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How Israel Is ‘Cleansing’ Palestinians from Greater Jewish Jerusalem
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

23 Nov 2017 – Israel is putting in place the final pieces of a Greater Jewish Jerusalem that will require “ethnically cleansing” tens of thousands of Palestinians from a city their families have lived and worked in for generations, human rights groups have warned. Measures aim to annex settlements to city and turn Palestinian areas into no-man’s land.

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The TRANSCEND Method: Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means
Johan Galtung | Governance and Social Development Resource Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

The TRANSCEND Method is based on the central thesis that to prevent violence and develop the creative potential of a conflict, there has to be transformation. At the root of the method is the understanding of conflict as incompatible goals, meaning as a problem to be solved; not as incompatible parties (persons, countries etc.), meaning as one or more parties to be controlled (usually not oneself).

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Funding Big Pharma to Help with Millions of Addicts They Created
Martha Rosenberg - AlterNet, 27 Nov 2017

22 Nov 2017 – After decades of expanding opioid use by minimizing the dangers of addiction, Big Pharma will now receive the reward of taxpayer money to undo what it did and reverse the opioid epidemic. Imagine the government giving Big Tobacco our tax dollars to reverse the damage it did pushing cigarettes and you see how obscene this is.

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Cognitive Osmosis in a Knowledge-based Civilization
Anthony Judge | Laetus in Praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

27 Nov 2017 – A major challenge of the times can be framed metaphorically in terms of consumption, osmosis and circulation. Interface challenge of inside-outside, insight-outsight, information-outformation.

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Meanwhile, Around the World
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

Trump is trumping himself by making America Last, not in the sense of long-lasting, but in the sense of going down. There is something to learn for those receptive to learning, and Islam puts it forcefully: togetherness, and sharing. We would add: as equally as possible. But Trump politics is the opposite of that, and the price is increasing. And so is today also much of Muslim politics, to their detriment.

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(Français) Esclavage en Libye: merci l’OTAN!
Bruno Guigue | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

Une découverte, les pratiques esclavagistes filmées par CNN ? On tombe vraiment des nues ? Certainement pas. Le 11 avril 2017, l’Office international des migrations publiait un rapport indiquant que des milliers de migrants transitant par la Libye étaient vendus comme du bétail sur des marchés aux esclaves, avant d’être soumis au travail forcé ou à l’exploitation sexuelle. Cette réalité, tout le monde la connaissait, et personne n’a rien fait.

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Respect Existence or Expect Resistance
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!, 27 Nov 2017

22 Nov 2017 – “It’s time to resist against state power, it’s time that we take responsibility for our own lives … that we create a world which gives us the power to act, instead of hoping that other people will solve problems.”

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Canção do Mar (Music Video of the Week)
Dulce Pontes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

The Song of the Sea – Beautiful Portuguese Music

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A Terrible Thought
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

25 Nov 2017 – Israel claims to be a “Jewish State”. Jews have been persecuted refugees for centuries. But now the government has decided not only to stem the flow, but to pay to dispose of the refugees who are already here: paying the government of Rwanda 5000 dollars for every refugee they accept from us. The refugees themselves will also get 3500 dollars each if they go voluntarily. If they refuse, they will be put in a real prison indefinitely. Deported? Imprisoned? In a “Jewish” state? Incredible. God save us!

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Friedrich Engels (28 Nov 1820 – 5 Aug 1895)
The European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

Friedrich Engels was a German author, political theorist and philosopher, most well known for his monumental work with Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.

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Bruce Lee (27 Nov 1940 – 20 Jul 1973)
Biography – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

Bruce Lee was a revered martial artist, actor and filmmaker known for movies like ‘Fists of Fury’ and ‘Enter the Dragon,’ and the technique Jeet Kune Do.

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Peddling Poisons, Selling Seeds of Suicide
Dr Vandana Shiva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

24 Nov 2017 – Over two decades Monsanto has violated laws, deceived Indian farmers by making unscientific and fraudulent claims, extracted super profits through illegal royalty collection by violating India’s Patent and Intellectual Property laws, pushed farmers into debt, and, as a consequence of the debt trap, to suicide. It is time to get unshackled from the Seeds of Suicide and pesticides and pesticide deaths. Through Seeds of freedom and Seeds of Hope we can go forward to GMO free Agroecology.

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(Português) Documentário expõe a barbárie da caça de animais selvagens na África
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

Os horrores cometidos por caçadores são expostos em um novo e chocante documentário. No documentário “Trophy”, Philip Glass – um fazendeiro que explora ovelhas no Texas (EUA) – caça animais selvagens, incluindo um leão, um hipopótamo e um elefante na África do Sul

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The Lost Journalistic Standards of Russia-gate
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 27 Nov 2017

20 Nov 2017 – A danger in both journalism and intelligence is to allow an unproven or seriously disputed fact to become part of the accepted narrative where it gets widely repeated and thus misleads policymakers and citizens alike, such as happened during the run-up to war with Iraq and is now recurring amid the frenzy over Russia-gate.

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Pawel Kuczynski – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

Elitist Civility…

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US Enemy List: Prospects and Perspectives
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

24 Nov 2017 – For almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow. This imperial quest to overthrow ‘enemy countries’ operated at various levels of intensity, depending on two considerations: the level of priority and the degree of vulnerability for a ‘regime change’ operation.

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How the Rich Stay Rich
Doug Henwood interviews Brooke Harrington – Jacobin Magazine, 27 Nov 2017

20 Nov 2017 – In early November, over thirteen million documents from the Bermuda-based law firm Appleby were released to the public. Known as the Paradise Papers, these documents detail a vast effort to shield the wealth of some of the world’s richest people from the tax authorities, as well as creditors and estranged family members. A peek inside the world of wealth managers, offshore tax havens, and the uber-wealthy.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

The following analogy characterizes the attitude of a typical Trump administration official in relation to the looming energy crisis.

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Venezuelan Company Lets 55 Tons of Flour Rot
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

21 Nov 2017 – The Productive Workers Union in Venezuela exposed that 55 tons, or 50,000 kilograms, of corn flour were left to rot by the company Demaseca as part of a boycott to damage the country’s economy.

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Between Sinew and Spirit: Are You a Body with a Mind or a Mind with a Body?
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

An Animated Journey to the Center of the Self – “The body provides something for the spirit to look after and use,” computing pioneer Alan Turing wrote as he anguished at the intersection of love and loss. And yet we are creatures of atoms, with spirit and sinew inextricably entwined.

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(Italiano) I big data non indicano niente – se non il disastro
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

Il nostro cibo e la nostra agricoltura hanno due futuri diversi. Il primo porta in un vicolo cieco. Un pianeta morto. Diffusione di veleni e di monoculture chimiche. Contadini che si suicidano a causa dei debiti per i semi e i prodotti chimici. Bambini che muoiono per mancanza di cibo. Persone che muoiono di malattie croniche che si diffondono a causa di merci senza contenuto nutritivo o addirittura tossiche vendute come cibo. E devastazioni climatiche che spazzano via le condizioni per la vita dell’uomo sulla Terra. Il secondo porta al ringiovanimento del pianeta…

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Myanmar: Rohingya Trapped in Dehumanizing Apartheid Regime
Amnesty International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

• Rohingya segregated and abused in “open-air prison”
• Two-year investigation reveals root causes of current Rakhine State crisis
• System of discrimination amounts to the crime against humanity of apartheid

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70 Years of Broken Promises: The Untold Story of Israel’s Partition Plan
Ramzy Baroud - teleSUR, 27 Nov 2017

Thousands of Palestinians were killed in the rebellion as they continued to reject the prejudicial partition.

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Getting to the Roots of the Problem
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

A man had frequent nightmares. Someone was hiding under his bed what made him wake up sweating and trembling every night.

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Google’s Eric Schmidt Admits Political Censorship of Search Results
Niles Niemuth | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

22 Nov 2017 – Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, confirmed this weekend that the world’s largest Internet company is, in close coordination with the state, manipulating search results to censor sites critical of the US government.

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(Français) Quatre choses à savoir sur la Chine – dans le cadre du XIXème congrès du Parti
Marc Vandepitte | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

15 Nov 2017- La communication médiatique occidentale sur le XIXème congrès du Parti communiste chinois a été affligeante. L’attention a presque exclusivement porté sur les “marionnettes du spectacle”, sur un seul homme et les spéculations à propos de l’hypothétique étendue de son pouvoir. Toutefois ce congrès ne portait pas sur la personne de Xi Jinping mais sur les changements et les défis fondamentaux du plus grand pays au monde. Mais nous n’avons pas appris grand chose à ce sujet, sinon quelques clichés éculés.

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(Italiano) Papa Francesco: il disarmo integrale non è un’utopia
M.Michela Nicolais | Servizio Informazione Religiosa – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

10 novembre 2017 – Non utopia, ma sano realismo. Così Papa Francesco, ricevendo in udienza i partecipanti al Simposio vaticano, ha definito l’ambizioso obiettivo del disarmo integrale. Le armi nucleari producono “catastrofiche conseguenze umanitarie”, il grido d’allarme contro la “logica della paura”.

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(Français) Les maisons closes du capitalisme
Emir Sader | ALAI – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Les mal nommés paradis fiscaux fonctionnent comme des bordels du capitalisme. On y fait des affaires sales, qui ne peuvent être reconnues publiquement, mais qui sont indispensables au fonctionnement du système. Comme les maisons closes dans la société traditionnelle.

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Waves of Genocidal Terror against Rohingyas by Myanmar and the Resultant Exodus Since 1978
Maung Zarni and Natalie Brinham | Middle East Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

14 Nov 2017 – This essay aims to highlight the scope and rhythmic nature of Burma’s persecution of Rohingyas and the devastating impact on the Rohingya population. First, it sets out to describe and help readers understand the evolving pretexts given by the successive Burmese governments and the methods of group destruction and resultant waves — five in total — of the outflow of Rohingyas in large number. Then it attempts to offer an interpretive framework within which this cycle of violence-exodus-lull is best understood.

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The Wall
Doug Rawlings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Vietnam War: what to take away? An admiration for the heroism of Americans and Vietnamese caught up in a grotesque, immoral, unjust war, just trying to survive? Disgust at the venality of the old men in the background pulling the strings? A deep, abiding cynicism as we look into the future of our country? What? I dunno. I wrote The Wall in 1986 after visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC for the first time.

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Failing the People of Syria during Seven Years of Devastation and Dispossession
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

13 Nov 2017 – What follows is a wide-ranging interview in November 2017 that that concentrates on the failure of the UN and the world to rescue the people of Syria by a timely and effective humanitarian intervention. The interview is to be published in the Turkish magazine Causcasus International.

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We Need Their Voices Today! (22) And Yours!
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

At a time of crisis, with the future at stake, please don’t be silent. We urgently need your voice today!

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Why Are Police in the USA So Terrified?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

15 Nov 2017 – For those who follow news in the United States, the routine killing of innocent civilians by the police has become a national crisis despite concerted attempts by political and legal authorities and the corporate media to obscure what is happening. So far this year, US police have killed 1,044 people. In contrast, from 1990 to 2016, police in England and Wales killed just 62 people. So why are the police so violent? you might ask.

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Texas Shooting Shows Once again That Animal Cruelty and Human Cruelty Are Strongly Linked
Martha Rosenberg - CounterPunch, 20 Nov 2017

15 Nov 2017 – What do Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Devin Kelley the Texas church killer and a host of other killers have in common? They tortured animals and delighted in the pain they inflicted. Why the Texas shooting shows that animal cruelty and human cruelty are linked.

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(Castellano) Los animales, portadores de derechos y deben ser respetados
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

12 nov 2017 – La aceptación o no de la dignidad de los animales depende del paradigma (visión del mundo y valores) que cada cual asume. Hay dos paradigmas que vienen de la más remota antigüedad y perduran hasta hoy.

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What if You Knew Alzheimer’s Was Coming for You?
Pagan Kennedy – The New York Times, 20 Nov 2017

17 Nov 2017 – Simple blood tests may soon be able to deliver alarming news about your cognitive health. 25 to 50 percent of us will show signs of Alzheimer’s by the age of 85. When it comes to dementia, we all should consider ourselves vulnerable. No matter what genes you carry, your odds of developing cognitive problems increase as you age.

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Over 15,000 Scientists Just Issued a ‘Second Notice’ to Humanity. Can We Listen Now?
Andrea Germanos – Common Dreams, 20 Nov 2017

13 Nov 2017 – Reassessing warning issued 25 years ago, the “second notice” to humanity warns of “widespread misery and catastrophic biodiversity loss” unless business-as-usual is upended.

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A Telling Comparison: Israel versus North Korea
Kim Petersen – Global Research, 20 Nov 2017

13 Nov 2017 – A comparison with how the UN deals with North Korea vis-à-vis another member state, Israel, is instructive.

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RIP Edward Herman, Who Co-Wrote a Book That’s Now More Important Than Ever
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, 20 Nov 2017

14 Nov 2017 – Edward Herman, the co-author (with Noam Chomsky) of Manufacturing Consent, has died. He was 92. His work has never been more relevant. Manufacturing Consent was a kind of bible of media criticism for a generation of dissident thinkers.

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PEACE: An Ultimate Planetary Need
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Humanity needs Peace!
Who feeds Peace?
Who is fed Peace? By whom?
How? Where? When? Why?

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Prisons and Policing: Beyond the Carceral Logic of Civil Commitment in the USA
Toshio Meronek and Erica R. Meiners | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

10 Nov 2017 – A key component of the current system is its reliance on imprisonment as a response to behaviors and populations which are understood as sources of actual or potential harm. How can a harm reduction lens help us understand why really protecting our communities means imagining alternatives beyond incarceration?

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(Italiano) Per TMS. La sentenza di Piazza della Loggia e il quinquennio 1969-1974 a Collettivamente memoria. Manlio Milani e Silvia Guarneri ad Aosta
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Domani, domenica 19 novembre (ieri per i lettori di TMS) e oggi, lunedì 20 novembre, sempre per i lettori di Transcend Media Service, il progetto culturale “Collettivamente memoria” – tecnicamente anche progetto-intervento – presenta due testimonianze su una vicenda storica che ha riguardato la collettività italiana: la strage di Piazza della Loggia a Brescia avvenuta il 28 maggio 1974.

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (24 Nov 1864 – 9 Sep 1901)
Toulouse-Lautrec Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

At the age of 13 Henri fractured his left thigh bone, and at 14, the right. His legs ceased to grow, so that as an adult he was only 1.54m. tall, having developed an adult-sized torso, while retaining his child-sized legs. He is also reported to have had hypertrophied genitals. Physically unable to participate in most of the activities typically enjoyed by men of his age, Toulouse-Lautrec immersed himself in his art. An alcoholic for most of his adult life, he was placed in a sanatorium shortly before his death.

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The Climate Emergency: Two Time Scales
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

20 Nov 2017 – I am working on a book with the title The Climate Emergency: Two Time Scales. A pdf file of a first draft of the book can be freely downloaded. I urge you to download this file and to send the link or file to friends who might be interested. Also, if you have a website, please publish it there. Here are some excerpts from the Introduction:

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Western Intelligence: Saad Hariri Resigned to Avoid His Father’s Fate and Salvage Lebanon
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

16 Nov 2017 – Last week’s resignation of Lebanon’s popular Prime Minister Saad Hariri has fueled a plethora of politically inspired conspiracy theories. Beirut and Washington DC sources have suggested to this observer that Hariri’s thinking and motivation for a quick departure from Lebanon was influenced by reports delivered to him personally from three Western security agencies that have for the past six months been monitoring the movements of certain security agents from Hezbollah.

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A History of Idiocy
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

18 Nov 2017 – The older I get, the more convinced I am that sheer stupidity plays a major role in the history of nations. Great Thinkers, compared to whom I am a mere intellectual dwarf, have pursued other factors to explain what has turned history into a mess.

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Democratic Rotation in Office: Political Transcendence and Transformation of Ethno-regional Identities within the 21st Century Nation State
David Tiomajou – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Prof. Tagou brings to the democratic debate bold, interesting and eye-opening proposals: Africa should proudly and positively mold its own model of democracy rooted in its socio-cultural and ethnic pluralistic context. He proposes a model based on Johan Galtung’s concepts of transcendence and transformation of conflicts: Rotative Democracy as mechanism for the election of the President of the Republic.

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Oh Life, Unknown Deity
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Oh life, unknown deity,
You modify your forms but cannot die,
Wandering along the maze of eternity,

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Blood Sport: Animal Welfare in Ireland
Pauline Murphy - CounterPunch, 20 Nov 2017

16 Nov 2017 – From January 2018 the use of wild animals in circuses will be forbidden by Irish law. New regulations have been introduced in the Irish Animal Welfare Act to come in line with modern day animal welfare standards. It will see the end of the likes of tethered elephants and caged tigers in circuses across Ireland.

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Alzheimer’s: Time to Take a Closer Look
Meredith Rogers | Geriatric Nurse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

An infographic about this disease that is affecting more and more people around the world every year. Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. It attacks the area of the brain that has to do with thoughts and language. Alzheimer’s causes problems in an otherwise healthy individual, issue severe enough to interfere with a person’s work and social life.

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America’s Renegade Warfare
Nicolas J S Davies – Consortium News, 20 Nov 2017

Claiming the right to launch preemptive wars and fighting an ill-defined “global war on terror,” the U.S. government has slaughtered vast numbers of civilians in defiance of international law.

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Nuclear Disarmament Now a ‘Moral Imperative’ as Pope Francis Rejects Deterrence
Gerard O’Connell | America Jesuit Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

In a landmark statement on nuclear arms on 10 Nov 2017, Pope Francis has categorically condemned not only “the threat of their use” but also “their very possession.” Nuclear weapons, he told participants at a Vatican symposium on “integral disarmament,” exist “in the service of a mentality of fear that affects not only the parties in conflict but the entire human race.”

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With UN Support, More Countries Confronting Threat of Drug-Resistant ‘Superbugs’
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

17 Nov 2017 – Antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals or antiparasitics are widely used in livestock, poultry and aquaculture to treat or prevent diseases. However, their over-use and misuse, such as for “promoting growth” is leading to the emergence of microbes resistant to these drugs, making the diseases they cause impossible to treat. Humans exposed to these antimicrobial resistant pathogens are also affected in the same way.

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Paradise Papers Yet another Example of the Power of Collaboration in Investigative Journalism
Richard Sambrook – The Conversation, 20 Nov 2017

14 Nov 2017 – Established media organisations are collaborating across borders and with new media to break big stories such as global tax avoidance by the rich and powerful.

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La Cavalerie Legere (Music Video of the Week)
Andre Rieu & Jso – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Rieu at His Best! Enjoy.

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Wealth Inequality ‘Crisis’ as Richest 1 Percent Account for Half the World’s Wealth
Spencer Woodman – International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, 20 Nov 2017

14 Nov 2017 – The world’s top 1 percent held 45.5 percent of all household wealth in 2000. Now, they hold 50.1 percent, according to Credit Suisse’s annual Global Wealth Report. The report highlights that Ultra High Net Worth Individuals – people who are worth more than $50 million – as being the driving force behind the gap. This group of wealth holders has grown five-fold since 2000.

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Sea Shepherd and Japanese Whaling: A Message from Captain Paul Watson
Captain Paul Watson | Sea Shepherd Global – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

The Japanese whaling fleet has left from Japan bound for the waters of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Sea Shepherd Founder, Captain Paul Watson, explains why we will not be sending our ships to Antarctica this season. “To continue would be foolish. We would spend a few million dollars and many months only to have another failure to engage, and if we did by some miracle encounter the fleet, we would be subject to lethal force without support from our own cowardly governments.”

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(Português) “Estar vivo é ser uma alma viva. Um animal – e somos todos animais – é uma alma inserida num corpo”
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

17 nov 2017 – Estar vivo é ser uma alma viva. Um animal – e somos todos animais – é uma alma inserida num corpo. Foi precisamente isso que Descartes enxergou e, por razões pessoais, escolheu negar. O animal vive, disse Descartes, da mesma forma que a máquina vive.

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Mass Shooters Are Disproportionately US Veterans
David Swanson – MintPress News, 20 Nov 2017

US Military Veterans Are More than Twice as Likely to Be Mass Shooters – It’s important to answer because it’s important for us to know whether military training is contributing to this epidemic,

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An Escalating Afghan Crisis of ‘Profit’ over ‘Life’
Hakim Young, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

13 Nov 2017 – If our ‘thinking as usual’ and ‘business as usual’ continue, we will leave no historical traces at Mes Aynak or Kabul except for mining and digging machines, in a parched desert of war ruins.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Nov 20-26, 2017 ~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

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Pawel Kuczynski – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Clean Coal?

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Did Hitler Win the War?
Harald Ofstad | Dagens Nyheter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

The simplest explanation of the situation of the world is that Hitler won the war and is directing the events from his control room. If we accept this idea, it will be intelligible that the development is consistent with his ideology and more and more seems to be characterized by his evil genius. But if we assume that Nazism was crushed 1945, how then should we explain the correspondence?

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Your Silence on Manus and Nauru Is Your Complicity
Lauren Bull – New Matilda, 20 Nov 2017

What Australia has done to people seeking asylum is the responsibility of all Australians.

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Flu Shots, Fosamax and Pharmaceutical Fakery
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

The Common Use of Deceptive Statistics in the Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Literature

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EU Member States Take Major Step toward a European Army
Peter Schwarz | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

14 Nov 2017 – The European Union has advanced its capacity to wage war in the future independently of and, if necessary, against the USA. Along with Britain, which will leave the EU in 2019, only four smaller countries—Denmark, Ireland, Malta and Portugal—did not sign on to the deal.

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The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story
Vacy Vlazna | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

13 Nov 2017 – Dr. Ramzy Baroud’s new book, The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story is described simplistically as ‘non-fictional narrative of modern Palestinian history.’ It is much, much more; for us readers, it is an intimate encounter, chapter by chapter, wherein we are entertaining new friends; having the privilege of listening to, savoring and indeed cherishing the rarely heard Palestinian stories saturated with the fears, joys, suffering, triumphs of the human spirit.

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Time to Challenge the War System
Prof. Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Are these observations leading to a putative grand conspiracy involving individuals in different domains–industry, military, politics and media–scheming in secret to propel us into war in order to make money? This is where we reach for the concepts furnished by social science to locate political agency not in the words and deeds of identifiable actors but instead as a generative force that is stored in, and activated from, systems and structures.

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UN Envoy Urges Greater Support for Rohingya Victims of Sexual Violence
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

16 Nov 2017 – “My observations point to a pattern of widespread atrocities, including rape, gang-rape by multiple soldiers, forced public nudity and humiliation, and sexual slavery in military captivity directed against Rohingya women and girls,” UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict Pramila Patten said today.

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Death by a Thousand Cuts: When the Cures of Big Pharma Are Worse than the Diseases
Paul Haeder | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

The more chemicals, drugs, vaccines, additives, toxins they make, the more difficult it is to escape from big business’ straitjacket.

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Migrants Sold into Slavery in Libya for as Little as US$400
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Libya, which formerly had the highest standard of living on the African continent, is now in ruins and housing a major slave market—thanks to US invasion, destruction of its social fabric and institutions under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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The Biggest Threat to World Peace Is NATO
Eric Zuesse | Washington’s Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

15 Nov 2017 – On November 8th, Britain’s Daily Mail bannered “NATO tells Europe to prepare for ‘rapid deployment’:” and sub-headed “Defence chiefs say roads, bridges and rail links must be improved in case tanks and heavy vehicles need to be quickly mobilised” (to invade Russia, but the newspaper’s slant was instead that this must be done purely defensively).

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Challenges Facing Academia — Restoring Understanding and Harmony
Dr. Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

20 Nov 2017 – After schooling, students have to decide what stream or subjects they should pursue in higher education. There are broadly four streams of studies for College students in many countries including India:

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Oldest Profession
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

A surgeon, an engineer and an economist were arguing which was the oldest profession.

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‘Millions of Victims’: US Aiding Massive Genocide in Yemen at Behest of Saudi Arabia
Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

13 Nov 2017 – The Saudi Arabian alliance, of which the US is a member, has cut off the flow of humanitarian aid into Yemen and the results are catastrophic. We’re looking at a population that is larger than Australia’s. Apparently, the cost of maintaining ‘freedom’ in America now involves aiding a terrorist nation in the starvation of an entire country.

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Manus Island: Those for Whom We Cannot Grieve
Elise Addlem – New Matilda, 20 Nov 2017

14 Nov 2017 – The 600 men trapped between the Manus Island detention centre and the unknown that comes next are people defined negatively as individuals. As a nation, overcoming our fear of ‘the other’ and exposing our own vulnerabilities is the key to ending the crisis on Australia’s Manus Island.

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Good to Know (Perhaps) That Food Is Being ‘Nuclearised’
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 20 Nov 2017

16 Nov 2017 – It might sound strange, very strange, but the news is that scientists and experts have been assuring, over and again, that using nuclear applications in agriculture –and thus in food production—are giving a major boost to food security. So how does this work?

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(Português) Câmeras escondidas revelam a crueldade de fazendas (quintas) premiadas de porcos
Claudia Braghetto - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 20 Nov 2017

17 nov 2017 – Uma investigação conduzida pela organização Animal Equality e feita nas fazendas/quintas do grupo Red Tractor na Grã-Bretanha revelou cenas chocantes de crueldade e sofrimento. Todos os animais haviam tido seus rabos amputados, uma mutilação dolorosa e feita sem anestesia.

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Lion ‘Trophy’ Importation Ban Was Quietly Lifted by Trump Administration in October
David Leestma | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

17 Nov 2017 – Last month the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began issuing hunting permits for the import of lion trophies. Although the USFSW announced Wednesday [15 Nov] it was lifting a ban on the import of elephant trophies, the new guidelines for importing sport-hunted lions have been quietly in effect since Oct. 20.

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Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels” in the Use of Chemical Weapons
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 20 Nov 2017

18 Nov 2017 – The Western Media Refute Their Own Lies: Not only do they confirm that the Pentagon has been training the terrorists in the use of chemical weapons, they also acknowledge the existence of a not so secret “US-backed plan to launch a chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime”

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Afghanistan Opium Production Jumps 87 Per Cent to Record Level – UN Survey
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

15 Nov 2017 – A profoundly alarming trend in the cultivation and production of opium in Afghanistan reveals an 87 per cent production increase compared to 2016, the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime said today.

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Why Do Civilians Become Combatants In Wars against the U.S.A.?
Nicolas J S Davies | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

The Center for Civilians in Conflict published the results of interviews with 250 people who joined armed groups in Bosnia, Somalia, Gaza and Libya. One of its main findings was that, “The most common motivation for involvement, described by interviewees in all four case studies, was the protection of self or family.”

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Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution: Approaches to Understand the Current Issues and Future-Making
Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

The author initiates a courageous reasoned analysis of the current global affairs to unfold how few strategic and imaginative minds are enforcing new devices, weaponry and technological sophistication focusing on dehumanized fantasies of peace and human security to control the interests and priorities of One Humanity and endangering the futuristic stability.

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The Dull Ax
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

A lumber jack worked long hours every day to exhaustion, wasting a lot of time and energy cutting trees with a dull ax.

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From Bangladesh: Bearing Witness to My Country’s Genocide & Meeting the Survivors
Dr. Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

My family and I spent a week in Bangladesh visiting Rohingya survivors of Myanmar genocide.

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Now Is Not the Time: The Social Psychological Factor Permitting Climate Change and Nuclear War
Marc Pilisuk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

After hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, those who raised the issue of the contribution of global warming were admonished. It was not the right time to talk about global warming, nor was it the right time after the tragedies of flooding in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. Or the horrid fires of Northern California… Now is the time to insist to our Congress that the modernization of nuclear weapons be dropped from the national budget. This will buy us some time to resolve other problems and to heal a planet and human community under deep stress.

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Reviving the Spirit of Existential Rebellion in a World of Propaganda, Lies, and Self Deception
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

9 Nov 2017 – In these very dark times – these end- times created by nuclear weapons – seeing the truth is dependent on the will to truth, and the will to truth only arises when people believe they are free to alter the circumstances in which they find themselves. This belief in freedom is at the core of all existential thought and is why we need to resurrect it today.

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American Cycle
José M. Tirado – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

Altruists at heart,
We forgive everything,
Including the latest remix of terror,

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The Girl in the Picture
Doug Rawlings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

We have seen this picture multiple times over the years, but it was just this past fall that I found out that the little girl, Kim, was nine years old when she was scarred for life. My granddaughter was nine this past fall. I wrote this poem below out of deep remorse and with a glimmer of hope — perhaps, just perhaps, there can be some forgiveness bestowed upon us if we accept our responsibility for the suffering we have caused, and if we live our lives struggling to put an end to war.

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Big Data Doesn’t Add Up – Except to Disaster
Prof. Vandana Shiva – Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine, 13 Nov 2017

There are two distinct futures for our food and farming. One leads to a dead planet. Poisons and chemical monocultures spreading. Children dying for lack of food. People dying from chronic diseases spreading due to nutritionally empty, toxic commodities sold as food. The second future leads to the rejuvenation of the planet through rejuvenation of biodiversity, soils and water, rejuvenation of small farms, and diverse, healthy, fresh, ecological food for all.

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(Italiano) Divide et impera, a chi giova? – Gli USA e l’ex Jugoslavia
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

L’uomo è un animale sociale e la sua sopravvivenza dipende dalla cooperazione con i suoi simili e dal mutuo sostegno. Solo in un’atmosfera in cui si percepiscono scarsità, minacce e conflitti irrisolti le persone si dividono e demonizzano “l’altro”. Se continuiamo ad attingere a quest’umanità profonda e a respingere costantemente gli incentivi alla divisione, noi esseri umani possiamo sicuramente unire le forze per assicurare una vita decente a tutti.

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Whence the Wheels of Our Desire
Emanuel E Garcia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

Tufted, shades of a healing bruise,
Now they, desultory, scatter,
Distance an imagined cleft from where we lie,

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‘Amazing News’: Rights Groups Celebrate after Italy Bans Use of Circus Animals
Jessica Corbett – Common Dreams, 13 Nov 2017

Advocates for animal welfare praised the Italian parliament while calling on other nations, including the United States, to follow suit.

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We Need Their Voices Today! (21) Helen Keller
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

Helen Keller, who although deaf and blind, could see injustice clearly, who could hear the voices of victims of war, and who spoke eloquently for social reform, we need your voice today!

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Selected Articles: 100 Years Ago – The Russian Revolution
Global Research News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

November 7th, 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. We bring to the attention of our readers a selection of articles, including Eisenstein’s 1928 film, 10 Days that Shook the World.

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Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

I want to understand my ego,
My conceit, egotism, my individuality,
How are we in touch with rude reality,

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UN Security Council Calls on Myanmar to End Excessive Military Force in Rakhine State
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

6 Nov 2017 – In a statement, the 15-member body also called on the Government “to restore civilian administration and apply the rule of law, and to take immediate steps in accordance with [the Government’s] obligations and commitments to respect human rights, including the rights of women, children, and persons belonging to vulnerable groups, without discrimination and regardless of ethnicity, religion, or citizenship status.”

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Statues for Display of Power, Peace and Harmony
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

Why does the world believe in construction of statues and other memorials to honor their heroes or icons — political or social? Obviously this is done not only to honor heroes of yesteryear but also to inspire ordinary mortals to follow their path of peace, harmony and human values.

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Two Irreconcilable Views on Catalonia
Opinions of Carles Puigdemont and Guy Verhofstadt – Other News, 13 Nov 2017

This Is Not Just about Catalonia. This Is about Democracy Itself – By Carles Puigdemont, The Guardian
Catalonia’s Referendum Lacked Democratic Legitimacy – By Guy Verhofstadt, Irish Examiner

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Trailblazing Astronomer Maria Mitchell on Science, Spirituality, and the Conquest of Truth
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

“The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both,” Carl Sagan wrote shortly before his death. An entire century earlier, another patron saint of cosmic insight contemplated this enduring question with equal parts wisdom and warm wit. “Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God.”

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