Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26487 results.

Britain: The End of a Fantasy
Fintan O’Toole | The New York Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

10 Jun 2017 – To understand the sensational outcome of the British election, one must ask a basic question. What happens when phony populism collides with the real thing? … The reliance on a spurious notion of the “popular will” has left Britain with no clear notion of who “the people” are and what they really want.

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Hot-Headed: How Climate Change-Induced Drought Is Destabilising Global Peace
Ruth Lyons | Vision of Humanity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

“There is mounting evidence that climate change is creating the conditions for instability and poverty, two significant contributors to the outbreak of civil war and violence.”

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In Support of LBGT’s Same-Sex Marriage Campaign
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Life is a mystery and love is the greatest mystery of all and should be celebrated and freedom to choose whom to love and whom to marry is one of our basic human rights. Equality is a key priority for a genuine solution to our problems in N. Ireland and none less so for the LGBT community that for years has faced harassment and discrimination.

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Half-truths and Falsehoods in PBS Series ‘Inside Putin’s Russia’
Rick Sterling | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

27 Jul 2017 – The US government-supported Public Broadcasting System recently ran a five part series dubbed Inside Putin’s Russia. With a different theme each night, it purports to give a realistic look at Russia today. The image conveyed is of a Russia that is undemocratic with widespread state repression, violence and propaganda. Following are significant distortions and falsehoods in the five-part documentary.

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Living in Dystopian Times
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

3 Aug 2017 – Twenty-five years ago there were three widely held beliefs about future trends on a global level: the assured preeminence of the United States; the continuing globalization of the world economy; and the expanding democratization of national governance arrangements. It was also assumed that these trends were more or less descriptive of regional realities, including the Middle East. Each of these trends that seemed so descriptive 25 years ago now seems to be completely out of touch with what is happening around us.

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Being vs. Doing
The Secrets of Yoga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Multitasking is a great technique that allows us to achieve numerous goals in any given day, and technologies such as the computer and cell phone are available almost anywhere we go… Give your complete self to a task and perform it methodically. Bhakti, or devotion, is key. In Zen Buddhism, meditation is described as just sitting. Sacred texts such as the Bhagavad-gita are full of spiritual information that can place wandering souls, giving them insight and direction.

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Fidel Castro (13 Aug 1926 – 25 Nov 2016)
Encyclopædia Britannica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, political leader of Cuba (1959–2008), transformed his country into the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere. Castro became a symbol of communist revolution in Latin America.

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What Is Peace Journalism?
Prof. Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Peace journalism is when editors and reporters make choices – about what to report, and how to report it – that create opportunities for society at large to consider and to value non-violent responses to conflict.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Aug 7-13, 2017 ~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Life asked death, ‘Why do people love me but hate you?’ Death responded, ‘Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth.” – Author unknown

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Mr. Tambourine Man (Music Video of the Week)
Bob Dylan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Live at the Newport Folk Festival 1964 – A Super Classic!!

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Has Seymour Hersh Debunked ‘Russia-gate’?
Justin Raimondo | Antiwar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

4 Aug 2017 – Journalist Seymour Hersh has given us good reason to believe what many have long suspected: that the “hacking” of the Democratic National Committee, which supposedly delivered the White House to Donald Trump, was an inside job. Hersh says Seth Rich contacted WikiLeaks.

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India’s NGOs Need to Realign Their Focus
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

2 Aug 2017 – India is now all set to frame a law to curb the wild growth of NGOS following a series of strict observations of the Supreme Court. Think tanks shape the social and political conversations that mold public opinion. Money comes with strings that can undermine a revolutionary’s mission. As with any institutional structure the need for transparency and accountability is crucial.

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Israel Heading for a Solution?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

The world wants messages of peace from these great, old faiths [Judaism, Christianity, Islam], not everlasting belligerence. That could emanate from Jerusalem, by highlighting the traditions of togetherness and tolerance rather than the opposite: the Abrahamic faiths betraying the human hope of peace. The world is waiting. Time for this to happen is now.

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Deadly Combination of Cholera, Hunger and Conflict Pushes Yemen to ‘Edge of a Cliff’ – Senior UN Official
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

1 Aug 2017 – Describing the situation in Yemen as “very bleak,” with “no end in sight,” a senior United Nations official envoy today said the war-torn country, already reeling from malnutrition and dwindling health care, is plummeting into further distress amid a deadly cholera outbreak and looming famine.

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Overcoming Paranoia about Russia
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Time to open the positive door to Russia with exchange for mutual and equal benefit. Trade in processed goods, and in services, cooperation in killing speculation and drug-poisoning. Above all, mutual respect not only benefit. Admiration, sympathy. Love. RUSSIA: ja tjebja ljubljo. I love you.

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The Bilateral Relationship That Matters
Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Which is the most important bilateral relationship in the international arena today? Many analysts would argue that it is the relationship between the United States of America and China that has the greatest significance for the world.

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U.N. Human Rights Procedures and the Role of Citizens of Non-Member States
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

In practice, it is difficult for a person who is considered as “stateless” or a citizen of a Non-Member State to be able to use the human rights procedures put into place by the United Nations, especially what are considered complaint procedures.

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The Surprising Economic Benefits of Peace
Mohib Iqbal and Daniel Hyslop | Vision of Humanity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

While a small handful of individuals and companies may benefit from conflict, the majority suffer – not only in human terms, but also economically. Since 2010, the Institute for Economics and Peace has developed leading research which calculates the economic losses from violence and conflict, breaking the myth sustained by many that war is good for the economy.

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Geopolitical Dirty Dreams: Israel’s ‘Victory Caucus’
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

29 Jul 2017 – The main Trump assignment within the United States will likely be to lend full support to the Congressional and state-by-state pushback against the BDS campaign, slandering this nonviolent civil society movement of militant solidarity and human rights by castigating it as ‘the anti-Semitism of our time.’

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Global Peace Index 2017
Vision of Humanity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

The 2017 Global Peace Index finds that the world became more peaceful in the last year; however, over the last decade it has become significantly less peaceful. Top 5: Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria, Denmark.

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Plastic Garbage Patch Bigger Than Mexico Found in Pacific
Shaena Montanari | National Geographic – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Yet another floating mass of microscopic plastic has been discovered in the ocean, and it is mind-blowingly vast.

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Biological Annihilation on Earth Accelerating
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

26 Jul 2017 – Human beings are now waging war against life itself as we continue to destroy not just individual lives, local populations and entire species in vast numbers but also destroy the ecological systems that make life on Earth possible.

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Human Rights & Humanitarian Law: Genocide
Jean Paul Sartre | Tamil Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Jean Paul Sartre’s Statement at the Second Session of the Bertrand Russell International War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam held in Denmark in November 1967 remains, almost 40 years later, an inspiring appeal to the conscience of humanity – inspiring not only because of the force of its reason but also because it reveals Sartre’s passionate commitment to justice.

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(Português) Novos métodos substituem o uso de animais vivos nas aulas de veterinária
USP Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Na Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, a professora Julia Matera foi pioneira no uso de técnicas substitutivas para ensino de cirurgia, projeto pelo qual foi recentemente premiada.

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Vault 7: Imperial
WikiLeaks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Today, July 27th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the Imperial project of the CIA.

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The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics
World Economic Forum | Ellen MacArthur Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Applying circular economy principles to global plastic packaging flows could transform the plastics economy and drastically reduce negative externalities such as leakage into oceans, according to this new report.

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New Google Algorithm Restricts Access to Left-Wing, Progressive Web Sites
Andre Damon and Niles Niemuth | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

27 Jul 2017 – In the three months since Internet monopoly Google announced plans to keep users from accessing “fake news,” the global traffic rankings of a broad range of left-wing, progressive, anti-war and democratic rights organizations have fallen significantly.

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The March of Folly
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

One of my friends said this week: “There is no need to put cameras on the Temple Mount, as is now suggested. We should put the cameras in the cabinet room, because that is the source of the greatest danger to the future of Israel. Amen.

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‘The World Outside Doesn’t Want to Know. Everyone Wants Us to Die’
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Sarah Helm talks to Palestinians in Gaza city where levels of mental and physical disability are unbearably high especially as scant medical and social services shrink even more. They feel helpless and hopeless, controlled by three rigid forces, Hamas, the PA and the IDF.

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49 Reasons for Being a Vegetarian
The Whole Earth Vegetarian Catalogue – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

“Because one species is cleverer than another, does it give it the right to imprison or torture the less clever species? Does one exceptionally clever individual have a right to exploit the less clever individuals of his own species? To say that he does is to say with the Fascists that the strong have a right to abuse and exploit the weak – might is right, and the strong and ruthless shall inherit the earth.” — Richard Ryder

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Lara Ayvazyan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Cruelty is degeneracy,
It should be closed in cage.
The world will not attain purification
While it rages!

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We Need Their Voices Today! (6) William Godwin
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

William Godwin, believer in liberty, individual judgement, absolute honesty and unselfish service to humanity as a whole, we need your voice today!

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(Français) Faut-il détester la Russie ou faut-il réfléchir ?
Michel Collon | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Comprendre comment nous en sommes arrivés là, comprendre les «règles du jeu» entre grandes puissances est essentiel pour que chaque citoyen puisse répondre à la question «Guerre ou Paix» aujourd’hui !

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A Defense of Climate Tragedy, or What the Scientists Got Wrong about “The Uninhabitable Earth”
Genevieve Guenther | Medium – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

14 Jul 2017 – This is an essay about the furor over David Wallace-Wells’ New York Magazine article “The Uninhabitable Earth,” which conjures a specter of a planet so ruined by global warming in our children’s lifetimes that it no longer sustains, but destroys human life… During the uproar more than one scientist insisted that the truth about climate change is scary enough — there’s no reason to exaggerate it.

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Earth Song (Music Video of the Week)
Michael Jackson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

A pungent, powerful, moving video performed by Michael Jackson showing side by side beauty and destruction, life and death. Much sadness, pain and suffering caused by humankind. What about the earth? What about the children? He asks. Are we really destined to kill the planet and every life in it? What about us?

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

A foreign tourist’s car got stuck in a small village.

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The Same Earth and the Same Moon
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

The same earth and the same moon,
As it was all a thousand years ago,
Epochs were replaced, war wandered,
And everyone was happy with the truce.

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Is Gaza-Sinai State a Possibility for Palestinians?
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

The long-discussed plan could see most of Gaza’s population end up in Sinai, alongside millions of Palestinian refugees.

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(Français) Les raids saoudiens pulvérisent le patrimoine du Yémen
Chiara Cruciati | Near East News Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

La guerre contre le Yémen est une guerre occultée : plus de 4 mille morts, un million de personnes déplacées en interne, 21 millions de personnes sans accès constant à l’eau et la nourriture. Sanaa, Marib, Aden : des villes dont chaque coin raconte l’histoire du monde arabe et sa rencontre avec les peuples d’Asie et d’Afrique, sont en ruines. “Paradis”: c’est cela que signifie en arabe le nom d’Aden, la ville portuaire du sud, cible des violents raids de la coalition anti-Houthi menés par l’Arabie saoudite.

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An Invocation for Our Time: This Consecrated Hour
James O’Dea – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Do you not see them
the ashen ones, the grey ones
the starving orphans , the seduced innocents,
the decimated specters of conflagration,

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How Do You Think the Pyramids Were Built?
Graham Hancock – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Graham Hancock is a British writer and reporter who specializes in unscientific theories involving ancient civilizations, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths and astronomical and astrological data from the past. Food for Thought

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Global Peace Science of Dialogue & Human Dignity: Towards 21st Century
Dr. Subhash Chandra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

In an age of globalization, the struggle for human rights & human dignity has become more complex and challenging. While protections for human rights are increasingly passed by governments and international bodies like the United Nations, grave threats to and gross violations of human rights are also on the rise.

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(Português) Tesla Motor deixa de comercializar assentos de couro e oferece opções veganas
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

A empresa automotiva Tesla Motors realizou algumas mudanças nas opções disponíveis e a principal delas foi a eliminação dos assentos de couro. A partir de agora, a Tesla só venderá assentos veganos.

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When Things Fall Apart: Tibetan Buddhist Nun and Teacher Pema Chödrön on Transformation through Difficult Times
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

“Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us… We don’t set out to save the world; we set out to wonder how other people are doing and to reflect on how our actions affect other people’s hearts.”

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Jul 31-Aug 6, 2017~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — William Arthur Ward

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Corporate Sociopaths, Get Out of Northern Minnesota!
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

17 Jul 2017 – Polluting Foreign Copper Mining Corporations like Canada’s PolyMet [controlled by Switzerland’s Glencore] and Canada’s Twin Metals [controlled by Chile’s Antofagasta] Meet the Definition of Sociopathic Entities

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An Odyssey in India’s Bureaucratic Jungle
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

As Verghese Kurien, the father of India’s Milk Revolution repeatedly emphasized: “India’s place in the sun would come from the partnership between wisdom of its rural people and skill of its professionals “.

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A View of Portugal — An Outsider’s Perspective
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

26 Jul 2017 – In Portugal the stones speak more to tourists than human beings. Of course you must understand their language –in other words you must know which king ruled when, which grand stone cathedral was built and when. It is interesting to see the melange of European and Arab (or Muslim) architecture on the winding streets of Porto or Lisboa as Lisbon is called in the Portuguese language.

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Aung San Suu Kyi: Nobel Peace vs UN in Burma/Myanmar
TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2017

Not Welcome Here…

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(Italiano) La rivoluzione delle sessualità
Johan Galtung & Antonio C. S. Rosa | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Kinsey ha avuto un ruolo importante. Molto solido, molto empirico, vasto, esauriente, avversato da qualche chiesa e senz’altro da qualche patriarca. Ma ha prevalso la scienza… Purtroppo si confonde generalmente il sesso con l’amore, sia in letteratura sia nella realtà. Il sesso è un piacere effimero dei genitali — di qualunque specie. L’amore è emozione, energia, sinergia fra due esseri umani. Amore e sesso sono complemento reciproco ma non si sostituiscono l’un l’altro, essendo di natura squisitamente differente.

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(Português) Animais Lutam para Sobreviver em Zoo Abandonado em Porto Rico
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

A crise econômica que tem atingido Porto Rico na última década também afetou o único zoológico da ilha. O número de funcionários é insuficiente e o zoo tem tido dificuldades para manter os animais que explora com um orçamento limitado.

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Pentagon Study Declares American Empire Is ‘Collapsing’
Nafeez Ahmed | INSURGE Intelligence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

17 Jul 2017 – The solution proposed to protect U.S. power in this new “post-primacy” environment is more of the same: more surveillance, more propaganda (“strategic manipulation of perceptions”) and more military expansionism. The Pentagon study’s recommendations call for an intensification of the very imperial policies that futurist Professor Johan Galtung, who accurately forecasted the demise of the USSR, predicts will accelerate the “collapse of the U.S. empire” by around 2020.

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UK’s First ‘Slaughter-free’ Dairy Farm Gains a Permanent Home
ISKCON News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

13 Jul 2017 – A dairy company which doesn’t cull its older cows, but instead “retires them”, has moved to a new permanent home. The UK’s first “slaughter-free” dairy farm is hoping its model will be picked up upon by other farms. The Ahimsa Dairy Foundation is a not-for-profit company, and produces 23,000 of litres of milk a year.

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(Français) Venezuela : le bain de sang approche. Que fait la gauche internationale?
Jean Ortiz | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

« La solidarité est la tendresse des peuples » disait Che Guevara. Il faut être aveugle, ou inconséquent, pour ne pas saisir ce qui est aujourd’hui en jeu au Venezuela.

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At Every Door
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Billions, perhaps trillions, will be spent to send weapons, weapon systems, fighter jets, ammunition, and military support to the Middle East region, fueling new arms races and raising the profits of U.S. weapon makers. But, we can choose to stand at the doors of our leaders and of our neighbors, honoring past sacrifices and the innocent lives we were unable to save, as we redouble efforts to stop war makers from constantly gaining the upper hand in our lives.

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End of Mission Statement by Yanghee Lee, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar
UN Information Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

21 Jul 2017 – UN Special Rapp. Prof. Yanghee Lee: ‘astonished’ ‘disappointed’ ‘dismayed’ ‘delayed’ ‘denied access.’ “As ever, I stand ready to help in any way I can, to make Myanmar the rights respecting country I know it can be — to make Myanmar a country where the rights of all people are respected, upheld, and protected.”

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16 Years after Onset of U.S. Plan Colombia, Cocaine Profits Reach Record Highs
Mint Press News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

The U.S.-Colombia drug war alliance has failed to stop the country’s drug trade, with last year’s coca yield breaking records. The record harvests can be traced to the country’s government, right-wing paramilitaries and wealthy individuals who are sympathetic to U.S. business interests.

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We Need Their Voices Today! (5) Mary Wollstonecraft
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Mary Wollstonecraft, pioneering advocate of the rights of women and all human rights, we need your voice today!

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(Italiano) Perché la Guerra? Una riflessione sull’eredità lasciata da Einstein, Freud e Gandhi
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

In un articolo recente, il Professor Johan Galtung, fondatore della ricerca sulla pace, ha voluto ricordarci della riflessione lasciataci da Freud e Einstein a questo riguardo, riflettendo sul loro dialogo ed individuandone i limiti, come ad esempio il loro insuccesso a rintracciare ed elaborare le cause e tutte le componenti del conflitto. Ovviamente, Freud ed Einstein non sono stati i primi a porsi questa domanda.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Jul 24-30, 2017~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” — Albert Einstein

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Peace Study Day & March
Alberto Portugheis | HUFUD Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

TRANSCEND Members, Peace Study Teachers, Students: A few slots – forty minutes to one hour – are still available, for lecturers and workshop leaders. During the March to Whitehall, Downing Street and Parliament we’ll be carrying banners. Bring your own and publicize the peace organization or movement you represent.

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Fukushima Radiation and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Dahr Jamail | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

17 Jul 2017 – Former nuclear industry senior vice president Arnie Gunderson, who managed and coordinated projects at 70 U.S. atomic power plants, thinks it simply makes no sense to hold the Olympics in Japan. “Holding the 2020 Olympics in Japan is an effort by the Japanese government to make these ongoing atomic reactor meltdowns disappear from the public eye. I discovered highly radioactive dust on Tokyo street corners in 2016.” According to him and other nuclear experts, the crisis is even worse.

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Heart Attacks
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

A married couple enjoyed their new fishing boat together, but it was always the husband who was behind the wheel operating the boat. However, he was concerned about what might happen in an emergency.

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Time in the Throat Slips Together like a Lump
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Time in the throat slips together like a lump,
There is no way to shout anymore:
Where are we, between Gomorrah-Sodom?

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Aldous Huxley (26 Jul 1894 – 22 Nov 1963)
European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Aldous Huxley was a British writer who would become known for his novels, and especially Brave New World, which would delineate what the perfect dictatorship would look like. It would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping.

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Cricket Sound Slowed Down 20 Times
Overtonesinging – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

This is something you have to listen to. In 1992 Jim Wilson got the idea to slow down a recording of chirping crickets. The revealed sound simply was called “Gods cricket chorus”. The hidden beauty of nature is astonishing, and we are all part of it!

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Macro-History from Norway
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

The US Trump ship is sinking and does not serve Norway’s interests. Time for the Norwegian rat to jump ship boarding increasingly accepted EU to build its own ship: defensive defense, neutral between West and Rest; with positions, not only jobs for less inequality; seeing the good in all, for projects linking good with good.

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Missing Link
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

How a Secretive Network Built around a Nobel Prizewinner Set Out to Curtail Our Freedoms – The Swedish Academy in 1986 awarded James Buchanan the Nobel Memorial Prize for economics. It is one of several decisions that have turned this prize toxic.

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(Italiano) GENOVA 2001. Una questione ancora aperta. Intervista a Lorenzo Guadagnucci.
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

22 lug 2017 – 16 anni dopo il G8 di Genova alla luce della legge sulla tortura. Il tuo pensiero e la tua sintesi della giornata.

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Dead Civilians and the Language of War
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

19 Jul 2017 – Finally it comes down to this: Some people are expendable. They come in two categories: terrorists (good riddance!) and civilians, whose deaths often elicit official apologies (if there’s no way to deny it was our fault). The language of war is what keeps it alive. This is the language of strategy and domination: words without grief, words without compassion. Speaking truth to power — the true work of the media — cannot be done if reporters write in the language of power, this alien tongue in which some human beings are expendable.

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America’s Yemen Policy Is Creating More Terrorists
Adil E. Shamoo and Bonnie Bricker | Foreign Policy In Focus – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

18 Jul 2017 – Just as the invasion of Iraq eventually produced the Islamic State (ISIS or IS), the killing of innocent Yemenis for no moral reason at all is providing a recruitment tool for terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East and Africa.

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Dag Hammarskjold (29 Jul 1905 – 18 Sep 1961) Crisis Manager and Longer-Range World Community Builder
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Dag Hammarskjold became Secretary-General of the UN at a moment of crisis in the 1950-1953 war in Korea and died in a plane crash in 1961 on a mission dealing with the war in the Congo. He became an expert crisis manager, to the point that there was a common slogan in the UN- “Leave it to Dag”. He liked to work alone but had created a team of people working under him who were highly competent and totally devoted to him.

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Open Letter of California Scholar for Academic Freedom (Palestine/Israel)
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

22 Jul 2017 – Open Letter prepared under the direction of Vida Samiian of State University of California at Fresno on behalf of California scholars defending against any effort to abridge academic freedom anywhere in the world. Here the focus is on the role of the right-wing media in creating a climate of opinion that supports frantic Zionist efforts to intimidate and punish vocal critics of Israel, creating a crisis of confidence with regard to the exercise of academic freedom.

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Islam Is Simple: Muslims Make It Hard
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

The theme of moderation in religious practice has been the leitmotif in Islamic literature from the time of Prophet Muhammad. In the Quran and the Prophetic traditions that amplify it, Muslim women and men are called upon to exercise moderation in all aspects of their religious life.

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Soros’ Sorrows
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

22 Jul 2017 – George Soros, the American multi-billionaire, is causing Binyamin Netanyahu a lot of trouble. At this particular moment, Netanyahu does not need any more trouble. Soros is a Hungarian Jew, a Holocaust survivor.

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The Tiny Satellites Ushering in the New Space Revolution
Ashlee Vance | Bloomberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Planet Labs and other companies are sending hundreds of low-cost satellites into orbit. We’re only beginning to understand how that will change life on Earth.

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Supply-Side Economics Explained
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

17 Jul 2017 – What about the optimism in my 28-year old report? What has become of that? Unfortunately, optimism was destroyed by capitalist greed. Instead of productively restructuring the world economic system, capitalists looted it. With the Soviet collapse, the Russians’ belief during the Yeltsin era that now we were all on the same side facilitated the looting of Russia by the West. The collapse of socialism in Russia, China, and India, gave us “globalism,” that is the international arbitrage of wage rates.

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(Português) O Sofrimento das Galinhas Poedeiras
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

19 Jul 2017 – Uma galinha selvagem bota 10 a 15 ovos por ano, e apenas no período natural de reprodução. Porém, as galinhas modernas, que produzem os ovos mais consumidos em todo o mundo, foram manipuladas geneticamente para botarem até 350 ovos por ano.

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Prevented from Speaking
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Dr. Hossain B. Danesh was invited to give a series of training sessions on peace education to a group of 100 teachers in Banja Luca in 2000. Banja Luca was the capital of the Republica Srpska during the Bosnian war.

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Pricking the Bubble of Global Complacent Complicity
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Hyperdimensional insights from the physics of bubble blowing, bursting and collapse? Is there anything of psychosocial relevance to be learned from the extensive research on the physics of bubbles regarding the particular nature and efficacy of a “prick” as it might relate to complacent complicity?

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Vault 7: CL/Raytheon
WikiLeaks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Today, July 19th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the CIA contractor Raytheon Blackbird Technologies for the “UMBRAGE Component Library” project. The documents were submitted to the CIA between November 21st 2014 (just two weeks after Raytheon acquired Blackbird Technologies to build a Cyber Powerhouse) and September, 11th 2015.

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The “Deep State” Then and Now
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

So much of the ongoing propaganda travels under the banner of “the war on terror,” which is, of course, an outgrowth of the attacks of September 11, 2001, appropriately named and constantly reinforced as 9/11 in a wonderful example of linguistic mind-control: a constant emergency to engender anxiety, depression, panic, and confusion, four of the symptoms that lead the DSM “experts” and their followers to diagnose and drug individuals.

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(Français) Une crise globale massive : 201 millions de personnes sans emploi
Vijay Prashad | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

Ni Miguel, ni Isabel ou Mohammed ne prospéreraient ici. Il n’y a pas de futur ici, mais seulement un présent tortueux et sans fin…

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The Truth about Soy – What Does the Science Actually Say?
Joey Bruno | Thrive Cuisine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

26 Jun 2017 – Soy has quickly gone from a relatively unknown in Western culture to a highly debated and controversial food. Of course, soy has not been embraced by communities that have been advocating against grain and legume consumption for decades. Even people who eat predominately plant-based diets will campaign against this humble legume. The question is: are these harsh criticisms warranted or does the scientific literature say otherwise?

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It’s Not only Necessary to Develop an Alternative to Globalization — It’s Entirely Possible
Walden Bello | Foreign Policy In Focus – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2017

It was the left who diagnosed the ills of globalization. So why is the right eating our lunch?

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Challenging Nuclearism: The Nuclear Ban Treaty Assessed
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

As of now the NBT is a treaty text that courteously mandates the end of nuclearism, but to convert this text into an effective regime of control will require the kind of deep commitments, sacrifices, movements, and struggles that eventually achieved the impossible, ending such entrenched evils as slavery, apartheid, and colonialism.

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Abe, Izzy & Bibi
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

Does Netanyahu really believe (as I think he does) that this part of Biblical legend is history? If so, he has the mind of a 10 year old. If he does not, he is a cheat. In any case, he is a very able demagogue. But he is not alone. Far from it. The President of Israel, a very nice gentleman, reiterated Netanyahu’s accusations against UNESCO. So did the speaker of the Knesset, an immigrant from the Soviet Union.

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Excel at Any Cost – Some Thoughts to the Contrary
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

With the intense competition to be the best, to succeed, to be rich, those young people who cannot compete are left behind. Do they feel inspired by the stories of the successful or do they feel dejected and disappointed? Everyone cannot stand first or be successful, but everyone has the right to lead a peaceful life and become a good citizen.

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Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

You can see him all day
asking for change: coins enough
to take him away from this wet
street of London.

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Collateral Damage
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

We were sorry to hear the bombs that were meant
to fall on a home adjacent to yours
(and one more, down a block or two)
have lamentably ruined your daughter’s wedding,

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Frantz Fanon (20 Jul 1925 – 6 Dec 1961)
Jennifer Poulos | Emory Postcolonial Studies – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

Frantz Omar Fanon was a Martinique-born French psychiatrist, philosopher, revolutionary, and writer whose works are influential in the fields of post-colonial studies, critical theory, and Marxism. As an intellectual, Fanon was a political radical, and an existentialist humanist concerning the psychopathology of colonization, and the human, social, and cultural consequences of decolonization.

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The Conditions for Human Health and Well-Being Reside in the Psycho-Social Contexts of Life
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

12 Jul 2017 – I call upon the timeless words of Henry David Thoreau, a 19th Century student of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1889-1888), to open this article on the critical consequences of the socio-cultural context for human health and well-being. It is, perhaps, coincidental today is Thoreau’s birthday; his 200th year anniversary, a reminder of the enduring power of great thoughts and words. Guide me, Sir!

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(Português) Um Novo Tratado para Levar ao Desarmamento Nuclear
Emb. Sergio Duarte – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

Apesar da falta generalizada de interesse e dos preconceitos profundamente entranhados dos principais órgãos de imprensa dos países possuidores de armas nucleares, a opiniã pública mundial poderá ter precepção diferente. É essencial, por esse motivo, disseminar o conhecimento do Tratado e de sua motivação.

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(Français) L’Otan, Hydre Tentaculaire
Nils Andersson | Alerte OTAN – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

A la Conférence du Contre-Sommet Otan du 25 mai 2017, la première session plénière a entendu une intervention de Nils Andersson intitulée: «L’Otan, hydre tentaculaire». Ci-dessous nous publions l’essentiel de son contenu.

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Good for the World
Wendell Berry – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

We have lived our lives by the assumption that
what was good for us would be good for the world.
We have been wrong.

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Holding Officials Accountable
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

I met Bona Malwal Madut Ring from Bahr El Ghazal in South Sudan when we were both students and lived at International House in New York. One day in 1969, he received a long phone call from London, and went there a few days later.

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Anti-Populism: Ideology of the Ruling Class
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

7 Jul 2017 – Throughout the US and European corporate and state media, right and left, we are told that ‘populism’ has become the overarching threat to democracy, freedom and . . . free markets. The media’s ‘anti-populism’ campaign has been used and abused by ruling elites and their academic and intellectual camp followers as the principal weapon to distract, discredit and destroy the rising tide of mass discontent with ruling class-imposed austerity programs, the accelerating concentration of wealth and the deepening inequalities.

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Tear the Fascists Down (Music Video of the Week)
Woody Guthrie – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright # 154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught singin it without our permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we dont give a dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, thats all we wanted to do.

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“Ain’t No Such Thing as a Just War” – Ben Salmon, WWI Resister
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

If the Allies, led by France and Britain, had not won a total victory, there would have been no punitive peace treaty like that completed at Versailles, no stab-in-the back allegations by resentful Germans, and thus no rise, much less triumph, of Hitler and the Nazis. The next world war, with its 50 million deaths, would probably not have occurred.”

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The Subversion of India’s Pluralist Legacy
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

17 Jul 2017 – Too much of the thinking about Muslim rulers is now being shaped along predictable, clichéd lines. This is true of all shades of opinion, perception and scholarship. There is evidence from a number of established scholarly discourses that the public perception about Muslim rulers is being increasingly manipulated to fit into a profile constructed by right wing historians.

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