Articles by ICH

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Oct 2013

The radio announcer Daniel Shorr was considering working in television early in his career and asked someone what it would take to be successful there.

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How Syria Brought the U.S. and Iran Together
Richard Javad Heydarian – Foreign Policy in Focus, 7 Oct 2013

This year’s UN General Assembly may well be remembered as the beginning of the end for Washington’s decades-long standoff with Tehran. And none of it would have been possible if the Obama administration had gone ahead with its plan to attack Syria.

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Israel’s Politics of Deflection
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Oct 2013

It seems clear that international law supports Palestinian claims on the major issues in contention: borders, refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, resources (water, land), statehood, and human rights. Then why not insist on resolving the conflict by reference to international law with such modifications as seem mutually beneficial?

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Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation Is Now Starting to Happen All Over the Globe
Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

Now that “bail-ins” have become accepted practice all over the planet, no bank account and no pension fund will ever be 100% safe again. In fact, Cyprus-style wealth confiscation is already starting to happen all around the world. Examples:

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Syria: UNSC Resolution 2118; What Just Happened?
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – Counter Currents, 30 Sep 2013

The provision to safeguard against future use of chemical weapons is not without its irony: “Underscores that no party in Syria should use, develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, retain, or transfer chemical weapons.” In the face of solid indication to the contrary, the Assad government was held responsible for the chemical attacks that resulted in the passing of UNSC 2118 – exonerating the culprits. A new and dangerous precedent has been set amidst the sight of relief.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

Someone was looking at a farm with the whole family working the field and said,

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The Ghouta Chemical Attacks: US-Backed False Flag? Killing Syrian Children to Justify a “Humanitarian” Military Intervention
Julie Lévesque and Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 30 Sep 2013

To date, available evidence indicates that numerous children were killed by “opposition rebels”, their bodies manipulated and filmed with a view to blaming the Syrian government for the attacks, thus sparking outrage and galvanizing worldwide public opinion in favor of another bloody, imperial US-led war.

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Recovery Hype: American Capitalism’s Weapon of Mass Distraction
Richard Wolff - The Guardian, 30 Sep 2013

You don’t have to be a Marxist to see how the 1% tries to fool us that we too are sharing in their renewed wealth. But it helps. From President Obama on down, defenders of the status quo insist that the US economy has “recovered” or “is recovering”. Some actually see the world that way.

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The Westgate Mall Massacre: Reflections
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

The Westgate Mall Massacre: The Rage of Fanaticism – Imagine deciding on the life or death of any person, but particularly a child, by whether or not they could name the mother of Mohammed or recite a verse from the Koran. Of course, even fanatics have a certain logic of justification that makes their acts congruent with a warped morality.

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The Violence of Psalm 21
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2013

Psalm 21 and the Human Predicament – If a religious text nurtures morally unacceptable impulses that are acted upon either consciously or sub-consciously in political domains, how can these adverse influences be repudiated without purporting to claim a hegemonic status for a secular reader?

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Top 10 Unproven Claims for War against Syria
Dennis Kucinich – Huffington Post, 23 Sep 2013

Here are some key questions which President Obama has yet to answer in the call for congressional approval for war against Syria. This article is a call for independent thinking and congressional oversight, which rises above partisan considerations.

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Dentist Economics
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

Betty goes to a dentist and asks him how much it will cost to extract a wisdom tooth. “Eighty Euros,” the dentist says.

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Too Big to Fail Is Now Bigger Than Ever Before
Michael Snyder – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

The six largest banks in the United States have gotten 37 percent larger over the past five years. Meanwhile, 1,400 smaller banks have disappeared from the banking industry during that time. What this means is that the health of JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley is more critical to the U.S. economy than ever before.

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The Myth of the “Free Market” and How to Make the Economy Work for Us
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

One of the most deceptive ideas continuously sounded by the Right is that the “free market” is natural and inevitable, existing outside and beyond government. So whatever inequality or insecurity it generates is beyond our control.

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How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged
James Corbett, Mother Agnes Mariam, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 23 Sep 2013

In the wake of the Syrian chemical weapons attack, shocking footage of the victims of that attack were widely circulated in an effort to raise the ire of the public and spur support for military intervention. Now, a new report on that footage finds troubling inconsistencies and manipulation with the video that calls the official narrative of the attack and its victims into question.

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Sri Lanka: Tamil National Alliance Wins Landslide Victory in First Local Elections since Civil War
Michael Edwards and wires – Australia Network News, 23 Sep 2013

Sri Lanka’s main Tamil party has secured 30 seats in the 38-member Northern Provincial Council. A coalition of parties representing president Mahinda Rajapaksa won seven seats, while a Muslim party won one.

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Gay Rights in Russia and the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics
Michael Averko - Global Research, 23 Sep 2013

Since the enactment of Article 6.13.1, Russia has hosted two international sporting events (the World University Games and the IAAF World Championships), without any report of abuse against LGBT athletes or spectators. In comparison to these two sports events, the winter Olympics receives greater attention, thereby making it a more attractive event for advocacy promotion.

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Resolving the Syrian Chemical Weapons Crisis: Sunlight and Shadows
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2013

Not only did Vladimir Putin exhibit a new constructive role for Russia in 21st statecraft, spare Syria and the Middle East from another cycle of escalating violence, but he articulated this Kremlin initiative in the form of a direct appeal to the American people. For Putin to be so forthcoming, without being belligerent, was particularly impressive.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2013

Two colleagues went to a restaurant and ordered fish. The waiter brought a plate with a bigger and a smaller fish.

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Syria: Obama’s Surprising (and Confusing) Latest Moves
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Sep 2013

President Obama’s August 31[2013] remarks from the White House Rose Garden will long be remembered for their strangeness, but the final interpretation of their significance will have to await months if not years. There are three dimensions, at least, that are worth pondering.

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The Spreading Wings of Islamophobia in Egypt
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Sep 2013

The Orwellian features of the military takeover in Egypt have received attention, although the use of language to evade unwanted truth continues because incentives to do so persist. What, we might ask, is the el-Sisi concept of inclusiveness? At present, the only plausible answer is ‘my way or the highway.’

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Globalizing Homeland Security
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Aug 2013

It is not just one thing that should worry us about the authoritarian tendencies of the Obama presidency, but one thing after another. The cumulative effect of it all. The latest sign of the times was the August 19th detention of David Miranda, Glenn Greenwald’s partner, at Heathrow Airport under the British anti-terrorist law for nine hours.

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On Bradley Manning & America
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Aug 2013

I am posting on this blog two important texts that deserve the widest public attention and deep reflection in the United States and elsewhere. I would stress the following:

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Egypt: Extreme Polarization and Genocidal Politics
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Aug 2013

In these morbid days, there are some home truths that are worth reflecting upon. What Happened After Tahrir Square?

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Horror of North Korean Prison Camps Exposed at U.N. Panel Hearing
Ju-min Park and Michelle Kim, Reuters – Townhall, 26 Aug 2013

Public executions and torture are daily occurrences in North Korea’s prisons, according to dramatic testimony from former inmates at a U.N. Commission of Inquiry that opened in South Korea’s capital on Tuesday [20 Aug 2013].

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Snowden’s Post-Asylum Relevance
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Aug 2013

The Snowden issues remain important, and it is too soon to turn aside as if the only question was whether the U.S. Government would in the end, through guile and muscle, gain control of Snowden.

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What If a Russian Snowden?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Aug 2013

‘Political Crimes’ Are Non-Extraditable and Snowden’s Transfer to the United States for Prosecution Would Have Been a Setback for Human Rights and International Law

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When Polarization Becomes Worse than Authoritarianism Defer Democracy
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

We may be living at a historical moment when democracy as the government of choice gives rise to horrifying spectacles of violence and abuse. These difficulties with the practice of democracy are indirectly, and with a heavy dose of irony, legitimizing moderate forms of authoritarian government.

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Reviving the Israel-Palestine Negotiations: The Indyk Appointment
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Appointing Martin Indyk as Special Envoy to the upcoming peace talks was to be expected. It was signaled in advance. And yet it is revealing and distressing.

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Halliburton Admits Guilt in Gulf of Mexico Cover-Up
Richard Smallteacher - CorpWatch, 29 Jul 2013

Halliburton has admitted that it destroyed evidence after the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. The company has agreed to pay a $200,000 fine, make a donation of $55 million to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and accept three years of probation.

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What Hiroshima & the Iraq War Have in Common
Prof. Michio Kaku – Russia Today, 29 Jul 2013

Oksana Boyko is joined by Dr Michio Kaku, a world-renowned theoretical physicist, author, thinker and visionary. The technological revolution of the 20th century has brought the world unprecedented prosperity as well as unimaginable horrors. Will science liberate humanity or shackle it like never before?

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Geopolitical Winds Blow in China’s Direction
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Among those who comment influentially from the sidelines of power, there are new trends visible in thinking about American foreign policy.

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(Português) Por Que a Indústria Farmacêutica Evita Curar
Richard J. Roberts, Nobel da Medicina – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

“As farmacêuticas bloqueiam medicamentos que curam, porque não são rentáveis”. O Prémio Nobel da Medicina Richard J. Roberts denuncia a forma como funcionam as grandes farmacêuticas dentro do sistema capitalista, preferindo os benefícios económicos à saúde, e detendo o progresso científico na cura de doenças, porque a cura não é tão rentável quanto a cronicidade.

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Global Big Brother and the Snowden Hollywood Chase
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

We will miss the most crucial point of Snowden’s ‘crimes’ if we do not devote our attention to these fundamental political challenges directed at human security, democratic ways of life, and a pluralist world order. To be distracted by the circus of the Snowden chase any longer is to play along with a shameless geopolitical caper!

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Syrians Fleeing War at Rate Not Seen Since Rwandan Genocide: U.N.
Michelle Nichols, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The number of people fleeing the conflict in Syria has escalated to an average of 6,000 a day during 2013 – a rate not seen since the genocide in Rwanda nearly two decades ago, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday [16 Jul 2013].

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‘Football for All’: Dutch Stand Up for Gay Players’ Rights
Jörg Kramer and Michael Wulzinger – Der Spiegel, 15 Jul 2013

Next month, the Dutch national football team’s coach plans to take a stand for the rights of gay players at the Amsterdam Gay Pride parade. Activitists in Germany, where no professional players are out, hope their football officials will follow his lead.

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Misreading the Snowden Affair
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

So far in the Snowden Affair it is small Latin American countries, including Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela, that have risked the ire of the United States by pursuing independent policies with respect to Snowden, and acting correctly from the perspective of law and morality.

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When Privacy Jumped the Shark
Frank Rich – New York Magazine, 8 Jul 2013

Note to Edward Snowden and his worrywarts in the press: Spying is only spying when the subject doesn’t want to be watched. R.I.P. the contemplative America of Thoreau and of Melville; this is the America [world?] that puts a prize on networking, exhibitionism, fame, shopping, hooking up, seeking instant entertainment and information, and finding the fastest car route—not to mention being liked (or at least “liked”) and followed by as many friends (or “friends”) and strangers as possible, whether online or on basic cable.

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Protecting Snowden
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2013

What seems most dismaying about the Snowden affair is the prosecutorial zeal of the Obama presidency, supposedly liberal in its outlook on matters of personal freedom and the values of constitutional government. What Snowden has done is so clearly ‘a political crime,’ if it is a crime at all, and in recognition of this there has existed since the French Revolution been seen as inconsistent with the generally desirable policy of inter-governmental cooperation in the apprehension of suspected criminals.

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Big Brother, Not Snowden and Greenwald, Is the Story
Sheldon Richman – The Future of Freedom Foundation, 1 Jul 2013

“Instead of being adversaries to government power … [the media of Washington, D.C., are] … servants to it and mouthpieces for it.” Snowden and Greenwald have not “aided the enemy” — unless the American people are the government’s enemy. What they have done is embarrass the Obama administration by exposing criminal activity.

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Political Infernos: United States, Turkey, Egypt
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2013

A New Political Inferno: Polarization of Immature Democracies – Most importantly, some forces of opposition despair of ever succeeding by democratic procedures, while others pin their hopes on the next election, or the one after that.

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Occupy Movements Around the World: How Is Brazil’s Different?
Gianpaolo Baiocchi and Michael D. Kennedy - HuffPost, 1 Jul 2013

Spain’s Indignados. Egypt’s Tahrir Square. The U.S.’ Occupy Wall Street. Now, Turkey’s Occupy Gezi and Brazil’s own distinctive movement. “Horizontalist” movements like these, which emphasize direct democracy and collective decision making over specific parties, transcend the political spectrum.

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Syria: The “Western Faces” Behind the Terror
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – Global Research, 1 Jul 2013

Perpetuating Adversaries to Kill Each Other Is a Time-Tested Tactic – As former Israeli Intelligence Chief Amos Yaldin told the Israel Policy Forum in February 2013: “And this military [Syrian], which is a huge threat to Israel, is now also weakening, disintegrating. We still have a risk of [Syria] becoming an Al-Qaida country, a Somalia-type country — but from military point of view this is less dangerous than the Syrian regular army.”

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The Whistleblower’s Guide to the Orwellian Galaxy: How to Leak to the Press
Nicholas Weaver, Wired – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article ran in Wired Opinion last month (“Hear Ye, Future Deep Throats: This Is How to Leak to the Press”). It has been updated given recent events and reflects the author’s new findings about government recording of mail.

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Edward Snowden and Whistleblowers: ‘The Truth Sets You Free’
Interviews by Leo Benedictus, Leo Hickman and Richard Norton-Taylor – The Guardian, 17 Jun 2013

Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA’s electronic surveillance make him one of the most damaging whistleblowers in history. But what drives loyal employees to reveal the truth? And how do they live with the backlash?

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Gaza: 7th Year of Unlawful Blockade (UN HRC SR Press Release)
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

I am posting a press release of yesterday, 14 June 2013, to take note of the start of the seventh year of the Israeli blockade. After the Mavi Marmara incident, 31 May 2010 and the more recent November ceasefire agreement between Israel and the Gaza government there was an undertaking to ease the blockade with respect to the flow back and forth of people and goods, but the situation remains desperate for the civilian population of Gaza.

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Special Rapporteur’s Report on Occupied Palestine, 10 June 2013
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

What follows below is the text of the report presented on 10 June 2013 to the Human Rights Council. It offers an overview of the situation from the perspective of human rights and international humanitarian law in occupied Palestine. Both Israel and the United States boycotted the session, presumably to express their displeasure with the report and my role as Special Rapporteur.

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Whose ‘Two State’ Solution? End Game or Intermission?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jun 2013

In pondering this dismal landscape of peace talk without peace, one wonders what became of ‘the roadmap’ and ‘the Quartet.’ It may be a small blessing that their irrelevance is being tacitly acknowledged. These creations never seemed more than a thin and deceitful veil thrown over a one sided American control over Israel/Palestine diplomacy.

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Ancient Gay History
Frank Rich – New York Magazine, 10 Jun 2013

… is really just yesterday. My surrogate parent Clayton Coots was one of countless closeted men who didn’t live long enough to see this moment.

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New World Order Secrecy: Who Will Be Attending the Bilderberg Meeting? What Will Be Discussed Behind Closed Doors?
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Reseach, 10 Jun 2013

It is An Anglo-Western European-North American Venue with participants from 21 Western countries (i.e Western Europe, US and Canada). With the exception of British born Polish Minister of Finance, Jacek Rostowski, there are no participants from Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East (with the exception of Turkey). There are 14 women out of 140 participants.

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Here’s How We Built a Movie Theater for the People – And Why the MPAA Says It’s #1 in the World
Michael Moore – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jun 2013

Listed as #1 is the historic State Theatre of Traverse City, Michigan, an incredible movie palace which I restored and now run as a nonprofit theater – along with a few hundred great volunteers!

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Former Drone Operator Says He’s Haunted by His Part in More Than 1,600 Deaths
Richard Engel - NBC News, 10 Jun 2013

Former drone operator Brandon Bryant says he felt like he became a “heartless” “sociopath” under the drone program. He remembers watching one of the first victims bleed to death and coming to work, seeing pictures of targeted individuals on the wall and musing, “Which one of these f_____s is going to die today?”

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How Democratic Is Turkey?
Steven A. Cook, Michael Koplow – Foreign Policy, 10 Jun 2013

Not as Democratic as Washington Thinks It Is – The ferocity of the protests and police response in Istanbul’s Gezi Park is no doubt a surprise to many in Washington. Turkey, that “excellent model” or “model partner,” repeated ad nauseum, misrepresents the complex and often contradictory political processes underway in Turkey.

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Responding to the Syrian Challenge
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

My essential argument is that until the parties engaged in hostilities on both sides recognize their inability to achieve a political victory by way of the battlefield, and external actors acquiesce in this recognition, there can only take place an unproductive and wrongheaded coercive diplomacy of partisanship, supporting the claims of the anti-Assad side.

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Noam Chomsky — ‘Everyday Anarchist’
Michael S. Wilson, Modern Success – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

The Modern Success Interview – If workers are more insecure, they won’t do things, like asking for better wages and better benefits. And that’s healthy for the economy from a certain point of view, a point of view that says workers ought to be oppressed and controlled, and that wealth ought to be concentrated in a very few pockets.

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Ending Perpetual War? Endorsing Drone Warfare?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

That President Obama chose on 23 May [2013] to unveil his second term cautionary approach to counter-terrorism at the National Defense University epitomized the ambiguity of the occasion. The choice of venue was itself a virtual guarantee that nothing would be said or done on that occasion that challenges in any fundamental way the global projection of American military power.

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America is Losing its Covert Syria War: US Sponsored Al Nusra Rebels Defeated by Syrian Armed Forces
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 27 May 2013

Recent reports from the ground suggest that America and its allies are losing their covert war in support of the Al Nusra front. In recent weeks, the US sponsored Al Qaeda affiliated rebels have been decimated by the Syrian Armed Forces. A nationwide offensive has been launched with the support of Russia and Iran. The weapons supply routes of the rebels have been disrupted.

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“The Salvador Option for Syria”: US-NATO Sponsored Death Squads Integrate “Opposition Forces”
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 27 May 2013

Modelled on US covert ops in Central America, the Pentagon’s “Salvador Option for Iraq” initiated in 2004 was carried out under the helm of the US Ambassador to Iraq John Negroponte (2004-2005) together with Robert Stephen Ford, who was appointed US Ambassador to Syria in January 2011, less than two months before the beginning of the armed insurgency directed against the government of Bashar Al Assad.

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Pentagon Contractors Have Trained the Terrorists in the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

8 May 2013 – CNN just a couple of months ago confirmed that contractors hired by the Pentagon were in fact training the terrorists in the use of chemical weapons. And now we have a statement by a UN Independent Commission, which has confirmed unequivocally – and it was revealed on the same day – that the terrorists who are backed by the United States and its allies, they are in possession of deadly sarin nerve gas, which they are using against the civilian population.”

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Global Capital and the Nation State
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

As global capital becomes ever more powerful, giant corporations are holding governments and citizens up for ransom — eliciting subsidies and tax breaks from countries concerned about their nation’s “competitiveness” — while sheltering their profits in the lowest-tax jurisdictions they can find. Meanwhile, at a time when you’d expect nations to band together to gain bargaining power against global capital, the opposite is occurring: Xenophobia is breaking out all over.

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On Political Preconditions
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

The Netanyahu led government is clearly committed to achieving the political embodiment of Greater Israel, and would not settle for anything less. It is seeking as much legitimation as possible for this expansionist objective, hopeful that adroit diplomacy with American help can yield such a result.

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Praying for Peace in Damascus while Surrounded by War
Michael Jansen – Irish Times, 20 May 2013

Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire visiting Syria with other peace activists.

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Rethinking ‘Red Lines’
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

What is strange in all this is that Obama talks the talk, but seems unwilling to walk the walk. Such a disjunction invites cynicism about law and morality, and induces despair on the part of those of us who believe the world we inhabit badly needs red lines, but the right red lines.

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Central Banking with “Other People’s Gold”: A Multi-billion Treasure Trove in Lower Manhattan
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 13 May 2013

Germany is repatriating its gold reserves from the New York Federal Reserve, what has created a frenzy in the gold market. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. According to the NY Fed, there are 530,000 gold bars, with a combined weight of circa 6,700 metric tonnes stashed in the Fed’s Lower Manhattan vaults. But according to them, “We do not own the gold. We are mere custodians.”

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An Ongoing Liability: The CIA’s Dirty Wars
Michael Brenner - CounterPunch, 13 May 2013

The errant actions of the C.I.A. are by now so evident that they are a staple of Washington conversion. Like the weather, though, it is the topic everybody talks about, but does nothing about.

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Clarifying Boston Marathon Post
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2013

I want to offer a brief clarification and an explanation.

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Babies as Young as Six Months Victims of Rape in War – U.N. Envoy
Michelle Nichols, Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2013

In her first seven months as U.N. envoy on sexual violence in conflict, Zainab Hawa Bangura has visited a Congolese district where rebels raped babies, and Somalia where a woman was paid $150 (98.4 pounds) restitution for the rape of her 4-year-old daughter.

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A Commentary on the Marathon Murders
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2013

Aside from the tensions of the moment, self-scrutiny and mid-course reflections on America’s global role is long overdue. Such a process is crucial both for the sake of the country’s own future security and also in consideration of the wellbeing of others. Such adjustments will eventually come about either as a result of a voluntary process of self-reflection or through the force of unpleasant events.

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Divestment in the University of California at Santa Barbara
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2013

Moving Toward Divestment from Corporations Profiting from Israeli Militarism, Occupation, and Settlements.

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Seeing in the Dark – with Victoria Brittain
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2013

As with the best of journalists, Victoria Brittain has spent a lifetime enabling us to see in the dark! Or more accurately, she has shined a bright light on those whose suffering has been hidden by being deliberately situated in one or another shadow land of governmental and societal abuse, whether local, national, or geopolitical in its animus.

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Conference Highlights Fukushima Consequences
Richard Wilcox, Ph.D., Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2013

The Caldicott conference is a first step toward opening the dungeon door to the dark and unspeakably evil secrets of the nuclear industry, and putting the stake in the heart of the radioactive vampire that is sucking life out of the planet.

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Chiquita Sues to Block Release of Files on Colombia Terrorist Payments
Michael Evans – The National Security Archive, 15 Apr 2013

Two years ago, the Archive published “The Chiquita Papers,” a declassified collection of more than 5,000 pages of internal Chiquita documents turned over to the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of a criminal investigation of more than $1.7 million in payments to the AUC over six years, and for nearly three years after the group was formally designated as a terrorist organization. That case resulted in a 2007 sentencing agreement in which Chiquita admitted to more than ten years of payments to a variety of Colombian guerrilla and paramilitary groups.

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Taping of Farm Cruelty Is Becoming the Crime
Richard A. Oppel Jr. – The New York Times, 15 Apr 2013

Several states have placed restrictions on undercover investigations into cruelty. On one covert video, farm workers illegally burn the ankles of Tennessee walking horses with chemicals. Another captures workers in Wyoming punching and kicking pigs and flinging piglets into the air. Now “The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act” prohibits filming or taking pictures on livestock farms to “defame the facility or its owner.” Violators would be placed on a “terrorist registry.”

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We Are the World – USA for Africa (Music Video of the Week)
Michael Jackson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2013

An unbelievable constellation of 47 legendary superstars—singers we love– singing together in a historic music video with a message of love from Michael to the world. Recorded in 1985. Michael died on Jun 25, 2009. A few of these artists passed away as well. RIP. (All their names are scrolled down at the end).

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Mystery Malady Kills More Bees, Heightening Worry on Farms
Michael Wines – The New York Times, 1 Apr 2013

A mysterious malady that has been killing honeybees en masse for several years appears to have expanded drastically in the last year, wiping out 40 percent or even 50 percent of the hives needed to pollinate many of US fruits and vegetables. A conclusive explanation so far has escaped scientists studying the ailment, colony collapse disorder, since it first surfaced around 2005.

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Reading Palestinian Prison Diaries
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2013

The Prisoners’ Diaries: Palestinian Voices from the Israeli Gulag, Gaza, 2013. What is most compelling is how much the material expresses the shared concerns of these prisoners. A few keywords dominate the texts: pain, God or Allah, love, dream, homeland, steadfastness, tears, freedom, dream, prayer. Survival with as much dignity as possible in a dank and poorly lit circumstances of isolation, humiliation, acute hostility on the part of the prison staff, including abusive neglect by the medical personnel.

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(Português) Paredes de Vidro: Fotógrafo Capta Reação das Pessoas ao Testemunharem Sofrimento dos Animais em Matadouro
Michelle Kretzer (PETA) - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 1 Apr 2013

“Eu já arrastei vacas até que seus ossos começassem a quebrar, enquanto elas ainda estavam vivas. Quando as estou trazendo até o canto e elas ficam presas na porta de entrada, puxo até que sua pele seja rasgada, até que o sangue escorra no concreto e ferro. Quebro suas pernas…. E a vaca chora com sua língua pendurada. Eles puxam os animais até que seus pescoços quebrem”.

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China Replaces Britain in World’s Top Five Arms Exporters – Report
Michael Martina, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2013

China has become the world’s fifth-largest arms exporter, a respected Sweden-based think-tank said on Monday [18 Mar 2013], its highest ranking since the Cold War, with Pakistan the main recipient.

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What Was Wrong with Obama’s Speech in Jerusalem
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2013

In retrospect, worse than speech was the visit itself. Obama should never have undertaken such the visit without an accompanying willingness to treat the Palestinian reality with at least equal dignity to that of the Israeli reality and without some indication of how to imagine a just peace based on two states for two peoples given the severe continuing Israeli encroachments on occupied Palestinian territory that give every indication of permanence.

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What Isn’t Being Said: Soldier Suicides
Alyssa Rohricht - CounterPunch, 25 Mar 2013

Suicides in the U.S. military have been climbing, reaching a record high in 2012 when 349 soldiers took their own lives, about one every 25 hours. By comparison, 301 U.S. soldiers died in active combat in 2012, marking the third time in four years that the number of military suicides has surpassed the number of deaths in combat of U.S. soldiers.

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The Iraq War: 10 Years Later
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2013

After a decade of combat, casualties, massive displacement, persisting violence, enhanced sectarian tension and violence between Shi’ias and Sunnis, periodic suicide bombings, and autocratic governance, a negative assessment of the Iraq War as a strategic move by the United States, United Kingdom, and a few of their secondary allies, including Japan, seems near universal.

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North Korea or the United States: Who is a Threat to Global Security?
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 11 Mar 2013

North Korea lost thirty percent of its population as a result of US-led bombings in the 1950s. Most people in America consider North Korea as an inherently aggressive nation and a threat to global security. Media disinformation sustains North Korea as a “rogue state”. The history of the Korean War and its devastating consequences are rarely mentioned. America is portrayed as the victim rather than the aggressor.

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Envisioning a World without Nuclear Weapons
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2013

Book Review – Zero: The Case for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, by David Krieger, 2013, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. I have known David Krieger for the past twenty-five years, and he has never wavered, even for a day, from his lifelong journey dedicated to ridding the world of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear war.

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Investigate the Death of Arafat Jaradat
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2013

What follows is a news report prompted by my press release on the shocking treatment of Arafat Jaradat who died while being held in an Israel prison. 27 February 2013 – A United Nations human rights expert today called for an international investigation into the death of Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat, who died in Israeli custody just a few days after his arrest.

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Lords of Disorder: Billions for Wall Street, Sacrifice for Everyone Else
Richard Eskow, Campaign for America’s Future – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2013

We’re collecting nothing from the big banks in return for our generosity. Instead we’re demanding sacrifice from the elderly, the disabled, the poor, the young, the middle class – pretty much everybody, in fact, who isn’t “too big to fail.”

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(Português) McDonald´s É Alvo de Inquérito da Polícia Federal Brasileira
Michelle Amaral – Brasil de Fato, 25 Feb 2013

15 Fev 2013 – O McDonald´s está sendo investigado pela Polícia Federal por suspeita de submissão de seus funcionários a condições análogas à escravidão. A PF instaurou o inquérito policial após denúncia de não pagamento de salários a uma funcionária durante os oito meses em que ela trabalhou em um dos restaurantes da rede de fast food.

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Reflections on Teju Cole’s OPEN CITY
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2013

Anyone interested in the world, or for that matter, an affection for the greatest of modern cities—New York—will find Teju Cole’s Open City, a feast for both mind and heart.

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Abyss of Uncertainty: Germany’s Homemade Nuclear Waste Disaster
Michael Fröhlingsdorf, Udo Ludwig and Alfred Weinzierl – Der Spiegel, 25 Feb 2013

Some 126,000 barrels of nuclear waste have been dumped in the Asse II salt mine over the last 50 years. German politicians are pushing for a law promising their removal. But the safety, technical and financial hurdles are enormous, and experts warn that removal is more dangerous than leaving them put.

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Beyond the Haunted Imagination
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2013

Ever since atomic bombs were exploded over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the closing days of World War II end of the world forebodings have been present in Western cultural consciousness. In the background of such thinking is the religious anticipation of a day of judgment when life in earth will be replaced by the consignment of everyone then living to either the hell of damnation or the heaven of salvation.

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Urgent UN Press Statement: Release Palestinian Hunger Strikers Now
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2013

The following press statement was issued 13 February 2013 under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council in my capacity as Special Rapporteur for Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967. This nonviolent resistance to unlawful and abusive detention practices by Israel is a human rights outrage that should be the occasion of media attention and a worldwide outcry. I encourage all who can to exert pressure on Israel before these individuals die in captivity. They are currently reported to be in grave condition. Please use all social networking tools to alert contacts.

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A Key Question: How Do We Make the Economy Work for the Poor?
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2013

We want to make a case for the claim that “unbounded organization” is a useful concept, indeed a key concept. A key opens doors. We use the word “key” to suggest that the concept of unbounded organization can be said to “open doors.” It helps to answer questions and to resolve problems regarding not just one but several theoretical problems in the social sciences. Similarly the practical question posed in the title of this chapter, “How do we make the economy work for the poor?” can be regarded as a question whose satisfactory answer would “open” answers to other crucial practical questions such as, “How can violent conflicts be transformed into peaceful cooperation?”

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The Military’s Pandora’s Box: The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-HAARP
Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2013

This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new class of weapons. The individuals who are demanding answers about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-HAARP are scattered around the planet. As well as bush dwellers in Alaska, they include: a physician in Finland; a scientist in Holland; an anti-nuclear protester in Australia; independent physicists in the United States; a grandmother in Canada, and countless others.

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The Hubris of the Drones
Bill Moyers and Michael Winship – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Feb 2013

Our blind faith in technology combined with a false sense of infallible righteousness continues unabated. Such hubris brought us to grief in Vietnam and Iraq and may do so again with President Obama’s cold-blooded use of drones and his indifference to so-called “collateral damage,” grossly referred to by some in the military as “bug splat,” and otherwise known as innocent bystanders.

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Forget ‘Normal’ Politics
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2013

Political life is filled with policy choices that are made mainly on the basis of calculations of advantage, as well as reflecting priorities and values of those with the power of decision. In a constitutional framework of governance the rule of law sets outer limits as to permissible outcomes.

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Targeted Killing and Drone Warfare
Michael Walzer – Dissent, 11 Feb 2013

It is always a hard question whether new technologies require the revision of old arguments. Targeted killing isn’t new, and I am going to repeat an old argument about it. But targeted killing with drones? Here the old arguments, though they still make sense, leave me uneasy. Imagine a world, which we will soon be living in, where everybody has drones.

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An Indispensable Book on Palestine/Israel
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2013

I realize that without knowing it, I have long waited for this book, although I could not have imagined its lyric magic in advance of reading. It is a triumph of what I would call ‘intelligent innocence,’ the great benefits of a clear mind, an open and warm heart, and a trustworthy moral compass that draws sharp lines between good and evil while remaining ever sensitive to the contradictory vagaries of lives and geographic destinies.

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Who’s Faking It? Pentagon “Cyber-Warriors” Planting “False Information on Facebook”
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – Global Research, 28 Jan 2013

The Los Angeles Times published an alarming piece entitled “Cyber Corps program trains spies for the digital age”. The “cyber-warriors” who are headed for organizations such as the CIA, NSC, FBI, the Pentagon and so on, are trained [among other illegalities] to stalk, sneak tracking devices on cars and plant false information on Facebook. They also are taught to write computer viruses, hack digital networks, crack passwords, plant listening devices and mine data from broken cellphones and flash drives.

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Palestine-Israel: Enslavement of the False Self
Yago Abeledo interviewing Richard Forer – Redress Information and Analysis, 28 Jan 2013

The real conflict is the inability to integrate the hard-to-believe but inescapable awareness of Israel’s treatment of non-Jews with unquestioned loyalty to the Jewish state. …it is only when the Palestinian people are healed that the Jewish people themselves will be healed.

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The Second Anniversary of Tahrir Square Rising
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jan 2013

What inspired the world was the spontaneous spirit of unity, a movement guided by exhilarating visions of democracy and freedom and hope, generating a new kind of populism that dispensed with ideology and leaders, a sense that the people of Egypt had acted creatively and bravely to recover their country from the clutches of neoliberal predators and their domestic collaborators.

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On Syria: What to Do in 2013
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jan 2013

19 Jan 2013 – I took part last week in an illuminating conference on Syria sponsored by the new Center of Middle East Studies that is part of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. This Center has been recently established, and operates under the excellent leadership of Nader Hashemi and Danny Postel, who previously together edited the best collection of readings on the Green Revolution in Iran published under the title THE PEOPLE RELOADED.

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