Articles by RT

We found 3826 results.

Sometimes a Pair of Pants Can Give You Vertigo
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Dec 2018

6 Dec 2018 – Between my desire for a changed world and the world that seemed to change only for the worse lay the desolation Berger identified. Many people feel it, I know, especially dissidents who fight in various ways against the powerful. But we prefer not to go there, to see what it consists of and how we may transmute it into acts and words that might make a difference.

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Sheikh Sayakh Will Go to Prison, the Disgrace to His Judges
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Dec 2018

5 Dec 2018 – Sheikh Sayakh is about to be imprisoned for not accepting the robbery of his lands and the expulsion of his village members by the state of Israel that expelled them in 1952. He returned to his land and reconstructed it. The state demolished the village 130 times trying to expel Sheikh Sayakh and his people from the village. It has now charged and convicted him for invading the very lands it robbed from him.

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(Português) Imagens angustiantes mostram a realidade dos animais criados para indústria de peles
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 3 Dec 2018

Em uma investigação feita pela Humane Society International (HSI), foi revelado as condições em que minks, raposas e cães-guaxinins estão confinados nas fazendas de pele finlandesas.

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230,000 “Jihadists” in 70 Countries: Since 9/11 the Number of Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists Has Quadrupled. Study
RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Dec 2018

23 Nov 2018 – US taxpayers have already forked over a mind-melting $5.9 trillion to fund the massive and increasingly secretive war – but the noble pursuit of eradicating terrorism has apparently had the opposite effect.

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Human Delusion and Our Destruction of the Biosphere: We Aren’t Even Trying!
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Dec 2018

27 Nov 2018 – Have you heard the expression ‘climate change’? That lovely expression that suggests a holiday in a place with a more pleasant climate… Extinction beckons. The choice is yours.

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Another Crimean War Looms as NATO Provocations Enter Russian Waters
George Galloway - RT, 3 Dec 2018

26 Nov 2018 – A new Crimean War would be the last, but few amongst the general public realize that endless baiting of Russia, the cycle of war games, sanctions, and false accusations could well lead to all-out war between NATO and Russia.

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Has America Become a Plutocracy?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr - Newsweek, 26 Nov 2018

21 Nov 2018 – America has spent $6 trillion on war since 9/11. It can credibly be argued that America is now, officially, a plutocracy. My grandfather, Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, warned that America could not be both an imperial nation abroad and a constitutional democracy at home. That unstable configuration, he argued, would diminish the middle class, yield large chasms between rich and poor and erode our constitutional and civil rights.

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New Technology Promises Natural Gas with No Emissions
Alan Neuhauser – US News & World Report, 26 Nov 2018

The development could change the conversation around clean energy.

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United States Will Bring Assange to US in Chains
Ann Garrison – Consortium News, 26 Nov 2018

It appears increasingly likely WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange will wind up in the clutches of the U.S. government.

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(Português) Opções para a Economia Popular
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Nov 2018

22 nov 2018 – Transição da muito pequena à média escala para empreendimentos da economia popular. Pode ser encarado? Que apoios são requeridos? Temos destacado que a economia popular não é um cercado onde deixar encurralados os pobres e marginalizados mas, pelo contrário, pode se transformar em uma das colunas fundantes de um novo rumo e forma de funcionar orientados ao bem-estar geral e o cuidado ambiental.

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More Doctors Program: Humanity vs. Fascism in Brazil
The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Nov 2018

17 Nov 2018 – In contrast with its economic potential, Brazil occupies the 125th place in the world health ranking. In 2013, given the precariousness of care in the poorest regions, Dilma Rousseff’s government created the More Doctors Program, based on an agreement with the Pan American Health Organization, and driven above all by Cuba’s response based on solidarity.

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Autonomous Weapons Will Be Tireless, Efficient, Killing Machines—And There Is No Way to Stop Them
Andreas Kirsch | Quartz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Nov 2018

The world’s next major military conflict could be over quickly. Our human soldiers will simply not stand a chance. Drones and robots will overrun our defenses and take the territory we are standing on. Even if we take out some of these machines, more of them will soon arrive to take their place, newly trained off our reactions to their last offense.

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Mainstream Media on Gaza: Israelis Get Killed, but Palestinians Merely ‘Die’
Darius Shahtahmasebi - RT, 19 Nov 2018

15 Nov 2018 – After a Twitter backlash, the Guardian was forced to amend a brazenly propagandized headline which sought to undermine the basic rights of Palestinians and elevate Israeli soldiers to levels previously thought unimaginable.

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Gaza Burns Hotter than Hollywood but There’s Nobody to Put the Fires Out
George Galloway - RT, 19 Nov 2018

13 Nov 2018 – The world is fixated by the forest fires in Hollywood burning down stars’ mansions. With supreme irony some of them belong to those who helped raise millions of dollars for the Israeli Army which is now burning the hovels of Gaza.

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Amnesty Strips Aung San Suu Kyi of Its Highest Honor; Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Should Be Next
Danielle Ryan – RT, 19 Nov 2018

16 Nov 2018 – Amnesty International announced it would strip Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi of its top award, saying it was “profoundly dismayed” at her failure to acknowledge the full scale of atrocities against the Rohingya people.

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Et tu, RT? Amplifying Western Disinformation on Rwanda
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2018

“The institutionalization of the ‘Rwandan genocide’ has been the remarkable achievement of a propaganda system sustained by both public and private power. We’re told that the US failed to stop Rwanda’s 1994 genocide, so we’re now obliged to ‘intervene’ anytime and anywhere another genocide is underway.”

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Phil Ochs and the Crucifixion of President John F. Kennedy
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2018

Whatever the truth in this age of “not knowing,” I think his story is a parable for our times. Whenever you think you’re getting the straight scoop, think again, and then again. The CIA’s Operation Mockingbird is still singing its siren song to convince us that the crucifixion was a one-time event, when Phil knew otherwise, right from the start and right to the end. I think he tried to warn us and wouldn’t be silenced, even in death.

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(Italiano) La guerra per por fine alle guerre 100 anni dopo: valutazione e riorientamento della nostra resistenza alla guerra
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2018

L’autore e commentatore sociale britannico H.G. Wells ha forse coniato l’espressione che rese originariamente popolare la 1ª Guerra mondiale: La guerra che porrà fine alle guerre, secondo il titolo del suo libro basato su articoli scritti durante quel vasto conflitto militare. Por fine alla Guerra non è impossibile; tutt’altro, effettivamente. Ma ci vorrà una quantità fenomenale d’intelligente sforzo strategico, coraggio e dedizione.

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Criminal War, Poverty at the Heart of European & US Migration Turmoil
Finian Cunningham - RT, 19 Nov 2018

12 Nov 2018 – Europe has certainly adopted more fortress-like controls against would-be refugees. A concomitant rise in anti-immigrant political parties has in turn fueled popular resentment towards EU institutions. But the debate requires much more than “moral appeals.”

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Cruelty, Cruelty, Cruelty: Nauru, Yemen, Gaza
Stuart Rees – New Matilda [Australia], 19 Nov 2018

6 Nov 2018 – Article 5 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights decreed, ‘No-one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’ The Convention on the Rights of the Child had similar aspirations. Those rules and standards seem to have been forgotten or disregarded.

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The New Abnormal
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2018

“Mass shootings and mass burnings. Welcome to the new America.” Gunfire and wildfire. This is a country at war with itself in multiple ways.

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Veterans Day Reflection from 50 Years Ago
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2018

11 Nov 2018 – Looking back 50 years ago today, I learned two valuable lessons in nonviolence. In Nov 1968, I was teaching at St. Francis School in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. On Veterans Day, two other teachers and myself decided to picket the local Draft Board in protest of the escalating war in Vietnam. We made two strategic mistakes that day:

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Concentration Camps for Kids: An Open Letter
Alberto Manguel, Margaret Atwood, Salman Rushdie, et al. | The New York Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2018

6 Nov 2018 – In Texas, in rows of yellow tents, some 1,600 children ages thirteen to seventeen forcefully taken from their families sleep in lined-up bunks. This generation will be remembered for having allowed for concentration camps for children to be built on “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” This is happening here and now, but not in our names.

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Trump Regime Imposes New Illegal Sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2018

6 Nov 2018 – Cuba isn’t a US enemy as explained under the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act. Neither country declared war on the other. The same applies to Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran and other countries illegally sanctioned by Washington. Yet the same policies persist. On Thursday [1 Nov], John Bolton announced them on Havana and Caracas.

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The Pentagon’s Cunning Plot to Militarize the Economy
William D. Hartung | Democratic World Federalists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2018

8 Nov 2018 – Given his erratic behavior, from daily Twitter eruptions to upping his tally of lies by the hour, it’s hard to think of Donald Trump as a man with a plan. But in at least one area — reshaping the economy to serve the needs of the military-industrial complex — he’s (gasp!) a socialist in the making.

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The War to End War 100 Years On: An Evaluation and Reorientation of our Resistance to War
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2018

British author and social commentator H.G. Wells may have coined the expression that originally popularized World War I as The War that Will End War, as his book, based on articles written during that vast military conflict, was titled. Ending war is not impossible. Far from it, in fact. But it is going to take a phenomenal amount of intelligent strategic effort, courage and commitment.

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(Castellano) La psicología del fascismo
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Nov 2018

El continuo aumento del fascismo en todo el mundo está atrayendo cada vez más la atención, sobre todo porque se necesita un mayor control dentro de las sociedades nacionales que durante mucho tiempo se ha visto que lo han rechazado. Algunos estudios recientes nos han recordado las características de los movimientos e individuos fascistas, particularmente cuando se manifiestan entre fascistas políticamente activos.

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Leon Trotsky (7 Nov 1879 – 21 Aug 1940)
Robert V. Daniels | Encyclopædia Britannica - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Nov 2018

In the struggle for power following Vladimir Ilich Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin emerged as victor, while Trotsky was removed from all positions of power and later exiled (1929). He remained the leader of an anti-Stalinist opposition abroad until his assassination by a Stalinist agent.

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Capitalism and the Wage System
Bertrand Russell – The Sun Magazine, 5 Nov 2018

The modern growth of monopolies in the shape of trusts, cartels, federations of employers and so on has greatly increased the power of the capitalist to levy toll on the community. This tendency will not cease of itself, but only through definite action on the part of those who do not profit by the capitalist regime.

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Genetically Engineered Viruses May Become the Next Generation of Warfare
Tomasz Pierscionek – RT, 5 Nov 2018

1 Nov 2018 – Many technologies have dual use potential and can be applied to either civilian or defense projects, depending on the intent of those in charge. The urge to use a biogenetic weapon to incapacitate a rising competitor may one day prove too much of a temptation to ignore.

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(Português) Sofrimento performático: Lutadores de artes marciais derrubam touros em espetáculo para entreter turistas
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 5 Nov 2018

1 nov 2018 – Uma prática que envolve lutadores de artes marciais combatendo touros tem ganhado destaque entre os mestres de Kung Fu e muitos turistas na China. Para marcar pontos, lutam até derrubarem touros no chão.

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The Apocalypse Not Now
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

“When they will sell you even your rain,” he said sadly. “They sold me a bill of goods. The American dream! What a bad joke, here I am, a college graduate, not a drunk or drug addict, and I’m living in a tent in the woods in a ravine by a golf course. Some nights I think they make it rain on me for fun, as if to say: here’s your free water, you loser.”

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The Psychology of Fascism
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

29 Oct 2018 – The continuing rise of fascism around the world is drawing increasing attention particularly as it takes firmer grip within national societies long seen to have rejected it. Some recent studies have reminded us of the characteristics of fascist movements and individuals, particularly as they manifest among politically active fascists.

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(Português) Arábia Saudita Contra o Iémen: A Chacina Que Não Indigna Governos Nem Opiniões Públicas
Sofia Lorena – Público (Portugal), 29 Oct 2018

“Os civis não estão a morrer à fome no Iémen, estão a ser mortos à fome”, diz o secretário-geral do Conselho Norueguês para os Refugiados. A ONU avisa que se a guerra continuar até 13 milhões de civis podem morrer à fome.

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No More Violence!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

27 Oct 2018 – In recent days, we have learned about the terrorist murders at a Jewish Synagogue, the mailing of package bombs to critics of President Trump, etc. What we haven’t heard as much are the ongoing US wars (is it currently six or seven?) in the Middle East that have resulted in millions killed, wounded or made refugees; covert US “Special Ops” taking place all over the world; and the past US wars and regime changes in Latin America that have created chaos, violence, poverty and a vast number of fleeing refugees and asylum seekers.

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Why You Might Consider the Buddha’s Proposal
Jack Balkwill | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

We live in a world where there are thousands of heroes who go unrecognized, driven by a need to make this world a better place. They are in the shadows, away from the spotlight of mainstream media. Much of what they do is anathema to the teachings of the establishment. War, for example, is glorified by the establishment’s mainstream media, because the powers behind mainstream media make a lot of money from war (through their expanded financial portfolios).

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Congo in the Abyss
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

17 Oct 2018 – A very important critical overview of the mostly ignored atrocities perpetrated by western imperialism in this region. “In Congo, globalized capitalism creates permanent chaos.”

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American “Zersetzung”
Karen Melton Stewart | Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

15 Oct 2018 – So, suddenly someone you are related to, someone you know pretty well, or your spouse, begins to have some bad luck, then massive bad luck, then never-ending bad luck… What can you do now that you at least suspect another narrative is possible to explain the torment he/she is going through? Support the person as credible. Finding quality and trustworthy doctors and a lawyer of integrity is essential. The Homeland Security apparatus may try to interfere.

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Slavoj Žižek: Until the Rich World Thinks ‘One World,’ Migration Will Intensify
Slavoj Žižek - RT, 29 Oct 2018

28 Oct 2018 – Migration is, once again, headline news. Columns of migrants from Honduras are approaching the US border through Mexico; African migrants broke through barriers and entered the small Spanish exclave on the northern tip of Africa; Middle East migrants are trying to enter Croatia. The “rich” world urgently needs to address the reasons behind mass migration, rather than its symptoms. And understand we live in one world.

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30th Straight Bloody Friday in Gaza
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018

Gazans show no signs of ending their liberating struggle against Israel’s illegal blockade and overall occupation harshness. On Friday [19 Oct], another 275 Palestinians were wounded, including 49 children, three women, three journalists and four paramedics, at least 10 seriously. Since March 30, at least 204 Gazans were killed, well over 22,000 others injured, thousands from live fire at peaceful unarmed demonstrations.

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Trump Says US Will Withdraw from Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
Julian Borger and Martin Pengelly – The Guardian, 22 Oct 2018

21 Oct 2018 – Experts warn of ‘most severe crisis in nuclear arms control since the 1980s’ as Trump confirms US will leave INF agreement. “We’ll have to develop those weapons,” the president told reporters in Nevada after a rally. “We’re going to terminate the agreement and we’re going to pull out.”

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The Analects of Confucius
Robert Eno | Indiana University Bloomington – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2018

The Analects of Confucius is an anthology of brief passages that present the words of Confucius and his disciples, describe Confucius as a man, and recount some of the events of his life. The book may have begun as a collection by Confucius’s immediate disciples soon after their Master’s death in 479 BCE.

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This Is Not Law Enforcement – It Is a War Crime
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2018

17 Oct 2018 – This one-sided war that the Israeli army is waging against the Khan Al-Akhmar civilian population includes: widespread land robbery; relentless destruction of houses; establishing settlements on stolen land, then expanding them; deportations; stealing water and quarry sources; preventing the return of Palestinians; preventing unification of families; preventing entry of visitors. These are not connected in any way to national security but with Israel’s project of territorial expansion.

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Overthrowing Other People’s Governments: The Master List
William Blum | The Anti-Empire Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2018

Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

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Banned Weapons Used in All US War Theaters
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2018

18 Oct 2018 – Whenever US forces aggressively attacks countries, dirty war is waged, including use of banned weapons.

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Yemen Is Not a Wedge Issue, It’s an Ongoing Nexus of War Crimes
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 22 Oct 2018

20 Oct 2018 – Political assassination is a common and useful tool for tyrants. The US assassinates people all the time, most ruthlessly by remote drone killings with little care for collateral damage. That’s one reason the US has special forces deployed in more than a hundred countries. This was most recently illustrated by the BuzzFeed News report of American mercenaries assassinating “undesirables” in southern Yemen, the part of Yemen the Saudis are not bombing.

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(Português) Estudo: Mais de 90% do sal no mundo contém microplásticos
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 22 Oct 2018

19 out 2018 – Um estudo descobriu que mais de 90% de sal analisado continha microplásticos. Ele foi conduzido pelo Greenpeace East Asia e pelo professor Kim Seung-Kyu na Universidade de Incheon e publicado na revista científica Environmental Science & Technology.

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(Français) Impérialisme et Fascisme
Kurt Gossweiler | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2018

Le fascisme, au même titre que l’impérialisme, est un phénomène international.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report #13 (Oct 2018)
Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone & Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2018

This is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ together with a sample of news about Charter signatories and organizations. Our collective effort to build a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts continues to make progress, even against rather overwhelming odds!

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(Português) Filmagem denuncia bezerros criados em pequenas gaiolas e cobertos de fezes
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 15 Oct 2018

Por trás da indústria de laticínios: filmagens de fazenda da Califórnia mostram como animais estão sendo criados no local – condições desumanas

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Iranian-Saudi Detente Could Transform the Region but US Power Is There to Prevent It
Finian Cunningham – RT, 15 Oct 2018

10 Oct 2018 – The rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia has for decades roiled the Middle East with sectarian conflict, instability and war. Thinking about how the region would look if these two powerhouses normalized relations is intriguing. But, sadly, such an outcome is unrealistic. American power and Saudi rulers are a symbiotic scourge on the region, which, shamefully, will never permit restoration of relations with Iran. Peaceful relations may only come when American and Saudi power are democratized.

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Faked Concern: Haley & Corporate Media Bleating about Idlib Civilians, Ignore Terrorists’ Presence
Eva Bartlett – RT, 15 Oct 2018

8 Oct 2018 – They ignore, too, the reality of life in areas which were once occupied by these terrorists: the torture, imprisonment, maiming, assassination, and starvation endured by the civilian population at the hands of these extremists and paid mercenaries supported by the USA.

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(Français) Le désespoir de Gandhi et la lutte pour la vérité et l’amour
Robert J Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018

«Quand je désespère, je me souviens qu’au cours de toute l’histoire, les moyens de vérité et d’amour ont toujours gagnés. Il y a eu des tyrans et des meurtriers et ils peuvent sembler invincibles, mais à la fin, ils s’effondrent toujours. Pensez-y – toujours.» — M.K. Gandhi

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Algorithm’s Going to Get You: The Mysterious Rules of Social Media Lead to a Strange Place
Simon Rite – RT, 8 Oct 2018

2 Oct 2018 – I make my living online, where ‘The Algorithm’ is the essential tool that no one really knows how to use. In essence it’s the ever changing set of rules the big online companies like Google programme into their systems to decide who sees what in their search results and timelines.

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America Is on the Road to Becoming a Fascist State
Robert Scheer | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018

5 Oct 2017 – In a compelling essay for The New York Review of Books this month, Christopher R. Browning, a leading historian of the Holocaust and Nazism, outlines the frightening parallels between the United States and the Weimar Republic. “No matter how and when the Trump presidency ends,” he writes, “the specter of illiberalism will continue to haunt American politics.”

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US Military Plan to Spread Viruses Using Insects, Which Could Create a ‘New Class of Biological Weapon,’ Scientists Warn
Josh Gabbatiss | The Independent – Reader Supported News, 8 Oct 2018

5 Oct 2018 – Insects could be turned into “a new class of biological weapon” using new US military plans, experts have warned. However, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), which is responsible for developing military technologies in the US, says it is merely trying to alter crops growing in fields by using viruses to transmit genetic changes to plants.

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Brave New World Revisited Again
Dan Glazebrook - RT, 1 Oct 2018

28 Sep 2018 – 60 years ago this year, Aldous Huxley published Brave New World Revisited, which concluded that the real world was moving towards the future predicted in his classic dystopian novel much more quickly than he had first imagined.

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Are Sanctions against Myanmar’s Military Enough?
Azaera Amza | TRT World – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Oct 2018

In one year, over 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled their homes in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, but the weight of the international response to their persecution has been dubious.

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Gandhi’s Despair and the Struggle for Truth and Love
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Oct 2018

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it – always.”
— M.K. Gandhi

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(Português) Chicago Está a Um Passo de Proibir Carruagens Puxadas por Cavalos
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 1 Oct 2018

Um decreto foi proposto pela Chicago Alliance for Animals que, se aprovado, irá acabar com o transporte de carruagens que utilizam cavalos.

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World’s Top 5 ‘Most Evil’ Corporations
RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Oct 2018

Most companies become successful thanks to their stellar reputations. But not always. The most hated companies trending on the internet.

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Don’t Share This! EU’s New Copyright Law Could Kill the Free Internet
Neil Clark - RT, 24 Sep 2018

20 Sep 2018 – It’s basically a battle between billionaires Axel Springer SE and Google. But it is ordinary internet users who will fall victim to the EU’s new copyright law, which urgently needs modification. The new copyright legislation, passed last week, clamps down quite severely on sharing things online. When Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, warns us of the dangers the new law poses, we should all sit up straight and pay attention.

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Korea’s Historic Peace Move Puts Onus on Washington to End Conflict
Finian Cunningham – RT, 24 Sep 2018

21 Sep 2018 – It can’t get more symbolic than that. The leaders of the two Koreas this week clasped hands atop the highest mountain on the peninsula, vowing to unite in peace. The ball is now in Washington’s court to help deliver that peace.

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(Português) Fazenda de café certificada pela Starbucks é flagrada com trabalho escravo
Daniela Penha | Repórter Brasil – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2018

Ação resgatou 18 trabalhadores de propriedade mineira que tinha dois dos mais importantes selos de boas práticas do mundo. Embora sua certificadora tenha aprovado a fazenda, a Starbucks nega ter comprado o produto.

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Human Rights & Humanitarian Law: Genocide
Jean Paul Sartre | Tamil Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2018

Jean Paul Sartre’s Statement at the Second Session of the Bertrand Russell International War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam held in Denmark in November 1967 remains, almost 40 years later, an inspiring appeal to the conscience of humanity – inspiring not only because of the force of its reason but also because it reveals Sartre’s passionate commitment to justice.

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Slave Labor Found at Starbucks-Certified Brazil Coffee Plantation
Daniela Penha | Repórter Brasil, Mongabay – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2018

18 Sep 2018 – Brazil Labor Ministry investigators have raided the Córrego das Almas farm in Piumhi, in rural Minas Gerais state, and rescued 18 workers who were laboring on coffee plantations in conditions analogous to slavery.

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(Português) Câmeras escondidas expõem macacos sendo torturados em experimentos na Holanda
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 24 Sep 2018

19 set 2018 – A Animal Defenders International (ADI) gravaram vídeos para mostrar condições horríveis sofridas por macacos no maior centro de pesquisa de primatas da Europa. Centro de pesquisa triplicou o número de primatas utilizados em experimentações, indo de 95 indivíduos em 2016 para 317 em 2017.

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The U.S. Goes to War against the ICC to Cover Up Alleged War Crimes in Afghanistan
Murtaza Hussain – The Intercept, 17 Sep 2018

12 Sep 2018 – John Bolton is on a jihad against the ICC, seeking to ensure that the U.S. is free of international norms on human rights.

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Trump Administration Threatens Sanctions against International Criminal Court
Patrick Martin | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

The Trump administration announced Monday [10 Sep] that it would retaliate against the International Criminal Court, a judicial panel established under the auspices of the UN, if the ICC took any action against US military or civilian officials over charges of war crimes in Afghanistan. The announcement was made by National Security Advisor John Bolton.

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Are You Political?
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

“I’m Not Political” – From 1942 to 1944, transport trains delivered Jews and others to Auschwitz gas chambers from all over German-occupied Europe, where they were killed en masse. In Hawaii, Camp H.M. Smith is headquarters of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command covering more than 50% of the earth. U.S. nuclear submarines and strategic nuclear bombers are based on Oahu. The Pohakuloa Training Area is a training ground for nuclear war and military human experimentation. Are You Political?

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Explosive Skripal Allegations May Blow Up in Syria
George Galloway - RT, 17 Sep 2018

11 Sep 2018 – Explosive Skripal allegations will probably blow up in Syria’s Idlib where the US/UK axis is cocked, ready to fire. The UK media lost their collective mind over Russia but their masters have not. There is method in their madness.

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How Criminalization of the Victim Is Done
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

11 Sep 2018 – It is quite remarkable to trace the process of criminalizing the victim and to examine this process as it plays out in the case of the Bedouins of the Negev. For hundreds and perhaps thousands of years the Bedouins have lived in the Negev where the desert climate forced most if not all of them to develop a nomadic, and over the course of time, a semi-nomadic lifestyle, remaining sedentary during the rainy season.

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The Fakest Fake News: The U.S. Government’s 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

If you want to fathom today’s world, absolutely nothing is more important than to understand the truth about the attacks of September 11, 2001… 9/11 Unmasked is the definitive book on the defining event of the 21st century.

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How Today’s American Plutocrats Are Not so Different from the Czars
Jack Balkwill | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

3 Sep 2018 – Serfdom was prevalent during the reign of the Russian Czars. Almost 80% of the Russian people were either peasants or serfs. Today we have wage slaves to replace the peasants, obligated to work so that the modern Romanovs, our ruling plutocrats, may live in similar splendor. Today, the richest 10% of American families are worth a combined $51 trillion, equal to 75% of total household wealth. To put that figure in perspective, US GDP totaled only $18.5 trillion in 2016.

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Big Brother Is Keeping ‘Five Eyes’ on You
Darius Shahtahmasebi - RT, 10 Sep 2018

7 Sep 2018 – Just last week, the world’s leading snooping powers quietly and without notice issued a disturbing warning to tech giants, telling them to surrender unprecedented backdoor access to their citizens’ data. The UK plays a pivotal part in the so-called Five Eyes alliance, which also includes the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

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Libya in Chaos Seven Years after NATO’s ‘Liberation’, but Who Cares?
Neil Clark - RT, 10 Sep 2018

7 Sep 2018 – Libya remains a lawless land, with rival militias fighting battles in the streets of Tripoli and over 1 million people in need of aid. But the West’s ‘liberal interventionists’ aren’t interested in the catastrophe they created. The only conclusion one can draw is their sole interest in the country was seeing Muammar Gaddafi toppled: “Slave markets in ‘liberated’ Libya and the silence of the humanitarian hawks”

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A Diabolic False Flag Empire
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

10 Sep 2018 – No one is more emblematic of this noble effort [to report the truth about America’s demonic history] than David Ray Griffin, who, in book after book since the attacks of 11 Sep 2001, has meticulously exposed the underside of the American empire and its evil masters. His persistence in trying to reach people and to warn them of the horrors that have resulted is extraordinary. Excluding his philosophical and theological works, this is his fifteenth book since 2004 on these grave issues of life and death and the future of the world.

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Haiti: Roots of an Uprising
Robert Roth | International Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

On July 6, 2018, Haiti exploded. By the tens of thousands, Haitians poured into the streets of Port-au-Prince to demand the resignation of President Jovenel Moise. The contrast could not be more stark — education or militarism, democracy or authoritarian rule, inclusion or exclusion, development or corruption, self-determination or occupation. With the July uprising, the Haitian people have once again made known their choice.

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(Português) Apesar da luta de ativistas, massacre de golfinhos em Taiji no Japão persiste
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 10 Sep 2018

Além de golfinhos, baleias também são mortas e sua carne é comercializada.

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Eros and Civilization (A Love Story)
Herbert Marcuse | Thomas Altfather Good – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

According to Freud, humans denied their basic impulses in order to build a civilization. They traded happiness for security and it was, by and large, a fair exchange. Freud called this the Reality Principle. Herbert Marcuse argued that a ruling elite has exploited the Reality Principle for personal gain, gradually constructing a stratified society based on the “logic of domination” — the masses are rewarded for their servitude with a relative affluence.

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Salisbury Is Far from a Novichok Slam-Dunk!
George Galloway - RT, 10 Sep 2018

5 Sep 2018 – For the British media and their parliamentary echo-chamber, today’s release of CCTV and other pictures, together with the murder charges against two “Russians” is game, set and match against the Russian state.

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(Português) 50 empresas vendem metade dos alimentos do mundo – e elas estão cada vez maiores
Rafael Moro Martins | The Intercept Brasil – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

4 Set 2018 – Concentração no Brasil é ainda maior, aponta Atlas do Agronegócio, documento que faz retrato do mercado de alimentos e insumos e agora tem sua primeira edição brasileira.

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Zuckerberg Admits Social Media Is a Weapon, Says Facebook in ‘Arms Race’ against ‘Bad Actors’
Danielle Ryan - RT, 10 Sep 2018

6 Sep 2018 – If you had any lingering doubt that Facebook has become little more than a vehicle for US government censorship and Western propaganda, a recent Washington Post op-ed by Mark Zuckerberg should remove any ambiguity.

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Exposing the Giants: The Global Power Elite
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

This $41 trillion represents the wealth invested for profit by thousands of millionaires, billionaires and corporations. The seventeen Giants operate in nearly every country in the world and are ‘the central institutions of the financial capital that powers the global economic system’. They invest in anything considered profitable, ranging from ‘agricultural lands on which indigenous farmers are replaced by power elite investors’ to public assets (such as energy and water utilities) to war.

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Nicaragua: A View from the Left
Jeffrey L. Gould | NACLA-North American Congress on Latin America – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

Making sense of Daniel Ortega’s slow betrayal of the Nicaraguan revolution.

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(Italiano) I Giganti: l’élite del potere globale
Robert J. Burrowes | Znet – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

Questi 41 trilioni di dollari rappresentano la ricchezza investito per profitto da migliaia di milionari, miliardari e imprese. I diciassette Giganti operano in quasi ogni paese del mondo e sono “le istituzioni centrali del capitale finanziario che alimenta il sistema economico globale”. Investono in qualsiasi cosa sia considerata redditizia da “terre agricole sulle quali i coltivatori indigeni sono sostituiti da investitori dell’élite del potere” ad attività pubbliche (quali le reti elettriche e idriche).

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The Rich Will Not Save Us
Rob Meiksins | Nonprofit Quarterly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

27 Aug 2018 – Philanthropic plutocracy is the use of donations from the ultra-wealthy to shift the overall allocation of resources in society. The philanthropy of today’s ultra-wealthy rests on a paradox of wanting to have a positive impact on society’s inequity but using money earned from businesses that take advantage of that very inequity to do so. Stiglitz argues that the rich will continue to use their wealth to maintain their power and that philanthropists are their enablers. Ultimately, it is up to civil society to intervene and build a more just and equitable economy if we want these patterns to change.

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Blackwater Founder Seeks to Privatize Afghan War despite Mercs Getting Butt Kicked in Yemen
F. Michael Maloof – RT, 3 Sep 2018

29 Aug 2018 – Upon departing as commander of US Forces Afghanistan, Gen. John Nicholson said that America’s military strategy is working. Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater [known as Academi], apparently doesn’t share that view and intends to renew his offer to his friend Donald Trump to replace US military forces with Private Military Contractors, or PMCs.

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(Português) Ex-açougueiro adota veganismo e afirma que a indústria da carne afetou sua saúde mental
Julia Cortezia - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 3 Sep 2018

Fraser Bayley, que hoje é atleta e ativista vegano, conta os problemas que enfrentou nos dois anos em que foi açougueiro.

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Nicaragua’s Media Uprising Challenges President Ortega
Sasha Chavkin – International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ICIJ, 3 Sep 2018

As Ortega’s repression grows increasingly brutal, the local media has become more collaborative and independent.

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‘Myanmar Is like Nazi Germany’
Ahmet Gurhan Kartal – Anadolu Agency (Turkey], 3 Sep 2018

29 Aug 2018 – The atrocities targeting Myanmar’s Rohingya minority are similar to those committed by Nazi Germany, according to a prominent Buddhist human rights activist. Speaking to Anadolu Agency in Kent, the UK, Maung Zarni, a coordinator at the Free Rohingya Coalition, said the international community should act against his country of origin.

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What If the World Started Using US Logic in Its Relations with America?
Neil Clark – RT, 27 Aug 2018

21 Aug 2018 – You’re sanctioned! You’re bombed! You’re invaded! The US has plenty of punishments lined up for states which it claims are doing things wrong. But what if the rest of the world held the US to the same standards? “Only when we are living in a world in which sanctions are imposed ‘on’ the United States rather than ‘by’ the United States will we know justice reigns.”

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21st Bloody Friday in Gaza
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

21 Aug 2018 – Since March 30, Palestinian Great March of Return demonstrations have been all about contesting Israel’s unlawful blockade of the Strip, along with denying them all their fundamental rights. Israeli forces lethally shot two Palestinians on Friday, injuring at least 270 others, scores from live fire—including 19 children and nine medics targeted for aiding the wounded.

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The Cell Phone and the Virgin (2018): A Montreal Odyssey
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

Curtin’s primary odyssey was to try to unmask the true font of power in the contemporary world. The world had suffered a series of radical breaks with historical continuity and loss of identity with place, starting shortly after Adams was born in the mid-nineteenth century. Space and time had been contracted by the new technology. Adams had contemplated the dynamo. The computerized cell phone was its current symbol, and its evil twin the concentrated power of nuclear weapons. The modern mind had suffered severe dislocation and confusion.

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That Facebook Will Turn to Censoring the Left Isn’t a Worry—It’s a Reality
Alan MacLeod | Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

22 Aug 2018 – That Facebook’s stated concern about stopping the spread of hate speech is genuine is challenged by the fact that the far-right Alternative fur Deutschland party went to Facebook headquarters in Berlin in 2017 to discuss how it could use the platform for recruitment and for micro-targeting in the German elections.

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Distorting Past and Present: Reuters on Nicaragua’s Armed Uprising
Joe Emersberger | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

23 Aug 2018 – I examined 45 Reuters news articles about the uprising in Nicaragua since April 18, which are widely reprinted throughout English-language Western media as portrayed by corporate journalism. The story conveyed by Reuters is that the Sandinista government is opposed to democracy and human rights in Nicaragua, while the US government supports these things. But a closer look at the picture reveals numerous distortions about Nicaragua’s past and present.

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Who Has the Right to Bring the Public Bad News?
Slavoj Žižek – RT, 27 Aug 2018

23 Aug 2018 – The web is our most important commons today, and the struggle for its control is THE struggle of our time. And the enemy is the combination of privatized and state-controlled entities, corporations (such as Google and Facebook) and state security agencies (for example, the NSA). WikiLeaks was just the beginning, and our motto here should be a Maoist one: Let a hundred WikiLeaks blossom.

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A ‘Regime’ Is a Government at Odds with the US Empire
Gregory Shupak | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

20 Aug 2018 – A country’s political leaders are likely to be called a “regime” when they do not follow US dictates, and are less likely to be categorized as such if they cooperate with the empire. Calling a government a “regime” suggests a lack of legitimacy, with the implication that its ousting would serve humanitarian and democratic ends; it’s no accident that the phrase is “regime change,” not “government change” or “administration change.”

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Genocide of the Greek Nation
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

21 Aug 2018 – The political and media cover-up of the genocide of the Greek Nation began yesterday (August 20) with European Union and other political statements announcing that the Greek Crisis is over. What they mean is that Greece is over, dead, and done with. It has been exploited to the limit, and the carcass has been thrown to the dogs.

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Europe to Ban Halogen Lightbulbs
Arthur Neslen – The Guardian, 27 Aug 2018

23 Aug 2018 – After nearly 60 years of brightening our homes and streets, halogen lightbulbs will finally be banned across Europe on 1 September.

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