Articles by M

We found 33761 results.

Democratic Space in Adverse Times: Milestone at Haiti’s University of the Aristide Foundation
Leslie Mullin | Resumen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

“Haiti vitally needs a safe space where young people can come together, think country and construct a future under difficult circumstances… an institution that will address national issues and seek viable solutions to national problems. Dreams of working, prospering and changing Haiti – not chasing after a foreign visa or a job with a foreign NGO. This is UniFA’s commitment.”
— Mildred Aristide

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Declaration on the Right to Peace (1)
UN Human Rights Council – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Resolution 32/28 adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on 1 July 2016

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The Real Victor
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

28 Apr 2018 – On the fifth day of the six-day war in 1967, I published an open letter to the Prime Minister, Levy Eshkol. The Israeli army had just conquered the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, and I proposed that Eshkol immediately offer the Palestinian people to establish the State of Palestine there, in return for peace with Israel.

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Germany’s Refusal to Join the Latest US-Led Missile Strikes on Syria
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – Germany’s leader wanted to join the U.S., France and Britain in the bombing of Syria, but backed off because of domestic opposition. The major left party concluded that the US-led missile strikes violated international law.

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North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un meets South Korean President Moon Jae-in at DMZ
VOA News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Peace in the Making: Historic Third Summit between North and South Korea – Streamed Live 27 Apr 2018

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Deconstructing Power (Part 3)
Dr. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

With help from court poets and scribes, a “rising power” has traditionally been made to appear “heroic” and “majestic”. But a “disoriented and declining power” is pathetic – although poets and scribes would continue their assigned work, as long as the treasury continues to pay their salaries. Is a declining power more of a threat to humanity than a rising power?

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Minuteman III Missile Test Launched from California in Cloud of Secrecy
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – Poor Timing and Lack of Transparency Send Wrong Message – The United States launched a Minuteman III Ballistic Missile this morning from Vandenberg Air Force Base. This is the same class of missiles for which the U.S. has been highly critical of the North Koreans for developing and testing. It is particularly disappointing because it was conducted just over a day in advance of the planned summit of the leaders of North and South Korea.

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The Slaughter in Gaza and the Crisis of Israel on Its 70th Anniversary
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Apr 2018 – As of today, the number of nonviolent, unarmed demonstrators murdered by Israeli army snipers firing into Gaza has risen to at least 40, with another 5,000 wounded, 1,600 by live ammunition.

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An Island Called Respect
Christophe Barbey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

I live an island called “respect”.
Living there allows me to see
Humanity in you;
Living there allows me to see,

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Marx and Modern Microeconomics
Samuel Bowles | Vox – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

21 Apr 2018 – This column argues that Marx’s representation of the power relationship between capital and labour in the firm is an essential insight for understanding and improving modern capitalism.

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Robert Fisk Puts to Test the Free-Press Myth in Douma
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – The content of what he reported was incendiary. Just a few days after France, UK and US had bombed Syria, in violation of all principles of international law, on the grounds that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons in Douma, Fisk interviewed a doctor at the clinic where the victims were treated. The doctor said no chemical attack occurred. The video footage from last week was genuine, the doctor added, but it showed civilians who had inhaled dust after a Syrian bombing attack, not gas.

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(Français) Le Manifeste communiste, 170 ans plus tard
Samir Amin | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Avr 2018 – Aucun texte écrit au milieu du XIX è siècle n’a tenu la route jusqu’aujourd’hui aussi bien que le Manifeste Communiste de 1848. (…) Marx et Engels étaient-ils des prophètes inspirés ? Des magiciens capables de lire dans une boule de cristal ? Des êtres exceptionnels pour leur intuition ? Non. Ils avaient seulement mieux compris que quiconque, en leur temps et pour notre temps encore, l’essentiel de ce qui définit et caractérise le capitalisme.

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Indonesian Impressions
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Impressions from a Third Visit to Indonesia

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How to Overcome Fierce Debates about Banning All Trade in Ivory
Duan Biggs, Carly Cook, Kent Redford and Matthew H. Holden – The Conversation, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – Should trade in ivory be banned or not? There may be a solution.

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Empty Half the Earth of Its Humans. It’s the Only Way to Save the Planet [What?]
Kim Stanley Robinson – The Guardian, 30 Apr 2018

There are now twice as many people as 50 years ago. But, as EO Wilson has argued, they can all survive – in cities.

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Fox in the Hen House: Why Interest Rates Are Rising
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 – The Federal Reserve calls itself “independent,” but it is independent only of government. It marches to the drums of the banks that are its private owners. Congress needs to nationalize the Fed and turn it into a public utility, one that is responsive to the needs of the public and the economy, not of the banks.

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Can We Talk (about Animal Rights)?
Roger S. Gottlieb | Harvard Divinity School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Animals suffer for lots of reasons: The sea birds covered in oil, the fox caught in a fur hunter’s trap gnawing off its leg, the long, long lines of cows waiting to be bludgeoned and then to have their throats slit, the millions of mice to be used for God knows what, including the ones who have been scientifically, genetically engineered to get cancer (“onco-mice,” they are called). Not to mention whole species, thousands of them, dying off because humans have taken or contaminated their habitat, or brought in exotic species against which they have not evolved defenses, or just eaten too many.

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OPCW Investigators Found “No Evidence” of Chemical Weapons at Syrian Facilities Bombed by F-UK-US
Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – According to new reports, investigators from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have spoken with Russian military officials after visiting the site of the Barzeh research center in Damascus. If France, UK and the US really did bomb a building filled with chemical weapons, there would have been thousands of bodies to show for it.

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Jake Lynch on Peace Journalism
Leeds Beckett University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Dr Jake Lynch, former BBC newsreader, Political Correspondent for Sky News and Sydney Correspondent for the Independent. Jake is now the Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney and is one of the most published authors in the field of Peace Journalism.

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Saudi Aggression War against Yemen
Yemen News Agency Saba – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – At least 88 victims of the wedding massacre of the US-backed Saudi-led aggression warplane were killed and injured, which targeted a wedding in al-raqah area at Bani Qais in Hajjah province, a medical official told Saba today.

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‘Committed International Leadership Needed for Rohingya Issue’
Selin Calik Muhasilovic | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Apr 2018 – Myanmarese scholar and democracy advocate Dr. Maung Zarni spoke on the ongoing humanitarian crisis involving Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence and persecution in the Rakhine state and Turkey’s important role specifically to help them return to the ‘Protected Homeland’.

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Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 Mar 1883)
The European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Germany. His father was a lawyer who came from a long line of Rabbis, but had changed his faith to Protestantism in order to keep his job. By 1857 Marx had written an 800-page manuscript which was to become Das Kapital (Capital). This is his major work on political economy, capital, landed property, the state, wage labor, foreign trade and the world market.

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Portugal Cut Addiction Rates in Half by Connecting Drug Users with Communities Instead of Jailing Them
Johann Hari – YES! Magazine, 30 Apr 2018

Eighteen years ago, the Portuguese had one of the worst drug problems in Europe. So they decriminalized drugs, took money out of prisons, put it into holistic rehabilitation, and found that human connection is the antidote to addiction.

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Nuclear Arms Issues: Progress but Still a Rocky Road Ahead
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

NGOs active in conflict resolution and tension reduction efforts must build upon this new momentum to help deepening the positive atmosphere. A new “window of opportunity” has opened, and we must see how to move forward creatively. There are times when there are links among otherwise separate events and concerns. We need to take advantage of this convergence and work so that our voices are heard ever more clearly.

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Canadian Prisoner in Search of Justice: The Case of M. Momin Khawaja
Samih U. Malik – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

What did M. Momin Khawaja do to be called a “terrorist?” On March 29, 2004, he was arrested on accusation of being co-conspirator for the UK London Bomb plan. But the Canadian Trial Judge acquitted him of this focal allegation of the case. There was no evidence to support this scenario. Subsequently, the Government made up five other criminal charges to try him in a public court of law in Canada.

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(Português) Podemos falar sobre os direitos dos animais?
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 abr 2018 – Em 2014, o filósofo Roger S. Gottlieb, professor de filosofia e autor de 18 livros, publicou pelo Harvard Divinity Bulletin um artigo intitulado “Can We Talk (about Animal Rights)?”. “Podemos começar reconhecendo que o fracasso moral do moderno consumo de carne não é o fim da história”.

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Words Can Save Lives
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

A group of frogs were walking through a forest. Suddenly, two of them fell into a hole. All the other frogs gathered around the hole and looked down over the edge.

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ETA Statement to the Basque Country: Declaration on Harm Caused
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

8 Apr 2018 – We are aware that we have caused great pain throughout this long period of armed struggle. We know much of this harm cannot be mended. We wish to express our respect to all the victims of ETA’s actions, in that they were harmed as a consequence of the conflict, whether they were killed, injured or harmed in any other way. We are truly sorry.

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Body and Soul (Music Video of the Week)
Tony Bennett & Amy Winehouse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

International Jazz Day, 30 Apr – Official Music Video

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Teilhard de Chardin (1 May 1881 – 10 Apr 1955): Evolution toward World Unity
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

For Teilhard, love was not an emotion or a sentiment but the basic primal and universal psychic energy. This is a concept drawn from Chinese culture. Teilhard lived in China from 1923 to 1946. The Chinese word jen, a term translated as love, benevolence or affection, is not only an emotional-moral term, but it is also a cosmic force − a compassionate quality that is the very structure of the earth.

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Media Cover-Up: Shielding Israel Is a Matter of Policy
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – The term ‘media bias’ does not do justice to the western corporate media’s relationship with Israel and Palestine. The current disgraceful coverage of Gaza’s popular protests indicates that the media’s position aims at suppressing the truth on Palestine, at any cost, and by any means.

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Full Declaration North-South Korea Summit, 27 Apr 2018
TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

Official Translation Provided by the Inter-Korean Summit

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Lebanon’s Politicians Insist Syrian Refugees Return Home Now! But to What?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

26 Apr 2018 – “Uridu an aouda ela bayti fi Sourya!” (“I want to return home to Syria!”). These are the words perhaps most regularly heard by Meals for Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon (MSRCL) volunteers and other NGO’s who work with Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.

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Speaking the Unspeakable: The Assassination and Martyrdom of Thomas Merton
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

“Killing a man who says ‘No!’ is a risky business,” the priest replied, “because even a corpse can go on whispering ‘No! No! No! with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of. And how can you silence a corpse?”
— Ignazio Silone, Bread and Wine

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Latuff – MintPress News, 30 Apr 2018

Outlaws above International Law…

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Economic Theory and Community Development
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 – One of several key theses of this book is the ethical principle: we should share the surplus. It is an ancient principle that in modern times the principal founder of economic theory, Adam Smith, took great pains to deny. It is present in one form or another in most of the cultures homo sapiens has constructed. It survives today in most religions. It is, implicitly at least, a centrepiece of socialism and of responsible capitalism. We do not think of ourselves as proposing a new idea, but as reviving an old one whose time is now returning.

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An Alternative Explanation to the Skripal Mystery
Gareth Porter - Consortium News, 30 Apr 2018

An alternative explanation to the mystery surrounding the poisoning of Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter may involve a possibility that neither the British nor Russian governments want to talk about.

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US/UK-Backed Saudi-Led Airstrike at Yemen Wedding Killed at least 20
AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

24 Apr 2018 — An airstrike by the US/UK-Backed Saudi-led coalition hit a wedding party in northern Yemen, killing at least 20 people including the bride, health officials said Monday [23 Apr], as harrowing images emerged on social media of the deadly bombing, the third to hit Yemeni civilians since the weekend.

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Homogenization of Psychotherapy and Counseling: Scientific, Professional, Ethical/Moral Issues, Risks, and Directions
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

28 Apr 2018 – In a time and era when people of contrasting cultural diversity are coming into contact on a daily basis, it is incumbent dominant, historical, and conventional Western therapists and counselors learn the nature, procedures, and wisdom of traditional non-Western therapies, and in the process, re-consider the cultural context of their own practices.

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On Busy Streets – Unusual Events and Chance Encounters
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

“I believe that I am guided by chance encounters. I believe in the miracle of chance encounters.”

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A Plea for Peace Journalism — Peace by Peaceful Means
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

TRANSCEND Media Service is having a fund drive to keep its valuable service tailored to those of us who want in-depth critical analyses not sensationalist corporate media reportage. I’d rather throw TRANSCEND a lifeline than watch BBC, for example, and pay the license fee. Who in their right mind would pay to be brainwashed by yet another military-industrial complex?

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Debunking White Helmets’ Footage in Douma’s Alleged Chemical Attack
Murad Gazdiev – RT, 23 Apr 2018

19 Apr 2018 – A correspondent from the Russia 24 TV channel found a Syrian boy seen in the White Helmets’ footage, said to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack: HOAX

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A Day of Mother Earth: Living in Harmony with Nature
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

International Mother Earth Day on 22 April each year was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009. Its aim is to promote living in harmony with Nature and to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations.

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Israeli Army Kills Four More Nonviolent Gaza Protesters
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

21 Apr 2018 – For the fourth Friday in a row, the Israeli military responded to unarmed Palestinian demonstrators on Gaza’s eastern border with live ammunition, killing four and wounding hundreds. Among those killed Friday was a 15-year-old boy, Mohammad Ibrahim Ayyoub. The three others murdered by Israeli snipers were identified as Ahmed Rashad, 24, Ahmed Abu Aqil, 25, and Saad Abdul Majid Abdul-Aal Abu Taha, 29.

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(Italiano) Israele/Palestina: Se questo è giornalismo
Amedeo Cottino – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 23 Apr 2018

10 aprile 2018 – Il quotidiano «La Stampa» pratica da molto tempo una sistematica politica di disinformazione sulla questione palestinese. Una disinformazione fondata su un assunto e cioè che la versione ufficiale israeliana sui fatti – quali che questi siano – è sempre quella corretta.

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In a Time of Endless Wars
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

I write for the men of a thousand years hence—
and the women—and their healthy children.
And…, if you are suffering, if night is day
and day is night,
I will drink the cup of despair with you,
for I have tasted of despair.

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Independent Swiss Lab Says ‘BZ Toxin’ Used in Skripal Poisoning: US/UK-Produced, Not Russian
Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

15 Apr 2018 – Somebody has some explaining to do… or did the Syrian airstrikes just ‘distract’ the citizenry from the reality surrounding the Skripal poisoning? The substance used on Sergei Skripal was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.

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Famed War Reporter Robert Fisk Reaches Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’ Site, Concludes “They Were Not Gassed”
Zero Hedge – MintPress News, 23 Apr 2018

17 Apr 2018 – Not only has the veteran British journalist found no evidence of a mass chemical attack, but he’s encountered multiple local eyewitnesses who say the gas attack never happened. Fisk is the first Western journalist to reach and report from the site of the alleged chemical weapons attack widely blamed on Assad’s forces.

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As Israel Marks 70 Years, What Have Been the True Costs?
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – Independence Day celebrations tomorrow should be a moment for Israelis – and the many Jews who identify with Israel – to reflect on what kind of state it has become after seven decades. Israel is an ugly ethnic supremacist state that closes its doors to Jews who decry the oppression of the native Palestinian population.

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Attacking Syria
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – These strikes raise questions of international law, domestic constitutional authorization for international uses of force, strategic logic, and moral imperatives and rationalizations. Each of these issues is capable of multiple interpretations raising further concerns about the appropriate location of the authority to decide given the nature of world order in the 21stcentury.

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Out of 26 Major Editorials on Trump’s Syria Strikes, Zero Opposed
Adam Johnson | FAIR-Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – A survey by FAIR of the top 100 papers in the US by circulation found not a single editorial board opposed to Trump’s April 13 airstrikes on Syria. Twenty supported the strikes, while six were ambiguous as to whether or not the bombing was advisable. The remaining 74 issued no opinion about Trump’s latest escalation of the Syrian war.

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(Português) Perder Tudo
Maurício Galvão - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 23 Apr 2018

16 abr 2018 – Então você perde tudo, tudo o que possuía se perde em meio a uma enchente seguida de uma destruidora avalanche. E ao encontrá-lo vivo embaixo das pedras, que em estado de choque lambe sua face e discretamente balança o rabo,você compreende que tudo aquilo que não tem preço, tem alma, coração, tem sentimento.

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Confronting Islamophobia
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

They are up against emirs and pashas not gladly ceding privileges to a carpet dotted with imams. IS–not ISIS, ISL, DAESH–the Islamic State, backing politically-militarily the Islamic Caliphate (IC), understands this, and relates directly to imams. The West got lost in the image of Syria as a Western colony, which it also was from 1916 (Sykes-Picot).

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In Love with Bicycles
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – In today’s fast moving world a bicycle may appear to be an anachronism. Speed is the buzz word so we have fast cars and SUVs that go up to 160 km/h on highways or German autobahns, where there is a limit on the minimum not on the maximum speed.

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Structural Analysis and Chemical Models
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

1974 – The goal of this very simple exploration has been not to lose contact with the socially relevant. One socially relevant factor is what might be called structural imagination, where a look at a textbook of organic chemistry and a textbook of, say, sociology, gives a clear indication of where this factor is more developed. Social scientists talk about human and social variety, the specialists in organic chemistry not only talk about it, but present it and produce it. In this there is much to learn, but there is also much to learn from the way chemistry has managed to integrate empirical and constructive approaches.

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(Italiano) (A) Piccoli passi verso la Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 -La proposta contiene tre idee-azioni: “Il dovere di non collaborare”, la lettura COLLETTIVA dei Principi fondamentali, letture animAzioni e testimonianze d’archivio.

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UN Hails Release of More Than 200 Child Soldiers in South Sudan
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

Two hundred and seven child soldiers have been released by armed groups in South Sudan, part of a series of planned discharges that should see nearly 1,000 children return home over the coming months.

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On Longevity: A Digniview
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

LONGEVITY ? In a Book of LIFE more than a daily page

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Facebook, Myanmar Genocide and Its Dehumanizingly Sexualized Discourses
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

19 Apr 2018 – But whatever, whoever is shaping the public opinion in today’s Myanmar anyone monitoring genocidal discourses in the public domains in Burmese language cannot fail to notice the Nazi parallel: Myanmar public, in my assessment, is in the mental world of the Nazis. I don’t use this word lightly – and for the effect. The paradox of a genocidal system: the system creates the problem which it cannot itself resolve.

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When Robots Take Our Jobs, Platform Cooperatives Are a Solution
Gideon Rosenblatt – YES! Magazine, 23 Apr 2018

20 Apr 2018 – Imagine for a moment that Uber drivers, rather than Uber stockholders, own Uber. That is one way to understand what a platform cooperative is. Uber is a company built on a software platform that connects service providers with customers.

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The Real Target of the Alleged Chemical Attacks: Jeremy Corbyn
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

17 Apr 2018 – Very shortly thereafter, as if to make a bold connecting link between evil Russian and deadly chemicals, we have the story of Assad’s ‘regime’—it’s always a regime, isn’t it, instead of a government, and one never hears of Netanyahu’s ‘regime’ in Israel which has just killed unarmed stone-throwers, for which there is very clear-cut evidence.

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(Português) Qual é a nossa dieta natural?
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

20 abr 2018 – Em 2004, o proeminente biólogo Randall Collura, que tem doutorado em biologia molecular e biologia antropológica pela Universidade Harvard, publicou um ensaio intitulado “What is our natural diet and should we really care?” A obra integra o livro “Food for Thought: The Debate Over Eating Meat”, editado pelo conceituado filósofo moral Steve Sapontzis, especialista em direitos animais e ética ambiental com doutorado em filosofia pela Universidade Yale.

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The 1%’s Mind Games: Psychology Gone Bad
Roy Eidelson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – Multi-millionaires and billionaires comfortably ride the waves and add to their enormous wealth and power. The contrast is jarring to be sure, but it persists nonetheless because self-interested representatives of the 1% have become masters at using manipulative psychological appeals — I call them “mind games” — to defuse and misdirect our outrage.

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“War Is Good for Business”: Insider Trading, Secret Information and the US-Led Attack against Syria
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 23 Apr 2018

21 Apr 2018 – Philip May, husband of Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May happens to be a senior executive of Capital Group which is a major holder of both Lockheed Martin and British Aerospace shares. The value of Lockheed and BAE shares soared on the World’s stock markets, on the Monday morning following the Friday April 13 bombing of Syria.

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The Great Day
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

21 Apr 2018 – Two days ago, the State of Israel celebrated its 70th birthday. For days we heard about nothing else. Innumerable speeches full of platitudes. A huge festival of kitsch.

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Gaza Offers Us the Choice of Life
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – Will Gaza’s nonviolent struggle be a turning point? Israel has always cited the murderous struggle waged by the Palestinian terror organizations as justification for its policies, but now Gaza has chosen to explore the option of nonviolence.

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Reflections on the Cultural Construction of Reality: Assumptions, Issues, Directions
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

There is an inherent human impulse in the human brain and body to describe, understand, and predict the world through the processing and ordering of stimuli. Culture is a concept and construct. It is a word and terms. It joins thousands of other concepts among social, psychological, and behavioral disciplines, and is essential foundation for “culture” disciplines and professions.

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‘They Eat Money’: How Mandela’s Political Heirs Grow Rich Off Corruption
Norimitsu Onishi and Selam Gebrekidan – The New York Times, 23 Apr 2018

16 Apr 2018 – Corruption that has whittled away at virtually every institution in the country. While Mr. Mandela is still revered in the West, his legacy is regarded more critically in South Africa, especially by some young black people. To them, he sold out the country’s black masses to the white business elite.

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Media Cover-up: Shielding Israel a Matter of Policy
Ramzy Baroud – teleSUR, 23 Apr 2018

17 Apr 2018 – Media spin will continue to provide Israel with the needed margins to carry out its violent policies against the Palestinian people, with no moral accountability.

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What Is Bitcoin? Here’s What You Need to Know
Julian Goldie | King Passive – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

Cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm…but just what is Bitcoin? In this guide, you’ll discover everything you need to know about it.

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Striking Syria: The Real Reasons
Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

16 Apr 2018 – Is it because the so-called evidence was obtained from dubious sources — such as the terrorist group, Jaish al- Islam which was fighting the Assad government and in control of parts of Douma on the 7th of April? Were the White Helmets, a fake civil defence outfit established by British intelligence and funded by both Britain and the US yet another supplier of ‘evidence’? Or as it has happened on numerous occasions in the past, was the ‘evidence’ generated by Mossad, Israel’s intelligence network, in pursuit of its own nefarious agenda?

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Politics as Usual
Latuff – MintPress News, 23 Apr 2018

Same old, same old…

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

A father told his young son, “You have gotten a little sister.”

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As Lies on Syrian Gas Attack Unravel, US and UK Shift to Claims of Russian “Cyber War”
Will Morrow | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

On Monday [16 Apr], the US and British intelligence agencies released a joint report charging Moscow with unspecified “cyber warfare” against the West. The coordinated campaign comes amid the unraveling of the official pretext for Friday [13 Apr] night’s illegal US-British-French bombing of Russia’s ally Syria—the claim that the Assad government carried out a chemical weapons attack in eastern Ghouta on April 7.

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Weaning African Leaders off Addiction to Power Is an Ongoing Struggle
Kealeboga J Maphunye – The Conversation, 23 Apr 2018

16 Apr 2018 – Some African leaders continue to disregard their countries’ own constitutions and laws governing presidential tenure. Their refusal to step down at the appointed time flies in the face of governance blueprints adopted from liberation politics to the new post independence struggle for democracy in the early 2000s. What, then, is the solution?

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Johan Galtung Speaking at the World Tribunal on Iraq
Deep Dish TV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

Istanbul, Turkey, June 2005

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William Blum | The Anti-Empire Report #157 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – One reason it’s so easy to get an American administration, the mainstream media, and the American people to jump on an anti-Russian bandwagon is of course the legacy of the Soviet Union. To all the real crimes and shortcomings of that period the US regularly added many fictitious claims to agitate the American public against Moscow. That has not come to a halt.

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Affair Skripal — Cui Bono? Hysteria before Multi-Polarity
Ivaylo Grouev – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – Rushing into the Parliament without presenting any evidence — Scotland Yard officially declared that it needs months to complete its investigation — UK Prime Minister Theresa May gave a twenty-four hour ultimatum to the Kremlin to admit its guilt. However, the hard question cui bono? [who benefits] from the Skripal case remains open.

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How the US Occupied the 30% of Syria Containing Most of Its Oil, Water and Gas
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 23 Apr 2018

While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran.

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Scientists Accidentally Develop ‘Mutant’ Enzyme That Eats Plastic
Lorraine Chow | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

17 Apr 2018 – Researchers in the UK and the U.S. have inadvertently engineered an enzyme that eats up plastic. It is able to digest polyethylene terephthalate—the same material used in the ubiquitous plastic bottle that’s clogging up landfills, coastlines and oceans around the world.

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Let the People, Not the Politicians or Generals, Decide
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

The province of Schleswig had changed hands between Denmark and Prussia several times during the 19th century and was under German control before World War I.

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Hawaii’s Ho’oponopono for Earth Day – 22 April
Jacob Devaney | Uplift – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

The Power of Humility, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love

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Wake Me Up – Official Video (Music Video of the Week)
DJ Avicii – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – Tim Bergling (8 Sep 1989 – 20 Apr 2018), better known by his stage name DJ Avicii was a Swedish musician, DJ, remixer and record producer. Knowledge about the circumstances of Avicii’s death and surrounding events may change rapidly as more facts come to light. “Wake Me Up”, 2013, topped most music markets in Europe and reached number four in the US.
1,511,112,649 YouTube views as of today. Avicii was 28 years old. R.I.P.

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Why Not Emphasize Assad Had No MOTIVE to Use Gas! He Had Defeated the Terrorists Sent by USA
Jay Janson | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

Why Not Emphasize That Assad Had No MOTIVE to Use Gas When He Already Defeated the Terrorists Sent and Armed by USA and Saudi Arabia, while Assad’s Enemies Had a Reason to Stage a Gas Attack to Give USA a Pretext to Bomb yet Again?

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A Socialist Economy for the 21st Century
Richard Rosen | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

Richard A. Rosen explores the changes necessary for a modern definition of “socialism” and describes key concepts and issues that arise when aiming to restructure the American economy to include social and environmental sustainability in the Twenty-First Century.

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CEO Pay, Bank Profits, Corporate Cash Set New Records
Barry Grey | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

No money for teacher pay or textbooks, but…

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 12 (April 2018)
Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone & Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

This is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ together with a sample of news about Charter signatories and organizations. Our collective effort to build a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts continues to make progress, even against rather overwhelming odds!

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Where on Earth is the Just Economy That Works for All, Including Afghan Children?
Dr Hakim Young | Voices for Creative Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

14 Apr 2018 – How can Afghan youngsters living in a war zone survive violence, an unjust economy, hunger and displacement? Who can help them?

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Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Takes on Syrian White Helmets, Thought-Control
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 23 Apr 2018

17 Apr 2018 – Roger Waters, former guitarist for Pink Floyd, spoke out against the Syrian White Helmets during a recent concert in Barcelona, calling the group “fake” and existing for the sole purpose of creating propaganda for a Western audience on behalf of Syrian opposition groups.

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Space Mining Will Produce World’s First Trillionaire
RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 – The world’s first trillionaire will make his/her fortune by mining in outer space, Goldman Sachs claims. Renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says: “The first trillionaire there will ever be is the person who exploits the natural resources on asteroids.”

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Banking on a ‘Shithole’: US-Led Racial Capitalism in Haiti Began Long Before Trump
Peter James Hudson | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – Donald Trump’s recent description of Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa as “shithole countries [sic]” offered an ugly example of how US foreign policy is often shaped by the dictates of racial capitalism — by an economic system suffused with racial ideology and racist thinking. The comment recalls an earlier episode of racial capitalism in Haiti.

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Exhortation to We the Peoples from the Club of Rome
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

Review of “Come On: Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet” – Prepared on the occasion of the book launch during the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Club of Rome (London, 26 April 2018)

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Trump Attacks Syria with Chemical Experts on the Way
Joe Lauria - Consortium News, 23 Apr 2018

13 Apr 2018 – President Trump ordered airstrikes on Syria as a team of experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was about to arrive to determine whether a chemical weapons attack had even occurred.

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Tehran’s Syria-Lebanon Colonization Project Is Collapsing Iran’s Rial as Iranians Hoard Dollars
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – “Leave Syria, think about us!” and “No to Yemen! No to Lebanon and Hezbollah! Our lives for Iran!” are among graffiti sentiments scrawled across Tehran. The campaign is being led by students, unemployed workers, and other detractors of Iran’s Wali al Fique “Supreme Leader” rule and its much opposed foreign and monetary policies.

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Attack on Syria
Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

1) US/UK/France target unused fields and facilities with no damage for domestic propaganda purposes (to appear tough and satisfy the Israel/Zionist lobbies who have been pushing for war like they did in Iraq, Yemen, and Libya and now pushing for war on Iran).
2) Russia and Syria also get a propaganda “win” having shot most of the missiles using “old” Soviet era weapons and Syria gets to get more advanced weapons.

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Showing They ‘Learned Nothing’ from Iraq, War Journalists Beat Drums for Trump Attack on Syria
Jake Johnson – Common Dreams, 16 Apr 2018

“Pundits and the media are making John Bolton’s wildest dreams come true: in his first week on the job, everyone is calling for a new war.”

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Major War Journalism Papers Urge Trump to Kill Syrians, Risk World War III
Gregory Shupak | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – Clamoring for Catastrophe: President Donald Trump is threatening to escalate the Syrian war, as are France and the United Kingdom, while Israel bombed Syria three days ago. In this context, major “liberal” media outlets are writing that Trump should attack Syria further.

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Tucker Carlson Is Questioning Legitimacy of Reported Syrian Chemical Weapon Attacks
Katie Leach – Washington Examiner, 16 Apr 2018

9 Apr 2018 – Fox News host Tucker Carlson is questioning the legitimacy of reports Syrian President Bashar Assad used chemical weapons against his own citizens. “All the geniuses tell us that Assad killed those children, but do they really know that? Of course they don’t really know that, they are making it up. Propaganda,” he claimed. “We have seen this movie before and know how it ends.”

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‘Western Media’ and Mass Deception
Hamid Dabashi – Al Jazeera, 16 Apr 2018

What does the coverage of the atrocities committed by Israel in Gaza tell us about the truth of ‘Western media’?

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Eyeless in Gaza
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

14 Apr 2018 – Write down: I, Uri Avnery, soldier number 44410 of the Israel army, hereby dissociate myself from the army sharpshooters who murder unarmed demonstrators along the Gaza Strip, and from their commanders, who give them the orders, up to the commander in chief. We don’t belong to the same army, or to the same state. We hardly belong to the same human race.

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