Articles by Ellen Brown

We found 126 results.

Cry for Argentina: Fiscal Mismanagement, Odious Debt or Pillage?
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Aug 2014

Argentina has now taken the US to The Hague for blocking the country’s 2005 settlement with the bulk of its creditors. The issue underscores the need for an international mechanism for nations to go bankrupt. Better yet would be a sustainable global monetary scheme that avoids the need for sovereign bankruptcy.

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Wall Street Greed: Not Too Big for a California Jury
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Apr 2014

Sixteen of the world’s largest banks have been caught colluding to rig global interest rates. Why are we doing business with a corrupt global banking cartel?

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Banking Union Time Bomb: Eurocrats Authorize Bailouts AND Bail-Ins
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Mar 2014

“As things stand, the banks are the permanent government of the country, whichever party is in power.”

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Usurious Returns on Phantom Money: The Credit Card Gravy Train
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2014

The credit card business is now the banking industry’s biggest cash cow, and it’s largely due to lucrative hidden fees.

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Who Owns the Federal Reserve?
Ellen Brown - Global Research, 10 Feb 2014

“Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.”
– The Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s

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Monsanto, the TPP, and Global Food Dominance
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Global food control has nearly been achieved, by reducing seed diversity with GMO (genetically modified) seeds that are distributed by only a few transnational corporations. But this agenda has been implemented at grave cost to our health; and if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) passes, control over not just our food but our health, our environment and our financial system will be in the hands of transnational corporations.

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Public Banking in Costa Rica: A Remarkable Little-known Model
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Nov 2013

In Costa Rica, publicly-owned banks have been available for so long and work so well that people take for granted that any country that knows how to run an economy has a public banking option.

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Public Banking in Costa Rica: A Remarkable Little-known Model
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Nov 2013

In Costa Rica, publicly-owned banks have been available for so long and work so well that people take for granted that any country that knows how to run an economy has a public banking option.

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The Bank Guarantee That Bankrupted Ireland
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

The Irish have a long history of being tyrannized, exploited, and oppressed. Today, Ireland is under a different sort of tyranny, one imposed by the banks and the troika—the EU, ECB and IMF. The oppressors have demanded austerity and more austerity, forcing the public to pick up the tab for bills incurred by profligate private bankers.

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The Armageddon Looting Machine: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

Five years after the financial collapse precipitated by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy on September 15, 2008, the risk of another full-blown financial panic is still looming large, despite the Dodd Frank legislation designed to contain it. As noted in a recent Reuters article, the risk has just moved into the shadows.

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Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Cross-hairs
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2013

Iraq and Libya have been taken out, and Iran has been heavily boycotted. Syria is now in the cross-hairs. Why? Here is one overlooked scenario. “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”

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Green Light for City-Owned San Francisco Bank
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Last year, Bank of America and other major banks were caught rigging debt service auctions, for which they had to pay $673 million in restitution. The question is: do taxpayers want to have their public monies in a bank that has been proven to be defrauding them? Compounding the risk is the reason Cyprus “bail in” shocker, in which depositor funds were confiscated to recapitalize two bankrupt Cypriot banks.

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Think Your Money Is Safe in an Insured Bank Account? Think Again.
Ellen Brown – Global Research, 15 Jul 2013

A trend to shift responsibility for bank losses onto blameless depositors lets banks gamble away your money.

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Depositors Beware: Bail-In Is Now Official E.U. Policy
Ellen Brown, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2013

Shifting the burden of a major bank collapse from the blameless taxpayer to the blameless depositor is another case of robbing Peter to pay Paul, while the real perpetrators carry on with their risky, speculative banking schemes.

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Bail-out Is Out, Bail-in Is In: Time for Some Publicly-Owned Banks
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

The crossing of the Rubicon into the confiscation of depositor funds was not a one-off emergency measure limited to Cyprus. Similar “bail-in” policies are now appearing in multiple countries. What triggered the new rules may have been a series of game-changing events including the refusal of Iceland to bail out its banks and their depositors.

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The Trillion Dollar Coin: Joke or Game Changer?
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2013

The trillion dollar coin actually represents one of the most important principles of popular prosperity ever conceived: the creation of money by sovereign governments, debt-free.

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Who Owns the Federal Reserve?
Ellen Brown – Global Research, 4 Feb 2013

“Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.” – The Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s.

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Cooperative Banking, the Exciting Wave of the Future
Ellen Brown - AlterNet, 28 May 2012

Rather than feeding off the community, banking can nourish the community and local economy. As our political system sputters, a wave of innovative thinking and bold experimentation is quietly sweeping away outmoded economic models.

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How Greece Could Take Down Wall Street
Ellen Brown – Web of Debt, 27 Feb 2012

The Houses of Morgan, Goldman and the other Big Five are justifiably worried right now, because an “event of default” declared on European sovereign debt could jeopardize their $32 trillion derivatives scheme. According to Rudy Avizius in an article on The Market Oracle (UK) on February 15th, that explains what happened at MF Global, and why the 50% Greek bond write-down was not declared an event of default.

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The Military as a Jobs Program: There are More Efficient Ways to Stimulate the Economy
Ellen Brown – Global Research, 27 Jun 2011

“Most politicians understand . . . that weapons production is currently the number one industrial export product of the U.S. They know that major industrial job creation is largely coming from the Pentagon. Thus most politicians, from both parties, want to continue to support the military industrial complex gravy train for their communities.” That explains why the country seems to be permanently at war. If we had peace, the war machine would be out of a job.

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China’s Creative Accounting: Using Debt as an Instrument of Economic Development
Ellen Brown –Global Research, 8 Nov 2010

China’s government can direct its banks to advance credit in the national currency as needed, because it owns the banks. Ironically, the Chinese evidently got that idea from us. Sun Yat-sen was a great admirer of Abraham Lincoln, who avoided a crippling national debt by issuing debt-free Treasury notes during the Civil War; and Lincoln was following the lead of the American colonists, our forebears.

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Time for a New Theory of Money
Ellen Brown – Yes! Magazine, 1 Nov 2010

By understanding that money is simply credit, we unleash it as a powerful tool for our communities.

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Basel III: Tightening the Noose on Credit
Ellen Brown – The Web of Debt, 27 Sep 2010

The stock market shot up on September 13, after new banking regulations were announced called Basel III. Wall Street breathed a sigh of relief. The megabanks, propped up by generous taxpayer bailouts, would have no trouble meeting the new capital requirements, which were lower than expected and would not be fully implemented until 2019. Only the local commercial banks, the ones already struggling to meet capital requirements, would be seriously challenged by the new rules.

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Ellen Brown – Global Research, 10 Feb 2010

Rumor has it that Timothy Geithner is on his way out as Treasury Secretary, due to his involvement in the AIG scandal that is now unraveling in hearings before the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Bob Chapman writes in The International Forecaster:Each day brings more revelations of efforts of the NY Fed and Goldman Sachs […]

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Ellen Brown, 6 Oct 2009

The Dollar Needs to be Devalued by Half?“A year ago,” said law professor Ross Buckley on Australia’s ABC News on September 22, “nobody wanted to know the International Monetary Fund. Now it’s the organiser for the international stimulus package which has been sold as a stimulus package for poor countries.” The IMF may have catapulted to […]

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Ellen Brown, 18 Apr 2009

Do we really want the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) issuing our global currency? In an April 7 article in The London Telegraph titled “The G20 Moves the World a Step Closer to a Global Currency,” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard wrote: “A single clause in Point 19 of the communiqué issued by the G20 leaders amounts to revolution […]

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