Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26487 results.

How Volkswagen Paid $25 Billion for Dieselgate — And Got Off Easy
Roger Parloff | ProPublica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

6 Feb 2018 – Volkswagen paid huge government penalties in the U.S., but virtually nothing in Europe. Two things now seem clear: Some very senior officials knew of the wrongdoing — and they’re not likely to face meaningful prison time.

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Pugwash Statement on the U.S. 2018 Nuclear Posture Review
Amb. Sergio Duarte | Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

6 Feb 2018 – The expansion of the role of nuclear weapons risks triggering another round of the nuclear arms race, dramatically increases the risks of their use, and makes the road to a nuclear weapons free world even more difficult. This latest development will serve only to increase the saliency and attractiveness of nuclear weapons, and will certainly not enhance international security, let alone prospects for progress in bilateral and multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation efforts.

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What the Hell?
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

10 Feb 2018 – What the hell am I? An Israeli? A Jew? A peace activist? A Journalist? An author? An ex-combat soldier in the Israeli army? An ex-terrorist? A…? All of these and more. OK. OK. But in what order? Which is the most important component?

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Trump-Linked Extremist Settlers Try to Kidnap Palestinian Kids
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

The Yitzhar settlers, who received money from the Kushner foundation directed by Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and senior advisor of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, are considered extreme by Israel itself.

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Trickle Down Economics
Lindsay – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018


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Associated Press Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting
Kathryn Shihadah and Alison Weir | If Americans Knew – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

Associated Press is one of those news sources we expect to be objective and reliable. But when it comes to the subject of Israel-Palestine, things are not always as they seem.

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Peace and Justice for the Palestinian People: a Conversation
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

This is a modified text of an interview conversation with Khourosh Ziabari, initially published on the website of the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence on February 4, 2018.

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At Age 101, She’s a World Champ Runner
Chhavi Sachdev | NPR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

Man Kaur is 101, but her routine could tire most 20-somethings. Every day she wakes up at 4 a.m., bathes, washes clothes, makes tea, recites prayers. And then she goes to the track for an hour of sprinting practice. And she’s not just doing it for fun.

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(Português) A passionalidade e a autoridade na crítica à exploração animal
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

Realmente não é fácil reconhecer que existe uma desarmonia entre o que você deseja para o mundo e o que o outro deseja, quando este não considera, de fato, que os animais não merecem morrer para serem reduzidos a alimentos e outros produtos. Claro, alguém pode dizer: “Tenho dó dos animais”. Mas se essa pessoa se alimenta deles, há uma evidente inconsonância entre o que ela pensa e faz.

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A Ticking Time Bomb of Mercury Is Hidden Beneath Earth’s Permafrost
Brandon Specktor | Live Science – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

According to a new study published 5 Feb 2018 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, there may be more than 15 million gallons (58 million liters) of mercury buried in the permafrost of the Northern Hemisphere — roughly twice as much mercury as can be found in the rest of Earth’s soils, ocean and atmosphere combined. And if global temperatures continue to rise, all that mercury could come pouring out.

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A Marxist Reading of George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant with Special Reference to Dual Identity
Mahadev Devkota and Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

7 Feb 2018 – This paper is an attempt to analyze George Orwell’s groundbreaking short story in terms of Marxist perspectives, elucidates the relationship between the Great Britain and the Indian. The former is privileged and grasps the power to define, reconstruct and stereotypes the latter one. Oneof the Orwell’s major concerns during his life was an issue of dual identity, self-contradiction and conflicting feelings towards natives.

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As Iran’s Women Continue to Rise and Fly Their Hijabs… Woe Be Unto the Mullahs
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

8 Feb 2018 – Increasingly Iranians are demanding the end to Supreme Leadership and to govern themselves. Under Ali Khamenei’s total control, institutions established at the beginning of the 1979 Revolution to wipe out poverty have turned into conglomerates that own half of Iran’s wealth without a supervisory organization to question their actions.

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Koreas’ Olympic Truce: Time for Concerted Non-Governmental Efforts
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

8 Feb 2018 – There is a need for a coming together of NGOs that are primarily focused on the resolution of armed conflicts with those groups concerned with the abolition of nuclear weapons. The current Korean tensions are based on the development of nuclear weapons and missile systems and the pressures and threats to prevent their development. The Olympic Truce period should be taken as an opportunity to advance “Track II” efforts.

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NYT Piece on Rohingya Survival Tactics Plays into Military’s Hands
Coconuts Yangon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

5 Feb 2018 – Two days after denying an AP report that Myanmar soldiers massacred the Rohingyas and buried their bodies in at least five mass graves, the Myanmar government is pointing to an essay by New York Times reporter Hannah Beech as evidence that the words of Rohingya refugees cannot be trusted. Shame on the NYT!

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WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media
Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

29 Jan 2018 – A single organization controls almost everything you see, hear, and read in the media and they’ve been handpicking your leaders for decades.

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Portraits: Peacemakers, Warmongers and People Between
Bill Bhaneja – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

This is the sixth collection of poems by David Krieger, an American peace leader and poet who has lived through and been impacted by the events since the Second World War. This unique collection of 70 poems is not just about well known figures but also ordinary folks, the People Between.

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(Português) Conheça histórias emocionantes de animais que demonstram empatia
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

Existem inúmeros registros de que os animais demonstram empatia. Às vezes, os animais cuidam um do outro. Em outros, eles mostram sentir tristeza, e, às vezes, até cuidam dos humanos.

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15 Cases: Constructive vs Destructive U.S. Foreign Policies
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

The right column is sadly familiar; add more recent cases. The left column also carries an element of sadness but nothing really radical; more like common sense that could easily be translated into political practice. A theory is something tested along its edges (Quine); what you deduce from the theory–and to me the key “edge”–is its action-consequences.

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Brexit and Its Discontents
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

To the extent that grievances over inequalities in Britain drove the Leave vote, they were shooting at the wrong target. The UK cost of living crisis is due not to ‘Brussels’ but the actions of governments the British have elected to power in Westminster. The long-cherished vision of the Brexitollahs is for power to tilt still further in favour of employers and the wealthy.

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Permaculture in New Zealand: Joanna Santa Barbara’s Atamai Village (Part 2)
Sebastian Eck | Galtung Institut – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

Permaculture for Peace: Presenting the Atamai Village Project – Joanna Santa Barbara is a member of TRANSCEND International.

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World’s Richest 1% Acquired 82% of Wealth in 2017: Oxfam
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

22 Jan 2018 – Nearly 82 percent of global wealth generated last year went to one percent of the population, while the bottom 50 percent saw no increase at all, according to a new Oxfam report that shows the staggering wealth gap between the ultra-rich and the rest of the world. World’s Richest Accumulated US$1 Trillion in 2017

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Is Bitcoin a True Anti-War Currency?
Wendy McElroy | Bitcoin News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

6 Feb 2018 – It is not common to speak of currency as being pro or anti-war. A freely traded currency is merely an economic tool that facilitates the exchange of goods and services by people whose intentions may be good or evil. All things being equal, the money is morally and politically neutral in whatever form it takes.

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Remembering Gene Sharp, a Pioneer of People Power
The Editors | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

Gene Sharp, who passed away at the age of 90 on Sunday [28 Jan], was not only a key figure in the development of a whole new field of study devoted to helping people realize their own power, he was a key figure in the lives of so many who found inspiration in his work and took it in new directions. It is no exaggeration to say that Waging Nonviolence would not exist were it not for his pioneering research demonstrating the undeniable power and effectiveness of nonviolent struggle.

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“Fake News” Is Fake News
William Blum | The Anti-Empire Report #155 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

8 Feb 2018 – The people who created Facebook and Google must be smart. They’re billionaires. Facebook hired a very large staff of people to read everything posted by users to weed out the fake stuff. That didn’t last too long before the company announced that it wasn’t “comfortable” deciding which news sources are the most trustworthy in a “world with so much division”. We all could have told them that, couldn’t we?

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Gandhi — Challenges and Learnings in South Africa
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

Gandhi had thought that he would stay for only a year in South Africa but as it turned out he remained there for 21 years and returned to India in 1914. His stay was a deeply learning experience – it had a profound effect on him in terms of observing the oppression and prejudice suffered by Indians who were working there and the racial incidents that he himself was subject to. He gradually became aware of the behavior of the white rulers towards not only the black populations but also towards Indians and other non-white people.

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Try Learning Not to Ride a Bicycle So We Can Save the World
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

“Einstein discovered a law of physical change: the way to convert a single particle of matter into enormous physical energy. Might there not also be, as Gandhi suggested, an equally incredible and undiscovered law of spiritual change, whereby a single person or small community of persons could be converted into an enormous spiritual energy capable of transforming a society and a world? I believe that there is.”

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2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review Released by Trump Administration
David Krieger and Rick Wayman | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

2 Feb 2018 –The 2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review, released today, represents a reckless realignment of an already dangerous U.S. nuclear policy. Trump administration plan calls for smaller nuclear weapons making nuclear war far more likely.

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America’s National Defense Is Really Offense
Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

26 Jan 2018 – Today the Pentagon released an unclassified summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy report. Reading the summary is illuminating, to say the least, and somewhat disturbing, as it focuses very little on actual defense of the realm and relates much more to offensive military action that might be employed to further certain debatable national interests. Occasionally, it is actually delusional, as when it refers to consolidating “gains we have made in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.”

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From Mohandas to Mahatma Gandhi
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

One of the most noted icons of the last century would undoubtedly be Mahatma Gandhi who was assassinated in New Delhi on 30 January 1948. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but worldwide he is known just as Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi.

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A Treacherous Crossing
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

30 Jan 2018 – The “good guys” shaping and selling U.S. foreign policy and weapon sales exemplify the heartless indifference of the smugglers who gamble human life in exceedingly dangerous crossings.

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(Italiano) Johan Galtung Lectio Magistralis a Brescia
Erika Degortes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

Johan Galtung, che recentemente ha compiuto 87 anni, dimostra questo principio ogni giorno della sua vita, forte della sua inflessibile autodisciplina intellettuale e di 60 anni di dedizione professionale per la trasformazione dei conflitti. La sua biografia è intensa e interessante ma qui vorrei giusto ricordare 3 episodi.

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(Italiano) Lutti. E’ Morto Gene Sharp
Enrico Peyretti – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

E’ morto Gene Sharp (21 gennaio 1928- 28 gennaio 2018), filosofo, politico e intellettuale statunitense. Nell’Universita’ di Harward diresse il Program of Nonviolent Sanctions e fondo’ l’Albert Einstein Istitution. Tra gli altri grandi maestri e autori, e’ sui suoi libri che ci siamo formati nella ricerca della nonviolenza.

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Hannah Beech: “Journos’ Power without Moral Responsibility”
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

4 Feb 2018 – Hannah Beech’s select writings on Wirathu & Rohingyas (New York Times, 1 Feb 2018) have done lasting damage to Myanmar’s inter-communal relations and credibility of Rohingyas’ tales of horror while reinforcing Myanmar military’s popular misinformation against Rohingyas.

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The Expert
PMC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

A Window into Corporate Reality

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Mass Media for Culture of Peace
Culture of Peace News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 – It has been the dream at CPNN from the beginning that our website and others like us would be able to attract so much readership that the mass media would need to take up the theme of the culture of peace in order to compete with us.

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Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil
Anne Baring – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

“A number of studies by meteorologists and other experts from both East and West predict that use of nuclear weapons would result in fire storms with very high winds and high temperatures. The resulting smoke and dust would block out sunlight for a period of many months. Temperatures in many places would fall far below freezing, and much of the earth’s plant life would be killed. Animals and humans would then die of starvation.”
Nuclear Weapons: An Absolute Evil, by John Scales Avery, Danish Peace Academy, 25 Jan 2018

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

President Bush was informed that there was a threat of a bird flu epidemic.

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The Middle East Peace Process: A Cruel Joke
Mel Gurtov | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 – As of now, there is no honest broker and there is no peace process—facts that prolong the Israeli Occupation and further undermine Palestinian hopes for internationally recognized statehood and a better life.

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When Is There Going to Be Accountability for US Wars and Aggression?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

2 Feb 2018 – It’s WMD all over again. Anonymous “US officials” are once again accusing a targeted “regime” of using “chemical weapons” and threatening that the U.S. military may have to “hold it accountable”. Once again, western media is broadcasting these accusations and threats without skepticism or investigation.

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Hillary Clinton Email Archive
WikiLeaks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

2 Feb 2018 – A searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State. *Updated*

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GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out): A Reality That Is Running Rampant in the For-Profit Medical Literature Industry
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

30 Jan 2018 – Hundreds and thousands of questionable GIGO articles are published annually in professional medical journals which are mailed (or emailed) out to physicians, most of whom are never able to find the time to read and absorb their substance. Most barely have the time to read the conclusions of the abstracts which are conveniently printed at the beginning. Most of us never have the time or inclination to read the published conflicts of interest, which are usually published at the end of the article, usually in fine print.

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North Korean Athletes Arrive in South Korea for Olympics
Hyung-Jin Kim | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 — North Korean 32-member delegation of skiers and skaters arrived today at a South Korean airport to participate in the Winter Olympics that has brought a temporary lull in tensions surrounding their country’s nuclear program. The Olympics start on 9 Feb.

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The Top 10 Outrageous Things about ISIS the Western Mainstream Media Ignores
Robert Bridge | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

31 Jan 2018 – The top 10 very strange circumstances that led to the rise of ISIS. It seems to be an appropriate time to reflect upon a set of very strange circumstances that led to the rise of this loathsome terrorist group.

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The Ultimate Guide to Butterflies & How to Prevent Their Decline
Clive Harris | DIY Garden! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

15 Jan 2018 – Butterflies and moths have been around for millions of years. They used to be a common sight in gardens, but numbers have declined since the 1940s along with our other native wildlife species such as bees and hedgehogs.

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(Português) Volkswagen obriga macacos a inalar fumaças de diesel
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

A Volkswagen torturou 10 macacos em um teste para enganar as autoridades britânicas alegando que um de seus veículos movidos a diesel produziu emissões menos nocivas.

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Volkswagen: The Scandal That Never Ends
Zoya Teirstein | Grist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

29 Jan 2018 – The German automaker issued yet another apology today, this time for a fraudulent study the company commissioned four years ago.

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(Português) Será que aos olhos dos animais não somos vistos como assassinos?
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

27 Jan 2018 – Será que o famigerado Assassino do Zodíaco poderia ser considerado um executor que seguia os princípios do “abate humanitário”? Por pior que fossem suas ações, me parece que ele não deixava de ter um código de ética. Afinal, ele matava suas vítimas com tiros cirúrgicos, com precisão letal. Ele não as torturava; não tinha qualquer interesse ordinário ou especial pelo sofrimento; apenas na morte.

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Before Losing Battle with Cancer, This 27-Year-Old Woman Wrote an Inspiring, Eye-Opening Letter
Holly Butcher – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

3 Jan 2018 – It’s a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young. It’s just one of those things you ignore. That’s the thing about life; it is fragile, precious and unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right. I’m 27 now. I don’t want to go. I love my life. I am happy. I owe that to my loved ones. But the control is out of my hands.

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Gene Sharp, Advocate for Nonviolent Resistance (21 Jan 1928 – 28 Jan 2018)
AP | Deccan Chronicle - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

Sharp died at his Boston home on Sunday [28 Jan], said Jamila Raqib, executive director of the Albert Einstein Institution, founded by Sharp in 1983. Sharp, once referred to as the “Machiavelli of nonviolence,” by the New Statesman, has influenced resistance to regimes around the world, from Eastern Europe, to Iran and Burma.

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Samba do Brasil (Music Video of the Week)
Bellini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

CARNAVAL – CARNIVAL: 9 to 13 Feb 2018 ~ Paganism par excellence, Brazilian style!

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The New Cold War Is Happening in Africa
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

31 Jan 2018 – There is a new Cold War that is brewing and the African continent is slated to be its epic center. With China’s impressive rise as an economic superpower and Russia’s re-emergence as a strong military contender, the United States government is giving more attention on Africa.

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Accompanying Honduras
Ken Jones – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

3 Feb 2018 – In Honduras, police and military repression, since the fraudulent 2017 elections, has been growing more dire. Ken Jones writes about a fifty-person accompaniment delegation which just returned from Honduras.

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Click, Click… And Screen Light Up Again
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

Click, click … And the screen lights up again,
With murders, explosions, and lies.

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Artificial Intelligence May Have Finally Decoded the Bizarre, Mysterious ‘Voynich Manuscript’
Peter Dockrill | Science Alert – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

30 Jan 2018 – For centuries, it’s been the book no human can understand, but we may finally now be able to read it – thanks to machines invented a half-millennia after it was written. A code that hasn’t been cracked for 600 years.

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Doping Ban against 28 Russian Athletes Overturned
Al Jazeera News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 – In a decision issued today, the Court for Arbitration for Sport said it “unanimously found” that the evidence presented against 28 athletes were “found to be insufficient to establish” that doping rules were violated. With the decision, the sanctions imposed against the athletes are “annulled” and their individual medal results in the 2014 Sochi Winter Games are “reinstated”.

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“Not Enough!”
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

3 Feb 2018 – The Polish parliament decreed that anyone who uses the words “Polish extermination camps” is committing a crime punishable by three years in prison. The right description, according to the Poles, is “Nazi extermination camps in Poland”. The rectification is quite correct. But in Israel, a storm broke out. What?! The Poles deny the Holocaust?

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Mr. Netanyahu and the Elimination of the Landscape
Walid Salem – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

3 Feb 2018 – The calls for the sides to go back to negotiations only while Israel is grabbing Palestine in the ground is certainly a very bad policy. Instead of moving forward it gives “longer time out to Israel” to complete the Israelization process. Further than that association agreements with Palestine, more recognitions of it, and more elevation of it in the international arena is badly needed as a complimentary to building Palestine in the ground and not as a contrary to the latter.

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Johan Galtung: Understanding, Fighting & Overcoming Racism
TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

What does Johan Galtung think about Racism?

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Missing: Conflict Literacy, Peace Literacy
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

I feel sad. I feel betrayed. I am in the West, the West is in me. Unrealistic are the present US-EU policies. Whoever moves too far away from reality will be punished: USA by being isolated, EU by warfare turning potential friends into enemies. If they want to go down, continue. Alternative: join the world. So, permit me two wishes, two dreams.

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UN Reviews 206 Firms over Their Links to Israeli Settlements
Jamey Keaten | AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 — The U.N. human rights office said Wednesday [31 Jan] that 206 companies — mostly Israeli and American — are facing a review of their business practices involving Israeli settlements, which are considered illegal under international law.

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‘Whitewashing’ Genocide in Myanmar
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

30 Jan 2018 – Although the genocide of the Rohingya minority in Myanmar has gathered greater media attention in recent months, there is no indication that the international community is prepared to act in any meaningful way, thus leaving hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees stranded in border camps between Myanmar and Bangladesh.

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The Role of Media for a Culture of Peace
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 – Over the past century the control of information, especially through the mass media, has become the most important characteristic of the culture of war. Why? It is urgent that we continue to develop media for a culture of peace throughout the world, hoping that someday it will obtain an audience as great as that for the culture of war.

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Identity and Peace
Dr. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

Until the birth of the modern nation state, people lived in tribal groups. Commerce as well as skirmishes would have been common between tribes. In those days the tribe played a crucial role in shaping a child’s identity. In the modern world, economically defined ‘class’ also plays a big role in defining a person’s identity. Therefore we may use the word ‘tribe’ with this broader meaning of ‘identity group’ — subsuming both ‘caste’ and ‘class’.

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The Slow-Burning Genocide in Myanmar Continues – We Cannot Be Passive
Lubka Mieresova | RightsInfo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

As we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 January) and remember the millions of people murdered by the Nazi regime, we must also pause and reflect: Slow-Burning Genocide in Myanmar.

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Summary of the 2018 U.S. National Defense Strategy
Jim Mattis | US Department of Defense – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Sharpening the American Military’s Competitive Edge

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How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

23 Jan 2018 – In a blatant example of “do as I say, not as I do,” the US government is profiting handsomely by accepting marijuana cash in the payment of taxes while imposing huge penalties on banks for accepting it as deposits.

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Conditions in Myanmar Not Yet Suitable for Rohingya Refugees to Return Safely – UN Agency
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

23 Jan 2018 – The necessary safeguards for Rohingyas to return to Myanmar are absent, and there are ongoing restrictions on access for aid agencies, the media and other independent observers, the UN warned today, two months after Myanmar and Bangladesh agreed on a plan for the refugees’ voluntary return to their homes.

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The 2018 US National Defense Strategy in Plain Words: Tragi-Comic!
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

26 Jan 2018 – This National Defense Strategy is as problematic as it is scary for the American people and the world. God, bless America! But before You do, please save it from itself!

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(Português) Seda, diamantes e couro produzidos em laboratório são alternativa ética à exploração animal
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

28 jan 2018 – Devido à poluição e aos abusos dos animais na indústria do couro, estima-se que uma grande quantidade de vacas precisaria ser morta para atender a demanda por couro até 2025. Por isso, uma alternativa genuína ao couro no laboratório, salvaria a vida de milhares de animais.

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Real Concerns about Rohingya Repatriation
Julian Francis | BD News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

22 Jan 2018 – For the Rohingya refugees there are no declared guarantees. What about their rights to citizenship, security, shelter, food, health, education and to be able to practice their religion? If they agree to move to a “Temporary Transit Camp”, it might turn into a camp for “internally displaced” or a “concentration camp”. Who is going to guarantee what?

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Policy of the Cruel and Absurd: Sleep Deprivation in California’s Prisons
Charlie Hinton, Verbena Lea and Willow Katz | Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

10 Jan 2018 – In prison isolation units throughout California, guards wake prisoners up every 30 minutes under the guise of suicide prevention. These “security/welfare checks” cause ongoing sleep deprivation. The UN and many sleep and mental health experts have long defined sleep deprivation as a form of torture.

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2018 Doomsday Clock: It Is Now Two Minutes to Midnight
Rachel Bronson, PhD | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

25 Jan 2018 – The year just past proved perilous and chaotic, a year in which many of the risks foreshadowed in our last Clock statement came into full relief. Although the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists focuses on nuclear risk, climate change, and emerging technologies, the nuclear landscape takes center stage in this year’s Clock statement.

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Meanwhile, Around the World
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

One thing is wealth, another is life expectancy: Japan and Spain are Nos. 1 and 2, Norway No. 14, USA No. 25. No doubt the Japanese diet based on le cru, not le cuit, and the Spanish Mediterranean diet, also based on the sea, the plains and the mountains, play major roles… A small but important signal from La Nucia in Spain: no more permits to build new houses for some time. La Nucia wants to stop growing. 30,000 inhabitants in 2030 is the limit; with no limitation on restoration, beauty, art, well-being.

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North Korea Issues Statement Calling for Breakthrough in Unification
Jason Ditz | AntiWar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Urges All Koreans to Push Bilateral Cooperation

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On Longevity: Reflections
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Longevity is a life-lengthening quality
Longevity is a human-dignifying seniority…

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Gandhi’s Assassination: In the Midst of Death, Life Persists
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

On the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, 30 January, we still try to find ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and to deal with violent religious movements and individuals. For Gandhi, the spiritual and political means were interdependent and could not be separated. Today, religious movements are often seen as promoting violence, Islam in the Middle East, Buddhism as an anti-Muslim current in Burma.

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Richest 1 Percent Bagged 82 Percent of Wealth Created Last Year – Poorest Half of Humanity Got Nothing
OXFAM International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

22 Jan 2018 – Eighty two percent of the wealth generated last year went to the richest one percent of the global population, while the 3.7 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world saw no increase in their wealth, according to a new Oxfam report released today. The report is being launched as political and business elites gather for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

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The Fragrance of Loss
Mary Barnet – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Speaking a language other than his mother tongue Sinhala he sees his journey and arrival into a land that cannot seem to fulfill his dreams. It follows that his poems are those of himself and the other refugees who surround him. The Fragrance of Loss by Udaya R. Tennakoon, Copyright© Udaya R. Tennakoon, ISBN: 978-81-8253-056-0, First Edition: 2017,

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(Português) Plutarco e a relação entre a violência e o consumo de carne
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Autor de “De Esu Carnium”, ou “Do Consumo da Carne”, escrito no século I, que integra uma de suas obras mais importantes – “Moralia”, o filósofo platonista, biógrafo e ensaísta grego, que se voltava para a discussão das questões morais, escreveu que o “hábito selvagem” do consumo de carne inclina a mente à brutalidade, ao derramamento de sangue e à destruição.

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Permaculture in New Zealand: Joanna Santa Barbara’s Atamai Village (Part 1)
Sebastian Eck | Galtung Institut – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Permaculture for Peace: Presenting the Atamai Village Project. Joanna Santa Barbara is a member of TRANSCEND International.

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In Pursuit of Peace and Justice: 100 Peace & Justice Leaders and Models (List #1)
Anthony J. Marsella and Kathleen Malley-Morrison – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

26 Jan 2018 – The individuals included on our list are from all genders, ages, roles. They are from many nations, ethnocultural groups, and “races.” We sense a rising tide of commitment to peace and justice, and an intolerance of the corruption, cronyism, and asymmetric power sustaining current abuses. We consider our efforts a beginning, and we will continue to publish new lists. This is because the struggle for peace and justice is endless, and each day new people are rising to the call.

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Rohingyas, the Refugees Who Don’t Want to Go Home … Yet
Jason Beaubien | NPR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

21 Jan 2018 – This week, Bangladesh had planned to start sending Rohingya refugees back to Myanmar. Now the deal has been postponed because of logistical problems. The refugees themselves have opposed the plan. “They’ll kill us,” says Sonah Meah, 30. “If I go, they’ll kill me.”

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Trump Asks Museum for Van Gogh, Gets Offered Used Gold Toilet
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

The Guggenheim’s curator said – tongue firmly in cheek – that a satirical piece entitled “America,” a functioning 18kt solid-gold toilet, was available for “long-term loan.”

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(Français) La responsabilité de protéger le monde… des États-Unis
Ajamu Baraka | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

L’une des armes de propagande les plus ingénieuses jamais mises au point est que les puissantes nations occidentales dirigées par les États-Unis ont la responsabilité morale d’utiliser la force militaire pour protéger les droits des peuples opprimés par leurs gouvernements. Cette «responsabilité de protéger» (R2P) a toujours eu un statut juridique douteux, mais sa justification morale exigeait aussi un désengagement psychologique et historique de la réalité sanglante des 500 ans d’histoire du colonialisme américain et européen, de l’esclavage, du génocide et de la torture qui ont créé l’ «Occident ».

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I Have a Right (Music Video of the Week)
Sonata Arctica | Nuclear Blast Records – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

“A song about how we should not pass the burden we get from the past generation on the shoulders of our future offspring. Children’s rights subject. Not the most metal subject ever, I suppose, but then again I think it fits our band well and is pretty universal.” — Tony Kakko, song’s author

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A Genuine Actor: Francesco Serpico
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

When this honest cop was lying in a pool of his own blood on the night of February 3, 1971, having been shot in the face in a set-up carried out by fellow cops, Frank Serpico heard a voice that said, “It’s all a lie.” In that moment as he fought for his life, he realized a truth he had previously sensed but never fully grasped in its awful reality.

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The Courage to Be Yourself: E.E. Cummings on Art, Life, and Being Unafraid to Feel
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

“To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight.” “No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life,” wrote the thirty-year-old Nietzsche.

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AP Interview: Richardson Resigns from Rohingya Refugee Panel
Foster Klug | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

24 Jan 2018 — Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has resigned from an advisory panel on the massive Rohingya refugee crisis, calling it a “whitewash and a cheerleading operation” for Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

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How to Read the 2018 U.S. National Defense Strategy
Mara Karlin | The Brookings Institution – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

21 Jan 2018 – Last week, US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis released the 2018 National Defense Strategy. This NDS is a heady attempt to drive the U.S. military faster in the direction it has been heading. China and Russia should read it with a worrying eye (and perhaps a glass of baijiu or vodka).

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Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for World Communications Day
Pope Francis | Libreria Editrice Vaticana – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

24 Jan 2018 – “I would like to invite everyone to promote a journalism of peace. By that, I do not mean the saccharine kind of journalism that refuses to acknowledge the existence of serious problems or smacks of sentimentalism. On the contrary, I mean a journalism that is truthful and opposed to falsehoods, rhetorical slogans, and sensational headlines. A journalism less concentrated on breaking news than on exploring the underlying causes of conflicts, in order to promote deeper understanding and contribute to their resolution by setting in place virtuous processes. A journalism committed to pointing out alternatives to the escalation of shouting matches and verbal violence.”

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How Will I Explain Extremist Buddhism to My Children?
Khin Mai Aung | Lion’s Roar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Khin Mai Aung once worried her children would pick up dogmatic views from her husband’s Catholic faith. Now, she struggles to explain to them the terrible violence in Myanmar, her country of birth — incited by members of her own faith, Buddhism.

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Why Fear and Self-hatred Destroy Human Sharing and Solidarity
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

24 Jan 2018 – The lack of solidarity is utterly pervasive and readily evident in our lacklustre official and personal responses to the many ongoing crises in which humanity finds itself. To mention just the most obvious: Every day governments spend $US2 billion on weapons and warfare while a billion people lack the basic resources to live a decent life (and more than 100,000 of these people starve to death)… So what can we do?

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Animals: Endowed with Rights
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

28 Jan 2018 – Whether one acknowledges the dignity of animals depends on that person’s paradigm (vision of the world and values). Two paradigms have been handed down to us. The first understands the human being as part of nature. The second paradigm starts with the idea that the human being is the apex of evolution, and that all things are at his disposal.

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Joke or No Joke?
TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Political Discourse 2018

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Here Are All the World Leaders Going to Davos This Week
Alexandra Ma | Business Insider – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

22 Jan 2018 – The world’s elite will converge upon the snowy Swiss town of Davos this week for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, a weeklong networking event peppered with talks and presentations.

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The Jumping Parliament
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

27 Jan 2018 – This is going on now, a rising tide, an Israeli voice that has not been heard for a long time. A voice that has been mute for so many years, the voice of my Israel, the voice of yesterday’s Israel – and hopefully tomorrow’s. There was a time when I could be proud to be an Israeli. Perhaps this time is returning.

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Network Spherons: The UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing the UN of Disharmony
Leo Semashko et al. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Spheral Structure of the UN Harmony – The UN Sociocybernetic Reform Proposal

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Only Beauty Will Save Our World
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

In this life, where coexists
Eternal love with fatal death,

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Blackouts and Flashpoints in 2018
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

26 Jan 2018 – The prophets and forecasters for the coming year have already set out their global vision ranging from rising economies to catastrophic global wars.

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How the Establishment Undermines American Democracy
Philip M. Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

18 Jan 2018 – There is a growing consensus among many observers in Washington that the national security agencies have become completely politicized over the past seventeen years and are now pursuing selfish agendas that actually endanger what remains of American democracy.

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