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Jakob Von Uexküll and the World Future Council
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

14 Apr 2016 – In a recent speech to the World Future Council, the distinguished writer, philanthropist, activist and former politician Jacob von Uexküll outlined the future dangers facing our world with an accuracy and eloquence that has seldom been equaled. Besides being a former member of the European Parliament and a leader of the German Green Party, von Uexküll himself founded both the Right Livelihood Award (sometimes called the Alternative Nobel Prize) and the World Future Council.

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(Castellano) Armagedón
José María Lopera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

No puedo sentir paz mientras que matan
a niños inocentes
y a mujeres y hombres desvalidos
en guerras genocidas
con crueles armas que la ciencia inventa.

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They Would Call Me an ‘Extremist’: Why I Don’t Celebrate Or Send Anyone Any New Year’s Greetings
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

A Hindu-Buddhist New Year Note – Though a Burmese from Mandalay , Burma’s most popular site for the Thin Gyan or water throwing new year festival, I do not celebrate the New Year–because my country that likes to call itself “Buddhist” is committing a slow genocide against the Muslim Rohingya stigmatizing them as “Bengali”.

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Singapore Family Feud
The Wall Street Journal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

The city-state’s reputation for meritocracy comes under attack from an unexpected source.

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The Zombie Doctrine
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Crisis after crisis is being caused by a failed ideology. But it cannot be stopped without a coherent alternative. So pervasive has neoliberalism become that we seldom even recognise it as an ideology. We appear to accept the proposition that this utopian, millenarian faith describes a neutral force; a kind of biological law, like Darwin’s theory of evolution.

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Rothschild Bank Now under Criminal Investigation after Baron David de Rothschild Indictment
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Last year, Baron David de Rothschild was indicted by the French government after he was accused of fraud in a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of money from British pensioners. It has taken many years to bring this case against Rothschild and his company the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of pensioners in a bogus loan scheme between the years of 2005 and 2008.

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Reversing the Anthem of Europe to Signal Distress
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Transcending Crises of Governance via Reverse Music and Reverse Speech? Despite antipathy to the demonic, the extent of “demonisation” of those who fail to “sing from the same hymn sheet” is widely evident — most notably between political factions variously proposing alternative strategies. With respect to any anthem, “hymn sheet” may then be an especially inappropriate metaphor.

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(Italiano) Sul referendum del 17 aprile 2016 da Aosta, Italy
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Ora a te lettrice e a te lettore, dopo la lettura della sitografia che segue e che avevo promessa alle mie compagne e ai miei compagni attivisti, chiedo con una citazione lieve
” … damme ‘na mano a faje di’ de SI “

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(Português) Baleias do Sea World: Fim ou Meios?
Carol Zerbato - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 18 Apr 2016

Assim, aos ativistas que lutam pelo fim do cativeiro de cetáceos como eu, resta lamentar. Porque as últimas notícias não são o fim do Sea World. São só os meios que o parque encontrou de se agarrar na borda para não morrer afogado.

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Ground Zero Is Everywhere
Winslow Myers, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

As President Obama convened an international conference to discuss the sequester of fissile materials against terrorists, he has also quietly agreed to an obscenely expensive long-term renewal of U.S. nuclear weapons systems. Setting an example demands that citizens become more engaged with foreign policy, acknowledge that there is good and evil in all of us, and bear the truth that ground zero is everywhere on one small planet.

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Obama’s Trillion-Dollar Nuclear-Arms Train Wreck
Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!, 18 Apr 2016

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” These were the words from the Hindu religious text, the Bhagavad-gita, which flashed through the mind of the creator of the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, as the first nuclear explosion lit up the dark desert sky in New Mexico on July 16, 1945.

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Migration Crisis Infographic: The 95,000 Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum in Europe in 2015
Safya Khan-Ruf, Maeve McClenaghan, Gemma Newby and Eilidh Urquhart – The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 18 Apr 2016

The numbers and their voices can be read and heard by clicking on the image for our unique infographic below.

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Glenn Greenwald Interviews Brazil’s Ex-President Lula
The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

11 Apr 2016 – Glenn Greenwald sat down with Brazil’s ex-President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva to discuss the corruption scandal that has engulfed Lula’s Worker’s Party, or PT, and Brazil’s current President Dilma Rousseff.

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Ending Human Violence Is a Task for Each of Us
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Do you think that ending human violence is impossible? Do you believe that even aiming to do so is unrealistic? Well, you might be right. But you might also be interested to know that there are a lot of people around the world who are committed to trying. And, if you think the aim is worthwhile, you could be one of them.

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Veterans: A Battle with Pain (Part I)
Mark Brunswick and Brian Peterson - Star Tribune, 11 Apr 2016

VA doctors freely handed out pain medications to veterans for years. Then they stopped. The results have sometimes turned tragic. Almost 60 percent of veterans list chronic pain as their most common medical problem. Initial solution: a powerful but potentially addictive class of drugs known as opioids.

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Veterans: A Battle with Pain (Part II)
Mark Brunswick and Brian Peterson - Star Tribune, 11 Apr 2016

VA kicks vets off pain meds in favor of alternatives like yoga and acupuncture, but it’s not keeping up with the desperate demand. Few dispute that the VA had a painkiller problem. Prescriptions for narcotics such as oxycodone and methadone had tripled nationally in the 11 years before the VA realized it had created a crisis of drug dependency among veterans.

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WikiLeaks: US Government, Soros Funded Panama Papers to Attack Putin
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

7 Apr 2016 – Washington is behind the recently released offshore revelations known as the Panama Papers, WikiLeaks has claimed, saying that the attack was “produced” to target Russia and President Putin.

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Six-Year Anniversary of WikiLeaks Collateral Murder: A Celebration of Free Speech – 5 April 2010
Nozomi Hayase – Common Dreams, 11 Apr 2016

Brazilian educator Paulo Freire described two types of words as two opposing forces. “Human existence cannot be silent,” he wrote. “Nor can it be nourished by false words, but only by true words, with which men transform the world” The video opened with a quote from George Orwell; “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind”.

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L.A. Activists Want to Bring Surveillance Conversation Down to Earth
Jenna McLaughlin – The Intercept, 11 Apr 2016

The LAPD uses big data for “predictive policing,” street cameras with highly accurate facial recognition capabilities, Stingrays, and DRT boxes — which imitate cellphone towers to track nearby phones or jam signals — automatic license plate readers, body cameras, and drones. “How many different ways are our bodies being constantly tracked, traced, and monitored, not just online?”

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‘Who’s Funding This?’ CIA & MI5 Whistleblowers Question Credibility of Panama Papers Coverage
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

7 Apr 2016 – While neither Vladimir Putin nor any members of his family were mentioned in the Panama Papers leak [more like a hack], most Western media chose to break the story with the Russian president’s photo. Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer, said that the fact that the Western media has been using Putin as the “face” of the Panama Papers leak can be easily explained by looking at the people and organizations behind these news outlets.

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Spies and Shadowy Allies Lurk in Secret with Help from Offshore Firm
Will Fitzgibbon - The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-ICIJ, 11 Apr 2016

Firm helps CIA operatives and other characters — real or fanciful — from the world of espionage set up offshore companies to obscure their dealings.
• Spy chiefs, secret agents and alleged CIA contractors among those to use offshore companies
• Secret agents used offshore companies to, among other things, own golf courses
• Octopussy, Goldfinger, SkyFall, GoldenEye, Moonraker among offshore company names used by Mossack Fonseca

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This Hacker Rigged Elections in 9 Latin American Countries
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Andres Sepulveda hacked and spied in elections in Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela.

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(Français) L’État islamique est (aussi) un business
Raf Custers, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Comment étrangler les revenus de l’Etat Islamique (EI) ? Depuis l’automne 2015 la question semble être à l’avant-plan des stratèges et des médias en Occident. Mais les faits, têtus, n’entrent pas dans les rangs. Comme souvent, les contrebandiers d’affaires échappent à l’attention.

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Chomsky and Pilger Back teleSUR Against Macri’s Attack in Argentina
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

8 Apr 2016 – Dozens of journalists, academics and activists – including Noam Chomsky, Danny Glover, John Pilger and Cindy Sheehan –have signed a petition against the right-wing government of Argentina’s Mauricio Macri and his attempts to close the teleSUR office, effectively shutting down one of the only alternative voices in Argentina’s largely corporate media landscape.

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(Português) Dez lições da múltipla crise brasileira
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

10 abril 2016 – Toda crise acrisola, purifica e faz madurar. Que lições podemos tirar dela? Elenco algumas.

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Nonviolent BDS Should Be Welcomed, Not Condemned
Ramzy Baroud – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

6 Apr 20126 – A thousand Israelis and their supporters gathered in Jerusalem’s International Convention Center on March 28 at a conference aimed at combating the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). The conference was a display of “fear, paranoia, anger and determination,” as described by Antony Loewenstein,

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The Case of Soldier A
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Under Israeli army orders, soldiers are not allowed to kill enemy attackers once they no longer constitute a danger. On the other hand, many politicians and army officers believe that “a terrorist should not be allowed to stay alive” after an attack. This was an informal order by the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir (himself an outstanding former terrorist).

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The Drugs That Built a Super Soldier
Lukasz Kamienski – The Atlantic, 11 Apr 2016

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military plied its servicemen with speed, steroids, and painkillers to help them handle extended combat. If drugs are given while the stressor is still being experienced, they will arrest or supercede the development of effective coping mechanisms, resulting in an increase in the long-term trauma from the stress. What happened in Vietnam is the moral equivalent of giving a soldier a local anesthetic for a gunshot wound and then sending him back into combat.

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Zika Mystery Deepens with Evidence of Nerve Cell Infections
Julie Steenhuysen, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

6 Apr 2016 – Top Zika investigators now believe that the birth defect microcephaly and the paralyzing Guillain-Barre syndrome may be just the most obvious maladies caused by the mosquito-borne virus. Fueling that suspicion are recent discoveries of serious brain and spinal cord infections – including encephalitis, meningitis and myelitis – in people exposed to Zika.

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CIA Photographed Detainees Naked and Bound Before Extraditing Them for Torture
Nika Knight – Common Dreams, 11 Apr 2016

‘Stripping suspects, taking humiliating photographs of them, sending them around the world into the hands of torturers: these sound like the actions of a crazed dictatorship.’

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(Português) Estudar na universidade é um sonho tornado realidade para cada vez mais ciganos em Portugal
Susana Venceslau, André Kosters e Pedro Martins, Lusa – Sapo24, 11 Apr 2016

8 abr 2016 – Ser cigano e estudante universitário é uma realidade que começa a ser cada vez mais frequente, como José e Francisco, dois ciganos em busca do mesmo sonho, mas sem perderem a identidade que os une.

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(Italiano) La Cina Sta Gia’ Vivendo Nel 2020
Pepe Escobar – Come Don Chisciotte, 11 Apr 2016

Come una classica economia programmata, di un governo di stampo comunista, la Cina prepara un nuovo “piano quinquennale”. Quest’ultimo mira a rendere lo stato non solo la fabbrica del mondo, ma anche il principale bacino di innovazione tecnologica.

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In Israel, BDS Is Winning
Mairav Zonszein - +972 Mazazine, 11 Apr 2016

The first ever anti-BDS conference in Israel brought together politicians of all stripes to show their commitment to the fight against boycotts. In doing so, however, they showed just how effective the boycott movement really is.

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Nuclear Insecurity
Mel Gurtov, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Mel Gurtov has been a nuclear analyst since his early days for the RAND corporation when he and Daniel Ellsberg worked together. Dr. Gurtov’s expertise–and anyone who studies these issues in depth–was affronted by President Obama’s patently false claims in his recent op-ed message in the Washington Post.

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Jose Maria Lopera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

I cannot feel peace while
genocidal wars kill
innocent children,
helpless men and women
with the cruel weapons of science

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Challenging Questions of Global Significance from the Young
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Can Satisfactory Answers Be Found for Savvy Kids?
Possible questions to be anticipated?
Questions about questions from the young in heart?
Potential sources of questions from the young?
Sustaining the quest for sustainable answers?
Beyond the answer economy?

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(Italian) Come dovremmo trattarci vicendevolmente?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Ritiro del premio di Costruttore di Comunità Gandhi-King-Ikeda – Atlanta, 31.03.2016

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Ovarian Cancer Victims Win Talcum Powder Lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson
Richard Smallteacher, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

4 Apr 2016 – Johnson & Johnson has been sued by over 1,200 women who blame the company’s talcum powder products for their ovarian cancer. Not only are U.S. courts beginning to agree with them, juries have started to award victims millions of dollars in compensation.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Apr 11-17 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” – Mark Twain

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Leftist Multi-Issue Activism: Possible Ideas for Going Forward
Various Authors ,Toward Freedom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

We the signers of “Some Possible Ideas for Going Forward” think one high priority for progress is activists developing, discussing, and settling on priorities around which to organize multi issue activism in coming months and years. We hope this document can help inspire more conversations within groups and movements that, over time, come to a synthesis.

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Imperialism, Political Corruption and the Real Face of Capitalism
Andre Damon, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

The “Panama Papers” claimed its first casualty Tuesday [5 Apr 2016], when Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson was forced to resign. Mossack Fonseca, the Panamanian legal firm at the heart of the scandal, made millions helping politicians and the super-rich evade taxation. They have exposed the criminality that pervades the financial elite and its political representatives.

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One Humanity, One State: An Interview With Mazin Qumsiyeh
Liza Burr, Women Against Military Madness – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Qumsiyeh analyzed the regional and international context of the Palestinian-Israeli situation as orchestrated by “an elite group of people who are promoting conflicts to benefit themselves” financially.

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Iran and Russia Join the Global Alliance to Preserve Syria’s Endangered Heritage
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

8 Apr 2016 – The Islamic Republic of Iran announced this week that it is ready to take part in the restoration of archeological monuments damaged or destroyed by ISIS terrorists in Palmyra (Tadmor), which was named one of the six UN World Heritage Sites in Syria in 1980.

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(Italiano) In che direzione andiamo?
Martin Luther King Jr. – Znet Italy, 11 Apr 2016

Brani tratti dal discorso di King “Dove andiamo da qui?,” fatto ad Atlanta, Georgia, il 16 agosto 1967 alla 11a Convention Annuale della SCLC – Southern Christian Leadership Conference – (un’organizzazione statunitense per i diritti civi).

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(Português) As “invasões bárbaras” ao espelho de nós mesmos
Paulo Mendes Pinto – Público, 11 Apr 2016

As populações não são estáticas. Movem-se. E na Europa sempre foi assim.

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April: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 11 Apr 2016

April 10, 1963 – In the past, eight nuclear submarines, six of them Soviet/Russian and the other two American, have sunk with dozens of nuclear ballistic missiles also lost at sea. Some of the nuclear reactors and warheads in these and other military vessels or aircraft lost at sea are leaking highly radioactive toxins affecting flora, fauna, and the health and well-being of millions of people.

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(Português) Caminhos
Eliza Rei - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 11 Apr 2016

E assim o caminho para a morte se expande e se definha, se refina e se embrutece, o mundo se torna um matadouro a céu aberto, exalando odor de coisas, não de seres, elevando mais vapor de sangue, menos de água, explodindo uma atmosfera doente, intoxicada por uma ética degradante, decadente, se é que existente.

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‘Corruption’ as a Propaganda Weapon
Robert Parry – Consortium News, 11 Apr 2016

Mainstream U.S. journalism and propaganda are getting hard to tell apart, as with the flurry of “corruption” stories aimed at Russia’s Putin and other demonized foreign leaders.

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(Castellano) Un drama de larga historia en el aún corto siglo XXI
Carta de la Paz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

En primer lugar, aseveramos que no es posible entender una política que sólo hable de hechos tristes y vergonzosos, sin al mismo tiempo esforzarse por poner remedio a las causas que lo producen. Afirmamos rotundamente que es necesario poner fin a las guerras causantes de esos más de 60 millones de personas en busca de refugio, vagabundeando por las tierras y las aguas del mundo.

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The War on Savings: The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

In an April 3 article titled “Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% From Panama Leak,” UK blogger Craig Murray writes that the whistleblower no doubt had good intentions; but he made the mistake of leaking his 11.5 million documents to the corporate-controlled Western media, which released only those few documents incriminating opponents of Western financial interests.

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Gandhi’s Salt: How a Fistful of Mud and Seawater Shook the British Empire
Rivera Sun, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

On April 6th, 1930 at 6:30 a.m. after morning prayers, Mohandas K. Gandhi raised a lump of salty mud and declared, “With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire.” Salt was an unexpected choice for the revolutionary nonviolent movement.

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(Français) Evaluation critique de la Cour Pénale Internationale (1998 – 2002 – 2016)
Robert Charvin, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Dans un monde non consensuel où l’Occident et ses alliés « communient exclusivement dans les valeurs du marché et les droits de l’homme » civils et politiques en oubliant toujours le social et aspirent à un fédéralisme universel, une authentique justice criminelle internationale demeure une utopie difficilement accessible.

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All About That Bass (Music Video of the Week)
PostmodernJukebox – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

The incredibly talented young performer is Kate Davis, and she’s the real deal. Not only does she possesses the kind of voice that will take you back to the days of Billie Holiday, she can also shred on the upright bass.

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Romance of Names – Their Environmental and Religious Significance
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

What’s in a name? “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, Shakespeare had written in the play Romeo and Juliet.

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Some Books and Articles on Peace
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Check them out please.

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Remembering Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

I believe in the Irish people, in people everywhere, that we have a great future when we work together as the human family teaching our children not violence but the nonkilling/nonviolence of our great spiritual traditions and offering them the models of peacemakers such as St. Patrick who in his writings said that ‘killing cannot be with Christ,’ thereby rejecting ‘armed struggles’ militarism and war.

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Defenders of Freedom: Why Anarchism Is Misunderstood
Greg Guma – Toward Freedom, 11 Apr 2016

Anarchists have been tarred for a century as subversives, bomb-throwers, terrorists; deluded utopians at best. But no “ism” is more misunderstood, purposely distorted or entwined with America’s traditions of self-government and free speech.

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The US Just Declared Russia a Greater Threat than ISIS — Paving the Way for Deadly Perpetual War
Matt Agorist, Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

“Certainly, we have talked for a long time about China and China plays an important role as the enemy of choice for the U.S. military. But Russia is ideal in part, because we don’t import a lot of things from Russia, in part because we don’t have the debt relationship with Russia that we do with China. So, Russia makes for a very convenient enemy for the Pentagon in terms of its mission, its budgeting, and its intelligence organization.”

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Vatican to Host First-Ever Conference to Reevaluate Just War Theory, Justifications for Violence
Joshua J. McElwee - National Catholic Reporter, 11 Apr 2016

The Vatican will be hosting a first of its kind conference April 11-13 to reexamine the Catholic Church’s long-held teachings on just war theory, bringing some 80 nonviolent struggles experts to Rome to develop a new moral framework that rejects ethical justifications for war– displacing the centuries-old just war theory as the main Catholic response to violence.

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Beyond Panama: What the World Really Needs Is the #DelawarePapers
Nika Knight – Common Dreams, 11 Apr 2016

“The U.S. is one of the easiest places to set up an anonymous shell company to move ill-gotten gains around the world. It’s also one of the most popular places to do so for the criminal and corrupt,” writes the UK-based anti-corruption group Global Witness.

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Reading Jeff Halper’s ‘War against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification’
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

I believe that Jeff Halper’s book deserves the widest possible reading. It explains clearly and convincingly one of the deepest and least understood roots of Israel’s diplomatic support throughout the world, which is its role as a niche arms supplier and influential tactical specialist in waging wars against peoples who dare offer resistance to state power as variously deployed against them.

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Successful Skills
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

The radio announcer Daniel Shorr was considering working in television early in his career and asked someone what it would take to be successful there.

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Letter from a Birmingham Jail: Poignant and Timely
Rivera Sun, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

In Letter From A Birmingham Jail, Dr. King responded to criticisms of nonviolent direct action on religious, moral, legal, historic, and political grounds. He chastised the attitudes of the white clergymen, and other white progressives.

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While Stockpiling Banned Land Mines, U.S. Boasts about Its Record of Clearing Them
Alex Emmons – The Intercept, 11 Apr 2016

The U.N. has adopted an international Mine Ban Treaty, but the United States refuses to sign on.

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Duty to Warn – Enbridge Energy’s 2010 Kalamazoo River Oil Spill: The Worst and Most Expensive Pipeline Disaster in the History of America
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

“This investigation identified a complete breakdown of safety at Enbridge. Their employees performed like Keystone Kops and failed to recognize that their pipeline had ruptured and continued to pump crude into the environment. Despite multiple alarms and a loss of pressure in the pipeline, for more than 17 hours and through three shifts, they failed to follow their own shutdown procedures. Enbridge restarted the pipeline twice in that 17-hour period, pumping oil that would account for 81 percent of the total spill.”

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Writing a Blank Check on War for the President: How the United States Became a Prisoner of War and Congress Went MIA
Andrew J. Bacevich - TomDispatch, 11 Apr 2016

With the safety or survival of the nation said to be at risk, the Constitution, basic law of the land — otherwise considered sacrosanct — becomes nonbinding, subject to being waived at the whim of government authorities who are impatient, scared, panicky, or just plain pissed off.

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(Italiano) Il Consiglio regionale del Piemonte ha approvato Il Disegno di Legge 141 
Contro Tutte le Discrimazioni
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

“Il Piemonte è la prima regione in Italia che ha approvato una legge che considera tutte le differenze legate al sesso, all’orientamento sessuale, all’età, alla disabilità 
ma anche alla provenienza etnica.Tutte le differenze sono un valore per la Regione Piemonte, non un elemento di discriminazione”

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Mississippi Governor Signs Anti-Gay Law
Evan Blake, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

6 Apr 2016 – Yesterday, Mississippi’s Republican Governor Phil Bryant enacted a sweeping anti-LGBT law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay people, effectively legalizing discrimination based on sexual orientation across the state.

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Global Military Spending Nearly $1.7T amid Mideast Conflicts
Jon Gambrell, AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Global military spending rose in 2015 to nearly $1.7 trillion, the first increase in several years, driven by conflicts including the battle against the Islamic State group, the Saudi-led war in Yemen and fears about Iran, a report released Tuesday [5 Apr 2016] shows.

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Aldous Huxley: Why Music Sings to Our Souls
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

From pure sensation to the intuition of beauty, from pleasure and pain to love and the mystical ecstasy and death — all the things that are fundamental, all the things that, to the human spirit, are most profoundly significant, can only be experienced, not expressed. The rest is always and everywhere silence. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.

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(Português) Animais conquistam o respeito da sociedade
Luís Montenegro, Público - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 4 Apr 2016

Os animais de companhia são deveras importantes para o nosso equilíbrio pessoal e para o bem-estar da sociedade.

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(Français) Un réfugié, ça vaut combien d’euros ?
Michel Collon, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service|, 4 Apr 2016

Ainsi, l’Union Européenne vient de signer avec la Turquie cet « Accord de la honte ». Qui en fait supprime le droit d’asile, un droit fondamental pourtant garanti par l’article 14 de la Déclaration universelle des Droits de l’Homme : « Devant la persécution, toute personne a le droit de chercher asile et de bénéficier de l’asile en d’autres pays. »

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Under the Lime Trees
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Since the foundation of the Zionist movement, and most certainly since the creation of the State of Israel, Israelis have dreamt of overcoming Arab resistance and inducing the Arab world to accept the “Jewish and democratic” State of Israel as a legitimate member of the region.

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Three Unshakeable Pillars of American Foreign Policy
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

3 Apr 2016 – It deserves to be noticed that it is only the two anti-establishment candidates who have challenged the foreign policy consensus that has guided American politicians ever since the end of World War II: consistently express unconditional support for the Pentagon, Wall Street, and Israel.

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Class Struggle in Latin America
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

It is our fervent hope that our modest text will help academics and scholars shed their blinders, recognize and take account of the centrality of the class struggle, in all its variants, and how it influences the formation and decline of regimes, development models, productive systems and variations in the way countries insert in the world economy.

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Recovering from Militarism
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

The pols cry glory and revenge. They cry security. They cry greatness. Then they stick in the needle, or the missile or the rifle shell, or the nuclear bomb. Or at least they imagine doing so. This will fix the world. And they approve more funding for war. We talk about “the Pentagon” as though it were a rational entity, hierarchically in control of what it does.

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Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit Neglects 98 Percent of the World’s Bomb-Ready Uranium
Alex Emmons – The Intercept, 4 Apr 2016

The summits have focused on highly enriched uranium in civilian possession, while most of the supply — and the risk — comes from military-owned material.

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A Conversation on Privacy with Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky, and Glenn Greenwald
Alex Emmons – The Intercept, 4 Apr 2016

30 Mar 2016 – Snowden noted that Belgian authorities overlooked signs of a terror attack. “When you collect everything, you understand nothing,” he said. “You’re blinded by the noise.”

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Palestine Land Day: Here We Shall Stay
Lamis Andoni – Al Jazeera, 4 Apr 2016

The Judaisation strategy did not only aim at confiscating lands, but also to undermine the rise of Palestinian leaders.

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(Italiano) Economia mondiale: che aspettarsi?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

“Il mercato speculativo dei derivati è aumentato a oltre 1 quadrilione di $ – 20 volte più dell’ economia [reale] mondiale – con gli USA che tirano l’espansione di questa grossa bolla di ricchezza – la disuguaglianza globale fra piuttosto che entro i vari paesi è diventata anche peggio che per qualunque singolo paese: 250 individui hanno più denaro che mezzo mondo”.

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Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption: The Panama Papers
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-ICIJ – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

3 Apr 2016 – Millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens.

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Explore the Panama Papers Key Figures
Rigoberto Carvajal, Mar Cabra, Álvaro Ortiz and Fernando Blat - The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-ICIJ, 4 Apr 2016

3 Apr 2016 – The 2.6 terabyte trove of data at the core of this investigation contains nearly 40 years of records, and includes information about more than 210,000 companies in 21 offshore jurisdictions. Read more about the data and our methodology.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Apr 4-10 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

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Nuclear Security: Continuous Improvement or Dangerous Decline?
Matthew Bunn, Martin B. Malin, Nickolas Roth and William Tobey - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 4 Apr 2016

The answer will shape the chances that terrorist groups, including the Islamic State, could get their hands on the materials they need to build a crude nuclear bomb. In a report (pdf file) we published late in March, we outline the shape of the threat and the steps that must be taken to keep potential nuclear bomb material out of terrorist hands.

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The U.S. Is Militarizing the Pacific — And Not Taking Questions
Jon Letman – Foreign Policy In Focus, 4 Apr 2016

30 Mar 2016 – The biggest U.S. military re-alignment in a generation may be underway in the Asia-Pacific. But most Americans know nothing about it. Hawaii’s members of Congress sit at the linchpin of a huge realignment of U.S. military power. Good luck getting them to talk about it.

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Nigeria: A Year On, No Word on 300 Abducted Children
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

29 Mar 2016 – The Nigerian government should take urgent steps to secure the release of about 400 women and children, including at least 300 elementary school students, abducted by Boko Haram from the town of Damasak a year ago. It is unclear whether the Nigerian government has made any serious effort to secure their release.

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Whoopi Goldberg Joins Marijuana Industry with Products for Women
Liam Stackmarch – International New York Times, 4 Apr 2016

Ms. Goldberg, a comedian and daytime talk show host, formed a company that will offer products designed to alleviate menstrual pain, like cannabis-infused chocolate, tincture, cream and bath salt. “This was all inspired by my own experience from a lifetime of difficult periods and the fact that cannabis was literally the only thing that gave me relief,” Ms. Goldberg, a longtime proponent of marijuana legalization, said in a statement.

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How [Nobel Peace laureate] Aung San Suu Kyi and Her U.S. Allies Deny Burmese Anti-Muslim Atrocities
Usaid M. Siddiqui - AlterNet, 4 Apr 2016

[TRANSCEND member Maung] Zarni was wary of the term “ethnic cleansing.” Genocide and crimes against humanity are the better suited terms, he said. His own work [Oxford, Harvard] and that of Yale and Queen Mary university, have arrived at the same conclusion—that a slow but sure genocide of the Rohingya people is taking place. Suu Kyi’s muteness on Rohingya and Muslim persecution is a product of both “election calculus” and “personal racism,” Zarni said.

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Seeds of Deception, by Jeffrey M. Smith
Want to Know – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Exposing Industry and Government Deception about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating – A 10-Page Summary

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FBI Claims Successful Hack of Apple iPhone Security Systems
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

30 Mar 2016 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced Monday [28 Mar] that it successfully hacked security features embedded in the iPhone’s iOS 9 operating system, and will therefore end its legal case against the tech giant Apple. In a short court filing, the FBI informed the court that it “no longer requires the assistance of Apple, Inc” in its efforts to compromise the phone’s data protection mechanisms.

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Monsanto’s Glyphosate Found in California Wines, Even Wines Made with Organic Grapes
Zen Honeycutt, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Test results from Microbe Inotech Lab show 10 different wines contained glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, including wine made with organic grapes.

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Brother Obama
Fidel Castro Ruz – Granma, 4 Apr 2016

Nobody should be under the illusion that the people of this dignified and selfless country will renounce the glory, the rights, or the spiritual wealth they have gained with the development of education, science and culture. We do not need the empire to give us anything. Our efforts will be legal and peaceful, as this is our commitment to peace and fraternity among all human beings who live on this planet.

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Duty to Warn – How a Kindly Senator from Vermont Helped Save America from Fascism
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

And What Wisconsin Can Do Now to Shake Off the McCarthy Curse – Just like the candidacy of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the courageous, likeable Vermont Senator Flanders spoke up when it was his duty to do so in order to save America from fascist influences like the infamous Friendly American Fascist, Joseph R. McCarthy. The GOP Habit: Fighting Communism with Fascism.

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The Dark Prisoners: Inside the CIA’s Torture Programme
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Despite US admissions that it tortured people after 9/11, little has been heard from the victims themselves.
“There is a proverb that a human being is stronger than a stone and more tender than a flower.”
— Habib Rahman, brother of Gul Rahman (Prisoner #24) who died in CIA custody.

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Yoga for Health, Peace and Amity
Dr. Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between human and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being…

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New Study Shows Mass Government Surveillance Silences Unpopular Opinions
Joseph Jankowski, Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

29 Mar 2016 – The study, published in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, studied the effects on the speech of its subjects after they had been reminded of government surveillance. Frighteningly, the majority of participants reacted by suppressing opinions that they perceived to be unpopular.

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Real America, an Endangering and Endangered Ruination
Gary Brumback – Dissident Voice, 4 Apr 2016

Real America is already a fascist state. It meets all 14 attributes (e.g., controlled mass media, obsession with national security) political scientist Lawrence Brit identified as characteristics of a fascist state.

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Fools Fighting Terror with Terror
John M. LaForge, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

1 Apr 2016 – April Fools believe suicide bombers can be stopped with more body scanners and police surveillance. April Fools believe the “war on terror” can be won using bombs and bomb threats, and that bombs will end it. . When civilian victims of US military attacks are even noted, the media regularly reports that “coalition forces” caused the death and destruction. This deflects attention from US command of the warfare especially for April Fools.

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Truly Religious
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

A convent was being renovated. The workers worked hard all day practically without any breaks.

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Jean Giono (30 Mar 1895 – 8 Oct 1970) and the Energies of the Earth
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Jean Giono was one of the most influential and original French advocates of nonviolence. Giono, a pantheist philosopher, novelist of rural life, and in his later days, a moviemaker, had fame with the wider public even among those who opposed his nonviolence.

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