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The NSA Leak Is Real, Snowden Documents Confirm
Sam Biddle – The Intercept, 22 Aug 2016

On Monday [15 Aug], a hacking group calling itself the “ShadowBrokers” announced an auction for “cyber weapons” made by the NSA. Based on never-before-published documents provided by Edward Snowden, The Intercept can confirm that the arsenal contains authentic NSA software, part of a powerful constellation of tools used to covertly infect computers worldwide.

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A World at War: We’re under Attack from Climate Change—And Our only Hope Is to Mobilize like We Did in WWII
Bill McKibben – New Republic, 22 Aug 2016

15 Aug 2016 – Enemy forces have seized huge swaths of territory; with each passing week, another 22,000 square miles of Arctic ice disappears. Experts dispatched to the battlefield in July saw little cause for hope, especially since this siege is one of the oldest fronts in the war. “In 30 years, the area has shrunk approximately by half,” said a scientist who examined the onslaught. “There doesn’t seem anything able to stop this.”

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North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux Aren’t Backing Down to Oil Pipeline Developers
Sarah Aziza | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

On Thursday [11 Ago 2016], nonviolent protesters outside North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux reservation entered their second day of confrontation with private security and local law enforcement. Armed with drums, tribal flags, and cell phones, demonstrators moved to block the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, a $3.7 billion dollar crude-oil conduit slated to cut just 1,000 feet from the perimeter of native land.

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Presidential Elections Need Not Matter So Much
Timothy Braatz | ZNet – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

So vote happily for a presidential candidate, or hold your nose and vote, or don’t vote at all, but help build a nonviolent movement to compel the president to act for human good. The greater that movement, the less presidential elections will matter. Learn from the successes and failures of the Civil Rights Movement. And keep in mind the words of Mohandas Gandhi, which Martin Luther King learned to quote: “There go my people. I must rush to catch up with them, for I am their leader.”

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Game Changer
Tom H. Hastings | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Everything we’ve done has been destructive. We are great at destroying. Bomb refugee camps, hospitals, funerals. Bomb Iraq, and Afghanistan, also Pakistan, don’t forget Somalia, Libya or Yemen. Bomb bomb bomb… Hey, ISIS, we need to talk. Hey, my fellow American voters, we need to elect leaders who can get this done. Innovation has been abandoned to devastation—let’s fix this.

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Médecins Sans Frontières Leaving Yemen after Saudi Airstrikes on Hospitals
PressTV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has announced that it is evacuating its staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen, saying it cannot get assurances that its hospitals will not be bombed again by Saudi warplanes. The decision was “never taken lightly,” said the Paris-based relief agency in a statement on Thursday [18 Aug 2016], condemning the Saudi “indiscriminate bombings.”

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Democratizing Wealth: A Next System Model for the U.S. South and Beyond
Ed Whitfield | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Ed Whitfield presents the Fund for Democratic Communities vision for a next system based on communal ownership of productive assets. The goal must be total economic democracy and community control over production, in order to place “the wealth created by human labor back into the commons for the benefit of all.”

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(Português) Pokemon, o jogo que traz espiões para dentro de casa
Sergey Kolyasnikov | Fort Russ – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Se alguém quiser saber o que está a ser feito no edifício, digamos, do Parlamento? Telefones de dúzias de deputados, pessoal da limpeza, jornalistas vibram: “Pikachu está próximo!!!” E cidadãos felizes agarrarão seus smartphones, activarão câmaras, microfones, GPS, giroscópios… circulando no lugar, fitando o écran e enviando o vídeo através de ondas online… Bingo! O mundo mudou outra vez, o mundo está diferente. Bem vindo a uma nova era.

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End the First-Use Policy for Nuclear Weapons
James E. Cartwright and Bruce G. Blairaug – The New York Times, 22 Aug 2016

The United States has a policy allowing the first use of nuclear weapons. Abolishing it will save money and make the world safer. President Obama would be wise to follow China’s example. As commander in chief, he can adopt no-first-use overnight and lead the way in establishing it as a global norm among all of the nine countries with nuclear weapons.

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Peace Journalism: What Johan Galtung Asked the Taliban
Liam McLoughlin – New Matilda, 22 Aug 2016

The Norwegian sociologist, who helped found the field of ‘peace journalism’, spoke about conflict, terror, and talking to the Taliban. The scholar is a vocal critic of mainstream media coverage of violence. In his critique of the failure to give context for events and explore the causes of conflict, Galtung differentiates ‘war journalism’ from ‘peace journalism’. We began the interview with a succinct explanation of the difference.

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African Farmers Can Feed the World, If Only…
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 22 Aug 2016

Can African farmers feed the world?. Apparently the answer is “yes.” Bold as it may sound, this statement is based on specific facts.

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Period Pain Drug Cures Symptoms in Mice, New Research Shows
Seerat Chabba – International Business Times, 22 Aug 2016

Is the Cure for Alzheimer’s Already on the Market?

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How ‘Think Tanks’ Generate Endless War
Todd E. Pierce – Consortium News, 22 Aug 2016

U.S. “think tanks” rile up the American public against an ever-shifting roster of foreign “enemies” to justify wars that line the pockets of military contractors who kick back some profits to the “think tanks.”

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Searching for Antiquities and Uncommon Beliefs
Dr. Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Most of us have a desire to know who our grandparents or great grandparents were — how and where they lived and what they did. This feeling is accentuated if one has been forced to leave one’s ancestral home or village.

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Beyond Jewish Identity: Exceptionalism Revisited
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

20 Aug 2016 – The problem with Jewish identity is Jewish identity! By this I mean, the hegemonic forms of Jewish exceptionalism to which most Jews are enthralled, including a provocative insistence on willed disaffiliation in a few rate instances… Instead of Jewish exceptionalism (or American exceptionalism) the call of this bio-political moment is for species exceptionalism.

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Photo of Boy Pulled from Rubble Reminder of ‘Unimaginable Horrors’ Syrian Children Face – UNICEF
UN News Centre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

19 Aug 2016 –“No child in Syria [is] safe while the conflict drags on,” Christophe Boulierac, a spokesperson for the UN Children’s Fund told the press in Geneva, referring to the photograph which went viral on social media yesterday and has galvanized world attention to the suffering in Aleppo, Syria’s iconic second city.

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(Castellano) Multipolaridad e integración postneoliberal en América Latina
Sergio Martín Carrillo | CELAG - teleSUR, 22 Aug 2016

Entramos en una nueva fase de disputa geopolítica en la región. La misma se caracteriza por el cuestionamiento del liderazgo latinoamericano en el fortalecimiento de la multipolaridad.

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Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Stiglitz Tells Us Why ‘Neoliberalism Is Dead’
Will Martin | Business Insider – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

19 Aug 2016 – Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize-winning economist and former adviser to US President Bill Clinton, says the consensus surrounding neoliberal economic thought has come to an end.

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The Importance of Cheering for Caster Semenya
Lindsay Gibbs | ThinkProgress – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Semenya is allegedly intersex. Ever since her world championship race in 2009 — when news unacceptably leaked that the International Association of Athletics Foundation was going to subject her to a gender test — she has been more famous for her naturally-occurring testosterone levels than her talent. When she was only 18 years old, the South African runner won gold at the 2009 world championships in the 800 meters. She went on to win the silver medal at the London Olympics, and is the overwhelming favorite in Rio.

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Brazil’s Uplifting Olympics
Roger Cohen – The New York Times, 22 Aug 2016

Why is it the developed world has to find fault in a developing country that organizes a major sporting event?

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Cultivating the Myth of Human Equality
Anthony Judge | Laetus in praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Ignoring Complicity in the Contradictions Thereby Engendered – At the time of writing, the argument can be made otherwise with the popular appeal of the promise of one US presidential nominee to “make America great again”. How is the desperate need to “be number one” to be related to whatever is implied by human equality? The question of principle is strikingly defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that: all men are born free and equal in rights and dignity.

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Eight Years
Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

16 Aug 2016 – It has been 8 years since I moved back from the USA to occupied Palestine and it may be worth a brief reflection… All of this was done while struggling against not just Israeli occupation with its repression (e.g. inability to import things normally, lack of freedom of movement) but some Palestinian societal backward culture including nepotism, patriarchy, bureaucracy, and corruption. We were learning as we go how to deal with people (including the “mental occupation”).

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The Ruling Class and the Spectre of Leon Trotsky
Chris Marsden | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

20 Aug 2016 – Seventy-six years ago today, the assassin Ramon Mercader plunged an ice axe into the head of Leon Trotsky at his home in Coyoacan, Mexico City. He died of his injuries the following day. Trotsky is forever associated with the incorruptible struggle against Stalinism and for international socialism.

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Monsanto Just Made a Massive Mistake
Tom Philpott – Mother Jones, 22 Aug 2016

One of its weed killers seems to be wiping out valuable crops, too. Oops. The Environmental Protection Agency announced it had gotten an ‘unusually high number of reports of crop damage that appear related to misuse of herbicides containing the active ingredient dicamba.’ Complaints of drooping and often dead crops appeared in no fewer than 10 US states.

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Libya’s ‘Operation Odyssey Lightning’ – The Obama Doctrine is Ravaging the Middle East
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Now, wars are carried out as a matter of course. With multiple war fronts and conflicts fermenting all around, many are becoming desensitized. Americans particularly have, sadly, swallowed the serum of perpetual war, to the extent that they rarely mobilize in any serious way against it. In other words, a state of war has become the status quo.

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Eternal Life [According to Millenary Vedas]
Prof. Chandra P Trivedi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

The eternal truth is one and the same for all. God is not different with different names. All human beings have different fate and mentality in life due to their actions of past life. We have ancestry in single DNA with eternal Vital fundamental Energy as source of all. The life is eternal, under the cycle of birth and death.

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Another Iatrogenic Illness Unveiled: Kris Kristofferson’s Dramatic Cure of His “Incurable” Alzheimer’s Disease
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Those labeled as the “mentally ill” are not much different from those of us who call ourselves “normal”. But we “normals” have just been lucky enough to have not yet decompensated because of some yet-to-happen, desperation-inducing life situation. And thus we may not have yet been given a billable diagnosis with a billable code number, and so we have not yet been prescribed some unaffordable prescription drug that could put us on the road to permanent dependence, disability and institutionalization. “The term “iatrogenic” means doctor, drug or surgery-caused disease. It is a taboo subject today.”

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All Eyes on You
Jennifer Golbeck, Ph.D. | Psychology Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Thirty-two years after 1984, Big Brother is here. In many cases, we’ve invited him in. How does this constant surveillance affect us and what, if anything, can we do about it? There’s no question our privacy has been eroded with the help of technology. As Scott McNealy, cofounder of Sun Microsystems, famously said: “You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it.”

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Olympic Games – More Media Show than Sports Event
Mario Osava – Inter Press Service-IPS, 22 Aug 2016

Brazil’s first gold medal of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics gave it a new multipurpose heroine, Rafaela Silva, whose defeat of the favourites in judo has made her a strong voice against racism and homophobia. Not only is she black and poor, but she just came out as gay. Colourful figures like Silva or Jamaican runner Usain Bolt, or unbeatable U.S. swimming legend Michael Phelps, are crucial in the Olympics, which have become a huge global media event, more than the leading international sports competition.

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Bob Gorrell – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Another way to look at the plot…

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From Negative Leadership to Healing Leadership: A Therapy Strategy to Remedy African Instability
Raïs Neza Boneza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

For Africa to address the many problems that cause conflicts – such as widespread corruption, economic inequality and exclusion of certain ethnic and social groups – it is essential to have democratic, well-governed states. To achieve peace and stability, Africa must recycle its current leadership by putting emphasis on the demilitarization of the minds and political institutions.

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Holding Monsanto to Account: The People’s Tribunal in The Hague
Heidi Chow | Global Justice Now – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Civil society groups from around the world are holding an international ‘people’s tribunal’ to hold Monsanto to account for its impacts on communities and the environment. The Tribunal will be held at The Hague and conducted by legal professionals and practicing judges. It will consider whether Monsanto is guilty of the following:

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Whose Child Is This?
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Whose child is this? Is this child an Iraqi . . . an Israeli . . . a Chechnyan . . . an Afghani . . . a Kurd . . . a Nigerian? Is she or he English, Indonesian, Spanish, Lebanese, Turkish, Congolese, Bosnian, Persian? Does it matter? Is this child not a daughter or son to each of us?

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(Português) De tempos em tempos a plutocracia brasileira tenta um golpe
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

No atual processo de impeachment à Presidenta Dilma contam com um aliado poderoso: o complexo jurídico-policial do Estado que substitui as baionetas. O vice Presidente usurpou o título de Presidente e montou um ministério de pantomima com vários ministros corruptos.

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(Português) Eu o/a desafio a não virar vegetariano/a…
David Arioch | Jornalismo Cultural – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Muitas pessoas não assistem esses documentários porque isso significa sair da zona de conforto e confrontar a realidade que envolve a produção de alimentos de origem animal. Sim, não existe alimento de origem animal que não envolva dor ou privação. E quando alguém fala em bem-estarismo animalista penso apenas no quão insensível o ser humano é capaz de ser.

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As Our Cultural Heritage in Syria Hemorrhages, Villagers Work to Restore It
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

At times, this observer becomes enervated, discouraged, depressed, and perhaps cynical, at all the carnage being inflicted on innocents in Syria. Yet I remain convinced from my experience in Syria itself that it will be the Syrian people themselves who will preserve, protect and restore this cradle of civilization’s endangered cultured heritage.

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Unholy Secrets: The Legal Loophole That Allows Clergy to Hide Child Sexual Abuse
Jack Jenkins | Think Progress – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

“Rather than help Mayeux, her lawyers say the priest told her simply to move past the abuse, suggesting she ‘sweep it under the floor and get rid of it’” because “too many people would be hurt” if she brought it out into the open.

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The Future Belongs to the Optimists
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

The two-state solution is not ideal, but real. It means that each of the two peoples can live in a state it calls its own, under its own flag, with its own elections, parliament and government, police and education system, its own Olympic team. The two states will, by choice or necessity, have joint institutions, that will evolve in the course of time and by free will from the necessary minimum to a much wider optimum. Perhaps it will come close to a federation, as mutual relations widen and mutual respect deepens.

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Broadspectrum ‘Violating’ Human Rights at Australian Offshore Detention Centers
Pratap Chatterjee | CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

New reports accuse employees of Broadspectrum Limited of providing appalling living conditions and neglecting the care of their charges. Broadspectrum was awarded a A$1.5 billion (US$1.2 billion) contract by the Australian government in October 2012 to manage Australia’s detention centers on Manus and Nauru islands. At the present moment, an estimated 847 people are being held on Manus and 466 people are being held in Nauru.

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Con-quest Aesthetically Reframed via the Concordian Mandala
Anthony Judge | Laetus in praesens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Inspired by Implications of the Systemantics of the Discordian Mandala – As discussed, of particular interest in global discourse are the controversial implications of the prefix “con”, as used with both integrative connotations and those of condemnation or opposition — of contrariness and contradiction.

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Will Russia Reject Neoliberalism?
Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson – CounterPunch, 15 Aug 2016

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson explain why hooking Russia’s fate to Western neoliberalism would doom the country’s sovereignty.

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Making America Great Again
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

The United States has more people dying of guns and violence every year than any other country on earth, including China with six times of the population in size. It is now fully obvious that those in power who want to see all people having guns and weapons without limit are those who view these deadly elements as a good means of making more and more money.

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‘Dreaming of Freedom:’ Palestinian Child Prisoners Speak
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

8 Aug 2016 – This is a collection of reflections by child prisoners in their own words, edited by Norma Hisham. It is a successor to her earlier volume of Palestinian prison recollections. I post below some blurbs that convey the importance of Dreaming of Freedom and the text of my Foreword. As much as anything I have read, these texts convey the reality of the experience of all Palestinians living under occupation or as exiles or as a subjugated minority.

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The New Economy: A Living Earth System Model
David Korten | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Treat the visible problem—a defective product or an underperforming employee—as the symptom of a deeper system failure. Look upstream to find and correct the system conditions responsible for the system failure. Otherwise the problem will simply reoccur. David Korten contrasts what he calls the self-destructing “suicide economy” we have and a “living Earth economy” that self-organizes toward ecosystem health and balance, shared prosperity, and living democracy.

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War on Climate Terror (I): Deserts Bury Two Thirds of African Lands
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 15 Aug 2016

9 Aug 2016 – Two-thirds of the African continent is already desert or dry-lands. But while this vast extension of the second largest continent on Earth after Asia is “vital” for agriculture and food production, nearly three-fourths of it is estimated to be degraded to varying degrees.

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The Harp
Anna Banasiak – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

I hear the yearning in Your voice
Rashi’s commentaries are hidden in the rustle of trees

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CIA Breaks Its Silence on “New Silk Road”: Says Challenging the BRICS and AIIB Was a “Mistake”
Rusticus | Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Morell has “left” the agency after 33 years of so-called “service” for the express intent of publicly endorsing Hillary Clinton for President, which he did by publishing a gushing ovation in The New York Times. Morell emphatically declares that a Clinton regime would be more willing to “kill Russians” and “kill Iranians,” would be more apt to escalate war in Syria, and would doubtlessly be more likely to (as Charlie Rose puts it) “arm the Mujahidden.”

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The Historic Reversal of Populations
Joseph Chamie – Inter Press Service-IPS, 15 Aug 2016

It first happened in Italy in 1995. Five years later, it happened in six additional countries, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Japan, Portugal and Spain. Today the total number of countries where it has occurred stands at 30, including most members of the European Union. In fifteen years that number is expected to nearly double and include Australia, Canada, China, Russia, South Korea and the United States.

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Human Nature: An Evolutionary Paradox
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

From the standpoint of evolutionary theory, this is a paradox. As a species, we are well on the road to committing collective suicide, driven by the flaws in human nature. But isn’t natural selection supposed to produce traits that lead to survival? Today, our emotions are not leading us towards survival, but instead driving us towards extinction. What is the reason for this paradox?

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(Türk) İdeoloji ve din psikolojisi
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. | Alternatif Siyaset – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Yaşantımızı sürdürmek üzere günlük kararlarımızın alınmasında etkili ve dünyevi konularda da önem arz eden iki faktör; din ve ideolojidir.

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Ukraine, Instability, and the US Election – No Way Out?
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 15 Aug 2016

Headline: Ukraine claims Russian invasion possible ‘at any minute’ – The headline shown above is from the Irish Times, over a story quoting unnamed sources in the Kiev government, who in turn quote unnamed sources in Crimea. Nothing in the story, taken as a whole, supports the fearmongering headline. Even Kiev acknowledges that Russian troop movements are exercises, of unstated scale at an unstated distance from the border.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Ben Zanders, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, led an audience of 1000 at a conference…

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The UN Steps Up Efforts to End Child Marriage
Babatunde Osotimehin – Inter Press Service-IPS, 15 Aug 2016

This year, more than 60 million 10 year-old girls worldwide will have started their journey through adolescence. Sadly, millions of them will be forced into adult responsibilities. Puberty brings a whole host of risks to girls’ lives and their bodies, including child marriage and all its consequences.

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Proust on Love and How Our Intellect Blinds Us to the Wisdom of the Heart
Maria Popova | Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

“Our intelligence, however lucid, cannot perceive the elements that compose it and remain unsuspected.”

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Divide and Rule: How Factionalism in Palestine Is Killing Prospects for Freedom
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

In Palestine, factions perceive democracy to be a form of control, power and hegemony, not a social contract aimed at fostering dialogue and defusing conflict. Thus, it is no wonder that supporters of two Fatah factions, one loyal to PA President Mahmoud Abbas and another to Mohammed Dahlan, recently clashed in Gaza. Several were hospitalized after sustaining injuries.

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Uncle “Sham” Says “Dance!”… And the Band Plays On…
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Most Americans are still getting their news from the Howdy-Doody-TV-Network “newsmen” and the Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring dolls of Fox. Six corporations—and a very special group it is!– control our news “media,” and we best recall what Voltaire wrote: “If you want to know who controls you, look at those you are forbidden to criticize!”

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Stock Answer
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Why I Took the Plunge At Last and Converted (Almost) to Veganism – The world can cope with 7 or even 10 billion people. But only if we stop eating meat. Livestock farming is the most potent means by which we amplify our presence on the planet. It’s the amount of land an animal-based diet needs that makes it so destructive.

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Olympic Executioners: Guilty Until Proven Guilty
Mark Chapman – Oriental Review, 15 Aug 2016

The ‘Independent Commission’ did not question or interview any Russian athletes or officials except for the Stepanovs and Grigory Rodchenkov. “The IP did not seek to interview persons living in the Russian Federation …. I did not seek to meet with Russian government officials and did not think it necessary…” And, you see, that’s a problem. Because athletes on the Track and Field team who have never failed a drug test were banned, by association, from competing, on no grounds but their nationality.

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War on Climate Terror (II): Fleeing Disasters, Escaping Drought, Migrating
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 15 Aug 2016

11 Aug 2016 – “No one can deny the terrible similarities between those running from the threat of guns and those fleeing creeping desertification, water shortages, floods and hurricanes.”

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Saudi Employer Owes Guest Workers Nearly $1 Billion in Back Pay
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

The exploitation of migrant workers is turning into a full-fledged humanitarian crisis.

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Twitter Censors What Israeli State Attorney Asks It To
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

At Israel’s request, Twitter is blocking Israelis from viewing certain tweets published overseas. Similar take-down notices have been sent to other international online platforms, the Justice Ministry confirms.

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A Nonviolent Strategy to End War
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

There is a long history of anti-war and peace activism. Much of this activism has focused on ending a particular war, other at ending a particular aspect of war, such as the use of a type of weapon. Some of it has aimed to prevent a type of war, such as ‘aggressive war’ or nuclear war. For those activists who regard war as the scourge of human existence, however, ‘the holy grail’ has always been much deeper: to end war.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Aug 15-21~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “[W]e tend to underestimate the power of one person. One committed, determined person filled with lights can move mountains.” – China Brooks

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(Castellano) Intento de Golpe de Estado en Turquía, Nueva Constitución en Chile
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

¿Qué es lo que es la democracia? Según el realismo critico la palabra “democracia” –y cualquier otra palabra—es una herramienta de acción social. Hablar es actuar. Esgrimir la palabra “democracia” es una acción. Debe ser una acción responsable. Sucesos actuales en Turquía y en Chile subrayan la importancia práctica de esta perspectiva teórica.

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Why Are Elites Out of Touch? They Think Anyone Who Disagrees with Them Is Crazy
Nitzan David Foucks – The National Interest Magazine, 15 Aug 2016

Not a single expert has questioned his own beliefs. Not a single word on the dysfunction of the EU, or why exactly cosmopolitanism should be embraced. And the Brexit is just one example where the experts put the blame on the general public. Another is Trump. And again, instead of questioning why their voice has become irrelevant, the elites blame the masses. This trend cannot go on.

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Home Demolitions Are Organized State Violence
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Over the last decade, Israel has demolished over 1,100 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, leaving homeless more than 5,199 people, including at least 2,602 minors. The extensive demolitions are part of a broader Israeli policy of forced transfer. The following speech was delivered at a conference on home demolitions held at the Knesset on July 27, 2016.

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People Have the Power (Music Video of the Week)
pattismithVEVO– TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

“People Have the Power” is a rock song written by Patti Smith and Fred “Sonic” Smith, and released as a lead single from Patti Smith 1988 album Dream of Life. The music video is filmed mostly in black-and-white and features Patti Smith singing, writing and walking.

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(Français) Pourquoi le fascisme ?
Annie Lacroix-Riz | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Remarques contemporaines sur la face non idéologique du fascisme : crise de surproduction et guerre aux salaires.

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Aftermath of Political Ruptures: Iran, Egypt, Turkey
Richard Falk | Social Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

12 Aug 2016 – This post offers a commentary of recent dramatic developments within Turkey and the largely critical international media and diplomatic responses. It compares international reactions to political ruptures in Iran (1979) and Egypt (2011, 2013), and encourages greater public attention to the importance attached by the Turkish citizenry to the defeat of the coup attempt and more sympathy with the kind of political leadership provided by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan since the coup attempt of July 15th.

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Military Dissent Is Not an Oxymoron – Freeing Democracy from Perpetual War
William J. Astore | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

11 Aug 2016 – The United States is now engaged in perpetual war with victory nowhere in sight. Having spent trillions of dollars on war with such sorry results, it’s a wonder that key figures in the U.S. military or officials in any other part of America’s colossal national security state and the military-industrial complex (“the Complex” for short) haven’t spoken out forcefully and critically about the disasters on their watch.

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The Recarbonisation Revolution
Dr. Petri Vasara – The Economist, 15 Aug 2016

The World Needs a ‘Recarbonisation Revolution’ of Global Material Flows – Recarbonisation requires moving from fossil carbon to biocarbon. The recarbonisation revolution offers a simple way to define the bio-economy: recarbonise materials, de-carbonise energy.

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Greenland Ice Melt Could Expose Hazardous Cold War Waste
Andrea Thompson | Climate Central, Scientific American – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

The military abandoned the ice-tunnel complex with tons of chemicals and radioactive materials.

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Duty to Warn | 9 August, the 71st Anniversary of the Bombing of Nagasaki
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

Unwelcome Truths for Church and State – 71 years ago (August 9, 1945) an all-Christian bomber crew dropped a plutonium bomb on Nagasaki City, Japan, instantly vaporizing, incinerating, irradiating and otherwise annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians, men, women and children. Very few Japanese soldiers were affected and a disproportionately large number of the Nagasaki victims were Christian.

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Good Thinking: Those Who’ve Tried to Halt Nuclear Weapons
A Documentary by Anthony Donovan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

This documentary 3.5 yrs in the making was slanted for release in Film Festivals fall 2016, and it was much preferred to have people view this on the big screen with others, however with the recent dangerous, irresponsible banter by most Presidential candidates about nuclear weapons, it is being released now freely to the public, in the hopes it will shed needed light, and widen the truth.

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Dreaming Again for Equality in India
Devanuru Mahadeva – Al Jazeera, 15 Aug 2016

The Dalits need to be mindful of what to expect and wise to organise the community, and continue their struggle.

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Trump Apologizes, Wins over Critics
Timothy Braatz - CounterPunch, 15 Aug 2016

A parody–half of it is fact, the other half fiction. It points out the hypocrisy of US political discourse that is “scandalized” by Trump but supports murder overseas.

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(Italiano) La Norvegia oggi — Compiacenza
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

USA odino ancor più la Russia, e si semplifichino la vita restringendo la realtà russa a una persona, Putin, demonizzato quindi secondo la modalità descritta da Orwell in 1984. Il libro riguarda gli sforzi di costruire società irreversibili; si cita spesso “tutti gli animali sono uguali” di Animal Farm, certo, ma meno significativo. Il titolo avrebbe dovuto essere 1985, l’anno in cui Thatcher e Reagan cercarono di costruire un mondo irreversibile, un ordine capitalista anglo-americano.

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Earth Overshoot Day Is Aug 8, 2016
Earth Overshoot Day – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

On August 8, 2016, we will have used as much from nature as our planet can renew in the whole year. We use more ecological resources and services than nature can regenerate through overfishing, overharvesting forests and emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than forests can sequester.

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(Castellano) Gandhi y la desobediencia civil en India
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Mahatma Gandhi rompió los esquemas de las tradicionales protestas violentas para obtener algún fin. Este líder indio supo combinar la política, la religiosidad y su carisma hasta establecer un hito en la historia contemporánea: la independencia a través de la desobediencia civil.

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State Dept Excuses Syria Rebel Group over Terror Attacks
Jason Ditz | AntiWar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

State Department spokesman Mark Toner downplayed the incidents, or the possibility that the US would stop arming Nour al-Din al-Zinki just because they beheaded a child and used chemical weapons. Insists ‘One Incident Here and There’ Doesn’t Make Them Terrorists’

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The Shot Heard All Over the Country
Uri Avnery | Gush Shalom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

The crew of an Israeli ambulance was treating the wounded soldier, ignoring the seriously wounded Arab who was lying on the ground. Several Israeli soldiers were standing around, also ignoring the Palestinian. About 10 minutes later Sergeant Elor Azaria, a medic, appeared on the scene, approached the wounded Palestinian and shot him point-blank in the head, killing him.

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Duty to Warn | Bernie Sanders and Aussie Gough Whitlam, Identical Political Twins fromTwo Eras
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Lessons for the Sanders’ Revolution of 2016 from the Doomed Progressive Politics of the Post-Vietnam Era in Australia

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(Italiano) I terroristi dell’Antropocene
Elena Camino – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 8 Aug 2016

5 agosto 2016 – In un recente articolo sul New York Times1 l’autore, Max Fisher, riporta alcune idee espresse da due importanti figure pubbliche sullo scottante argomento delle armi nucleari. In una intervista rilasciata a marzo Donald Trump pose la domanda: “se l’ ISIS ci colpisse, non rispondereste con un ordigno nucleare?” In una successiva occasione, Trump ha chiesto ripetutamente: “Se le abbiamo, perché non possiamo usarle?”

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(Português) Leite de origem animal: o que o marketing nunca irá mostrar nos bastidores
Camila Jade Baungartel - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 8 Aug 2016

A realidade do consumo de leite de origem animal que o marketing esconde, desmistificando as falácias da medicina vinculada ao agronegócio, os malefícios que causa à saúde humana, os impactos ambientais, o equívoco do “bem-estar animal” de “vaca feliz” e o sofrimento de animais explorados por uma industria voltada exclusivamente para atender os desejos humanos.

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(Castellano) Google eliminó a Palestina del mapa y lo reemplazó por Israel
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

En un comunicado, periodistas palestinos han señalado que la acción de Google es “contraria a todas las normas y convenciones internacionales”.

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The Looming Financial Crisis Nobody Is Talking About, but Should Be
Shaun Bradley | Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Talking heads and hedge fund managers will be eternally optimistic on the outlook for the future, even as the collapse becomes undeniably obvious. Problems for the European Union will continue to build, and the risk of the disease spreading to other economies increases by the day. Unfortunately, this Ponzi scheme system we built our societies on has left us vulnerable to any well-timed black swan event.

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(Français) Banque mondiale, une zone de non-droit protégée par des juges
Renaud Vivien | Comite pour l'abolition des dettes illégitimes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Un tribunal de Washington a autorisé la Banque mondiale à ne pas répondre de ses actes devant la justice étasunienne |1|. Les plaignants indiens ont déjà fait appel de cette décision qui confère à la Banque mondiale une immunité qui la place de facto au dessus des lois.

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Rio 2016: The “Olympic Ideal” and the Reality of Capitalism
Bill Van Auken | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

The Olympics are being held under conditions of military occupation in Brazil, one of the world’s must unequal countries, wracked by economic, social and political crises.

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Is Humility Compatible with a Healthy Self-esteem?
Mahatma Das | Dandavats – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Aside from confusing humility with low self-esteem, people sometimes correlate the concept of high self-esteem with pride and self-absorption. But it is actually the contrary. People who exhibit high self-esteem also exemplify a more humble attitude toward others. They show a willingness to admit and correct mistakes, whereas persons with low self-esteem are often defensive and feel a need to prove they are right.

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Xi Jinping Is No Mao Zedong
Keyu Jin | Project Syndicate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Those who fear Cultural Revolution 2.0 need to understand that China is not the country it was 50 years ago. The soil for authoritarianism and a cult of personality has been plowed under by three decades of increasing openness and economic growth. No one understands this better than Xi.

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Microsoft Pitches Technology That Can Read Facial Expressions at Political Rallies
Alex Emmons – The Intercept, 8 Aug 2016

Microsoft officials declined to comment on exactly what information is collected on each face and what data is retained or stored, instead referring me to their privacy policy, which does not address the question. Microsoft’s marketing did not seem to match the consent policy. “It’s difficult to envision how companies will obtain consent from people in large crowds or rallies.”

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Global Surveillance Industry Database Helps Track Big Brother Worldwide
Deirdre Fulton – Common Dreams, 8 Aug 2016

“Without instruments capable of restricting transfers and shining a light on the companies and the trade, surveillance technologies developed in and traded from the West will further undermine privacy and facilitate other abuses,” says report.

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A Guide to Online Security for Activists
Jillian C. York | The Electronic Intifada – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

2 Aug 2016 – The last year has seen an uptick in digital threats faced by individuals and organizations around the world. Over the past few months, there have been attacks on boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement websites, threatening emails to activists and new information emerging on Israel’s surveillance capabilities.

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Hiroshima, Presidential Campaigns and Our Nuclear Future
Robert F. Dodge, M.D. | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Seventy-one years ago on August 6th and 9th the world entered the nuclear age with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing and injuring in excess of 200,000 immediately and untold additional fatalities from lingering radiation effects.

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Duty to Warn | August 1, 2016: The 50th Anniversary of the Start of America’s Mass School Shooting Epidemic
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

It is a fact that 90% of America’s school shooters were on prescription brain-altering psychiatric drugs – drugs that are well known to cause inebriation, intoxication, loss of impulse control, rage, aggression, homicidal ideation, suicidal ideation, and temporary drug-induced mania and/or psychosis.

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Ten Lessons from Chernobyl and Fukushima
David Krieger | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

The nuclear power plant accident at Chernobyl was repeated, albeit with a different set of circumstances, at Fukushima. Have our societies yet learned any lessons that will prevent the people of the future from experiencing such devastation? As poet Maya Angelou points out, “History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage doesn’t need to be lived again.”

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Google Slammed for Removing Palestine from Its Maps
Middle East Monitor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

4 Aug 2016 – The Palestinian Journalists’ Forum has denounced Google for deleting the name of Palestine from its maps and replacing it with Israel. In a statement released yesterday, the forum said Google’s decision to remove Palestine from its maps on 25 July “is part of the Israeli scheme to establish its name as a legitimate state for generations to come and abolish Palestine once and for all.”

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The Global Campaign for Peace Education
Culture of Peace News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

The Global Campaign for Peace Education provides coverage of peace education from around the world, including original articles, research and stories cultivated from journals and independent and mass media sources.

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August: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

August 8, 1994 – – In one of the twenty known incidents of the attempted illicit sale of Russian bomb-grade fissile materials in the last 25 years since the breakup of the Soviet Union, security officials at Munich International Airport in Germany arrested individuals who were caught in possession of 363.4 grams of plutonium – enough to make one or more radiological weapons or dirty bombs.

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Team Clinton Focuses on the Demise of Hezbollah
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

The likely next American President, Hilary Clinton is fielding an array of foreign policy advisers, table scraps from the Bush administration and from Obama…. Whatever success the Clinton team will have with its goal of destroying Hezbollah and however one evaluates Obama’s policy, this region appears headed for yet more prolonged violence and many more deaths of innocent civilians.

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