Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26487 results.

It Wasn’t the Threat That Worked, It Was Reduction of Fear
Kristin Y. Christman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

U.S. policymakers don’t trust North Korea. But on what basis can North Korea trust the U.S.? What agreement with North Korea has the U.S. ever not violated? … Whichever agreement is under discussion, the same behavior is seen: the U.S. never sees its own violations as wrong.

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Red Cross Says Life Has Stopped in Myanmar’s Rakhine
Stephanie Nebehay | Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

13 Dec 2017 – Life has stopped in its tracks in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine state where an estimated 180,000 Rohingya remain, the International Committee of the Red Cross said today. “You get a sense of the two main communities being deeply scared of each other. What surprised me is the fact that not only the Muslim communities are scared, but that the others are actually scared as well.”

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UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of the Rohingya Muslim population in Myanmar
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein | OHCHR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

5 Dec 2017 – By continuing to dehumanise the Rohingya, the state authorities could fuel even wider levels of violence in the future – drawing in communities from across the region, eventually forcing a confessional confrontation, and destroying whatever it is they may once have hoped for their country. We cannot afford to hear that historical and tragic refrain, one more time, that no one knew it would turn out to be like this — what a lie that would be. I urge the Council to take the appropriate action to stop this madness now.

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God’s Oppressed Children
Pankaj Mishra | New York Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

Many Indian houses still have a simple pit toilet, which consists of a large hole in the floor. The feces are collected at night by manual scavengers who carry away human shit and whose tools are nothing but a small broom and a tin plate. Most are women. One out of six Indians is a Dalit, untouchable, but for years I neither witnessed nor imagined the life of one, although almost every week small columns in the newspapers reported the murder, rape, and torture of them.

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ICAN Statement on Nobel Peace Prize 2017
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

6 Oct 2017 – The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is a coalition of non-governmental organizations in one hundred countries. By harnessing the power of the people, we have worked to bring an end to the most destructive weapon ever created – the only weapon that poses an existential threat to all humanity.

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Rohingyas Are Survivors, Not Security Threat
Maung Zarni | Prothom Alo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

13 Dec 2017 – Can you imagine BBC, Chatham House, Rand Corporation portraying as potential “Jewish terrorists” the survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ravensbruick, Dachau and other world infamous death and labour camps? Of course not! But that is precisely what is now happening to the survivors of my Buddhist country’s genocide, whose name even the entire Catholic Church in Myanmar, and by extension, Pope Francis, have dared not pronounce.

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Income of World’s Top .001% Skyrockets by 636%: Report
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

The report, which highlights the growing gulf between haves and have-nots, was compiled by five economists, including scholars Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty.

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Put Out the Fire Before It Is Too Late
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

There was a man called Nicolas who was happy in life except for one thing: he and a neighbor distrusted each other. One day, his chicken strayed into the neighbor’s garden.

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Banality of Riches
Pawel Kuczynski – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

World of Illusion

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(Français) Amérique latine : des pouvoirs et des luttes
Bernard Duterme | CETRI Centre Tricontinental – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

Décembre 2017 – Entre paix et violence, tournant à gauche puis à droite, les reconfigurations à l’œuvre en Amérique latine détonnent. Contention, répression, dilution… les luttes « progressistes » n’en ont pas fini pour autant de hanter le continent des inégalités extrêmes. Face à la poussée « extractiviste », la protestation ne s’est pas unifiée : appels à la redistribution des bénéfices d’un côté, au respect de l’environnement et des territoires de l’autre.

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Palestine: It Is Time for a New Beginning
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

13 Dec 2017 – Now that the American mask has completely fallen, Palestinians require an urgent rethink in their own political priorities, alliances and national liberation strategy. Business should not go on as usual after Trump accepted Israel’s definition of Jerusalem as its capital.

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Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

15 Dec 2017 – Critics, including myself, regard the initiative as a slap at the Palestinians and a confirmation of Trump’s disregard of international law and morality, and the authority of the UN. The status of Jerusalem is a focal point for the tension between the old geopolitics of hard power realism and the normative geopolitics of soft power new realism.

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U.S.A: FCC Repeals ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules for Internet Providers
Alina Selyukh | NPR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

14 Dec 2017 – U.S. telecom regulators have voted to repeal net neutrality rules, which restrict the power of Internet service providers to influence loading speeds for specific websites or apps. Net neutrality: It’s a principle that Internet providers should be neutral gateways that provide equal access to all legal web content.

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Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Local Currencies
Tad Montgomery | Resilience – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

14 Dec 2017 -The world is on fire lately with the exponential growth of Bitcoin and other electronic cryptocurrencies. While some see these as speculative bubbles that are tied to nothing, used on the dark web to ransom hacked computers, and profligate users of electricity, others see Bitcoin and its ilk as our liberation from nation states and their central banks. Both could be true.

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Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants
Celeste McGovern | Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

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(Português) Investigação revela a crueldade extrema da indústria da carne de cordeiro
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

12 Dez 2017 – Os ativistas da Animal Equality investigaram um dos cerca de 200 matadouros no país que têm autorização para matar animais sem realizar o atordoamento, uma prática cruel infligida todos os anos contra centenas de milhares de seres inocentes.

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Temples for Spirituality, Harmony and Joy
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

18 Dec 2017 – As is well known India has diversities of virtually all types. As for religions, we have followers of all major world religions — Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and smaller faiths such as Sikhism, Jainism, Judaism, Arya Samaj, Baha’i. Other faiths such as Brahmo Samaj, Dev Samaj, along with their specific deities, rituals and holy books are also present in different regions of the country.

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An Incomplete Timeline of What We Tried: Working Back from Human Extinction
Debbie Urbanski | Vice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

Human extinction.
The coordinated release of various strains of a human sterilization virus.
The no-child laws.
The launching of the Colony into space, no final destination in mind, for those able to afford the journey…

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Ave Maria (Music Video of the Week)
Daniel Taylor & Les Petits Chanteurs Du Mont-Royal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

A Virtuoso Performs a Classic

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Corporate Media Allowed Net Neutrality to Die in Silence
Pam Vogel | Media Matters for America – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

15 Dec 2017 – The flagship morning news shows on broadcast and cable news covered net neutrality for less than four minutes combined.

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(Português) Mary Midgley: “Os animais são muito mais sutis e complicados do que pensávamos”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

Segundo a filósofa britânica, um problema comum por parte de muitos cientistas é que eles ignoram a complexidade psicológica e motivacional que também faz parte dos animais.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

Dec 18-24, 2017 ~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “ No matter how devastating our struggles, disappointments, and troubles are, they are only temporary. No matter what happens to you, no matter the depth of tragedy or pain you face, no matter how death stalks you and your loved ones, the Resurrection promises you a future of immeasurable good.” – Josh McDowell

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Libya: European Governments Complicit in Horrific Abuse of Refugees and Migrants
Amnesty International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

12 Dec 2017 – European governments are knowingly complicit in the torture and abuse of tens of thousands of refugees and migrants detained by Libyan immigration authorities in appalling conditions in Libya, said Amnesty International in a report published today, in the wake of global outrage over the sale of migrants in Libya.

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(Português) Seminário – Rumo a um Mundo Livre de Armas Nucleares: Desafios e Perspectivas
Embaixador Sergio Duarte – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Intervenção de Abertura, Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Brasília 7-8 Dez 2017 – Uma visão ampla sobre três principais temas:
• a contribuição do Tratado de Tlatelolco e da ABACC para a segurança da América Latina e do mundo em geral;
• as perspectivas para a Conferência de Exame do Tratado de Não Proliferação de Armas Nucleares, em 2020;
• e o impacto da recente adoção do Tratado de Proibição de Armas Nucleares.

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Ludwig van Beethoven (17 Dec 1770 – 26 Mar1827)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Ludwig van Beethoven was a deaf German composer and the predominant musical figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras. He was baptized on Dec 17, 1770 in Bonn, Holy Roman Empire. He was an innovator, widening the scope of sonata, symphony, concerto and quartet, and combining vocals and instruments in a new way. His personal life was marked by a struggle against deafness, and some of his most important works were composed during the last 10 years of his life, when he was quite unable to hear.

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Towards a World without Nuclear Weapons: Challenges and Perspectives
Ambassador Sergio Duarte – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

8 Dec 2017 – I was asked to provide a bird’s eye view of the three main topics of this Seminar, namely the contribution of the Treaty of Tlatelolco and ABACC to the security of Latin America and the world, the prospects for the 2020 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the impact of the recent adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

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(Français) La résolution 2250 du Conseil de Sécurité sur «La jeunesse et la paix»
Christophe Barbey - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

La résolution 2250 du Conseil de Sécurité sur « La jeunesse et la paix » Présentation générale et vision future – Genève et Flendruz, novembre 2017

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Amy Biehl
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Amy Biehl was a young Princeton graduate who went to Capetown, South Africa, in 1992 as a volunteer to work with an NGO to help overcome apartheid.

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A Religion Called Economy
Michele Migliorino | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

4 Dec 2017 – You can see how the Economy Religion destroys everything: forest, seas, living species, ourselves and our infinite cultures existing over the whole planet. By now, realism would tell us that it is time to throw the Economy GOd into the wastebasket history and try to create a society which won’t imply such a despicable waste of energy and resources.

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Violence against Women: Why the UN Secretary-General Got It Wrong
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

6 Dec 2017 – In his remarks on the recent International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women UN Secretary-General António Guterres inadvertently demonstrated why well-meaning efforts being undertaken globally to reduce violence against women fail to make any progress in addressing this pervasive crisis.

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Progress toward Nuclear Weapons Abolition
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation was founded in early 1980s on the belief that peace is an imperative of the Nuclear Age, that nuclear weapons must be abolished, and that the people of the world must lead their leaders to achieve these goals. As a founder of the organization, and as its president since its founding, it now seems an appropriate time to look back and reflect on the changes that have occurred over the past 35 years.

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Conservation Goal for the Amazon Exceeded: More than 60 Million Hectares Protected
World Wildlife Fund | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – The World Wildlife Fund announced today that the Program for Protected Areas of the Amazon, a joint venture with the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, has reached the goal of protecting at least 60 million hectares. This effort represents the conservation of 15 percent of the biome’s territory in Brazil.

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Modern Life Styles – Symbols of Consumerism, Self-centeredness and Isolation
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

The world today is a complex amalgam of violence, conflicts on one side and consumerism and rich lifestyles of a section of people on the other. It is also a modern world of social media, internet, mobile phones and consumerist ideologies promoted in newspapers and television.

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10 December: Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Eleanor Roosevelt, World Citizen
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

8 Dec 2017 – It was Eleanor Roosevelt who helped to craft and then championed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights whose anniversary we celebrate on 10 December.

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Johan Galtung’s Acceptance Speech of the People’s Nobel in Sweden
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

2 Dec 2017 – The People’s Peace Prize According to Nobel’s Will
Celebration-Seminar-Banquet, Orust Peace Movement at Svanvik, Sweden

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Palestinians Recognize Texas as Part of Mexico
Alex Huntley | The Beaverton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

6 Dec 2017 – In response to Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has announced that he will recognize Texas as a state of Mexico, since it was violently annexed by the United States in the 1840s. He says that this is a new approach to Mexican-US relations, and hopes it will help ease the tension between the two countries over security and immigration.

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Symbolic Relocation of United Nations HQ to Jerusalem Vicinity
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

11 Dec 2017 – The recently elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has made the historic decision to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. This highly controversial initiative offers an unprecedented opportunity to reframe the Middle East peace process and the highly problematic relations between Israel and Palestine, originally engendered by the United Nations in envisaging its own administration of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum.

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Plunder Capitalism
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

4 Dec 2917 – What we are witnessing is the complete looting of America and the entirety of the West. While the Western World collapses, the insouciant, submissive people sit there sucking their thumbs while they are being ruined. Nothing is left of the West except looters at work. This tax bill is an abomination, an act of brutal plunder. Its sponsors should be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail, if not hung from a lamp post.

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After Trump’s Jerusalem Move, Media Worry about ‘Violence’–Not Violation of International Law
Adam Johnson and Nima Shirazi | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

8 Dec 2017 – The frame that dominated headlines as news of Trump’s announcement broke was not on the meaning of the move but on potential vague “fears of violence” from Palestinians and Muslims throughout the Middle East. This is often the case when it comes to Israel/Palestine: Media focus is on the reaction to injustice, not on the injustice itself. The illegality of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem is rarely mentioned.

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A Message from Johan Galtung to the TRANSCEND Network
Sebastian Eck | Galtung Institut – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

A New Year’s Message

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(Português) Explorados até a morte: galgos são escaldados vivos na China
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Cães britânicos anteriormente explorados em corridas têm sido vendidos para a China para serem escaldados vivos e consumidos em nome do lucro.

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From Barak to Trump
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

9 Dec 2017 – The latest decisions of Trump concerning Jerusalem are – to put it mildly – idiotic. Arabs are furious, Israelis don’t really care, America’s Arab stooges, princes and all, are deeply worried. If disturbances erupt, they may well be swept away. Jerusalem is holy to three world religions, and one cannot argue with holiness.

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N. Korea Open to Talks if Recognized as Nuclear Power – Russian Delegation to Pyongyang
RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – North Korea is ready to sit at the negotiating table for peace talks if it is recognized as a nuclear power, the Russian delegation to Pyongyang said, adding that the North claims that it was forced to be aggressive and will not stop its nuclear program.

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The Need for a Cultural Shift on Gender-based Violence
Laura Finley, Ph.D. | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

November 25th kicked off the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. At no time has this work been more necessary than now. From rampant sexual harassment to sexual assault, domestic violence and sexual trafficking, women across the globe and in the U.S face gender-based violence at horrifying rates.

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Brazil, U.S. and 20 Other Countries Carry Out Military Exercise in the Amazon
Gabriel Lemos | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

6 Dec 2017 – Military units from 20 countries, including Peru and Colombia, as well as the US, Germany and Japan, participated in military exercises dubbed Amazonlog 2017. Coordinated by the Brazilian military command, they marked the first such international war games in Brazil’s strategically sensitive Amazon region.

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Both Parties Pushed Trump toward Reckless Action on Jerusalem
Stephen Zunes | The Progressive – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

6 Dec 2017 – President Trump announced today that the United States will formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that the U.S. embassy would be moved to that multi-ethnic and multi-faith city… In the Senate, the bill was cosponsored by such prominent Senate Democrats as Joe Biden and John Kerry and only one Democrat (the late Robert Byrd) voted no. On the House side, just thirty out of 204 Democrats voted no, along with the independent then-Congressman Bernie Sanders.

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Careless Disposal of Antibiotics Could Produce ‘Ferocious Superbugs,’ UN Environment Experts Warn
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

5 Dec 2017 – Growing antimicrobial resistance linked to the discharge of drugs and some chemicals into the environment is one of the most worrying health threats today. “The warning here is truly frightening: we could be spurring the development of ferocious superbugs through ignorance and carelessness.”

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Talcott Parsons (13 Dec 1902 – 8 May 1979): The Promise of Transdisciplinarity
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

There are two aspects of Parsons’ work that merit attention. The first is his role in introducing and championing the work of the German sociologist Max Weber in the USA. The second is helping create transdisciplinarity in area studies.

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What Libya’s “Slave Auctions” Tell Us about the Humanitarian System
Nanjala Nyabola | IRIN – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

The CNN film was a shock. But it’s nothing new: racism is at the heart of the refugee and migrant crisis. It’s Time to Talk about Race and Racism

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(Português) Brian May: “Porcos, bois e cordeiros são criados puramente como mercadorias, prontos para o brutal matadouro”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

O jornal britânico Sunday Express publicou um artigo intitulado Why I have to speak for the Animals (Por que eu tenho que falar pelos animais), assinado por Brian May, guitarrista e compositor da lendária banda de rock Queen, além de astrofísico. May fez duras e contundentes críticas à exploração animal, versando sobre a redução de animais a alimentos, caça e experiências laboratoriais. Abaixo segue o artigo traduzido na íntegra.

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Last Straw
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

7 Dec 2017 – Trump’s decision dropped the last fig leaf and added the final straw that will indeed reshape Western Asia and probably the world but not in ways that the Zionists who run the Trump administration planned or wished for. IT IS NOW TIME FOR ACTIONS.

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Fake News; Fake History; JFK; and the Paul Kurtz-Vince Salandria Interview
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

7 Dec 2017 – In the intro to this dialogue between Paul Kurtz and Vince Salandria–poignantly intercut with JFK’s own words on his goals and hopes for salvaging the human race from the prospects of nuclear suicide-homicide–, Kurtz refers to Salandria as “razor-sharp.”

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International Olympic Committee Bans Russia from 2018 Olympics in Political Provocation
Josh Varlin | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

The IOC announced on 5 Dec it decided to ban the Russian Olympic team from participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. The sham decision is a political provocation. It has much less to do with steroid use by Russian athletes than with US imperialism’s aim to humiliate and isolate Russia before the court of world public opinion.

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Special Session on the Human Rights of the Rohingya Muslims and Other Minorities in Myanmar
UH Human Rights Council – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

5 Dec 2017 – The Council condemned the alleged systematic and gross violations of human rights and abuses committed against persons belonging to the Rohingya Muslim community and other minorities in Myanmar.

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What Kind of Nuclear Attack Would Be Legal?
John LaForge | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Any use of nuclear weapons would be indiscriminate and illegal by definition. Only the uninitiated, uninformed or willfully blind can still imagine that today’s nuclear weapons could be used “proportionately” to produce more military good than evil. The uncontrollable, unlimited, and unfathomable magnitude of nuclear weapons effects have been established as unlawful in countless text books, law journals, government studies and independent analyses.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Dec 11-17, 2017 ~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.” ― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

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The EU Support to Jerusalem and Alternatives
Walid Salem – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

8 Nov 2017 – Yesterday, the Jerusalem NGO’s leaders, and all those concerned of the EU Support to Jerusalem gathered in the “African Club” in the Old City. There is a way out for real support to the Palestinian presence, steadfastness, and resilience in East Jerusalem. The question is about the political will to do so.

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The Game of War and a Path to Peace
TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Portugheis explores how and why language has been used to separate societies, to control and antagonize people, demonstrating, how today, well educated and talented writers with extensive knowledge of the lexicon and assistance of psychologists together with scientists who have great expertise on mind control’, help politicians organise chaos, violence and wars as they use techniques to create fear in the population, so that they can offer us protection.

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Issue of Jerusalem Must Be Resolved through Direct Negotiations between Parties, UN Chief Stresses
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

6 Dec 2017 – “In this moment of great anxiety, I want to make it clear: there is no alternative to the two-state solution. There is no Plan B,” said Mr. Guterres. In his remarks, the UN chief noted that it is only by realizing the vision of two states “living side-by-side in peace, security and mutual recognition, with Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Palestine, and all final status issues resolved permanently through negotiations,” that the legitimate aspirations of both peoples will be achieved.

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How Will We Rejoice the Future?
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

How will we rejoice the future?
What will remain in the memory of descendants,

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Lisboa Antiga – Old Lisbon (Music Video of the Week)
Amália Rodrigues – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

FADO: Alma Portuguesa–Portuguese Soul ~ Amália is the greatest Portuguese Interpreter of Fados [Fadista] of all time.

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Inside a Judge’s Rehab: Unpaid Work at a Local Coca-Cola Plant
Amy Julia Harris and Shoshana Walter | Reveal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

4 Dec 2017 – Retired Oklahoma Judge Thomas Landrith started nearly a decade ago his own rehab work camp where defendants must work full time for free at a local Coca-Cola bottling plant and other companies, under threat of prison. They are required to say they’re unemployed and turn over their food stamps to the program, which is fraud.

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The Necessity of Imagining an Unimaginable War
Lisa Fuller | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

5 Dec 2017 – The prospect of nuclear war with North Korea has repeatedly been described as “unimaginable” – and in fact, most of us have literally failed to imagine it. Admittedly, with biological, conventional and nuclear weapons expected to kill millions, the scenario is genuinely difficult to comprehend. We struggle to translate such high numbers into pictures of individual men, women and children suffering.

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US Intelligence Community Claims North Korea Transferred Three Nuclear War Heads to Iran Last Spring–But Where’s the Beef?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2017

Both Iran and NK feverishly test ICBM’s to neutralize US and Israeli threats. Granted, an interesting assertion.

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Johan Galtung Is Awarded Peace Prize in Nobel’s Spirit
Jan Oberg | Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

On 2 December 2017 Johan Galtung is awarded the alternative peace prize, The People’s Peace Prize In Accordance With Nobel’s Will.

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The FCC’s Order Is Out, We’ve Read It, and Here’s What You Need to Know: It Will End Net Neutrality and Break the Internet
Matt Wood and Gaurav Laroia | Free Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

22 Nov 2017 – Today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai released his draft order to completely eradicate Net Neutrality. You can read the full text here. The short version is that Pai’s order takes the Net Neutrality rules off the books and abandons the successful 2015 Open Internet Order. Breaking the Rules – Breaking the Law – Breaking from Reality.

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(Français) La R2P comme instrument d’agression
Edward S. Herman | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

27 Nov 2017 – Avec cet article fondamental sur les interventions dites humanitaires, Investig’Action souhaite rendre hommage à Edward S. Herman, décédé le 11 novembre. Avec Chomsky, il avait signé un ouvrage majeur de l’analyse critique des médias, Fabriquer un consentement. Investig’Action va d’ailleurs rééditer ce livre en juin 2018*. Dans cet article, Herman expose avec brio comment les grandes puissances instrumentalisent les concepts de « Responsabilité de protéger » et d’« Intervention humanitaire » pour justifier des guerres totalement illégales au regard du droit international.

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When I Am Mute
Emanuel E. Garcia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

When I am mute,
When even my ordinary words
Have deserted me,
When beauty is beyond my ken

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Killing the Biosphere to Fast-track Human Extinction
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Unless and until you make a conscious personal decision to participate strategically in the struggle to save life on Earth, you will be one of those individuals who kills the biosphere as a byproduct of living without awareness and commitment. So next time you ponder the fate of humanity, which is inextricably tied to the fate of the Earth, it might be worth considering the unparalleled beauty of what Earth has generated.

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What is Peace Journalism?
Peace News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Have you noticed that news media always cover war and violence, but rarely peace and reconciliations? Check out a new style of reporting that is emerging, and being used worldwide.

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Moralizing International Politics
Dr. Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

This article makes an appeal to bridge the chasm between the practice of international politics and the universal moral principles. Violation of moral principles has emerged a norm than exception in international politics. States and global institutions have proved ineffective to checkmate violent conflicts and wanton killings as in Syria. It is not they are incapable or lack resources. The problem lies elsewhere. Ego is a major cause behind much of the hazards in international politics. The article problematizes ego and calls for a broader thinking in international politics.

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Fact Sheet: Understanding Chairman Pai’s Proposal to Dismantle Net Neutrality
FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

22 Nov 2017 – To combat the “mountain of lies” from FCC chair Ajit Pai to justify his newly released plan to kill net neutrality, Democratic FCC commissioner Mignon Clyburn prepared a Fact Sheet to help the public realize that Pai’s proposals are “worse than one could imagine.”

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Decoding Donald
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

The world’s best hope is that the military men surrounding Trump, particularly Secretary of Defense Mattis, would recognize any order from Trump to launch nuclear weapons as an illegal order and refuse to carry it out. In addition, it should be recognized by Congress that Trump is mentally unstable and unfit for office, and that they must take the necessary steps to remove him from the presidency before it is too late. Impeachment would be the best way to decode Donald.

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Seven Men and an Elephant
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Seven men were in a dark room touching an elephant. One touched his leg and said, “An elephant is like a tree trunk.”

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(Français) La “peur” des Israéliens et l’inversion des rôles dans la propagande de l’occupant
Samah Jabr | CAPJPO/EuroPalestine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Ce n’est pas nouveau, mais Samah Jabr, psychiatre et psychothérapeute à Jérusalem, en tournée pour la présentation du film “Derrière les fronts”, ne supporte plus les questions tendant à justifier le comportement des occupants israéliens par la “peur” éprouvée par ces derniers, et par la “haine” que leur voueraient les Palestiniens.

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Solidarity with Palestine People – Promotion of Peace, Harmony and Goodwill
Dr. Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

The world recognizes the suffering of ordinary Palestinians and the United Nations has declared 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”.

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Lebanon Facing Long ‘Independence’ Odds Given Iran’s Regional Triumphalism
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – One lovely bright student who this observer met and spent time with at Beshesti University north of Tehran last year sent me a message from the American civils rights -anti-Vietnam era: “Remember Dr. Lamb: A people united cannot be defeated. Whether in Iran or Lebanon!” We wish our friends in Lebanon Allah’s blessing on their prayers for achievement of Independence.”

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Fascism in America: A Preventable Danger
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Over the past few months, the possibility of a fascist America has moved from the realm of academic speculation to that of common concern… If these are some of the causes of potential fascism, what can be done to eliminate or mitigate them before the fascist movement gets stronger? A key concept here is the existence of systemic problems and the need for systemic solutions. Dialogue is a key starting point for this sort of rethinking.

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Let the Record Show: Negotiations with North Korea Work
Catherine Killough | Lobe Log – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

29 Nov 2017 – Given this political environment, correcting the distorted history on US-North Korea negotiations is imperative—especially as the tendency to view talks as appeasement, or deals as concessions, grows stronger.

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A New Hedonism: A Post-Consumerism Vision
Kate Soper | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Consumerism is the major cause of global warming and wrecking the planet for future generations. It is driven by a growth economy that favors the ever-expanding consumption of the already very affluent and has allowed the gap between the richest and poorest to grow to inflammatory proportions, both within the nation-state and globally. Today 16 percent of the global population consumes 80 percent of its resources. Americans alone are responsible for around 25 percent of global carbon emissions, and their ecological footprint is five times the global capacity of 1.8 hectares per capita.

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The Struggle to Eliminate Violence against Women Is Essential to the Culture of Peace
David Adams | Culture of Peace News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – The advance this year of the struggle to eliminate violence against women is an important step forward for the global movement for a culture of peace. Here’s why.

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Anti-Sufi Wave Hits Sinai
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

30 Nov 2017 – In the case of the anti-Sufi acts, it is more difficult to find the focus since we are not dealing with a government policy or actions. There are always local causes to violence which must be taken into consideration. Often conflicts draw little attention from outside peacemakers until a certain threshold of violence is reached. The attack on the Egyptian mosque may be such a threshold.

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‘History in the Making’: Tesla Switches on World’s Largest Battery
Lorraine Chow | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – South Australia officially activated the world’s biggest battery today. The feat was achieved much to the credit of Elon Musk, who made a daring bet to “get the system installed and working 100 days from contract signature or it is free.”

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(Português) Investigação revela a tortura sofrida por vacas e búfalos em fazendas/quintas de laticínios da Índia
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Uma investigação de dois anos feita pelo grupo de proteção animal Pune Animal Equality revela a crueldade que se esconde por trás de um copo de leite de vaca.

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Russia to Create ‘Independent Internet’ for BRICS Countries
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Russia plans to create an independent internet infrastructure to reduce vulnerability to attack.

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King and Emperor
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

2 Dec 2017 – Zionism is an anti-Semitic creed. It was so right from the beginning. Already the founding father, Theodor Herzl, a Viennese writer, penned some pieces with a clear anti-Semitic slant.

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(Português) A realidade do pato antes de chegar ao prato
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

28 nov 2017 – Um animal que também entra na lista dos mais procurados para o Natal é o pato. Claro, preferido enquanto comida. Um estudo provou que os patos têm capacidade de abstração cognitiva, tanto que sem qualquer tipo de treinamento, eles conseguiram distinguir pares de objetos iguais e diferentes. Ou seja, como se fosse um quebra-cabeças. A pesquisa deixou claro que subestimamos a inteligência animal e ignoramos o quanto os patos são seres capazes.

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Mercury, Aluminum and Vaccine-induced Encephalopathy
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Including Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Learning Disorders, Epilepsy, Asthma, Diabetes, Autoimmune Disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and many other chronic illnesses that affect fully-vaccinated children.

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Sweden: Johan Galtung Receives the People’s Nobel Prize
Fredrik S. Heffermehl | The Nobel Peace Prize Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

On Sat 2 Dec 2017, Johan Galtung Received the People’s Nobel Prize 2017 – The Norwegian founder of peace research received the prize in conformity with the testament of Alfred Nobel that is awarded annually by the Swedish peace group at Orust.

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Waiting for the American Dream
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Waiting – so what’s new? Some sullen sage once said that life is what we do while we wait for death. It’s not the kind of wise-guy wisdom I would try to refute, since I was one of the precocious kids who saw the skull at his first pabulum banquet.

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Rondo Alla Turca (Music Video of the Week)
The 5 Browns – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

The 5 Browns playing an arrangement and rift of Mozart’s Alla Turca by Greg Anderson. The video was filmed while playing the international street pianos art “Play Me, I’m Yours.”

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Interfacer for Reduction of Discrimination and Harassment
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Recovering Personal Control of Visual Proximity through Virtual Reality – Expressed otherwise, people have to recover the right to reframe those encountered. They may well have to take responsibility for doing so in an environment characterized by increasingly fake imagery complementing fake news.

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Good Deed
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

A reverend walking down the street noticed a little boy trying to reach the doorbell of a house.

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US Upholds Use of Illegal Cluster Bombs as ‘Legitimate’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – In a press statement, the U.S. Department of Defense defended its use of internationally outlawed cluster bombs because of their alleged importance in warfare.

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Fake News on Russia and Other Official Enemies
Edward S. Herman | Monthly Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Aug 2017 – It has been amusing to watch the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets express their dismay over the rise and spread of “fake news.” These publications take it as an obvious truth that what they provide is straightforward, unbiased, fact-based reporting. They do offer such news, but they also provide a steady flow of their own varied forms of fake news, often by disseminating false or misleading information supplied to them by the national security state, other branches of government, and sites of corporate power.

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A Furious Wind Howls
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

A furious wind howls,
Ruining the wonderful flowers,
Black bird flies over beauty.

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Sowing Sapient Superlatives: A Peace Linguist’s Checklist
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

1. Who are the most peaceful language users in……………..? What is their communicative peace competence like?
2. Who are the most inspiring peacebuilding educators in………..? In what peacebuilding efforts do they excel? How?

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Reopening the Doors of Perception
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.” These words from a William Blake’s poem gave Aldous Huxley the title of his book The Doors of Perception. Then they gave Jim Morrison the name of his rock band–Doors. And eventually they gave millions of young people a glimpse at a world beyond the cruel and small-minded order that ruled the day.

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Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya
Ben Norton | Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

28 Nov 2017 – The American and British media have awakened to the grim reality in Libya, where African refugees are for sale in open-air slave markets. Yet a crucial detail in this scandal has been downplayed or even ignored in many corporate media reports: the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in bringing slavery to the North African nation.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Dec 4-10, 2017 ~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing… not healing, not curing… that is a friend who cares.” – Henri Nouwen

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