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It Takes a Greek to Save Europa
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 22 Feb 2016

Yanis Varoufakis is resurfacing with a bang. On 9 Feb 2016 at the Volksbühne Theater in Berlin, Varoufakis launched a new project: the DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), whose aim is to ultimately transfer power from Europa’s unaccountable, fiercely authoritarian elite and distribute it – fairly – among European citizens. He wants DiEM25 to be more than “just a think-tank and… an internet community”.

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You Have Now Landed in Geneva, Syria
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 15 Feb 2016

The alleged Syrian peace process now enters its Geneva charade stage. This could last months; get ready for lavish doses of posturing and bluster capable of stunning even Donald Trump… Geneva? That’s for tourists; the capital of the Syrian horror show is now Jarabulus.

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Time to Heed Warnings of Syriza’s Ex-Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis
Cynthia McKinney – Russia Today, 1 Feb 2016

31 Jan 2016 – The former finance minister of Greece says people must work to save democracy from capitalism, otherwise the voracious economic system will completely devour the fragile political philosophy, he warned in a recent talk.

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Can the US Turn Fascist?
Şahin Alpay, Today’s Zaman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Feb 2016

31 Jan 2016 – Johan Galtung, the Norwegian mathematician, political scientist, sociologist and the founder of the field of peace and conflict resolution studies, argued in his book The Fall of the US Empire – And Then What? (TRANSCEND University Press, 2009) that just as the Roman Empire disintegrated, the American Empire (or the US and Western hegemony over the world) would collapse not later than the year 2025.

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Wealth, Influence of Gates Foundation Distorting Int’l Development – Global Justice Now
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jan 2016

20 Jan 2016 – Enormous wealth and influence wielded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is distorting the direction of international development in a global vacuum of accountability, a new report claims. With assets totaling $43.5 billion, the BMGF is the world’s biggest charitable group. It is viewed by some as the most powerful actor on issues of international health, environment and agriculture, and distributes more aid for global health than any democratically elected government.

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The Ghouta Chemical Attack and the Unraveling of Ankara’s Official Story
Neil Clark – Russia Today, 4 Jan 2016

Turkish MP Eren Erdem has told RT that Islamic State terrorists, then going under the name of Iraqi Al-Qaeda, received all the necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey. Erdem, who is now being charged with treason for his comments, revealed that an investigation by Turkish police was started but then the case was closed, and all the suspects were released near the Turkish/Syrian border. He accused the Turkish authorities of a high-level cover up.

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BRICS Not Content to Leave West with Mass Media Monopoly
Danielle Ryan – Russia Today, 28 Dec 2015

Deeper cooperation in the media sphere between the BRICS nations is likely to produce a far bigger headache for the West.

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Is the EU the New USSR?
Sam Gerrans – Russia Today, 21 Dec 2015

“The Soviet Union was governed by 15 unelected people, who appointed each other and who were not accountable to anyone. The European Union is governed by two dozen people, who appoint each other and are not accountable to anyone.” His disturbing and lucid monologue concludes with the words: “I have lived in your future, and it didn’t work.”

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Banksy’s ‘Steve Jobs the Son of Syrian Migrant’ Pops Up in Calais Camp
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Dec 2015

11 Dec 2015 – The picture of the late pioneer of the microcomputer revolution, Steve Jobs, carrying a rucksack appears on the wall in infamous Jungle refugee camp in the French port of Calais. “The son of a migrant from Syria,” the description under the picture reads.

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The Dayton Miracle: Bosnia Armistice, still Alive at 20
Nebojsa Malic – Russia Today, 23 Nov 2015

21 Nov 2015 – Twenty years after it stopped the bloodshed, the historic agreement reached in Dayton, Ohio still survives in Bosnia. More of an armistice than a peace treaty, it is under attack by the very powers sworn to uphold it.

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Putin: ISIS Financed from 40 Countries, Including G20 Members
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Nov 2015

President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.

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‘They Don’t Care Who Gets Killed’: Ex-US Drone Pilot Turned Whistleblower
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2015

17 Oct 2015 – Guilt-ridden American drone pilots continue to quit in unprecedented numbers. One former secret mission operator, Brandon Bryant, who’s received a whistleblower award, spoke of the horrors of indiscriminate killing from a safe distance.

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GMO-Free Zone: Germany Tells EU It Bans Genetically Modified Crops Cultivation
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2015

1 Oct 2015 – Germany has opted out of cultivating GMO crops on its territory, informing the EU Commission of the move and in the process joining Poland, France, Scotland and several other member states.

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Hail to the Worm: Plastic-Eating Worm Might Be the Solution to Global Crisis
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2015

1 Oct 2015 – New research could have staggering implications for plastic waste pollution: An international team of researchers found that the Darkling Beetle larvae, the mealworm, can subsist on a diet of Styrofoam and other forms of polystyrene.

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Time to Imagine: From ‘Disaster Capitalism’ to a System of Our Own
Cynthia McKinney – Russia Today, 28 Sep 2015

Why are they working so hard to save capitalism? Because there is no such thing as a broken system. Global economic structure benefits some and disadvantages others. The architects of the current system benefit immensely from it and they don’t want us to get any ideas about changing anything! In the memorable words of neocon Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

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Palestinian Flag to Fly at UN HQ after 119 Nations Vote ‘Yes’
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Sep 2015

11 Sep 2015 – UN General Assembly has passed a Palestinian resolution to allow its flag fly in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York, angering Israel and giving hope to Palestinians seeking to gain full UN membership.

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Blowback on a NATO Beach
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 7 Sep 2015

Hannah Arendt once wrote movingly about the banality of evil, referring to the mechanism of fascism and Nazism. Aylan’s lifeless body now illustrates the banality of an evil he was trying to flee: the “arc of instability”, a Pentagon self-fulfilling prophecy. So to put hell in perspective we must retrace some steps of the arc.

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Saudi Arabia’s 175 ‘Mass Judicial Executions’ In 1 Year Condemned by Amnesty International
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

The report entitled ‘Killing in the Name of Justice: The Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia’ stated that between August 2014 and June 2015, at least 175 people had been put to death – an average of one person every two days.

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Religious Eugenics: How Saudi Arabia Is Sponsoring a Frightening New Movement in the ME
Catherine Shakdam - Russia Today, 24 Aug 2015

22 Aug 2015 – Blanketed by its wealth and protected by political alliances, Saudi Arabia has covertly run and promoted a new movement in the Middle East: religious eugenics, under the false pretense of opposing the rise of Iran. From Syria to Bahrain and Yemen, the evidence is overwhelming.

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After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a Third Nuclear Atrocity: The Corruption of Science
Chris Busby – Russia Today, 24 Aug 2015

The bombings can be extrapolated onward in time through the atmospheric testing fallout and Chernobyl, to the more recent contamination in Japan after Fukushima. Today, the analysis of the health risks from the Japanese A-Bombs is being cleverly twisted to provide a rationale for the development of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy.

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Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: ‘Radiation Will Wash Down from Mountains, Forests into Other Lands’
Russia Today - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2015

23 Jul 2015 – It’s impossible to even slightly decontaminate the area damaged by the Fukushima nuclear disaster because of the mountains and dense forests in that region, says Mycle Schneider, independent analyst on energy and nuclear policy.

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‘Grexit Would Trigger Liquidity Crisis Worse Than 2008’
Max Keiser – Russia Today, 6 Jul 2015

29 Jun 2015 – Should Greece leave the Eurozone and fail to pay its debts, it could trigger the downfall of Deutsche Bank and a crisis worse than that of 2008 – and it is more likely to happen than not.

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American Dreaming, From G1 to Bilderberg
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 15 Jun 2015

11 Jun 2015 – What’s the connection between the G7 summit in Germany, President Putin’s visit to Italy, the Bilderberg club meeting in Austria, and the TTIP – the US-EU free trade deal – negotiations in Washington? G1 plus junior partners? Bilderberg? Get a job; you’re not the only show in town, any town. WikiLeaks and a ton of BRICS.

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BRICS Trample US in South America
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 25 May 2015

Little by little, yet inexorably, BRICS members China – and in a smaller measure, Russia – have been no less than restructuring commerce and infrastructure all across Latin America.

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Australia’s Closing of Aboriginal Communities Sparks Protests
Lauren Williams – USA Today, 25 May 2015

24 May 2015 – Government moves to close remote indigenous communities because of alleged social problems and the cost of maintaining them is triggering a new wave of protests planned for next week across Australia. Prime Minster Tony Abbott backed the move, telling national radio it was not the taxpayers’ job to “subsidize lifestyle choices.”

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Three Years of Confronting Western Propaganda
Andre Vltchek – Russia Today, 25 May 2015

After my encounter with Chomsky, my goal was Quixotic – a monster, 1000-page book, exposing and confronting techniques and dogmas utilized by the Empire in all corners of the globe, for purposes of destabilizing “rebellious” nations, overthrowing “unruly” governments, or simply grabbing natural resources.

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The American Psychological Association’s Disappearing History
Roy Eidelson Ph.D., Psychology Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2015

During a period of heightened scrutiny, APA webpages are vanishing. APA’s leaders have some difficult questions to answer. For starters, why has so much information been removed from the APA website at the very time Mr. Hoffman is being promised “full and unfettered access” for his investigation?

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Mediterranean Migrant Crisis: ‘EU and US Have to Own Up to What They Have Done in Libya’
Abayomi Azikiwe - Russia Today, 27 Apr 2015

The West should recognize that the situation with African migrants trying to escape to Europe is a serious crisis which needs to be addressed on an international level, Abayomi Azikiwe, editor, Pan-African News Wire, said.

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Australia to Authorize Guards to ‘Beat Asylum Seekers to Death’ – Report
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2015

The new powers, applying to immigration officers, would let them use “reasonable force against any person” to maintain order and security, which in fact could lead to “beating asylum seekers to death.” The immunity from civil and criminal liability will include private contractors – people, who are less trained than police officers.

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‘Fukushima Lessons: Any Notion That Nuclear Power Is Clean Is Obsolete’
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2015

The world must phase out nuclear power because it is absolutely not clean from the mining processing of uranium to the generation of high-level radioactive waste, Kevin Kamps for the radioactive waste watchdog Beyond Nuclear, said.

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‘World Bank Projects Serve for Industrial Ambitions, Not Alleviate Poverty’
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2015

World Bank projects in developing countries have had a dramatic impact, forced displacement and the impoverishment of local communities and indigenous people, political analyst Josh Klemm from International Rivers said.

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War on Yemen: Where Oil and Geopolitics Mix
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – Russia Today, 13 Apr 2015

9 Apr 2015 – Everything about the war on Yemen is a smokescreen. Concealed behind the smoke is a tale of geopolitics and petro-politics that aims to control the Gulf of Aden. The irony should not be lost on observers that the Saudi-led coalition is comprised of an unhealthy mixture of backward family dictatorships and corrupt governments that essentially are the antithesis of democracy.

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Latin America Not US Backyard
John Wight – Russia Today, 13 Apr 2015

10 Apr 2015 – The Summit of the Americas, being held this year in Panama, is a reminder that contrary to what many in the US like to think, the United States constitutes just one of many nations on the American continent.

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Torture Dinner: Slave-Caught Seafood Winds Up in US Restaurants, Food Chains
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Mar 2015

25 Mar 2015 – Seafood caught by slaves forced to fish on a tiny island in Indonesia is ending up at major supermarkets, restaurants and even pet stores across the United States, a year-long investigation has revealed.

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Western ISIS Adventurism, Israel behind Hamas – New Assange Revelations
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Mar 2015

24 Mar 2015 – Julian Assange has given an interview to an Argentinian paper from his Ecuadorian embassy asylum where he spent more than 1,000 days. He spoke about why US meddling in Ukraine led to civil war, how the West helped ISIS and Israel supported Hamas.

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Switzerland, Luxembourg Apply for China-Led Infrastructure Bank
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Mar 2015

21 Mar 2015 – Despite negative noises from the US, Switzerland and Luxembourg have become the latest European nations to apply to join the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Chinese Finance Ministry announced.

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China’s Mega International Payment System Is Ready, Will Launch This Year – Report
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Mar 2015

10 Mar 2015 – The China International Payment System (CIPS) is due to kick off this year, bringing the yuan a step closer to becoming a global trading currency, as the new system will make payment transfers just as easy as in dollars and euro.

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The Real Syrian Moderates: Voices of Reason
Eva Bartlett – Russia Today, 16 Mar 2015

While the Western-led, anti-Assad bloc mind-blowingly speaks of arming non-existent “moderates” to fight in Syria, they also continue to demonize and silence the very voices that offer a true means of bringing peace and stability back to the region.

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Collusion? Where the APA Investigator Should Look
Roy Eidelson Ph.D., Psychology Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Mar 2015

Is Accountability and Reform within the APA on the Horizon? – The past decade has witnessed persistent claims that the American Psychological Association crafted its ethics policies in order to support the Bush Administration’s use of psychologists in abusive and torturous detention and interrogation operations.

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‘100yrs to Repair Gaza’: Oxfam Says Blockade Remains, Aid Almost Non-Existent
Russia Today - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Mar 2015

27 Feb 2015 – Reconstructing Gaza could take an entire century, if Israel doesn’t stop the siege, leading charity Oxfam warned. And that’s just the time frame for essential projects. The NGO’s regional director calls the situation “deplorable.”

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Banksy In Gaza: Haunting Images among Ruins of War
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Mar 2015

27 Feb 2015 – The English graffiti artist has taken his politically charged message to the bombed-out neighborhoods of Gaza, where a series of murals amid a backdrop of devastation attempts to give voice to the desperation felt by Palestinians.

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China Pivots Everywhere
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 23 Feb 2015

Plenty to be excited about then as the Year of the Sheep (or Goat) starts. What’s certain is that the Chinese caravan, much in contrast with the dogs of war – and austerity – pivoting across the West, has already pivoted towards “win-win” pan-Eurasia integration.

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From Minsk to Brussels, it’s all about Germany
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 16 Feb 2015

13 Feb 2015 – Germany holds the key to where Europe goes next. A fragile deal may have been reached on Ukraine, but there’s still no deal with Greece. In both cases, there’s much more than meets the eye.

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Payback Time? Greek PM Seeks Reparations over Nazi Occupation & War-Time Loan
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Feb 2015

10 Feb 2015 – Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, referring to Nazi Germany’s four-year occupation of Greece and a forced war-time loan during World War II that saddled the Greek economy in huge debt, wants Berlin to pay reparations.

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Russia, India and China: Cooperating in Unstable World
Dr Alexander Yakovenko – Russia Today, 9 Feb 2015

On February 2 [2015], the foreign ministers of Russia, India and China met in Beijing to discuss a wide range of international and regional issues. They confirmed that the views of the “troika” on the international situation and ways to promote trilateral cooperation in the existing circumstances are very close if not identical.

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Flying Indonesia Airlines Is Like Playing Russian Roulette?
Andre Vltchek – Russia Today, 12 Jan 2015

Ever since the 1965 US-orchestrated military coup, which resulted in between 1 and 3 million deaths, Indonesia’s rampant capitalism combined with endemic corruption and absolute disregard for the poor majority, is devouring resources that would be used for social programs and the development of infrastructure.

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What Putin Is Not Telling Us
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 22 Dec 2014

The perfect storm evolves in two fronts; an overt economic war – as in siege by sanctions – and a concerted, covert, shadow attack to the heart of the Russian economy. Washington’s endgame is clear: impoverish and defang the adversary and force him to meekly bow to the ‘Empire of Chaos’s’ whims. And bragging about it all the way to “victory.”

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20 Deals in 24 Hours: Russia-India Relations Given $100 Billion-Worth Boost
Rajeev Sharma – Russia Today, 15 Dec 2014

12 Dec 2014 – The economic burden of Western sanctions has pushed Russia to the east in search of business opportunities. Judging by the outcome of President Putin’s visit to India – 20 high-profile deals struck – Moscow’s ‘pivot to Asia’ is getting a warm welcome.

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Alternative Nobel: Fidel Castro Wins China’s Confucius Peace Prize
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Dec 2014

11 Dec 2014 – Cuba’s former leader Fidel Castro has been awarded the Confucius Peace Prize, China’s alternative to the Nobel. Castro was praised for “important contributions on eliminating nuclear war after his retirement,” and will get US$15,000.

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The New European ‘Arc of Instability’
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 15 Dec 2014

What these two think-tanks don’t – and won’t – ever acknowledge is that a new European “arc of instability” – from the Baltic to the Black Sea, as myself and other independent analysts have stressed – is exactly what the Empire of Chaos and its weaponized arm – NATO – are working on to prevent closer Eurasia integration.

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UN Urges Israel to Renounce Nuclear Arms, Join Non-Proliferation Treaty
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Dec 2014

5 Dec 2014 – The UN General Assembly has passed a resolution calling on Israel not to develop, produce or possess nuclear arms and criticizing the country for not being part to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Israel rebuffed the call saying that the UN “lost all its credibility regarding Israel with these types of routine votes that are ensured passage by an automatic majority and which single out Israel.”

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Russia’s Biggest Bank Launches Financing in Chinese Yuan
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Dec 2014

Sberbank, Russia’s largest lender, will be the first bank in the country to start issuing credit guarantees denominated in Chinese yuan. The new yuan-based letters of credit ensure payments between buyers and sellers, with the bank acting as a router.

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Using Terrorists for Regime Change Is Unacceptable – Lavrov
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Dec 2014

Moscow condemns efforts to overthrow Syria’s political regime using terrorist groups in the region, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. “The fight against terrorism should be conducted without ‘double standards.’”

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Where Has All Ukraine’s Gold Gone?
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Nov 2014

20 Nov 2014 – Ukraine’s Central Bank chief has divulged some shocking intel: its gold stockpile has reached a new nadir – almost zero. Since the beginning of the year, gold reserves have dropped nearly 16-fold, which begs the question, where did all of it go?

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Lame Duck Out of the Silk Road Caravan
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 17 Nov 2014

Russia and China may not be proposing an alternative system – yet. Still, as the dogs of war, of hate, of inequality – bark, the China-Russia caravan passes. The caravan is selling Eurasia economic integration – not bombs. What APEC has shown is the spectacular implosion, in slow motion, of the former indispensable nation’s geopolitical dominance.

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Russia to Launch Alternative to SWIFT Bank Transaction System in Spring 2015
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Nov 2014

Russia intends to have its own international inter-bank system up and running by May 2015. The Central of Russia says it needs to speed up preparations for its version of SWIFT in case of possible ”challenges” from the West.

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Israeli Ministers Pass Bill Jailing Stone Throwers for 20 Years
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

If Israeli courts can prove that someone threw a stone with the intent of causing serious bodily harm, they may be able to impose a jail sentence of 20 years. The law would also allow the conviction of people who hurl rocks at police cars or police officers with the aim of hindering them from carrying out their duty.

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‘Europe to Pay for the Whole Mess in Ukraine’
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

The gas deal between Ukraine and Russia became possible because Europe realized that it wouldn’t get the gas if it didn’t get behind Ukraine.

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European Media Writing Pro-US Stories under CIA Pressure – German Journo
Udo Ulfkotte – Russia Today, 27 Oct 2014

Oct 18, 2014 – German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, adding that noncompliance ran the risk of being fired.

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America’s Troubled Anti-IS Coalition: Can BRICS Be a Possible Middleman?
Jhinuk Chowdhury – Russia Today, 20 Oct 2014

This is a fitting moment for the major BRICS players to create a counterweight in the global political center-stage, more so for a China that envisages assumption of world leadership. What about America you may ask. Well, that’s the key…

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From Mars Mission to Navigation Satellites to N-Capable Missiles: India Scores Big Scientifically
Rajeev Sharma – Russia Today, 20 Oct 2014

After last month’s success of its maiden Mars Orbiter Mission, India has just notched up two more back-to-back scientific feats on October 16 and 17 [2014], both of which will beef up Indian military might in a big way.

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Destabilization – US Weapon in Energy War
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – Russia Today, 13 Oct 2014

The US is doing its best to estrange the EU from Russia to get the upper hand in a free trade deal, and also, to manipulate European countries into buying America’s relatively more expensive natural gas.

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Keiser Report: Financial Ebola
Max Keiser – Russia Today, 13 Oct 2014

Oct 4, 2014 – “For the first time in history we have a true global empire.”– Perkins. Max interviews John Perkins, author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman,’ about ‘peak bankster.’ They also discuss the financialization of Ebola.

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‘Hostile to Privacy’: Snowden Urges Internet Users to Get Rid of Dropbox
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

12 Oct 2014 – “When you say, ‘I have nothing to hide,’ you’re saying, ‘I don’t care about this right.’ You’re saying, ‘I don’t have this right, because I’ve got to the point where I have to justify it.’ The way rights work is, the government has to justify its intrusion into your rights – you don’t have to justify why you need freedom of speech.”

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‘US Funded and Trained Jihadists in Syria – And Now It Wants to Fight Them’
Russia Today - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Sep 2014

The US is creating in Syria a perpetual state of war, funding jihadists on one side and then attacking them on the other, while the civilian casualties are just a part of the game, investigative reporter Ben Swann told RT.

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Coalition of the Clueless
Sharmine Narwani – Russia Today, 29 Sep 2014

The airwaves are still heaving with spin two days after US airstrikes against Syria. Undoubtedly they were timed to the eve of the gathering of world leaders at the UN, so ‘Coalition’ partners could cluster behind the decision to bomb a sovereign state, uninvited. The goal this week will be to keep the ‘momentum’ on a ‘narrative’ until it sinks in.

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Spying and Storing: Assange Says ‘Google Works like NSA’
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Sep 2014

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange equated Google with the National Security Agency and GCHQ, saying the tech giant has become “a privatized version of the NSA,” as it collects, stores, and indexes people’s data. He made his remarks to BBC and Sky News.

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Enemy or Victim? Syria and West in ISIS Era
John Wight – Russia Today, 22 Sep 2014

Terror is the product of terror, and the cycle of terror that has engulfed Libya, Syria, and now Iraq could have been averted if but for the lack of statesmanship in Washington. It was Nietzsche who wrote that “insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

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Carney Still White House ‘Propagandist’ Now Posing as Tie-Less CNN Analyst
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Sep 2014

Former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is essentially doing the same job since being taken on by CNN – serving as propagandist for the government, award-winning journalist Ben Swann told RT.

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The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Allies of a New Type
Alexander Yakovenko – Russia Today, 15 Sep 2014

The organization has worked to bring about security and multilateral political, economic and humanitarian cooperation. The role of the SCO in international and regional affairs is on the rise. Pakistan, India, and Iran want to become full members while more and more countries are seeking observer or dialogue partner status.

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NATO Set to Liberate ‘Jihadistan’?
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 15 Sep 2014

When the show seemed set for NATO to save Ukraine and Western civilization – at least rhetorically – from that evil empire remixed (Russia), the Caliph intervened with yet another “off with their heads” special.

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Can You Smell What the Caliph Is Cooking?
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 8 Sep 2014

If they were really serious at targeting The Caliph, they’d be following the money. The Caliph is making roughly $2 million a day. No one knows who’s buying from the Islamic State, but the fact is the oil flows from Caliph-controlled “Syraq” to Turkey and Jordan.

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‘They Want Their War And They Want It Now!’
Adrian Salbuchi – Russia Today, 25 Aug 2014

If you are playing chess and the next moves will lead to a checkmate, you have two options: either topple your king accepting defeat, or… You can kick over the chessboard, refuse to accept defeat, and let all hell break loose…! Is that what the “four horsemen of the Apocalypse,” the elites running the US, UK, EU and Israel against their own peoples’ interests, are thinking of doing?

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Professor Galtung: Erdoğan Should Focus on Foreign Policy
Yonca Poyraz Doğan – Today’s Zaman, Istanbul, 18 Aug 2014

August 17, 2014 – Galtung spoke with us during his recent visit to İstanbul for the International Peace Research Association’s (IPRA) biannual conference.

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Why Obama Is Bombing the Caliph
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today, 18 Aug 2014

Obama also could not possibly explain why the US always supported ISIS in Syria and now decides to bomb them in Iraq. Oh, the perils of ‘Don’t Do Stupid Stuff’. So a quick translation applies.

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Over 400 Ukrainian Troops Cross into Russia for Refuge
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Aug 2014

More than 400 Ukrainian troops have been allowed to cross into Russia after requesting sanctuary. It’s the largest, but not the first, case of desertion into Russia by Ukrainian soldiers involved in Kiev’s military crackdown in the east of the country.

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Russia, China Agree on More Trade Currency Swaps to Bypass Dollar
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Aug 2014

9 Aug 2014 – The Russian and Chinese central banks have agreed on a draft currency swap agreement, which will allow them to increase trade in domestic currencies and cut the dependence on the US dollar in bilateral payments.

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India Warms Up to Nepal – Is China Feeling the Heat?
Jhinuk Chowdhury – Russia Today, 11 Aug 2014

With 6,000 rivers, Nepal is the second richest country in inland water resources – a potential that the two Asian giants are ogling to exploit with the generation of hydroelectric power.

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(Castellano) Israel pide ayuda a EE.UU. para evitar ser juzgado por crímenes de guerra
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Aug 2014

El primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, ha solicitado ayuda a EE.UU. para evitar enfrentarse a cargos de crímenes de guerra por ofensiva en la Franja de Gaza.

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Libya Is Now Officially a Failed State
John Wight – Russia Today, 4 Aug 2014

The Libya that once boasted the highest level of development in Africa, where the standard of education, housing, infrastructure, and health stood as a beacon against free market capitalism; the Libya that helped set up the African Union and invested billions for African unity – this Libya has been destroyed—by the West.

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Ukraine MH17 May Be CIA False Flag and It Ain’t Flying
William Engdahl – Russia Today, 4 Aug 2014

The world has seen all this theatre before. We saw it with the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident during the Vietnam War. We saw it with the CIA-Saudi faked Sarin gas episode in 2013 that brought the world to the brink of a world war. We saw it in the fake Niger uranium yellowcake episode to bully a US Congress into war against Iraq in 2003—the so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction that were never found. Now the world is seeing it again.

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Bolivia Declares Israel ‘Terrorist State’, Scraps Visa Exemption Agreement
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

South America Takes Moral Leadership Away From the Immoral West: 30 Jul 2014 – Bolivia has declared Israel to be a “terrorist state” and renounced a visa exemption agreement with the country in protest over the ongoing Israeli military offense in Gaza which already killed more than 1,300 dead and left over 7,000 wounded.

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BRICS Set Up $100-Bln Bank to Counter West in Global Finance
Today’s Zaman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Leaders of the BRICS emerging market nations launched a $100 billion development bank and a currency reserve pool on Tuesday [15 Jul 2014] in their first concrete step toward reshaping the Western-dominated international financial system.

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Whistleblower: NSA Stores 80% of All Phone Calls, Not Just Metadata – Full Audio
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

“At least 80 percent of fiber-optic cables globally go via the US,” Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80 percent of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.”

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Countries Spending the Most on the Military
Thomas C. Frohlich and Alexander Kent – USA Today, 14 Jul 2014

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the U.S. spent $618 billion on its military last year, more than three times the $171 billion budget of second place China. Based on SIPRI’s 2013 data, these are the countries with the largest military budgets.

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Israel’s SodaStream Closes Main UK Store after 2-Yr Boycott Campaign
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

“The news that SodaStream is closing its main UK store and that John Lewis is taking Soda Stream products off its shelves is a major success for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.”

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Snowden Gets German Fritz Bauer Award for Exposing US Intelligence
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

21 Jun 2014 – Former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden has been awarded the Fritz Bauer Prize of the German Humanist Union, a prominent civil rights organization, for exposing the controversial surveillance practices of the NSA and its accomplices.

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Obama Pledges $1bn for More Troops, Military Drills in Eastern Europe
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

President Obama has announced a plan to invest $1 billion in stepping up its military presence in Eastern Europe amid the Ukrainian crisis. “I cannot think of anything more dangerous in the current circumstances than to have a deployment of UK and US troops alongside Ukrainian troops this summer,” John Rees, British political analyst and national officer at Stop the War Coalition, told RT.

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NATO Troops and Bases Not Welcome In Slovakia and Czech Republic
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Two Eastern European nations, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, have refused to host foreign troops and military bases. The prime ministers of both countries have consecutively spoken against the proposal voiced by US President Barack Obama.

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Read Snowden’s Comments on 9/11 That NBC Didn’t Broadcast
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Only around a quarter of the recent NBC News interview with former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden made it to broadcast, but unaired excerpts now online show that the network neglected to air critical statements about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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Israel to ‘Evict the Dead’ in Bedouin Village Demolished Over 60 Times
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Israel is trying out a new sort of “flexible evictions” in its quest to root out the “illegal” Bedouin village of Al-Araqib, demolished 63 times to date. Now even those buried in the village cemetery are reportedly receiving eviction orders.

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World Protests Monsanto Grip on Food Supply Chain
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 May 2014

Activists on five continents around the globe, comprising of 52 nations, joined the March Against Monsanto on May 24. Peaceful family protests spoke out for the need to protect food supply, health, local farms and environment. Last year over 2 million people in 436 cities in 52 countries worldwide joined the March.

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The Soma Mine Disaster or Privatization Gone Wild in Turkey
Dr. Can Erimtan – Russia Today, 19 May 2014

The mine is owned and operated by Soma Holding A.Ş following its privatization in the 1990s. Turkey’s Minister for Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz expressed his grief: “We are moving toward the worst mining disaster in Turkey but the death toll figures are not important,” as an indication that human costs in search for greater profits are negligible and even inevitable.

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Bankers Killing Bankers for the Insurance Money and another Look at 9/11
Max Keiser – Russia Today, 19 May 2014

It turns out that banks take out life insurance policies on their employees, and those policies pay out death benefits to the banks – not the families. Should we be surprised by this banker-on-banker death scam? After all, wasn’t this what 9/11 was all about?

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Portugal Leaves Bailout Program with 214bn Euro Debt, 4% Lower GDP
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 May 2014

Portugal exited its international bailout program on Saturday [17 May 2014] regaining its economic sovereignty. While many people are struggling with tough austerity measures, a disproportionate amount of people are getting richer and richer. The top 20 percent make six times more than the bottom 20 percent.

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BRICS Building Parallel IMF
Patrick L Young – Russia Today, 5 May 2014

The post war consensus on financing bodies appears to be breaking down as the West clings desperately to the reins of the IMF and World Bank. In exasperation, the BRICS nations are pushing forward with alternative institutions.

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Israel Approved Record 14,000 Settlements during Peace Talks with Palestine – Report
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 May 2014

Israeli settlement watchdog, Peace Now, which issued its report on Tuesday [29 Apr 2014], said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “broke all construction records in the settlements” in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. “This is an unprecedented number representing an average of 50 housing units per day or 1,540 per month,” the left-wing NGO said.

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A Day That Will Live in Infamy: The Day Odessa Citizens Were Savagely Killed
Eric Sommer – Russia Today, 5 May 2014

Yesterday – May 2, 2014 – the day that Kiev radicals supported by the US government attacked and burnt to death civilians in Ukraine, is a day which will live in infamy. Those of us who grew up in the West after WWII believed that supporting anything resembling fascism was unthinkable. The moral degeneration of the US state and its NATO allies since that time is beyond belief.

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US Drone Pilots Are ‘Stressed’ and ‘Demoralized’ – Official Report
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Apr 2014

19 Apr 2014 – The US Government Accountability Office has produced a scathing report detailing the Air Force’s mismanagement of its active-duty drone pilots, who are responsible for the most demanding and deadly missions in the entire US military.

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Real Rwandan Genocide & Brainwashing of the Western Mind
Keith Harmon Snow – Russia Today, 21 Apr 2014

The real coup d’etat has been the brainwashing of the Western mind and psyche, transforming rational discerning individuals into hysterical self-congratulatory humanitarians (sic), unable to separate truth from lie, and certain of their conclusions, no matter how erroneous.

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