Articles by ANI

We found 874 results.

Revealed: Leak Uncovers Global Abuse of Israeli Cyber-Surveillance Weapon
Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Paul Lewis, David Pegg and Sam Cutler | The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2021

18 Jul 2021 – Human rights activists, journalists and lawyers across the world have been targeted by governments using hacking software sold by the Israeli surveillance company NSO Group, according to an investigation into a massive data leak.

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Cry, the Bedeviled Country: I Weep for My Homeland of South Africa, As I Watch Its Disintegration from Afar
Jani Allan | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2021

17 Jul 2021 – Widespread looting and burning has killed over 100, and wrecked factories, shops and homes, with Indian and whites increasingly the target. Is the country I love, where I spent 30 years of my life, spiralling into racial warfare?

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Haiti in Upheaval: President Moïse Assassinated at Home
Evens Sanon and Dánica Coto | AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jul 2021

8 Jul 2021 – A squad of gunmen assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moïse and wounded his wife in an overnight raid on their home Wednesday [7 Jul], with police killing four suspects and arresting two others hours later amid growing chaos in a country already enduring gang violence and protests of his increasingly authoritarian rule.

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Settlers, Not Immigrants
Haunani-Kay Trask – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jul 2021

Settlers, not immigrants,
from America, from Asia.
Come to settle, to take.
To take from the Native
that which is Native:

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Native Hawaiian Educator and Activist Haunani-Kay Trask Dies
Anita Hofschneider | Honolulu Civil Beat - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jul 2021

3 Jul 2021 – Haunani-Kay Trask, indigenous poet, author, scholar and teacher, a staunch advocate for her Native Hawaiian community, died in Honolulu today at age 71. Trask was known for her powerful speaking and persistent advocacy, her Hawaiian nationalism, and her writings. “We are not American!” she told a crowd on the 100th anniversary of the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. “We will die as Hawaiians, we will never be Americans!” RIP

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Glyphosate’s Toxic Legacy Exposed: Why This Weedkiller Should Be Banned
Stephanie Seneff | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jul 2021

30 Jun 2021 – When it comes to Monsanto’s controversial herbicide, both the mainstream scientific community and our regulatory establishments have failed us.

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‘7 Days Campaign to Resist The Great Reset’ Now Launched
Robert J. Burrowes & Anita McKone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

‘We Are Human We Are Free’ announces the launch of the ‘7 Days Campaign to Resist The Great Reset’. This worldwide nonviolent resistance movement is a strategy to resist the achievement of elite control through implementation of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’.

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The Fascinating Memoir of a “Citizen Pilgrim”: Q&A with Richard Falk
Busra Cicek and Daniel Falcone | CounterPunch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 May 2021

7 May 2021 – Richard Falk, the well-known international relations scholar, taught at Princeton University for four decades. Starting in 2002 he has taught Global and International Studies at UC Santa Barbara. Falk is also a chair for the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. This lengthy interview is about his latest book, a memoir, Public Intellectual: The Life of a Citizen Pilgrim, that explores his career as an academic, activist, rapporteur, political theorist, and professor.

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‘Choke off Dollars to Myanmar Military to Make a Change’
Mehmet Ozturk, Iftikhar Gilani and Sorwar Alam | Anadolu Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 May 2021

16 May 2021 – Activist Zarni Urges Imposition of Strict Sanctions against Myanmar Junta, Which Is Unleashing Terror against People

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Varoufakis: From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism
Yanis Varoufakis | DiEM25 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2021

Prof. Varoufakis expounds on the thesis that we have made an historic transition from “capitalism’ to a finance-base “post-capitalism” with profound consequences. A fork on the road is approaching: It will take us either into deeper stagnation and environmental degradation or to a society with markets but no capitalism.

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‘What We’ve Seen in Sheikh Jarrah Is a Microcosm of What We’ve Experienced for the Last 70+ Years’
Janine Jackson | Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2021

Interview with US Campaign for Palestinian Rights’ Ahmad Abuznaid about Israel/Palestine apartheid for CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.

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‘Government Money That’s Gone into Vaccine Development Is Being Privatized by a Handful of Companies’
Janine Jackson | Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2021

12 May 2021 – Interview with Knowledge Ecology International’s James Love about Bill Gates and vaccine politics for CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.

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Paulo Freire’s Brazil: ‘Return to Grassroots Popular Education’
Paolo Vittoria | Il Manifesto - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Apr 2021

8 Apr 2021 – We spoke with Frei Betto, the Dominican friar, liberation theologian, educator and political militant. ‘September will mark the 100th anniversary of Freire’s birth, and it is only right to recall how popular education, which he introduced, still has the potential to make the oppressed into social and political protagonists.’

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We Are Human, We Are Free—Building Worldwide Nonviolent Resistance to The Great Reset
Anita McKone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Mar 2021

26 Mar 2021 – In late 2020 Robert J. Burrowes and I were asked by some Melbourne activists protesting against the lockdowns and Covid vaccinations to help them develop more effective strategy. Many of the protesters were new to activism, and those with an inclination towards following a nonviolent approach wanted education in this area.

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The Attack on the Italian Ambassador in Congo
Daniel Ruiz, PhD | Scienza & Pace Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

1 Mar 2021 – A critical analysis of the recent attack that cost the life of the Italian Ambassador and of his bodyguard and driver in the Democratic Republic of Congo on 22 Feb 2021, focusing on a security risk analysis in the context of a long-lasting conflict.

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US’ Attempts to Wall Itself Off from Terror Unleashed by Years of Its Brutal Intervention in Guatemala Are Cruel and Immoral
Daniel Kovalik | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

24 Feb 2021 – One thing Americans fail to understand is that wars and military interventions against other countries have profound effects that can last for many decades. The effects do not simply end with the signing of a peace treaty or the withdrawal of troops. There may be no better example of this than the case of US intervention in Guatemala beginning almost 70 years ago.

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(Italiano) Le mani di Pechino su Israele: i miliardi investiti nel porto di Haifa e l’ispezione negata agli Usa. Il nuovo fronte di rivalità con Washington
Lorenzo Forlani | Il Fatto Quotidiano - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Mar 2021

27 febbraio 2021 – La Shanghai International Port Group, nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative, sta costruendo un nuovo terminal per container su un’area di 830mila metri quadrati, nel quale avrà diritto ad operare per 25 anni. Un’operazione che preoccupa gli Stati Uniti e che darà vita al “porto più avanzato del Mediterraneo”. Ma da Washington suona il campanello d’allarme.

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(Italiano) L’India si Allontana dalla Democrazia?
Daniela Bezzi ed Elena Camino | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

17 Febbraio 2021 – L’India–la più grande ‘democrazia’ del mondo–da alcuni decenni è avviata verso pratiche di crescente controllo politico della popolazione. In più ha abbracciato gli orientamenti neoliberisti proposti dalle élites finanziarie dell’economia globale. Da anni si segnala la repressione delle voci libere. Incarcerazione di molti dissidenti – donne e uomini di cultura, ricercatori e ricercatrici, difensori dei diritti umani e ambientali – la mancanza di tutela delle minoranze indigene, la legalizzazione di pratiche distruttive in campo ambientale. L’India si allontana dalla democrazia?

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We Are Human; We Are Free (Music Video of the Week)
Anita McKone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

13 Feb 2021 – Songs of Nonviolence

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I’m A Prisoner at Guantanamo Bay and I Have a Message for President Biden
Ahmed Rabbani | Reprieve/ICH - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Feb 2021

4 Feb 2021 – I am in year seven of a hunger strike, protesting the fact that I am held without trial. I am under half of the weight I was when I was first seized in Karachi, and the way it has been going, even while they force-feed me, I will die here in my cell. I have no interest in revenge, but I would like people to know what happened to me and how it has been swept under the carpet.

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(Italiano) Nella più totale impunità l’emergenza continua nelle carceri indiane
Intervista a Virginius Xaxa di Daniela Bezzi | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jan 2021

14 Gennaio 2021 – Ci è già capitato più volte di denunciare su questo sito la situazione emergenziale del sistema giudiziario indiano, che sempre più spesso negli ultimi anni, di fronte a qualsiasi forma di dissenso, ha fatto ricorso al cosiddetto UAPA, acronimo che sta per Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

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Evolution of a Con Man
Joe Kandra, Kathie Malley-Morrison, Pat Daniel | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jan 2021

Or Is It Devolution?

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(Italiano) “L’effondrement”, la serie francese che mette in scena il collasso della società
Daniel Ruiz | Scienza & Pace Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Dec 2020

L’effondrement, ossia il collasso, è una serie TV francese che si ispira alle tesi derivate dal recente concetto di “collassologia”: lo studio interdisciplinare dei rischi legati al collasso della civiltà industriale. Il termine “collassologia” (in ing. Collapsology) è stato coniato da Pablo Servigne e Raphaël Stevens nel loro libro Come tutto può collassare (2015). Tuttavia, il modello scientifico della distruzione antropogenica della biosfera è datato al 1973, con I limiti dello sviluppo scritto dal Club di Roma.

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“L’effondrement”, the French Series That Stages the Collapse of Society
Daniel Ruiz, PhD | Scienza & Pace Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Dec 2020

18 Dec 2020 – The Collapse is a French television series inspired by the theses of the new academic subject of Collapsology, the transdisciplinary study of the risks of collapse of the industrial civilization. The word Collapsology was coined by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens in their essay: How Everything Can Collapse (2015). But the scientific modelling of the anthropogenic destruction of the biosphere dates back to 1972 with The Limits to Growth of the Club of Rome.

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2020 on Track to Be One of Three Warmest Years on Record
World Meteorological Organization - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

2 Dec 2020 – 2011-2020 will be the warmest decade on record, with the warmest six years all being since 2015, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Ocean heat is at record levels and more than 80% of the global ocean experienced a marine heatwave at some time in 2020.

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(Italiano) Attenzione agli Esperti!
Naresh Jotwani | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

4 Dicembre 2020 – Il mondo–o almeno larga e predominante parte di esso!–è incredibilmente gestita da cosiddetti “esperti”, ogni tanto soprannominati giustamente come “tecnocrati”. I loro ambiti di “competenza” sono molti, e la loro lista sta crescendo sempre più costantemente.

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Brave Vandana Shiva Speaks Out against the Great Reset
Organic Radicals | SOTT - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2020

12 Nov 2020 – Prof. Vandana Shiva has been courageously speaking out against the insidious ‘Great Reset’ being sprung on us by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the rest of the global capitalist elite. She warns that “The Great Reset is about maintaining and empowering a corporate extraction machine and the private ownership of life”.

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Beware the Experts!
Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2020

Opportunities for gaming the system are many. The standard, time-tested techniques of cronyism, mutual back-scratching, feudalism, deception, hyperbole, playing to the gallery … et cetera … run rampant. These techniques are at work incessantly and brazenly, around the world, to further the careers of aggressive and ambitious old-timers, mid-lifers and new entrants.

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[Obscenity] World Bank Urges Governments to Guarantee Private Profits even if Investors Fail Contractual Agreements
Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury | IPS/Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2020

24 Nov 2020 – The World Bank has been leading other multilateral development banks and international financial institutions to press developing country governments to ‘de-risk’ infrastructure and other private, especially foreign investments. Governments have little choice but to accede to their private partners’ demands. Thus, WB guidance further undermines governments.

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Joe Kandra, Kathie MM, Pat Daniel | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2020

… throwing a tantrum.

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Fukushima, the Nuclear Pandemic Spreads
Manlio Dinucci | Global Research/Il Manifesto - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

5 Nov 2020 – Japan will release over a million tons of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. The power plant was built 4 meters above sea level with five-meter-high breakwater dams, in a tsunami-prone area with waves 10-15 meters high. A Tsunami struck on March 11, 2011, submerging the power plant and causing the core of three nuclear reactors to melt.

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Leon Trotsky (7 Nov 1879 – 21 Aug 1940)
Robert V. Daniels | Encyclopædia Britannica - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

In the struggle for power following Vladimir Ilich Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin emerged as victor, while Trotsky was removed from all positions of power and later exiled (1929). He remained the leader of an anti-Stalinist opposition abroad until his assassination by a Stalinist agent.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 17 (Oct 2020)
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D., Anita McKone & Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Oct 2020

Dear fellow signatories of the Nonviolence Charter, this is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’. And welcome to our most recent signatories and organizations!

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***Thought Seed*** – Oct 2020 Issue
Naresh Jotwani and Bhargav Vyas – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Oct 2020

Dear Antonio, Greetings from India!
We have started monthly letters named Thought Seed for interested readers. The central theme of these letters is ‘finding the truth of life deep within,’ wherein we also aim to bridge the difficult gap between theory and practice. We wish to appeal equally to atheists and theists. It is a pleasure having it published in TMS as a Letter to the Editor.

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(Français) Stefania Maurizi: « C’est un incroyable échec du journalisme »
Stefania Maurizi interviewée par Nadja Vancauwenberghe et John Brown | Le Grand Soir - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Oct 2020

18 oct 2020 – La journaliste italienne Stefania Maurizi a travaillé pour certaines des plus grandes publications du pays, dont la Repubblica, l’Espresso et, maintenant, Il Fatto Quotidiano. En 2009, elle a commencé à travailler avec Julian Assange et WikiLeaks sur des dossiers secrets concernant la guerre en Afghanistan, les câbles de la diplomatie américaine et les détenus de Guantanamo.

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Home to Roost
Joe Kandra, Pat Daniel and Kathie Malley-Morrison | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020


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(Português) Enquanto a Amazônia queima, o que acontece com a biodiversidade?
Liz Kimbroughem (Mongabay) | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

17 out 2020 – Mais de 40% dos incêndios na Amazônia brasileira neste ano estão ocorrendo em florestas, com mais de 4,6 milhões de acres já impactados este ano. Embora longe de serem totalmente estudados, esses incêndios florestais têm grandes repercussões para a flora e fauna.

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Another Now – An Intimate Introduction
Yanis Varoufakis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present by Yanis Varoufakis, Bodley Head, Sep 2020, 240 pp. ~~ “Imagine a world with no banks. No stock market. No tech giants. No billionaires. Imagine if Occupy and Extinction Rebellion actually won. In Another Now world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis shows us what such a world would look like. Far from being a fantasy, he describes how it could have come about – and might yet… — Slavoj Zizek

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The Boy Who Cried No COVID!…
Joe Kandra, Kathie Malley-Morrison and Pat Daniel | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

… and let the place burn down.

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(Português) Mais de 200 Cães Sofrem Tortura em Leilão de Carne de Cães na Coreia do Sul
Bianca Sales | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

11 out 2020 – Imagens registradas por organização em defesa dos direitos animais, mostra 200 cães presos em caixas e gaiolas de metal, durante leilão em um período de calor torrencial no país.

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Thought Seed – Sep 2020 Issue
Naresh Jotwani and Bhargav Vyas – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2020

Every culture offers, to those who seek, a right way to deal with difficulties. Indian culture is no different. In an attempt to re-discover our own solutions to problems, we have started a monthly letter we call Thought Seed. We are happy to share it with readers of the TMS Weekly Digest.

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(Português) Setembro Amarelo: Morte de Gatinho Acende Discussão Sobre o Suicídio Animal
Renê Costa | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2020

27 set 2020 – A consultora empresarial Priscila Nogueira perdeu seu gatinho Samir, após ele se jogar do 6° andar do seu prédio.

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Fascism for Dummies
Joe Kandra, Pat Daniel and Kathie MM | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2020

If you are not worried, you are not paying attention.

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(Português) Crise e Mudanças Climáticas: Pássaros Migratórios Caem do Céu sem Vida
Bianca Sales | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Sep 2020

17 set 2020 – Milhares de pássaros migratórios morreram inexplicavelmente no sudoeste dos Estados Unidos, no que os ornitólogos descrevem como uma tragédia nacional que provavelmente está relacionada à crise climática.

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A Providential Last Warning
Vincenzo Balzani | Substantia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Sep 2020

Rather than being afraid of the coronavirus, today we must be afraid that once the health emergency is over we will return to the situation we were in before.

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Coronavirus Dons a New Crown
Nuruddin Unchwaniwala and Paul Ahlquist | Science Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Sep 2020

11 Sep 2020 – Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, which causes COVID-19, belongs to the positive-strand RNA viruses, a large class of viruses that includes Zika, hepatitis C, and chikungunya viruses… RNA replication is a major target of antiviral drugs, including remdesivir, which shows promise for treating COVID-19 patients.

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Questioning Covid-19: Why I Will Never Trust the Medical Establishment about Respiratory Disease. My Case History
Anita McKone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

28 Aug 2020 – If you are interested in finding out the truth about the Covid19 scare, you can look for information in many areas. Understanding the corporate (profit-driven) and petrochemical-based history of the medical establishment helps…

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(Português) Macacos acorrentados gritam de dor em experimentos realizados em laboratório alemão
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

28 Ago 2020 – Denúncia: Uma investigação descobriu que macacos, coelhos, gatos e cachorros eram torturados das formas mais terríveis em um laboratório alemão. Após a divulgação das imagens e relatórios apontando as inúmeras irregularidades e violações de leis de bem-estar animal, foi iniciada uma campanha para que o local fechasse definitivamente.

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What Is Vivisection?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

14 Aug 2020 – if you’re scratching your head and wondering “What is vivisection?” don’t fret—you’re not alone. We’ve broken down everything you need to know about the ruthless, archaic practice.

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Something Remarkable Just Happened This August: How the Pandemic Has Sped Up the Passage to Postcapitalism
Yanis Varoufakis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2020

21 Aug 2020 – @yanisvaroufakis: Financial capitalism has decoupled from the capitalist economy, skyrocketing out of Earth’s orbit, leaving behind it broken lives & dreams. As the UK sinks into the worst recession ever, & US edges toward failed state status, FTSE100 goes up 2% & S&P500 breaks all time record!

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U.S. Patriarchy and the Bomb
Stephanie Hiller - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2020

Choosing nuclear disarmament in a time of pandemic and climate change would be a good place to start, freeing millions of dollars for important, needed programs and repair. It could be the foundation of a truly comprehensive “green new deal.” Giving up nuclear weapons could well be the necessary first step toward the reconstruction of our society on a better foundation, one of love.

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Still Hanging Over Us
Joe Kandra, Kathie MM and Pat Daniel | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2020

Like a curse!

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(Português) Extinção de Abelhas Causam Escassez das Principais Culturas de Alimentos
Maria Luiza Santos | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2020

8 ago 2020 – A falta de abelhas em áreas de agricultura está limitando o suprimento de algumas plantações de alimentos, segundo um novo estudo feito nos EUA que segure que o declínio desses polinizadores pode causar sérias ramificações para a segurança alimentar global.

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What Is a Holistic View?
Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2020

Sages say that craving, aversion and illusion are the root causes of an individual’s problems. These problems occur in every community, without exception, regardless of whether ‘outsiders’ are present or not. But an altogether different category of problems arises when people who intermingle with one another lack a shared holistic view. Conflicts arise over differences in views.

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A True Intelligence Assessment, For Once!
Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2020

So as long as one is articulate, persuasive, photogenic, assertive and well-networked – what one says does not matter. The truth value of a narrative does not count. What counts is only the result: Which narrative ‘looked like it carried the day’? That explains the 24×7 yakety-yak. In such an environment, rational debate is not possible. And what happens if rational debate fails? Conflict, what else?

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Why Bitcoin Is Not a Socialist’s Ally – Reply to Ben Arc
Yanis Varoufakis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2020

27 Jul 2020 – On 15th July, Ben Arc published in Bitcoin Magazine an open letter addressed to me in a bid to convince me that I should re-assess my rejection of Bitcoin as a force for good, as a bulwark for democratising capitalism and paving the ground for socialism. Here is my reply.

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While EU Leaders Squabble, the Elephant in the Room Remains Unnoticed
Yanis Varoufakis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2020

18 Jul 2020 -While the media are reporting the news of the deadlocked EU Summit negotiations over the so-called ‘Recovery Fund’, an eerie silence prevails regarding the Elephant in the Room: The huge wave of austerity the Eurozone is sleepwalking towards. Let’s look at the facts.

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(Português) Queimadas no Amazonas Crescem 51,7% e Batem Recorde dos Últimos Quatro Anos
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2020

23 jul 2020 – Dados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais revelaram um aumento de 51,7% no número de focos de queimada no Amazonas no primeiro semestre de 2020, em comparação ao mesmo período do ano anterior. As estatísticas alarmantes indicam um recorde em relação aos últimos quatro anos.

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“Goldman Sachs Is Still Goldman Sachs”: Investment Banks Soar as COVID-19 Rattles Economy
William D. Cohan | Vanity Fair - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2020

20 Jul 2020 – The investment banks are back, baby! And you can thank for their resurrection the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic instability. Trading and underwriting are up at Goldman and Morgan Stanley, while memories of the 2008 financial collapse fade. “This is not a normal recession,” says Jamie Dimon.

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Renewed Attempt for a Global Pact for the Environment
Paulo Magalhães e Sara Pires | Common Home of Humanity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2020

20 Jul 2020 – What is climate from a legal point of view? After 30 years, there has been no consensus on what that means from a legal standpoint. Common Home of Humanity is assembling an international coalition of leading Earth System scientists, legal experts, economists, sovereign states, NGOs, local authorities and universities, and proposes the recognition of the Earth System as a Common Heritage of Humankind in international negotiations.

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(Português) Pandemia de Covid-19 Provoca Queda Recorde de Poluição Atmosférica
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

19 jul 2020 – A pandemia do novo coronavírus provocou uma queda histórica na emissão de gases, de acordo com novo estudo. As maiores diminuições ocorreram nos Estados Unidos e China, em grande parte devido às viagens e ao uso reduzido de energia, água e gás, porém isso resulta em grande impacto econômico.

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Cold War with China and the Thucydides Trap: A Conversation with Richard Falk
Daniel Falcone | Counterpunch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

9 Jul 2020 – In retracing the collapse of the Soviet Union and China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization, Falk analyses the origins of US resentment towards China’s remarkable market growth that is absent of liberal democratic structures. How a ‘cold war’ with China, an economic rival, is different from 20th century Russian tension, which was largely militaristic and ideological.

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Can Private Finance Really Serve Humanity?
Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

14 Jul 2020 – The recent explosion of private finance has nursed the hope, dream or illusion that it can be mobilized for the public good, e.g., to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, associated with Agenda 2030. However, such hopes ignore how changes in financial investing have deeply transformed corporations, national economies and prospects for the world economy and social progress.

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(Português) Juiz derruba decreto de Bolsonaro que atribui gestão de florestas ao Ministério da Agricultura
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jul 2020

9 julho 2020 – O magistrado afirmou que “o meio ambiente é patrimônio comum de toda humanidade” e que “as condutas do Poder Público devem ser direcionadas no sentido da integral proteção desse direito fundamental”

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(Português) Elefantes são torturados por domadores e têm seus espíritos destruídos
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jul 2020

26 jun 2020 – Uma investigação feita pela World Animal Protection (WAP) revela os bastidores do treinamento de elefantes explorados para carregar turistas na Tailândia. Vídeos e imagens mostram verdadeiras sessões de tortura e uma prática conhecida como ‘the crush’, na qual elefantes são acorrentados e espetados em áreas sensíveis para que se tornem assustados, submissos e com temor de seus algozes.

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Power Potluck
Joe Kandra, Kathie Malley-Morrison and Pat Daniel | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jul 2020

No joke…

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Global Peace Index 2020
OCHA-United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jul 2020

11 Jun 2020 – Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008. It is joined at the top of the index by New Zealand, Austria, Portugal, and Denmark.

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The Horrible Costs of a Fake Word
Prof. Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jun 2020

The world has literally ‘lost it’ over the horrible word capitalism. This may seem like an overstatement, but it can be justified easily. Today the global economic system is awash in ‘capital’ worth trillions upon trillions of dollars, but it is not coming to our help. By what twisted economics can this situation be justified? The reality of the word capitalism is ugly but simple. It is GREED – or the worship of Mammon – in a newer disguise.

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(Português) Imagens mostram comerciantes cortando cães mortos e pessoas comemorando o Festival de Yulin na China
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jun 2020

24 jun 2020 – Esse ano, apensar da pandemia de Covid-19, o Festival de Yulin teve início no último domingo (21). Ativistas em defesa dos direitos animais realizaram uma manifestação pacífica no domingo e registram imagens dolorosamente tristes. Inúmeras pilhas de cães mortos e assados eram fatiados em balcões enquanto pessoas comem e sorriem alegremente.

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(Português) Como Indígenas Estão Vivenciando as Mudanças Climáticas na Amazônia
Jenny Gonzales (Mongabay) | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2020

9 junho 2020 – Chuvas tardias, seca intensa, leitos secos, mais incêndios florestais, menos comida disponível – comunidades indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira sofrem transformações sociais através da mudança climática.

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Child Labor – Facts and Figures
ILO-International Labour Organization | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2020

11 Jun 2020 – The COVID-19 health pandemic and the resulting economic and labour market shock are having a huge impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. Unfortunately, children are often the first to suffer. The crisis can push millions of vulnerable children into child labour.

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Surgisphere: Governments and WHO Changed COVID-19 Policy Based On Suspect Data from Tiny US Company
Melissa Davey, Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Sarah Boseley | The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2020

3 Jun 2020 – Surgisphere, whose employees appear to include a sci-fi writer and adult content model, provided database behind Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine hydroxychloroquine studies. The World Health Organization and a number of national governments have changed their Covid-19 policies and treatments on the basis of flawed data from the little-known US healthcare analytics company.

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(Português) Pior Zoo da Grã-Bretanha Anuncia que Matará Seus Animais
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

26 maio 2020 – Os proprietários do Borth Wild Animal Kingdom, considerado o pior zoológico de toda a Grã-Bretanha, afirmaram que cogitam sacrificar os animais aprisionado no local devido à falta de recursos trazida pelo bloqueio imposto para impedir a propagação da Covid-19.

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Europe Should Brace for Second Wave, Says EU Coronavirus Chief
Daniel Boffey | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

20 May 2020 – The prospect of a second wave of coronavirus infection across Europe is no longer a distant theory, according to Dr Andrea Ammon, director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. “The question is when and how big, that is the question in my view.”

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(Português) Brasil Caminha para Recorde de Desmatamento da Amazônia
David Arioch | ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 May 2020

14 maio 2020 – Entre agosto de 2019 e abril de 2020 o desmatamento na Amazônia totalizou 5.666 km² – quase o mesmo que a soma da extensão desmatada em 2018 e 2019 no mesmo período. Considerado isoladamente, o desmatamento no mês de abril é igualmente assustador: aumento de 64% em relação ao mesmo mês de 2019.

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Why Bombs Made in America Have Been Killing Civilians in Yemen
Michael LaForgia and Walt Bogdanich | The New York Times - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 May 2020

16 May 2020 – President Trump sees arms deals as jobs generators for firms like Raytheon, which has made billions in sales to the Saudi coalition. The Obama administration initially backed the Saudis too, but later regretted it as thousands died.

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(Português) Gatinha com Síndrome de Down É Salva por Protetora no Brasil
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2020

A gatinha foi diagnosticada com uma alteração genética que se assemelha a síndrome de down em seres humanos. Mavis tem alterações físicas como olhos separados, nariz achatado e estrabismo.

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(Português) Consumidores estão optando por alimentos livres de crueldade animal
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 May 2020

4 maio 2020 – “Saúde, preocupação com os animais e razões ambientais contribuem para impulsionar essa tendência ascendente”.

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Conflict Resolution through Ho’oponopono
Jacob Devaney and Puanani Burgess – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 May 2020

The ancient Hawaiian method of Conflict Transformation presented by Jacob Devaney and Puanani Burgess.

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My Priorities or Yours?
Joe Kandra and Pat Daniel | Engaging Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 May 2020

Good old US of A

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War and Peace in the Globalized World (Part II)
Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Apr 2020

The powerful ‘ruling elites’ of one country very often have better ties with the ‘ruling elites’ of another country, than with the average folk of their own country. ‘Birds of a feather fly together’ is the rule. No ‘special one’ wishes to be seen to be close to the average Joe or Jane. Therefore social, business and political ties are far stronger among ‘ruling elites’ across countries, than across the deep ‘economic schism’ in one country.

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Why China Is Emerging as a Leader in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture
Steffanie Scott and Zhenzhong Si | The Conversation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2020

10 Apr 2020 – This transformation provides lessons for the rest of world, for shifting away from chemical agriculture towards a healthier system for people and the planet.

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In Response to President Maduro’s Letter to the People of the United States
Network in Defense of Humanity US Chapter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Apr 2020

6 Apr 2020 – The Network in Defense of Humanity-US Chapter expresses our heartfelt solidarity with the people of Venezuela and its only legitimate President Nicolas Maduro Moros in this hour of danger. The US administration is creating more conflict and aggression against Venezuela, while people all over the world are fighting a dangerous virus pandemic.

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(Português) SeaWorld: A Verdade por Trás do Parque que Explora Orcas para Entretenimento
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Apr 2020

6 abr 2020 – O parque que ficou conhecido por tirar orcas e golfinhos do mar para aprisioná-los em pequenos tanques de água segue condenando diversos animais marinhos ao sofrimento. Vendendo a falsa imagem de preocupação com o bem-estar animal, o SeaWorld confina em espaços reduzidos – menores que o próprio estacionamento de veículos do parque – animais que deveriam viver na imensidão do oceano.

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Iranian President Rouhani Sends Message to People of the United States of America
Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran | IFP - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Apr 2020

20 Mar 2020 – On behalf of the great Iranian nation, I write to the people of the United States of America on the occasion of the Iranian New Year (Nowruz). The coronavirus outbreak has endangered the health of—and even presented a considerable threat to—humanity with no distinction as to nationality, or gender or religious backgrounds. This presents an opportune moment to further contemplate our common pains and our human principles.

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Here’s How Your Body Gains Immunity to Coronavirus
Zania Stamataki | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Apr 2020

10 Apr 2020 – Unprecedented efforts and diverted resources mean we are fast learning about human defences against this new threat. Importantly, Covid-19 cannot gain entry to our homes or bodies by itself – we have to let it in.

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Inside Jared Kushner’s Coronavirus Research: A Wide Net on a Giant Facebook Group
Anita Kumar | Politico - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Apr 2020

Just before midnight on 11 March, a doctor asked a group of fellow emergency room physicians on Facebook how they would combat the escalating coronavirus outbreak. “I have direct channel to person now in charge at White House,” Kurt Kloss wrote in his post. Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, had asked him for recommendations.

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(Italiano) «Il virus è la malattia del pianeta stressato»
Francesco Bilotta interviste Prof. Gianni Tamino | Il Manifesto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Apr 2020

26 marzo 2020 – Intorno alla pandemia causata dal nuovo coronavirus si sta sviluppando un intenso dibattito sugli aspetti sanitari. Anche nel campo delle scienze sociali, per l’impatto che il virus sta avendo sulle nostre abitudini e stili di vita, si stanno producendo riflessioni ed analisi.

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(Português) Acorrentados, elefantes passam fome e podem morrer após anos de exploração
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Apr 2020

3 abr 2020 – Cerca de 2 mil elefantes estão passando fome e vivendo acorrentados na Tailândia, após seus tutores argumentarem que a pandemia de Covid-19 os deixou sem condições financeiras para cuidar dos animais, que há anos são explorados no país para entretenimento humano. Sem alimentação adequada, os animais correm risco de morte.

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Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 16 (Apr 2020)
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D., Anita McKone, and Anahata Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Apr 2020

Defending Humanity against the Elite Coup – In lieu of the usual six-monthly report of the activities of signatories of the Nonviolence Charter, which would normally go out in April, we are sending this very brief report and invitation to action, in response to the events taking place around the world at the moment.

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Last Night Julian Assange Called Me. Here Is What We Talked About
Yanis Varoufakis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Mar 2020

24 Mar 2020 – Last night, immediately after our first DiEM25 TV event, my phone rang. It was Julian. From prison. It was not that first time that he honoured me deeply by using the few phone calls prison allows him to make to call me. Like every other such occasion, when I unexpectedly recognise his voice a torrent of emotions comes flooding in. Julian wanted to talk about the effects of Covid-19 on the world we live in and, of course, on his case.

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(Português) Campanha pede que as pessoas divulguem que os animais domésticos não transmitem Covid-19
Fátima ChuEcco - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 30 Mar 2020

25 Mar 2020 – O Partido pelos Animais português quer ainda que o governo autorize a circulação de pessoas que alimentam animais de colônias ou que são voluntários de abrigos.

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Yanis Varoufakis: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Yanis Varoufakis | DiEM25 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Mar 2020

Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder and MeRA25 MP, on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus.

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The Boss Who Put Everyone on 70K
Stephanie Hegarty – BBC News, 9 Mar 2020

28 Feb 2020 -In 2015, the boss of a card payments company in Seattle introduced a $70,000 minimum salary for all of his 120 staff – and personally took a pay cut of $1m. Five years later he’s still on the minimum salary, and says the gamble has paid off.

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(Português) Joaquin Phoenix produz documentário sobre a senciência dos porcos
ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Mar 2020

25 fev 2020 – O documentário foi lançado no último domingo (23 fev) em Berlim, na Alemanha.

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War and Peace in the Globalized World (Part I)
Naresh Jotwani – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2020

Money-on-tap gives them virtually unlimited purchasing power – and purchasing power is power. They buy the most expensive manpower and assets that money can buy, in effect behaving like “Sultans” of all that they survey. Almost anything can be purchased for a price, after all. Thus money-on-tap is the latest innovation to create the illusion of “conquering the world”.

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(Português) Civetas são alimentadas à força para produzir o café mais caro do mundo
Giovanna de Castro - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 24 Feb 2020

Os animais são mantidos em gaiolas apertadas e sujas. O café é fabricado a partir das fezes desses mamíferos na Indonésia e vendido por €500 ou US$700 ou 2.330 Reais o kilo.

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Can Masks Protect against the New Coronavirus Infection?
World Health Organization (WHO) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2020

Wearing a medical mask can help limit the spread of some respiratory diseases. However, using a mask alone is not guaranteed to stop infections. Their use should be combined with other preventive measures. Watch this short video to find out more.

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UN’s Nils Melzer on Assange: «A Murderous System Is Being Created before Our very Eyes»
Daniel Ryser | Republik – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2020

31 Jan 2020 – A made-up rape allegation and fabricated evidence in Sweden, pressure from the UK not to drop the case, a biased judge, detention in a maximum security prison, psychological torture – and soon extradition to the U.S., where he could face up to 175 years in prison for exposing war crimes. For the first time, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, speaks in detail about the explosive findings of his investigation into the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

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(Português) Os mercados de espécies silvestres de animais são uma bomba-relógio para epidemias
Fátima ChuEcco - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 17 Feb 2020

14 fev 2020 – “A criação intensiva de espécies silvestres, caçadas na natureza e mantidas enclausuradas, leva a um ambiente propício para o surgimento e proliferação de diversos vírus, como a recente pandemia de coronavírus”, segundo World Animal Protection.

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