Articles by Global Research

We found 578 results.

Today’s Science Deniers: What We Owe Galileo after 400 Years
Prof. Susan E. Babbitt | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jul 2021

On June 22, 1633, a sick and beaten old man, on his knees, had to “abjure, curse and detest” his view that “the earth moves and is not the centre of the world.” It was “one of the most deplorable acts of the Inquisition”, relevant to our times. Galileo’s relevance hits much closer to home.

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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
Global Research | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jul 2021

* To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue
* The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative

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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
The Defender and Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2021

* To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue
* The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative

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The Real B3W-NATO Agenda
Pepe Escobar | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

16 Jun 2021 – The NATO summit communiqué concise low down: Russia is an “acute threat” and China is a “systemic challenge”. NATO, of course, are just a bunch of innocent kids building castles in a sandbox. Those were the days when Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay, NATO’s first secretary-general, coined the trans-Atlantic purpose: to “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”

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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

* To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue
* The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative

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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

* To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue & Debate
* The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative

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Israel: Profile of a Terror State
Donald Monaco | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

23 May 2021 – Historical Analysis – Israel’s crimes against the people of Palestine reveal a record of barbarism and cruelty unmatched in the modern world except for the unrivaled chronical of suffering resulting from murderous wars perpetrated by U.S. imperialism in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Nicaragua, and beyond.

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Multiple Articles Questioning Aspects of COVID19 or Vaccines
Global Research and The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Official Discourse/Narrative–not on the streets but confined to human dwellings.

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Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for Agrifood Must Not Succeed
Colin Todhunter | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Apr 2021

18 Apr 2021 – We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agrifood chain. The high-tech/data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose a certain type of agriculture and food production on the world. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved.

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COVID-19: Pandemic? Or Cult?
Michael J. Talmo | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Apr 2021

6 Apr 2021 – For the overwhelming majority of people, COVID-19 is a religion. On faith they believe that vaccines using an experimental mRNA technology never before used on humans, developed in less than a year instead of the normal 5-10 years to evaluate the long-term effects on people’s health, are safe and effective. It’s important to understand that there is a difference between knowing something and believing that you know something. Your brain makes decisions for emotional reasons first, such as being afraid, and then comes up with intellectual reasons to justify that belief.

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The “Defender-Europe”– US Army Arrives
Manlio Dinucci | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Apr 2021

1 Apr 2021 – Not everything in Europe is paralyzed by the anti-Covid lockdown: The mammoth annual exercise of the US Army, Defender-Europe, which mobilizes dozens of thousands of soldiers and tanks, has been set in motion. The Defender-Europe 21 not only resumes the 2020 program, but amplifies it.

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Is the US Heading for Confrontation with China? The Pentagon’s Multibillion Dollar Indo-Pacific Military Deployment
Stephen Lendman | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Mar 2021

On Sunday [7 Mar], China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed again: China seeks cooperative relations with the US. Washington’s rage to dominance prevents it, prioritizing containment of China along with seeking to undermine and isolate the country politically, economically, technologically and militarily.

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Analysis of India’s Nuclear Weapons Program
Anum A. Khan | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

28 Feb 2021 – It is India, not Pakistan, with the oldest and fastest growing nuclear program. India enjoys the leverage over Pakistan regarding fissile material estimates because it started its fissile material production more than two decades earlier than that of Pakistan.

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The Reshaping of Global Agriculture: The WEF Agenda behind India’s Modi Government’s “Farm Reform”
F. William Engdahl | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2021

16 Feb 2021 – In Modi’s India, farmers have been in massive protest since three new farm laws were rushed through Parliament last September. These reforms were motivated by an effort of the World Economic Forum and its New Vision for Agriculture, part of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, the corporate side of the UN Agenda 2030.

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The Corona “Pandemic” Timeline: What Happened in January – March 2020?
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

2 Feb 2021 – Facts corroborated by official statements reveal that the Covid pandemic which served to justify the Lockdown is deceptive to say the least. This article will focus on the Corona Timeline starting in January 2020. These are some of the highlights:

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After COVID, Davos Moves to the “Great Reset”
F. William Engdahl | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Feb 2021

27 Jan 2021 – With the USA Biden Presidency, Washington has rejoined the Global Warming agenda of the Paris Accords. With China making loud pledges about meeting strict CO2 emission standards by 2060, now the World Economic Forum is about to unveil what will transform the way we all live in what WEF head Klaus Schwab calls the Great Reset.

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Corona Mask Mandates: Science or Political Dogma?
Michael J. Talmo | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jan 2021

When it comes to masks, U.S. government officials have more waffles than a pancake house. Back in March 2020 we were told not to wear masks. Then, starting in April, they do an about-face and for the past several months have been telling us to wear surgical and even cloth masks. But they insisted that the masks won’t protect the people wearing them from COVID-19—only the people they come in contact with. “My mask protects you, your mask protects me” was the mantra.

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The Controversial Covid RT-PCR Test: What Do We Know?
Mark Taliano | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Dec 2020

18 Dec 2020 – We know that the PCR tests being used are not “fit for purpose”, that they are for Research Use Only. They are not meant to be used as diagnostic tools, and the late inventor of the RT-PCR instruments was very clear about this.

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Net Worth of US Billionaires Has Soared by $1 Trillion to Total of $4 Trillion Since Pandemic Began
Americans for Tax Fairness and The Institute for Policy Studies | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Dec 2020

10 Dec 2020 – The collective wealth of America’s 651 billionaires has jumped by over $1 trillion since roughly the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to a total of $4 trillion at market close on Monday, December 7, 2020. Wealth increase in 9 months exceeds $908 billion cost of Covid relief package GOP has stalled as too costly.

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Dystopian “Great Reset”: “Own Nothing and Be Happy”, Being Human in 2030
Colin Todhunter | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

Driven by the vision of its influential CEO Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum is the main driving force for the dystopian ‘great reset’, a tectonic shift that intends to change how we live, work and interact with each other. The Great Reset entails a transformation of society resulting in permanent restrictions on fundamental liberties and mass surveillance as entire sectors are sacrificed to boost monopoly and hegemony.

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The Slow-motion Assassination of Julian Assange
Kim Petersen | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

1 Dec 2020 – There is an attempt to use the machinery of the state to beat down a man in the darkness of Belmarsh prison and a British kangaroo court in London. Big media, however, has marginalized coverage of the Assange case even though the outcome is bound to have an enormous impact on journalism. The WikiLeaks publisher was targeted for exposing the war crimes of the US government.

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No Escape from Our Techno-Feudal World
Pepe Escobar | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

3 Dec 2020 – The Digital Age was crucially associated with right-wing ideology from the very start. The incubation was provided by the Progress and Freedom Foundation (PFF), active from 1993 to 2010 and conveniently funded, among others, by Microsoft, At&T, Disney, Sony, Oracle, Google and Yahoo. In 1994, PFF held a ground-breaking conference in Atlanta that eventually led to a seminal Magna Carta: literally, Cyberspace and the American Dream: a Magna Carta for the Knowledge Era, published in 1996, during the first Clinton term.

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The Post Covid World, the WEF’s Diabolical Project: “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” – after “the Great Reset”. A Horrifying Future
Peter Koenig | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

25 Nov 2020 -The World Economic Forum has just published a so-called White Paper, entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World” – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO. They call “Resetting the Future” a White Paper, meaning it’s a draft of sorts to measure people’s reactions. It reads indeed like an executioner’s tale. Many people may not read it – have no awareness of its existence. If they did, they would go up in arms and fight this latest totalitarian blueprint, offered to the world by the WEF.

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative–not on the streets but confined to human dwellings.

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Cuba Successfully Halts Its COVID-19 Outbreak
Dr. Birsen Filip | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2020

25 Nov 2020 – Broadly speaking, Cuba’s success in terms of containing its COVID-19 outbreak is due in large part to the centrally planned system’s adherence to the principle that free and universal health care is a fundamental human right.

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative–not on the streets but confined to human dwellings.

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First Comes a Rolling Civil War
Pepe Escobar | Asia Times/Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2020

10 Nov 2020 – Biden is on a double precipice of the worst-ever economic depression coupled with imminent explosions of social rage. The massive psyops is ongoing. This is a live exercise. Yet no one knows exactly how it will end.

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The Corporate Dictatorship of the Very Rich
Nora Fernandez | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

6 Nov 2020 – The wealthy improve their image financing self-serving projects they present as “serving others” but few question their motives or suspect them of hidden agendas. Most take billionaires at face value and forget how they made their fortunes.

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COVID and Its Man-Made Gigantic Collateral Damage: The Great Reset – A Call for Civil Disobedience
Peter Koenig | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

3 Nov 2020 – The going narrative in the west is: “Covid is on the Rise – we are entering the second wave – we must protect our people.” The offered recipe is testing-testing-testing – it is the instrument for increasing “cases”. The more you test, the more cases you have. Is that so difficult to understand?

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Fukushima, the Nuclear Pandemic Spreads
Manlio Dinucci | Global Research/Il Manifesto - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

5 Nov 2020 – Japan will release over a million tons of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. The power plant was built 4 meters above sea level with five-meter-high breakwater dams, in a tsunami-prone area with waves 10-15 meters high. A Tsunami struck on March 11, 2011, submerging the power plant and causing the core of three nuclear reactors to melt.

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative

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“Nineteen Eighty-Four” or “Brave New World”?
Prof. Ruel F. Pepa | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

Orwell’s and Huxley’s societies are founded on institutionalized dehumanization. We call them societies but can we still attach the term “human” to modify them? In Orwell’s society, human free will is suppressed and denigrated. In Huxley’s, it is obsoletized in the majority of the people who constitute the lower rungs of the caste system. In the final analysis, we question the humanity of a society where human freedom is non-existent for such freedom is the only guarantee that bestows dignity to humanity.

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The Neoliberal Capitalist Lockdown: Class Consciousness in the Age of COVID
Colin Todhunter | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

28 Oct 2020 – Although COVID is being blamed, the shutting down of the old economy was already happening as growth was below the minimum tolerable 3% level to maintain the viability of capitalism. “In order to reverse this serious setback [COVID] to development progress and poverty reduction, countries will need to prepare for a different economy post-COVID, by allowing capital, labor, skills, and innovation to move into new businesses and sectors.” — World Bank, Oct 2020 Report

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Oct 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Oct 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2020

Selected Articles – To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue: The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative

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Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

To Inform, Educate, Create Dialogue
The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative of Same Reality

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The Pandemic That Never Was
Michael J. Talmo | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2020

1 Oct 2020 – COVID-19 is a label, a classification, a designation, a figment of the imagination—a complete and utter fraud. There is no reason to wear a mask. There is no reason to do any kind of social distancing. There was never any reason to lock down the economy. There is no deadly virus—only inaccurate tests and corrupt politicians controlled by global elitists who want to rob and exploit us. Face it folks, you’ve been had, hoodwinked, bamboozled, lied to, conned, duped. The world is the same this year as it was last year and every year before. There is nothing to be afraid of.

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The Dark Side of 5G: Military Use
Manlio Dinucci | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2020

18 Sep 2020 – The Sep 12 demonstration “Stop 5G” in Rome rightly focused on the electromagnetic consequences for health and environment, and the decree that prevents mayors from regulating 5G antennas. However, it continues to ignore a fundamental aspect: its military use.

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Selected Articles Contesting Aspects of COVID-19
Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2020

For your information, education and better judgment:
The Flip Side of the Discourse/Narrative/Reality

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Who Is Behind the Judge Who Is Trying Julian Assange?
Manlio Dinucci | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2020

18 Sep 2020 – Emma Arbuthnot is the chief judge who conducted the trial for the extradition of Julian Assange in London to the USA, where a 175 year prison sentence awaits him for “espionage,” that is, for having published evidence of US war crimes, including videos of civilians’ killings in Iraq and Afghanistan, as an investigative journalist. At the trial, assigned to Judge Vanessa Baraitser, every defense request was denied.

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What Is Covid-19, SARS-2? How Is It Tested? How Is It Measured? The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2020

2 Sep 2020 –  If the public had been informed that Covid-19 is “similar to Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus.

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Those Who Protest against the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative Are Categorized as “Psychopaths”
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

26 Aug 2020 – “Collective Narcissism” and the “Dark Triad”: Is It a Witch Hunt? – The legitimacy of Wall Street, the World Economic Forum, Big Pharma and the billionaire foundations which ordered the closure of the global economy in March must be forcefully challenged.

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COVID19/Coronavirus Selected Articles
Various Authors | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

28 Aug 2020 – The Imposition of Compulsory Vaccination with a Biometric Health Passport?

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Agenda ID2020 of the “One World Order”: The 101 to Understanding Its Implications
Peter Koenig | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

17 Aug 2020 – Agenda ID2020 is hardly mentioned by any media, let alone the mainstream. Agenda ID2020, if carried out, is the ultimate control by a small elite – of the One World Order (OWO), also called the New World Order (NWO) – over the world population. It is a mechanism that would allow controlling every movement of each one of the 7-plus billion people of planet earth, including everyone’s health records, cash flows, bank accounts, as well as our behavior in this ultra-controlled society – which I refrain from calling civilization anymore.

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Nikola Tesla (9/10 Jul 1856 – 7 Jan 1943)
Nikola Tesla and Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 6 Jul 2020

25 Aug 2018 – Very few people know who Nikola Tesla is. They have heard of the Tesla electric car, but generally the broader public is unfamiliar with Nikola Tesla, the Serbian scientist and his path breaking inventions in electricity and wireless technology. Many of his inventions were stolen by US corporations. Wireless technology was in large part based on Tesla inventions.

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The Global Reset – Unplugged. “The Deep State”
Peter Koenig | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jun 2020

The Lives and Fate of “We the Sheeple” is in the Hands of a Few Ultra-Rich, Ultra-Powerful and Ultra-Inhuman Oligarchs

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The Corruption of Science. The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent to Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma
Prof Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Servicer, 22 Jun 2020

10 Jun 2020 – The Guardian has revealed the scandal behind the hydroxychloroquine study which was intent on blocking HCQ as a cure for COVID-19. “Dozens of scientific papers co-authored by the chief executive of the US tech company behind the Lancet hydroxychloroquine study scandal are now being audited, including one that a scientific integrity expert claims contains images that appear to have been digitally manipulated.

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Global Capitalism, “World Government” and the Corona Crisis
Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

24 May 2020 – The World is being misled concerning the causes and consequences of the corona crisis. The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to triggering a worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences. What is happening is unprecedented in World history.

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How Does the US Rally Support for Wars That Kill Millions of Innocent People Worldwide?
Robert Fantina | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2020

21 May 2020 – These wars have killed millions of innocent men, women and children around the world. Yet more often than not they have been based on weak evidence, questionable motives, and outright lies. Why, then, do large portions of the public staunchly support the US troops?  Why are so many Americans satisfied with the U.S. bombings of Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries, knowing that this is creating starvation and refugee crises of catastrophic proportions?

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NATO in Arms to “Fight Coronavirus”
Manlio Dinucci | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2020

The 30 NATO foreign ministers met on 2 Apr 2020 by video conference and instructed US General Tod Wolters, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, to “coordinate the necessary military support to fight the  coronavirus crisis”. He is the same general who declared in the US Senate on 25 Feb that “nuclear forces are supporting every US military operation in Europe” and ”I am a fan of a flexible first-use policy” of nuclear weapons, that is nuclear attack by surprise.

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More Lies on Iran: The White House Just Can’t Help Itself as New Facts Emerge
Philip Giraldi – Global Research, 17 Feb 2020

13 Feb 2020 – The United States assassinated a senior Iranian official named Qassem Soleimani. The justification by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was that Soleimani was in Iraq planning an “imminent” mass killing of Americans, for which evidence was never provided. It soon emerged that the Iranian was in fact in Baghdad to discuss with the Iraqi Prime Minister a plan to de-escalate the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, a meeting that the White House knew about.

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Biological Weapons: A Useful and Timely Factual Overview
Larry Romanoff | Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2020

7 Feb 2020 – The US government and its many agencies and educational and health institutions have for many decades conducted intensive research into biological warfare, in many cases strongly focused on race-specific pathogens.

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Trump’s “No-Peace/Peace Plan” for Palestine: Netanyahu/Gantz Invited to White House to Discuss “Deal of the Century”
Stephen Lendman – Global Research, 27 Jan 2020

24 Jan 2020 – Leaked information shows Trump’s so-called deal of the century is a one-sided scam, favoring Israel at the expense of fundamental Palestinian rights.

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America, an Empire on Its Last Leg: To Be Kicked Out from the Middle East?
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 20 Jan 2020

7 Jan 2020
• A US president committed to war crimes,
• A failing “War on Terrorism” narrative,
• Weakened military command structures,
• Failing alliances,
• Sleeping with the enemy,
• Unpredictable foreign policy analysts,
• Deception and mistakes.
At this juncture: The US’ most powerful weapon remains dollarization, neoliberal economic reforms and the ability to manipulate financial markets.

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History of Chinese Inventions–The Present and the Future–Recent Chinese State of the Art Innovations
Larry Romanoff - Global Research, 23 Dec 2019

24 Oct 2019 – China as a nation has the longest and by far the vastest record of inventions in the history of the world. It is now reliably estimated that more than 60% of all the knowledge existing in the world today originated in China, a fact swept under the carpet by the West.

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NATO Summit – and 2020 Planned Aggression
Peter Koenig – Global Research, 16 Dec 2019

12 Dec 2019 – A recent article “NATO is Brain Dead” described the obsolescence Of NATO and NATO’s defense mechanisms against non-existence enemies. Amazing – with pretense of protection and security in Europe and the world, against Russia and China and fighting against “terror” – as the endless war against endless terror fought by the same forces which create the endless terror – is a very lucrative absurdity.

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The Costs of Post 9/11 Wars through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion
Prof. Neta C. Crawford - Global Research, 18 Nov 2019

14 Nov 2019 – Since late 2001, the United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $6.4 Trillion through Fiscal Year 2020 in budgetary costs related to and caused by the post-9/11 wars—an estimated $5.4 Trillion in appropriations in current dollars and an additional minimum of $1 Trillion for US obligations to care for the veterans of these wars through the next several decades.

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The School of the Americas
Larry Romanoff - Global Research, 11 Nov 2019

Close the School of Americas, November 15-17 at Fort Benning, Georgia – This so-called university, also known as the “School of Dictators”, has produced thousands of dishonorable graduates linked to terror, torture, massacres and military death squads. It is generally considered as America’s main base for its continuing destabilization of Latin America.

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The Eurozone in Crisis? New President of the European Central Bank has a Criminal Record. Christine Lagarde
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 21 Oct 2019

14 Oct 2019 – Lagarde was found “guilty” without the enforcement of a one year jail term ordered by the Court: criminals in high office are given special treatment. She was accused of “negligence” rather than “complicity” in a multimillion euro fraud. In a bitter irony, Lagarde was rewarded rather than penalized. Despite her criminal record, she was appointed to lead both the IMF (2011-2019) and the ECB (2019- ).

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The History of Hong Kong, Britain’s Colonial Legacy. Fast Forward to 2019
Larry Romanoff - Global Research, 21 Oct 2019

13 Oct 2019 – The recent history of Hong Kong doesn’t begin where most Westerners might imagine. It began with the Rothschild’s British East India Company that existed from the early 1700s to nearly 1900, when Rothschild conceived the idea of inflicting opium onto China. The plans had been well-made, with approval from the top. Rothschild had the franchise for growing the opium and David Sassoon received from Queen Victoria herself, the exclusive franchise for distributing the drug in China.

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Ecuador under President Neo-coño Moreno: The IMF’s Deadly “Economic Medicine”, the Weaponization of Neoliberal Reforms
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 14 Oct 2019

12 Oct 2019 – A popular insurrection is unfolding against the adoption of sweeping IMF reforms imposed by the government of President Lenin Moreno, aka Neocon Moreno. In March 2019, a 4.2 billion dollar IMF loan was granted to Ecuador: payment for Julian Assange’s arrest.

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The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”
Claire Edwards – Global Research, 23 Sep 2019

Incisive Research and Carefully Documented Analysis of the Impacts of 5G Electromagnetic Radiation

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Western Media Portrays Hong Kong Hooligans as Heroes. But Are They?
Andre Vltchek – Global Research, 16 Sep 2019

Whenever Hong Kong protesters are destroying public property, there are no cameras of Western media outlets in sight. But when police decide to intervene, protecting their city, Western media crusaders emerge in full force.

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Nestlé and the Privatization of Water
Franklin Frederick - Global Research, 2 Sep 2019

27 Aug 2019 – What is happening in Switzerland is just the tip of the iceberg – the visible part is the international articulation of big corporations, and the taking over of public space for political decisions by the world corporate oligarchy. In Brazil under the Bolsonaro government, the situation is even worse, with an environmental minister whose task is to facilitate the taking of Brazilian natural resources by foreign capital.

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The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and Its Tragic Aftermath
Rossen Vassilev Jr. – Global Research, 19 Aug 2019

14 Aug 2019 – The Worst Nuclear Accident in History – The three meltdowns and at least four big core explosions at the Fukushima nuclear-power plant’s six Daiichi reactors in March 2011 still constitute the world’s worst nuclear nightmare so far, surpassing even the Chernobyl explosion and meltdown of April 1986. While Chernobyl’s disaster was very quickly contained by first having the stricken reactor completely buried in sand from the air and immediately sealing it inside a sarcophagus of reinforced concrete, Fukushima’s tragedy has remained an open, festering wound to this day.

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Omission of Atrocities Committed by the Venezuelan “Opposition” Discredits UN Human Rights Report
Carla Stea – Global Research, 12 Aug 2019

5 Aug 2019 – In an appallingly distorted and biased report by United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, the shameful failure to report or even mention the atrocities committed by the Venezuelan so-called “peaceful opposition” is a sin of omission so egregious as to discredit the entire report, and disqualify the professionalism of those who compiled it.

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Russia-China: The Summit That the Media Ignored
Manlio Dinucci – Global Research, 17 Jun 2019

On 5 June, the media projectors zeroed in on President Trump and the European leaders of NATO, who, for the anniversary of D-Day, auto-celebrated “peace, freedom and democracy in Europe.” The major media have either ignored, or somewhat sarcastically relegated to a second plane, the meeting on the same day in Moscow between the Presidents of Russia and China. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, for their thirtieth meeting in six years.

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Findings of Torture: The UN Rapporteur and Julian Assange
Dr. Binoy Kampmark – Global Research, 3 Jun 2019

1 Jun 2019 – Another crude and sad chapter, yet more evidence of a system’s vengeance against its challengers. While some in the cynical, narcissistic press corps still find little to comment his case, the movement to highlight his fate, and the extra-territorial vengeance of the United States, grows. Often reviled and dismissed as ineffectual if not irrelevant, the United Nations has offered Assange some measure of protection through its articulations and findings.

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Rand Corporation: How to Destroy Russia
Manlio Dinucci – Global Research, 3 Jun 2019

Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA. With a staff of thousands of experts, Rand presents itself as the world’s most reliable source for Intelligence and political analysis for the leaders of the United States and their allies.

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The Florence Declaration: An International Front Calling for NATO-Exit (14 Languages)
Global Research News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2019

The Florence Declaration is now available in 14 languages including Chinese. It was drafted by the Italian Committee No War- No NATO and the Centre for Research on Globalization. The Western mainstream media has not covered the Florence event: Disinformation through Omission. Scroll down for links to the translations.

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The 5G Revolution: Millions of “Human Guinea Pigs” in Big Telecom’s Global Experiment
Michael Welch and Chris Cook – Global Research, 13 May 2019

12 May 2019 – Welcome to the brave new world of 5G. “If you are one of the millions who seek faster downloads of movies, games and virtual pornography, a solution is at hand, that is, if you do not mind volunteering your living body in a giant uncontrolled experiment on the human population.”

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Decadent “Western Community of Values”. Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery
Dr. Rudolf Hänsel – Global Research, 6 May 2019

29 Apr 2019 – The commercial sexual exploitation of American children has become “Big Business” in the USA and one of the worst crimes.

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“Psychopath Capitalism”: US Economic Terrorism and Genocide against the People of Venezuela
Carla Stea – Global Research, 6 May 2019

• “We are not only on the wrong side, we are the wrong side.” — Pentagon Papers Expert Daniel Ellsberg
• “American sanctions are deliberately aiming to wreck Venezuela’s economy and thereby lead to regime change. It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.” — Prof. Jeffrey Sachs

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Genetically Modified Babies: The Genetic Editing of Human Life Is “Big Business”
Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, 29 Apr 2019

28 Apr 2019 – The experiment raises important scientific and ethical issues. Human embryos are not commodities. The Chinese government immediately opened an investigation; Dr He Jiankui was fired by his University in January 2019. Despite government regulations and ethical issues, there are powerful corporate interests involved in the development and patenting of genetic editing of life forms including Dr. He’s findings on “genetically modified babies”.

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US and NATO’s Ongoing Support for Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Shane Quinn – Global Research, 22 Apr 2019

16 Apr 2019 – Ukraine is led by a throng of individuals with many years of neo-Nazi activism under their belts, such as Andriy Parubiy, Chairman of the Ukraine’s Parliament and co-founder of the fascist Svoboda party. These men are all followers of the terrorist Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian Nazi who collaborated with the Third Reich before and during World War II. Over the past few months, NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg has continued outlining his organization’s “recognition” for Ukraine “to become a member of NATO”.

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A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – Global Research, 22 Apr 2019

17 Apr 2019 – The world reacted with shock to the fire that engulfed the Notre Dame Cathedral. A symbol of Paris, this 13th Century architectural marvel is home to precious historical religious relics and artwork. Concurrent with the fire that ravaged Notre Dame, another historical place of worship, the al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem fell victim to a fire of an unknown origin. The Mosque completed in 705 AD is the third holiest site in Islam.

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The Florence Declaration: The Creation of a “NATO-Exit” International Front
Manlio Dinucci – Global Research, 15 Apr 2019

11 Apr 2019 – NATO is not an Alliance; it is a war machine that works for the interests of the United States, with the complicity of the major European power groups. We propose the creation of a NATO EXIT International Front in all NATO member countries, by building an organisational network at a basic level strong enough to support the very difficult struggle we must face in order to attain this objective, which is vital for our future.

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Extensive War Crimes: Break Away from NATO by Invoking Article 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty
Mark Taliano – Global Research, 8 Apr 2019

1 Apr 2019 – NATO and NATO member states, separately and together, destroy non-belligerent countries as policy. They destroy the rule of international law, they destroy socially uplifting economies, they destroy democratic political economies, they create millions of refugees, and their wars of aggression impose the death penalty on millions.

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Operation Condor and the United States: Torture, Death Squads and Echoes in the New Millennium
Edward B. Winslow – Global Research, 1 Apr 2019

25 Mar 2019 – On December 2, 1823 in the wake of rebellions in Latin America that had ended Spanish rule in the Western Hemisphere, US President James Monroe announced that European colonial powers that attempted to assert influence in the region would be an overt threat to the national security of the US. Monroe claimed that European monarchies and colonialism were incompatible with the notions of democracy and republicanism that were featured in the New World. Monroe’s proclamation set the stage for US foreign policies for nearly 200 years: US hegemony over Latin America was a natural extension of the messianic visions of Manifest Destiny and US exceptionalism.

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Fukushima at Eight: Ongoing Cover-Up of the Nuclear Hazards in Japan and Abroad
Michael Welch, Dr. Helen Caldicott, and Arnie Gundersen – Global Research, 25 Mar 2019

As of November 2018, 18,434 people are known to have died from the March 11, 2011 earthquake and the follow-up tsunami which struck the nuclear facility. When the generators failed, three units experienced catastrophic meltdowns. Radioactive water has for years now been draining into the Pacific Ocean. Toxic debris spewed into the Earth’s atmosphere. More than 73,000 people remain evacuated and fully 3,600 die from causes like illness and suicide linked to the aftermath of the event.

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Wealth Concentration Drives a New Global Imperialism
Peter Phillips – Global Research, 25 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019 – Regime changes in Iraq and Libya, Syria’s war, Venezuela’s crisis, sanctions on Cuba, Iran, Russia, and North Korea are reflections of a new global imperialism imposed by a core of capitalist nations in support of trillions of dollars of concentrated investment wealth. This new world order of mass capital has become a totalitarian empire of inequality and repression.

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ICC Tribunal Declares Trump and Duterte Guilty of Crimes against Humanity
Prof. Marjorie Cohn – Global Research, 18 Mar 2019

17 Mar 2019 – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his government committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, aided and abetted by U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration, according to a recent ruling from the International Peoples’ Tribunal on the Philippines.

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15 Years Ago: US Sponsored Coup d’état. The Destabilization of Haiti
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 11 Mar 2019

29 Feb 2019 – Author’s Note: This article was written 15 years ago, in the last days of February 2004 in response to the barrage of disinformation in the mainstream media. It was completed on 29 Feb 2004, the day of President Jean Bertrand Aristide’s kidnapping and deportation by US Forces. The armed insurrection which contributed to unseating President Aristide was the result of a carefully staged military-intelligence operation, involving the US, France and Canada.

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OPCW Syria Report Cripples Western “Chemical Weapons” Narrative
Tony Cartalucci - Global Research, 11 Mar 2019

4 Mar 2019 – The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has presented its final report regarding an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma, Syria on April 7, 2018. Despite attempts by the Western media to hail it as “proof” that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in Douma – the report says nothing of the sort. In fact, the report fails to link any of the alleged 43 deaths to apparent chlorine found at the scene of the alleged attack.

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Venezuela False Flag Brewing? Under the Cloak of “the Humanitarian Convoy”
Global Research News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2019

19 Feb 2019 – The alleged false flag operation is intended to justify “an outside invasion” of Venezuela by one or more foreign powers. The false flag is slated to result in the deaths of civilians.

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Who Is the Real Threat to World Peace: Nuclear Israel with Its 400 WMD or Non-Nuclear Iran?
Hans Stehling – Global Research, 11 Feb 2019

31 Jan 2019 – U.S. intelligence officials confirmed to the Senate Intelligence Committee, on Tuesday [29 Jan], that Iran was not developing nuclear weapons in violation of the 2015 nuclear agreement and had no strategic plans to do so. The state of Israel is estimated to have in excess of 400 undeclared nuclear warheads. Who, therefore, is the threat to world peace?

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US Sanctions as a Tool to Perpetuate Neocolonialism
Nauman Sadiq – Global Research, 4 Feb 2019

31 Jan 2019 – It’s an evident fact that neocolonial powers are ruled by behemoth corporations whose wealth is measured in hundreds of billions of dollars, far more than the total GDP of many developing nations. The status of these multinational corporations as dominant players in international politics gets official imprimatur when the Western governments endorse the congressional lobbying practice of so-called “special interest” groups, which is a euphemism for corporate interests.

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Sanctions of Mass Destruction: America’s War on Venezuela
Garikai Chengu – Global Research, 4 Feb 2019

30 Jan 2019 – The fact that for USA the issue in Venezuela is oil, not democracy, will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves on the planet. North American economic sanctions have been the worst crime against humanity since WW II. USA’s economic sanctions have killed more innocent people than all of the nuclear, biological and chemical weapons ever used in the history of mankind.

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Hands Off Venezuela–Divided UN Security Council: Fierce Opposition to Violation of Venezuela’s Sovereignty
Carla Stea – Global Research, 28 Jan 2019

26 Jan 2019 – This morning Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza presented a brilliant defense of President Maduro’s government, against the attempted coup d’etat engineered by the United States and its proxies in Europe and newly right-wing Latin American countries Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador. The United States called this “emergency” meeting, seeking the authorization of the United Nations Security Council for intervention in Venezuela’s internal affairs, and the infamous regime change similar to that which spread chaos in Libya and Iraq after the UN authorized military intervention to overthrow the governments of Saddam Hussein and Omar Khadaffy.

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Global Economy on the Brink as Davos Crowd Parties On
Dr. Jack Rasmus – Global Research, 28 Jan 2019

23 Jan 2019 – At Davos, Switzerland every year the global capitalist elite gather to party…and to prepare for the year ahead. This year more than 1500 private jets reportedly fly in. Wealthy celebrities are invited to entertain them after evening dinner and cocktails. But the real networking goes on privately afterwards, in small groups or one on one, among the big capitalists themselves or in private meetings with heads of state, finance ministers, and central bank chairmen.

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Who Are the White Helmets? Fake News and Staged Rescues
Mark Taliano - Global Research, 7 Jan 2019

26 Dec 2018 – Maxim Grigoriev of the “Foundation for the Study of Democracy”, discussed this and other findings gleaned from interviews with numerous individuals, including former terrorists, in Syria, during a video-taped presentation entitled, “Roundtable Discussion on the Middle East Issues: Activities of the White Helmets Organization in Syria” under UN auspices (watch video below).

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Behind the US Attack on Chinese Smartphones
Manlio Dinucci – Global Research, 10 Dec 2018

5 Dec 2018 – After having imposed heavy taxes on Chinese merchandise President Trump accepted a “truce” mainly because the US economy has been struck by Chinese retaliation. While China is building dams, railways and bridges, useful not only for its commercial network, but also for the development of the countries concerned, in the US wars, dams, railways and bridges are the first targets to be destroyed.

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More American Troops to Afghanistan, to Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research, 19 Nov 2018

18 Nov 2018 – Unknown to the broader public, Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw material resources, not to mention opium, a multibillion dollar industry which feeds America’s illegal heroin market.

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Israel to Police European Coastlines: Protecting the Continent from Refugees?
Peter Koenig - Global Research, 19 Nov 2018

14 Nov 2018 – An Israeli private military contractor, Elbit Systems Ltd, has been awarded a contract to Monitor European shores. Israel’s private defense contractor has “won” a 68 million dollars two-year contract, renewable by another two years, to survey the Mediterranean Sea and most of European coastlines and to report to Brussels and the countries’ authorities. Universal surveillance and fascism are on the march – and running ever faster.

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The Pentagon’s Insect Army
Manlio Dinucci – Global Research, 15 Oct 2018

10 Oct 2018 – Swarms of insects, transporting genetically modified infectious viruses, attack the agricultural crops of a country and destroy its food production – this is not a science-fiction scenario, but a plan that is actually being prepared by DARPA, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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Global Wealth Concentration: The Global Power Elite Drive Amazon Share Value to a Trillion Dollars
Peter Phillips | Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018

Exciting news for capitalism was the recent achievement of trillion-dollar value for both Amazon and Apple, making them the first corporations to obtain such a lofty status. Amazon’s skyrocketing growth makes its CEO, Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person with a $160 billion net worth.

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Before Columbus: How Africans Brought Civilization to America
Garikai Chengu – Global Research, 8 Oct 2018

Contrary to popular belief, African American history did not start with slavery in the New World. An overwhelming body of new evidence is emerging which proves that Africans had frequently sailed across the Atlantic to the Americas, thousands of years before Columbus and indeed before Christ. The great ancient civilizations of Egypt and West Africa traveled to the Americas, contributing immensely to early American civilization by importing the art of pyramid building, political systems and religious practices as well as mathematics, writing and a sophisticated calendar.

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Triggering War: A Manufactured “Catalytic Event” That Will Initiate an All Out War? Are We Going to Let This Happen Again?
Prof. Graeme McQueen – Global Research, 17 Sep 2018

8 Sep 2018 – As we watch Western governments testing their opponents – today Iran, the next day the DPRK, and then Russia and China – we hold our breaths. We are waiting with a sense of dread for the occurrence of a catalytic event that will initiate war. Now is the time to reflect on such catalytic events, to understand them, to prepare for them. Russi-Gate, Novichok, Eastern Ghouta, False Flags?

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