Articles by teleSUR

We found 474 results.

Israeli Bulldozers Enter Palestinian Village Khan Al-Ahmar Ahead of Demolition
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2018

16 Oct 2018 – Israeli forces have entered Khan al-Ahmar today, a Palestinian Bedouin village in the occupied West Bank, with heavy equipment and at least three bulldozers. The village with a mere population of 180 people is situated a few kilometers from Jerusalem between two major illegal Israeli settlements, Maale Adumim and Kfar Adumim. At least seven people were injured and four others were detained after resisting Israeli forces arriving in Khan al-Ahmar.

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Israeli PM’s Wife Goes on Trial in Delivery Meals Case
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2018

7 Oct 2018 – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife Sara appeared in court today for the first hearing in the fraud trial against her, in which she is alleged to have misused state funds in ordering catered meals.

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US Expels Palestinian Ambassador, Freezes Family Bank Account
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2018

17 Sep 2018 – The United States, in yet another attempt to force the hand of Palestinians, expelled the Palestinian Ambassador to the U.S. Husam Zomlot. The family’s bank account has also been frozen. This came few days after the U.S. State Department ordered the closure of Palestine Liberation Organization’s embassy in Washington.

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Things to Remember about Chile’s Sept. 11, 1973 Coup
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

Thousands of Chileans were subsequently tortured, disappeared, jailed and killed by the military dictatorship.

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Brazil Home to World’s 3rd Largest Prison Population, Highest Incarceration Rate
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2018

Between 2000 and 2015, while the United States’ prison population increased by 14 percent, Brazil’s jumped by approximately 170 percent.

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Trump Cuts US$25 Million Aid for Palestinians in Hospitals
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

8 Sep 2018 – U.S. President Donald Trump has ordered that US$25 million earmarked for the care of Palestinians in East Jerusalem hospitals be directed elsewhere as part of a review of aid, a State Department official said today.
Trump called for a review of U.S. assistance to the Palestinians earlier this year to ensure that the funds were being spent in accordance with national interests.

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China Offers African Nations $60 Billion in Development with ‘No Strings Attached’
TeleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Sep 2018

3 Sep 2018 – China is offering US$60 billion in financial support and a debt write-off to impoverished African nations- no strings attached, Chinese President Xi Jinping said today.

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Tourism, Democracy and Development in Nicaragua
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

25 Aug 2018 – An interview by Tortilla con Sal with Anasha Campbell, co-director of Nicaragua’s Tourist Institute. Tortilla con Sal: How do you feel about activity in Nicaragua’s tourist sector at the moment? What’s your main focus?

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US Southern Command Begins Joint Military Exercises in Colombia
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

30 Aug 2018 – In Colombia, 13 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Canada, and England participate today in the 58th edition of the joint military exercises known as “Unitas,” raising concern in neighboring Venezuela.

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UN Chief Proposes Armed Peacekeeping Force to Protect Palestinians
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Aug 2018

18 Aug 2018 – Antonio Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations, proposed Friday [17 Aug] a United Nations-led armed international mission to defend Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza from the Israeli army.

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Israel Destroys Cultural Center in Besieged Gaza Strip
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2018

Israeli warplanes targeted and destroyed the Said al-Mishal Cultural Center in the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City Thursday [9 Aug], in a round of airstrikes that according to occupation forces hit 150 targets throughout the besieged Gaza Strip.

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Marxist Economist Samir Amin Dies at 86
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Aug 2018

12 Aug 2018 – Born in Cairo, Egypt, the prominent thinker died today afternoon in France after serious complications following a brain tumor. Amin was hospitalized on 21 Jul and went back home on Saturday [11 Aug].

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Ethiopia: Women Run Co-Ops, UN Collaboration Yields Good Harvest, Rural Savings
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Aug 2018

3 Aug 2018 – The UN Women Representative for Ethiopia, Letty Chiwara, said women-run agricultural co-ops are vital to sustainable farming practices.

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Africa: Revolutionary Intellectuals ‘Inspired by Latin America’
Andre Vitchek – teleSUR, 6 Aug 2018

Africa is bleeding, but slowly waking up, trying to move forward. There is no doubt that the momentum is building.

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Argentina: Over 60 Social Movements Protest US ‘Military Base’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

12 Jul 2018 – In Argentina, political parties, social organizations, human rights groups, workers’ unions and Mapuches led a caravan to the site where a U.S. base will be built to demand respect for Argentina’s territorial sovereignty. “The base comes to fulfill a strategic intelligence objective of the U.S. military that seeks to protect their corporate interests.

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BDS Victory: Ireland Approves Bill Boycotting Israeli Settlement Goods
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

Ireland becomes the first country to ban trade with Israel’s illegal settlements.

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India Rejects US Sanctions, Continues Venezuela, Iran Trade
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jun 2018

India will continue to trade with Venezuela and Iran despite U.S. sanctions, according to an announcement by Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, on Monday [28 May]. “We don’t make our foreign policy under pressure from other countries.”

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Media Cover-up: Shielding Israel a Matter of Policy
Ramzy Baroud – teleSUR, 23 Apr 2018

17 Apr 2018 – Media spin will continue to provide Israel with the needed margins to carry out its violent policies against the Palestinian people, with no moral accountability.

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Lula’s Conviction Turns Brazil into Model of Regional Control
Bruno Sgarzini – teleSUR, 9 Apr 2018

6 Apr 2018 – It is becoming less of a secret that operation Car Wash was brought about under the auspices of the U.S. State and Justice Departments via links with Sergio Moro, the Attorney General’s office and the federal police in charge of the investigation. Its most self-evident result has been to isolate the main political threat to the United States, namely the coalition of politicians – supported by the Workers’ Party – who favored strengthening Brazil’s multinational companies as global competitors. The following categorical example sums this up.

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YouTube Censors Empire Files’ Abby Martin with Max Blumenthal on Israeli Militarism
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Apr 2018

6 Apr 2018 – teleSUR presenter Abby Martin’s episode with Max Blumenthal highlighting Israeli military violence against Palestinians has been blocked by YouTube in 28 countries for supposedly violating “local laws,” the presenter has announced. YouTube sent the program a notice saying “We have received a legal complaint regarding your video.”

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Facebook Deletes Gaza-Based News Agency Safa’s Account Hosting 1.3M Followers
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

26 Mar 2018 – According to a Palestinian activist, this year alone 500 pages of Palestinian journalists, activists and bloggers have been deleted.

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Israel Arrests over 1,300 Palestinians in Just Two Months
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

18 Mar 2018 – Israeli forces have arrested 1,319 Palestinians in the first two months of 2018, including 274 minors, 23 women, and four journalists, making the total number of Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails 6,500, as of Feb. 28, 2018. Of the 6,500 people detained, 63 were women, with 350 being children and 6 being girls.

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US Approves US$1 Billion Arms, Missile Deal with Saudi Arabia
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

22 Mar 2018 – Saudi Arabia bought the almost 7,000 TOW missiles – plus an additional 96 for training purposes – for a total of US$670 million. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Saudi Arabia is “part of the solution” in Yemen. Despite severe criticism, the Saudi coalition continues to be U.S.-supported, targeting Houthis and causing numerous civilian casualties, a humanitarian catastrophe.

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Cuba a ‘Champion’ of Children’s Rights: UNICEF
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Mar 2018

12 Mar 2018 – According to UNICEF, 99.5 percent of Cuban children under six years of age attend an early childhood education program or institution. It has declared Cuba a ‘champion’ in children’s rights.

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From the End of History to the End of Truth
Tortilla Con Sal – teleSUR, 19 Mar 2018

11 Mar 2018 – Big Lie repetition is the modus operandi of the Western elites who fund outfits like Global Witness, Amnesty International, and other influential NGOs like International Crisis Group, Transparency International, Purpose, Open Society Institute, Human Rights Watch, and many others. This sinister reality is intimately related to the politicization of legal and administrative processes in the national life of countries.

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(Français) Une analyse comparative des démocraties étasunienne et cubaine
teleSUR | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Mar 2018

Le peuple cubain élit 612 membres à l’Assemblée nationale du peuple ce dimanche 11 mars. Les élections cubaines sont rarement couvertes par les médias occidentaux, tandis que les détracteurs du système économique de l’île insistent sur la nature non démocratique de son gouvernement.

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Trump-Linked Extremist Settlers Try to Kidnap Palestinian Kids
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

The Yitzhar settlers, who received money from the Kushner foundation directed by Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and senior advisor of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, are considered extreme by Israel itself.

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World’s Richest 1% Acquired 82% of Wealth in 2017: Oxfam
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2018

22 Jan 2018 – Nearly 82 percent of global wealth generated last year went to one percent of the population, while the bottom 50 percent saw no increase at all, according to a new Oxfam report that shows the staggering wealth gap between the ultra-rich and the rest of the world. World’s Richest Accumulated US$1 Trillion in 2017

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Trump Asks Museum for Van Gogh, Gets Offered Used Gold Toilet
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

The Guggenheim’s curator said – tongue firmly in cheek – that a satirical piece entitled “America,” a functioning 18kt solid-gold toilet, was available for “long-term loan.”

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‘Catastrophic’: US Freezes Aid for Palestinian Refugees
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2018

The United States has frozen US$125 million in funding for a U.N. agency that provides aid to Palestinian refugees, Axios news site reported Friday [5 Jan 2017] citing Western diplomats. Many Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon and Jordan stand to suffer as a result of the massive aid cut.

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Social Media Imperialism? Facebook Bans Palestinian Content at Behest of Israel, US
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Servie, 8 Jan 2018

Facebook has been working with Israeli government officials to suppress Palestinian voices in the social media sphere. The partnership between the social media giant and officials in Tel Aviv has resulted in the censorship, removal or blocking of content.

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Contesting Caribbean Subservience in the Age of Trump
Ty Salandy – teleSUR, 8 Jan 2018

There was an overwhelming vote within the UN general assembly against the US unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. 128 members voted against the move, nine voted for, while 35 nations including Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, The Bahamas, Antigua, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama, Mexico and Canada, abstained. Twenty one nations were absent, including St Lucia.

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Child Rapist Joins Brazil’s Congress
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2018

6 Jan 2017 – Nelson Nahim is a politician from Rio de Janeiro who was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2016 for submitting a 15-year-old girl to prostitution, rape and intimidation. The new congressman is affiliated with President Michel Temer’s party.

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Life-Saving Cancer Drug Sees 1400% Price Hike
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2018

The potentially life-saving medicine is used to treat patients suffering from brain tumors and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. While originally sold by Bristol-Myers Squib for decades for about US$50 a capsule, it now goes for US$768 per pill, thanks to startup NextSource’s price hikes.

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1,000 Days of War Bringing ‘Apocalypse’ on Yemen: Oxfam
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Dec 2017

20 Dec 2017 – Yemen is on the brink of total collapse and an “apocalypse,” aid agency Oxfam said in a report today marking 1,000 days since Saudi Arabia and its regional allies began a military campaign against the poorest country in the Middle East. The British group added that one million people are suspected to have contracted cholera, a disease caused by contaminated water, in the world’s worst outbreak ever recorded.

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Income of World’s Top .001% Skyrockets by 636%: Report
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2017

The report, which highlights the growing gulf between haves and have-nots, was compiled by five economists, including scholars Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty.

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Russia to Create ‘Independent Internet’ for BRICS Countries
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Russia plans to create an independent internet infrastructure to reduce vulnerability to attack.

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US Upholds Use of Illegal Cluster Bombs as ‘Legitimate’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – In a press statement, the U.S. Department of Defense defended its use of internationally outlawed cluster bombs because of their alleged importance in warfare.

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Venezuelan Company Lets 55 Tons of Flour Rot
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Nov 2017

21 Nov 2017 – The Productive Workers Union in Venezuela exposed that 55 tons, or 50,000 kilograms, of corn flour were left to rot by the company Demaseca as part of a boycott to damage the country’s economy.

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70 Years of Broken Promises: The Untold Story of Israel’s Partition Plan
Ramzy Baroud - teleSUR, 27 Nov 2017

Thousands of Palestinians were killed in the rebellion as they continued to reject the prejudicial partition.

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Migrants Sold into Slavery in Libya for as Little as US$400
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2017

Libya, which formerly had the highest standard of living on the African continent, is now in ruins and housing a major slave market—thanks to US invasion, destruction of its social fabric and institutions under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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Controversial Monsanto Weed-Killer Banned in Europe: Doesn’t Get Enough EU Votes for Renewal
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017

9 Nov 2017 – A bid to renew a five-year license for Monsanto’s controversial weedkiller Roundup, which has been linked to cancer by the World Health Organization, has been foiled by the European Union. Recent statistics show that traces of the herbicide were found in 45 percent of Europe’s topsoil, 60 percent of grain products in the United Kingdom and in the urine of three-quarters of Germans participating in the research project.

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World Votes to Lift Blockade on Cuba as US, Israel Vote ‘No’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2017

1 Nov 2017 – The U.N. General Assembly has voted 191 to 2 for the lifting of the U.S. blockade on Cuba as the United States and Israel were the only countries to vote against. Delegate after delegate called for the end of the blockade, highlighting the progressive and positive role Cuba plays in the international community.

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As ISIS Flees, Syrian Troops Find Arms Cache from US, NATO
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2017

24 Oct 2017 – The Syrian Armed Forces have discovered a large cache of military arsenal from Western countries left behind by the Islamic State group as its forces fled the city of al-Mayadin. “We have encountered a huge arsenal of advanced U.S., British and Belgian weaponry,” said Syrian General Hasan Suhel.

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New Report Reveals Damning Details of Palestinian Minors Held in Israeli Detention
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2017

25 Oct 2017 – A new report by Israeli NGOs B’tselem and HaMoked, released today, reveals the damning details of Israeli mistreatment of detained Palestinian minors in occupied East Jerusalem. It found that Israel does not act in accordance with the law when interrogating and arresting children. “These teenagers are taken into custody in the middle of the night from their bedrooms and handcuffed,” the report spells. “They are interrogated without proper access to a lawyer or their parents, so that they do not fully understand their rights.”

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International Support for Iran as IAEA Insists Tehran Stuck to Nuclear Deal
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Oct 2017

13 Oct 2017 – In response to the U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to decertify the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Tehran, the International Atomic Energy Agency has confirmed that Iran adhered to the nuclear deal.

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Unmasking Columbus
Earl Bousquet – teleSUR, 16 Oct 2017

The path opened by Columbus to “The Americas” led to territories being conquered and claimed, stolen and shared by the Europeans.

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Remembering Che Guevara 50 Years after His Assassination on 9 Oct 1967
James Cockcroft – teleSUR, 9 Oct 2017

In light of a recent upsurge in denunciations of Che and the Cuban Revolution, it is important to separate fact from fiction.

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Myanmar Says Refugees Must Prove Residency to Return Home
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2017

It remains unclear where the Rohingya would go if they did return, since many of their villages have been burnt to the ground.

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Haiti’s UN Mission Ends after 13 Years of Occupation
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2017

One of the longest-running U.N. peacekeeping missions has been implicated in a child sex ring and a cholera outbreak in Haiti.

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We Will Continue to Protect Assange as His Life Is Still Under Threat: Moreno
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Oct 2017

25 Sep 2017 – Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno said that the South American country would continue to provide asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. He implied that there are looming threats to Assange’s life.

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US Inaugurates Its First Military Base in Israel
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Sep 2017

The new base adds to the U.S. garrison of the world, which accounts for some 800 military bases on soil other than its own.

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Water Supplies Run Dry near Coca-Cola Bottling Plant in Mexico
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Sep 2017

17 Sep 2017 – A Coca-Cola plant is said to be taking up copious amounts of water to manufacture its signature soda, in turn, drying up the wells in southern Mexico. The Mexican FEMSA-run bottling company operating the plant is said to have consumed at least 1.08 million liters of water per day in 2016.

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Venezuela Reports Oil Prices in Chinese Currency, Shunning the ‘Tyranny of the Dollar’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Sep 2017

Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, began on Friday [15 Sep] to report its crude oil prices in the Chinese Yuan following the imposition of U.S. sanctions, bucking the oil market norm of pricing in the U.S dollar.

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41M Affected by South Asia Floods, but Who Knows about It?
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2017

The flooding and landslides have swept Bangladesh, India and Nepal for weeks, killing over 1,200 people.

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After 30 Years, Gazans Go to the Movies for One Night Only
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2017

The film which debuted Saturday [26 Aug] at the Samer Cinema was shot in Gaza with a team of volunteer actors.

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Work Begins Soon to Bring Haiti into ‘Silk Road’ after China Invests US$30 Billion to Develop Infrastructure
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2017

“Silk Road” work is expected to begin December on projects for clean water, sanitation, public bathrooms, electricity, communications, and more to Port-au-Prince.

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How Women Were at the Helm of the Black Panther Party
Manmeet Sahni – teleSUR, 28 Aug 2017

25 Aug 2017 – When one looks back at the revolutionary Black Panther Party, one envisions iconic Black male leaders sporting black berets and leather coats. We talked with Mary Phillips, one of the founding members of the Intersectional Black Panther Party History Project.

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How Capitalist Banks Are Creating the Next Financial Crisis
Jack Rasmus – teleSUR, 21 Aug 2017

The Fed is on the verge of another major disastrous monetary policy shift and experiment. Anyone want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? I think they’re also trying to sell that as well.

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US and UK Ally Saudi Arabia Moves to Behead 14 for Participating In Anti-Government Protests
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Aug 2017

26 Jul 2017 – Saudi Arabia, the Gulf kingdom ruled by an absolute monarchy, and key United States ally, is planning to behead 14 men for participating in anti-government protests after what Amnesty international called a “grossly unfair mass trial.” The condemned includes a young student named Mujtaba al-Suweyket, who was only 17 at the time of his sentencing and was about to study in a U.S. university.

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Illegal Settlement Activity in Occupied Palestine Triple in First Half of 2017: Report
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Aug 2017

Israeli occupation authorities have escalated the illegal plunder of land belonging to the Palestinian people, defying international opinion.

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What Mainstream Media Got Wrong about Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly Vote
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

Venezuelans voted Sunday [30 Jul 2017] for representatives of the National Constituent Assembly, amid what the government has called a targeted media campaign to destabilize the country and destroy its sovereignty. International media outlets rushed to discredit the vote, sharing grossly misrepresentative accounts of the historic electoral process.

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CIA’s ‘Dumbo’ Hacks PC Cameras, Microphones, Files: WikiLeaks
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2017

3 Aug 2017 – In a press release published today, WikiLeaks revealed the CIA’s hacking tool, ‘Dumbo,’ which allows agents to manipulate Microsoft Window’s webcams, microphones, and other devices from thousands of miles away. The whistleblower organization published everything in the Field Guide to the User’s Manual of the CIA’s hacking system.

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Buying a Slave: The Hidden World of US/Philippines Trafficking (Part 1)
Abby Martin | Empire Files - teleSUR, 31 Jul 2017

Human trafficking is a hidden industry that brings in $150 billion in illegal profits every year. In the United States, tens of thousands are trafficked annually—the biggest clients being major hotel chains and foreign diplomats. The Philippines is one of the largest labor exporters in the world. 6,000 Filipinos—mostly women—leave the country every single day to work, because of mass unemployment and poverty. Tricked by placement agencies, thousands end up living as virtual slaves.

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Buying a Slave: The Roots of the Philippines Trafficking Epidemic (Part 2)
Abby Martin | Empire Files – teleSUR, 31 Jul 2017

In this sequel to the report on trafficked Filipina domestic workers, Damayan’s Linda Oalican provides a deeper context to the epidemic of human trafficking by guiding us through the history of colonialism, resistance and US domination of the islands. From the centuries of Spanish rule and decades of US brutality, through the evisceration of the Philippine economy, this episode is a must-watch primer on why human beings are now the nation’s top export.

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Shedding Legal Light on the Gaza Electricity Crisis
Julie Webb-Pullman – teleSUR, 31 Jul 2017

30 Jul 2017 – Israel is the main supplier of electricity and fuel to the Gaza Strip, Palestine. The bowing of Israeli occupation authorities to the request of the Palestinian Authority to further reduce energy supplies does not exonerate them.

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777,000 Tons of Radioactive Waste to Be Dumped in Pacific
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jul 2017

16 Jul 2017 – Approximately 580 barrels of radioactive water is to be released into the Pacific Ocean, according to the head of the company responsible for the Fukushima clean-up operation.

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Operation Condor: US, Latin American Slaughter, Torture Program
Edward Rhymes – teleSUR, 26 Jun 2017

The United States was a major backer of the military dictatorships during the 1970s that overthrew some Latin American democracies. [From TMS Editor: I was tortured after Brazil’s 1964 CIA military coup with electric shocks to my limbs, genitals as Operation Condor ravaged Latin America in my 20’s. For the record.]

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US Criticized for Using Skin-Melting White Phosphorous: HRW
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jun 2017

14 Jun 2017 – The United States-led coalition in Iraq and Syria is facing heavy criticism for its use of white phosphorous, an incendiary chemical that ignites on contact with atmospheric oxygen, causing severe and mortal burns to those affected.

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Saudi Warplanes Strike Yemen Hospital amid Cholera Epidemic
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2017

Saudi warplanes struck a health facility in Northwest Yemen treating patients for cholera Saturday [3 Jun] night. The WHO announced Friday that nearly 73,700 people have been affected by Yemen’s cholera epidemic.

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Russia Encircled by Hostile NATO States: Arms Control Expert
Rick Sterling – teleSUR, 5 Jun 2017

27 May 2017 – Vladimir Kozin is an arms control specialist and a member of the Russian Academy of Military Science who has worked on arms control issues since the 1970s. Kozin said that Russians see themselves being encircled by NATO. Of the 16 countries bordering Russia, eight have anti-Russia sentiments. He noted that the U.S. military budget is 12 times greater than that of Russia and increasing. He said that it is a “fairy tale” that Russia interfered in the U.S. election.

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Private Clinics in Ecuador Exposed as Gay ‘Conversion Clinics’
Marion Deschamps – teleSUR, 5 Jun 2017

Between 200 and 350 private clinics pose as drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in the country but instead operate to abuse and torture homosexuals.

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Will There Be a Silk Road to South America?
Earl Bousquet – teleSUR, 5 Jun 2017

China’s President Xi pledged in 2016 to double bilateral trade between China and Latin America to US$500 billion.

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Julian Assange Claims Victory after Sweden Drops Rape Investigation
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 May 2017

Swedish prosecutors dropped the rape investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Friday [19 May], saying the investigation had not been able to proceed because of legal obstacles. Assange vowed that WikiLeaks would continue publishing.

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New Convention Targets Illicit Trade in Artifacts from War Zones
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 May 2017

An international convention targeting the illicit trade in cultural artifacts took effect on Friday [19 May 2017]; a move to curb what is regarded as a major source of funding to militant groups in conflict zones. The treaty aims to close loopholes and enable more effective cross-border cooperation in investigating, prosecuting and sentencing persons.

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Who Is Behind the State Department’s Coup Plot in Venezuela?
Misión Verdad – teleSUR, 1 May 2017

Creating a distorted image of the humanitarian crisis is the starting point. Painting a picture of a country on the verge of collapse is the alibi.

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Over 1,000 Palestinian Prisoners Launch Mass Hunger Strike
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

On Palestinian Prisoner’s Day Monday [17 Apr 2017], hundreds of Palestinians in Israeli prisons are staging a mass hunger strike, continuing the decades-long resistance of prisoners in the apartheid state. “Salutes of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. Glory to the martyrs. Freedom for the prisoners of freedom,” stated the PFLP in support of the strikers.

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‘The Kurds’: Internationalists or Narrow Nationalists?
Marcel Cartier - teleSUR, 24 Apr 2017

Any imperialist plan for a “Greater Kurdistan” is incompatible with the ideology Democratic Self-Administration in Northern Syria.

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Israel Cracks the Whip on Hunger-Striking Palestinian Prisoners
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

The Palestinian Committee of Prisoners’ Affairs released a statement Monday [17 Apr] saying that Israeli Prison Service officials have forcibly moved hunger-striking prisoners to different sections of Israeli jails, confiscated their clothes and personal belongings and prevented lawyers and family members from visiting them in jail. Some Israeli leaders are calling for a more blood-soaked crackdown, calling on the state to execute many of the prisoners.

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Brazil’s Temer Confesses Rousseff’s Impeachment Was Revenge
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

Brazil’s Senate-imposed President Michel Temer admitted Sunday [16 Apr 2017] in a TV interview that the former head of the lower chamber, Eduardo Cunha, opened the impeachment process against former President Dilma Rousseff because her party did not protect him from an investigation over corruption charges.

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How the Refugee Crisis Is Dealing another Blow to Europe’s Roma
Julija Sardelic and Aidan McGarry - teleSUR, 17 Apr 2017

Romani minorities like Manouche, Kale and Sinti have lived in Europe since the 14th century when they arrived from India, and have been in Europe often for as long as majority populations. You will find Roma in every European country. There are some 10-12 million Romani people on the continent and they often suffer from socio-economic marginalization. They are singled out as unwanted foreigners and deemed perpetual migrants and outsiders.

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The Exclusion and Structural Discrimination of Roma in Europe
Szilvia Rezmuves, Isak Skenderi & Violeta Vajda – teleSUR, 10 Apr 2017

8 Apr 2017 – We have recently seen an explosion of books, articles and reference papers finally naming the oppression of Roma as an externally constructed phenomenon, based on exclusion and structural discrimination. For International Roma Day, three writers reflect on how Roma slave labour helped build Europe’s prosperity and its legacy.

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Argentina Set to Drop US$2 Billion for Largest Weapons Acquisition since Malvinas War
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2017

28 Mar 2017 – [Rightwing] Argentinean President Mauricio Macri is poised to dole out US$2 billion in large military equipment from the United States in what will be the biggest weapons acquisition since the country’s Malvinas War in the 1980s.

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Cambodia Rejects US War Debt, Slams US Imperial Brutality
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2017

21 Mar 2017 – Following the United States’ renewed insistence that Cambodia pay back its alleged “war debts,” fury across Cambodia has been widespread. “We should raise our voices to talk about the issue of the country that has invaded other (countries) and has killed children,” said Cambodia’s prime minister. $38 Billion for Israel, but not $274 Million for Cambodia.

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After Creating Haiti’s Cholera Crisis, UN Can Barely Fight It
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2017

20 Mar 2017 – It was seven years ago when the outbreak first began. Haiti’s cholera outbreak has ravaged hundreds of thousands of lives — killing nearly 10,000 and sickening nearly 800,000 more. After years of dodging responsibility, the U.N. is now struggling to help fight the health scourge it created.

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Brazil: Temer Hikes Military Budget After Axing Social Spending
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2017

Brazilian President Michel Temer has hiked the country’s military budget by 36 percent, local media reported Monday [13 Mar], just months after he pushed the approval of a controversial constitutional amendment to freeze public spending in the country for the next two decades. The move will hike military spending back up above education funding after Dilma Rousseff’s government pared back the defense budget.

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Monsanto Accused of Using Ghostwriters to Cover up Cancer Risk
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2017

16 Mar 2017 – Agrochemical giant Monsanto used ghostwriters on scientific reports to cover up the risk of cancer from its flagship weedkiller Roundup, plaintiffs in a case in a U.S. Federal Court claimed in a lawsuit. Roundup has already been deemed a cancer risk by the World Health Organization.

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China Releases Human Rights Report on US: ‘Terrible Problems’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2017

On Thursday [9 Mar 2017], China’s State Council Information Office released a human rights report on the U.S., noting that while that country continues to act as “the judge of human rights” it continues to ignore its own “terrible problems:” the colonial history, enslavement, segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality.

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Lynne Stewart, Lifelong Fighter and People’s Lawyer, Dies
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2017

Lynne Stewart, originally sentenced to 28 months in prison, was resentenced on July 10, 2010, to 10 years but continued to fight a government frame-up. After suffering a major stroke on March 1, she died Tuesday [7 Mar] evening at home, after being granted a compassionate release from prison three years ago due to fourth-stage breast cancer.

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ALBA Summit Begins, Honors Hugo Chavez’s Revolutionary Legacy
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2017

5 Mar 2017 – On the four-year death anniversary of “El Commandante” Chavez, ALBA leaders sung high praises for their former comrade ahead of the 14th Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Trade Treaty of the Peoples, also known as ALBA-TCP.

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US Teen Pioneers as 1st Openly Gay Football Scholarship Recruit
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2017

“I just don’t see how I could be living an honest, truthful life and have that in the background,” said My-King Johnson.

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Amnesty International’s Kangaroo Report on Syria
Rick Sterling – teleSUR, 20 Feb 2017

The report’s conclusions are not based on primary sources, material evidence or their own staff; they are solely based on the claims of anonymous individuals.

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China and Trumpism: The Political Contradictions of Global Capitalism
William I. Robinson - teleSUR, 20 Feb 2017

14 Feb 2017 – When China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, warned last December that a U.S. trade war against China would result in disaster for the United States, it was no idle threat. As U.S. hegemony declines and Chinese hegemony possibly rises, it is clear that the political scaffolding of world capitalism is hopelessly outdated.

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Socialist Cuba, China Begin New Era of Internationalist Cinema
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2017

China is currently Cuba’s second largest trading partner after Venezuela, with bilateral trade surpassing US$750 million, according to the Financial Times. China has also exported goods and resources to Cuba that have allowed the socialist island to rehaul its transportation infrastructure, including the addition of energy-efficient public buses that run on electricity.

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Colombian Companies Charged with Crimes against Humanity
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2017

For the first time, private companies were charged with crimes against humanity as part of the transitional justice system.

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Helping Refugees Also Means Stopping the Wars Which Make Them
Max Ajl - teleSUR, 30 Jan 2017

Trump, it seems, will not ban all Muslims. He’ll only ban Muslims whose countries and homes we are bombing.

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[Obscene, Pornographic] World’s Richest 8–All Men–as Wealthy as Half of Humanity: Oxfam
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2017

The world will have its first trillionaire in only 25 years, the organization found. Just eight individuals, all men, own as much wealth as half of the world’s population, Oxfam said Sunday [15 Jan] night, slamming the rich for fueling global inequality by dodging taxes, driving down wages and using their power to influence politics.

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Finland Becomes First Country to Provide Citizens Basic Income
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

Finland kicked off its basic income program Monday [2 Jan], giving US$587 per month to 2,000 of its citizens, an amount that – if extended to the entire adult population – will be guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status.

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Assange ‘1,000%’ Sure Russia Wasn’t Source of US Election Leaks
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

Julian Assange argued that the debate about Russian influence on the U.S. election is an attempt to delegitimize Trump.

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The World Must Learn from Cuba
Joe Emersberger - teleSUR, 9 Jan 2017

On the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, why has the small Caribbean nation outperformed many capitalist democracies in key ways despite fifty years of blockade, attacks, sanctions, injustices?

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