Articles by RD

We found 3491 results.

Army Veterans Return to Standing Rock to Form a Human Shield against Police
Sam Levin – The Guardian, 13 Feb 2017

A growing group of military veterans are willing to put their bodies between Native American activists and the police trying to remove them.

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Yemen Wants US to Reassess Counter-Terrorism Strategy after Botched Raid
Julian Borger and Ben Jacobs – The Guardian, 13 Feb 2017

The Yemeni government said on Wednesday [8 Feb] it wants a rethink of US counter-terrorist operations on its territory after a botched commando raid on 29 January that left 25 civilians dead. Sidelining of Trump’s national security council worries experts, who liken decision-making process that led to civilian deaths to ‘shooting from the hip’.

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Ecuador Presidential Hopeful Promises to Evict Julian Assange from Embassy
Jonathan Watts – The Guardian, 13 Feb 2017

• Presidential candidate Guillermo Lasso says costly asylum no longer justified
• WikiLeaks founder has been living at London embassy for four and a half years

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(Português) Trump viola a primeira virtude da sociedade mundial
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2017

Para o filósofo Imanuel Kant, a hospitalidade (usa a expressão latina “die Hospitalität) é a primeira virtude desta república mundial, porque, “todos os humanos estão sobre a Terra e todos, sem exceção, têm o direito de estar nela e visitar seus lugares e povos; a Terra pertence comunitariamente a todos”. A hospitalidade é um direito e um dever de todos.

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(Português) Ovos livres de gaiolas são uma falácia, não existem ovos éticos
Chas Newkey-Burden -- Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais-ANDA, 13 Feb 2017

Enquanto se matam 22 milhões de animais diariamente apenas no Reino Unido, há pessoas que usam palavras inventivas para esconder a verdade do consumidor. Entre todas as enganações, o ovo “livres de gaiolas” é talvez a mais audaciosa. Você precisa ter uma imaginação no nível da Disney para acreditar que o RU pode produzir mais de 10 bilhões de ovos por ano sem explorar galinhas.

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World Love for Dolphins Day 2017
Sea Shepherd – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2017

Join Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Supporters Worldwide for World Love for Dolphins Day on February 14, 2017

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Is America’s Most Common Pesticide Responsible for Killing Our Bees?
Alison Moodie – The Guardian, 13 Feb 2017

A growing body of evidence suggests neonics threaten the health of honey bees. But some argue there’s not enough evidence to justify an outright ban.

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Ruling by Chaos
Jill Richardson | OtherWords – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2017

Trump’s made so many orders — on the environment and everything else — that it’s hard to keep track, much less resist. That’s the point.

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Symbolic Seduction: Women’s Rights, Partisan Politics, Ethnocentrism and “American Narcissism”
Edward Curtin | Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2017

3 Feb 2017 – In 1929, Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, U.S./CIA war and coup propagandist, and the founder of public relations, conducted a successful mind-manipulation experiment for the tobacco industry. In those days there was a taboo against women smoking in public, and Bernays was hired to change that.

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The Efficient Absorption of Nutrients: What Is Bioavailability?
Dr. Edward Group | Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2017

Bioavailability is the proportion of a nutrient the human body is able to absorb and use. You might think that when you eat an apple every iota of vitamin A, every antioxidant, and every mineral it contains is used by your body with total efficiency, but that’s not exactly the case.

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The Global War on Cash
Jeff Desjardins | The Money Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2017

18 Jan 2017 – There is a global push by lawmakers to eliminate the use of physical cash around the world. This movement is often referred to as “The War on Cash”, and there are three major players involved.

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Trump’s Pre-Fascism and Progressive Populist Opportunities
Richard Falk | Social Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2017

The Dismal Cartography of the Pre-Fascist State – Listening to Donald Trump’s inaugural speech on January 20th led me to muse about what it might mean to live in a pre-fascist state.

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A Valiant Verbal Warrior Demythologizes the CIA
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2017

Like Odysseus, Douglas Valentine is a wily warrior who managed to enter the enemy’s stronghold disguised as a gift. Not Troy, and not within a wooden horse, but in the guise of a nice young “Nobody,” he was able, thirty or so years ago, to breach the walls of the CIA through William Colby, a former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

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Iowa Oil Spill Underscores Pipeline Risks Day after Trump Revives Major Projects
Julia Carrie Wong – The Guardian, 30 Jan 2017

Rupture of 138,600 gallons is ‘not a major disaster’ but environmental advocates say it highlights their fears about the Keystone XL and Dakota Access projects.

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NAPF: To Rid the World of Nuclear Weapons
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2017

The statement below was drafted and endorsed by participants in a symposium held in Santa Barbara, CA in October 2016 under the auspices of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.

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(Português) O colossal saque dos europeus aos bens da América indígena: A base do capitalismo
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2017

17 Jan 2017 – A 26 de julho de 2013 Evo Morales Ayma, presidente do estado plurinacional da Bolívia pronunciou um discurso estarrecedor diante dos poderosos europeus, chefes de Estado e dignatários da Comunidade Européia e outros sobre a dívida que eles, os europeus, contrairam sem nunca terem pago um centavo sequer com a América indígena mediante um espantoso saque de sua riqueza:185 mil quilos de ouro e 16 milhões de quilos de prata entre os anos 1503-1600.

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Aid in Reverse: How Poor Countries Develop Rich Countries
Jason Hickel – The Guardian, 23 Jan 2017

New research shows that developing countries send trillions of dollars more to the west than the other way around. Why?

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2017: Palestine’s Three Dark Commemorations
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2017

Israeli expansionism, United States unconditional support, and UN impotence. These factors are combining to create dismal prospects for Palestinian self-determination and for a negotiated peace that is sensitive to the rights and grievances of both Palestinians and Jews.

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Open Letter to President-elect Donald Trump on Nuclear Weapons
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jan 2017

8 Jan 2017 – The text below is an Open Letter to the next American president urging complete nuclear disarmament as an urgent priority. The letter was prepared under the auspices of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, and its current list of signatories is listed below.

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Mário Soares (7 Dec 1924 – 7 Jan 2017)
John Hooper – The Guardian, 9 Jan 2017

Towering figure in Portuguese politics who was regarded as the father of his country’s modern democracy.

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Anti-Surveillance Clothing Aims to Hide Wearers from Facial Recognition
Alex Hern – The Guardian, 9 Jan 2017

Hyperface project involves printing patterns on to clothing or textiles that computers interpret as a face, in fightback against intrusive technology.

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Gut Health 101: What Is the Microbiome?
Dr. Edward Group | Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

The human body is a complex, interconnected ecosystem and the gut is at the center of it all. The gut is where the body converts food to energy and a major, frontline component of the immune system. It is connected to the central nervous system, brain, and can influence mood. You can’t talk about the gut or its importance without talking about the organisms that live there.

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A Poetic Illumination at the Start of a New Year
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

I came across a few lines of the Zen poetry of the late eighteen century Zen poet, Ryōkan. A verse from The Long Winter Night: Three Poems.

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FBI Report on Russia Hacking US Election: What You Need to Know
Mark Maunder | WordFence/WordPress – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

On Friday [30 Dec] we published an analysis of the FBI and DHS Grizzly Steppe report. The report was widely seen as proof that Russian intelligence operatives hacked the US 2016 election. We showed that the PHP malware in the report is old, freely available from a Ukrainian hacker group and is an administrative tool for hackers.

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Condemning Israeli Settlement Expansion: UN Security Council Resolution 2334 and Secretary Kerry’s Speech
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

To bring together China, Russia, France, and the UK on an initiative tabled by Senegal, Malaysia, and Venezuela, is sending Israel and Washington a clear message that despite the adverse developments of recent years in the Middle East the world will not forget the Palestinians, or their struggle.

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In the Blood
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

Born in a normal time,
The periodic slaughter of millions
By the civilized nations of the earth
I grew to adulthood half-crazed
With fear and numbed wonder.

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The Cruel Experiments of Israel’s Arms Industry
Matt Kennard |The Electronic Intifada – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2017

The occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip are Israeli weapons manufacturers’ laboratories, and Palestinians their subjects.

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The Future of the United States of America
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2017

31 Dec 2016 – What I most want to say is that social chaos and ecological disaster cannot be avoided without transforming basic cultural and social structures. Otherwise no economic policy will work. For structural reasons, all economic policies lead to unacceptable results.

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An Open Letter to Myself on New Year’s Day 2017
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2017

‘Clarity,’ not ‘hope,’ is the opposite of ‘despair.’ To be awake to unpleasant, even dire, realities and resist the temptations of denial demands increasing resolve in the face of the mounting evidence that the human species is facing a biopolitical moment threatening civilizational collapse and species decline and fall as never before.

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Open Letter to the Japanese Prime Minister on Eve of Visit to Pearl Harbor
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2017

25 Dec 2016 – The press release and open letter to the Japanese Prime Minister concern the complex issues surrounding the ethos and politics of apology. I would have liked the statement to include an acknowledgement of accountability by the U.S. Government.

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Mexico: Neither Pax Mafiosa, Nor Rule of Law
Edgardo Buscaglia – Al Jazeera, 26 Dec 2016

The post-authoritarian political system in Mexico has become a violent symbiosis of organised crime and politics.

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This Swedish Billionaire Has Issued a $5 Million Award for Anyone Who Invents a UN 2.0
Tom Turula – Business Insider Nordic, 26 Dec 2016

Laszlo Szombatfalvy, one of Sweden’s most successful investors of all time, is urging on the younger generation to rethink global governance. Now he has issued a large award for the best idea to replace the current global governance system, through a competition called ‘A New Shape’.

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US Criminal Hypocrisy at Work in Syria and Yemen
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 26 Dec 2016

On December 13, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power offered up yet another stark exercise in imperial deceit, shedding crocodile tears for those suffering in the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo, while continuing her strategically amoral silence about much greater suffering in the country of Yemen. The basis for this unconscionable choice is simple. Russia, Syria, and Iran are attacking Aleppo.

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Remembering Zsa Zsa Gabor
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Dec 2016

20 Dec 2016 – As an early teenager I came to know Zsa-Zsa Gabor and her family rather well. Indeed, her sister, Eva, lived in our New York apartment for several months. Zsa Zsa became my father’s client, and later close friend, during her high profile divorce from the pre-Trump hotel magnate, Conrad Hilton.

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(Castellano) Economía Solidaria: Clave de la Justicia, la Paz, y la Sustentabilidad
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Dec 2016

Voy a adelantar tres tesis. Por supuesto la veracidad o falsedad de ellas no se puede evaluar sin conocer los significados de las palabras que las componen. Me voy a dedicar principalmente a explicar de qué se trata, vale decir a explicar el significado de los conceptos que componen las tesis. Después, voy a pedir a los lectores evaluar según sus luces si las tesis sean ciertas o sean falsas.

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The Confused Russian Hacking Debate, Trump Victory, and U.S. Global State
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century, 26 Dec 2016

I have long opposed American interferences in the political life of foreign countries, believe in accepting the outcome of the dynamics of self-determination, and have long thought the United States and the rest of the world would be better off if the government accepted the discipline of international law as setting limits on foreign policy options.

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A Socialist Economy for the 21st Century
Richard Rosen | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Dec 2016

16 Dec 2016 – Richard A. Rosen explores the changes necessary for a modern definition of “socialism” and describes key concepts and issues that arise when aiming to restructure the American economy to include social and environmental sustainability in the Twenty-First Century.

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On the Death of Fidel Castro
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Dec 2016

I have been bemused by the captious tone and condescending assessments of mainstream media in the West reacting to Fidel Castro’s death. The lead editorial in The Economist went on even to mock the reverence ordinary Cubans felt for Castro: “Cubans say Mr. Castro was ‘like a father” to them. They are right: he infantilized a nation. Anyone with initiative found ways to leave for exile abroad.”

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Rethinking the Arab Spring: Uprisings, Counterrevolution, Chaos, and Global Reverberations
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Dec 2016

At this point, following the election of Donald Trump as the next American president, there are likely to be significant geopolitical adjustments with related regional impacts. It is possible that cooperation between Russia and the United States will be forthcoming for the purpose of ending civil strife in Syria and Yemen, defeating religious extremism in the region, and maintaining the Iran nuclear agreement.

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US Power Will Decline under Trump Says Johan Galtung, Futurist Who Predicted Soviet Collapse
Nafeez Ahmed | Vice Motherboard – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2016

The Norwegian professor at the University of Hawaii and Transcend Peace University is recognized as the ‘founding father’ of peace and conflict studies as a scientific discipline. He has made numerous accurate predictions of major world events, most notably the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

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Honoring Henry Kissinger at Oslo
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2016

What is equally distressing is the Orwellian insensitivity of the Nobel authorities to the inappropriateness of treating Kissinger as though he is a highly trusted source of guidance and wisdom with respect to world peace. Kissinger has applauded the worst excesses of dictators, especially in Latin America, and backed the most immoral geopolitical policies throughout his long career.

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Little Known Facets of Fidel Castro
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2016

The first is the negation of TINA (There is No Alternative ). The prevailing capitalist system maintains that “there is no alternative to capitalism.” A second point worth noting was Fidel Castro’s interest in the Theology of Liberation. Another was his invitation, during the time of “polite silence” that was imposed on me in 1984 by the former Holy Office (the Inquisition). Fidel invited me to spend 15 days with him on the Island to explore questions of religion.

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The Victory at Standing Rock Could Mark a Turning Point
Bill McKibben – The Guardian, 12 Dec 2016

4 Dec 2016 – The news that the US federal government has refused to issue the permit needed for an energy company to run a pipeline under the Missouri river means many things – including that indigenous activists have won a smashing victory, one that shows what nonviolent unity can accomplish. There are lessons here as we enter a challenging new age.

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Five Years after the Arab Spring: A Critical Evaluation
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2016

A new political geography has emerged in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) after the Arab Spring. The transformative impact of the popular upheavals appeared to put an end to long-term authoritarian regimes. Today, the region is far from stable since authoritarian resilience violently pushed back popular demands for good governance and is pushing to restore former state structures.

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Turkish Realignment: Prospects amid Uncertainty
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2016

3 Dec 2016 – In recent months the Turkish President, Recep Teyipp Erdoğan, and his principal advisors have not made it a secret that they are reconsidering Turkey’s relations with neighbors, with the countries of the region, and with leading geopolitical actors.

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Keynes’ Limitations and Trump’s Disasters
Prof. Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2016

My recommended way forward will be to deepen Keynes’ macroeconomic analysis to make it an historical analysis of social structure leading to a communitarian reformulation of social and economic democracy. This theoretical move supports a flexible approach to practice called “unbounded organization.”

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Harmony with Nature: Toward an Earth Jurisprudence
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2016

30 Nov 2016 – This post consists of my responses to four questions asked of 189 ‘experts’ around the world by a project of the UN Harmony with Nature Network. My own approach is based on the biopolitical imperative in this historical period of developing an ecological consciousness for the sake of human wellbeing, and possibly species survival.

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[Nobel Peace Laureate] Aung San Suu Kyi Accuses International Community of Stoking Unrest in Myanmar
Reuters – The Guardian, 5 Dec 2016

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi accused the international community on Friday [2 Dec] of stoking resentment between Buddhists and Muslims in the country’s northwest, where an army crackdown has killed at least 86 people and sent 10,000 fleeing to Bangladesh. Leader says outsiders are ‘concentrating on the negative side’ of what the UN and Malaysia claim is ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya Muslim minority.

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How Israel Privatized Its Occupation of Palestine
Antony Loewenstein and Matt Kennard – The Nation, 5 Dec 2016

It has enriched the security industry and allowed the country to evade accountability for human-rights violations.

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(Castellano) Una Propuesta Muy Importante de José Luis Corragio
Prof. Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2016

Aunque parezca una exageración, creo que señala una pista a seguir para salvar a la humanidad del caos social y para salvar la biosfera de la extinción. Es muy importante.

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Escaping ‘Fortress Earth’
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2016

Reading Journey to Earthland is an extraordinary experience. Paul Raskin is not only a master navigator of the complexities of our world but someone who conveys a vision of the future that manages to surmount the unprecedented challenges facing humanity at several levels of social, cultural, and ecological being.

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Fidel Castro: Revolutionary Icon Finally Defeated by Infirmity of Old Age
Richard Gott – The Guardian, 28 Nov 2016

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, revolutionary leader, born 13 Aug 1926; died 25 Nov 2016. Charismatic leader of the revolution and president of Cuba who bestrode the world stage for half a century.

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Goodbye, American Neoliberalism. A New Era Is Here
Prof. Cornel West – The Guardian, 21 Nov 2016

Trump’s election was enabled by the policies that overlooked the plight of our most vulnerable citizens. We gird ourselves for a frightening future.

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Why Fighting Donald Trump on Climate Change Is a Waste of Time
Captain Paul Watson | Sea Shepherd – The Huffington Post, 21 Nov 2016

Donald Trump’s denial of Climate Change is irrelevant. It is a scientific reality and its denial as a problem does not make the threat go away. The reality cannot be changed by the personal beliefs of the president of the United States. This is akin to King Canute demanding that the tide cease to rise. When he failed to force the ocean to his will, he proclaimed, “let all men know how empty and worthless the power of kings is.” Presidents, like kings, have no authority over Nature.

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Moralizing Military Intervention
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2016

Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union there has been an upsurge of international undertakings that have claimed humanitarian justifications for military interventions in foreign societies. A second kind of justification for such interventions all of which are launched by Western countries (especially the United States) was associated with the global “war on terror.”

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We’ve Seen Donald Trump before – His Name Was Silvio Berlusconi
John Foot – The Guardian, 14 Nov 2016

Be warned: Italy’s former prime minster promised the world and disdained the truth – and became his country’s third longest-serving leader. The lesson for America is that for far too long Berlusconi was treated as a joke and a clown. By the end, nobody was laughing.

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Climate Change Is Intergenerational Theft. That’s Why My Son Is Part of This Story
Naomi Klein – The Guardian, 14 Nov 2016

We still have both the time and power to force our politicians to change course. It’s too late for most of the world’s coral reefs but it’s not too late for all of them. And it’s not too late to keep temperatures below levels that would save millions of lives and livelihoods. For that kind of rapid change to happen, however, we are all going to have to stop being so impeccably calm and reasonable. We’re going to have to find that part of ourselves that feels this threat in our hearts, as well as our heads.

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Everybody Knows (Music Video of the Week)
Leonard Cohen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2016

Leonard Cohen, a Canadian poet and novelist, abandoned a promising literary career to become one of the foremost songwriters of the contemporary era. He passed away on 10 Nov 2016.

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Now What Should We Do?
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2016

An Agenda for Berniecrats after the United States Election

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Anticipating the Trump Presidency
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2016

It is wildly premature to think that this election signals that the American people have descended into the swamps of racism and nativism, but it will still take a vigilant opposition movement to prevent Trump’s government from imposing its horrendous agenda on our collective future.

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Six Theses on Saving the Planet
Richard Smith | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2016

From the earliest days of the Industrial Revolution, workers, trade unionists, radicals, and socialists have fought against the worst depredations of capitalist development: intensifying exploitation, increasing social polarization, persistent racism and sexism, deteriorating workplace health and safety conditions, environmental ravages, and relentless efforts to suppress democratic political gains under the iron heel of capital.

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Obama Is Pathetic on Human Rights in North Dakota
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 7 Nov 2016

For someone supposedly monitoring this closely, the President might be expected to know that people have already been hurt and most if not all of those hurt were nonviolent, peaceful protestors set upon by dogs and assaulted by rubber bullets, sound cannons, and chemical weapons. What fundamental, callous irrationality prompts this president to bring in Black Lives Matter? That is strange beyond comprehension.

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UNESCO Censures Israel’s Administration of Jerusalem
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2016

In response to UNESCO resolutions adopted in October that were highly critical of Israel’s protection of sacred and cultural Islamic heritage sites in Jerusalem, there is again a fiery confrontation between Israel and this UN organ whose actions have so often touched the raw nerves of Western political sensibilities.

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(Português) A relação de uma galinha com seus ovos
Alisa Rutherford-Fortunati - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 7 Nov 2016

Galinhas, como todos os animais, têm uma linguagem única para a sua espécie. Cada sequência de sons que emitem tem um significado social, emocional ou pessoal. E se você passar tempo suficiente em torno dessas amigas emplumadas, você começará, como eu, a ouvir as histórias que estão contando.

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USA: What Are We to Think?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

29 Oct 2016 – A cascade of developments should make us afraid of what seems to be emerging politically in the United States at this time. Although politicians keep telling us how great we were or will be or are.

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Ending a Century of Ecocide and Genocide, Seeding Earth Democracy
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Toward Freedom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

Hundreds of People’s Assemblies, being organized everywhere, will make commitments to create a healthy future of food and of the planet. From the People’s Assemblies we will launch a boycott campaign, to liberate our seeds and soils, our communities and societies, our planet and ourselves, from poisons and the rule of the poison cartel.

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(Português) Onde está o poder hoje no mundo?
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

Há um fato que deve preocupar todos os cidadãos do mundo: o deslocamento do poder dos Estados-nações para o lado do poder de uns poucos conglomerados financeiros que atuam a nível planetário, cujo poder é maior que qualquer Estado tomado individualmente. Estes de fato detém o poder real em todas as suas ramificações: financeira, politica, tecnológica, comercial, mediática e militar.

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(Français) Venezuela: L’Assemblée Nationale peut-elle soumettre le Président de la République à un procès politique?
Misión Verdad | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

Au Venezuela, la récente tentative de « coup d’Etat parlementaire» de l’Assemblée Nationale ouvre un nouveau chapitre dans la lutte insidieuse pour tout le pouvoir politique qu’a entreprise l’anti-chavisme depuis qu’il contrôle le Parlement. La gendarmerie politique de l’élite économique vénézuélienne a entrepris un procès politique contre le président Nicolás Maduro, en plus de la révocation du Tribunal Suprême de Justice et du Conseil National Electoral.

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Colombia: A Bright Light for Peace Is Extinguished
Immanuel Wallerstein | Toward Freedom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

Frankly, I do not see any way the peace accord can be saved. Colombia is now like all the other areas of unending conflict. The chaotic world situation continues unabated in what I remind you is the struggle to decide on the successor system to the capitalist system that is now in systemic crisis.

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Vote All You Want – The Secret Government Won’t Change
Jordan Michael Smith – Boston Globe, 24 Oct 2016

The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon.

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Interview on Palestine for Middle East Eye with Hilary Wise
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2016

I want above all that Palestine will not suffer the fate of other oppressed people, and be written off as ‘a forgotten struggle,’ or worse, ‘a lost cause.’ “Apartheid, annexation, mass displacement and collective punishment have become core policies of the state of Israel.”

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Natural Rights: A Solution in the 18th Century, a Problem in the 21st
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2016

Individual and Human Rights – Let’s talk about natural rights. What shall we say? Well, let’s begin the way students in law schools begin when they brief a legal opinion to prepare for a class. They read the dissenting opinion before they read the majority opinion. Starting with the dissent is a good way to bring the issues into focus.

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Why Okinawa Should Matter
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2016

12 Oct 2016 – An earlier version of this post appeared in the Japanese publication, Ryukyu Shimpo. The article is devoted to a critical discussion of Okinawa’s role in serving American and Japanese strategic interests. Since the end of World War II Okinawa has been a mostly unhappy host of American military bases, and the issue has been prominent at times on the agenda of the Japanese peace movement.

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America’s Moral Duty in Yemen
Editorial Board – The New York Times, 17 Oct 2016

11 Oct 2016 – President Obama must cut off military aid to Saudi Arabia unless it ends the carnage and returns to peace talks. Yemen is near collapse, with 80 percent of the country in need of humanitarian aid. Al Qaeda’s affiliate there is becoming stronger and the population more radicalized. The longer the war goes on, the harder it will be to end.

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(Português) A Desordem Mundial: O Espectro da Total Dominação
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2016

A conclusão é avassaladora:”Onde quer que os Estados Unidos intervieram, como o “specific goal of bringing democracy”, a democracia constitui-se de bombardeios, destruição, terror, massacres, caos e catástrofes humanitárias…entraram para defender suas necessidades e interesses econômicos e geopolíticos, seus interesses imperiais”

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Was the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016 Wrongly Awarded?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2016

My comment critical of the award is printed below, and is followed by an even more critical comment by Fredrik S. Heffermehl, a Norwegian jurist who has taken a special interest in the Nobel Peace Prize, especially making a great effort to call attention to the failure of the Norwegian committee that is responsible for deciding on recipients to adhere to the will and intentions of Alfred Nobel who established this most coveted of international awards at the end of the nineteenth century.

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The US Just Bombed Yemen, and No One’s Talking About It
Moustafa Bayoumi – The Guardian, 17 Oct 2016

15 Oct 2016 – What if the United States went to war and nobody here even noticed? The question is absurd, isn’t it? And yet, this almost perfectly describes what actually happened this past week. The Trump show has managed to bump all serious and necessary policy debates not just off the table but out of the room.

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The Geopolitics of Shimon Peres’ Legacy
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2016

Basically, the question posed is whether to celebrate Peres’ death as that of a man dedicated to peace and reconciliation or to portray him as a wily opportunist, a skillful image-maker, and in the end, a harsh Zionist and ambitious Israeli leader.

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(Castellano) ¿Hay una Crisis Chilena?
Prof. Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2016

6 Oct 2016 – “Chile vive una muy profunda crisis de confianza de todas las instituciones.” La opinión arriba citada no es la opinión de cualquiera. Es la opinión de quien fue el Ministro de Economía en la transición del gobierno militar al gobierno civil de 1990.

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Every Move You Make
James Bamford – Foreign Policy, 3 Oct 2016

Over eight years, President Barack Obama has created the most intrusive surveillance apparatus in the world. To what end?

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Greenland’s Receding Icecap to Expose Top-Secret US Nuclear Project
Jon Henley – The Guardian, 3 Oct 2016

Camp Century – part of Project Iceworm – is an underground cold war toxic waste network that was thought to have been buried forever.

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Bees Added to US Endangered Species List for the First Time
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

Seven types of the yellow-faced or masked bees once found in great numbers in Hawaii are under threat, federal officials say.

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The Hidden Danger in Your Hand Soap
Sarah Ades and Kenneth Keiler – The Guardian, 3 Oct 2016

Antibacterial agents in handsoaps have been banned in the US. That’s good news – they seep into urine and breast milk, and can promote bacterial resistance. About 40% of soaps use at least one of these chemicals, and the chemicals are also found in toothpaste, baby pacifiers, laundry detergents and clothing. It is in some lip glosses, deodorants and pet shampoos.

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The Enigma That Was Shimon Peres
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

My own experience of the man was direct, although rather superficial, but it did give me greater confidence to trust my reservations about his impact and influence, which collides with the adulation that he has inspired among American liberals, in particular.

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The White Man in That Photo
Riccardo Gazzaniga - GRIOT Magazine, 3 Oct 2016

3 Oct 2016 – Today marks the 10th anniversary of Peter Norman’s passing. We want to commemorate him by publishing the story of the Australian sprinter. It’s a historic photo of two men of color rebellious gesture the day they won medals for the 200 meters at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City. For this reason I never really paid attention to the other man, white, motionless on the second step of the medal podium.

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Robert Redford: I Stand with the Standing Rock Sioux
Robert Redford - TIME, 3 Oct 2016

In their protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which will affect far more families than their own.

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(Castellano) El persistente bullying contra el PT, Lula y Dilma Rousseff
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

18 Sep 2016 – Es conocido el bullyng, es decir, el acoso político y social que están sufriendo de manera persistente el PT, Lula y la expresidenta Dilma Rousseff. Una cosa es reconocer que hubo corrupción y errores políticos del PT y otra cosa es atribuir casi exclusivamente tales hechos y más a la crisis actual, al PT y a la expresidenta.

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Brazil’s “Saddest Day”: The Parliamentary Coup
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

18 Sep 2016 – They took sadistic pleasure in hurting an incorruptible and honorable woman, on the pretext that some of her fiscal practices had been criminal, something that the great majority of legal and economics specialists denied. They staged a farce and betrayed the Constitution. Removing a President without having proven a crime is a coup. The correct term for it is: a “parliamentary coup.”

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Publisher Wins Rights to Voynich Manuscript, a Book No One Can Read
Agence France-Presse – The Guardian, 26 Sep 2016

Tiny Spanish publisher can clone centuries-old manuscript written in language or code that no one has cracked.

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“Unruly Equality”: A Brief History of Anarchism
Andrew Cornell | Toward Freedom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

The very terms anarchy, anarchism, and anarchist are so overcoded with meanings and burdened by associations that people frequently talk past one another, or resort to awkward attempts at humor, even when attempting to discuss them in good faith.

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A Warming of US/Turkish Relations?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

There are continuing concerns in Washington and Ankara about whether and to what degree United States-Turkey relations can be restored; it depends on the behavior of the two governments, and likely will be influenced by the outcome of the American presidential elections.

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This Might Be the Coolest Visualization of Evolution Ever
Harvard Medical School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

Bacteria Overcoming Antibiotics on a “Mega-Plate” Petri Dish

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Law Is to Justice as Treaties Are to Native Americans
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 19 Sep 2016

Once again, it’s the American empire versus interfering outsiders. As a Yale senior joining Skull and Bones, Jeb Boasberg kissed Geronimo’s skull. That act of atavistic triumphalism shines through in his legal decision against the Standing Rock Sioux. Kissing the skull of an enemy is just another way of showing who’s in control here, whose burial is sacred, and whose is not.

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Containing the United States
Edward S. Herman | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

9 Sep 2016 – “Containing the United States” is, of course, a ridiculous and self-contradictory idea in the U.S. and Western ideological and propaganda system. We all know that the United States had to “contain” the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1991, and since then has had the task of containing Russia and China. Only they threaten, bully, aggress and worry countries like Poland and Vietnam.

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Have Big Banks Gotten Safer?
Natasha Sarin and Lawrence H. Summers | Harvard, Brookings Institution – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

PhD candidate Natasha Sarin and Prof. Lawrence H. Summers, from Harvard, challenge a widely-held belief that major financial institutions in the USA and around the world are safer today than they were prior to the 2008 Recession. They find no evidence that markets regard banks as safer today than they were before the crisis, despite large decreases in leverage. In fact, measures of volatility and beta appear to be higher post-crisis than they were pre-crisis.

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Interview on Israel, Palestine, and Peace
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

14 Sep 2016 –The U.S. Government and Israel have signed a military assistance agreement promising Israel $38 billion over the next ten years, the largest such commitment ever made. Again, we should grieve over the extent to which ‘reality’ and morality is sacrificed for the sake of the ‘special relationship’ while looking the other way whenever the Palestinian ordeal is mentioned.

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A Cinematic Approach to Drug Resistance
Ekaterina Pesheva | Harvard Gazette – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

Scientists film bacteria’s maneuvers as they become impervious to drugs–breakthrough.

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(Castellano) Las Bajas Jubilaciones en Chile
Prof. Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

“Nuestro mayor problema político es la falta de imaginación”. –Michel Foucault ~ La apuesta de la economía social y solidaria es que la misma lógica cálida que rescata a los victimas del sistema es capaz de transformar el sistema.

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The Uses and Abuses of Uncertainty: The Case of Turkey
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

9 Sep 2016 – One of the paradoxes of the digital age with its real time awareness is the degree to which information overloads clouds our imagination with cheaply achieved and false clarity, which in political contexts is often the Mad Men work of selective interpretation or deliberate manipulation.

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(Português) Brasil: Golpe de 1964 e golpe de 2016 – A mesma natureza de classe
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

5 setembro 2016 – Entre o golpe de 1964 e o golpe de 2016 há uma conaturalidade estrutural. Ambos são golpe de classe, dos donos do dinheiro e do poder: o primeiro usa os militares, o outro o parlamento. Os meios são diferentes mas o resultado é o mesmo: um golpe com a ruptura democrática e violação da sobernia popular.

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