Articles by ICH

We found 2433 results.

Global Military Spending Is Now an Integral Part of Capitalism
Richard Seymour – Gulf News, 17 Mar 2014

The idea of a ‘peace dividend’ is gone, high levels of military spending are an entrenched part of the global landscape.

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Why Do I Persist?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Mar 2014

I have been asked recently why do I persist in working hard for the things that I believe in, knowing that I will die in the next several years, and am almost certain not to be around for the catastrophic future that seems to cast its dark shadow across the road ahead, and can only be removed by a major transnational movement of the peoples of the world.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Mar 2014

The head of a Mexican drug cartel recently took three suitcases full of money to a Swiss bank and demanded to see the bank president. He asked him,

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$3 Billion for Ukraine to Go Straight to…Russia
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, CNBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Mar 2014

As Western leaders prepare a bailout package for embattled Ukraine, they face a startling irony: Thanks to the almost bizarre structure of a bond deal between Ukraine and Russia, billions of those dollars are almost certain to go directly into the coffers of the Putin government.

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California Bill Would Ban Orca Shows at Seaworld
Michael Martinez - CNN, 10 Mar 2014

A California state legislator is proposing to ban the captivity of killer whales for entertainment at SeaWorld in the wake of CNN’s controversial documentary Blackfish. “It is time that we embrace that the long-accepted practice of keeping orcas captive for human amusement must end,” state Assemblyman Richard Bloom, a Democrat from Santa Monica, said at a press conference Friday [7 Mar 2014] at the city’s oceanfront pier.

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Breaking Free: Choosing a Better Human Future
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

I have long believed that prospects for a hopeful human future depend on radical and visionary feelings, thought, and action… Citizenship, then, becomes enacted in time and is not conceived only as a dimension of space as, for instance, in opting to be ‘a world citizen.’

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December 2013 – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied Since 1967
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

5 Mar 2014 – This is my last report as Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestine as my term is coming to an end after six years. The mandate is important as a source of information pertaining to the realities of occupation from the perspective of international humanitarian law and international criminal law

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

Recently a zoo offered jobs to unemployed workers to disguise themselves as animals and play in the cages.

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World’s Largest Grid Operator Reveals Why Increased Wind Energy Means Increased Savings
Michael Goggin, American Wind Energy Association – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014

The largest grid operator in the world, serving 60 million customers, issued the final results of a major wind integration study on Monday [3 Mar 2014] and they are even better than the preliminary results.

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Gigabytes Gone Wild
Neil Richards and Jonathan King – Al Jazeera America, 3 Mar 2014

Big data has outpaced our legal system’s ability to control it — we need a new ethics for a new digital age.

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Fracking Siberia: Gazprom Teams Up With Shell
Richard Smallteacher, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Mar 2014

Gazprom of Russia has begun fracking in western Siberia with Anglo-Dutch giant Shell to tap a reserve of oil under a 2.3 million square kilometer expanse. Ironically Russia Today, a state run television station, has been actively broadcasting protests against the fracking industry in Europe, where companies like Chevron have been aggressively trying to get a toehold in countries like Bulgaria, Poland and Romania.

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Imelda Marcos Stamp
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Mar 2014

For Imelda’s 50th birthday, President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines ordered as a surprise for her that a postage stamp with her picture be issued.

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Syria: What to Do Now
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Mar 2014

It is not only that the interventionists, and perhaps the anti-interventionists are motivated by a convergence of humanitarian/moral considerations with geostrategic ambitions, but that the nature of these hidden calculations are discussed in governmental circles behind locked doors and transcribed in secret policy memoranda.

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Sochi 2014: Does Sochi Success Signal a New Russia?
Richard Conway – BBC, 24 Feb 2014

23 Feb 2014 – Russia Top Medal Table as Olympics Come To an End. The tagline of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games was “Hot, Cool, Yours”, but another slogan on display here, the phrase “Russia – Great, New, Open” provides a better insight.

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Monsanto’s Bt-Toxins Found to Kill Human Embryo Cells
Christina Sarich, Natural Society – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

New research from Canada show that BT toxins are showing up in pregnant women, and low and behold – they are killing human embryo cells.

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Saudis Agree to Provide Mercenary Jihadists in Syria with Mobile Antiaircraft Missiles
Maria Abi-Habib and Stacy Meichtry – The Wall Street Journal, 24 Feb 2014

U.S. Also Giving Fighters Millions of Dollars for Salaries – Washington’s Arab allies, disappointed with Syria peace talks, have agreed to provide rebels there with more sophisticated weaponry, including shoulder-fired missiles that can take down jets, according to Western and Arab diplomats and opposition figures.

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(Português) Quem rotula nossa sexualidade?
Marília Moschkovich – Outras Palavras, 24 Feb 2014

E se formos muito mais que gays ou héteros? E se houver uma galáxia de identidades sexuais, que devem ser definidas, antes de tudo, por cada um@? Na sexta-feira [14 fev 2014] a atriz Ellen Page se assumiu lésbica em um discurso público pela primeira vez. Entre tantas coisas lindas que disse, refletiu sobre a dificuldade em “sair do armário”.

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The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 24 Feb 2014

In the course of the last four years, there has been a surge in Afghan opium production. The Vienna based UN Office on Drugs and Crime reveals that poppy cultivation in 2012 extended over an area of more than 154,000 hectares, an increase of 18% over 2011. A UNODC spokesperson confirmed in 2013 that opium production is heading towards record levels.

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Dietrich Fisher – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

An elderly man in Phoenix calls his son in New York and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty five years of misery is enough.”

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Is a Boycott of Israel Just?
Sonya Michel – International New York Times, 24 Feb 2014

B.D.S. is, in fact, a legal, moral and inclusive movement struggling against the discriminatory policies of a country that defines itself in religiously exclusive terms, and that seeks to deny Palestinians the most basic rights simply because we are not Jewish.

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Talking Roles
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2014

Daughter: “Mother, what is an ‘extra’ in the theater?” Mother explains,

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Terrorism with a “Human Face”: Syria Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” are “Not Killing Civilians”
Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 17 Feb 2014

The attacks by opposition forces largely integrated by Al Qaeda terrorists can no longer be denied. What is now occurring is a re-branding of the various terrorist formations covertly support by Western intelligence. The latest slur of media disinformation consists in providing a “human face” to Al Qaeda.

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Suicides of Bank Executives, Fraud, Financial Manipulation: JPMorgan Chase Advisor Tony Blair Is Not Involved
Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 17 Feb 2014

JPMorgan Chase is the unspoken architect of fraud, corruption, not to mention the establishment of the largest Ponzi scheme in World history. The agenda is to steal and appropriate wealth through market manipulation.

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Cluster-Bomb Imperialism: The Lethal Legacy of US Interventions
Sheldon Richman - CounterPunch, 17 Feb 2014

“The tragic upsurge of violence in Iraq in recent months, including the temporary takeover of two major cities by al-Qaida, is a direct consequence of the repression of peaceful dissent by the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad and of the 2003 U.S. invasion and occupation…” 40 years after America’s war of aggression against the people of Southeast Asia, American munitions continue to kill people.

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Climate Change Is Here Now and It Could Lead to Global Conflict
Nicholas Stern – The Guardian, 17 Feb 2014

Extreme weather events in the UK and overseas are part of a growing pattern that it would be very unwise for us, or our leaders, to ignore, writes the author of the influential 2006 report on the economics of climate change.

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OMAR: Uncovering Occupied Palestine
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2014

OMAR is the second film directed by Hany Alu-Assad to be a finalist among foreign language films nominated to receive an Oscar at the 2014 Academy Awards ceremony on March 2nd.

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Industrial Band Skinny Puppy Demand $666,000 after Music Is Used in Guantánamo Torture
Sean Michaels – The Guardian, 10 Feb 2014

“We sent them an invoice for our musical services considering they had gone ahead and used our music without our knowledge and used it as an actual weapon against somebody,” keyboardist Cevin Key recently told CTV News.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2014

A French teacher in the USA explained to her class that in French every noun is either masculine or feminine. A student asked, “How about a computer?”

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Should David Cameron Be Prosecuted for Recruiting Brits to Fight in Al Qaeda Ranks in Syria?
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 10 Feb 2014

A top British prosecutor has “warned that Britons who travel to join the Syrian conflict will face prosecution and potential life sentences on their return.” What she fails to address is that the British “freedom fighters” are being recruited with the full support of Prime Minister David Cameron in defiance of UK laws.

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A Meeting with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 35 Years Ago
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2014

Khomeini by insisting on all or nothing against the Shah did create an Iranian transition to a new political order. In contrast the 2011 militants in Tahrir Square were content with the removal of Mubarak and promises of reforms, and ended up succumbing to a counter-revolutionary tsunami that has reconstituted the repressive Mubarak past in a more extreme form.

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Dark Lands: The Grim Truth behind the ‘Scandinavian Miracle’
Michael Booth – The Guardian, 3 Feb 2014

Television in Denmark is rubbish, Finnish men like a drink – and Sweden is not exactly a model of democracy. Why, asks one expert, does everybody think the Nordic region is a utopia?

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Be Careful What You Wish…
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2014

A husband and wife, both sixty years old, were walking through a forest.

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Corporation Carte Blanche: Will US-EU Trade Become Too Free?
Michaela Schiessl – Der Spiegel, 27 Jan 2014

Opposition to the planned new trans-Atlantic free trade agreement is growing. So far, criticism has focused on the fact that the deal seems directed exclusively at economic interests. Now fears are growing that corporations will be given too much power.

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An American Idol: The United States Should ‘Govern’ the World?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jan 2014

This post consists of a much expanded text of an opinion piece that was published by AJE on January 18, 2014; it seeks to discredit imperial and neoliberal claims that the United States is a benevolent hegemon, providing global public goods to the world as a whole, including supposed geopolitical and ideological rivals.

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The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) vs. Syria’s “Moderate” Al Qaeda Terrorists
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 27 Jan 2014

The Western media has tacitly acknowledged, faced with overwhelming evidence, that the opposition rebels have not only committed countless atrocities, they were also behind the chemical weapons attack of August 21. The evolving media narrative –which coincides in a timely fashion with the Geneva 2 Peace Conference– consists in distinguishing between two categories of Al Qaeda affiliated rebel organizations.

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Imperiled Polities: Egypt and Turkey—Two Visions of Democracy
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jan 2014

The recent disturbing political turmoil in Turkey and Egypt, each in its own way, is illustrative. In both countries there are strong, although quite divergent, traditions of charismatic authoritarian leadership, reinforced by quasi-religious sanctification. Very recently, however, this authoritarian past is being challenged by counter-traditions of populist legitimacy.

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TPP: Poison for Local Community Resilience
Richard Heinberg – Common Dreams, 20 Jan 2014

If a city, county, or state were to ban fracking within its jurisdiction, oil companies could overturn the ban and sue for millions of dollars in lost profits. Want to label GM foods? Sorry, that’s a barrier to trade. Want local schools to buy healthy food from local farmers? Nope, that might violate the rights of Big Ag. Want to protect a forest? Stand aside, you’re in the way of profits.

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Climate Activists Slapped With Terrorism Charges for Devon Energy Protest
Richard Smallteacher, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jan 2014

10 Jan 2014 – Two climate activists who staged a protest at the headquarters of Devon Energy, a Fortune 500 company based in Oklahoma city, have been charged with a “terrorism hoax” after black powder drifted down from a banner that they unfurled.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jan 2014

On a flight from New York to Sydney, the pilot announced that they had engine trouble and would have to make an emergency landing at sea near a small uninhabited South Pacific island.

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Sewage Sludge as Fertilizer: Safe?
Jill Richardson – Food Safety News, 20 Jan 2014

Despite sludge’s relative obscurity, the newly formed Food Rights Network is taking on sewage sludge as its flagship issue. Simply put, the group says that it is not safe to grow food in sewage sludge [industrial, hospital, human excrements/waste].

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CONFIRMED: The DEA Struck a Deal with Mexico’s Most Notorious Drug Cartel
Michael Kelley – Business Insider, 20 Jan 2014

An investigation by El Universal found that between the years 2000 and 2012, the U.S. government had an arrangement with Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs while Sinaloa provided information on rival cartels.

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Harassment of Climate Scientists Needs to Stop
Richard Schiffman – The Guardian, 13 Jan 2014

When Michael Mann chose a career in science, he didn’t think that he would be denounced on billboards, grilled by hostile legislators on Capitol Hill and in the British House of Commons, have his emails hacked and stolen, receive letters laced with an anthrax-like white powder, and become the target of anonymous death threats.

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Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness against Thy Government: The Case of John Kiriakou
Alyssa Rohricht - CounterPunch, 13 Jan 2014

To date, only one person has been jailed in connection to the US torture program. One man has been put behind bars for the part that the United States has played in torturing prisoners of war around the globe.

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The Emergent Palestinian Imaginary
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jan 2014

It is often overlooked that as early as 1988, and possibly earlier, the unified Palestinian leadership has decisively opted for what I would call a ‘sacrificial’ peace. By sacrificial I mean an acceptance of peace and normalization with Israel that is premised upon the relinquishment of significant Palestinian rights under international law.

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Richard Wiseman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jan 2014

A psychoanalyst shows a patient an inkblot, and asks him what he sees. The patient says: “A man and woman making love.”

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Beholding 2014
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jan 2014

2013 was not a happy year in the chronicles of human history, yet there were a few moves in the directions of peace and justice. What follows are some notes that respond to the mingling of light and shadows that are flickering on the global stage, with a spotlight placed on the main war zone of the 21st century—the Middle East, recalling that Europe had this negative honor for most of the modern era.

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NSA Seeks to Build Quantum Computer That Could Crack Most Types of Encryption
Steven Rich and Barton Gellman – The Washington Post, 6 Jan 2014

The US National Security Agency is racing to build a computer that could break nearly every kind of encryption used to protect banking, medical, business and government records around the world, according to documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

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The Eleventh Hour – Decision Time
R. Teichmann – News Beacon Ireland, 6 Jan 2014

It is a well-known fact in biology that pressures of an existential nature on a species result in two possible outcomes. The first outcome is that the species evolves. It adapts by way of biological evolution to the new conditions and survives. The second is that the species does not evolve and thus perishes.

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2014: International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jan 2014

In a little noted initiative the General Assembly on November 26, 2013 voted to proclaim 2014 the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

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Samer Issawi, Hunger Strikes, and the Palestinian Struggle
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Dec 2013

For the last three years Palestinian prisoners unlawfully detained in Israeli jails have been engaged in hunger strikes to protest administrative detention, imprisonment without indictment, charges, and access to allegedly incriminating evidence, abusive arrest procedures…

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I Am Outraged – A Christmas Poem
Rudi Teichmann – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Dec 2013

I am outraged
Because every second children die of hunger by design
Because every second old people die lonely
Because brother fights against brother

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Transatlantic Trade Agreement Threatens Environment and Health in U.S. and Europe
Erich Pica – Huffington Post, 30 Dec 2013

24 Dec 2013 – Negotiations between the United States and European Union for a free trade agreement, which resumed this week in Washington, represent one of the biggest threats we have seen in our lifetimes to an environmentally sustainable and socially just world.

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Washington’s New Islamic Front: Expanded U.S. Support to Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria
Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 23 Dec 2013

What the US and its allies are establishing are new effective “direct channels” for increasing their support to their Al Qaeda foot soldiers, essentially using the new Islamic Front as a “Go Between”. This procedure is contemplated following the apparent demise of the Supreme Military Command of the FSA.

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Northern Ireland and the Israel/Palestine ‘Peace Process’
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

I visited Belfast the last few days during some negotiations about unresolved problems between Unionist and Republican (or Nationalist) political parties, I was struck by the absolute dependence for any kind of credibility of this process upon the unblemished perceived neutrality of the mediating third party.

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The Palestinian National Movement Advances
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

The Palestinian shift toward Legitimacy Wars is a recognition that in this kind of conflict the decisive battles are generally not won by the side with the superior weaponry and technology but rather by the side that prevails in the realm of ideas and symbols of just cause.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, and Ryan, 3.

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Boycott by Academic Group Is a Symbolic Sting to Israel
Richard Pérez-Peña and Jodi Rudoren – The New York Times, 23 Dec 2013

An American organization of professors on Monday [16 Dec 2013] announced a boycott of Israeli academic institutions to protest Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, signaling that a movement to isolate and pressure Israel that is gaining ground in Europe has begun to make strides in the United States.

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Timothy Leary’s Liberation, and the CIA’s Experiments! LSD’s Amazing, Psychedelic History
Richard J. Miller - Salon, 16 Dec 2013

The U.S. psychedelic drug scene was kickstarted by spies and spooks, just as much as Timothy Leary and Jerry Garcia.

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Is NATO’s Trojan Horse Riding Toward the ‘Ukraine Spring’?
Dennis Kucinich - Reader Supported News, 16 Dec 2013

While the draft of the EU “Association Agreement” is being sold as an economic boon for Ukrainian citizens, it is a massive expansion of NATO’s military position in the region. Naomi Klein’s Disaster Militarism. Ukrainians may be pro-EU, but are the EU and NATO pro-Ukrainian?

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Officials Say U.S. May Never Know Extent of Snowden’s Leaks
Mark Mazzetti and Michael S. Schmidt – The New York Times, 16 Dec 2013

A senior N.S.A. official has told reporters that he believed Mr. Snowden still had access to documents not yet disclosed. The official, Rick Ledgett, who is heading the security agency’s task force examining the leak, said he would consider recommending amnesty for Mr. Snowden in exchange for those documents.

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Not Too Bad
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

An elderly man went to the doctor for his annual checkup.

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Escaping the Abusive State: After Snowden
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

We can and must do better, above all as citizens engaged in the protection of the sort of society we wish to live in; without civic activism of a militant character we can wave goodbye to the promise of genuine democracy.

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Nelson Mandela’s Inspiration
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Fifteen years ago I had the extraordinary pleasure of meeting Nelson Mandela in Cape Town while he was serving as President of South Africa. His journey, like that of Gandhi, was not without its major disappointments.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

A foreman at a construction site told a new worker, “Your two colleagues carry two buckets of cement at a time…

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India Creates Organic Seed Bank in Response to GMO Suicide Seeds, Farmer Debt
Christina Sarich – Nation of Change, 9 Dec 2013

Across 17 states in India there are a group of organic seed-collecting activists who have decided to take Monsanto and other Big Ag and chemical companies down in this interminable fight the old-fashioned way – by beating them at their own game.

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Tribunal Issues Landmark Verdict against Israel for Genocide
Yoichi Shimatsu - Global Research, 9 Dec 2013

1 Dec 2013 – The landmark ruling against Israel for its genocide against the Palestinian people rendered by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal is significant for several reasons.

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Here Is Why Deconstructing Zionism Is Important
Michael Marder – Al Jazeera, 9 Dec 2013

First, the biggest threat to the wellbeing and security of Israeli Jews (and, often, by implication of Jews who live elsewhere in the world and are assumed to be the supporters of Israeli policies) is neither Iran nor Syria; it is the State of Israel itself.

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Gaza: The Unfolding Humanitarian Catastrophe
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Servivce, 2 Dec 2013

Sadly – how sadly – the Palestinian Authority and the quisling Fateh are in lockstep, fellow travelers with this miasma of shame and inhumanity. Hamas and Fateh must overcome the USraeli “divide and rule” tactics and link arms as a solid force of resistance to the illegal occupation of their homeland. Today, that must be the number one priority!

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Clashing Views of Political Reality: Chomsky versus Dershowitz
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

The book is much more than a comparison of two influential voices, one critical the other apologetic, with respect to the Israel/Palestine struggle and the subordination of private liberties to the purveyors of state-led security at home and abroad.

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Leakers, Privacy Activists Find New Home in Berlin
Michael Birnbaum – The Washington Post, 2 Dec 2013

During the Cold War, Berlin was one of the most spy-ridden cities in the world. An international cadre of privacy advocates is settling in Germany’s once-divided capital, saying they feel safer here than they do in the United States or Britain, where authorities have vowed to prosecute leakers of official secrets.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

One evening, a husband brings his wife a glass of water and an aspirin.

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Geneva 3 Talks: Iran Nuclear Negotiations 4 Dummies
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Nov 2013

The third round of nuclear negotiations between Iran and P5+1 is well under way in Geneva. They present a unique opportunity – not for the United States, but for the revival of international law and treaties – and the rejection if imperialism. Let us hope that the opportunity is not plundered.

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The Truth
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Nov 2013

Young Son: “Is it true, Dad, I heard that in some parts of India and Middle East…”

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Sleepwalking to Extinction: Capitalism and the Destruction of Life and Earth
Richard Smith, Adbusters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Nov 2013

Capitalism is, overwhelmingly, the main driver of planetary ecological collapse. Economic systems come and go. Capitalism has had a 300 year run. The question is: will humanity stand by and let the world be destroyed to save the profit system?

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Two Forms of Lethal Polarization: Egypt and Turkey
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Nov 2013

I am arguing that these instances of polarization amount to a deadly virus that attacks the body politic in countries with weak constitutional traditions, especially if such societies are beset by economic disappointment and significant regional and global hostility due to ideological and political tensions.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Nov 2013

Three boys went into a drug store.

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Sweden Closes Four Prisons as Number of Inmates Plummets
Richard Orange – The Guardian, 18 Nov 2013

Decline partly put down to strong focus on rehabilitation and more lenient sentences for some offences.

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Human Rights Advocate: Censor Them!
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

On November 4th, Iranian lawyer and the 2003 Nobel Peace Laureate [Shirin Ebadi] announced that the United States and Europe should ban Iran from using broadcast satellites. Censor them, is what this ‘human rights’ advocate is suggesting. Shocking as this is, given Ebadi’s track record, the call for censorship comes as no surprise. She is, after all, a former judge.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun and Napoleon met in hell.

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The Great Austerity Shell Game: Here’s How the Capitalist Scam Works
Prof. Richard Wolff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

When capitalist economies crash, most capitalists request – and governments provide – credit market bailouts and economic stimuli. However, corporations and the rich oppose new taxes ‘on them’ to pay for stimulus and bailout programs. They insist, instead, that governments should ‘borrow’ the necessary funds. Since 2007, capitalist governments everywhere borrowed massively for those costly programs.

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Ireland: Israeli Products Marked with Yellow Sticker
Itamar Eichner - Ynetnews, 11 Nov 2013

Sources in the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem said that the phenomenon is severe and it is not by chance that the BDS organization chose to express its protest with a yellow sticker – which is reminiscent of dark days of racism and incitement.

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Invisible Horizons of a Just Palestine/Israel Future
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Nov 2013

4 Nov 2013 – I spent last week at the United Nations, meeting with ambassadors of countries in the Middle East and presenting my final report to the Third Committee of the General Assembly as my term as Special Rapporteur for Occupied Palestine comes to an end.

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Texas Club Auctions Right to Hunt Endangered Rhino: Killing It to Save It
Michael Graczyk, AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Nov 2013

Plans to auction a rare permit that will allow a hunter to take down an endangered black rhino are drawing criticism from some conservationists, but the organizer says the fundraiser could bring in more than $1 million that would go toward protecting the species.

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David Cameron Makes Veiled Threat to Media over NSA and GCHQ Leaks
Nicholas Watt – The Guardian, 4 Nov 2013

David Cameron has called on the Guardian and other newspapers to show “social responsibility” in the reporting of the leaked NSA files to avoid high court injunctions or the use of D notices to prevent the publication of information that could damage national security.

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Ave Maria – Schubert Classical Guitar (Music Video of the Week)
Michael Lucarelli – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Nov 2013

Michael Lucarelli plays Franz Schuberts’s Ave Maria on classical guitar.
Filmed at the “Cathedral of the Madeleine” in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

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US Political Dysfunction and Capitalism’s Withdrawal
Richard D. Wolff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Nov 2013

The classic problems of early, rapid capitalist industrialization are obvious daily in the new centers. What we learn about early capitalism when we read Charles Dickens, Emile Zola, Maxim Gorky and Jack London, we see now again in the new centers.

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Malala and Eartha Kitt: Words that Matter
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

I connect Malala and Eartha Kitt in my mind because both seized the moment to speak truth to power, probably sensing that it meant they would never be invited back [to the White House], and for Eartha Kitt it was worse than that. It seems almost certain that neither of these fearless women would have been invited in the first place if their intentions to speak out had been known in advance.

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Learning from Indigenous Wisdom and Knowledge
R. Teichmann – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

To Change Society a Cultural Revolution in Activism Is Needed

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Report of SR on Occupied Palestine to UNGA, 29 Oct 2013
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

In the present report, while noting the continuing non-cooperation of Israel, the Special Rapporteur addresses Israel’s Operation “Pillar of Defense” and the general human rights situation in the Gaza Strip, as well as the expansion of Israeli settlements – and businesses that profit from Israeli settlements and the situation of Palestinians detained by Israel.

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US Politics’ True Bipartisan Consensus: Capitalism Is Untouchable
Richard Wolff – The Guardian, 28 Oct 2013

Democrats like moderate Keynesianism. Republicans favour free markets unfettered. The crisis-ridden system is never challenged. The economic aim of both major US political parties is, in the end, the same: to protect and reinforce the capitalist system.

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Fukushima Fraud and Corruption: Japanese Organized Crime Involved in Recruitment of “Specialized Personnel”
Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 28 Oct 2013

The crisis in Japan has been described as “a nuclear war without a war”. In the words of renowned novelist Haruki Murakami: “This time no one dropped a bomb on us … We set the stage, we committed the crime with our own hands, we are destroying our own lands, and we are destroying our own lives.”

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Factory Farming: The True Price of a Pork Chop
Susanne Amann, Michael Fröhlingsdorf and Udo Ludwig – Der Spiegel, 28 Oct 2013

Germany slaughters 58 million pigs a year and has built an efficient meat industry second only to the US in pork exports — but at a hidden cost to the environment and our health.

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Good Time in the Movies
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2013

A young man told his girlfriend, “Tonight we will have a good time, I bought three movie tickets.”

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Post-Intervention Libya: A Militia State
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

We can only wonder whether Libya as of 2013 is not better understood as a ‘militia state’ rather than a ‘failed state,’ which seems like an emerging pattern for societies that endure Western military intervention. The parallels of Libya with Iraq and Afghanistan are uncomfortably suggestive.

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Israel’s Politics of Fragmentation
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

If the politics of deflection exhibit the outward reach of Israel’s grand strategy of territorial expansionism and regional hegemony, the politics of fragmentation serves Israel’s inward moves designed to weaken Palestinian resistance, induce despair, and de facto surrender.

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Smart Help
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

During a heavy rainstorm, you come with your car to a bus stop where three people are waiting:

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Was it a Psyop? Nairobi Mall Deceit Abets Israeli-Western Pipeline Wars to Oust Asian Rivals
Yoichi Shimatsu - Global Research, 7 Oct 2013

The gratuitous violence and spectacular overkill by a mysterious gang of supposed “terrorists” does nothing to further the aims of either Somali nationalism or sharia law, as espoused by the original Al-Shabaab movement, which seeks the withdrawal of Kenya forces from Somalia.

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The Real North Korean Threat
Emanuel Pastreich – Foreign Policy in Focus, 7 Oct 2013

In North Korea, the threat of desertification should be raised to the same level as nuclear nonproliferation. I refer to the spread of deserts and semi-desert regions in North Korea as a result of the reckless logging of forests, the misuse of soil, and irresponsible farming practices. These ecological dead zones, where few plants can survive, are spreading.

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The Sarin Mysteries: Syria, Sarin, and Casus Belli
Michael Parenti – Information Clearing House, 7 Oct 2013

The “Syrian freedom fighters” include men who are not even Syrian. According to the Wall Street Journal, the ISIS, an Iraqi al Qaeda outfit operating in Syria, “has become a magnet for foreign jihadists” who view the war in Syria rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one.”

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Can Iran Trust the United States?
Sheldon Richman – The Future of Freedom Foundation, 7 Oct 2013

People ask whether the United States can trust Iran. The better question is whether Iran can trust the United States. Since 1979 the U.S. government has prosecuted a covert and proxy war against Iran. The objective has been regime change and installation of a government that will loyally serve U.S. state objectives.

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