Articles by ASA

We found 240 results.

Consciousness: The Symptom of the Soul
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Mar 2020

How It Interacts with but Is Separate from the Body – An excerpt from The Secret Teachings of the Vedas

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Your Thoughts Create Your Future
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2020

This will show how your thinking creates your consciousness and how to help control it. It provides evidence so that you can see how your life unfolds according to what you draw to it, as dictated by your consciousness and thoughts. By taking the responsibility for yourself and your thinking process, you can make your life more positive and uplifting, reducing or negating the influence of any hurt or negative energies you encounter.

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How Distressed and Injured Indonesian Civets Are Locked in Tiny Cages and Force-Fed Beans to Make the ‘World’s Most Expensive Coffee’
Chris Pleasance – Daily Mail, 17 Feb 2020

The Abuse behind Your Trendy Caffeine Fix – Animals eat and digest the coffee before the beans are ground up and sold for €500 or US$700 per Kilo.

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India’s Supreme Court Greenlights Modi Government’s Internet Shutdown in Kashmir
Wasantha Rupasinghe | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2020

28 Jan 2020 – In a January 10 ruling, India’s Supreme Court gave Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government the greenlight to continue their now almost six-month long shutdown of internet access in Indian-administered Kashmir.

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Perception and Practices of Instructors’ Training
Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2020

Perception and Practices of Instructors’ Training: A Case Study by Shiba Bagale, Cook Communication, 30 January, 2020, USA, 136 pp. – The research book is about the instructor’s perception about the training that they have participated and practices after the training.

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Mahatma Gandhi on Conversion
Swami Aksharanandaji | Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2020

“I disbelieve in the conversion of one person by another. My effort should never to be to undermine another’s faith. This implies belief in the truth of all religions and, therefore, respect for them. It implies true humility.” (Young India: April 23, 1931)

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Nepal: Inaugural Issue of “Social Inquiry” Published
Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jan 2020

31 Dec 2019 – The editorial board delightfully announces the publication of the opening issue of ‘Social Inquiry: Journal of Social Science Research,’ a biannual journal published by Sustainable Development and Empowerment Forum, Kathmandu, Nepal. The Editorial Board with its National and International Advisory Boards comprises research scholars, professors and veteran professionals with national and global repute.

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World Peace Is a Possibility
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jan 2020

Being on this planet is similar to being on a plane going from one place to another. We are all transients sharing a flight, which is temporary. We may not have the best seats for the moment, but we will soon be landing somewhere else. So why should we engage in quarreling over temporary seats?

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Why All Religions Are Not the Same
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2019

It is often said by some Hindu gurus and leaders that all religions are the same. But is this really the case? Naturally, anyone who studies religion can see many similarities between them. And if we are talking about getting closer to God and increasing our understanding and love for God, then what religion is not trying to do that? Who cannot go to a church, mosque, or temple and worship and bow to God in prayer? So, what is the difference? Are not all religions the same?

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Reservation, Debate and Reality in Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota and Mahadev Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2019

10 Dec 2019 – After the declaration of federal democratic republican state, the power structure has been shifted from central to local units. People were really excited. They believe they will get service delivery from their own places. However, because of their inexperience, they cannot materialize people expectation into action and service delivery has been affected.

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Seeing Beyond the Illusion
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2019

The first thing to understand is that it is better not to try to see what is beyond the illusion, but to know how to recognize the illusory nature itself. Then the Truth beyond the veil will reveal itself.

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Casteism: Is It the Scourge of Hinduism, or the Perversion of a Legitimate Vedic System?
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2019

Casteism in India has gotten a lot of criticism, and rightly so. The way casteism is at present should not even exist. Casteism as we find it today is now nothing more than a misrepresentation and misinterpretation of a legitimate and progressive Vedic system known as varnashrama. However, we need to know the difference between the two, and then get rid of present-day casteism to again utilize the genuine and liberal form of social organization, known as varnashrama.

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Moksha/Liberation: What Is It?
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Oct 2019

Moksha is also called mukti, which essentially means to attain freedom from any further forms of differentiated, temporal, and ordinary material existence in the mortal world. It also means, quite simply, becoming free from samsara or the continued rounds of birth and death in the material realm, which is caused by the accumulation and continuation of karma.

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Environmentalism According to the Vedic View
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2019

As everything is created from the Supreme Creator, then we should certainly have a high regard for everything as the expansion of God’s energies. This not only includes all of our fellow humans, but all creatures, as well as all aspects of the planet. We should care for the environment as if it is not ours but God’s property, and in this way assure ourselves that it will continue to provide all of our necessities for many years to come, and into many future generations. This is the Vedic view.

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Academic Trends in Higher Education for Tolerance
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2019

Few exceptional persons in every society have been tolerant in all times and at all places. In the past, among them, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha and Saint Francis of Assisi were the highest type of exemplary tolerant personalities. They loved even their enemies. But the world needs all the people to be tolerant everywhere for human survival in the age of intolerance.

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The Silencing of Kashmir: Arundhati Roy on India, Modi, and Fascism
Mehdi Hasan | Deconstructed - The Intercept, 7 Oct 2019

3 Oct 2019 – Modi appears set on ending Jammu and Kashmir’s special semi-autonomous status and bringing it fully under the control of New Delhi, a move that residents of the Muslim-majority region strongly reject. Arundhati Roy, India’s most famous novelist and a passionate voice for Kashmiri self-determination, joins Mehdi Hasan to discuss the Kashmir crisis and India’s troubling rightward tilt.

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What is the Kumbha Mela?
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Sep 2019

The Greatest Gathering of People in the History of the World

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India Labels 1.9 Million Assam Residents “Foreigners” as Prelude to Their Mass Expulsion
Wasantha Rupasinghe | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Sep 2019

5 Sep 2019 – Almost two million residents of Assam, a state in India’s northeast, have been excluded from the Indian state’s reactionary National Register of Citizens. These de facto “foreigners” are now under threat of being herded into detention centres prior to their mass expulsion.

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A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1 Sep 1896 – 14 Nov 1977)
Posted by Gaurakisora dasa (ACBSP) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Aug 2019

Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was a Gaudiya Vaishnavism spiritual teacher (guru) and the founder preceptor (acharya) of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), commonly known as the “Hare Krishna Movement”. In February 2014, ISKCON’s news agency reported to have reached a milestone of distributing over half a billion books authored by Prabhupada, since 1965. He has been described as a charismatic leader, in the sense used by sociologist Max Weber, as he was successful in acquiring followers in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, India and elsewhere.

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It’s Time to Indict [Nobel Peace Laureate] Aung San Suu Kyi for Genocide against the Rohingya in Myanmar
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 26 Aug 2019

24 Aug 2019 – Unspeakable crimes were committed by Burmese troops and vigilantes: Rohingya men hacked to death; children burned alive; women and girls raped and sexually assaulted in their hundreds and thousands. Scores of villages were pillaged and razed to the ground as more than 700,000 Rohingya were driven from their homes. One cautious estimate put the death toll at more than 10,000. Two years on, as Rohingya refugees languish in squalid camps across the border in Bangladesh, it is difficult to overstate the sheer barbarism they have had to endure.

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Here Are Five Lies about Iran That We Need to Refute to Stop another Illegal War
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 19 Aug 2019

14 Aug 2019 – The Trump administration is lying about Iran and its nuclear program. The media has to debunk this false drumbeat for war.

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Under Brazil’s Far Right Leader, Amazon Protections Slashed and Forests Fall
Letícia Casado and Ernesto Londoño – The New York Times, 29 Jul 2019

28 Jul 2019 — The destruction of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil has increased rapidly since the nation’s new far-right president took over and his government scaled back efforts to fight illegal logging, ranching and mining.

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Vandana Shiva Talks Poison Cartel, Farmers’ Rights and Ecofeminism
Melissa Pasanen | Seven Days/Navdanya – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2019

3 May 2019 – Dr. Vandana Shiva, 66, the high-profile organic agriculture and environmental activist and author from Delhi, India, has received many awards and accolades over decades of advocacy work spanning organic agriculture, biodiversity, climate change and social justice. Shiva talks about bio-imperialism, the power of women, and bad curry.

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Four Simple Steps the U.S. Media Could Take to Prevent a Trump War with Iran
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 20 May 2019

17 May 2019 – Here we go again. Sixteen years after the U.S. media helped the Bush administration spread lies about the threat by Iraq, the Trump administration is spreading similar myths about the threat posed by Iran. The 64,000-rial question is whether or not journalists have learned any lessons whatsoever from the Iraqi WMD debacle of 2003.

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Blowback: How ISIS Was Created by the U.S. Invasion of Iraq
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 13 May 2019

Had it not been for Bush’s catastrophic decision to invade and occupy Iraq in 2003, in defiance of international law, the world’s most feared terrorist group would not exist today. ISIS is blowback. Within weeks after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the U.S. morphed from heroic liberators into brutal occupiers.

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Don’t Just Condemn the New Zealand Attacks — Politicians and Pundits Must Stop Their Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 18 Mar 2019

15 Mar 2019 – “It’s the birthrates.” So begins the online manifesto of the man accused of shooting and killing at least 49 Muslims in a terror attack targeted at two mosques in New Zealand. “Even if we were to deport all Non-Europeans from our lands tomorrow, the European people would still be spiraling into decay and eventual death,” it continues. “In the end we must return to replacement fertility levels, or it will kill us.”

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Choueology as Peace Education
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Feb 2019

Peace Education Journal, Vol. 18, Feb. 2019 is dedicated to An Apostle of Peace Dr. Young Seek Choue in his perpetual memory. Choueology as Peace Education is based on the editorial written by the author of these lines for this Special issue of Peace Education Journal. Considering the vast contributions of Dr. Choue in the areas of peace ideas, peace studies and peace activities, I would like to term them as Choueology that is synonym of Peace Education.

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The Truth about Israel, Boycotts, and BDS
Mehdi Hasan - The Intercept, 24 Dec 2018

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are the first members of US Congress to support the BDS Movement. Mehdi Hasan debunks some of the controversies surrounding BDS.

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How Google Wipes Palestine Off the Map
Asa Winstanley – Middle East Monitor, 5 Nov 2018

30 Oct 2018 – Google’s dedication to Israel’s occupation can be seen in its maps and its refusal to recognise the reality of Israel’s apartheid system for Palestinians. Google should be compelled to end its complicity with Israeli racism and apartheid.

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A Short History of U.S. Meddling in Foreign Elections
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 29 Oct 2018

1 Oct 2018 – Almost everyone — bar Donald Trump — seems to believe that the Russian government meddled in the 2016 election. So that should be condemned. In this video, I examine the ways in which the United States has, in fact, spent the past 70-odd years meddling in elections across the world.

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Dear Anonymous Trump Official, There Is No Redemption in Your Cowardly Op-Ed
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 10 Sep 2018

6 Sep 2018 – Dear Anonymous Trump Official, Sorry, what was the point of this particular piece? And what is it that you want from the rest of us? A thank-you card? A round of applause? The nation’s undying gratitude? Screw. You. There is no redemption; no exoneration for you or your colleagues inside this shit-show of an administration. You think an op-ed in the paper of record is going to cut it? Gimme a break.

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One Million Muslim Uighurs Have Been Detained by China, the U.N. Says. Where’s the Global Outrage?
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 20 Aug 2018

13 Aug 2018 – One. Million. People. There are around 11 million Uighurs living in Xinjiang, which means that almost one in 10 of them has been detained. Where is the outrage from the governments of majority-Muslim countries, which so often claim to speak on behalf of their oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters across the globe?

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Restructuring Education Based on Spiritual Secularism for Kindness, Tolerance and Nonviolence
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2018

Education as a discipline is cosmopolitan because there is no Chinese mathematics, Russian physics, American chemistry, and Indian biology; and as self realization is manifestation of perfection already in every man and woman everywhere without any discrimination, and hence education needs to be restructured universally based on spiritual secularism for kindness, tolerance and nonviolence.

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Israel Is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Asa Winstanley | The Electronic Intifada – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2018

4 Jul 2018 – Israeli arms are being sent to a heavily armed neo-Nazi militia in Ukraine. Azov Battalion online propaganda shows Israeli-licensed Tavor rifles in the fascist group’s hands. Amid an alarming rise in anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism, Israel now appears to be reprising this role in Eastern Europe.

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Freeze Fuel-Economy Goals to Save Lives? A Closer Look at Feds’ Claim
Greg Rasa | Autoblog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

2 Aug 2018 – Trump Administration Says 12,700 Deaths Will Be Prevented – A key point in the Trump administration’s argument for rolling back Obama-era fuel economy standards is that those standards will increase the number of traffic fatalities. “The administration’s effort to roll back these standards is a denial of basic science and a denial of American automakers’ engineering capabilities and ingenuity.” –Prof. John DeCicco, University of Michigan Energy Institute

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Buddhist Councils: Means and Ends for Clarity and Revitalization
Tanka Prasad Pokharel – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

Buddhism is continuously refined and evolved through practices, conventions and councils. Buddhist councils are very less often talked topic about Buddhism. This article examines the history of Buddhist councils and synods from the early gatherings after the demise of the Buddha to the 4th Buddhist Council in the 1st century.

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Dialogue among Civilizations for Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jul 2018

Though human beings evolved from primitive virus to modern Homo sapiens and highly developed scientifically and technologically but still at the primitive stage and barbarous in the sense of behavior and dealing with each other because vested interests in every civilization, misused the fruits of science and technology and used them for their own gains.

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Ignorance about Man, the Only Reason; Universal Peace Education, the Only Prevention of Torture
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jun 2018

On UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on 26 June

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Time Is Running Out
Prof. Peter Asaro | Campaign to Stop Killer Robots - Yahoo! News, 20 Jun 2018

The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Weapons

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Jerusalem Can Never Be Taken Off the Table
Wasan Abu-Baker | Countercurrents – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – Ben Gurion in 1948 said, “We must do everything to insure the Palestinians never do return. The old will die and the young will forget”. How long will the international community remain silent about the escalating Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, Hebron and the West Bank, and policies of Judaization of Jerusalem, Hebron, and the West Bank? For how long will the confiscation of land, demolition of homes, and the enactment of laws that deprive the Palestinians of their rights and their land continue?

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Israel Is Now Arming Seven Terrorist Groups in Syria
Asa Winstanley – Middle East Monitor, 16 Apr 2018

The illegal Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights has now been in place for more than 50 years. This substantial territory, part of southern Syria, was conquered by Israeli occupation forces in the 1967war. The majority of the Syrian population in the territory was then either expelled, or fled towards safety. Israel demolished their homes, buildings and entire villages in the Golan in order to build Jewish settlements where they once stood.

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A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s ‘Theory of Evolution’
Michael Cremo [Drutakarma dasa] | New Thinking Allowed – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

The nature of a human being, the mind, consciousness, and a Vedic alternative to Darwin’s ‘theory’–not ‘science.’ Very articulate and precise explanations in a way that can be understood by everybody.

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Grand Design for Universal Peace Education for Global Good Governance through the New UN
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

Even if all nation-states adopt democracy, and promise for better governance to the people in their respective nations, they cannot do so individually. Because no nation can develop alone economically, scientifically, educationally even socially and culturally without the mutual help of each other, and for this, global governance is a must. We find three models for global governance, viz. Cross-national Organization, Supra-national Organization and Trans-national Organization.

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Essential Requirement of Qualities in the Rulers and the Servants of People for Good Governance
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

The Role of Universal Peace Education

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Implement Universal Peace Education Forthwith to Stop Violence in Schools
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2018

Peace education is not a set of predetermined values to be taught. True peace education is man-making education. Hence, it should be free for all leaving none, and in all. Peace education is perpetually self-learning, self-transcending and self-revealing knowledge and practice to be integral man.

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Dr. Young Seek Choue: A Genuine Nominee for Nobel Peace Prize
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2018

On the 8th anniversary of the death Dr. Young Seek Choue, 18 Feb 2018, the author would like to pay him his sincere and deep tribute by sharing his peace ideas, peace studies and peace activities, and his adherence to meet the criteria laid down in the Nobel’s Will.

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A Marxist Reading of George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant with Special Reference to Dual Identity
Mahadev Devkota and Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

7 Feb 2018 – This paper is an attempt to analyze George Orwell’s groundbreaking short story in terms of Marxist perspectives, elucidates the relationship between the Great Britain and the Indian. The former is privileged and grasps the power to define, reconstruct and stereotypes the latter one. Oneof the Orwell’s major concerns during his life was an issue of dual identity, self-contradiction and conflicting feelings towards natives.

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The Persons Who Changed the Lives of Terrorists and Criminals
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jan 2018

If the social, religious, political, governmental and non-governmental leaders, rulers, bureaucrats, judges, and several experts and specialists in the United Nations think and realize that they can solve the problem of violence and terrorism, they being elders and guardians must treat the terrorists and perpetrators as part and parcel of the society, and they deserve to be heard and listened.

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Trump, Kim Need to Grasp Reality of Famed Photo’s ‘Fruit of War’
Vox Populi, Vox Dei - The Asahi Shimbun, 8 Jan 2018

5 Jan 2018 – A barefoot boy, probably around 10 years old, waits in line at a crematorium. Strapped to his back is his dead baby brother. Staring straight ahead, the boy utters no words. This photo, titled “The boy standing by the crematory,” was taken in Nagasaki at the end of World War II by U.S. Marine photographer Joe O’Donnell (1922-2007).

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Radhika: Unheard Voices of Patriotism in Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Sep 2017

Another participant of my study was Radhika Thapa (pseudonym). I came to know that she was a conflict affected child from the CPN (Maoist) side. At that time, she was a school student and ten years armed conflict ruined her schooling so I think she was a suitable participant for my study and I decided to meet her.

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Human Trafficking in Nepal: A Scenario, Challenges and Way Out
Shree Prasad Devkota and Indra Raj Bhattarai – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Sep 2017

Human trafficking is not only a serious concern and challenge for Nepal, it has become a global challenge particularly for developing and least developed countries. There is a long history of Nepali girls and women trafficked for sexual purpose, exploitation and abuses to India and other parts of the world.

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Science and Religion for Freedom and Happiness
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Sep 2017

Science enables man to be free from the tyranny of the environment, but it fails to free him from the tyranny of his own nature. But its twin – the religion can complement in the role of science for making human beings free to be happy.

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Khim Bahadur: An Eye for an Eye in Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2017

The reasons why children participate in the ten-year conflict are numerous. Khim joined the revolution because the government security men constantly harassed his family for supporting the CPN (Maoist) party. He was tortured by the state security forces most of the time as a son of CPN (Maoist) cadre.

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Mahadev: The Cost of Being Different
Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Aug 2017

Mahadev Shrestha (pseudonym) is a main participant in this study. I think his life could be of interest to my research as his education and daily life was affected by the ten-year armed conflict in Nepal.

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The Madman with Nuclear Weapons Is Donald Trump, Not Kim Jong-un
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 14 Aug 2017

Most nonproliferation experts — as well as former President Jimmy Carter and a number of former Pentagon and State Department officials, both Republican and Democrat — agree that the brutal and murderous Kim, for all his bluster, is not irrational or suicidal, but bent on preserving his regime and preventing a U.S. attack. Nuclear weapons are a defensive, not an offensive, tool for the North Korean leadership — which, as Bill Clinton’s defense secretary William Perry observed on Fox News in April, may be “ruthless and … reckless” but “they are not crazy.” Got that? Kim is bad, not mad.

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A 50-Year Occupation: Israel’s Six-Day War Started with a Lie
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 12 Jun 2017

The war was launched in 1967 because Israel wanted to annex new territory, not because it faced an imminent threat from Arab forces. The peace process is a charade.

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Indian Establishment Lauds Military’s Use of Kashmiri Youth as “Human Shield”
Wasantha Rupasinghe | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 May 2017

24 May 2017 – Indian army head General Bipin Rawat has awarded a commendation to the officer who ordered a Kashmiri youth tied to the hood of a jeep as a “human shield.” 26-year-old Farooq Dar was seized and, in flagrant violation of international law, paraded around for hours while tied to the lead vehicle of an army convoy.

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Why Do North Koreans Hate Us? One Reason: They Remember the Korean War
Mehdi Hasan – The Intercept, 8 May 2017

3 May 2017 – “Why do they hate us?” It’s a question that has bewildered Americans again and again in the wake of 9/11, in reference to the Arab and Muslim worlds. These days, however, it’s a question increasingly asked about the reclusive North Koreans.

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Protection of Law and Justice for Peace through Universal Peace Education
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Apr 2017

When we do not obey the unjust law, we plead justice for humanity. Alexis De Tocqueville rightly says, “When I refuse to obey unjust law, I do not contest the right which the majority has of commanding, but I simply appeal from the sovereignty of the people to the sovereignty of mankind.

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Burmese Nobel Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi Has Turned into an Apologist for Genocide against Muslims
Mehdi Hasan — The Intercept, 17 Apr 2017

The longtime prisoner of conscience now leads Myanmar and defends her government’s abuses, including killings and gang rapes, against the country’s Rohingya minority.

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Conflict: Causes, Impacts and Post-Conflict Reconciliation in Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota and Navin Pandey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2017

In a country comprising more than one hundred ethic groups with entwining cast and creeds and similarly large number of minorities, a diversity so unique in richness but equally difficult to manage, there still persist various types of conflict in different intersections. These minor conflicts and wants hinder the peace process and overall development of the country.

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Climate Change and Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota and Navin Pandey – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2017

The outside world should learn from the progress made by Nepal in sector of forest conservation and use of clean energy in combating the climate change. Although Nepal being a small agrarian country contributing 0.016% of global Greenhouse gas emissions, the initiatives taken in such seriousness are reflective of our unfathomable love for nature and mother earth.

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The Science of Knowing God
Navina Syama Dasa | Dandavats – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2017

Two doctrines present major obstacles to conventional science as a way to know God. The first is naturalism: all natural phenomena have natural causes. (Natural in this context means empirically observable, or perceivable through the five senses.) The second is the doctrine of falsification: if scientist A makes some claim but there is no way for scientist B to show that it is wrong, then the claim is considered unscientific. So where does that leave us, the spiritually inquisitive rationalists? Can the investigation of God through the method of Krishna Consciousness really be called scientific?

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Roles of Civil Society in Nepal’s Development
Shree Prasad Devkota and Dikendra Lal Dhakal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2017

Although it is not easy to ‘characterize’ (post)modern civil society that encompasses unrestrained scopes and roles, in general sense civil society is the entirety of many deliberate social relationships, civic and social organization, and institutions that lay the foundation of a functioning society.

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Need for a Moral Confession of Political Parties in Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota and Pradip Raj Giri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

7 Jan 2017 – We often worry about degrading political practices in Nepal. Unemployment, politicization of every institution, increased criminal activities and corruption has created a frustrated generation. Youths are migrating abroad and remittance has become life line of our economy.

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What Is the Role or the Responsibility of Religious Leaders to Make World Peace?
Rui Siva (Radha-Govinda dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2017

20 Dec 2016 – I’d like to offer my answer to this question at two levels.

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Free Distribution of Two UN Books
Surya Nath Prasad – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2016

At the Occasion of the 71st Anniversary of the United Nations, 24 October 2016

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Peace Education for Good Governance and Nonviolence
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2016

International Association of Educators for World Peace Congress: Peace Education for Good Governance and Nonviolence – October 24-26, 2016 Maharashtra, India

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Truth Commissions Practices Over the World and a Case of Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

Since the early 1980s, the conception of the truth commission has gained prominence as a mechanism for explaining the history and addressing human rights violations. Argentina’s National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons 1983-84 began the process, and the 1993 report of the UN Commission on the Truth in El Salvador, From Madness to Hope, sharpened the focus on truth recovery processes.

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Challenges of Women Empowerment in Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota, Shiba Bagale and Shreeya Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

Nepal has always suffered from gender inequality. It has seen uncountable numbers of simple to worst cases of gender issues. The role of different revolutions, programs that are women focused government policies for gender empowerment has finally included the role and participation of women in the constitution.

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Feminism and Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota, Shiba Bagale and Shreeya Devkota - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

The thing that needs to be done now is to bring feminism into action in local level. Feminism needs to reach to those places and into minds of people who need it the most. It is the unaware mind and culturally paralyzed people who are unable to bring changes in society and in their lives.

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Impact of Armed Conflict on Education
Shree Prasad Devkota – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2016

There is a growing body of evidence that armed conflict attacks on education have occurred in countries all over the world. These attacks have targeted teachers, students, academics and ancillary staff including shuttle drivers and night watchmen. A large number of teachers, students, academics and educational personnel are killed, injured, abducted, forced to being a soldier, laborer, or are disappeared.

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The Recarbonisation Revolution
Dr. Petri Vasara – The Economist, 15 Aug 2016

The World Needs a ‘Recarbonisation Revolution’ of Global Material Flows – Recarbonisation requires moving from fossil carbon to biocarbon. The recarbonisation revolution offers a simple way to define the bio-economy: recarbonise materials, de-carbonise energy.

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Nonviolence: More Fundamental than Disarmament
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

At the 71st Anniversary of 129,000 People Who Died from Two Nuclear-Weapon Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, August 1945

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Integrated Science and Religion for Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Aug 2016

Science has facilitated many things for human prosperity, but it has also helped to lose humanity’s peace of mind. Science alone cannot bring peace within the individual and in the world as a whole. It has led to unrest and war simultaneously with progress.

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(Italiano) Basta Sanzioni alla Siria
bastasanzioniallaSiria – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

A giugno, il Consiglio dell’Unione europea dovrà pronunciarsi all’unanimità per poter rinnovare le sanzioni alla Siria. Riconoscendoci pienamente nell’appello lanciato da esponenti cattolici della comunità siriana (qui sotto riportato) chiediamo a tutti i parlamentari e ai sindaci di impegnarsi affinché il Governo italiano voti contro il rinnovo delle sanzioni alla Siria. -Questa la sottoscrizione che vi chiediamo di firmare-

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Pandit Parmanand: Prisons as Homes for Long Periods for India’s Freedom
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

Brief of Interaction between Great Patriot Global Man Pandit Parmanand and Dr. Surya Nath Prasad

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19th World Congress of the International Association of Educators for World Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2016

The Conference Organizing Committee invites members from Academia, Administration, Research and Corporate Fraternity to participate in the deliberations by submitting research papers, articles, review studies, case studies on the themes/sub-themes of “Peace Education for Good Governance and Non-Violence” from 24 to 26 October, 2016.

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Total Education for Good Governance and Peace: The Role of Youth
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2016

Education in all and education for all is a must for good governance and peace. Education in all means education in all the five elements (viz. body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit). Education for all means all men and women, young and old, rich and poor leaving none.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after Earthquake and Its Impact on Education in Nepal
Shree Prasad Devkota and Shiba Bagale – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2016

The devastating earthquake has not only destroyed the physical infrastructure but also damaged the mental setting of the Nepalese people. More than 8500 people are dead, more than 16,000 are injured, more than 5 lakhs houses are damaged and destroyed. Many school buildings are destroyed; many students and teachers have lost their lives. Many have lost their houses, friends, many are missing.

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The Role of Peace Education
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jan 2016

For Good Governance: Saints and Sages as Ministers and Judges; Inventors and Innovators as Bureaucrats

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Education for Tolerance and Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. - Transcend Media Service, 21 Dec 2015

Executive Vice President of International Association of Educators for World Peace Keynote Speech at the Kerala State Convention on the theme: Education for Tolerance and Peace.

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Education for Environment and Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2015

On the eve of Paris 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference

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The Relevancy of New Political Force in Nepal in Terms of Development
Shree Prasad Devkota and Shiba Bagale – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

There is political conflict in the use of the local resources too. So the corruption has been increased as the political parties are being money minded. There is no hidden interest to develop the nation rather they prefer individual development.

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Total Literacy for World Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2015

On the eve of National Unity Day on 31 October.

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Politics of Good Governance for Nonviolence: The Role of Peace Education
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2015

Peace education based on universally inherent five elements, viz. body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit in every man and woman everywhere without any discrimination should be for all including for parents, teachers, current peace educators, preachers, rulers, representatives of people, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, personnel in army and police departments and other professionals, and all minor and adult who have no access to educational institutions for natural preparation and practice of good governance leading to nonviolence.

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Opposing Construction of a Thirty Meter Telescope atop Sacred Mauna Kea Mountain in Hawai’i
Masahide T. Kato, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jun 2015

We are asking the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the largest investor in the TMT, to divest from the project to save the mountain that is central to the existence of Native Hawaiians, Polynesians, and the oceanic ecosystems. Reasons:

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Yoga: A Practical Skill in Peace Education for Nonviolence
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service~, 22 Jun 2015

21 Jun 2015 UN International Day of Yoga – At the beginning of the ‘UN International Year of Yoga,’ let all people of the world be aware of the five elements within them and grow integrally through perpetual practice of skill of yoga for sustainable nonviolence.

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Peace Education for Nonviolence and Solution of Terrorism
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2015

We find the history of terrorism and violence since the beginning of human civilizations. In every violent act, there is terror, fear and threat as experienced by its victim, similarly in every terror attack there is violence, fear, threat and terror.

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Role of Women for Nonviolence through Peace Education
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Mar 2015

The International Women’s Day started from the activities of labor movements in the beginning of the twentieth century in North America and across Europe. The Socialist Party of America designated 28 February, 1909 to honor the 1908 garment workers’ strike in New York. In 1910, the Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen, established a Women’s Day, international in character.

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Sri Lanka: Tamil Province Charges Colombo with Genocide
Meera Srinivasan – The Hindu, 16 Feb 2015

Sri Lanka’s Northern Provincial Council on Tuesday [10 Feb 20125] passed a strongly worded resolution accusing successive governments in the island nation of committing ‘genocide’ against Tamils.

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Peace Education for Protection of Human Rights
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Dec 2014

10 December is celebrated annually across the world to honor the UN General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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Climate Change and the Yin-Yang of Polar Sea Ice
ScienceAtNASA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Dec 2014

Dec 2, 2014 – Arctic and Antarctic sea ice are both affected by climate change, but the two poles of Earth are behaving in intriguingly different ways.

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BRICS and the SCO Challenge U.S. Global Dominance
Asad Ismi – Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1 Dec 2014

United States military aggression globally is stimulating the creation of a new international economic order that could serve as a viable alternative to the present Western-dominated version.

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Peace and Security through the United Nations
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

On the Eve of United Nations Day, 24 Oct 2014 – The United Nations needs peace education for sustainable peace and security, but not the current one teaching predetermined values through knowledge, attitude and skill. Peace education ought to be based on universally inherent elements: body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit in all men and women everywhere without any discrimination.

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Cuba to Send Doctors to Ebola Areas
Smitha Mundasad - BBC News, 13 Oct 2014

Cuba is sending 165 health workers to help tackle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, officials say. Doctors, nurses and infection control specialists travel to Sierra Leone in October and stay for six months.

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Gandhi, Nonviolence and Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Oct 2014

On the Eve of International Day of Nonviolence – I would like to end my article with the advice my Mahatma Gandhi who himself said, “I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.”

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On the Eve of UN International Day of Peace: The Mother of Peace Yet to Be Born
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Sep 2014

Here I would like to enlighten the people, especially those who are not aware, about the beginning of the UN Day and Year of Peace before to start to write on the theme of the event – “The Mother of Peace yet to be born”.

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Learning for Nonviolence and Better Governance versus Teaching for Violence and Worst Governance
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Sep 2014

I advise the teachers of our nation and the world to consider themselves as learners leading to the formation of sustainable genuine democracy, performance of good governance and practice of nonviolence. , “May we both (the teacher and the taught) attain fame together” as cited in Taittiriyopanishad.

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The Fukushima Nuclear Accident as Told by Plant Manager Masao Yoshida
The Asahi Shimbun – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Sep 2014

The document remains the only available official transcript of the testimony by Yoshida, the on-site commander of efforts to bring the situation under control, who died in July 2013 of esophageal cancer without having disclosed much to the media.

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