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Strategy and Conscience: Subverting Elite Power So We End Human Violence
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

The military forces of the United States are not intended to defend it against military attack. The military forces of the countries in NATO are not intended to defend them against military attack. The military forces of the USA and NATO are controlled by the global elite and used by them to aggressively attack, in violation of all relevant national and international laws, any country that seeks independent control and development of its resources, particularly fossil fuels, strategic minerals and water. The global elite, which is in total control of the global economy and world affairs generally, does this in order to expand its own power, profit and privilege. It does this no matter what the cost to any individual (outside the elite), people, country and the biosphere. Why does the global elite do all of this? Because it is completely insane. So what do we do?

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‘Jewish Nation-State Law’: What It Means and Why It’s so Worrying – Apartheid Is a Process
Edo Konrad - +972 Magazine, 30 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – The Israeli parliament passed the “Jewish Nation-State Law” in the early hours of today, defining Israel as the exclusive nation-state of the Jewish people and demoting the official status of Arabic. With its passage, Israel has constitutionally enshrined discrimination against its Palestinian population.

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BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization”
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 30 Jul 2018

24 Jul 2018 – This week, leaders of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will be meeting in Johannesburg amidst an evolving trade war sponsored by the Trump administration. To what extent will the BRICS countries respond to the wave of economic sanctions and trade measures? China has intimated its resolve to implement bilateral trade deals which bypass the dollar.

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Confront Digital Oligarchs and Defend Net Neutrality
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!, 30 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – Imagine if Internet Service Providers had the authority to decide what websites you could visit, or what video chat program you must use to call friends or family. Large ISP corporations are trying to control the internet, to restrict the free flow of information, to restore their historical role of for-profit arbiter of what we can and cannot read, watch or hear. Preserving net neutrality will thwart the digital oligarchs, keeping the internet open and free.

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The Crying Rohingya
Amit Rahman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

We had no hand in determining the place and the caste we were born, yet they determine so much of our life, almost to the extent of defining it…

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Seeking Peace and Harmony in a Troubled World
Dr Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

We are inundated with news of accidents, floods, bombings, killings, terrorist activities, sexual assaults and other such painful and tragic events.

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Without Saying a Word This 6-Minute Clip from Samsara Will Make You Speechless
Samsara – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

This clip represents only 6 minutes from a 100-minute film, which was photographed in 25 countries and explores many other diverse aspects of the human experience. Contains images of animal (lack of) welfare that some may find upsetting.

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My Unadulterated Thoughts on Ahmed Tamimi: “During My Lifetime I Have Never Seen Peace”
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

30 Jul 2018 – Israel is no exception: the persecuted and the oppressed have more often than not morphed into monstrous executioners and oppressors themselves. The United States, Canada, Australia–all settler colonies (genocidal colonies, that is)–spring to mind. My own birthplace, Burma/Myanmar, is another despicable human community–once colonized, exploited and abused; now it is the colonizer, exploiter, and a bloody mass murderer as a nation.

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Another Crossroads for the American Psychological Association
Roy Eidelson | Psychology Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

23 Jul 2018 – The President is a big fan of waterboarding, and worse. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called torturers “patriots.” New CIA Director Gina Haspel oversaw torture at the agency’s infamous black sites. Chief of Staff John Kelly subjected Guantanamo detainees to brutal treatment. National Security Adviser John Bolton is notorious for dismissing international law. The list is incomplete, but it’s sufficient to make one thing clear: for the Trump White House, inhumanity awaits as soon as the right opportunity arises.

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Four Freedoms
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

Freedom from Fear: Still an Unmet Goal

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(Français) Le traité de paix entre l’Erythrée et l’Ethiopie met fin à des décennies de conflit frontalier
Arun Kumar | The Down News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

17 Juil 2018 – Les habitants ont célébré dans les rues d’Asmara, la capitale de l’Erythrée, la normalisation des relations diplomatiques et le rétablissement des voies de communication.

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A New Report Exposes Myanmar’s ‘Extensive and Systematic Preparations’ for Rohingya Atrocities
Casey Quackenbush - TIME, 30 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – In the weeks and months before hundreds of thousands of Rohingya civilians fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh, authorities had made “extensive and systematic preparations” for attacks on the Muslim minority, according to a human rights group. A landmark report released today by Bangkok-based Fortify Rights says there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that genocide and crimes against humanity were committed against the minority.

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The NSU Trial in Germany: Was Justice Really Served after 18 Years?
Zeliha Eliaçık | The New Turkey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

German authorities did not adopt a constructive stance that would help uncover aspects of the trial, which went insufficiently investigated. The process that started in Germany with the NSU trial is unlikely to be truly finished until institutional racism in the country is faced and addressed accordingly.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

General Smith died and the local newspaper printed a eulogy.

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Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Prof. Paulo Freire – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

Written by educator Paulo Freire, proposes a pedagogy with a new relationship between teacher, student, and society. The book is considered one of the foundational texts of critical pedagogy. Dedicated to the oppressed and based on his own experience helping Brazilian adults to read and write, Freire includes a detailed Marxist class analysis in his exploration of the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. In the book Freire calls traditional pedagogy the “banking model of education” because it treats the student as an empty vessel to be filled with knowledge, like a piggy bank. However, he argues for pedagogy to treat the learner as a co-creator of knowledge.

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Brazil: Pesticide Poisonings in Rural Areas
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

20 Jul 2018 –The Failing Response to Pesticide Drift in Brazil’s Rural Communities – Ordinary Brazilians Suffer Health Effects, Retaliation for Speaking Out

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Identity in a Global Era: Individual, Collective, National, “Existential” Considerations
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

30 Jul 2018 – This paper is an overview of a complex topic, “Identity,” an essential concern in a number disciplines (e.g., anthropology, child development, medicine, politics, psychology, sociology). There is considerable debate within and across the disciplines regarding the nature of identity and its dynamics. This paper summarizes some of the major dimensions.

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Israel: An American-Russian Protectorate?
Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

Some sections of the Zionist-linked media in particular are suggesting that as a result of the Helsinki Summit, Israel has now become “a joint American-Russian protectorate”. The media conference that Trump and Putin addressed, according to these sources, underscored this. There is absolutely no truth to this claim.

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Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

If a frog is put into hot water, it jumps out. If it is put into tepid water, and the water is gradually heated, he remains in the water until he is boiled.

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We Are the Same
Hüsamettin Olgun – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

Turkish Peace Poem Translated by Talat Halman

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(Italiano) Il giornalismo non sia al servizio dell’odio e della propaganda
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

29 Lug 2018 – Per un Giornalismo Indipendente e Nonviolento -Propaganda, odio e costruzionismi connotano parte dell’informazione italiana verso la quale i giornalisti hanno precise responsabilità. Se nella propaganda invece che ai fatti e ai dati si dà spazio alle percezioni nell’informazione “nonviolenta” la/il giornalista tenta di ristabilire la verità degli accadimenti attraverso contestualizzazioni e interpretazioni intellettualmente oneste.

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A Short List of the Most Lethal CIA Interventions in Latin America
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

In its 200 year history, the USA has intervened in, invaded or militarily occupied the following Western Hemisphere nations: Canada, Confederate States of America, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Surinam, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Grenada. The article below enlarges upon the 10 most lethal coups.

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Madmen and Economists
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

Economists (with a few notable exceptions) have long behaved as though growth were synonymous with economic health. If the gross national product of a country increases steadily by 4 percent per year, most economists express approval and say that the economy is healthy. If the economy could be made to grow still faster (they maintain), it would be still healthier.

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The Pinnacle of Evolution Is Life, Not the Human Being
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

22 Jul 2018 – In the understanding of the great cosmologists who study cosmo-genetics and bio-genetics, the culmination of this process is not the human being. The great event is life, in its immense diversity, and that which is essential to it: caring. The culmination of the cosmo-genetic process is not found through anthropocentrism, as if human beings were the center of everything, and other beings are only significant to the extent they are valuable to human beings.

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World’s Transitional Justice Ironically Ensures Freedom to the Perpetrators Further Limiting Justice to the Victims
Prof. Bishnu Pathak – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

30 Jul 2018 – The objective of this writing is to dig out the abstract meanings from a Nepali language paper on Transitional Justice Practices in the World: Truth, Justice and Prosecution Being Shadowed. Transition is a gap period between the two-Government systems: old (past) and new (present and future). This is the situation when neither the old system (government) is completely collapsed nor a new one is fully established.

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World Citizens or World Subjects?
John O. Sutter, PhD | DWF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

27 Jul 2018 – Many of us concerned with the future viability of the Earth and its population and environment like to think of ourselves as World Citizens. But are we really “World Citizens” or “World Subjects”? Should one differentiate between aspirations and reality, especially when it comes to citizenship?

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Avoiding Meat and Dairy Is ‘Single Biggest Way’ to Reduce Your Impact on Earth
Damian Carrington – The Guardian, 30 Jul 2018

Biggest analysis to date reveals huge footprint of livestock – it provides just 18% of calories but takes up 83% of farmland.

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(Português) Éguas prenhas são torturadas para extração de hormônio aplicado em outros animais
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

24 jul 2018 – A exploração das éguas ocorre para a extração do hormônio eCG (hormônio gonadotrófico equino), que é exportado da América do Sul e aplicado em animais como porcas e cabras, na Europa. As éguas são torturadas e mortas, segundo denúncia de ONGs. Alternativa ética:

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A Planned War Crime
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

25 Jul 2018 – The Israeli government is planning to demolish the village of Khan El Akhmar, next to the settlement of Kfar Adumim. This is a unilateral act of war by an army against a defenseless civilian population, contrary to international law. The security activities of the Israeli army in the occupied territories stem from the need to suppress Palestinian resistance to their ouster from their land, and to protect Israeli citizens from Palestinian revenge over their abuse by the army and the settlers.

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Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

The Tao Te Ching is a Chinese classic text traditionally credited to the 6th-century BC sage Laozi. The text’s authorship, date of composition and date of compilation are debated. The oldest excavated portion dates back to the late 4th century BC, but modern scholarship dates other parts of the text as having been written—or at least compiled—later than the earliest portions of the Zhuangzi.

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European Parliament Calls for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly and a UN Reform Summit in 2020
UNPA Campaign | DWF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

27 Jul 2018 – In a resolution adopted today, the European Parliament called on the EU’s governments to advocate “the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly” and to support a “UN 2020 summit” that will consider “comprehensive reform measures for a renewal and strengthening of the United Nations.”

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Diabolical Plot to Extradite Assange to US
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

24 Jul 2018 – Ecuador granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange political asylum at its London embassy in August 2012. According to an Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling, it’s irrevocable under international law. Nations are obliged to uphold asylum rights, including the right of safe passage to the country granting it… He’ll likely lose asylum protection, be extradited to Washington to be prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for the “crime” of truth-telling.

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Johan Galtung: The World beyond Global Disorder
Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

Talk given on 18 Dec 2015–more relevant than ever.

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Russia and the U.S. Are Not Condemned to Confrontation
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev | Gorbachev Foundation – The Transnational, 30 Jul 2018

4 Jun 2018 – Mikhail Gorbachev’s Address to Participants in the Conference Marking the 30th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s Visit and the Moscow Summit – “Russia and the United States are not condemned to confrontation. We must now make up for lost time!”

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Adolf and Amin
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

28 Jul 2018 – Binyamin Netanyahu is a perfect diplomat, a clever politician, a talented leader of the army. Lately, another jewel has been added to his crown: he is also a gifted story-teller. He has provided an answer to a question that has perplexed historians for a long time: When and how did Adolf Hitler decide to exterminate the Jews? There was no agreed-upon answer.

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[Breaking] Freedom Boats to Gaza Intercepted, Sized, Attacked by Israeli Navy
Freedom Flotilla Coalition – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

29 July, 2018 – The motor vessel Al Awda (The Return) is sailing under a Norwegian flag carrying 22 passengers and crew from 16 nations including human rights supporters and journalists along with €13,000 worth of urgently needed medical supplies. The boat itself is a gift to Palestinian fishers in Gaza. Al Awda is being followed by the Swedish-flagged yacht Freedom, which is also carrying medical supplies and people from a number of nations. Please read on for last weekend’s developments.

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For Refugees in Sudan, Fears Surround Probe into UN Resettlement Fraud
Sally Hayden | IRIN – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

23 Jul 2018 – Potential witnesses worry about retaliation and complain about the lack of protection. They worry about retribution from those they’re making allegations against because of what they say is a lack of protection for witnesses and close links between some local UNHCR staff and Sudanese security officials.

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A History of Alcoholics Anonymous 1932-1971
Oliver Clark – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

In January 1935, Bill W went on a business trip to Akron, Ohio. During this trip, he was tempted to drink alcohol in the hotel’s bar. To prevent this from happening he telephoned a local minister asking if he knew of any alcoholic he could talk to. Bill W learned from Thacher that cravings could be controlled by conversing with somebody who also experienced cravings.

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The UN’s Human Rights Chief Has Had Enough
Tom Fletcher - Prospect Magazine, 30 Jul 2018

23 Jul 2018 – Instead of platitudes, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein called out a parade of “xenophobes, populists and racists”: Wilders, Farage, Orbán, Le Pen, Trump and—in the same breath—Islamic State. He shook with rage. The room was stunned into silence, then burst into a standing ovation. One ambassador present calls it “a moment of pure authenticity, emotion and reason.” A friend calls it Zeid’s “quantum leap.”

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With Anti-Muslim Laws, Europe Enters New Dark Age
Pinchas Goldschmidt | Politico – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

28 Jul 2018 — What has become of Europe? New laws targeting Muslims are reminiscent of a time when innocent Jewish children were abducted by masked monks and imprisoned in monasteries to “save” them from the eternal fire of hell. Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.

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God Only Knows
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

In July of 2018, an Amnesty International report entitled “God Knows If He’s Alive,” documented the plight of dozens of families in southern Yemen whose loved ones have been tortured, killed, or forcibly disappeared by Yemeni security forces reporting to the United Arab Emirates. The UAE is part of the Saudi-led coalition that, with vital US support, has been bombarding and blockading famine and disease-ravaged Yemen for three brutal years.

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Stop the Plastic Ocean
Sea Shepherd – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

9 Jul 2018 – Marine debris is any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment, including consumer items such as glass or plastic bottles, cans, bags, balloons, rubber, metal, fibreglass, cigarettes and other manufactured materials. It also includes fishing gear such as line, ropes, hooks, buoys and other materials lost or intentionally discarded at sea.

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Forget the Libya Model – South Africa Shows the Path to Peace with Pyongyang
Terence McNamee – Foreign Policy, 30 Jul 2018

If Kim Jong Un follows in F.W. de Klerk’s footsteps, denuclearization could allow North Korea to move from pariah status to prosperity. As the only country to build and then voluntarily destroy all its nuclear weapons, South Africa gained a stature in the international community that it had not held since the end of World War II.

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Latuff – MintPress News, 30 Jul 2018

Politics as usual…

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How a One-Word Loophole Will Make It Easier for the U.S. to Sell Weapons to Governments That Kill Civilians
Alex Emmons – The Intercept, 30 Jul 2018

20 Jul 2018 – The change could benefit Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — top U.S. weapons clients that are engaged in a destructive bombing campaign against civilians in Yemen.

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Why We Know So Little about the U.S.-Backed War in Yemen
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, 30 Jul 2018

27 Jul 2018 – What the U.N. calls the “world’s worst humanitarian crisis” is an unhappy confluence of American media taboos. A quote from a Yemeni doctor sums it up: “The missiles that kill us, American-made. The planes that kill us, American-made. The tanks … American-made. You are saying to me, where is America? America is the whole thing.”

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The Middle East’s Cold War, Explained
Vox – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

How two feuding countries are tearing apart the Middle East. The Saudis and Iranians have never actually declared war on each other.

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Swedish Woman Shows Quiet Power of Civil Disobedience as She Blocks a Deportation (video)
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 30 Jul 2018

25 Jul 2018 – Elin Ersson, a Swedish student, refused to take her seat on a commercial flight unless a man being deported to Afghanistan was removed from the plane first.

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Clandestino (Music Video of the Week)
Manu Chao – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

Official Video of the Celebrated Argentinean Singer/Composer/Satirist Manu Chao

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The World is Silent as Israel Bombs Palestine
Friends of Syria | CNN – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

15 Jul 2018 – Israeli terror in Gaza and Palestine is barbaric; women and children are murdered for the entire world to see. Bombs are raining on Gaza and Israel blocked all entrances. People are caged to be killed. A few days before the bombing started, Netanyahu closed more border crossings into Gaza.

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Ducking Hell: The Shocking Video Revealing How We Farm Ducks in Australia
Aussie Farms – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

An Animal Liberation Exposé ~ Shocking footage of duck farming in Australia has emerged showing day-old ducklings being dropped into an industrial shredder, adult ducks being kicked and thrown around a barn by workers, and ducks which should have been stunned before slaughter hanging by their feet on a conveyor belt while they bleed to death after having their throats slit.

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Myanmar: International Accountability Needed for Military-Planned Genocide against Rohingya–Report
Fortify Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – The Myanmar authorities made “extensive and systematic preparations” for attacks against Rohingya civilians during the weeks and months before militants attacked police on August 25, 2017, Fortify Rights said in a new report released today. The report finds “reasonable grounds” that crimes against Rohingya constitute genocide and crimes against humanity, and it identifies 22 Myanmar Army and Police officials who should be criminally investigated for their roles in atrocities.

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Commandos Sans Frontières: The Global Growth of U.S. Special Operations Forces
Nick Turse - TomDispatch, 23 Jul 2018

They’re developing “loitering munitions” in their Maritime Precision Engagement program that will act as “suicide drones” (operated from speedboats). Hey, if ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the rest of that crew have their version of suicide drones — humans with explosives strapped to them, not to speak of off-the-shelf drones — why shouldn’t the U.S. military have the technological equivalent?

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(Português) Pecuária emite mais gases estufa do que o uso de combustíveis fósseis: Estudo
Bárbara Alcântara - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 23 Jul 2018

Estatísticas reveladoras mostram o quanto as coisas realmente estão ruins e apontam para a necessidade de uma solução urgente.

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Support Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Swee Ang and Mazin Qumsiyeh
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

14 Jul 2018 – The two statements below about the al-Awda Freedom Flotilla en route to Gaza are contributions from two heroic figures in the long Palestinian struggle, hopefully known to many TMS readers. This flotilla is on a humanitarian mission, carrying much needed medical supplies and is again dramatizing the plight of the population of Gaza, unendurable victim of vindictive Israeli measures

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Toddlers on Trial
Jim Hightower – Intrepid Report, 23 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – We Americans believe everyone has a right to have their day in court. Right? Kids as young as 1-year-old are being forced to stand trial alone in Trump’s immigration courts, often without even attorneys.

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The Sexual Passion of Winston Smith
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

It may sound silly to say, but language, as its etymology tells us, begins with the tongue (Latin, lingua). And the tongue is a bell, tolling out its meaning. Indeed, all language springs from the body – is body language. And when language becomes abstract and devoid of blood, it becomes etiolated and unable to convey the truth that is the mystical body of the world. It becomes a viper’s tongue, dividing the “good” people from the “bad” so the good can eliminate the bad who have become abstractions.

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Trump’s Space Force: Military Profiteering’s Final Frontier
Harvey Wasserman - Reader Supported News, 23 Jul 2018

21 Jul 2018 – Of all the many, many terrible things the Trump Administration is doing, opening space to war will be the most destructive. The heavens are going to be littered with radioactive debris.

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James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

17 Jul 2018 – Reality Check for Americans Obsessed with Russia – It’s meant to pump up militarism and weapons sales to benefit arms profiteers. It is ridiculous and very dangerous. I think the growing danger of American fascism and global nuclear confrontation comes as much from anti-Trump folks as pro-Trump folks.

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The March of Folly
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

21 Jul 2018 – It has been said that a clever person is able to extricate himself from a trap into which a wise person would not have fallen in the first place. Stupid people do not extricate themselves. They are not even aware of the trap.

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Physicians for Human Rights Call for Crimes against Humanity Investigation in Myanmar
VOA News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

21 Jul 2018 – A physicians group working with Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh says medical and scientific evidence indicates the extent of the violence they suffered at the hands of the Myanmar military and civilians.

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Ireland’s Decision to Advance Boycott Bill Could Be the Tipping Point for Justice for Palestine
Prof. Kamel Hawwash – Middle East Monitor, 23 Jul 2018

12 Jul 2018 – Under pressure from Israel, the Irish Government, which does not support boycotts, postponed an initial attempt to bring the bill to a vote in January of this year. However, on 11 July the “Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018” was debated and passed. The vote was 25 in favour, 20 against and 14 abstaining.

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The Harmony of Languages and Scripts
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

The world is divided into blocs and groupings — the UNO, EU, NATO, SAARC, the Communist bloc, the Mid-East Muslim bloc, trade blocs and others such as the Nuclear group of nations. Each has their specific agendas, their special economies, cultures, strengths, liabilities, etc. But religious leanings and languages also play a dominant role in interaction within the groupings.

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What a Green and Peaceful Future Could Look Like
Paula Tejón Carbajal | Greenpeace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – We’re experiencing a deep systemic disconnection: an ecological, social and spiritual cultural divide. There’s a discernible disconnect between the infinite growth imperative and the finite resources of planet Earth; between private ownership and the best societal use of property; between GDP and well-being. “We cannot solve problems with the same kind of thinking that created them.” — Albert Einstein

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Your Thoughts Create Your Future
Stephen Knapp – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

One thing I want to do right now before we go any farther is to explain some information that many people can use. This will show how your thinking creates your consciousness and how to help control it. It provides evidence so that you can see how your life unfolds according to what you draw to it, as dictated by your consciousness and thoughts. By taking the responsibility for yourself and your thinking process, you can make your life more positive and uplifting, and reduce or negate the influence of any hurt or negative energies you encounter.

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USA’s Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes and No One Is Talking about It
Lee Camp | DWF News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

20 Jul 2018 – And that’s odd, because we’re technically at war with—let me think—zero countries. So that should mean zero bombs are being dropped, right? Hell no! You’ve made the common mistake of confusing our world with some sort of rational, cogent world in which our military-industrial complex is under control.

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A Reflection on the June 24th Turkish Elections (modified and corrected)
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

18 Jul 2018 – This is slightly modified text of an earlier post that seeks to take account of responses from friends, and gave me the opportunity to express these somewhat contrarian views in a clearer way, as well as correct some mistakes. This version will also be published by Sharq Forum in Turkey.

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Immigration: Many Myths and Little Reality
Roberto Savio - Human Wrongs Watch, 23 Jul 2018

According to the latest statistics, the total flow of immigrants so far in 2018 is 50.000 people, compared with 186,768 last year, 1,259,955 in 2016 and 1,327,825 in 2015. The difference between reality and perceptions is so astonishing; we are clearly witnessing one of the most brilliant manipulations in history.

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Ireland Becomes World’s First Country to Divest from Fossil Fuels
Damian Carrington – The Guardian, 23 Jul 2018

12 Jul 2018 – The Republic of Ireland will become the world’s first country to sell off its investments in fossil fuel companies, after a bill was passed with all-party support. It means more than €300m shares in coal, oil, peat and gas will be sold ‘as soon as practicable.’

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The Massacre of Inn Din: How Rohingya Are Lynched and Held Responsible
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

18 Jul 2018 – “In my four years as High Commissioner, I have heard many preposterous claims. That claim is almost in its own category of absurdity. Have you no shame, sir, have you no shame? We are not fools.” — UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein to a Burmese official’s claim that his country is not targeting Rohingya in a genocidal campaign but is defending the rights of all its citizen.

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(Castellano) Una Lectura Económica de Los Hechos de los Apóstoles: Taller de Relectura de Pablo de Tarso
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Es necesario construir formas de vida muy distintas de la forma actualmente dominante. Entre las estructuras sociales dominantes que hay que desechar está la que subordina los procesos vitales de la vida a la existencia de ingresos, cuyos montos son fijados por un contrato de trabajo. En el plano científico, el equilibrio general, que nunca ha sido pensado como una realidad, tiene que dejar de ser pensado como un ideal en el cual el producto del trabajador corresponde al sueldo fijado en un contrato libremente negociado a la luz de las fuerzas del mercado.

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(Português) A crise brasileira, parte da crise global
Leonardo Boff | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

12 julho 2018 – Não se pode analisar o Brasil só a partir do Brasil. Nenhum país está fora das conexões internacionais, nem a fechada Coréia Norte, que a planetização inevitavelmente criou. Ademais nosso país é a sexta economia do mundo, coisa que desperta a cobiça das grande corporações que querem vir para cá, não para ajudar no nosso desenvolvimento com inclusão, mas para poder acumular mais e mais, dada a extensão de nosso mercado interno e da superabundância de commodities e de bens e serviços naturais, cada vez mais necessários para sustentar o consumismo dos países opulentos.

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Violent Coup Fails in Nicaragua, US Continues Regime Change Efforts
Kevin Zeese | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

21 Jul 2018 – The violent coup in Nicaragua has failed. This does not mean the United States and oligarchs are giving up, but this phase of their effort to remove the government did not succeed. The coup exposed the alliances who are working with the United States to put in place a neoliberal government that is controlled by the United States and serves the interests of the wealthy. People celebrated the failure of the coup but realize work needs to be done to protect the gains of the Sandinista revolution.

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Dag Hammarskjöld (29 Jul 1905 – 18 Sep 1961): Second UN Secretary-General
The United Nations – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld was Secretary-General of the United Nations from 10 April 1953 until 18 September 1961 when he died in a plane crash while on a peace mission in the Congo.

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New Import Restrictions Risk Triggering ‘Dramatic Deterioration’ in Gaza, Says UN Humanitarian Coordinator
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

17 Jul 2018 – Following further restrictions on goods and supplies that can be moved across the border of the Gaza Strip, the top United Nations humanitarian official there has called for urgent measures to prevent an already critical humanitarian situation from getting worse.

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The State of Our Oceans in 2018 (It’s Not Looking Good!)
FishLab – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

12 Jul 2018 – Recent studies have made startling discoveries. For example, by 2050 there will be more plastics than fish in our oceans by weight. Facts like this have helped to make the public more aware of the harm that our everyday materials can cause. But among all the bad news, there are some success stories. With sensible management, we can undo some of the damage that has already been done.

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Hawaiian Kingdom Files Lawsuit against President Trump in Washington, D.C.
Hawaiian Kingdom Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Petition for an Emergency Writ of Mandamus filed with U.S. Federal District Court in Washington, D.C., against President Trump regarding the prolonged American occupation of the Hawaiian Islands. [David Keanu Sai vs. Donald John Trump et. al, Case: 1:18-cv-01500]

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A Short History of the Costs of Military Air Shows
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Squandering the Planet’s Increasingly Scarce Fossil Fuels for Our Amusement

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Andy Singer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Monroe Doctrine Redux: Equity Balance Fairness… Right?

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Eva Bartlett on Spring/2018 Visit to Syria, Israeli Violence in Gaza
GlobalResearchTV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

9 Jul 2018 – GRTV interviews Canadian award-winning journalist Eva Bartlett about her most recent trip to Syria. Eva also recounts her experiences in Gaza and Israel’s most recent attacks on protesters at the Israel-Gaza border wall.

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‘Death Penalty’: Gaza Merchants Suffer as Trade Crossing Shuts
Mersiha Gadzo & Anas Jnena – Al Jazeera, 23 Jul 2018

13 Jul 2018 – After Israel’s measure, 55 percent of goods can no longer enter the Gaza Strip, exacerbating already dire conditions.

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Peace May Be with You (Music Video of the Week)
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter [The Horsemen of the Apocalypse] – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Politically Correct Heavy Metal from Germany
Submitted by TMS Webmaster Dr. Malvin Gattinger

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What Should We Do Now?
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

There is another reason why having to live in one regime of accumulation or another is unsustainable. It is because although the physicists, chemists, and biologists have explained to us very clearly what we must do to save the biosphere, we can’t do it. The causal powers that determine our behaviour are mainly in the social structures. What happens is not what humans want to happen, but what the structures compel. Nobody wants the destruction of the biosphere, but nevertheless we are compelled to destroy the biosphere. It is a systemic imperative to obey the necessity of capital accumulation and to disobey hard science.

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Cutting Greens
Lucille Clifton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Curling them around
I hold their bodies in obscene embrace
thinking of everything but kinship.

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The Child and Her Diary
Laila Yaghi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Poems about Palestine

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Five Meat and Dairy Companies Emit More Emissions than Major Oil Companies, Study Finds
Claire Stam | Euractiv – Human Wrongs Watch, 23 Jul 2018

Together, the five largest meat and dairy corporations (JBS, Tyson, Cargill, Dairy Farmers of America and Fonterra) are already responsible for more annual greenhouse gas emissions than ExxonMobil, Shell or BP, a study released on 18 July warns.

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Elaborating a Declaration on Combating Anti-otherness
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Including Anti-Science, Anti-Spiritual, Anti-Women, Anti-Gay, Anti-Socialism, Anti-Animal, and Anti-Negativity

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First Ever: 40 Jewish Groups Worldwide Oppose Equating Antisemitism with Criticism of Israel
Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Jewish Voice for Peace proud to stand in global solidarity against harmful definition of antisemitism and with human rights and freedom to protest

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The Assault on Agnivesh
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

18 Jul 2018 – It is a shame that intolerance and aggressive bigotry of this sort is gathering momentum in parts of India. It has been facilitated according to certain sources by the increasing legitimization of a narrow notion of religious identity which in a sense is a travesty of the universalism and inclusiveness of the Hindu faith.

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Aldous Huxley (26 Jul 1894 – 22 Nov 1963)
European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Aldous Huxley was a British writer who would become most specifically known to the public for his novels, and especially his fifth one, Brave New World, written in 1931 and published in 1932, which would delineate what the perfect dictatorship would look like. It would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping.

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The US Establishment behind the Helsinki Summit
Manlio Dinucci | Il Manifesto – Global Research, 23 Jul 2018

20 Jul 2018 – It will not be the words, but the facts, which will reveal whether the climate of détente of the Helsinki Summit will become reality – first of all with a de-escalation of NATO in Europe, in other words with the withdrawal of forces (including nuclear forces) of the USA and NATO presently deployed against Russia, and the blockage of NATO’s expansion to the East.

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Reality, Perception, Truth
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially were intrigued by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and back together again.

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Starving and Bombed Children of Yemen Seek Entrapment in Flooded Thai Cave
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

11 Jul 2018 – While the world watched and waited with bated breath for the outcome of the substantial global effort – involving over 100 cave divers from various countries, 1,000 members of the Thai Army and 10,000 others in various roles – to rescue a team of 12 young football players and their coach, who were trapped inside a flooded cave in Thailand for 17 days, 850,000 children were killed by human adults in other parts of the world, many of them simply starved to death in Yemen or other parts of Africa, Asia and Central/South America.

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NATO’s Crisis and the Transatlantic Conflict (Part 1)
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

10 Jul 2018 – On the occasion of the NATO Summit in Brussels and the Putin-Trump meeting in Helsinki. This analysis comes in two parts – one critical and one constructive: This one on “NATO’s crisis and the Transatlantic conflict” and the second on “Make NATO civilian and civilised.”

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Make NATO Civilian and Civilised (Part 2)
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

This is the second of two articles about the coming end of NATO as we know it and what can be done.

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Protests Erupting around US RIMPAC War Games Off of Hawaii
Jon Olsen | Tikkun – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

15 Jul 2018 – Hawaiians Are Protesting the RIMPAC War Games and the Continued US Military Occupation of the Kingdom of Hawaii – The RIMPAC war games are igniting protests in Hawaii and once again reminding people that Hawaii is stolen land, a nation taken over illegally and made part of the United States.

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Are the 13 Demands to Qatar a ‘Geopolitical Crime’?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

11 Jul 2018 – Assessing the international relations and international law Gulf Crisis that was initiated by a coalition of four countries, issuing a set of 13 demands directed at the government of Qatar. This essay evaluates whether the confrontation should be treated as a ‘Geopolitical Crime,” itself an innovative and controversial idea that I developed in a lecture at Queen Mary’s University in London at the end of March, 2018.

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The Gaza Blockade Is Illegal– And So Is the Use of Force to Maintain It
Norman G. Finkelstein | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

7 Jul 2018 – Is it not a tad unseemly, not to say unsettling, for the representative of a respected human rights organization [Human Rights Watch] to coach Israel how to stay within the letter of the law—before resorting to bullets, you must first try “tear gas, skunk water, and rubber-coated steel pellets”—while it’s herding two million people, half of them children, in an unlivable space in which they are slowly being poisoned?

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Oslo: A Peace Proposal or a “Time Out” Till the “Full Victory” of Israel?
Walid Salem – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

7 Jul 2018 – These plans show clearly that Israel thinks and behaves on the basis that its task in Palestine is already or almost finished by transforming it to the “Land of Israel” and ending the Palestinian effective resistance. For them it is a matter of time to create Jewish Majority in Palestine in one hand and to expand to the Arab Countries in the other, territorially and economically, by using also the Iranian claimed threat to these countries as a way to pull them towards cooperating with Israel.

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In Thailand, the Kids Are All Right. Elsewhere, Not So Much
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!, 16 Jul 2018

12 Jul 2018 – In Thailand, the saga of 12 young soccer players and their coach successful rescue was a cause for global celebration. Juxtapose this outpouring of compassion and solidarity with the catastrophe facing millions of children in Yemen, and the ongoing debacle created here in the US by Trump with the forced separation of migrant children from their parents.

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