conflict, whether they were killed, injured or harmed in any other way. We are truly sorry.

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Body and Soul (Music Video of the Week)
Tony Bennett & Amy Winehouse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

International Jazz Day, 30 Apr – Official Music Video

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Teilhard de Chardin (1 May 1881 – 10 Apr 1955): Evolution toward World Unity
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

For Teilhard, love was not an emotion or a sentiment but the basic primal and universal psychic energy. This is a concept drawn from Chinese culture. Teilhard lived in China from 1923 to 1946. The Chinese word jen, a term translated as love, benevolence or affection, is not only an emotional-moral term, but it is also a cosmic force − a compassionate quality that is the very structure of the earth.

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Media Cover-Up: Shielding Israel Is a Matter of Policy
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – The term ‘media bias’ does not do justice to the western corporate media’s relationship with Israel and Palestine. The current disgraceful coverage of Gaza’s popular protests indicates that the media’s position aims at suppressing the truth on Palestine, at any cost, and by any means.

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Full Declaration North-South Korea Summit, 27 Apr 2018
TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Official Translation Provided by the Inter-Korean Summit

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Lebanon’s Politicians Insist Syrian Refugees Return Home Now! But to What?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

26 Apr 2018 – “Uridu an aouda ela bayti fi Sourya!” (“I want to return home to Syria!”). These are the words perhaps most regularly heard by Meals for Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon (MSRCL) volunteers and other NGO’s who work with Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.

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Speaking the Unspeakable: The Assassination and Martyrdom of Thomas Merton
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

“Killing a man who says ‘No!’ is a risky business,” the priest replied, “because even a corpse can go on whispering ‘No! No! No! with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of. And how can you silence a corpse?”
— Ignazio Silone, Bread and Wine

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Economic Theory and Community Development
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 – One of several key theses of this book is the ethical principle: we should share the surplus. It is an ancient principle that in modern times the principal founder of economic theory, Adam Smith, took great pains to deny. It is present in one form or another in most of the cultures homo sapiens has constructed. It survives today in most religions. It is, implicitly at least, a centrepiece of socialism and of responsible capitalism. We do not think of ourselves as proposing a new idea, but as reviving an old one whose time is now returning.

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US/UK-Backed Saudi-Led Airstrike at Yemen Wedding Killed at least 20
AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Apr 2018 — An airstrike by the US/UK-Backed Saudi-led coalition hit a wedding party in northern Yemen, killing at least 20 people including the bride, health officials said Monday [23 Apr], as harrowing images emerged on social media of the deadly bombing, the third to hit Yemeni civilians since the weekend.

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Homogenization of Psychotherapy and Counseling: Scientific, Professional, Ethical/Moral Issues, Risks, and Directions
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

28 Apr 2018 – In a time and era when people of contrasting cultural diversity are coming into contact on a daily basis, it is incumbent dominant, historical, and conventional Western therapists and counselors learn the nature, procedures, and wisdom of traditional non-Western therapies, and in the process, re-consider the cultural context of their own practices.

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On Busy Streets – Unusual Events and Chance Encounters
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

“I believe that I am guided by chance encounters. I believe in the miracle of chance encounters.”

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