Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

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(Français) Le sort des réfugiés démasque l’hypocrisie des guerres “humanitaires”
Bassem Khouzam, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

3 septembre 2015 – Après avoir découvert la vidéo de réfugiés molestés par la police macédonienne fin août, un Syrien nous témoigne sa colère. Pour des raisons soi-disant humanitaires, la Syrie a été plongée dans le chaos. Mais lorsqu’il s’agit de gérer les conséquences de cette désastreuse entreprise, l’Europe manque à l’appel humanitaire.

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Appeal to UK to Talk with Syrian Government and Islamic Militants to Help Solve Middle East Refugee Crisis
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire calls upon the UK government to move from military proposals, such as bombing Syria, to humanitarian solutions in tackling the refugee crisis, one of the greatest tragedies and human suffering facing Europe since the WWII.

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As Yemen Assault Continues, US Announces Billion-Dollar Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia
Niles Williamson, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

While the deal is ostensibly aimed at easing Saudi concerns over the US-Iran nuclear deal, it also facilitates the escalation of the Saudi monarchy’s bloody assault on Yemen.

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The Face of a Boy
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

The Israel that presents itself to the world now is a state of occupiers, of oppressors, of brutal colonizers, of soldiers armed to the teeth who arrest people in the middle of the night and persecute them during the day. This face changes the perception of Israel throughout the world. The terrified face of young Muhammad Tamimi may well haunt us for a long time to come.

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The Arab Countries Are Slowly Taking the Path towards Democracy
Joël Frei interviews Prof. Abbas Aroua – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

The director of the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva and strong advocate for peace, Abbas Aroua, on the quest for fairness and balance in the Islamic tradition, the need for a secular space in the Arab countries and non-violence as the only effective way towards lasting peace.

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International Community as God or Sorcerer’s Apprentice?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Are there insights to be gained from the current challenges of governance? Most evident are the refugee crisis, financial instability (and rumours of worse to come), climate change, regional conflict, and resource constraints. In this context it is strange to see the progressive marginalization of the United Nations.

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Black September Reflections
Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow? — Kahlil Gibran

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Colombia’s Killing Fields: Peace Is War
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Colombia has received more US military aid–over $6 billion dollars in the past decade—than any country in the Western Hemisphere. For its part, Colombia allowed the Pentagon to build seven military bases, more than all the other countries in the region combined.

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Redefining Youth as Peacebuilders – #youth4peace
Peace Is Sexy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Perhaps one of the greatest achievements of the Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security was to bring together not only youth and policy makers, but also youth from around the world who might not otherwise have the chance to exchange and learn from colleagues.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Sep 7-13 – QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.” – Rabindranath Tagore

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Two More European Countries Ban Monsanto’s GMO Crops
Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Lativia and Greece have chosen the “opt-out” clause of a European Union rule passed in March. Scotland and Germany made headlines in recent weeks for seeking a similar ban on GMOs.

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The G20 Summit: A Spectacle of Political Bankruptcy
Nick Beams, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

7 Sep 2015 – The meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers held in Ankara, Turkey over the weekend underscored the inability of the major capitalist powers to initiate any measures to halt the recessionary forces overtaking the world economy.

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Japan: Continuing Protests against Abe Government’s Security Bills
Ben McGrath, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

The bills will formalise Abe’s “constitutional reinterpretation” last year to permit so-called collective self-defence—that is, Japan’s military involvement in US wars of aggression. Further anti-war protests took place last weekend, including in Tokyo’s Shinjuku shopping district on Sunday, as well as the cities of Sendai, Osaka and Fukuoka.

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Nuclear War Theme Parks: Mass Destruction for the Whole Family
John LaForge, Peace Voice – Transcend Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Hoping perhaps to show that the bomb from hell can be transformed from a vengeful, self-destructive, nightmare demon, into a benign, peace-loving, fairy-tale prince, nuclear propagandists and their friends in Congress are establishing nuclear war theme parks — without the taint of mass destruction — at former bomb factories and nuclear weapons launch pads all across the country.

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Toward Constructive, Peaceful, Globalizing Countries
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

A Rhymed Reflection

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Brazilian Wasp Venom Kills Cancer Cells but Not Healthy Cells
Caroline Reid – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Wasps get their fair share of bad press. They have painful stingers, and they’re not as useful (or cute) to us as bees. However, their venom has been shown to attack cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.

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By Accident
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

A car skidded on wet pavement and struck a light pole.

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Throwing Babies on Bonfires
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Throwing babies on bonfires
doesn’t make sense to me.
I can’t imagine that they burn well,
so what’s the point?

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The Refugee Crisis That Isn’t
Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

European leaders may differ about how to respond to the asylum-seekers and migrants surging their way, but they seem to agree they face a crisis of enormous proportions. But before we get carried away by such apocalyptic rhetoric, we should recognize that if there is a crisis, it is one of politics, not capacity.

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We Do Not Deserve You
Mosab Mostafa – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

He didn’t sink.
He is asleep dreaming about his toys and picnics
He is now calm since he no longer hears
The anguished cries of his parents and siblings

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Ecuador Victims Can Seek Compensation from Chevron, Canada Supreme Court Rules
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

The Supreme Court determined that Canada is an appropriate jurisdiction and victims of contamination can seek compensation from the oil company.

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EU Migration and Refugee Crisis: in Graphics
BBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

3 Sep 2015 – Asylum applications in Europe have surged this year – with numbers for Germany and Hungary already exceeding their totals for 2014. Altogether, 438,000 refugees had applied for asylum by the end of July – compared with 571,000 for the whole of last year.

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The Need for a New Economic System – Part 7: The Global Food Crisis
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

There is a danger that just as global population reaches the unprecedented level of 9 billion or more, the agricultural base for supporting it may suddenly collapse. Ecological catastrophe, possibly compounded by war and other disorders, could produce famine and death on a scale unprecedented in history, a disaster of unimaginable proportions, involving billions rather than millions of people.

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The Beach Boys – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Paul McCartney once called God Only Knows “the greatest song ever written.”

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The Origins of Peace Research
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Johan Galtung, born 1930, refused to do military service in Norway. He was sentenced to six months in prison in winter 1954-55. While in prison, he completed his first book, “Gandhi’s Political Ethics”, together with his mentor, the philosopher Arne Naess.

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Speak the Truth!
James Albertini, Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

4 Million Muslims Killed In Western Wars: When Should We Call It Genocide? The U.S. is largely responsible for massive global migration taking place due to wars, climate catastrophe and economic injustice. The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini said, “Fascism is when the corporations and the state become one.” What do we call it when corporations supersede all state authority?

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There’s Nothing Collateral About a Toddler Washed Ashore
Patrick T. Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

The heartbreaking pictures of three-year-old Aylan Kurdhi symbolize everything that is wrong with war. It is a painful confrontation with what some might call the collateral damage of war. It is time to deconstruct some myths about war.

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The Power of Vulnerability
The RSA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Influential author and speaker Dr Brené Brown tackles the myth that vulnerability is a weakness. Instead, she argues, it is the clearest path to courage and meaningful connection, and has the power to transform the way we engage and educate.

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The Nuclear Challenge: 70 Years after Hiroshima and Naasaki – Gorbachev’s Response (3)
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

Of course, Gorbachev is appreciated in the West mainly as having presided over a political process that led to the nonviolent ending of the Cold War, the peaceful liberation of Eastern Europe, and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Yet he was also perhaps the only head of an important sovereign state…

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Denis De Rougemont (1906-1985): The Future Is Within Us
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

A French-speaking Swiss, after his studies of literature at the University of Geneva, at 25, he moved to Paris where he quickly became part of a group of young, unorthodox thinkers who were developing a “Personalist” philosophy.

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The Alleged Libido Pill for Women [Flibanserin (Addyi)]
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

The drug has been approved only for premenopausal women. The company will offer the drug in a 100 mg dose, to be swallowed once per night, no matter if sexual encounter is anticipated or not. This pill is not a female Viagra!

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World Health Organization Verdict on Health Care in Gaza
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

28 Aug 2015 – The 67th World Health Assembly requested WHO to report on the health conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The result is a unique portrait of occupied Palestine told through the eyes of health-care – precarious, poverty-stricken and horribly damaged by Israel’s blockade.

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To Go Wide or Deep – Women’s Peace Work
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

A group of women – Women Wage Peace, set up after the carnage of Operation Protective Edge – began a fast near the PM’s home on the anniversary of the Operation and maintained it in shifts for 50 days. They were not the usual suspects – which may explain the lack of media coverage – and one participant raises the perennial questions of how to build a political movement.

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Bija Swaraj Not Bt Raj: The Future Is Organic, Not GMOs
Dr Vandana Shiva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

31 Aug 2015 – Farmers, first of all, are breeders. They might not have the lab coats that have come to define modern plant breeding, but their wisdom, knowledge and contribution is unquestionable. To be able to continue breeding, using their own seed, is their first right, their first freedom and their first duty.

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Central Banks Step In to Prop Up Global Financial Bubble
Andre Damon, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

31 August 2015 – Once again, the world’s central banks and governments have made clear that they will do whatever it takes to preserve the wealth of the financial elite.

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India Village Council Orders Rape of Two Sisters
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

30 Aug 2015 – Council orders sisters to be raped and paraded naked after their brother elopes with married woman.

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The Nuclear Challenge: 70 Years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2)
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

This is a legal issue, as this book makes clear, but it is also a moral issue, a security issue and, ultimately, a spiritual issue. Humankind must step back from the nuclear abyss now, before it is too late.

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Breast Fed
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

A woman and a baby came into the doctor’s office. She was told to go into the room and wait for the doctor.

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Maria Montessori (31 Aug 1870 – 6 May 1952)
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

“The child is misunderstood by the adult; parents unconsciously fight against their children instead of aiding them in their divine mission. And throughout childhood, it is misunderstanding that makes a child sullen or rebellious, neurotic or stupid, for all these faults are foreign to his true nature. In our experience with children, we have seen that the child is a ‘spiritual embryo’ able to evolve by itself and to give us actual proof of the existence of a better type of humanity.”

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The Camera Is Mightier Than the Sword
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

From 1936-79, Nicaragua was ruled by the corrupt Somoza family, which owned more than half of Nicaragua’s land. In the 1970s, the Sandinista guerrilla movement fought against the Somoza dictatorship.

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Saudi Arabia’s 175 ‘Mass Judicial Executions’ In 1 Year Condemned by Amnesty International
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

The report entitled ‘Killing in the Name of Justice: The Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia’ stated that between August 2014 and June 2015, at least 175 people had been put to death – an average of one person every two days.

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(Français) La finance de développement européenne et USA alimente l’Agro-colonialisme en République démocratique du Congo
Grain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Sous l’occupation coloniale belge (1908-1960), la terre a été volée aux communautés tout le long du fleuve Congo pour établir des plantations de palmiers…. Les IFD propriétaires de Feronia doivent faire ce qui est juste : rendre aux Congolais leurs terres et leur accorder une compensation pour les années de souffrance endurées et les torts commis par cent ans d’entreprise coloniale.

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The Need for a New Economic System – Part 6: Adverse Effects of Globalization
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

In the early 19th century, industrial society began to be governed by new rules: Traditions were forgotten and replaced by purely economic laws. Labor was viewed as a commodity, like coal or grain, and wages were paid according to the laws of supply and demand, without regard for the needs of the workers.

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Financial Times Calls for Abolishing Cash – “To Give More Power to Central Banks”
Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

According to an article entitled ‘The Case for Retiring another Barbarous Relic,’ the Financial Times and an anonymous coward who will not reveal his/her name came out in favor of State Fascism. The plan is to eliminate cash and, thereby, private savings and private transactions. They lament that people are stockpiling cash in anticipation of another economic collapse, a factor that is causing, “a lot of distortion to the economic system.”

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How Can This Be?
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Hear a mother softly cry
Beneath the dark and mournful sky
War claimed her child and she asks why….
How can this be?

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The Korean Peninsula: A View of the Future
Johan Galtung, 31 Aug 2015 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

I rejected any idea of one collapsing and the other taking over–“the German model”. Unification is symmetric, neutral, a nuclear-free UN-monitored Korean peninsula with non-provocative, defensive defense. However, there is a need for the Koreas to look beyond and not fall into the U-trap of unification only. They need a vision of the future beyond themselves, with projects.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Aug 31-Sep 6 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “All formal dogmatic religions are fallacious and must never be accepted by self-respecting persons as final.” – Hypatia of Alexandria

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The Consolidation of the Mexican Narco-State
John M. Ackerman, Latino Rebels – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

The forced disappearance of 43 student activists from the Ayotzinapa teacher’s college by security forces in Iguala, Guerrero, ripped the veil off of the myth of Mexico’s supposed “democratic transition” and exposed the depth of the corruption embedded in the country’s political class.

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Globalizing DIGNITY: An Anticipatory View
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Globally, when will DIGNITY grow?
When honesty and integrity all countries sow

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Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks, There Are 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Into Whose Bodies Will They Be Injected? Be aware that your children may be forced to suffer untested-for and unacknowledged long-term neurological, autoimmune and chronic illness adverse effects. If an infant dies, is sickened or is made chronically ill by vaccine ingredients, parents will be forbidden to sue the guilty drug company (or the doctor that administered them).

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Yanis Varoufakis – A Modest Proposal for Transforming Europe
TED Talks – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for Europe to transform it before being crashed by the systemic crisis. He studies different possibilities and explains why his proposal may be the best option.

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The Psychology of Projection in Conflict
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Unfortunately, understanding the psychology of conflict is not easy and I would like to illustrate one significant problem in this regard and explain what we can do about it. That problem is what is often called ‘projection’ or ‘transference’ and it illustrates the importance of emotional, as distinct from intellectual, content in any conflict.

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Change Everything or Face a Global Katrina
Naomi Klein, The Leap – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Today I am posting, for the first time, the entire section on Hurricane Katrina from my last book, ‘The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.’ The same military equipment and contractors used against New Orleans’ Black residents have since been used to militarize police across the United States, contributing to the epidemic of murders of unarmed Black men and women. That is one way in which the Disaster Capitalism Complex perpetuates itself and protects its lucrative market.

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US Urges ‛Genuine Democracy’ in Cuba
News from Somewhere – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Secretary Kettle said that Cubans were misled into thinking their system was democratic just because they elected the people who run their government. This was not real democracy, because corporations were not allowed to vote. A problem in Cuba is that there aren’t many privately owned corporations, so it will be difficult to bring Cuban elections up to US standards.

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What Are Obesogens?
Dr. Edward F. Group, Global Healing Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

Obesogens is an umbrella term given to the dozens of endocrine disruptors that play a role in obesity. Chemicals from plastics, like BPA, are known obesogens, and these chemicals pollute our waterways and pervade our homes.

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Toward a Northeast Asian Community
Johan Galtung, 24 Aug 2015 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Abe’s policy of “collective self-defense”, an alliance with the most belligerent country in the world, USA, with 248 military interventions abroad since 1805–78 after the Second World War– is a policy of national insecurity.

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(Français) Le véritable but de la « thérapie de choc » en Grèce
Michel Collon, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

12,5 millions d’Allemands vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté. Malgré ce bilan pitoyable, Angela Merkel prétend imposer le « modèle allemand » au monde entier. L’exemple de l’Allemagne.

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(Français) Après le politique, faut-il «tuer la géopolitique»?
Robert Charvin, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

21 août 2015 – La « révolution » conservatrice, à l’œuvre dans l’ensemble des sociétés occidentales, a pris des chemins variés d’un pays à l’autre. En Europe, elle s’appuie parfois sur la collaboration des droites traditionnelles et de mouvements de l’ultra-droite (en Hongrie, par exemple), voire dans certains cas néonazis (en Lettonie ou en Ukraine, par exemple).

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Is the New U.S. ‘Law of War Manual’ Actually ‘Hitlerian’?
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The Obama U.S. Department of Defense has quietly issued its important Law of War Manual. This new document has been alleged specifically to allow for such attacks as the United States did on Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in Iraq and elsewhere.

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Most Disgusting Game Ever
David Swanson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The Nazis never reached this height of banality in the general German public, but had they done so it would be a sinister feature of tens of thousands of Hollywood movies. If Russians sat around playing a board game that involved blowing up Ukrainian children, the Washington Post would have already published several front-page articles.

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Leading Israeli Journalist Says Israel Is an Apartheid State
Ben Norton, Mondoweiss – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

What I’m about to write will not come easily for me. I used to be one of those people who took issue with the label of apartheid as applied to Israel. I’m not one of those people any more. Not after the last few weeks.

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Here’s What Actually Gets Terrorists to Tell the Truth — And It’s Not Torture
Peter Aldhous, BuzzFeed News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Over the past five years, psychological research — some involving real terrorist suspects — has shown how to get information from people who don’t want to talk. Now Washington has the chance to put these findings into practice.

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Hiroshima Day Peace Lantern Ceremony – Canada
Nuno Ramalho, PeaceQuest – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The Hiroshima Day Peace Lantern Ceremony takes place every year on August 6 to remember the atomic bombings by the United States of America over Japan.

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Unspoken Death Toll of Fukushima: Nuclear Disaster Killing Japanese Slowly
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

20 Aug 2015 – The Japanese government is still in denial and refuses to recognize the disastrous consequences of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, London-based independent consultant on radioactivity Dr. Ian Fairlie states, adding that while thousands of victims have already died, thousands more will soon pass away.

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Occupy Greece: Germany Wins Bid to Run Regional Airports
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The sale is on but the money isn’t in the bank yet. While Greece waits for European Parliaments to approve the country’s bailout package, German airport operator FRAPORT has won the bid to takeover and run 14 Greek regional airports in the first (of many) privatization deals done by the Syriza government.

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A Short History Lesson: 1945
David Krieger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

August 6th:
Dropped atomic bomb
On civilians
At Hiroshima.

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The Magician’s Apprentice
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

One has to choose: Binyamin Netanyahu is either incredibly shrewd or incredibly foolish. Take his Iran policy. Actually, there is little to choose from. Netanyahu has no other policy to speak off.

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PlayingForChange – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

This song expresses the urgency we all face to unite, together, as a planet and offers us wisdom with the words, “War, children, it’s just a shot away… Love, sister, it’s just a kiss away”. It really is that simple. We dedicate this song to all the lost, homeless and forgotten people in this world. It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.

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From Greece to Spain to Britain: National Debt Audits Are Challenging Austerity
Steve Rushton, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

After being ravaged by austerity measures and unjust debts for years, Ecuador’s 2008 Debt Audit Commission found a large portion to be “illegal and illegitimate.” Consequently, Ecuador cut repayments and instead redirected millions of dollars into public services.

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Turkish State Launches Massive Assault on Kurds under Cover of Finally Tackling ISIS
AndrewNFlood, Anarchist Writers – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

One very clear illustration of whom Turkey has really gone to war with is found in this record of who has been arrested in the raids over the last days (21 – 28 July). People arrested: total 1034 (36 are children).
140 ISIS member,
22 Fetullah Gülen movement,
872 PKK/KCK and other leftist groups.

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War Begets War Refugees: The Moral Bankruptcy of Italy and NATO
Ramzy Baroud – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

17 Aug 2015 – On April 26, 2011, a meeting that can only be described as sinister took place between the then Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and French President, Nicolas Sarkozy. The most pressing issue discussed at the meeting in Rome was how to deal with African immigrants.

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Enhancing Strategic Discourse Systematically Using Climate Metaphors
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Widespread Comprehension of System Dynamics in Weather Patterns as a Resource – Given the psychological engagement and familiarity with weather and climate phenomena, and their use as metaphors to describe social dynamics, the question here is whether the systemic integrity of the phenomena is suggestive of insights that could be adapted to strategic discourse.

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30-Year-Old Trial Finds Organic Farming Outperforms Conventional Agriculture
Permaculture Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Is organic farming more resilient, higher yielding, more energy efficient, and more profitable? The Rodale Institute’s latest report of a 30-year trial says it is. Full report here.

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Why Congress Must Support the Nuclear Agreement with Iran
Akbar Ganji & Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Akbar Ganji is an important human rights defender who spent several years for his efforts in an Iranian jail. He is a leading commentator on Iranian affairs and recipient of an International Press Association World Press Hero award. Our article stresses the critical importance of obtaining American approval of the nuclear agreement.

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Why You Should Be Sleeping on Your Left Side
Andrew Jenkins – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Did you know that how you sleep is just as important as how much you sleep? Your chosen sleep position can impact your health, help you keep your skin looking young, and improve your digestive health.

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Peace Research Is Value-Oriented
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Imagine you are sick and visit a doctor. He takes your temperature, pulse, listens to your lungs and looks at your tongue. Then he tells you, “You have a very interesting disease, I will write it up in my next scientific publication.” You ask, “But don’t you have a cure for me?” The doctor protests, “Oh no, I am objective! I simply observe, I do not intervene.”

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Myths of the Green Revolution and GMOs
A backgrounder by Dr Vandana Shiva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

15 Aug 2015 – I wrote a book for the United Nations University titled ‘The Violence of the Green Revolution’, which has been republished by many publishers globally, including the Kentucky University Press. Extracts from the book are available on Google.

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Enforced Disappearance Commission: Truth, Justice and Reparation for Dignity
Prof. Bishnu Pathak - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Enforced disappearance is a prototypical continuous act. The act occurs when a person secretly arrests, detains, tortures and disappears by conflicting forces, but refuses to acknowledge whereabouts of his or her fate . The dead body decomposes in such a way as not to ever be found.

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Julian Assange and the Value of WikiLeaks
Norman Solomon, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

From the Vietnam War era to today – from aerial bombing and torture to ecological disasters and financial scams moving billions of dollars into private pockets – the high-up secrecy hiding key realities from the public has done vast damage. No wonder economic and political elites despise WikiLeaks for its disclosures.

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Nepal’s Constitution and Religion of State
Kedar Neupane – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Religion is a personal faith and individual’s belief that cannot be imposed by a law in any modern democracy in free world. All citizens should have freedom to profess and practice whatever religion or faith one has and this should be protected and respected by law and by state without discrimination.

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Banksy’s Theme Park “Dismaland” Shows Darker Side of History and Pop Culture
John Vibes, True Activist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

21 Aug 2015 – The mysterious and world famous activist and artist Banksy recently unveiled one of his largest projects to date, a mock theme park that shows the darker side of history and pop culture. The park is called “Dismaland”, which seems to be a play on words with Disneyland.

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Two More ‘EverySyrian’ Heroes Murdered while Protecting Our Shared Cultural Heritage
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

On 8/20/2015 this observer received a credible report from Palmyra that Da’ish (ISIS) militiamen are currently laying explosives among Palmyra’s ruins as a sort of ‘antiquities shield ‘against armed attack from the Syrian army or from the US-led anti-ISIS coalition, the latter now in its second year of targeting the jihadists with checkered results.

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After the Bailout: The Spoils of Greece Are Bound for Germany
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The ‘Asset Development Plan’ for Greece is out and it’s all go for the privatization of the country. Hellenic seaports, airports, motorways, petroleum companies, water and gas supply, real estate, holiday resorts – it’s all for sale.

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The Five Political Prophecies of Lanza Del Vasto
Antonino Drago – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Likewise Gandhi, also his disciple Lanza del Vasto promoted a reform of the religiosity, ethics and politics of the Western context. With this in mind he wrote a book in which he elevated non-violence at an intellectual system, where his religious argumentations are paralleled by corresponding anthropological, economical, political –national and international – argumentations.

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Eurasian Counter Gambit: Sino-Russian Alliance ‘Acting as Magnet for World’
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

22 Aug 2015 – While US interventionists continue to promote a collection of policies that have repeatedly failed, China and Russia are acting as a magnet for forces of “the rest” aiming to build an entirely new economic infrastructure, US experts Dimitri K. Simes and Richard Burt note.

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The Nuclear Challenge: 70 Years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1)
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The time is now ripe for the total de-linkage of nonproliferation from disarmament with respect to nuclear weapons policy. Without such a de-linkage false consciousness and confusion are unavoidable. It is time to generate populist impatience with the refusal of decades by government establishment to act on the basis of reason, ethics, and prudence.

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Among Geniuses
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Albert Einstein met a colleague on the campus of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

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Outrage at Israeli Plan to Build on Historic Muslim Cemetery
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

19 Aug 2015 – Officials in Jerusalem have approved a massive construction project, including plans for housing, shops and a hotel, on one of the largest and most historically important Islamic cemeteries in the Middle East.

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Seventy-Five Years since the Assassination of Leon Trotsky
Joseph Kishore, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The murder of Trotsky came at the high point of international political reaction that included the victory of fascism in Germany in 1933, the defeat of the Spanish Revolution of 1936-39, the Moscow Trials and Great Terror of 1936-38, and the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939.

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Singapore Challenges the Idea That Democracy Is the Best Form of Governance
Graham Allison – Harvad Belfer Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Was Lee Kuan Yew correct in his belief that Mandarins (in the tradition of Plato’s philosopher kings) who put the public good above their personal interests are necessary for good governance? If so, will Singapore be able to sustain such high levels of talent and sacrifice in its public service? As more Americans see D.C. as an acronym for “Dysfunctional Capital,” these are questions that deserve a rigorous debate.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

August 24-30 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Hasten slowly and ye shall soon arrive.” – Milarepa

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The Difference between Empathy and Sympathy
The RSA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

What is the best way to ease someone’s pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities.

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The Need for a New Economic System – Part 5: The Threats and Costs of War
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The costs of war, both direct and indirect, are so enormous that they are almost beyond comprehension. Can we not rid ourselves of both nuclear weapons and the institution of war itself? We must act quickly and resolutely before our beautiful world is reduced to radioactive ashes, together with the people that we love.

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Corporate Sociopaths Out of Minnesota!
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

“Slavery is the legal fiction that a person is property. Corporate personhood is the legal fiction that property is a person.” — Anonymous

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On Compassionate Care
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

Rhymed Reflections

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A New Approach to Eurozone Sovereign Debt
Yanis Varoufakis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2015

17 Aug 2015 – Here, then, is an idea (part of A Modest Proposal for Resolving the Euro Crisis, co-authored by Stuart Holland and James K. Galbraith) aimed at re-calibrating the rules, enhancing their spirit, and addressing the underlying economic problem.

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Is Climate Change Just a Lot of Hot Air?
MinuteEarth – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2015

[Animation] The Consequences of Warmer Global Temperatures in Oceans and Lands

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Sustainable Debt — And West-Russia-China-Japan?
Johan Galtung, 17 Aug 2015 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2015

The game is dirty and has lasted 70 years. The formula for big profit is simple: give credit to a country poor enough not to be able to pay it off quickly, yet not so poor that it cannot go on servicing the loan for years. To be worthwhile the project must be capital-intensive, like (air)ports and highways to the (air)ports for import-export, assembling cars–something for the rich.

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On Altruism
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2015

Rhymed Reflections

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Pope Francis Joins Battle against Transgenic Crops
Emilio Godoy, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2015

Aug 11 2015 – A few centuries ago, the biotechnology industry would have been able to buy a papal bull to expiate its sins and grant it redemption. But in his encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis condemns genetically modified organisms without leaving room for a pardon.

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