Articles by MintPress News

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Oil, Gas, Geopolitics Guide U.S. Hand in Playing the Rohingya Crisis
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 2 Oct 2017

Internal conflict, appropriately located, spells geopolitical opportunity. With U.S. ally Saudi Arabia funding and stoking Rohingya insurgencies, the U.S. creates a chance to blockade China’s oil supply and provide Aung San Suu Kyi the military cooperation needed to wrest Myanmar back from Chinese influence.

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Lacked and Loaded
Latuff – MintPress News, 18 Sep 2017

No comment…

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Israeli Website Claims ISIS Commander Revealed as Mossad Agent
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 18 Sep 2017

Libyan security forces arrested a Daesh commander in the city of Benghazi — only to find out soon after that the man they had captured, Ephraim Benjamin, was also an agent of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service. Was he working to defeat Daesh or to strengthen it?

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Investigation: White Helmets Committing Acts of Terror across Syria
Vanessa Beeley – MintPress News, 11 Sep 2017

The supposedly Syrian NGO White Helmets were established in Turkey, not in Syria. They are largely trained in Turkey and Jordan, not inside Syria. They were established in March 2013 by a British ex-military officer with $300,000 in seed funding from Japan, the U.K. and the U.S.

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Brave Congressman Explains How US Keeps Afghan Heroin Trade Alive
Matt Agorist – MintPress News, 28 Aug 2017

Congressman Thomas Massie blows the lid off the US subsidized opium trade and taxpayer funds flowing into the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

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Release the Hounds
Latuff – MintPress News, 21 Aug 2017

So It Goes…

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An Insatiable Appetite
Latuff – MintPress News, 14 Aug 2017

So It Goes…

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When Washington Decides Democracy Is Dangerous: Stoking Opposition in Venezuela and Syria
Ramiro S. Fúnez – MintPress News, 14 Aug 2017

The opposition “movements” in Venezuela and Syria have a great deal in common: both are seeking the demise of democratically-elected governments; both resort to violence and acts of terrorism; both are tools of U.S. and Western imperialism, and both are failing.

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Latuff – MintPress News, 7 Aug 2017

So It Goes… Mission Accomplished

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James Le Mesurier: The Former British Mercenary Who Founded the White Helmets
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 7 Aug 2017

James Le Mesurier, a British ex-mercenary, founded the White Helmets in 2013. The group has been lauded for its “humanitarian” efforts in Syria, but they have actually functioned more as a logistics and propaganda arm of Syria’s al-Qaeda branch, complete with training from Le Mesurier.

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Enemy of My Enemy
Latuff – MintPress News, 17 Jul 2017

3 Jul 2017 – So It Goes…

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Israeli Exports into Gaza
Latuff – MintPress News, 10 Jul 2017

22 Jun 2017 – So It Goes…

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How al-Qaeda Became an American Ally in ‘The War on Terror’
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 10 Jul 2017

Nearly 16 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the United States is inexplicably finding itself in bed with al-Qaeda, its alleged sworn enemy. The group’s efforts to terrorize the population of Syria have been rewarded with U.S. arms, training and other military aid.

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Salafism vs. Wahhabism: Qatar and Saudi Arabia’s Proxy War Rages in Syria Thanks to US Militarism
Steven Sahiounie – MintPress News, 3 Jul 2017

Salafi jihadist scholar Abdullah al-Muhaysini is one of many agents working on behalf of Qatar to combat Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabist ideology. Their battleground is Syria, where a so-called “civil war” is covering up a silent fight between competing political movements.

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UN Report Reveals 3 Nations Producing Most Refugees Were Targets of US Intervention
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 26 Jun 2017

22 Jun 2017 – A UN report has shown that more than 65 million people were forced to leave their home countries last year, becoming refugees due to deadly conflict. The top nations from which refugees fled have one thing in common, they were all targets of US intervention.

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State Sponsors of Terror
Latuff – MintPress News, 26 Jun 2017

The Club

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How Greece Became a Guinea Pig for a Cashless and Controlled Society
Michael Nevradakis – MintPress News, 26 Jun 2017

As Greece moves closer to becoming a cashless society, it is clear that the country’s attitude towards cash is reckless and dangerous. The supposed convenience of switching to a cash-free system comes with a great deal of risk, including needless overreach by the state.

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Israel Demolishes Palestinian Village for 114th Time in Seven Years
Whitney Webb - MintPress News, 26 Jun 2017

Israeli bulldozers flattened a village inhabited by the ancient Palestinian Bedouins, a tribe that has lived on the land for thousands of years. Israeli authorities have systematically run the indigenous Bedouins off of their land to pave the way for Jewish-only settlements.

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Untreated Sewage Could Flood Gaza as Crippling Power Outages Worsen
MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jun 2017

Conditions in Gaza are worsening, with grave consequences for both human health and the environment due to untreated wastewater. Worse still, Israel has announced it will cut the electricity it supplies to Gaza by nearly half.

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Saudi Blockade Triggers Massive Cholera Epidemic in Yemen, Claiming One Life Each Hour
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 19 Jun 2017

Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen and its continuing blockade of Yemeni ports has virtually collapsed the country and basic necessities are in dangerously short supply. Now, Yemen finds itself unable to treat a rapidly growing cholera outbreak that claims the life of one civilian every hour.

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Tanzania Forced to Embrace Seed Patents or Risk Losing Developmental Aid
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 19 Jun 2017

Agribusiness companies are taking advantage of Tanzania’s desperate need for aid to push a development plan that will allow them to dominate the country’s agriculture sector and plunge farmers into debt. A similar plan led to a suicide epidemic among Indian farmers in recent years.

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The Terror Club Schism
Latuff – MintPress News, 12 Jun 2017

Terrorism vs Terrorism

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Father of Iconic Aleppo Boy Says Media Lied about His Son
Eva Bartlett – MintPress News, 12 Jun 2017

Mohammad Daqneesh, the father of the now-infamous Aleppo boy Omran Daqneesh, says his son was exploited by Syrian rebels and the media for political gain.

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Freedom Fighters
Latuff – MintPress News, 12 Jun 2017

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Greece Forced to Sell Public Water Utilities under EU-Imposed Privatization Plan
Michael Nevradakis – MintPress News, 6 Jun 2017

Greece’s economic woes continue to pile up, with key public utilities such as water now on the chopping block of privatization. But activists like Maria Kanellopoulou are working to spread awareness of this issue and prevent Greek water from being put into private hands.

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S. Korea’s President Orders Probe over Increasingly Unpopular US Missile Launchers
AP – MintPress News, 5 Jun 2017

Many of South Korean President’s supporters don’t want the missile system, which Donald Trump suggested Seoul should pay for.

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Ohio Sues Pharmaceutical Manufacturers over Role in Opioid Epidemic
Kevin Koeninger – MintPress News, 5 Jun 2017

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced Wednesday [31 May] the filing of a lawsuit against numerous prescription pain medication manufacturers, as part of the ongoing effort to fight its opioid addiction epidemic. He described the state’s drug crisis as a “fire stoked by greed, fueled by deceit, and tended by a multi-billion dollar industry.”

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What’s in a Name? U.S. Takes Syria’s Al-Qaeda off Terror Watchlists
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 29 May 2017

By changing its name to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda has managed to secure its removal from the U.S. and Canadian terror watchlists, allowing citizens of those countries to donate money and travel to fight with them.

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John Pilger: The White Helmets Are a “Complete Propaganda Construct”
Vanessa Beeley – MintPress News, 29 May 2017

26 May 2017 – In yesterday’s interview with RT’s Going Underground, John Pilger outed the White Helmets as nothing more than a “complete propaganda construct in Syria.”

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So It Goes
Latuff – MintPress News, 29 May 2017

Friends in High Places

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U.S. Military World’s Largest Polluter – Hundreds of Bases Gravely Contaminated
Whitney Webb – MintPress News, 22 May 2017

Producing more hazardous waste than the five largest U.S. chemical companies combined, the U.S. Department of Defense has left its toxic legacy throughout the world in the form of depleted uranium, oil, jet fuel, pesticides, defoliants like Agent Orange and lead, among other pollutants.

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Monsanto PCBs May Leave Orca Pod ‘Doomed to Extinction’
Carey Wedler – MintPress News, 15 May 2017

The Guardian reported last Tuesday [9 May] that Lulu, the full-grown whale who died, “was a member of the UK’s last resident pod and a postmortem also showed she had never produced a calf. The pollutants, called PCBs, cause infertility and these latest findings add to strong evidence that the pod is doomed to extinction.” The levels of PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, found in Lulu’s blubber were “more than 100 times the 9mg/kg limit above which damage to the health of marine mammals is known to occur.”

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4 Million Muslims Killed In Western Wars (Up to 2015 alone): Should We Call It Genocide?
Kit O'Connell – MintPress News, 3 Apr 2017

18 Aug 2015 — It may never be possible to know the true death toll of the modern Western wars on the Middle East, but that figure could be 4 million or higher. Since the vast majority of those killed were of Arab descent, and mostly Muslim, when would it be fair to accuse the United States and its allies of genocide?

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The True Legacy of David Rockefeller
MintPress News Desk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2017

No one person encapsulates the enduring legacy of the “robber barons” of the Industrial Age quite like David Rockefeller, who died today [21 Mar] at the age of 101. While often remembered for his philanthropy, the last surviving grandson of America’s first billionaire leaves behind a dark legacy indicative of how American nobility often shape policy from behind the scenes.

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China’s Strategy in Its ‘War on Terror’: Jobs Not Drones
Caleb T. Maupin – MintPress News, 6 Mar 2017

The Chinese government is employing a unique strategy to reduce the threat of terrorism in its historically unstable Tibet and Xinjiang autonomous regions. By providing new jobs and better housing, the government has managed to quell the threat of separatism.

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Police Departments Refuse Participation in Dakota Access Pipeline Crackdown
Isiah Holmes – MintPress News, 14 Nov 2016

8 Nov 2016 — In addition to the general retreat of departments, two officers have already turned in their badges in support of the protesters. As if that wasn’t enough, an army of sympathizers is re-purposing social media to combat police efforts in Standing Rock.

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Dakota Access Pipeline ‘Water Protectors’ Block Construction despite National Guard Blockade, Police Harassment & Arrests
Kit O'Connell – MintPress News, 10 Oct 2016

4 Oct 2016 — Amid near continuous harassment and frequent arrests by police, members of over 300 Native American tribes gathered on native land in North Dakota continue to block construction on the Dakota Access pipeline. ‘Our intentions are to protect water for the 18 million people downstream. And we’re not protesters, we’re protectors,’ a member of the Navajo Nation living at the encampment told us.

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Study: Scientists Who Won’t Link Pesticides to Bee Deaths Are Often Funded by Agrochemical Industry
MintPress News Desk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

14 Sep 2016 — Pesticide manufacturers have spent millions influencing researchers who are investigating the role of neonicotinoids, a nicotine-like chemical found in many major pesticides, in bee die-offs, according to a recent analysis by Greenpeace.

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How the Drone King Turned Assassination into Counter-Terrorism Policy
Mnar Muhawesh – MintPress News, 20 Jun 2016

Barack Obama launched more drones strikes in his first year in office than George W. Bush did in both of his terms combined. Exposing what one military scholar called a global policy of assassination. Drones, Jeremy Scahill writes, “are a tool, not a policy. The policy is assassination.”

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White Phosphorous War Crimes Connect Israel to Monsanto
Kit O'Connell – MintPress News, 22 Jun 2015

16 Jun 2015 — Monsanto Corporation, the agribusiness giant best known for its pesticides and genetically-modified crops, also manufactured white phosphorous for the U.S. government over at least the past 20 years. Used in incendiary military weapons, the United States sold white phosphorous-based weapons to Israel, which used those weapons to commit brutal war crimes against Palestinians living in Gaza in 2009.

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