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Snipers Shooting Unarmed People at 100 Meters Isn’t a ‘Clash’ as War Journalists Make Believe
Adam Johnson | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

9 Apr 2018 – “Clash” is a reporter’s best friend when they want to describe violence without offending anyone in power—in the words of George Orwell, “to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.” It’s predictable, then, that in coverage of Israel’s recent mass shootings in Gaza—which have killed over 30 Palestinians and injured more than 1,100—the word “clashes” is used to euphemize snipers in fortified positions firing on unarmed protesters 100 meters away.

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Pentagon Does Not Have Evidence of Chlorine, Sarin Use in Syria’s Douma–US Defense Secretary Mattis
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – “There have been a number of these attacks. In many cases, you know we don’t have troops, we’re not engaged on the ground there, so I cannot tell you that we had evidence, even though we had a lot of media and social media indicators that either chlorine or sarin were used,” Mattis said, speaking to members of the House Armed Services Committee today.

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Motionless Palestinian Shot by Israeli Sniper to Sound of Soldiers’ Cheers
Haaretz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

9 Apr 2018 – The Israel Defense Forces sniper who shot a Palestinian while fellow soldiers cheered was using the victim as “target practice,” Kamel Hawwash of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign said. He went on to describe the disproportionate amount of power on the two sides of the border.

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If We’re on the Brink of War, the Fault Is Ours, Not Trump’s or Bolton’s
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, 16 Apr 2018

They have an excuse – they’re stupid and crazy. What’s ours?

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Ending the Agony: Access to Morphine as Ethical & Human Rights Imperative
UN Human Rights Council | Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

The Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering is a Swiss think-and-do tank putting compassion at the heart of the society of the future. OPIS promotes the ethical principle that nothing matters more than preventing or relieving the physical or emotional suffering of sentient beings, both humans and non-humans, with highest priority given to those suffering most intensely.

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Poison Gas: Weapon of Choice for “False News”
Peter Koenig | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – When such poison gas attacks are mere false flags, or by the new term, “false news”, and are used to provoke war, perhaps an all annihilating war, then humanity has turned to what it never should have become–a lowly-lowly herd of brainless zombies. Is that what we have become, brainless, greedy, selfish beings, no sense of solidarity, no respect for other beings–any living being?

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Space Alien Reveals Trump Romp!
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – I know it sounds incredible, but this is how it happened…. I was flipping channels on my Fake News cable box, hunting/searching for a morsel of something tasty, digestible and real, when suddenly there was a strange buzzing in my ears, I felt a bit dizzy, I lay down on my sofa, and I heard a high-pitched, electronic-like voice—some static, I mean—messaging.

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How to Find Out If Your Facebook Data Was Stolen by Cambridge Analytica
Matt Novak | Gizmodo – TRANSDEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

9 Apr 2018 – Roughly 87 million people had their Facebook data stolen by the political research firm Cambridge Analytica. And starting today, Facebook will finally notify the people who had their information scooped up.

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A Grassroots Initiative to Adopt 25 Aug as Rohingya Remembrance Day
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

Sharing a Few Updates: 12 Apr 2018 – I was in Ireland. The Irish supporters of Rohingya’s needs for protected homeland in collaboration with Irish Rohingya community had packed meetings with educators, religious leaders, activists, parliamentarians, media interviews, and two public talks.

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(Italiano) Lettura dei principi fondamentali della Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana in Collettivamente memoria 2018. Gavardo 19 e 23 aprile 2018
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

NO alla guerra. Per principio. Per l’articolo 11 della Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana: “L’Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali.”

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‘Super Gonorrhea’ Raises the Stakes in the War against Superbugs
Mark Blaskovich – The Conversation, 16 Apr 2018

5 Apr 2018 – Superbugs used to pose the greatest risk to people with compromised immune systems and those who had surgery. But their sexual transmission means antibiotic resistance can spread much more widely.

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Poisoned Dialogue: Skripal Case Descends into a Propaganda War
Der Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

In its rush to assign guilt to Moscow for the nerve agent attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter, the British government now finds itself on the defensive. Some German politicians have their doubts.

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30 Questions That Facebook Has Yet to Answer
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

16 Apr 2018 – Gaps in the testimony of Mark Zuckerberg at a US Senate hearing? The questions are each introduced as shown below, but are presented separately in much expanded form in the [Go to Original] complete document. This also includes animated mappings of the set of questions as a means of evoking more integrative perspective on the set of questions as a whole.

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Condemning the US-Led Aggression on Syria: In Support of the Syrian People, International Law and True Peacemaking
Jan Oberg | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

14 Apr 2018 – We do not know who exactly did what in Douma at this point. Only the perpetrators themselves do. Irresponsibly and non-rationally, this US-British-French attack increases markedly the risk of major war that is not based on any legality – not to mention legitimacy and moral considerations. TFF strongly condemns any military action and the rush to war before any independent investigation has been carried out.

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U.S. Attack on Syria Could Lead to Nuclear War – Call for Veterans and GI’s to Resist Illegal Orders
Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

11 Apr 2018 – “Why the rush to war?” asked Gerry Condon, president of Veterans For Peace. “Why is the mass media cheerleading for war instead of asking hard questions? Why are Democratic and Republican politicians trying to out-do one another with calls for ever more massive attacks on Syria? There is no proof yet of a Syrian government gas attack, only a video made by a fundamentalist rebel group that wants more U.S. intervention.”

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Here’s Why Chemical Attack in Syria’s Douma Is Just another FAKE of White Helmets
Inside Syria Media Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

14 Apr 2018 – Two medics from the hospital of Douma told the truth about the staged video, widely spread by the discredited White Helmets. A group of unknown people broke into the hospital, started screaming about the chemical attack, panicked, and then sprayed people with a fire hose. At the same time, eyewitnesses confirmed that the “victims” on the videos had no signs of chemical poisoning.

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The Hidden War in the Negev
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz has reported that 2,220 Bedouin homes were demolished in 2017! This means that, in the Negev, the government of Israel is waging a unilateral war against its Bedouin citizens. It euphemistically calls the war “law enforcement.”

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First They Came for the Rohingya
Azeem Ibrahim – Foreign Policy Magazine, 16 Apr 2018

Other ethnic minorities will be Myanmar’s next victims.

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Learn to Be Soft and You Will Be Strong
Joshua Kauffman | Tiny Buddha – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

Language is a powerful thing. Though often dismissed as ‘semantics,’ the imagery our words and terminology impart often adds unintended or even misguided connotations to what we intend to say. This is why it is so difficult to speak about spirituality. When we say ‘God’ or ‘salvation’ or even ‘peace,’ those words can bear an unintended doctrinal, political, or social stamp on them that means something very different to the listener than it does to the speaker.

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At Security Council, UN Chief Pushes for Creation of Body to Determine Perpetrators of Chemical Attacks in Syria
UN News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

13 April 2018 – António Guterres today again called for the creation of an independent panel that could determine who used chemical weapons in Syria, as the absence of such a body increases the risks of a military escalation in a country already riven by “confrontations and proxy wars.”

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Charles Maurras (20 Apr 1868 – 16 Nov 1952): The Long Road from Cultural Regionalist to Narrow Nationalist
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

At a time when there is a growth in many parts of Europe of a narrow nationalism often linked to xenophobia and violence, it is useful to look at the life of Charles Maurrras and what he called “integral nationalism”. Maurras is in many ways the intellectual “godfather” of these narrow nationalist movements.

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The Tragic Farce in Myanmar
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

Belfast, 12 Apr 2018 – Last night, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire’s Peace People hosted a Burma talk. I spoke on the urgent need to inform and mobilize grassroots communities about Myanmar genocide in order to build pressure on respective EU governments, as well as others to help end the genocide and support the Rohingyas’ NEED–not simply RIGHT–to a protected homeland. Plus: Saudi Gazette Editorial

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Department of Homeland Security Compiling Database of Journalists and ‘Media Influencers’
Michelle Fabio – Forbes, 16 Apr 2018

6 Apr 2018 – The details of the Statement of Work outline a plan to gather and monitor the public activities of media professionals and influencers and are enough to cause nightmares of constitutional proportions, particularly as the freedom of the press is under attack worldwide. And “attack” is not hyperbolic.

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Syria: Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

13 Apr 2018 – There is the story of a man who lived in an apartment house with very thin floors and walls. He hears the man above him going to bed and dropping one shoe on the floor. Now he cannot sleep as he is waiting for the other shoe to drop. We are somewhat in the same position waiting for a US military response to the charges that chemical weapons were used in Syria.

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‘Moonlight’ Sonata (Music Video of the Week)
HJ Lim – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

”This exceptionally gifted artist ignited an incomparably fiery pianistic space…with super-virtuoso sound images, an incredible enchantment of possibilities of pianistic expressions, subtle and grandiose, magically performed by the phenomenal virtuoso.”

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Toward the Creation of a World Parliament: Strongly Recommended Reading
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

13 Apr 2018 – This is a brief promotional comment to call attention to the publication of a truly outstanding contribution to creative and restorative world order thinking. The book is entitled A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21stCentury by Jo Leinen and Andreas Bummel.

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Why Prime Numbers Still Fascinate Mathematicians 2,300 Years Later
Martin H. Weissman – The Conversation, 16 Apr 2018

2 Apr 2018 – Prime numbers are the biggest and oldest data set in mathematics. Why have they captivated mathematicians for millennia?

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Johan Galtung—TRANSCEND: Methods and Solutions
AlternateFocus – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

Galtung’s approach to mediation offers concrete proposals to give all sides the sense that they are winners. In this interview he describes his methodology and offers solutions for peace in the Middle East and other areas of conflict (not to confuse with violence).

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Is Trump Employing R2P to Save the Remaining Syrian People? Or…?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – The word in parts of Beirut this morning is that Trump’s bluster about bombing Syria in the next few days is, are like many of his emotional threats during his three months in office, to be taken with a shovel of salt. We will likely know more soon. But when, where, why, how or whatever, as we have come to wonder, is anyone’s guess.

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Taking the World to the Brink
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

10 Apr 2018 – Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increasing tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they are now pressing for a direct US attack on Syria.

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Not Crazy
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

A mental patient believed he was a mouse.

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Deconstructing Power (Part 2)
Dr. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

16 Apr 2018 – We have noted in Part 1 that the psychology of violence is also the psychology of power. Therefore we may benefit hugely from analyzing the psychology of power; that may in turn help in preventing a breakout of violence or war.

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Red Crescent Says No Evidence of Chemical Attack in Syria’s Douma
Jason Ditz | AntiWar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

9 Apr 2018 – The Syrian Red Crescent issued a statement today dismissing the allegations of a weekend chemical weapon attack in the city of Douma. The statement insisted their medical personnel in the city had found no evidence any such attack took place.

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War Crimes Prosecutor Seeks Jurisdiction over Rohingya Deportations
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

9 Apr 2018 – The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has asked it to rule on whether it has jurisdiction over the deportations of Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh, a possible crime against humanity, according to a filing published today.

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Israel Is Now Arming Seven Terrorist Groups in Syria
Asa Winstanley – Middle East Monitor, 16 Apr 2018

The illegal Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights has now been in place for more than 50 years. This substantial territory, part of southern Syria, was conquered by Israeli occupation forces in the 1967war. The majority of the Syrian population in the territory was then either expelled, or fled towards safety. Israel demolished their homes, buildings and entire villages in the Golan in order to build Jewish settlements where they once stood.

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Milk and Honey, by Rupi Kaur
Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

Milk and Honey, by the Indian-Canadian poet Rupi Kaur, is about love and loss; and it is also about the very uncomfortable subject of abuse.

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(Português) Tom Regan x Peter Singer: abolicionismo e utilitarismo, uma discussão sobre os direitos animais
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

5 abril 2018 – A rivalidade de Tom Regan e Peter Singer no campo da filosofia moral dos direitos animais surgiu nos anos 80. De um lado, Regan, autor de obras como “The Case for Animal Rights” e “Empty Cages”, com uma perspectiva mais próxima de abolicionismo animal, e “Peter Singer”, autor do clássico “Animal Liberation”, com um posicionamento utilitarista e pragmático que permite concessões no uso de animais em casos específicos.

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The Meaning of Lula’s Imprisonment
Felipe Demier – Jacobin Magazine, 16 Apr 2018

The soft coup now underway in Brazil shows just how quickly capitalists can turn against democracy.

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Enlightenment and Social Hope
Stefan Schindler – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

During America’s wars on Puerto Rico and the Philippines, Mark Twain declared: “America’s flag should be a skull-and-crossbones.” And when Mahatma Gandhi was asked what he thought of Western civilization, he replied: “I think it would be a good idea.”

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Syrian Army Captures British Militants in Eastern Ghouta – Reports
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – According to a report by Al-Mayadeen news channel cited by Fars News, a number of British troops have been captured during the Syrian Arab Army’s operations in Eastern Ghouta. They are believed to be a part of international military forces deployed in the region to launch a ground assault in Damascus in cooperation with the US.

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The U.S. and Europe Must Step Back from the Brink
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

Several alarming recent events ought to awaken citizens of Europe and the United States to the fact that their insane governments have driven the world to the brink of an all-destroying thermonuclear war.

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(Português) Austrália proíbe exportação de ovelhas devido a maus-tratos
Fernanda Cotez - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 16 Apr 2018

Carga viva de 65 mil ovelhas australianas iria partir para o Oriente Médio, mas foi proibida pelo governo local por conta das péssimas condições do navio.

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Addressing the Systemic Challenge at the Heart of Escalating Inequality and Environmental Destruction
Ted Howard | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

2 Apr 2018 – To cite just two figures: in the United States, just 400 people own as much wealth as the bottom 204 million people.1 Globally, just 8 billionaires own as much wealth as 50% of the entire population of our planet.2 And this negative trend – representing a medieval concentration of wealth and power that is deeply problematic for democratic culture – is escalating.

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Faust Walks Out on Easter Morning
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

“All things transient are but a parable.”
— Goethe, Faust

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Forest Rights Act and Environmental Issues in India
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

16 Apr 2018 – The Indian Forest Act was established by the British government in 1927 according to which all the forests and the forest lands became a property of the British government and the customary rights of the tribal populations and other peoples were suspended. The purpose of the Act was not to protect forests but to convert them into the property of the Colonial British government.

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Open Letter to Prime Minister Theresa May from Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – We have in our generation seen the madness of military action upon Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Sudan, Chechnya – the list is endless. Are we now to add Syria to yet another bombed out country? Millions dead, millions displaced, little children left without parents and living in poverty? Surely we can all do better than this? Appeal to P.M. May and U.K. Government to choose Peace and not war against Syria.

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(Français) Gleisi Hoffmann : “Lula est le plus grand leader politique de notre histoire”
Le Journal de Notre Amérique – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

“L’emprisonnement du président serait une injustice (…) Nous considérerons cet emprisonnement comme un acte politique”.

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Israelis Gather by Gaza Border to Watch and Cheer as Military Uses Live Fire against Palestinians
Daily Sabah (Istanbul) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

7 Apr 2018 – A disturbing image of young Israelis sitting by the Gaza border, cheering and watching as bombs fall on Palestinians just a few miles away has evoked widespread condemnation as it circulated on social media. The scene is unfortunately not unfamiliar.

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Welcome to the Land of King!
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

A Memorial Commentary on the April 4, 2018 Anniversary of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s Assassination – Ladies and Gentlemen, I write to you today from Atlanta, Georgia, USA, birthplace and national shrine of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. (1929–1968), clergyman, civil rights leader, social activist, Nobel Prize Laureate, and martyr to the cause of justice.

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Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel
Askiah Adam | International Movement for a JUST World – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

5 Apr 2018 – Palestine, that enclave of humanity occupied, brutalised and without any form of military defence against aggressors is conveniently perceived as a threat by the Jewish state, Israel, the undeclared, sole nuclear power in West Asia and North Africa. This occupying power is a usurper legitimised by Britain and unconditionally supported and armed by the USA.

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Trump’s Syria “Withdrawal” Was Textbook US Deception
Tony Cartalucci | Land Destroyer Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

8 Apr 2018 – The US media is now priming the global public for US intervention in Syria following alleged “chemical attacks” carried out in the remaining pocket of US-backed militants in Douma, just northeast of Damascus.

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False Flag Operations Will Start New War? Towards a U.S.-Israeli Attack on Syria and Lebanon?
Edward Curtin and Geopolitics and Empire – Global Research, 9 Apr 2018

An interview with Edward Curtin – All signs point toward an upcoming large-scale Israeli/U.S. attack on Syria and Lebanon, with Russia and Iran as the ultimate objectives. As always, the corporate media play along as if they don’t yet know what’s coming. Everyone in the know knows what is, just not exactly when. And the media wait with baited breath as they count down to the dramatic moment when they can report the incident that will compel the “innocent” to attack the “guilty.”

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(Ialiano) Striscia di Gaza: La nuova strategia dei palestinesi
Catherine Cornet, | Internazionale – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

5 aprile 2018 – Erano mesi che la società palestinese preparava “la grande Marcia del ritorno”, una manifestazione pacifica rivolta all’opinione pubblica mondiale per riportare l’attenzione sulla causa palestinese. Per l’occasione i palestinesi volevano mostrarsi uniti e pacifici. Il massacro del 30 marzo invece ha fatto vedere in diretta l’uccisione di 17 giovani disarmati e il ferimento di 1.400 persone da parte dei cecchini israeliani.

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(Français) Comment faire des reportages à Gaza
Vijay Prashad | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Si vous êtes un journaliste occidental et que vous devez faire un reportage à Gaza, la meilleure chose à faire est de traiter les Palestiniens comme une menace. Leurs corps sont des armes, leur existence est dangereuse. Si un Palestinien est tué par un soldat israélien, le terme le plus approprié pour qualifier cela est “affrontement”. Normalement, des affrontements se produisent lorsque deux forces armées entrent en confrontation.

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Middle East Turmoil: Israeli Massacre, Palestinian Grievances
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

The Middle East Is Heating Up–Again – A Postscript on the Land Day Massacre (‘Great March of Return’)

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Israel: Gaza Killings Unlawful, Calculated
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

3 Apr 2018 – Senior Israeli officials who unlawfully called for use of live ammunition against Palestinian demonstrations who posed no imminent threat to life bear responsibility for the killings of 14 demonstrators in Gaza and the injuring of hundreds on March 30, 2018, Human Rights Watch said today.

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An Open Letter to Burmese Buddhists Concerning the Rohingya
Buddhists for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

2 Apr 2018 – Letter with 72 cosigners “of Burmese Buddhist Upbringing” Denouncing Persecution of Rohingya and All Ethnic Minorities – “Ultranationalist monks routinely harass interfaith activists and journalists, and rally against the Rohingya and other Burmese Muslims in the country. We have struggled to reconcile these events as adults, when as children we were taught to pay respects to monks at Buddhist monasteries.”

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New Lows Reached with Drug Ads
Martha Rosenberg | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

26 Mar 2018 – .” Creon, AbbVie’s drug to treat the hitherto unknown disease of EPI is priced at over $500 a prescription. Selling obscure diseases to sell obscenely priced drugs is unethical for two reasons. It doesn’t just raise everyone’s health care costs and raise their taxes through government programs. It makes a mockery of the entire health care system by aggressively seeking people who are not sick to “treat” while ignoring millions who really are sick but for whom there is no profit in treating.

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The Isolation of Julian Assange Is the Silencing of Us All
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

1 Apr 2018 – In this letter, twenty-eight writers, journalists, film-makers, artists, academics, former intelligence officers and democrats call on the government of Ecuador to allow Julian Assange his right of freedom of speech. If it was ever clear that the case of Julian Assange was never just a legal case, but a struggle for the protection of basic human rights, it is now.

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How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation
Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie – The Nation, 9 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 Issue – The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout. As happened earlier with Big Tobacco and Big Oil, the wireless industry’s own scientists privately warned about the risks… The World Health Organization classifies cell-phone radiation as a “possible” carcinogen… “Everyone knows that if your research results show that radiation has effects, the funding flow dries up.”

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When Facebook Becomes ‘The Beast’: Myanmar Activists Say Social Media Aids Genocide
Euan McKirdy – CNN, 9 Apr 2018

7 Apr 2018 – Hatemongers have taken advantage of the social network to disseminate inflammatory, anti-Muslim speech in Myanmar. The rhetoric is aimed exclusively at the disenfranchised Rohingya Muslim minority. Human rights activists inside the country and out tell CNN that posts range from recirculated news articles from pro-government outlets, to misrepresented or faked photos and anti-Rohingya cartoons.

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Will ‘Democracy’ Survive? How? Whether? Hard Questions in Dark Times
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

7 Apr 2018 – Global democracy has become, is becoming, a matter of ultimate concern. Issues raised concern transparency, accountability, participation, and responsiveness of global policy processes, and of course, how the global is to be linked with the regional and national so as to pursue the goal of global humane governance: equitable, stable, sustainable, peaceful, compassionate, and above all, mindfulness.

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The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

4 Apr 2018 – Bayer and Monsanto have a long history of collusion to poison the ecosystem for profit. The Trump administration should veto their merger not just to protect competitors but to ensure human and planetary survival.

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Social Activism Funded by Global Capitalism, Serves the Neoliberal World Order. The 2018 World Social Forum in Salvador, Brazil
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 9 Apr 2018

28 Mar 2018 – The WSF movement is largely “funded by neoliberalism”. People who participated in the WSF Venue did not know that “RESIST” GLOBAL CAPITALISM is funded by “GLOBAL CAPITALISM”. They have been misled by the WSF organizers.

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Here We Go Again…
Latuff – MintPress News, 9 Apr 2018

29 Mar 2018 – Trump in Bad Company

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Parkinson’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Rebecca Evans | Geriatric Nursing – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

World Parkinson’s Day for public awareness is on Wed, 11 Apr 2018–on the birthday of James Parkinson, who first mentioned the illness in 1817. Infographic and full article.

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Moral Education for Structural Change
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

The experience of the education for social responsibility program at the University of Concepción suggests the viability of large-scale moral education programmes, aimed at forming a functional, realistic, and solidary ethical conscience. Three educational principles supported by scientific findings are proposed to guide moral education: understanding, participation, and empathy. Taking as an example the ‘structural trap’ by which the good intention of complying with social human rights, such as health, ends up discouraging economic investment…

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(Français) La cage vitrée
Regard Animal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Le fait d’acheter des poissons provenant d’une animalerie n’est pas une activité ou un hobby banal et contribue à faire fructifier une industrie génératrice de souffrance et de dommages environnementaux. Au niveau de l’individu, il est important de rappeler que le poisson, bien que n’attirant généralement que peu la compassion chez la plupart des gens, est un être animal sentient, social et intelligent qui a le désir et l’intérêt à vivre dans son milieu naturel plutôt qu’en captivité.

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Peace Journalism in Lebanon
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Inaugural Conference, Association of Media Educators of Lebanon, Lebanese American University, Beirut 7-11 Dec 2017 — Lebanon is a country in acute need of Peace Journalism. In a general sense, there is a hunger among both journalists and their readers and audiences for ways to engage with social and political issues in the public sphere that do not exacerbate the tensions inherent in a diverse society, still coming to terms with the legacy of a vicious civil war.

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Celebrities and Ordinary Persons
Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

While the number of billionaires is increasing, the number of impoverished people without adequate nutrition, education and health care is showing no signs of decline in India and neighbouring countries. These poor people look at the photos or hoardings with awe and wonder why the Gods are so kind to them whereas they cannot even feed their families adequately.

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State of Palestine: Drone Footage Captures ‘Great March of Return’ Protests at Israel-Gaza Border
Ruptly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Apr 6, 2018 – Palestinians continued protesting along Gaza’s eastern border near Khan Younis today as part of the ‘Great March of Return’ movement.

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Rethink Weapons Exports
Kristin Y. Christman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

2 Apr 2018 – Like every organ in the body, the arms industry is valuable, but when its compulsive mission of self-aggrandizement displaces the body’s mission, deprives other organs of nutrients, and poisons the body, it’s time for surgery and healing.

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(Português) “Sob a Pata do Boi”, novo documentário mostra o impacto da pecuária no desmatamento da Amazônia
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

29 mar 2018 – O filme, que já entrou em festivais na França e na Eslováquia, mostra que a Amazônia tem hoje 85 milhões de cabeças de gado, três para cada humano. Na década de 1970 a floresta estava intacta e o gado equivalia a um décimo do rebanho da atualidade. Hoje há uma área igual à França desmatada, 66% transformada em pasto.

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Luther King: “Beyond Vietnam”
Martin Luther King, Jr. | Stanford King Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech at Riverside Church, New York, Exactly One Year before He Was Killed on 4 Apr 1968
– 4 Apr 1967: I come to this platform tonight to make a passionate plea to my beloved nation. This speech is not addressed to Hanoi, to the National Liberation Front, to China or to Russia. Tonight I wish to speak to my fellow Americans… We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent coannihilation. We must move past indecision to action.

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Going Out
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

4 Apr 2018 – Someday it will come for our pale blue dot. The sun is scheduled to lose its fire in about four or five billion years, our lush green earth—or what’s left of it by that time—will grow cold forever. But now it’s just warming up, perhaps in anticipation of its icy future demise. The ice caps are melting, the seas are boiling, and the human species is proliferating.

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Deadly Oil Spill in Eastern Borneo Spreads to the Open Sea
Basten Gokkon | Mongabay [Indonesia] – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

5 Apr 2018 – An oil spill in Borneo that began over the past weekend has now spread across an area greater than the city of Paris and is heading out to the open ocean, the Indonesian government says.

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Brazil: World Social Forum Concludes in Salvador, Bahia
Comunicação CUT no Fórum | CPNN – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

18 Mar 2018 – The thirteenth edition of the World Social Forum came to an end on Sat 17 Mar, attracting more than 60,000 people to the various activities and debates held during the five-day event.

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Leonardo da Vinci (15 Apr 1452 – 2 May 1519)
Leonardo da Vinci – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

In 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to one of the most successful artists of his day, Andrea di Cione, known as Verrocchio. Verrocchio’s workshop was at the centre of the intellectual currents of Florence, assuring the young Leonardo of an education in the humanities. Other famous painters apprenticed or associated with the workshop include Ghirlandaio, Perugino, Botticelli, and Lorenzo di Credi.

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Hugo Grotius (10 Apr 1583 – 28 Aug 1645): War and Peace
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Hugo Grotius was a jurist born in Delft, the Netherlands who laid the foundations for international law based on natural law. Grotius’ masterpiece, The Law of War and Peace (1625), was an immediate and widespread success. It has gone through at least 75 editions and has been translated 24 times. In this book, he presented his famous doctrine of the just war.

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Burmese Dissident Speaks Frankly about His Country’s Persecution of the Rohingya
Samantha Rideout – UC Observer, 9 Apr 2018

April 2018 – Human rights activist Maung Zarni has been exiled from his native Myanmar (Burma) for speaking out against the military’s ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims. On a recent Canadian tour he talked about the need for truth.

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Death of Marielle Franco Shines Light on the White Collar Criminals Running Brazil
MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Death of the New Republic: White-collar criminals in Brasília are ruling the country. Drug lords, paramilitaries, death squads, military police, and now also the army are terrorizing the population in the slums and the suburbs.

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The Whole Truth
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

“Seek the company of those who are searching for the truth, but avoid those who have found it.” — Vaclav Havel

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Psych Drugs and Guns Don’t Mix
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” -– Upton Sinclair, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist American author. His axiom applies to every employee, investor, CEO or board of directors of every polluting, for-profit industry as well as for most of us physicians, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, drug sales reps, journalists, banker-lenders and the employees and CEOs of every company that makes or markets toxic substances, drugs and vaccines.

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New Zealand Passes Law to Clear Historical Gay Sex Convictions
Deutsche Welle – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

The law will allow hundreds of men to have convictions for homosexual offences erased from their criminal records. Family members can also apply on behalf of a deceased relative to clear their criminal record.

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“The Lady of the Roses”
Andrew Quilliam Brewer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

What can be said about her?
She rose when sorrow fell.

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(Português) Lagartixa
Martha Follain - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 9 Apr 2018

As lagartixas são répteis acinzentados, originárias do sudeste asiático e norte da África. Vivem cerca de 5 anos e são uma espécie de hábitos noturnos. Não possuem veneno e são inofensivas para o ser humano, alimentando-se de moscas, baratas, aranhas, pernilongos, traças, formigas, cupins, etc. ingerindo vários (dezenas) insetos de uma só vez.

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YouTube Censors Empire Files’ Abby Martin with Max Blumenthal on Israeli Militarism
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

6 Apr 2018 – teleSUR presenter Abby Martin’s episode with Max Blumenthal highlighting Israeli military violence against Palestinians has been blocked by YouTube in 28 countries for supposedly violating “local laws,” the presenter has announced. YouTube sent the program a notice saying “We have received a legal complaint regarding your video.”

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Johan Galtung: Breaking the Cycle of Violent Conflict
University of California Television – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

A noted pioneer in the field of Peace Studies, Johan Galtung makes the case for incorporating human rights as key to successful peace building around the world.

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Towards a Global Movement against All Violence
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

1 Apr 2018 – The growing mobilizations by teenagers in the US and Palestine remind me of the mobilizations by youth against the War in Vietnam in the 1960’s and by youth against Apartheid in the 1970’s. The time is short. Johan Galtung has repeated his prediction, first made in 2004, that the American Empire cannot be sustained beyond the year 2020.

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Challenges for Resolving Complex Conflicts
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

While conflict theories and resolution processes advanced dramatically during the second half of the 20th century, particularly thanks to the important work of several key scholars such as Professor Johan Galtung, significant gaps remain in the conflict literature on how to deal with particular conflict configurations. Notably, these include the following four.

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Top 10 Most Popular Languages
Matt Rosenberg | ThoughtCo. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

24 Mar 2018 – There are 6,909 languages actively being spoken in the world today, although only about six percent of them have more than a million speakers each. As globalization becomes more common so does the learning of languages.

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G.W. Russell (10 Apr 1867 – 17 Jun 1935): “The Highest Minds Building One upon Another”
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

George Warren Russell was an Irish poet, painter, mystic, and reformer of agriculture. He wrote under the initials A.E. and was a close friend and co-worker with William Butler Yeats. “Such was the play of Helen which made men realise that beauty was a divinity. Such was the play of Radha and Krishna which taught lovers how to evoke god and goddess in each other.” –A.E.

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Rohingya People Need Protected Homeland in Myanmar’s Northern Arakan
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

3 Apr 2018 – By all means maintain the current talks of economic sanctions, as well as international justice and accountability regarding Myanmar perpetrators including Suu Kyi and her military partners in power. But what Rohingyas need and want more than anything is a homeland where they can live in peace and rebuild their scorch-earthed communities under international protection. The solution to Myanmar genocide will not come from the perpetrators.

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My Sweet Lord (Music Video of the Week)
George Harrison – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

George Harrison’s worldwide hit single from his brilliant All Things Must Pass album

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Greece, Austria, Portugal among Countries Not to Expel Russian Diplomats
Tyler Durden | ZeroHedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

More than 20 countries have aligned with the UK, expelling more than 100 diplomats. It is said to be the largest collective expulsion of Russian intelligence officers in history. However, some countries refuse to join this remarkable show of solidarity.

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PEACE Everywhere: Let’s Show We Dare. How? A Checklist
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

An important check list to help make us believe that peace is possible and a human right for all people.

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Signals, by Sumeet Grover
Balwant Bhaneja – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

In this eclectic collection of poems about silence, Sumeet Grover echoes thoughts of nothingness, sublime, and disquiet. Personal and social concerns are expressed that range from moments of intimacy to alienation; his poems project empathy, sensuality, wrath and personal closeness.

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US Nuclear Posturing Has Adversaries Gearing Up, Not Standing Down
David Krieger | The Hill – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

3 Mar 2018 – The biggest problem with a nuclear deterrent force arises in attempts to determine its effectiveness. How can possessors of nuclear weapons assure that their nuclear weapons are effective in being a deterrent? The answer is that they cannot do so in any physical sense. The nuclear deterrent force relies instead on creating psychological barriers. Since it operates at the psychological level, one can never be sure it is effective. Or, it may only appear to be effective until it fails, and failure could be catastrophic.

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The Good Friday Massacre: We Are All Palestinians, Now!
Brett Redmayne-Titley – Global Research, 9 Apr 2018

6 Apr 2018 – Eighteen more Palestinians were unapologetically murdered this past “Good Friday” by the Israeli military. They were unarmed. They were on their own land. They were desperate. They screamed their desperation as they marched. Then, they shouted their daily reality of personal horrors too close to Israel’s attention. So, they were killed.

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A Song Is Born
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Ahed, the girl covered with blond hair, her blue eyes shining like a lighthouse. Ahed the saint. Ahed the savior. The Palestinian Jeanne d’Arc, the national symbol. The story of Ahed al-Tamimi happened in the West Bank. But it resounded in the Gaza Strip, too. For most Israelis, the Gaza Strip is something else. It is not occupied territory. It does not concern us. But the situation of the Gaza Strip is even worse than straight occupation. The strip is completely surrounded. North and east is Israel, west is the sea, where the Israeli navy shoots at everything except for fishing boats close to the shore. The south belongs to Egypt, which behaves even worse than the Israelis and in close cooperation with them.

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