Articles by RT

We found 3826 results.

A Distant Flickering Light: The Hibakusha Peace Movement (Part 2)
Robert Kowalczyk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Aug 2018

20 Aug 2018 – An Interview with Kazuyo Yamane, Associate Professor of Peace Studies (retired) Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan – Is the Hibakusha Peace Movement fading? Why or why not?

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World Is Drowning in Debt and It Spells Disaster for Everyone
Darius Shahtahmasebi – RT, 20 Aug 2018

16 Aug 2018 – “A man in debt is so far a slave,” American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson once reportedly said. In light of this statement, I contend that I don’t need to have a college degree in economics to tell you that our current financial system enslaving the entire world is not sustainable – and headed for one hell of a spectacularly ugly crash.

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A Writer’s Last Port of Call: V.S. Naipaul
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Aug 2018

V. S. Naipaul, the Nobel winning author who just died, was, like so many people, an enigma, at least in his writing. He once said that fiction never lies, and while this may or may not be true, it is true that writers whose politics one may find repulsive can also, despite their conscious intentions, write books that glow with an extraordinary prose luminescence that mesmerizes and reveals deep insights.

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A Journalism of Peace: The Media’s Indispensable Social Function
Editorial – National Catholic Reporter, 20 Aug 2018

16 Aug 2018 – Earlier this year, to mark World Communications Day, Pope Francis issued a stern warning against the dangers of “fake news” and an equally firm endorsement of what he called the “journalism for peace.” Journalism must be “at the service of all, especially those — and they are the majority in our world — who have no voice,” Francis wrote. Journalism of service, he said, explores the underlying causes of conflict so as to contribute to its resolution.

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(Castellano) ¿Extinción Humana para el 2026? Una última estrategia para luchar por la supervivencia humana
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 20 Aug 2018

Las pruebas en relación con la destrucción de la biósfera de la Tierra, que conduce a la degradación continua y rápida de todos los ecosistemas y sus servicios, están fácilmente disponibles y son abrumadoras. Las múltiples y variadas formas de destrucción están teniendo efectos sinérgicos. Una cantidad insignificante de la vasta evidencia en relación con esta destrucción se muestra arriba.

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1953 Iran Coup: A Crime Authored in London and Washington
John Wight – RT, 20 Aug 2018

August 19, 1953 is the day that Iranians were taught a hard lesson in the rules of the game when it comes to empire and hegemony: the country’s democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, was overthrown. Operation Ajax was planned, organized and unleashed by the CIA in conjunction with MI6 in response to the decision by Mossadegh to nationalize Iran’s oil and its revenue for the benefit the Iranian people.

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Peter Wadhams, Professor Emeritus, Ocean Physics
Robert Hunziker - Counterpunch, 20 Aug 2018

10 Aug 2018 – My mission was to drill down into what’s happening with the climate crisis. I got the answers I was looking for… Methane embedded in frozen deposits in shallow waters north of Siberia is the most underrated and overlooked risk by the scientific community, which prompts many, many hard questions. My follow up question: What will be the impact of a 50Gt pulse? Answer: “It would wipe out civilization within 5 years.”

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The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2018

Unless we enter into deep contemplation of the evil that was released into the world with those bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we are lost in a living hell without escape. And we will pay. Nemesis always demands retribution. We have gradually been accepting rule by those for whom the killing of innocents is child’s play, and we have been masquerading as innocent and good children for whom the truth is too much to bear.

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Human Extinction by 2026? A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2018

The evidence in relation to destruction of the Earth’s biosphere, leading to ongoing and rapid degradation of all ecosystems and their services, is readily available and overwhelming. The many and varied forms of destruction are having synergistic impact. An insignificant amount of the vast evidence in relation to this destruction is sampled here. It is going to be a tough fight for human survival, particularly this late in the ‘game’.

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Climate Change and Wildfires – How Do We Know if There Is a Link?
Kevin Trenberth – The Conversation, 13 Aug 2018

10 Aug 2018 – With California & Europe suffering another devastating wildfire year, more people are wondering about whether and how global warming is contributing. A climate scientist explains.

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Pence Details Plan for Creation of Space Force in What Would Be the Sixth Branch of the Military
Christian Davenport and Dan Lamothe - The Washington Post, 13 Aug 2018

9 Aug 2018 – Vice President Pence laid out an ambitious plan today to create a military command dedicated to space and establish a “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the U.S. military as soon as 2020. Pence warned of the advancements that potential adversaries are making and issued what amounted to a call to arms to preserve the military’s dominance in space.

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Is India Creating Its Own Rohingya?
Hartosh Singh Bal – The New York Times, 13 Aug 2018

10 Aug 2018 — Echoes of the majoritarian rhetoric preceding the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya can be heard in India as four million, mostly Bengali-origin Muslims, have been effectively turned stateless.

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A Distant Flickering Light: The Hibakusha Peace Movement (Part 1)
Robert Kowalczyk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

[The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug 6 and 9, 1945, respectively.] An Interview with Mrs. Koko Kondo, The Tanimoto Peace Foundation – Do you think the Hibakusha are still important? “They are still very important. Those individuals of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the only humans who have ever experienced and survived a nuclear bombing. That is a fact. They are the ones who know. Only they.”

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Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame’s Paranoia Strikes Deep
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

1 Aug 2018 – “Dissidents say Kagame shuttered houses of worship because they were the last spaces in Rwanda where people felt safe from his totalitarian grip.”

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London September Peace Conference & March
Alberto Portugheis | HUFUD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

Humanity United For Universal Demilitarisation-HUFUD ~ Conference scheduled to take place on 15th September at Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London.

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(Français) L’évacuation des Casques blancs en Syrie est-elle le prélude de l’ultime bataille ?
Robert Fisk | Arrêt sur info – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

30 Juil 2018 – Grâce à Donald Trump, c’en est fini pour les « rebelles » en Syrie qui ont été trahis par les Américains – sûrement en fin de compte par Trump lui-même au cours des discussions secrètes qu’il a eues avec Vladimir Poutine à Helsinki.

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(Português) Alterações Climáticas: Ninguém Repara nas Vacas a Pastar
Nuno Alvim – Público [Portugal], 6 Aug 2018

31 de Julho de 2018 – Estima-se que a produção de animais seja responsável pela emissão global de cerca de 14,5% dos gases poluentes de estufa, ao passo que todos os transportes no mundo são responsáveis por 13% dessa emissão global, comparativamente. Em Portugal, a Quercus, reconhecida entidade ambientalista, constatou que a agricultura, inclusive a agropecuária, utiliza 80% dos recursos hídricos. E, no entanto, o nosso foco tem recaído essencialmente sobre os restantes 20%, uma percentagem marginal, em boa parte correspondendo ao uso doméstico.

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The United States Is the Only Remaining Colonial Power
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

30 Jul 2018 – The US government has never allowed independent governments in Latin America. Every time people elect a government that represents them instead of US economic interests, Washington overthrows it. Currently, Washington is trying to overthrow the governments of Venezuela and Nicaragua and has bought off the Ecuadorian government with oil purchases and the usual personal bribes.

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Look Closely and You’ll See Jared Kushner’s Cynical ‘Deal of the Century’ for Palestinians in Action
Robert Fisk – Information Clearing House, 6 Aug 2018

4 Aug 2018 – Their hearts may be empty but their stomachs shall be filled. Their hopes may be dead but their bank accounts will be in the black. Hindsight is unfair – but it might tell the truth.

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Strategy and Conscience: Subverting Elite Power So We End Human Violence
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

The military forces of the United States are not intended to defend it against military attack. The military forces of the countries in NATO are not intended to defend them against military attack. The military forces of the USA and NATO are controlled by the global elite and used by them to aggressively attack, in violation of all relevant national and international laws, any country that seeks independent control and development of its resources, particularly fossil fuels, strategic minerals and water. The global elite, which is in total control of the global economy and world affairs generally, does this in order to expand its own power, profit and privilege. It does this no matter what the cost to any individual (outside the elite), people, country and the biosphere. Why does the global elite do all of this? Because it is completely insane. So what do we do?

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White Helmets Coming ‘Home’: West & Israel Provide ‘Exceptional’ Rescue Strategy for NATO’s Ghosts
Vanessa Beeley – RT, 30 Jul 2018

26 Jul 2018 – History appears to repeat itself as Israel conducts an “exceptional” rescue of extremist militants and their White Helmet “mannequins” from southern Syria – at the urgent request of NATO member states.

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A Planned War Crime
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

25 Jul 2018 – The Israeli government is planning to demolish the village of Khan El Akhmar, next to the settlement of Kfar Adumim. This is a unilateral act of war by an army against a defenseless civilian population, contrary to international law. The security activities of the Israeli army in the occupied territories stem from the need to suppress Palestinian resistance to their ouster from their land, and to protect Israeli citizens from Palestinian revenge over their abuse by the army and the settlers.

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Diabolical Plot to Extradite Assange to US
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jul 2018

24 Jul 2018 – Ecuador granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange political asylum at its London embassy in August 2012. According to an Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling, it’s irrevocable under international law. Nations are obliged to uphold asylum rights, including the right of safe passage to the country granting it… He’ll likely lose asylum protection, be extradited to Washington to be prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for the “crime” of truth-telling.

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The Plot Thins: How Gel Became a Liquid and the Whole Novichok Affair Began to Smell to High Heaven
George Galloway – RT, 30 Jul 2018

24 Jul 2018 – ‘Novichok’ survivor Charlie Rowley is in a “safe house” but has been denied access to television and newspapers, according to his brother. The ever-stranger case of the Salisbury-Amesbury poisonings gets curiouser and curiouser. Whoever said ‘Novichok’ was a “military-grade lethal nerve agent” doesn’t know their tables.

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Swedish Woman Shows Quiet Power of Civil Disobedience as She Blocks a Deportation (video)
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 30 Jul 2018

25 Jul 2018 – Elin Ersson, a Swedish student, refused to take her seat on a commercial flight unless a man being deported to Afghanistan was removed from the plane first.

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Myanmar: International Accountability Needed for Military-Planned Genocide against Rohingya–Report
Fortify Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – The Myanmar authorities made “extensive and systematic preparations” for attacks against Rohingya civilians during the weeks and months before militants attacked police on August 25, 2017, Fortify Rights said in a new report released today. The report finds “reasonable grounds” that crimes against Rohingya constitute genocide and crimes against humanity, and it identifies 22 Myanmar Army and Police officials who should be criminally investigated for their roles in atrocities.

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Toddlers on Trial
Jim Hightower – Intrepid Report, 23 Jul 2018

19 Jul 2018 – We Americans believe everyone has a right to have their day in court. Right? Kids as young as 1-year-old are being forced to stand trial alone in Trump’s immigration courts, often without even attorneys.

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The Sexual Passion of Winston Smith
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

It may sound silly to say, but language, as its etymology tells us, begins with the tongue (Latin, lingua). And the tongue is a bell, tolling out its meaning. Indeed, all language springs from the body – is body language. And when language becomes abstract and devoid of blood, it becomes etiolated and unable to convey the truth that is the mystical body of the world. It becomes a viper’s tongue, dividing the “good” people from the “bad” so the good can eliminate the bad who have become abstractions.

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Trump’s Space Force: Military Profiteering’s Final Frontier
Harvey Wasserman - Reader Supported News, 23 Jul 2018

21 Jul 2018 – Of all the many, many terrible things the Trump Administration is doing, opening space to war will be the most destructive. The heavens are going to be littered with radioactive debris.

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James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

17 Jul 2018 – Reality Check for Americans Obsessed with Russia – It’s meant to pump up militarism and weapons sales to benefit arms profiteers. It is ridiculous and very dangerous. I think the growing danger of American fascism and global nuclear confrontation comes as much from anti-Trump folks as pro-Trump folks.

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Immigration: Many Myths and Little Reality
Roberto Savio - Human Wrongs Watch, 23 Jul 2018

According to the latest statistics, the total flow of immigrants so far in 2018 is 50.000 people, compared with 186,768 last year, 1,259,955 in 2016 and 1,327,825 in 2015. The difference between reality and perceptions is so astonishing; we are clearly witnessing one of the most brilliant manipulations in history.

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Starving and Bombed Children of Yemen Seek Entrapment in Flooded Thai Cave
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

11 Jul 2018 – While the world watched and waited with bated breath for the outcome of the substantial global effort – involving over 100 cave divers from various countries, 1,000 members of the Thai Army and 10,000 others in various roles – to rescue a team of 12 young football players and their coach, who were trapped inside a flooded cave in Thailand for 17 days, 850,000 children were killed by human adults in other parts of the world, many of them simply starved to death in Yemen or other parts of Africa, Asia and Central/South America.

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(Castellano) Los Niños Hambrientos Y Bombardeados De Yemen Desearían Estar Atrapados En Una Cueva Tailandesa Inundada
Robert Burrowes - Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 16 Jul 2018

13 Jul 2018 – ¿Estoy contento de que los 12 niños y su entrenador hayan sido rescatados en Tailandia? Por supuesto que lo estoy. Desearía que se hiciera un esfuerzo equivalente para rescatar a cada uno de los 50.000 niños que mataremos hoy, mañana, pasado mañana y tras pasado mañana…

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A Quest for Truth with Investigative Journalist Seymour M. Hersh: The State of American Journalism
Chris Hedges - RT, 16 Jul 2018

30 Jun 2018 – In a conversation with Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer prize-winning investigative reporter who broke several “seismic” stories throughout his career, reporting on U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile and Iraq, Chris Hedges wonders if the era of great journalism that Hersh embodies has passed.

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(Português) Esforço compartilhado por toda a sociedade: hipocrisia e ignomínia
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi | Opinion Sur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

12 julho 2018 – Diante de situações de crise que setores dominantes geraram ou, quando menos, gravemente agigantaram, suas representações políticas convocam com hipocrisia e ignomínia a que a sociedade toda compartilha o esforço de recuperação e desenvolvimento. Enquanto pedem ao povo que aceite os sacrifícios para gerar em conjunto um futuro venturoso, seguem fugindo capitais para guaridas fiscais e impõem planos de resgate e políticas econômicas e culturais que protegem seus privilégios e negócios.

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Trump Beats Up NATO Members in American Protection Racket
Finian Cunningham - RT, 16 Jul 2018

13 Jul 2018 – The capo-in-chief flew into Brussels beating up on other NATO members with a combination of blackmail and extortion. Trump wants the others to cough up more dough for the “protection” provided to them by the US. The American leader is the linchpin of a racket that ultimately screws the ordinary citizens of Europe and the US.

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The Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century
Augusto Lopez-Claros, Arthur Lyon Dahl, and Maja P.C.E. Groff | Global Challenges Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

May 2018 – This proposal builds upon structures for international cooperation existing at least since the creation of the UN. We propose revisions to the UN Charter that provide the legal basis for a new system of global governance, supplemented by other reforms not requiring Charter amendment.

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Why Venezuela Reporting Is So Bad
Joe Emersberger | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jul 2018

27 Jun 2018 – For almost 20 years, the US government has been trying to overthrow Venezuela’s government, and establishment media outlets (state, corporate and some nonprofit) throughout the Americas and Europe have been bending over backwards to help the US do it. Review of Alan MacLeod’s Bad News from Venezuela

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Why Do They Flee?
William Blum |The Anti-Empire Report #158 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jul 2018

26 Jun 2018 – The current mass exodus of people from Central America to the United States, with the daily headline-grabbing stories of numerous children involuntarily separated from their parents, means it’s time to remind my readers once again of one of the primary causes of these periodic mass migrations.

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USA: Doctor Giving Migrant Kids Psychotropic Drugs Lost Certification Years Ago
Aura Bogado | Reveal – Center for Investigating Report, 2 Jul 2018

25 Jun 2018 – The psychiatrist who has been prescribing powerful psychotropic medications to immigrant children at a federally funded residential treatment center in Texas has practiced without board certification to treat children and adolescents for nearly a decade, records show.

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Confessions of an Ex-Drone Operator
SophieCo - RT, 2 Jul 2018

The US military is relying more and more on drone warfare but could this modern weapon do more harm than good? Brandon Bryant, former drone operator in America’s armed forces, shares his experience. –“I was praised for saving imaginary lives, but 13 people I killed were real.”

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Violence in Nicaragua: US-Orchestrated Coup Attempt?
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jul 2018

19 Jun 2018 – The pattern is familiar. Ongoing violence in Nicaragua has the earmarks of another US-staged color revolution attempt. Dirty US imperial hands operate everywhere, sovereign independent states their prime targets, wanting governments not subservient to US interests forcefully toppled, pro-Western puppet regimes replacing them.

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The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty at 50: Awaiting Good Faith
Robert F. Dodge, MD | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jul 2018

50 years ago on July 1, 1968 the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was signed. This landmark nuclear arms control treaty brought the world’s nuclear powers together with the ultimate goal of eliminating nuclear weapons by engaging in good faith efforts toward that end. Unfortunately, there was no enforcement mechanism.

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Slow Suicide and the Abandonment of the World
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jun 2018

21 Jun 2018 – I believe the story has it that when he was in jail for refusing the poll tax that supported slavery and the Mexican-American war, Thoreau was visited by his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson, who asked him, “Henry, what are you doing in there?” To which Thoreau responded, “Ralph, what are you doing out there?” Today, however, most folks don’t realize that being outside their cells is being in them, and such imprisonment is far from principled. That’s not a text message they’re likely to receive.

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Trump Is Here to Stay and Change the World
Roberto Savio | Human Wrongs Watch – Other News, 25 Jun 2018

18 Jun 2018 – Donald John Trump, 45th and current president of the United States, has been seen in many illustrious circles as an anomaly that cannot last. Well, it is time to look at reality… This is not new in history. Hitler and Mussolini were at first elected, and today many “men of providence” are lining up.

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Reflections on the Donald Trump/Kim Jong-un Singapore Summit
Robert Kowalczyk interviews Peace Studies Prof. Lee Jae-bong – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jun 2018

Interview with Lee Jae-bong, Professor of Peace Studies at Wonkwang University, South Korea, in the early afternoon of June 12, 2018 while the United States-North Korean Summit was taking place in Singapore.

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Psychiatric Drugs for Kids—A Big Pharma Revenue Stream
Martha Rosenberg | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2018

Millions of children who were once just considered too active are now diagnosed with ADHD, conduct disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, mixed manias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, pervasive development disorders, irritability, aggression and personality disorders and given drugs. Children who were once considered shy or moody are now diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, mood disorders, social phobia, anxiety, borderline disorders, assorted “spectrum” disorders and even schizophrenia.

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Humanity’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’: Starving, Enslaving, Raping, Torturing and Killing our Children
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2018

Let me illustrate and explain the nature and extent of this secret war and what we can do about it. .. We can acknowledge the painful truth that we inflict enormous violence on our children (which then manifests in a myriad complex ways) and respond powerfully to that truth. Or we can keep deluding ourselves and continue to observe, powerlessly, as the violence in our world proliferates until human beings are extinct.

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US-Backed Coalition Bombs Yemen’s New Cholera Treatment Center, after Unleashing World’s Largest Outbreak
Ben Norton - The Real News, 20 Jun 2018

The US-backed Saudi/Emirati coalition bombed a newly constructed cholera treatment center in Yemen run by Médecins Sans Frontières. This air attack comes after the impoverished country suffered through the worst cholera outbreak in recorded history.

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(Italiano) Uccidere la Biosfera per Accelerare l’Estinzione Umana
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jun 2018

Un lungo articolo di non facile lettura che propone una marea di fonti di approfondimento. L’autore Robert J. Burrowes traccia un quadro complesso di un umanità follemente omicida-suicida. Cercando di individuare le cause suggerisce vie di uscita.

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Before You Give Your Computer to the Geek Squad
John Kiriakou - Reader Supported News, 11 Jun 2018

8 Jun 2018 – We all know that we live in a surveillance state. Now we have something else to worry about. The question remains whether Geek Squad employees are secretly working for the FBI. It appears that they are, and this would be a violation of the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment guaranteeing due process.

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Elon Musk and the Corporate Controlled Media
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Common Dreams, 11 Jun 2018

When Advertisers Are Calling the Shots, Don’t Call It Journalism

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Two-State Solution Is Dead, Palestinian Courage Should Spur International Action
Rick Sterling – RT, 11 Jun 2018

4 Jun 2018 – After 70 years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is still unresolved. The conflict simmers for a few years, then erupts again with new massacres and violence. Palestinian courage should spur international action.

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Stopping Terrorism!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jun 2018

One year’s U.S. military budget of 330 billion dollars (now 686 billion dollars) is equal to more than $18,000 an hour (now $36,000 an hour) for every hour since Jesus Christ was born.

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The Blatant Conspiracy behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Assassination
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jun 2018

June 5 is the 50th anniversary of RFK’s assassination. To honor such a man requires that we discover and speak the truth about those who killed him. The propaganda that he was killed by a crazed young Arab needs exposure. Robert Kennedy, like his brother John, was a great danger to those virulent forces of war and oppression within his own government, and he died opposing them as a true patriot.

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(Castellano) Teoría del conflicto y aniquilación de la biosfera
Robert Burrowes | Pressenza Int’l Press Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jun 2018

Me gustaría explicar el origen psicológico de este conflicto aniquilador de la biosfera y cómo este origen ha nutrido los aspectos increíblemente destructivos del capitalismo (y del socialismo, para el caso) desde el principio. También me gustaría explicar qué podemos hacer al respecto.

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How Long Are We Going to Pretend Palestinians Aren’t People?
Robert Fisk | The Independent – Reader Supported News, 28 May 2018

26 May 2018 – Monstrous. Frightful. Wicked. It’s strange how the words just run out in the Middle East today. Sixty Palestinians dead. In one day. Two-thousand-four-hundred wounded, more than half by live fire. In one day. The figures are an outrage, a turning away from morality, a disgrace for any army to create.

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Palestinian Children Arrested, Brutalized by the Israel Defense Forces-IDF
Breaking the Silence | In the Now – RT, 28 May 2018

Activist & former IDF soldier Nadav Bigelman breaks the silence. Between 500 and 700 Palestinian children are detained every year by the IDF. Around 8,000 Palestinian children have been arrested and prosecuted in Israeli military courts in the last 14 years.

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Drug Users Got Exploited – Disabled Patients Got Hurt – One Woman Benefited from It All
Amy Julia Harris and Shoshana Walter | Reveal – Center for Investigative Reporting, 28 May 2018

21 May 2018 – Recovery Connections put people to work for free as caregivers for elderly and disabled patients. They were hardly trained, and disasters happened all the time. The rehab participants changed diapers, bathed patients and sometimes dispensed the same medications that landed them in rehab in the first place. Some participants sucked fentanyl patches to get high; others drank morphine from syringes. And seven different times, they were accused of sexually assaulting patients. The rehab’s founder, Jennifer Warren, built up the program for her own personal gain.

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There Hardly Ever Was an Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program!
Gareth Porter – The Transnational, 28 May 2018

A review of the evidence points to Israeli and MEK (Mujahedeen-e-Khalq) disinformation, not an open-and-shut case.

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Why I Stopped Being a Zionist
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

The breaking point for me in relation to Zionism came in the beginning of 1997. The Israeli army demolished the houses and evacuated Palestinian-Bedouin inhabitants of the Jahalin tribe in order to expand the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. This was during the period of the Oslo peace process.

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500 Years Is Long Enough! Human Depravity in the Congo
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

I would like to tell you something about human depravity and illustrate just how widespread it is among those we often regard as ‘responsible’ and am going to use the Democratic Republic of the Congo as my example. As I illustrate and explain what has happened to the Congo and its people during the past 500 years, I invite you to consider my essential point.

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Media Delegitimize Venezuelan Elections amid Complete Unanimity of Outlook
Alan MacLeod | Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting-FAIR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

23 May 2018 – Despite an opposition boycott making the result predictable, Maduro received the vote of 28 percent of the eligible electorate, around the same as Barack Obama received in 2008 and more than he got in 2012, or Trump in 2016. Ignoring this, Reuters (5/20/18) claimed poor Venezuelans were voting for Maduro because they believed they were going to “win a prize.”

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The Continuing Cost of War
Arnie Alpert | American Friends Service Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

23 May 2018 – Fifty-one years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King warned that “a nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” The loss of lives, lasting trauma, and the diversion of resources from our communities.

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Conflict Theory and Biosphere Annihilation
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 May 2018

I would like to explain the psychological origin of this biosphere-annihilating conflict and how this origin has nurtured the incredibly destructive aspects of capitalism (and socialism, for that matter) from the beginning. I would also like to explain what we can do about it.

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Gina Haspel and Pinocchio from Rome
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

My thoughts kept returning to all the U.S. Senators who have voted for this torturer to lead the CIA. Will they say they were only doing their jobs and following orders? Do they think of themselves as civilized? Where will we conduct the next Nuremberg trials?

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‘We Die Anyway, So Let It Be in Front of the Cameras’: Conversations with Palestinians in Gaza
Amira Hass | Haaretz – Reader Supported News, 21 May 2018

19 May 2018 – My friends in Gaza are outraged by Israel’s claim that Hamas rules everything. ‘You people always looked down at us, so it’s hard for you to understand that no one demonstrates in anyone else’s name.’

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A Short Flight to Armageddon: Trump & Netanyahu Bringing Us Closer to End of Times
George Galloway – RT, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – The biblical town of Armageddon is but a few miles as the bullets fly from the site of the latest Gaza massacre which has taken us further down the road to the end of times. Trump tweeted on the morning of the massacre that “This is a big day for Israel, a big day.” For once he was quite accurate. Just not in the way he could possibly have imagined.

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One Killed, ‘700 Palestinians Wounded’ in Seventh Week of Nonviolent Gaza Protests
Jack Khoury | Haaretz – Reader Supported News, 14 May 2018

11 May 2018 – One Palestinian was killed and 700 wounded in unarmed protests today along the Gaza border from live gunfire as thousands of Gazans protest along the border in the seventh consecutive week of the “March of Return.” Three critically wounded, 112 of those wounded were hit by live gunfire. Israeli doctors NGO demands entry to Israel for wounded to prevent amputations.

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Don’t Be Scared about the End of Capitalism—Be Excited to Build What Comes Next
Jason Hickel and Martin Kirk – Fast Company Magazine, 14 May 2018

Instead of fixating on a fight between capitalism and socialism, imagine innovating a future economy that transcends old binaries. We can let the ghosts go. We can allow ourselves the freedom to do what humans do best: innovate.

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Trump Fuels Extremism and Violence!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

Donald Trump’s May 8 withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear deal and the May 14 US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will only further isolate the U.S. European Prof. Johan Galtung who predicted the crash of the Soviet empire in 1991 now predicts the end of the American empire within the next two years.

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Russian Athletes Exonerated but Ignored in the West
Rick Sterling – RT, 7 May 2018

4 May 2018 – When McLaren falsely claimed that “Over 1,000 Russian athletes were complicit in doping,” it was front-page news in Western media. Now that Russian athletes are being acquitted of doping violations, and relatively few are found guilty, the Western media is silent.

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Turning on Russia (Part 1)
Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould – Consortium News, 7 May 2018

29 Apr 2018 – With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the creation of the so called Wolfowitz Doctrine in 1992 during the administration of George Herbert Walker Bush, the United States claimed the mantle of the world’s first and only Unipower with the intention of crushing any nation or system that would oppose it in the future. The New World Order, foreseen just a few short years ago, becomes more disorderly by the day.

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How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today
Philip M. Giraldi | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

30 Apr 2018 – Today’s false flag operations are generally carried out by intelligence agencies and non-government actors including terrorist groups. There is nothing honorable about them as their intention is to blame an innocent party for something that it did not do. There has been a lot of such activity lately. The CIA has developed a capability to mimic the Internet fingerprints of other foreign intelligence services. False flags can be involved in other sorts of activity as well.

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As Israel Kills Dozens and Maims Thousands, Palestinian ‘Violence’ Under Media Microscope
Gregory Shupak | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

30 Apr 2018 – Corporate media help set the terms of debate about the issues they cover by pointing toward specific sets of questions and ignoring others. When news outlets highlight particular points of contention, they encourage audiences to see these as the central aspects of the story and discourage consideration of other facets of the topic. Recent reporting on the Palestinians’ Great Return March offers a case study in how news media establish truncated, distorted parameters of discussion.

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Big Pharma Wants People on Antidepressants for Years and It’s Working
Martha Rosenberg | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

30 Apr 2018 – Antidepressants were once considered a short-term therapy to help people get over a troubled time. All that changed with the debut of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, drug ads on TV, and the promotion of the “chemical imbalance” theory of depression.

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(Castellano) Carta de la No-Violencia: Informe de Progreso 12 (abril 2018)
Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone & Anahata Giri | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

23 abril 2018- Nuestro esfuerzo colectivo para construir un consenso mundial contra el uso de la violencia en todos los contextos continúa progresando, ¡incluso en contra de obstáculos abrumadores!

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Though Invisible to Us, Our Dead Are Not Absent
Edward Curtin, Jr. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

Those titular words were sent to me by Fr. Daniel Berrigan shortly before he died.

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The Latest Act in Israel’s Iran Nuclear Disinformation Campaign
Gareth Porter - Consortium News, 7 May 2018

3 May 2018 – Benjamin Netanyahu’s stage performance about Iran seeking a nuclear weapon not only was based on old material, but evidence shows it was fabricated too.

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Turning on Russia (Part 2)
Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould – Consortium News, 7 May 2018

How Neo-Conservatives, Behind the Scenes, Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy

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How Long?
Raymond Nat Turner – Black Agenda Report, 30 Apr 2018

Collateral damage, civilian casualty….. how long?

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Germany’s Refusal to Join the Latest US-Led Missile Strikes on Syria
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

25 Apr 2018 – Germany’s leader wanted to join the U.S., France and Britain in the bombing of Syria, but backed off because of domestic opposition. The major left party concluded that the US-led missile strikes violated international law.

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Speaking the Unspeakable: The Assassination and Martyrdom of Thomas Merton
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Apr 2018

“Killing a man who says ‘No!’ is a risky business,” the priest replied, “because even a corpse can go on whispering ‘No! No! No! with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of. And how can you silence a corpse?”
— Ignazio Silone, Bread and Wine

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They Spewed Hate – Then They Punctuated It with the President’s Name
Will Carless | Reveal - The Center for Investigative Reporting, 30 Apr 2018

19 Apr 2018 – We set out to understand the president’s role in hundreds of hate incidents across the country and found a striking pattern across races, religions and sexual orientation. Hate crimes and bias incidents are a national problem, but there’s no reliable data on their nature or prevalence. We’re collecting and verifying reports, building a database of tips for use by journalists, researchers and civil-rights organizations.

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An Alternative Explanation to the Skripal Mystery
Gareth Porter - Consortium News, 30 Apr 2018

An alternative explanation to the mystery surrounding the poisoning of Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter may involve a possibility that neither the British nor Russian governments want to talk about.

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Debunking White Helmets’ Footage in Douma’s Alleged Chemical Attack
Murad Gazdiev – RT, 23 Apr 2018

19 Apr 2018 – A correspondent from the Russia 24 TV channel found a Syrian boy seen in the White Helmets’ footage, said to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack: HOAX

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Out of 26 Major Editorials on Trump’s Syria Strikes, Zero Opposed
Adam Johnson | FAIR-Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – A survey by FAIR of the top 100 papers in the US by circulation found not a single editorial board opposed to Trump’s April 13 airstrikes on Syria. Twenty supported the strikes, while six were ambiguous as to whether or not the bombing was advisable. The remaining 74 issued no opinion about Trump’s latest escalation of the Syrian war.

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The Real Target of the Alleged Chemical Attacks: Jeremy Corbyn
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

17 Apr 2018 – Very shortly thereafter, as if to make a bold connecting link between evil Russian and deadly chemicals, we have the story of Assad’s ‘regime’—it’s always a regime, isn’t it, instead of a government, and one never hears of Netanyahu’s ‘regime’ in Israel which has just killed unarmed stone-throwers, for which there is very clear-cut evidence.

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Gaza Offers Us the Choice of Life
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 – Will Gaza’s nonviolent struggle be a turning point? Israel has always cited the murderous struggle waged by the Palestinian terror organizations as justification for its policies, but now Gaza has chosen to explore the option of nonviolence.

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William Blum | The Anti-Empire Report #157 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – One reason it’s so easy to get an American administration, the mainstream media, and the American people to jump on an anti-Russian bandwagon is of course the legacy of the Soviet Union. To all the real crimes and shortcomings of that period the US regularly added many fictitious claims to agitate the American public against Moscow. That has not come to a halt.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 12 (April 2018)
Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone & Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

This is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ together with a sample of news about Charter signatories and organizations. Our collective effort to build a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts continues to make progress, even against rather overwhelming odds!

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Space Mining Will Produce World’s First Trillionaire
RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

22 Apr 2018 – The world’s first trillionaire will make his/her fortune by mining in outer space, Goldman Sachs claims. Renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says: “The first trillionaire there will ever be is the person who exploits the natural resources on asteroids.”

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Banking on a ‘Shithole’: US-Led Racial Capitalism in Haiti Began Long Before Trump
Peter James Hudson | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Apr 2018

18 Apr 2018 – Donald Trump’s recent description of Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa as “shithole countries [sic]” offered an ugly example of how US foreign policy is often shaped by the dictates of racial capitalism — by an economic system suffused with racial ideology and racist thinking. The comment recalls an earlier episode of racial capitalism in Haiti.

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Trump Attacks Syria with Chemical Experts on the Way
Joe Lauria - Consortium News, 23 Apr 2018

13 Apr 2018 – President Trump ordered airstrikes on Syria as a team of experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was about to arrive to determine whether a chemical weapons attack had even occurred.

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Major War Journalism Papers Urge Trump to Kill Syrians, Risk World War III
Gregory Shupak | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – Clamoring for Catastrophe: President Donald Trump is threatening to escalate the Syrian war, as are France and the United Kingdom, while Israel bombed Syria three days ago. In this context, major “liberal” media outlets are writing that Trump should attack Syria further.

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Snipers Shooting Unarmed People at 100 Meters Isn’t a ‘Clash’ as War Journalists Make Believe
Adam Johnson | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

9 Apr 2018 – “Clash” is a reporter’s best friend when they want to describe violence without offending anyone in power—in the words of George Orwell, “to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.” It’s predictable, then, that in coverage of Israel’s recent mass shootings in Gaza—which have killed over 30 Palestinians and injured more than 1,100—the word “clashes” is used to euphemize snipers in fortified positions firing on unarmed protesters 100 meters away.

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The Hidden War in the Negev
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz has reported that 2,220 Bedouin homes were demolished in 2017! This means that, in the Negev, the government of Israel is waging a unilateral war against its Bedouin citizens. It euphemistically calls the war “law enforcement.”

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Why Prime Numbers Still Fascinate Mathematicians 2,300 Years Later
Martin H. Weissman – The Conversation, 16 Apr 2018

2 Apr 2018 – Prime numbers are the biggest and oldest data set in mathematics. Why have they captivated mathematicians for millennia?

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Ten Reflections on Today’s Crisis
Roberto Savio – Inter Press Service-IPS, 16 Apr 2018

10 Apr 2018 – It is now clearly evident that we are in a period of transition, even though we remain uncertain as to its outcome. The political, economic and social system that has accompanied us since the end of the Second World War is no longer sustainable. The exponentially growing inequalities have taken us back to levels seen in Victorian times.

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Assange Works for the People – Now We Need to Save Him
Slavoj Žižek – RT, 16 Apr 2018

2 Apr 2018 – Julian Assange has been silenced again, and the timing is most suspicious. With the Cambridge Analytica story dominating the news, it seems some powerful people have reasons to keep the brave WikiLeaks boss quiet right now.

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