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People Choosing Peace: Ayuel Madut, South Sudan
Ochan Hannington | Peace News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

I fought alongside the Sudan People’s Liberation Army that later took power in South Sudan. During the guerrilla war I was a child soldier. At such a young age I thought I fully understood the reasons for fighting the Khartoum government, which was our “enemy” then.

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20 Foods High in Provitamin A
Dr. Atli Arnarson | Authority Nutrition – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in maintaining vision, body growth, immune function and reproductive health.

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Groundwater Drunk by BILLIONS of People May Be Contaminated by Radioactive Material Spread across the World by Nuclear Testing in the 1950s
Shivali Best – The Daily Mail, 8 May 2017

Researchers looked at groundwater from over 6,000 wells around the globe
They found traces of radioactive tritium in over half of the wells
Even at low doses, tritium has been linked with increased risk of cancer

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UN Peacekeepers: Keeping the Peace or Preventing It?
Nimmi Gowrinathan and Kate Cronin-Furman – Al Jazeera, 8 May 2017

The UN peacekeepers’ capacity to commit rape with impunity undermines prospects for sustainable peace around the world.

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How Israel’s Violent Birth Destroyed Palestine
Ramzy Baroud – Al Jazeera, 8 May 2017

As Israel celebrates the Palestinian Nakba as its triumphant independence on May 1, it is preparing for a massive celebration for the 50th anniversary of its occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Two dates are often used to frame the so-called Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Nakba Day on May 15 and Naksa Day on June 5.

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American Military Cancer Spread throughout the World
ClassWarFilms – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

Prof. Johan Galtung’s prophetic book The Fall of the US Empire – And Then What? Successors, Regionalization or Globalization? US Fascism or US Blossoming? is proving right on the first part of the third question.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

A young man from a rural village went to study at the university in the capital.

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Vault 7: Archimedes
WikiLeaks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

Today, May 5th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes “Archimedes”, a tool used by the CIA to attack a computer inside a Local Area Network (LAN), usually used in offices. It allows the re-directing of traffic from the target computer inside the LAN through a computer infected with this malware and controlled by the CIA.

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We Hope for Miracle
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

We hope for miracle,
When a giant wave
Splits into chips our ship,

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Oliver Stone Honored with Press Freedom Award
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 8 May 2017

4 May 2017 – Though most people know Oliver Stone as a famous screenwriter and movie director, he has also lent his talents and resources to a number of documentary films that embrace the core journalistic idea that there are usually two sides – if not more – to a story.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 10 (Apr 2017)
Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone & Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

This is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ together with a sample of news about Charter signatories and organizations. Our collective effort to build a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts continues to make progress, even against rather overwhelming odds!

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An Encyclical That Will Dignify Humanity: An Anticipatory Plea
Prof. Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

Pope Francis` contribution to World Peace will never cease
if as the climax of his papacy he writes an Encyclical on Nonviolent Peace

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(Italiano) Ridurre la violenza urbana
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Per ridurre la violenza diretta nelle città dobbiamo convertirci da una cultura della violenza urbana ad una cultura della pace urbana e dalla violenza strutturale urbana ad una struttura di pace. I nomi delle strade non devono glorificare guerre ed eroi violenti bensì la pace e i suoi eroi, sovente donne. Si spostino i monumenti di guerrieri a cavallo nei pressi dei cimiteri a mo’ di sepolture simboliche.

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(Italiano) Il Messaggio di Pasqua
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Dagli USA di Trump non è stata resurrezione, ma morte. 59 missili Tomahawk per la Siria, la “madre di tutte le bombe” per l’Afghanistan; stati musulmani. Entrambi gli attacchi sono stati giustificati con menzogne. La vecchia menzogna che l’11 settembre 2001 aveva avuto origine in Afghanistan, la nuova menzogna che Assad aveva deliberatamente fatto uso di sarin [i]. La contro-narrazione può reggere – che gli USA hanno fornito il gas e hanno usato l’incidente quale pretesto per attaccare. Vediamo se USA-NATO acconsentono a che venga fatta una inchiesta; se avessero la coscienza pulita, dovrebbero acconsentire.

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The Shame of Killing Innocent People
Kathy Kelly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The U.S. Congress could put an end to U.S. complicity in the crimes against humanity being committed by military forces in Yemen. Congress could insist that the U.S. stop supplying the Saudi led coalition with weapons, stop helping Saudi jets to refuel, end diplomatic cover for Saudi Arabia, and stop providing the Saudis with intelligence support.

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U.S. Missile Madness Hypocrisy
Bruce Gagnon | Space4Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

April 26, 2017
Today the Pentagon
will test fire
a nuclear missile
from Vandenberg AFB
in California
into the Pacific

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(Português) Consumo de refrigerantes diet aumenta risco de demência e AVC
Nuno Noronha | Sapo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Bebidas adocicadas artificialmente, como o refrigerante diet, podem aumentar o risco de acidente vascular cerebral e demência, revela uma investigação da Universidade de Boston, publicada na revista científica americana Stroke.

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(Castellanto) Colaboración internacional para poner fin a la violencia
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Mientras gran parte del mundo está envuelto en violencia de uno u otro tipo (ya sea violencia en el hogar o en la calle, explotación, destrucción ecológica o la guerra), una red global de individuos y organizaciones se han comprometido a ponerle fin a la violencia en todas sus manifestaciones.

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Intel Vets Voice Doubts on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack
VIPS-Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity – Consortium News, 1 May 2017

26 Apr 2017 – Two dozen former U.S. intelligence professionals are urging the American people to demand clear evidence that the Syrian government was behind the April 4 chemical incident before President Trump dives deeper into another war.

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(Italiano) La rete dei Musei per la Pace
Angela Dogliotti e Elena Camino – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 1 May 2017

Si festeggia proprio nel 2017 il 25° anniversario della Rete Internazionale dei Musei per la Pace (International Network of Museums for Peace – INMP) che offre a esperti, educatori, attivisti di ogni parte del mondo l’opportunità di scambiare informazioni, condividere progetti, rafforzare collaborazioni tra strutture – alcune grandi, ben note, finanziate da enti privali e pubblici, altre piccole e basate sul volontariato – ma tutte impegnate a far conoscere e a promuovere iniziative di pace e di riconciliazione.

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Famine Creeps In on Africa While the World’s Media Looks Elsewhere
John R Campbell – The Conversation, 1 May 2017

The western media’s focus on events at home like the US elections and the UK Brexit referendum has come at the expense of reporting on the famine that’s unfolding in Africa.

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The Costa Rica Lesson
John Andrews | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Just after Costa Rica had its revolution in 1948, one of the first things its new visionary leader Jose Figueres Ferrer did was scrap its army. Contrary to what one might think, this immediately increased Costa Rica’s security, rather than weakening it, and it’s the only country in an otherwise war-torn part of the world to have had sustained peace and prosperity ever since.

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Middle East, Engulfed by a ‘Perfect Storm’
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 1 May 2017

21 Apr 2017 -Reporting to the UN Security Council on the “dire situation across the Middle East region, marked by the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War, fractured societies, proliferation of non-State actors and unbelievable human suffering,” Nickolay Mladenov, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, reiterated the need for a surge in diplomacy for peace to ease the suffering of innocent civilians.

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Damned by Our Victory
Gideon Levy | Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Israel must cloak itself in sorrow over what happened since that terrible summer of 1967, when it won a war and lost nearly everything. 1967 gave birth to the ongoing contempt for the world, the bragging and bullying. “To us all is permitted.”

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Regime Change Buddies: ‘Western Forces Stop Targeting ISIS Fighters once They Cross into Syria’
Mike Raddie - Russia Today, 1 May 2017

24 Apr 2017 – The US has never liberated a Middle Eastern country – ever! And the fear of the civilians in Mosul is understandable considering the indiscriminate carnage occurring there. — Mike Raddie, editor, BSNews, human rights activist.

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Japan Should Be More Active Peace Contributor
Shinichi Kitaoka | The Japan News - The Yomiuri Shimbun, 1 May 2017

When Prime Minister Abe committed to making a “more proactive contribution to peace,” some commentators who criticized the new policy for being confusingly similar to the concept of “positive peace” popularized by Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung, the father of peace studies. Galtung defined an ordinary state of peace with the absence of war as “negative peace” and a state of peace with the absence of structural violence, such as oppression, poverty and discrimination as “positive peace.”

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The Climate Change System 2017
Prof. Timi Ecimovic and Prof John Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

“The Climate Change System 2017” booklet was written for 8th Danube Academies Conference, 21-22 Sep 2017, Belgrade, by Prof Dr John Avery, Prof Dr, Dr h c Timi Ecimovic, Prof Dr Negoslav Ostojic, Prof Dr Leo Semashko, et al.

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Endless Atrocities: The US Role in Creating the North Korean Fortress-State
Robert J Barsocchini | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Paul Atwood, a Senior Lecturer in American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston, provides a concise summary of the history that informs North Korea’s “relations with the United States” and “drives its determination never to submit to any American diktat”… In its full invasion of the North, the US acted under the banner of the UN. However, the UN at that time was “largely under the control of the USA”, and as Prof. Carl Boggs puts it, essentially ‘was’ the USA.

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European Country Opens First Concentration Camps for Gay People since Hitler [VIDEO]
Kerry-anne Mendoza | The Canary – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

An investigative report by Novaya Gazeta has found that 100 gay men were kidnapped and imprisoned in the world’s first concentration camp for LGBT people since Nazi Germany. Three men were killed during the operation in Chechnya, in Eastern Europe. . In Nazi Germany, Jewish people were ordered to wear a yellow star. Disabled people were forced to wear black triangles. And LGBT people were ordered to wear a pink triangle.

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(Italiano) Aosta 28 aprile 1945-28 aprile 2017. Lettura collettiva della Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana in Piazza Chanoux
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Il 28 aprile 1945 AOSTA fu liberata dal fascinazismo.
Per opera delle Partigiane e dei Partigiani.
Gli Americani arrivarono il 3 maggio.

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Palestinian Prisoners Show the Way in Israel
Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Mahatma Gandhi used hunger strike to refocus people away from greed and selfishness to caring for each other. Hunger is painful and people will die sooner or later unless we all act. What is at stake is very high: our own self-respect (dignity) as human beings.

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“World Domestic Politics”
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

A world focus on the world’s most miserable communities, to lift up the bottom of humanity, is a welfare world we need. Doing that would already be Weltinnenpolitik. Today, not waiting 50+ more years.

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Earth Day 2017
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Be advised: this poem may be interrupted
by a nuclear war.

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Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 Mar 1883)
The European Graduate School – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Germany. His father was a lawyer who came from a long line of Rabbis, but had changed his faith to Protestantism in order to keep his job. Karl Marx went to the University of Bonn to study law when he was 17 years old.

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Double Standards: Do All Journalist Lives Matter?
Shafik Mandhai – Al Jazeera, 1 May 2017

Little attention is paid to reporters from the Global South who are killed, abused, or left stranded by foreign media.

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The Leaves Turned Yellow
Adolf P. Shvedchikov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The leaves turned yellow,
Someone in the fall is again in disgrace,
The cold of January is close again,

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Vietnam’s Crocodile Skin Industry
PETA-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Warning: Graphic Images of Cruelty – This is the hidden cost of crocodile skin bags, wallets, watches, and other items. Vietnam’s exotic skins trade.

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The Israeli Macron
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Emmanuel Macron (Emmanuel is a Hebrew name, meaning “God is with us”) has won the first round, and there is a strong possibility that he will win the second round, too. This is not just a French affair. It concerns all mankind. First of all, it has broken a spell.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

May 1-7 ~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “A year from now, you will wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb

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Media Is Free, but Is It Fair?
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

In an ideal world, journalism is a profession of incredible integrity. Good journalists are amongst the most dexterous and skilled people in the world—and also the most respected.

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Hospital Care — Physical and Spiritual
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Recently, I had an opportunity to go to an infectious disease hospital which offers treatment for various diseases for a minimal fee. I was going there with a woman called Usha who works in our home and who had got bitten by a stray dog the previous evening… Yes, in this hospital, medical science and spirituality were both at work to cure patients of their disease and to give them hope, trust and confidence.

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Vault 7: Scribbles Project
WikiLeaks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Today, April 28 2017, WikiLeaks publishes the documentation and source code for CIA’s “Scribbles” project, a document-watermarking preprocessing system to embed “Web beacon”-style tags into documents that are likely to be copied by Insiders, Whistleblowers, Journalists or others.

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Worse Than MRSA: Doctors Call for Urgent Action on Deadly Superbug Threat
Madlen Davies - The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 1 May 2017

21 Apr 2017 – Doctors are warning that the rise of an almost untreatable superbug, immune to some of the last-line antibiotics available to hospitals, poses a grave threat and needs urgent government action.

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NSA-Leaking Shadow Brokers Just Dumped Its Most Damaging Release Yet
Dan Goodin | Ars Tecnica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The Shadow Brokers—the mysterious person or group that over the past eight months has leaked a gigabyte worth of the National Security Agency’s weaponized software exploits—just published its most significant release yet. Friday’s [14 Apr] dump contains potent exploits and hacking tools that target most versions of Microsoft Windows and evidence of sophisticated hacks on the SWIFT banking system of several banks across the world.

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Addressing Fractionation: Principles for Arbitrating the “Common Good”
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

There is an urgent need for healing the divisive separation of people, societies, and nations. A continuation of the present intentional and unintentional “fractionation” forebodes a tragic future. Humans and the institutions they have created for collective living, now threaten life and lives as they assert selective group domination and control.

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Awarding Saudi Arabia Chair on Women’s Rights Commission Makes UN Complicit in Crimes
Marwa Osman – Russia Today, 1 May 2017

25 Apr 2017 – The Saudi Arabia that publicly beheads women and dangles bodies from cranes was just elected to the UN Women’s Rights Commission. After the scandal of re-electing Saudi Arabia to the UN Human Rights Council in 2016, that same Saudi Arabia which has been indiscriminately bombing Yemeni civilians for more than two years, now gets ‘elected’ to the new position. This is not the punchline of a twisted joke, but the intergovernmental UN shaming itself.

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A Public Plan for Peace
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

26 Apr 2017 – The American will to wage war — endless war, pointless war, total war — is, I fear, impervious to public opinion and even political action. I fear something is dangerously loose at the American core: a need for endless war combined with a nuclear recklessness uncontained by public scrutiny. The resistance has to go deeper than Trump. At its center we need a public plan for peace.

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The Great Game – Or Peace?
Emanuel E. Garcia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Although peace has come to have a bad name, these days, although the voices of those against war are branded as traitorous, and all that is great and good seems connected to soldiering, there are many many more of us who want nothing more or less than peace, the noblest of aspirations. There are many many more of us who know that our precious world is anything but a game, “great” or small: it’s all we have.

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Air Force One
Pawel Kuczynski – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Stairway to Hell

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The Plant That Everyone Has, but Nobody Knows That it Makes Cancer Cells Disintegrate within 48 Hours
Native American’s – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Quick – what’s the best use for dandelions? If you’re like most people, you probably can’t think of an answer, or maybe think of dandelion wine – but we’re here to tell you it’s something much, much better!

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Spiritual Voices amid the Chaos
Sayde Tawk | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

There is a considerable difference between an institutional religion and a genuine spirituality, where the former is based on rigid rules and rituals while the latter succumbs to the harmonious rhythm of life.

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Indigenous Peoples – Best Allies or Worst Enemies?
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 1 May 2017

25 Apr 2017 – It all happened on the very same day—4 April. That day, indigenous peoples were simultaneously characterised as fundamental allies in the world’s war on hunger and poverty, while being declared as collective victims of a “tsunami” of imprisonments in Australia…. The Rome meeting of the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus coincided with the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples.

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Trump versus International Liberalism: Should We Care?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Only civil society militancy on an unprecedented scale can create a mandate for the kind of global transformation in ideas and structures are necessary to enable a sustainable future resting on the values of eco-humanism. If this analysis is correct, Trumpism and liberalism are nothing but sideshows.

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Jokes to Be Taken Seriously
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The philosophers of ancient Greece concluded that by far the wisest among them was Socrates.

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(Português) O veganismo não reconhece nada de origem animal como alimento de consumo humano
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

O veganismo por defender o abolicionismo animal, naturalmente rejeita a ideia de que qualquer coisa produzida pelos animais seja legitimada como fonte de nutrição humana. Até porque, se esse discurso fosse endossado pelo veganismo, a luta não seria pela libertação animal, mas somente pela criação de animais em grandes espaços, disseminando uma ingênua ideia de liberdade.

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A Structural Theory of Aggression (1964)
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

This theoretical essay is concerned with the conditions of aggression. We shall define aggression somewhat vaguely as ‘drives towards change, even against the will of others’. The extreme forms of this phenomenon are crimes, including homicide, between individuals; revolutions, including elimination, between groups; and wars, including genocide, between nations. These forms make aggression negative and problematic, a cause of concern and prevention. But one can also turn the coin and look at the other face: aggression as the driving force in history, as the motivational energy that moves mountains.

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Shutting Down American-Style Authoritarianism
Henry A. Giroux - Tikkun Magazine, 1 May 2017

It is impossible to imagine the damage Trump and his white nationalists, economic fundamentalists, and white supremacists friends will do to civil liberties, the social contract, the planet, and life itself in the next few years. Rather than address climate change, the threat of nuclear war, galloping inequality, the elimination of public goods, Trump and his vicious acolytes have accelerated the threats faced by these growing dangers.

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GM Products: ‘Frankenstein Foods’ or Miracle Solution for a Hungry Planet?
Tomasz Pierscionek – Russia Today, 1 May 2017

25 Apr 2017 – The manufacture of Genetically Modified Organisms is a controversial subject. Should GMO be feared or embraced? Are they the answer to solving world hunger or could their creation have consequences?

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Nonviolence and Islamic Imperatives
Jørgen Johansen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Nonviolence and Islamic Imperatives is a timely book that provides a valuable perspective to the ongoing dialogue on Islam, peace, and Islamophobia today. It is highly relevant and critical to continuing a crucial dialogue on the subject matter.

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Burma/Myanmar: “Communal Violence” Argument Being Peddled Again
Dr. Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

What is fundamentally wrong with the “communal violence” argument in the paper below, ‘Interpreting Communal Violence in Myanmar,’ by Nick Cheesman.

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Diversifying Public Ownership
Andrew Cumbers | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

This paper advocates a form of economic democracy based around diverse forms of public ownership. It does not prioritize one particular scale but recognizes the importance of decentralized forms of public ownership, to encourage greater public participation and engagement, mixed with higher level state ownership, for strategic sectors and planning for key public policy goals (e.g. tackling climate change). It takes a deliberately pluralistic definition of public ownership, recognizing both state ownership and the role that cooperatives and employee ownership could play in a more democratic economy.

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Corporate Pseudo-Science, Edward Bernays, and the 2017 March for Science
Gary G. Kohls, MD | Duty to Warn – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.”
— Edward L. Bernays, the Father of Propaganda in America and Sigmund Freud’s nephew, from his seminal book, Propaganda (1928)

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Democratic World Federalists and the San Francisco Promise
Roger Kotila, Editor | Earth Federation News & Views – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The truth is that the UN Charter itself is so badly designed that it is in reality the main part of a geopolitical war system. A global peace system will require replacing the UN Charter with a genuine world federal union constitution such as the Earth Constitution. The Charter is undemocratically rigged in favor of only five nations of the UN Security Council: U.S., Russia, China, France, and UK.

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Global Solidarity Now!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The U.S. Military is the single largest consumer of oil and the largest emitter of CO2 in the world! Here in the center of Hawaii Island is a 133,000-acre toxic waste dump that includes lead, depleted uranium and a host of other pollutants. And to make matters worse, the military is bombing the toxic waste dump. Are we inhaling military DU oxide dust?

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Teilhard de Chardin (1 May 1881 – 10 Apr 1955): Evolution toward World Unity
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

For Teilhard, love was not an emotion or a sentiment but the basic primal and universal psychic energy. This is a concept drawn from Chinese culture. Teilhard lived in China from 1923 to 1946. The Chinese word jen, a term translated as love, benevolence or affection, is not only an emotional-moral term, but it is also a cosmic force − a compassionate quality that is the very structure of the earth.

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America’s War-Fighting Footprint in Africa
Nick Turse - TomDispatch, 1 May 2017

Secret U.S. Military Documents Reveal a Constellation of American Military Bases across That Continent

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Who Is Behind the State Department’s Coup Plot in Venezuela?
Misión Verdad – teleSUR, 1 May 2017

Creating a distorted image of the humanitarian crisis is the starting point. Painting a picture of a country on the verge of collapse is the alibi.

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Does Climate Change Increase Conflict?
Peace News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Today’s wars are often attributed to ethnic conflict or extremism, but environmental factors could also be behind tensions. Linking climate and conflict is a controversial issue. Some scholars warn that inflating the links between conflict and climate change could be damaging to both areas of study. However, evidence on the ground appears to be increasing.

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A Rhymed Reflection Never Before Proclaimed
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

All types of nuclear weapons let us abhor.
The mention of any types of nuclear war let us deplore.

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Moscow Nights – Podmoskovnye Vechera (Music Video of the Week)
Anna Netrebko & Dmitri Hvorostovsky – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Red Square Concert – The Russian Classic best known outside the country.

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How the Hunger Strike Could Bring Palestinian Prisoners Back to the Fore
Amjad Iraqi | +972 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The fixation on Barghouti’s op-ed bio distracts from the strike’s impact on Palestinians, which is as much about restoring political direction as it is about attaining prisoners’ rights.

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BP Oil Spill Damage to Natural Resources Valued at $17.2 Billion, Scientists Find
Denisse Moreno | International Business Times – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

20 Apr 2017 – The April 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill did $17.2 billion in damage to natural resources, a study published in the journal Science said. Scientists conducted a six-year study of the impact of the 134-million gallon BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

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To Prevent or Stop Wars: What Can Peace Movements Do?
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

We, who are part of structured (more or less) organizations for the resolution of armed conflicts, need to seek ways to meet on-going challenges, to build cooperation among groups and to reach out to the “unorganized”. The book, the first of a new peace publishing house headed by Jørgen Johansen, also of The War Resisters’ leadership, merits close reading and especially discussion of strategies.

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Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Appeals to President Trump for Peace Leadership
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

“The people of North and South Korea want peace and they want a peace treaty. They do not want their country to be bombed or their government to bomb others. Having visited both North and South Korea last year and walked with thousands and thousands of Korean women, North and South, I am convinced that peace is possible and what is needed is the political will of all parties to the conflict to dialogue and for negotiations to move from a Korean armistice to a Korean Peace Treaty.”

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John Lennon’s Last Interview
Beatles Videos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

John Lennon sat down at the Tomorrow Show and gave his last interview ever. RIP – Listen to his first statement…

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The Old Familiar Faces: Poetry
Theresa Wolfwood – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

This collection of mainly English poetry reflecting inevitably on loss, the constant of old age, has many poignant poems, but also humour, a necessity of aging well, is here. The editors have collected poems from many centuries and from the famous to the little known.

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Australian Anzac Day Celebrations Promote Militarism and War
Oscar Grenfell | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Anzac Day celebrations on April 25 were used by the Australian political and media establishment to reaffirm its commitment to US-led wars and military preparations around the world, and to try to drown out widespread anti-war sentiment among working people.

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Over 1,000 Palestinian Prisoners Launch Mass Hunger Strike
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

On Palestinian Prisoner’s Day Monday [17 Apr 2017], hundreds of Palestinians in Israeli prisons are staging a mass hunger strike, continuing the decades-long resistance of prisoners in the apartheid state. “Salutes of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. Glory to the martyrs. Freedom for the prisoners of freedom,” stated the PFLP in support of the strikers.

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Day of Mother Earth – 22 April
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

In traditional Indian culture, according to texts as early as the Vedas, the Earth is home to all living species that inhabit it and must not be excluded as they all contribute to the planet’s welfare and preservation. Therefore, human beings must contribute to the web of life of which they are a part and find ways of using the elements to produce food without damaging other life forms as far as possible.

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Why We Are on Hunger Strike in Israel’s Prisons
Marwan Barghouti – The New York Times, 24 Apr 2017

16 Apr 2017 — Having spent the last 15 years in an Israeli prison, I have been both a witness to and a victim of Israel’s illegal system of arbitrary arrests and ill-treatment of Palestinian prisoners. After exhausting all other options, I decided to resist these abuses by going on a hunger strike. Freedom and dignity are universal rights that are inherent in humanity, to be enjoyed by every nation and all human beings. Palestinians will not be an exception.

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Yemen, World’s Largest Humanitarian Crisis
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 24 Apr 2017

19 Apr 2017 – With 18.8 million people –nearly 7 in 10 inhabitants– in need of humanitarian aid, including 10.3 million requiring immediate assistance, Yemen is now the largest single-nation humanitarian crisis in the world, the UN informs. According to OCHA, over 17 million people are currently “food insecure,” of whom 6.8 million are “severely food insecure” and require immediate food assistance, and two million acutely malnourished children. The Yemeni population amounts to 27.4 million inhabitants.

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US Threat of War Forces North Korea into Siege State Mentality
Carlos Martinez – Russia Today, 24 Apr 2017

Many people in the West are worried about the situation not because of Donald Trump’s insane militarism, but that of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Such thinking is irrational and ahistorical, and is rooted largely in mass-media deception and good old-fashioned ‘Yellow Peril’ racism. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has invaded and bombed not a single country. The USA, on the other hand, has invaded and bombed dozens of countries – including Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Grenada, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and, yes, Korea.

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International Collaboration to End Violence
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

24 Apr 2017 – While much of the world is engulfed in violence of one sort or another (whether violence in the home or on the street, exploitation, ecological destruction or war), a global network of individuals and organizations is committed to ending this violence in all of its manifestations. Here is an outline of what some of these individual signatories of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ are doing. You are welcome to join them.

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Mountaintop Removal Site Could Become Kentucky’s Largest Solar Farm
Cassie Kelly | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

Berkeley Energy is working to build a 50-100 megawatt solar farm right on top of the old coal mine. The project was announced on Tuesday [18 Apr]. “This is really a history-making project for the region,” said Ryan Johns, an executive with Berkeley Energy Group.

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On the Fifth Day
Jane Hirshfield – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

That common ground between poetry and science is what poet Jane Hirshfield sows with splendor in this poem written for the 2017 March for Science in Washington, D.C., protesting the anti-fact, anti-truth, anti-science political climate of the current American administration. (Maria Popova)

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Indescribable Feeling: We Just Hit 410 ppm of CO2 – Welcome to a Whole New World
Kate Yoder | Grist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

21 Apr 2017 – This is not normal: We’re on track to witness a climate unseen in 50 million years by mid-century. We first hit 400 parts per million back in 2013, and that became the new norm just four years later. And on April 18 this year, as predicted, we crossed the 410 ppm threshold for the first time at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.

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(Français) Guerre de Corée : après les tapis de bombes, les mensonges
Dwight Garner | Tlaxcala – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

La Corée du Nord, une menace pour les Etats-Unis? Oui, si on applique un principe fondamental de la propagande de guerre: occulter l’histoire. Par contre, si on replace les événements dans leur contexte, les tensions entre Washington et Pyongyang prennent une toute autre dimension. C’est pourquoi nous vous proposons la lecture cet article de 2010. Un historien revient sur la guerre qui a ravagé la Corée de 1950 à 1953. Utile pour remettre les pendules à l’heure.

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‘The Kurds’: Internationalists or Narrow Nationalists?
Marcel Cartier - teleSUR, 24 Apr 2017

Any imperialist plan for a “Greater Kurdistan” is incompatible with the ideology Democratic Self-Administration in Northern Syria.

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Korea: Challenge and Response
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

In a message to the UN Secretary-General, as President of the Association of World Citizens, I stressed that a crisis can also be an opportunity for strong initiatives and action. Citizens of the World call for speedy and creative action to meet the challenge of growing Korean tensions with a response of cooperation and reconciliation.

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Palestine’s Nelson Mandela
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

22 Apr 2017 – I have a confession to make: I like Marwan Barghouti. I have visited him at his modest Ramallah home several times. During our conversations, we discussed Israeli-Palestinian peace. Our ideas were the same: to create the State of Palestine next to the State of Israel, and to establish peace between the two states, with open borders and cooperation. I am waiting for the day when I can visit Marwan again as a free man in his home in Ramallah. Even more so if Ramallah is, by that time, a town in the free State of Palestine.

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The Success of Nonviolent Civil Resistance
Erica Chenoweth | TED Talks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

Between 1900-2006, campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance were twice as successful as violent campaigns. Erica talks about her research on the impressive historical record of civil resistance in the 20th century and discusses the promise of unarmed struggle in the 21st century. In addition to explaining why nonviolent resistance has been so effective, she also shares some lessons learned about why it sometimes fails.

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“Over There”
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

When the massacres came, we wondered…. –
We thought we were the “Over There” people.
George M. Cohan sang us the way home:
“We won’t come back till it’s over over there.”

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Israel Cracks the Whip on Hunger-Striking Palestinian Prisoners
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

The Palestinian Committee of Prisoners’ Affairs released a statement Monday [17 Apr] saying that Israeli Prison Service officials have forcibly moved hunger-striking prisoners to different sections of Israeli jails, confiscated their clothes and personal belongings and prevented lawyers and family members from visiting them in jail. Some Israeli leaders are calling for a more blood-soaked crackdown, calling on the state to execute many of the prisoners.

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Terrorists Are Terrorists and Not “Rebels” in Syria
Stephen Lendman – Information Clearing House, 24 Apr 2017

Conflict in Syria isn’t civil. All anti-government forces are US-supported terrorists (under various “jihadist” Al Qaeda affiliated labels). Names of different groups don’t matter. They’re all cut out of the same cloth. They can’t exist without foreign support. State actors bear full responsibility for turning Syria into a charnel house.

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March for Science Puts Earth Day Focus on Global Opposition to Trump
Oliver Milman – The Guardian, 24 Apr 2017

More than 600 marches held around the world, with organizers saying science ‘under attack’ from a White House that dismisses the threat of climate change. • Why March for Science? Because when it is attacked, only elites benefit

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The Bait-and-Switch ‘War on Terror’
Gareth Porter | Middle East Eye – Consortium News, 24 Apr 2017

22 Apr 2017 – New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman outraged many readers when he wrote an opinion piece on April 12 calling on President Trump to ”back off fighting territorial ISIS in Syria.” The U.S. “war on terror” has always been a bait-and-switch scam on the American people, with Washington putting the desires of its Mideast allies ahead of defeating Al Qaeda and ISIS.

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(Italiano) Resistenze oggi. Sul 25 aprile 2017 ad Aosta
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

Sono le studentesse e gli studenti della scuola primaria, della scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado e dell’università che hanno letto i Principi fondamentali della Costituzione della Repubblica italiana, dal palco delle autorità il 25 aprile.

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Vault 7: Weeping Angel
WikiLeaks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

Today, April 21st 2017, WikiLeaks publishes the User Guide for CIA’s “Weeping Angel” tool – an implant designed for Samsung F Series Smart Televisions. Based on the “Extending” tool from MI5/BTSS, the implant is designed to record audio from the built-in microphone and egress or store the data.

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Putting a Value on Injuries to Natural Assets: The BP Oil Spill
Richard C. Bishop, et al* | American Association for the Advancement of Science – Science Magazine, 24 Apr 2017

21 Apr 2017 – BP Oil Spill Damage to Natural Resources Valued at $17.2 Billion, Scientists Find: When large-scale accidents cause catastrophic damage to natural or cultural resources, government and industry are faced with the challenge of assessing the extent of damages and the magnitude of restoration that is warranted.

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Chechnya Opens World’s First Concentration Camp for Homosexuals since Hitler’s in the 1930s
Thomas Burrows – Daily Mail, 24 Apr 2017

• Campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
• One of those who fled said prisoners were beaten to force them to reveal other members of the gay community.
• Comes after 100 gay men were detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

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