Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26253 results.

Dr Mahathir on Euro-North American Imperialist Crimes and the Need for Cooperation against Climate Change
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

9 Dec 2023 – Former two-time Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr Mahathir Mohamad (98) shared his no-hold-barred reflections on the sordid state of the world, still in the grip of the Euro-North American powers.

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Four Died Trying: A Powerful, Riveting, Masterful Documentary Series Begins
Edward Curtin | Behind the Curtain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

13 Dec 2023 – It is hard for those who have not lived through the shattering political assassinations of the 1960s to grasp their significance for today.  Many might assume that that was then, long before their time, so let’s move on to what we must deal with today. This is an understandable but mistaken attitude that this documentary will quickly shatter, visually and audibly.

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The Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court
International Criminal Court ICC - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

The intention behind the Rome Statute of 2002 in establishing the International Criminal Court is to prosecute the most serious crimes of international concern and to end impunity.

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Is the ICC Still Relevant? Not So, Says Brazil’s Lula da Silva–and He Is Not Alone
Uriel Araujo | BRICS Information Portal - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

Brazil’s President Lula da Silva questioned the value of a court that does not include the US, Russia, or China. The ICC cannot be that relevant considering that major powers do not submit to its jurisdiction. The ICC is about geopolitics as much as it is about international law.

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Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hints at Foreknowledge of October 7 Attack
Kit Klarenberg | MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

7 Dec 2023 – False Flag Like 9/11? Hearkening back to the days preceding the 9/11 attacks, suspicious stock market activity suggests that someone with prior knowledge of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood sought to capitalize on the events on October 7.

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What Next after the End of the U.S. Empire?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

11 Dec 2023 – In the short term there is not an effective means to stop the Israeli genocide of Palestine. Perhaps in the long term Israel can be stopped by boycotts, divestment and sanctions. But Israel depends completely on the support it receives as part of the US empire. With the end of that empire, Israel will not be able to survive.

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UN Members Support Gaza Cease-Fire in Overwhelming 153-10 Vote
Jessica Corbett | Common Dreams – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

12 Dec 2023 – The United Nations General Assembly today passed a resolution demanding “an immediate humanitarian cease-fire” in Israel’s two-month war on Gaza after the U.S. on 8 Dec used its permanent member status to veto a similar Security Council measure.

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Hallelujah Chorus, from Messiah (Music Video of the Week)
The Tabernacle Choir – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square Present the “Hallelujah Chorus” from “Messiah” Composed by George Frideric Handel * Merry Christmas!

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Death and Destruction in Gaza
John J. Mearsheimer | John’s Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

12 Dec 2023 – As I watch this catastrophe for the Palestinians unfold, I am left with one simple question for Israel’s leaders, their North American defenders, and the Biden administration: have you no decency?

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Birds of a Feather
Daniel Medina | Racket Cartoons – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

Who says no to stopping a genocide?

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A Few for the Road…
Today - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

Light weight?

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Craig Murray - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

13 Dec 2023 – Why the Genocide Convention has not been activated at the ICJ? It is not that people are worried that a claim of genocide will not be successful, but that it will succeed. It follows that not only Benjamin Netanyahu but also “Genocide Joe” Biden and Rishi Sunak will be criminally liable for complicity.

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Takes One to Know One
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

13 Dec 2023 – There are a number of blatant ways for terrorist organizations – by which I mean national governments – to justify committing mass murder.

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Christmas Greetings from Bethlehem
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

14 Dec 2023 – This year, the message seems tougher considering the ongoing and unprecedented genocide/holocaust in Palestine. In the ten weeks before Christmas, more than 20,000 civilians (>8000 of them children) were killed. 2.3 million have been denied food, water and medicines; all means of life around them systematically targeted for destruction.

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United Nations Honor, United States Shame in Gaza
Jeffrey D. Sachs – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

11 Dec 2023 – By voting to stop Israel’s war on Gaza by a vote of 13 YES, 1 NO (USA), and 1 abstention (UK), the UNSC put itself on the side of international law on Friday [8 Dec].

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The Death of Israel
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

17 Dec 2023 – Israel will appear triumphant after its genocidal campaign. Backed by the USA, its murderous rampages and genocidal violence will exterminate or ethnically cleanse Palestinians. Its dream of a state exclusively for Jews will be realized. But it will have signed its own death sentence… Israel is a pariah state.

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From Dallas to Gaza: How JFK’s Assassination Was Good for Zionist Israel
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

As John F Kennedy warned in 1960, Israel has become a “garrison state” surrounded by “hate and fear”. His assassination insured Zionist control of Israel, suffering for Palestinians, and permanent instability.

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Torture in Wartime: Growing Awareness–a Human Rights Council Focus
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

Conflict related sexual violence refers to rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, forced abortion and other ways to humiliate. The U.N. Human Rights Council has Special Rapporteurs on specific topics or countries. The current Special Rapporteur on Torture is Prof. Alice Jill Edwards, from Australia.

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Clash of Civilizations in Kazakhstan
Pepe Escobar | Sputnik – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

15 Dec 2023 – Several round tables set to examine the full spectrum of the “megacycle of turmoil” we’re all immersed in – generating massive challenges to an ever-integrating Eurasia, home to ¾ of the world’s population and over 60% of global GDP.

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I Will Not Look Away
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

9 Dec 2023 – No matter how much human suffering I see by keeping my gaze on Gaza, I will not look away.

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Genocide in Pictures: Worth a Trillion Words
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

Parental Guidance Advised: Pornographic Violence
GAZA and WEST BANK, 18 Dec 2023

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Gazan Catastrophe Shows Why the UN Needs the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. | Earth Federation News & Views – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

14 Dec 2023 – The UN General Assembly votes by a wide margin for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza but Israel ignores the resolution because it has the “protection” of the U.S., which uses its UN Security Council veto power to prevent UN intervention. What must be done?

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Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Has Biden’s Green Light
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

11 Dec 2023 – As Israeli warplanes resumed bombing Gaza on 1 Dec, Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s motorcade “sped out of his hotel on its way to the Tel Aviv airport,” the Washington Post reported. Ignoring US laws and its own token promises, the Biden administration protects Israel’s extermination campaign in Gaza.

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From the Heart of Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Palestine Museum of Natural History – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

15 Dec 2023 – We know that the destruction was/is intentional, hand in hand with intentional targeting of schools, hospitals, UN facilities, refugee camps, water facilities, streets, to make the Gaza Strip even more unlivable for 2.3 million Palestinians. So far, 1.9 million Gazans have been displaced (half children) and, as of this writing, over 20,000 civilians killed and 51,000 injured (70%, women and children), with practically all medical facilities pulverized.

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Animals as Pets
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

A dog is an animal that frequently becomes part of a family in most parts of the world.

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Thumos, Fire in the Belly and a Taste of Salt
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

“One can condemn the violent acts of 7 October without invalidating the justice of the Palestinian liberation struggle. Israel uses this incident to absolve itself of all responsibility for past oppressions and provide a pretext for more atrocities.” — Ilan Pappé

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(Français) Et Après la Fin de États-Unis Empire?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

11 décembre 2023 – À court terme, il n’existe aucun moyen efficace pour mettre fin au génocide israélien de la Palestine. Mais il y a un autre facteur : Israël dépend entièrement du soutien qu’il reçoit en tant que membre de États-Unis Empire. Avec la fin de cet Empire, Israël ne pourra plus survivre.

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COP28 UAE – Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People
UN COP28 UAE - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

9 Dec 2023 – {From TMS Editor: Key terms and themes not addressed, conspicuously left out: Fossil Fuel, Energy, Oil, Gasoline, Petrol, Petroleum, Methane, Air Pollution, Marine Pollution, CO2, Deforestation, Pentagon/Military Footprint, US Wars, Billionaires’ airplanes/yachts (did I miss anything?)}

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‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 65: U.S. Rushes Arms to Israel as Palestinians Announce Over 250,000 Homes Destroyed in Gaza
Mustafa Abu Sneineh | Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

10 Dec 2023 – 17,400+ killed and 46,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
274 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem

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[False Flag] Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
Ronen Bergman and Adam Goldman | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.

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The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon
Matthew Ehret Insights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – In 1996, a nest of American-born imperialists created a new think tank called “The Project for a New American Century.” The principled aim hinged on a new “Pearl Harbor moment” to justify regime-change wars in the Middle East, but a secondary part of the formula involved the dominance of “Greater Israel.”

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What Kind of World Do We Want to Live in? Dona Nobis Pacem
Michael von der Schulenburg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

According to the UN, 2022 was the year with the greatest number and longest-lasting armed conflicts and wars in the world since the end of the WWII. This year the situation will be even worse and there are no signs that this may calm down any time soon.

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UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ Urgent Letter to UNSC over Gaza
António Guterres, UN Secretary-General - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – I am writing under Article 99 of the UN Charter to bring to the attention of the Security Council a matter that may aggravate existing threats to the maintenance of international peace and security. More than eight weeks of hostilities in Gaza and Israel have created appalling human suffering, physical destruction and collective trauma across Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

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If I Must Die
Refaat Alareer - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

If I must die,
you must live
to tell my story
to sell my things

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What Time’s 2023 Person of the Year Reveals about the West
Rachel Marsden | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

7 Dec 2023 – Each year, editors of Time magazine choose a person, group, idea, or object that made the most impact on the world. This year’s winner is US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. The choice is totally valid; it speaks volumes about the current state of the Western world. 

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An Introvert’s Field Guide to Friendship: Thoreau on the Challenges and Rewards of the Art of Connection
Maria Popova | The Marginalian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

Friendship is the sunshine of life — the quiet radiance that makes our lives not only livable but worth living.

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Inside a Southern Gaza Hospital: Screaming Orphaned Children, Amputee Toddlers and The Stench of Rotting Flesh
Bel Trew | Independent - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

8 Dec 2023 – As Israel expands its ground assault into Khan Younis, a surgeon at the European Hospital describes desperately trying to treat a relentless stream of wounded children as critical supplies run out.
Warning: this article contains distressing detail about people’s injuries.

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How Israel Uses an AI Genocide Program to Obliterate Gaza
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – According to whistleblowers, Israel’s AI system is generating targets so fast, based on inputs so broad, that everyone in Gaza is in the crosshairs.

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The Forgotten (Part 4): President Bashar-al-Assad, Syrian Civil War Chief Peace Disruptor
Prof Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

“The Syrian War has effectively demonstrated that under violent conditions there is total stripping of Dignity, even in Death, while the perpetrators of crimes against humanity are thriving unaccountably, in a pseudo-civilised manner. Unfortunately, this trend has been repeatedly perpetuated in the 21st century, on a regular basis, disrupting Peace.”

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Israel’s Genocide: Hate Speech or Truth-Telling?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

The violence unleashed since 8 Oct is only partially directed at Hamas although for credibility reasons this is what Israeli spokespersons emphasize and receives most of the attention… We are left with the imperative of protecting free speech, especially in calling genocide genocide, and with a challenge to take all responsible action to end this scourge.

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Genocide – The Gaze from the Abyss
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

7 Dec 2023 – In October, we discussed the corporate media invention of so-called ‘disinformation experts’. Although journalists are ‘working within profit-maximising, billionaire-owned, advertiser-dependent, government-subsidised media, they are nevertheless exposing “disinformation” without the slightest trace of bias’.

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The War on Gaza and the Crisis of Zionism
Richard E. Rubenstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

Don’t these disproportionate civilian casualties and exaggerated analogies suggest that the real motives for the continuing slaughter of Palestinians are a combination of fear and revenge, supported by a tribal sentiment that one of “us” is worth ten, a hundred, or a thousand of “them”?

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Genocide in Pictures: Worth a Trillion Words
Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

GAZA and WEST BANK, 11 Dec 2023

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Why Journalists Must Speak Out about Gaza
Aja Arnold, et al. - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

7 Dec 2023 – Attacks on journalism and media are dangerous to us all. The Israeli military has murdered at least 75 journalists and media workers in Gaza, as of 4 Dec. IDF has also killed three journalists in Lebanon and arrested 44, as of 28 Nov.

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Peacebuilding During a Time of War? Bottom-Up Peacebuilding Between Israelis and Palestinians
Peace News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

While the world focuses on the human tragedy of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, there are hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals actively working to build peace. Peace News spoke to some of these peacebuilders to understand their experience during this war.

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For Refaat Alareer: A Tribute
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

9 Dec 2023 – They killed a poet in Gaza on Wednesday [6 Dec]. Well, as much as you can kill a poet, anyway. Plus: A Tribute, by Max Blumenthal

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Socialism’s Self-Criticism and Real Democracy
Richard D. Wolff | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

5 Dec 2023 – Democracy is incompatible with class-divided economic systems. Masters rule in slavery, lords in feudalism, and employers in capitalism. Whatever forms of government coexist with class-divided economic systems, the hard reality is that one class rules the other.

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EU Reaches Agreement on Landmark Artificial Intelligence Law
Xinhua | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

10 Dec 2023 – European Union lawmakers and member states reached an agreement on rules governing artificial intelligence. “Historic! The EU becomes the first continent to set clear rules for the use of AI.”

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Record Number of Fossil Fuel Lobbyists at COP28
Kick Big Polluters Out - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

5 Dec 2023 – At least 2456 fossil fuel lobbyists have been granted access to the COP28 summit in Dubai, signalling an unprecedented presence at crucial climate talks from representatives of some of the world’s biggest polluters.

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The Evil Israel Does Is the Evil Israel Gets
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

8 Dec 2023 – Israel’s settler colonial project perpetuates the cycle of violence against the indigenous inhabitants of historic Palestine. Palestinians have been forced to speak back in the language Israel speaks. Make no mistake: Karma is a bitch; what goes around comes around.

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Damning Analysis: Short-Selling Deluge Suggests Prior Knowledge of Oct 7 Hamas Incursions
Ben Bartee | Armageddon Prose - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – The totality of evidence continues to make mincemeat of the official story that the Israeli government — home of the most vaunted national security apparatus on Earth, engaged in constant, near-total surveillance of the Gaza Strip — was caught unawares on October 7.  

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

11-17 December 2023

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Doctors Without Borders Calls US Veto of Gaza Ceasefire Resolution “a Vote against Humanity”
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

Today, 8 Dec 2023, the UNSC failed to adopt a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza—blocked by a veto from the United States. The Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. “The US veto makes it complicit in the carnage in Gaza.”

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Gaza Divides the World, Again
Patrick Lawrence | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

7 Dec 2023 – As the brutal crisis unfolds, the savage exercise of power by the U.S. and Israel has catalyzed world reactions. A significant transformation in global diplomacy is underway as the oppressed became the oppressors.

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Carbon Colonialism, COP28 and the Climate Crisis
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

7 Dec 2023 – Exhibit One: COP28 is being hosted by the UAE, the seventh largest oil producing nation on the planet, and the COP Presidency is currently held by Minister of Industry Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the CEO of the UAE’s state-owned Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. Conflict of interest…?

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UAE Ditches U.S. Dollar for Oil Trade
BRICS Information Portal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

8 Dec 2023 – The United Arab Emirates is in talks with 15 countries to promote local currency payments. It is approaching China, Russia, India, Egypt, among other nations, to sideline the U.S. dollar for oil settlements. The realigning could lead to a financial paradigm shift, making BRICS into an economic powerhouse.

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Peer-Reviewed Article in Nature: “Nail in the Coffin” for mRNA-Covid Vaccine and This Year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Global Nobel Prize Protest - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

On 6 Dec 2023, 20 scientists published a conclusive article in Nature, a most prestigious scientific journal, on the reliability of the mRNA COVID vaccine. In Pfizer’s vaccine, 25-30% of the billions of cells that should become spike protein factories in a vaccinated person, incorrect and unnatural proteins are instead produced.

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The UN Is Threatening Privacy under Pretense of New Cybercrime Treaty
Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

A Trojan Horse

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The Gaza Atrocities, “Big Money” and the Insidious Role of the World Economic Forum
Ernst Wolff | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

8 Dec 2023 – Under the pretext of eradicating the “Hamas terrorist threat” once and for all, the IDF is once again slaughtering as much of the Palestinian civilian population as they can.

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The Story of Solutions
The Story of Stuff Project - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

The Story of Solutions explores how we can move our economy toward a new goal from the current ‘Game of More.’ What if the goal of our economy wasn’t More, but Better – better health, better jobs and a better chance to survive on the planet?

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The Middle East as a “Powder Keg”
Vladislav B. Sotirovic - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

27 Nov 2023 – The focal feature of both the history and the politics of the region of the Middle East in the Modern and Contemporary Age (during the last 250 years) is the constant conflicts between different internal and external conflicts.

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Genocide Resumes
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar | JUST - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – After an uneasy seven-day truce, Israel and Hamas are now once again locked in a violent combat. Each side has accused the other of violating the truce. What is really important is the consequence of this resumption of conflict.

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Dr. Jill Stein: A Ballot Challenge to the Crimes of Empire
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – Dr. Jill Stein stepped up to compete for the Green Party presidential nomination after Dr. Cornel West decided to run as an independent. Ann Garrison spoke with her.

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Cricketing Games
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

Cricket is a sport that is generally not very popular in the world. It is a game that England made familiar and slowly it has become fairly well known among former British colonies.

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Open Letter to the Irish Government to Invoke the Genocide Convention
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

To Protect Gazans from Genocide – We, the undersigned, watch with horror the death toll and humanitarian crisis in Gaza and believe there is an urgent need for action under the Genocide Convention. A public statement has highlighted the overwhelming evidence that the government of Israel has carried out acts of genocide against civilians in Gaza.

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The Muted Global Calls for Peace in the Middle East
Daniel Horgan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – UNICEF called the Gaza Strip “The most dangerous place on earth to be a child.”  WCNSF-Wounded Child with No Surviving Family is a new medical term unforeseen in the history of human medicine. This acronym has surfaced in the first weeks of the conflict from medical personnel at Gaza hospitals.

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US Sabotaged the Kiev-Moscow March 2022 Peace Agreement in Istanbul
Nauman Sadiq and Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

8 Dec 2023 – The End Game is the Destruction and Privatization of Ukraine – Ukrainian negotiators would agree not to join alliances or host bases of foreign troops. The proposals would require a referendum in Ukraine.

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Humanity’s Bombs Are Aimed at Evolution
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

6 Dec 2023 – In most media coverage of war, the unexamined assumption is that we, the readers, are spectators, looking on as the missiles fly (mostly in one direction) and Good dukes it out with Evil yet again, Paradoxically, Good and Evil are in complete agreement about one thing: The only way to deal with conflict is through violence.

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COP28: Methane Pledge by the ‘Giants Behind the Climate Crisis’ Falls Short, Says Guterres
UN News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

3 Dec 2023 – UN Secretary-General António Guterres today sent a strong message to the oil and gas industry: the pledges made at COP28 in Dubai fall well short of what’s needed to meaningfully tackle the climate crisis.

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War on Gaza: How the US Used Veto to Support Israel and Insult Humanity?
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

10 Dec 2023 – Looking beyond the Obvious Lens of War – Justice and fairness search for reason and truth, not mythological criteria of political power and ethnic supremacy of the few in global affairs.

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The Anti-Semite
Mr. Fish | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

5 Dec 2023 – No Comment

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Nocturne #20 (Music Video of the Week)
Rousseau – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

Chopin – Nocturne in C Sharp Minor
Kick back and enjoy…

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International Convention Against War and Destructive Use of Science
Assaf Kfoury – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

9 Dec 2023 – Scientists Against Israeli Apartheid, Occupation, and Genocide in Gaza – Nearly 500 scientists from 40 countries, including physicists, mathematicians, biologists, chemists, medical doctors, and engineers, working in academia and in industry, attended the convention.

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Palestine/Israel: Cutting the Gordian Knot
Alanna Hartzok - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

As in nearly all conflicts, different “tribes” claim the same land. Each side has its own story and rationale as to why the land belongs to them rather than the “other.” “Might makes right” uses brute force to dominate the “other” but injustice creates anger and eventually the “other” manages to turn the tables. Vendetta.

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Cameron Jenkins – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

Have a nice day!

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ExxonMobil Wants to Start a War in South America
Vijay Prashad | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

4 Dec 2023 – In 2022, ExxonMobil [read Rockefeller] made a profit of $55.7 billion, making it one of the world’s richest and most powerful oil companies. Companies such as this exercise an inordinate power over the world economy and over countries that have oil reserves. It has tentacles across the world, from Malaysia to Argentina.

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Is Information a Form of Aid? Communication in Humanitarian Interventions
Dr. Valentina Baú | Peace News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, communication takes on a very important role as affected communities are in need of critical information that, at times of crisis, is a form of aid. However, this key aspect of communication has long been unrecognised by humanitarian actors.

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In Search of Kindness
William T. Hathaway – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Dec 2023

5 Dec 2023 – Now is the season when priests proclaim, “Peace on earth, goodwill towards men” and mainstream media soothe us with stories and images of kindness. But why do peace and goodwill remain just dreams?

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‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 58: Israel Kills 700 in Gaza over 24 Hours as Palestinians Get Forced Further South toward Egypt
Mustafa Abu Sneineh | Mondoweiss - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

3 Dec 2023 – At least 700 Palestinians were killed in Israeli bombing in Gaza over the past 24 hours as Israel pushes people south to Rafah. In Jerusalem, Israeli forces stormed the house of Al-Aqsa Mosque Iman Shiekh Ekrima Sabri.

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The Moment Israelis Destroyed the Hamad Residential City in the Gaza Strip
Wafa Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

2 Dec 2023 – People run to take cover as strikes hit a residential complex in southern Gaza. Israel pushed on with its ethnic cleansing campaign in densely-inhabited Gaza.

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Drone Footage Shows Shocking Gaza Destruction
The Grayzone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

30 Nov 2023 – See exclusive drone footage revealing the full extent of Israel’s devastation of Al-Zahraa, a densely populated area southeast of Gaza City.

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Regeneration Is Life – An Agroecological Paradigm to Overtake the Climate Crisis
Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

Nov 2023 – On the occasion of the 28th Climate COP. There are two main paradigms of thinking of ourselves in the world and of our relationship with the Earth. We either think of ourselves as being separate from Nature or as being one and part of it.

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Gaza: After Genocide What Future?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

29 Nov 2023 – My responses waver between fears of a resumed Israeli military operation and hopes of confronting day-after issues of post-genocidal economic reconstruction and scenarios of political transformation.

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Cop28 President Says There Is ‘No Science’ Behind Demands for Phase-Out of Fossil Fuels
Damian Carrington and Ben Stockton | The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

3 Dec 2023 – The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is “no science” indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed. He said a phase-out would not allow sustainable development “unless you want to take the world back into caves”.

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A Corrupted Dubai COP28
Bill McKibben | The Crucial Years – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

28 Nov 2023 – Revelations that the host nation [UAE] had used its official position to leverage new oil and gas deals around the world were a reminder that there are nations that operate as oil companies, with the same attention to morality as Exxon or Shell.

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How Can War Crimes Be Stopped?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

1 Dec 2023 – Julian Assange languishes and may die in prison for having documented the war crimes of the American Empire. The UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch agree about daily war crimes by Israel against the people of Gaza, crimes that are financed and supplied by the USA and its allies.

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Gaza Hostilities Renewed: New Mediation Efforts Needed
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

1 Dec 2023 – There is a need for more go-betweens, third-party mediators who can help to overcome barriers and to start negotiations.  Mediation is an effort to change perceptions both of the nature of the conflict and of the nature of the enemy. There is a need to lessen misconceptions and exaggerated fears. 

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Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Brief History in Maps and Charts
Mohammed Haddad and Alia Chughtai | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

27 Nov 2023 – As Gaza reels from Israel’s devastating bombardments, here’s a brief history of the conflict using maps and charts.

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Hamas Uses Human Shields? The Evidence
Behind the Headlines | MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

28 Nov 2023 – For years we have heard in Western corporate media that Hamas uses civilians as human shields. So, what does the evidence show?

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Kissinger: A War Criminal with a Nobel Peace Prize
Ahmed Twaij | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

The former US secretary of state left a legacy of bloody policies, some still embraced today. Kissinger was directly responsible for the murders of three to four million people during his eight years in office, 1969-1977.

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‘A Mass Assassination Factory’: Inside Israel’s Calculated Bombing of Gaza
Yuval Abraham | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

30 Nov 2023 – Permissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an artificial intelligence system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest assault on Gaza, investigation reveals.

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Joe Biden and Xi Jinping Not Attending the Cop28 Climate Meeting in Dubai
Reuters | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

27 Nov 2023 – US President Joe Biden is not attending a gathering of world leaders focused on climate change in Dubai this week. Xi Jinping of China is also not expected to attend. Envoys for Biden and Xi have signaled their close cooperation before the talks.

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Henry Kissinger (27 May 1923 – 29 Nov 2023) War Criminal Finally Dies
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

30 Nov 2023 – Henry Kissinger has died, at the age of 100. In my humble opinion, he should have been considered a war criminal. One telling illustration was Kissinger’s role in overthrowing the elected socialist government of Salvador Allende in Chile, and encouraging the mass murder of thousands of innocent Chileans under the Operation Condor (war on Communism).

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Israel’s Insidious Narrative about Palestinian Prisoners
Jeremy Scahill | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

26 Nov 2023 – More than two-thirds of the Palestinians proposed for release by Israel under the truce have not been convicted of any crimes. Most were arrested as children.

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Assault on Education
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

1 Dec 2023 – Over 56 days, the Israeli Occupation Forces denied water, food, electricity and fuel to 2.3 million Gaza residents. The IOF killed over 14,500 civilians (72% women and children) and injured over 27,000 in 40 days. Zionism is a genocidal settler project built on false mythology and sustained through perpetual violence against Indigenous Palestinians.

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(Français) Comment Arrêter les Crimes de Guerre?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

1 décembre 2023 – Les événements récents nous amènent plus que jamais à nous demander : pourquoi ne peut-on pas faire quelque chose pour arrêter et prévenir les crimes de guerre ?

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While Fire Rages in Gaza, the West Bank Smolders
Omar Shakir | Human Rights Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

22 Nov 2023 – While global attention is focused on Gaza, Israeli authorities are tightening their repression in the West Bank and settler attacks on Palestinians are surging. That repression was already at a peak before the 7 Oct Hamas-led attack, but it has gotten much worse since.

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New York Governor Announces Plans to Implement Pre-Crime Surveillance, Target Online “Hate”
Tom Parker | Reclaim The Net - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

21 Nov 2023 – In a press conference today, New York Governor Kathy Hochul outlined her administration’s aggressive new strategy for combating online “hate” and implementing pre-crime-esque online surveillance.

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False Flag: Documents Expose Israeli Conspiracy to Facilitate Hamas 7 Oct Attack
Andre Damon | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

2 Dec 2023 – Yesterday the New York Times published a report establishing conclusively that Israel was fully informed, in detail, of plans by Hamas to attack its border on 7 Oct. These revelations make clear that Israeli officials made a deliberate decision to stand down to facilitate the attack. 9/11 Redux.

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Israel’s Objective in the Gaza Incursions: Kill the Buildings
Ted Rall | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

24 Nov 2023 – People die when buildings get bombed. But killing people is not the Israelis’ goal. They’re out to flatten Gaza. Flattening some Gazans is a side effect of flattening buildings. Ethnic cleansing with the goal of annexing Gaza is the only plausible explanation for Israel’s behavior.

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