Articles by RT

We found 3826 results.

Faust Walks Out on Easter Morning
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

“All things transient are but a parable.”
— Goethe, Faust

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Trump’s Syria “Withdrawal” Was Textbook US Deception
Tony Cartalucci | Land Destroyer Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

8 Apr 2018 – The US media is now priming the global public for US intervention in Syria following alleged “chemical attacks” carried out in the remaining pocket of US-backed militants in Douma, just northeast of Damascus.

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False Flag Operations Will Start New War? Towards a U.S.-Israeli Attack on Syria and Lebanon?
Edward Curtin and Geopolitics and Empire – Global Research, 9 Apr 2018

An interview with Edward Curtin – All signs point toward an upcoming large-scale Israeli/U.S. attack on Syria and Lebanon, with Russia and Iran as the ultimate objectives. As always, the corporate media play along as if they don’t yet know what’s coming. Everyone in the know knows what is, just not exactly when. And the media wait with baited breath as they count down to the dramatic moment when they can report the incident that will compel the “innocent” to attack the “guilty.”

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(Castellano) ¿No violencia o No existencia? El legado de Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 9 Apr 2018

“Durante años los hombres han estado hablando sobre la guerra y la paz. Ahora no se puede simplemente hablar de ellas. Ya no se trata de escoger entre la violencia y la no-violencia en este mundo, se trata de vivir sin violencia o dejar de existir en este mundo. Ese es el lugar en donde estamos ahora”. — MLK

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US Isn’t Leaving Syria—but Media Lost It When Possibility Was Raised
Gregory Shupak - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting-FAIR, 9 Apr 2018

6 Apr 2018 – The very possibility of US withdrawal from Syria rendered apoplectic journalists who are convinced of the legitimacy of Washington’s domination of the country—international law be damned. Some writers want America to occupy Syria to weaken Russia. In the Washington Post, Josh Rogin claimed that “there are a lot of good arguments for maintaining an American presence in Syria after the fall of the Islamic State.”

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New Lows Reached with Drug Ads
Martha Rosenberg | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

26 Mar 2018 – .” Creon, AbbVie’s drug to treat the hitherto unknown disease of EPI is priced at over $500 a prescription. Selling obscure diseases to sell obscenely priced drugs is unethical for two reasons. It doesn’t just raise everyone’s health care costs and raise their taxes through government programs. It makes a mockery of the entire health care system by aggressively seeking people who are not sick to “treat” while ignoring millions who really are sick but for whom there is no profit in treating.

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How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation
Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie – The Nation, 9 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 Issue – The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout. As happened earlier with Big Tobacco and Big Oil, the wireless industry’s own scientists privately warned about the risks… The World Health Organization classifies cell-phone radiation as a “possible” carcinogen… “Everyone knows that if your research results show that radiation has effects, the funding flow dries up.”

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Luther King: “Beyond Vietnam”
Martin Luther King, Jr. | Stanford King Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech at Riverside Church, New York, Exactly One Year before He Was Killed on 4 Apr 1968
– 4 Apr 1967: I come to this platform tonight to make a passionate plea to my beloved nation. This speech is not addressed to Hanoi, to the National Liberation Front, to China or to Russia. Tonight I wish to speak to my fellow Americans… We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent coannihilation. We must move past indecision to action.

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Going Out
Emanuel E. Garcia, MD | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

4 Apr 2018 – Someday it will come for our pale blue dot. The sun is scheduled to lose its fire in about four or five billion years, our lush green earth—or what’s left of it by that time—will grow cold forever. But now it’s just warming up, perhaps in anticipation of its icy future demise. The ice caps are melting, the seas are boiling, and the human species is proliferating.

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(Português) Lagartixa
Martha Follain - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 9 Apr 2018

As lagartixas são répteis acinzentados, originárias do sudeste asiático e norte da África. Vivem cerca de 5 anos e são uma espécie de hábitos noturnos. Não possuem veneno e são inofensivas para o ser humano, alimentando-se de moscas, baratas, aranhas, pernilongos, traças, formigas, cupins, etc. ingerindo vários (dezenas) insetos de uma só vez.

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Challenges for Resolving Complex Conflicts
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

While conflict theories and resolution processes advanced dramatically during the second half of the 20th century, particularly thanks to the important work of several key scholars such as Professor Johan Galtung, significant gaps remain in the conflict literature on how to deal with particular conflict configurations. Notably, these include the following four.

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Nonviolence or Nonexistence? The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

2 Apr 2018 – Fifty years ago, on 4 April 1968, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The night before he died, King gave another of his many evocative speeches; this one at the packed Mason Temple in Memphis. The speech included these words: ‘Men for years now have been talking about war and peace. Now no longer can they just talk about it. It is no longer a choice between violence and non-violence in this world, it is non-violence or non-existence. That is where we are today.’

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Israel Opens Fire on Palestinian Protesters in Gaza; Trump Envoy Blames “Hostile March”
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 2 Apr 2018

Updated: Saturday, March 31, 9:09 a.m. EDT – This report was updated with more video of unarmed Palestinian protesters being shot by Israeli snipers in Gaza on Friday [30 Mar], a revised death toll, statements from rights groups, Israel’s military and Hamas.

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(Italiano) Segni di Guerra
Edward Curtin | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

Per Donald Trump stanno finendo i giorni per atteggiarsi ad anfitrione ora passivo ora aggressive di un gioco televisivo di reality. O licenzia tutti gli apprendisti lievemente esitanti a scatenare una guerra mondiale ben più vasta con una gragnuola di bombe, o sarà sostituito da uno che lo farà.

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Should Israeli Settlers Be Considered Civilians?
Robert Inlakesh – MintPress News, 2 Apr 2018

Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”

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Disembodied Americans and the Crucifixion of the World
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

Contemplation on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, 30 Mar 2018

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Evidence of Violent Extremism of Little Interest When Killer Is White
FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

29 Mar 2018 – Remember that Muslim mass murderer who belonged to an Islamic home-madrassa called INTIFADA, where knife-wielding Shari’a survivalists studied the Qur’an, guns and dangerous chemicals? And how the liberal media fawningly portrayed him as a misunderstood and under-loved young man otherwise full of promise? You don’t, because that never happened. But have you heard about the Christian Texas child-killer from an all-white sect who slaughtered the president of a homeowners’ association and a 17-year-old aspiring neurosurgeon? Both victims were African-Americans.

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Insect Decimation Upstages Global Warming
Robert Hunziker - CounterPunch, 2 Apr 2018

27 Mar 2018 – Everybody’s heard about global warming. It is one of the most advertised existential events of all time. However, there’s a new kid on the block. An alarming loss of insects will likely take down humanity before global warming hits maximum velocity.

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Israel Faces the Demographic Bomb
Gilad Atzmon | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

27 Mar 2018 – I learned a decade ago from the Palestinian ambassador to Britain that while Israel has many bombs, the Palestinians have one bomb, namely the demographic one.

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The Pentagon’s Scary Plan to Militarize Ocean Life
Maia Danks | Earth Island Journal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

23 Mar 2018 – The U.S. military has plans to create genetically modified marine organisms that can be used as underwater spies for the military. Fantastic as this idea may seem, the Pentagon’s research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has actually launched a new program that aims to tap into the “natural sensing capabilities” of marine organisms, which are highly attuned to their surroundings, to track enemy traffic undersea.

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Israel Jails Ahed Tamimi’s Mother for Facebook Live Video of Palestinian Teen Slapping Soldier
Robert Mackey – The Intercept, 26 Mar 2018

Ahed Tamimi was sentenced to eight months in prison on Wed [21 Mar] for slapping an Israeli soldier. Her mother will also be jailed for broadcasting the confrontation, which was streamed live on Facebook, and also sentenced to eight months in prison.

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John Pilger: ‘Skripal Case Is a Carefully Constructed Drama’
RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

18 Mar 2018 – Award-winning journalist John Pilger comments on the British government’s accusations against Russia over the poisoning of the double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury.

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Trump Supports ‘Space Force’ for War-Making and Dominance in Space
Dennis J Bernstein – Consortium News, 26 Mar 2018

20 Mar 2018 – Calls by Trump for a new ‘Space Force’ could further the potential of an armed showdown between US and foreign powers, such as China and Russia, reports Dennis J Bernstein in this interview with peace activist Bruce Gagnon.

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(Français) Poutine, ce punching-ball bien pratique
Nico Hirtt | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

En rattachant la Crimée à la Russie, même après le référendum écrasant de la population locale, Vladimir Poutine s’est, nous dit-on, rendu coupable d’un acte inadmissible dans les relations entre États civilisés : la modification de frontières d’États reconnues par la communauté internationale. Pourtant, ceux qui lui font ce reproche en Occident sont-ils vraiment de bons donneurs de leçons ?

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‘The Global Elite Is Insane’ Revisited
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

21 Mar 2018 – In 2014 I wrote an article titled ‘The Global Elite Is Insane’. I want to elaborate what I explained in the earlier article so that people have a clearer sense of what we are up against in our struggle to create a world of peace, justice and ecological sustainability.

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How Low Can the U.S. Go? It’s Not Just Trump!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

21 Mar 2018 – The U.S. now has a lying, racist, warmongering, misogynist, narcissist, megalomaniac, corrupt billionaire businessman, reality TV personality as President. The mask is off. Join hands in solidarity with people in grassroots struggles. Find common ground. And most of all – never give up. No lie can live forever. The arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice.

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Hawaii: Training Ground for My Lai Massacre and Catastrophic Nuclear War
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Mar 2018

50th Anniversary: The My Lai Massacre was the deliberate murder by U.S. troops of 504 innocent civilians, including women, children and grandparents in Vietnam on March 16, 1968. Silence is complicity. It’s been said many times, “Prevention is the only solution.”

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International Peace Congress 2018
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Mar 2018

Saturday 7 April Westminster Quaker Meeting House, London

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Youth Camps Shape New Generations with Patriotism, Pushups and Prayer
Will Carless | Reveal-The Center for Investigative Reporting – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Mar 2018

9 Mar 2018 – Over the past year, photographer Sarah Blesener paid visits to a host of camps aimed at instilling American kids with patriotic pride, military training and religious belief. In rural central Florida, a group of children pray over the breakfast and ask for safety during their upcoming weapons training, during which they will learn how to disarm a knife-wielding attacker, load a rifle and properly handle a handgun.

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Further Signs of More War: A Most Dangerous Game
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Mar 2018

19 Mar 2018 – Donald Trump’s days of playing the passive/aggressive host of a reality-television game show are coming to an end… Today things are far more sophisticated and sinister, with a massive and unrelenting war on truth being waged by the Western corporate media, an arm of the CIA, capitalism’s invisible army. It is a twisted game show with deadly consequences. Its method is Janus-faced.

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(Português) Os zoológicos e sua realidade invisível
Gabriel Bitencourt - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 19 Mar 2018

6 mar 2018 – Recentemente, divulguei o teor de um áudio que havia recebido e que foi gravado no interior do zoológico de Sorocaba. Nele, um dos funcionários contava, e defendia seu ponto de vista, que “dava caldos” – rápidos afogamentos – em macacos para que eles não fugissem da ilhota em que habitam.

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From the End of History to the End of Truth
Tortilla Con Sal – teleSUR, 19 Mar 2018

11 Mar 2018 – Big Lie repetition is the modus operandi of the Western elites who fund outfits like Global Witness, Amnesty International, and other influential NGOs like International Crisis Group, Transparency International, Purpose, Open Society Institute, Human Rights Watch, and many others. This sinister reality is intimately related to the politicization of legal and administrative processes in the national life of countries.

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Eliminate Nuclear Weapons by Divesting from Them
Robert F. Dodge, MD | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Mar 2018

19 Mar 2018 – The just released “Don’t Bank On The Bomb“ report draws attention to the “Hall Of Shame” companies that are either financing or producing nuclear weapons and their components. There are 20 principal companies and 329 significant investors the world over who are financing this work investing over $525 Billion in the last three years.

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America’s Shkreli Problem
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Mar 2018

9 Mar 2018 – Martin Shkreli was sentenced today to seven years in prison. The Shkreli personality disorder can be found on Wall Street, in the executive suites of America’s largest corporations, in Hollywood, in Silicon Valley, in our prestigious universities, and in Washington, even in Trump’s White House. Face it: America has a Shkreli problem.

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Syria: It Would All Be Over by Now without the ‘Regime-Changers’
Neil Clark – RT, 19 Mar 2018

17 Mar 2018 – It was seven years ago this week that the conflict in Syria began. How might it have developed without the negative role played by Western powers and their regional allies? Beware the Ides of March, the old saying goes. The 15th of March down the ages has seen not only the assassination of Julius Caesar and the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia; it was also the day, in 2011, that the conflict in Syria began.

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On Track for Extinction: Can Humanity Survive?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Mar 2018

8 Mar 2018 – The climate is not the only imminent threat to human survival. With an insane leadership in the White House we are faced with the prospect of nuclear war. And even if the climate and nuclear threats to our survival are removed, there is still a substantial range of environmental threats: rainforest destruction, the ongoing dumping of Fukushima radiation into the Pacific Ocean, extensive contamination from military violence…

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Stand Up for Justice & Peace, Not War!
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Mar 2018

6 Mar 2018 – Both U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are on the ropes, under criminal corruption investigations. What better way to take the focus away from themselves than by waging war, creating national emergencies to solidify their power, and have the finger pointed at someone else rather than themselves.

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U.S. Holocaust Museum Revokes Award to Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi
Michael Schwirtz – The New York Times, 12 Mar 2018

7 Mar 2018 – The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has revoked a prestigious human rights award it had given to the Nobel laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, now Myanmar’s civilian leader, faulting her for failing to halt or even acknowledge the ethnic cleansing of her country’s Rohingya Muslim minority.

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Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Mar 2018

So yes, the occupation corrupts and continues to corrupt. You won’t see civil society organizations fighting against this official corruption. Nor will you see popular protests against this ongoing scandal. And the lonely few who are still outraged by this scandalous behavior are, here in Israel, called leftist extremists and traitors…

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Behind the Scenes in Venezuela
Mark Weisbrot - U.S. News & World Report, 12 Mar 2018

3 Mar 2018 – The Trump administration is intensifying its regime change efforts to potentially include torpedoing Venezuela’s presidential election.

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Syria War: What the Mainstream Media Isn’t Telling You about Eastern Ghouta
Rania Khalek - RT, 12 Mar 2018

5 Mar 2018 – As Syrian government forces battle Jaysh al-Islam to retake Eastern Ghouta, Western media outlets have totally ignored the atrocities of the insurgents, preferring to blame all the violence on the “regime.”

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New Legal Action is a Path to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Freedom, but a Re-ignited International Mobilization Is Critical for Victory
Rachel Wolkenstein - Black Agenda Report, 12 Mar 2018

7 Mar 2018 – For over three decades thousands of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals around the globe have mobilized to save Mumia Abu-Jamal from execution, to overturn his conviction, to demand his freedom. Using his voice and pen, having written eight books and recorded over 3000 commentaries, Mumia Abu-Jamal inspires and educates millions around the globe who identify with his fight against “the system” and for justice for all humanity.

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(Deutsch) Ohne Copyright, als Symbol des Friedens frei für alle
Thomas Carl Schwoerer - Frankfurter Allgemeine, 5 Mar 2018

Das Peace-Zeichen wird sechzig Jahre alt: Von Martin Luther King bis zu den VW-Bussen der Woodstock-Fans.

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Resource Sovereignty: Venezuela, Africa, and the Global South
Ann Garrison interviews Maurice Carney | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Mar 2018

“The Congolese people in particular and Africans in general need to learn from their brothers and their sisters in the Global South.”

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How I Found My Voice as a Pacifist
Joan Baez | The Wall Street Journal – Reader Supported News, 5 Mar 2018

Joan Baez, 77, is a folk singer and guitarist who received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007. Her latest album is “Whistle Down the Wind” (Razor & Tie). She spoke with Marc Myers.

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End U.S. Addiction to Killing!
James Albertini | Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Mar 2018

The U.S. empire has become a culture of mass violence that has been building layer upon layer, from the massacres of Native Americans, the killing of unarmed African Americans, to the millions killed in wars for resources disguised as freedom and democracy. Now the chickens are coming home to roost with the killing of our own children.

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Junk Planet: Is Earth the Largest Garbage Dump in the Universe?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2018

26 Feb 2018 – I don’t know. But it’s a safe bet that Earth would be a contender were such a competition to be held. Let me explain why. To start, just listing the types of rubbish generated by humans or the locations into which each of these is dumped is a staggering task beyond the scope of one article.

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(Castellano) El miedo que impulsa la estrategia nuclear estadounidense
Robert Burrowes | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2018

El 2 de febrero 2018, el Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos publicó su última ‘Revisión de la Postura Nuclear 2018’. Varios autores ya han expuesto de manera cuidadosa un número increíble de mentiras obvias, amenazas inventadas, fallas e ideas erróneas estratégicas, como el pensamiento falaz detrás de la “disuasión” y el riesgo significativamente mayor de guerra nuclear dado el “pensamiento” delirante en el documento, así como el miedo político en la NPR.

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Genocide? As Gaza Dries Out, Israel Turns Off Fresh Water Spigot
Darius Shahtahmasebi | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2018

Rather than heeding the warnings from the UN to open up Gaza’s blockade and allow vital aid, what we have witnessed over the course of the last decade is a periodic all-out Israeli assault on Gaza’s vital infrastructure.

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Disaster Capitalism in Puerto Rico
Stephen Lendman | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2018

21 Feb 2018 – The pattern is familiar, corporate predators profiting from natural and other disasters. Free-wheeling capitalism works this way, profiting from mass-privatizations, deregulation, unrestricted market access, along with deep cuts in social spending to help finance plunder.

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Nikki Haley: The U.S. Embarrassment at the United Nations
Robert Fantina – CounterPunch, 26 Feb 2018

23 Feb 2018 – Nikki Haley has proven repeatedly that she is an embarrassment on the world stage, and the fact that she seems completely oblivious to her repeated acts of appalling stupidity is only further evidence of it. Her most recent foray into the world of head-scratching nonsense occurred on Tuesday, February 20. She basically, in her most eloquent way (not!), told the Palestinian government that she wouldn’t ‘shut up’, as was very appropriately suggested to her. She suggested that the Palestinians take “…the path of negotiation and compromise”.

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The Coming Wars to End All Wars
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2018

24 Feb 2018 – The Trump and Netanyahu governments have a problem: How to start a greatly expanded Middle-Eastern war without having a justifiable reason for one. No doubt they are working hard to solve this urgent problem. If they can’t find a “justification” (which they can’t), they will have to create one (which they will). Or perhaps they will find what they have already created.

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Guam: America’s Best Kept Undemocratic Secret
The Peace Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2018

US Military Occupation of Guam & Pacific Islands

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U.S. Escalates Syrian War
Margaret Kimberley | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2018

14 Feb 2018 – Having failed in its war of regime change in Syria, the U.S. seizes the nation’s oil fields and slaughters Syrian soldiers, confident that the U.S. public doesn’t give a damn.

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Syria’s White Helmets Go Global
Caitlin Johnstone – Consortium News, 19 Feb 2018

Syria’s White Helmets have been boosted by the West as a trusted humanitarian organization, but their origins and motives remain murky. Now, the White Helmets effort appears to be spreading to other countries.

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Myanmar Forces and Buddhist Villagers Torched Rohingya Homes, Then Killed
Wa Lone, Kyaw Soe Oo, Simon Lewis and Antoni Slodkowski | Reuters – US News & World Report, 12 Feb 2018

8 Feb 2018 – Rohingya trace their presence in Rakhine back centuries. But most people in majority-Buddhist Myanmar consider them to be unwanted Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh. The army refers to the Rohingya as “Bengalis,” and most lack citizenship. In recent years, the government has confined more than 100,000 Rohingya in camps where they have limited access to food, medicine and education. Nearly 690,000 Rohingya have fled their villages and crossed the border into Bangladesh since August.

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Google ‘Ministry of Truth’ Intensifies Suppressing ‘Fake News’ (Such as This)
Eric Zuesse – Intrepid Report, 12 Feb 2018

5 Feb 2018 – On November 18, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt spoke about how Google will help to defeat Russia. He said that Google helps in this effort not by “censoring” Russian news media, but by “deranking” them in Google web-searches, so that web pages from these sites, which he calls “propaganda,” will show so far down in the rankings in any Google-search, so that users of Google will not encounter (or will be vastly less likely to encounter) Russian sites—or any other non-mainstream sites (such as this one), which refuse unquestioningly to trumpet government lies.

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The Fear Driving US Nuclear Strategy
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

The US Department of Defense released its latest ‘Nuclear Posture Review 2018’ on 2 February. Several authors have already thoughtfully exposed a phenomenal variety of obvious lies, invented threats, strategic misconceptions and flaws – such as the fallacious thinking behind ‘deterrence’ and significantly increased risk of nuclear war given the delusional ‘thinking’ in the document – as well as the political fear-mongering in the NPR. So what can we do? Well, I would tackle the problem at several levels and I invite you to consider participating in one or more of these.

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Pugwash Statement on the U.S. 2018 Nuclear Posture Review
Amb. Sergio Duarte | Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

6 Feb 2018 – The expansion of the role of nuclear weapons risks triggering another round of the nuclear arms race, dramatically increases the risks of their use, and makes the road to a nuclear weapons free world even more difficult. This latest development will serve only to increase the saliency and attractiveness of nuclear weapons, and will certainly not enhance international security, let alone prospects for progress in bilateral and multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation efforts.

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Soros & the £400K Question: What Constitutes ‘Foreign Interference’ in Democracy?
Neil Clark - RT, 12 Feb 2018

9 Feb 2018 – You’d have to have a real sense of humor failure not to laugh. Repeat after me (with robotic arm movements): “Unproven Russian involvement in Brexit – terrible! Impose more sanctions on Moscow! A £400k check from an American billionaire for an anti-Brexit campaigning group – that’s no problem; it’s helping our democracy!”

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Political Insanity and the Nuclear Posture Review: Washington Threatens America and the World
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Global Research, 12 Feb 2018

8 Feb 2018 – The other ominous development is the just released US Nuclear Posture Review, which calls nuclear weapons “usable,” legitimizes their first use, and sets the stage for spending trillions of dollars acquiring more nuclear weapons when massive public needs go unmet and 10 percent of the existing US arsenal is sufficient to destroy all life on earth.

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“Fake News” Is Fake News
William Blum | The Anti-Empire Report #155 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

8 Feb 2018 – The people who created Facebook and Google must be smart. They’re billionaires. Facebook hired a very large staff of people to read everything posted by users to weed out the fake stuff. That didn’t last too long before the company announced that it wasn’t “comfortable” deciding which news sources are the most trustworthy in a “world with so much division”. We all could have told them that, couldn’t we?

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Try Learning Not to Ride a Bicycle So We Can Save the World
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

“Einstein discovered a law of physical change: the way to convert a single particle of matter into enormous physical energy. Might there not also be, as Gandhi suggested, an equally incredible and undiscovered law of spiritual change, whereby a single person or small community of persons could be converted into an enormous spiritual energy capable of transforming a society and a world? I believe that there is.”

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(Italiano) Johan Galtung Lectio Magistralis a Brescia
Erika Degortes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

Johan Galtung, che recentemente ha compiuto 87 anni, dimostra questo principio ogni giorno della sua vita, forte della sua inflessibile autodisciplina intellettuale e di 60 anni di dedizione professionale per la trasformazione dei conflitti. La sua biografia è intensa e interessante ma qui vorrei giusto ricordare 3 episodi.

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The Middle East Peace Process: A Cruel Joke
Mel Gurtov | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 – As of now, there is no honest broker and there is no peace process—facts that prolong the Israeli Occupation and further undermine Palestinian hopes for internationally recognized statehood and a better life.

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The Top 10 Outrageous Things about ISIS the Western Mainstream Media Ignores
Robert Bridge | Strategic Culture Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

31 Jan 2018 – The top 10 very strange circumstances that led to the rise of ISIS. It seems to be an appropriate time to reflect upon a set of very strange circumstances that led to the rise of this loathsome terrorist group.

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Another Fine Mess: America, Uganda and the War on Terror
Ann Garrison - Black Agenda Report, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 – Helen Epstein’s new book Another Fine Mess: America, Uganda and the War on Terror is dense with detailed and fascinating accounts of events in Ugandan history and politics and those of neighboring nations. I’m familiar with much of it, but there’s also much I hadn’t known, some I disagree with, and elaborations or different interpretation of what I’ve previously read or been told.

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Artificial Intelligence May Have Finally Decoded the Bizarre, Mysterious ‘Voynich Manuscript’
Peter Dockrill | Science Alert – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

30 Jan 2018 – For centuries, it’s been the book no human can understand, but we may finally now be able to read it – thanks to machines invented a half-millennia after it was written. A code that hasn’t been cracked for 600 years.

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Denying the Obvious: Leftists and Crimestop
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Servivce, 5 Feb 2018

3 Feb 2018 – It is well known that effective propaganda works through slow, imperceptible repetition. “The slow building up of reflexes and myths” is the way Jacques Ellul put it in his classic, Propaganda. This works through commission and omission.

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Summary of the 2018 U.S. National Defense Strategy
Jim Mattis | US Department of Defense – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Sharpening the American Military’s Competitive Edge

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As Trump, Bannon, Assange & Oprah Make Headlines: The Empire Strikes Back
Slavoj Žižek - RT, 29 Jan 2018

22 Jan 2018 – The global elite will use any means necessary to prevent the economic radicalization of the left. So “MeToo” and smears distract while tax evasion has become legitimate.

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Davos 2018: Elites to Save the World at Cocktail Party Schmooze-Fest
Robert Bridge – RT, 29 Jan 2018

23 Jan 2018 – It’s that time of year again when the elite gather at Davos by day to tackle the many problems plaguing the planet. And then by night it’s back to hitting the slopes, sipping champagne and networking again.

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War Pay: Another Good Year for Weapons Makers Is Guaranteed
William D. Hartung - TomDispatch, 29 Jan 2018

11 Jan 2018 – As Donald Trump might put it, major weapons contractors like Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin cashed in “bigly” in his first year in office. They raked in tens of billions of dollars in Pentagon contracts, while posting sharp stock price increases and healthy profits driven by the continuation and expansion of Washington’s post-9/11 wars. But last year’s bonanza is likely to be no more than a down payment on even better days to come for the military-industrial complex.

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A Genuine Actor: Francesco Serpico
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

When this honest cop was lying in a pool of his own blood on the night of February 3, 1971, having been shot in the face in a set-up carried out by fellow cops, Frank Serpico heard a voice that said, “It’s all a lie.” In that moment as he fought for his life, he realized a truth he had previously sensed but never fully grasped in its awful reality.

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Why Fear and Self-hatred Destroy Human Sharing and Solidarity
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

24 Jan 2018 – The lack of solidarity is utterly pervasive and readily evident in our lacklustre official and personal responses to the many ongoing crises in which humanity finds itself. To mention just the most obvious: Every day governments spend $US2 billion on weapons and warfare while a billion people lack the basic resources to live a decent life (and more than 100,000 of these people starve to death)… So what can we do?

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Robert Parry (24 Jun 1949 – 27 Jan 2018): His Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews
Nat Parry – Consortium News, 29 Jan 2018

28 Jan 2018 – Robert Parry, editor and publisher of, died peacefully Saturday [27 Jan] evening. In this tribute, his son Nat Parry describes Robert’s unwavering commitment to independent journalism.

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How Big Pharma Infiltrated the Boston Museum of Science
Martha Rosenberg – Intrepid Report, 29 Jan 2018

Do you overeat? Did your boyfriend just break up with you? Does no one return your emails? Do you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning? If so, you may be suffering from mental illness! Mental illness is a highly stigmatized, life-long condition, that millions do not even realize they have and only a pharmaceutical drug can fix says Pharma and its operatives.

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Is Anyone on the Side of the Congolese Now?
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

Has Anyone Ever Been on the Side of the People of Congo? Ann Garrison Speaks to Jean-Claude Maswana

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Full Spectrum Arrogance: US Bases Spanning the Globe – Map
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jan 2018

There are 50,000 troops still in Germany, still winning World War II three quarters of a century later. Anytime you have this nation attacking another nation that is a crime that all of us can be united in opposing.

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Alan Hart – Peacemaker (17 Feb 1942 – 15 Jan 2018)
Susie Hart – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jan 2018

16 Jan 2018 – Alan Hart, Our Beloved Father, Passed Away Yesterday at the Age of 75. The human body – his home no more. His energy, essence and spirit – well & free. Alan Hart was engaged with events in the Middle East and their global consequences and terrifying implications for 40 years as a correspondent and as a researcher and author. Also as a participant at leadership level, working to a Security Council background briefing, in the covert diplomacy of the search for peace.

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Hawaiian Islands: 125 Years of U.S. Occupation
James Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jan 2018

On January 17, 1893 a coup d’état was carried out against Queen Lili’uokalani and the Hawaiian Kingdom by foreign resident business interests with the assistance of U.S. Marines from the USS Boston. An illegal U.S. occupation of Hawai’i has continued ever since.

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Proper Exercise Can Reverse Damage from Heart Aging
UT Southwestern Medical Center | EurekAlert – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jan 2018

8 Jan 2018 – Exercise can reverse damage to sedentary, aging hearts and help prevent risk of future heart failure – if it’s enough exercise, and if it’s begun in time, according to a new study by cardiologists at UT Southwestern and Texas Health Resources.

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To Liberate Cambodia
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jan 2018

10 Jan 2018 – Cambodian activists require enormous courage to take nonviolent action as the possibility of violent state repression in response to popular mobilization is a real one. So what can Cambodians do? Fortunately, there is a long history of repressive regimes being overthrown by nonviolent grassroots movements. And nonviolent action has proven powerfully effective in Cambodia with Buddhist monk Maha Gosananda.

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Where Do the Names of Our Months Come From?
Caillan Davenport - The Conversation, 15 Jan 2018

If you’ve ever wondered why our 12-month year ends with names that mean the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth months, you can blame the Romans.

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Israel: Criminalizing the Victim
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jan 2018

8 Jan 2018 – In 1953 the Israeli Knesset (parliament) passed the land purchase law which stipulated, among other things, that lands not used for a certain period of time determined by the law itself were to become “state lands”. People were thus evicted and their lands taken over by the state. This was simply land-grab through legislation. In addition, the state no longer recognizes traditional ownership of land.

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To Honor Albert Camus on the Day He Died: January 4, 1960
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2018

Albert Camus was criticized by the right, left, and center. His allegiance was to truth, not ideologies. He opposed state murder, terrorism, and warfare from all quarters. An artistic anarchist with a passionate spiritual hunger, an austere and moral Don Juan, this sensual man of conscience and honor earned his reputation by a lifelong literary meditation on death in all its guises.

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North Korea and South Korea Are Threatening to Seek Peace
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 8 Jan 2018

6 Jan 2018 – Korean Détente Puts Decades of Failed, Corrupt US Policy at Risk – A few gestures of mutual respect between North Korea and South Korea during the first week of January are the best signs of sanity there in decades.

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Concentration Camps for African Migrants Blocked from Entering Europe Are Popping Up Across Libya
Vijay Prashad | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2018

“The Europeans want to move their southern border from the northern edge of the Mediterranean Sea to the southern rim of the Sahara Desert.”

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How the Mainstream Media Whitewashed Al-Qaeda and the White Helmets in Syria
Eva Bartlett – Global Research, 8 Jan 2018

6 Jan 2018 – There was not a single occasion in which I ever heard the medics (in Sunni Gaza) shout takbeeror Allahu Akbar upon rescuing civilians, much less intentionally stood on dead bodies, posed in staged videos, or any of the other revolting acts that the White Helmets have been filmed doing in Syria. They were too damn busy rescuing or evacuating the areas before another Israeli strike, and usually maintained a focused silence as they worked, communicating only the necessities.

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(Français) Tuer la biosphère pour accélérer l’extinction humaine
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. | Prepare for Change – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2018

Il y a plusieurs années au Cameroun, un pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, un rhinocéros noir occidental a été tué. C’était le dernier de son genre sur Terre.

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(Bahasa Indonesia) Apakah ‘tanda terima kasih’ korupsi? Memahami konsep korupsi yang bermakna jamak
Kanti Pertiwi – The Conversation, 1 Jan 2018

Selama ini gerakan antikorupsi di Indonesia dan dunia berpegang pada pendekatan rasionalis. Pendukung pendekatan ini percaya bahwa keberadaan demokrasi, budaya organisasi dan tata kelola yang baik yang berkembang di negara-negara Barat dapat menekan korupsi. Pendekatan ini juga melihat korupsi sebagai permasalahan moral dalam masyarakat.

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Thomas Lamadieu | Roots Art – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2018

Lamadieu takes photos of buildings then uses the sky as his canvas.

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US Nuclear Tests Killed Far More Civilians Than We Knew
Tim Fernholz | Quartz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2018

21 Dec 2017 – When the US entered the nuclear age, it did so recklessly. New research suggests that the hidden cost of developing nuclear weapons were far larger than previous estimates, with radioactive fallout responsible for 340,000 to 690,000 American deaths from 1951 to 1973.

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How Pharma Uses the Charge of ‘Stigma’ to Sell Psychiatric Drugs
Martha Rosenberg | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2018

28 Dec 2017 – Do you overeat? Did your boyfriend just break up with you? Does no one return your emails? Do you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning? If so, you may be suffering from mental illness! Mental illness is a highly stigmatized, life-long condition, says Pharma, that millions do not even realize they have and only a pharmaceutical drug can fix.

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Rwandan President Paul Kagame Is Not Papa Africa Saving Slaves
Ann Garrison and Bénédicte Kumbi Ndjoko | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Dec 2017

6 Dec 2017 – African Union Commission Chair Moussa Faki Mahamat praised Rwanda’s offer “to resettle up to 30,000 African migrants languishing in Libya.” The same story was reported across the Internet and newspapers in the US, Europe, and Africa. Rwandan President Paul Kagame is grandstanding as Papa Africa on the world stage, but nothing could be further from the truth or more preposterous than his proposal. Here are four reasons why.

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How Patients Who “Kill the Messenger” Are Pharma’s Best Salespeople
Martha Rosenberg - Intrepid Report, 25 Dec 2017

20 Dec 2017 – “Prince was not addicted to pain medication. Prince had a medical condition—chronic pain–which is criminally under-treated. . . . Physical dependence is not addiction.” So reads one of many articles that defend opioids and blame their restrictions for the nation’s opioid crisis. Right.

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What Does Corruption Mean to You? Examining the Plural Meanings of Corruption
Kanti Pertiwi – The Conversation, 18 Dec 2017

Does corruption means the same for everyone? Some social researchers argue that corruption is a social construct shaped by Western anti-corruption elites.

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If You Don’t Own any Bitcoin, Read This
Adam Taggart | Peak Prosperity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

8 Dec 2017 – Wow. Just….wow. Bitcoin’s price has gone ‘beyond exponential’ this week. Just yesterday, as I started working on this article, it shot up 22% — from $14,000 to $17,000 (hitting an intraday high of over $19,000).

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An Advent Calendar to Beat the Devil
Edward Curtin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

The deeper problems connected with advertising come less from the unscrupulousness of our ‘deceivers’ than from our pleasure in being deceived, less from the desire to seduce than from the desire to be seduced. The Graphic revolution has produced new categories of experience. They are no longer simply classifiable by the old common sense tests of true or false. At no time is this more evident than in the months leading up to Christmas and the holidays.

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Russia-gate’s Litany of Corrections
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 18 Dec 2017

As much as the U.S. mainstream media insists that the Russia-gate scandal is growing, what is undeniably growing is the list of major corrections that news outlets have been forced to issue.

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