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What Is Nationalism? [According to Anarchists] – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

It’s no secret that anarchists don’t like states. Whereas opposing physical manifestations of the state such as governments, police and prisons is certainly an important part of anarchist practice, anarchist critiques of the state go much further and include the underlying social relationships and ideologies that have historically been used to create states and to uphold their authority. One of the most important of these concepts is nationalism. So what is it, exactly, and what do anarchists have against it?

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Infographic: Victims of Terrorist Attacks Inside and Outside Western Europe
Statista – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Terrorism seems possible anytime and anywhere around the globe. In this intense and acute atmosphere, Statista has created two charts that attempt to broaden the perspective: one infographic looks back at the last decades in Western Europe; the other one shows the death toll of terrorism in countries outside Western Europe. These numbers do not give clear answers; they rather lead to new questions.

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How an Underground Hip Hop Artist and His Book Club Threaten Angola’s Regime
Phil Wilmot – Waging Nonviolence, 4 Apr 2016

31 Mar 2016 – On Monday [28 Mar], 17 Angolan activists received sentences ranging from two to eight-and-a-half years in jail for participating in a book club that was discussing Gene Sharp’s “From Dictatorship to Democracy.” Growing citizen’s movement.

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Revealed: How Associated Press Cooperated with the Nazis
Philip Oltermann – The Guardian, 4 Apr 2016

German historian shows how news agency retained access in 1930s by promising not to undermine strength of Hitler regime.

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Heal the World (Music Video of the Week)
MJJ Productions – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Michael Jackson performing Heal the World, a moving and appealing music video against wars and violence — made in 1991.

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Japan Enacts Laws Allowing Combat Missions Abroad
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

Critics say military engagement in conflicts for reasons other than self-defence is breach of pacifist constitution. The legislation, which took effect on Tuesday [29 Mar] after being passed last year despite nationwide protests, have been backed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Defence Minister Gen Nakatani, who said it was needed to improve international co-operation of armed forces.

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(Català) Un drama de llarga història a l’encara curt segle XXI
Carta de la Pau – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

En primer lloc, assegurem que no és possible entendre una política que només parli de fets tristos i vergonyosos, sense al mateix temps esforçar-se per posar remei a les causes que els produeixen. Afirmem rotundament que cal posar fi a les guerres que causen aquests més de 60 milions de persones a la recerca de refugi, vagabundejant per les terres i les aigües del món.

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CIA Photographed Detainees Naked Before Sending Them to Be Tortured
Spencer Ackerman – The Guardian, 4 Apr 2016

28 Mar 2016 – The CIA took naked photographs of people it sent to its foreign partners for torture, the Guardian can reveal. A former US official who had seen some of the photographs described them as “very gruesome”. The CIA declined to comment for this story.

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The Syrian Boy Soldier with a Thousand-Yard Stare: The Sad Image of Child Aged SEVEN
David Williams – Daily Mail, 4 Apr 2016

Puffing on a cigarette, a Kalashnikov AK-47 slung awkwardly across his little shoulders, seven-year-old Ahmed stands at a [NATO supported] makeshift barricade in Syria. He is one of the youngest fighters to be swept into his country’s civil war and something in his blank expression seems to hint at horrors that no child of his age should ever have to witness.

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The Wounded Phoenix of Palmyra
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

31 Mar 2016 – Eyewitness accounts from the scene this morning (3/30/2016) confirm that the Syrian Army has liberated all parts of the city of Palmyra (Tadmor) including all of the ancient city, from 10 months of occupation and destruction by ISIS. This observer harbors no doubt that the Syrian people will restore Palmyra again. Indeed the process has begun.

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“Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”: Abandoned for Forced Asylum
Maya Evans – Dissident Voice, 4 Apr 2016

29 Mar 2016, Calais – This month, French authorities (supported and funded by the UK government to the current balance of £62 million) have been demolishing the ‘Jungle,’ a toxic wasteland now populated by approximately 5,000 refugees. A remarkable community of 15 nationalities adhering to various faiths comprises the Jungle, where residents have formed a network of shops, restaurants, hamams, barber shops, schools, mosques, churches and clinics.

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The Drive to Impeachment and the Dangers Facing the Brazilian Working Class
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

If today the predominant layers of both domestic and foreign capital are pushing for Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment, it is because they see a radical change in government as the means to dramatically accelerate reactionary capitalist policies already being pursued.

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New Veteran-led Campaign Challenges Islamophobia
Brian Trautman, Veterans For Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Apr 2016

ISIL do not speak for Islam, the vast majority of their victims being Muslims. It commits horrible atrocities against Westerners because it wants us to overreact by stereotyping, dehumanizing, and alienating Muslims. Islamophobia, therefore, has the real potential of strengthening ISIL, especially if left unchallenged.

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The U.S. Is Quietly Helping Saudi Arabia Wage a Devastating Aerial Campaign in Yemen
Sarah Leah Whitson – Los Angeles Times, 4 Apr 2016

30 Mar 2016 – One week before the Brussels terrorist attacks, a Saudi-led coalition bombed a market in Mastaba, Yemen. Although more people died in Mastaba than in Brussels — 106 versus 34 — the media and the international community ignored that earlier atrocity. The problem, however, is worse than inattention; the West is actually supporting — by way of arms and military assistance — this all-but-invisible war.

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Despair Brazil: This Is a Class War
Alfredo Saad Filho, The BRICS Post - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

The judicial coup against President Dilma Rousseff is the culmination of the deepest political crisis in Brazil for 50 years. Despite strong media support for the impending coup, the PT, other left parties and many radical social movements remain strong. Further escalation is inevitable.

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The Great Ponzi Scheme of the Global Economy
Michael Hudson and Chris Hedges – CounterPunch, 28 Mar 2016

We’re going to be discussing a great Ponzi scheme that defines not only the U.S. but the global economy, how we got there and where we’re going. With economist Michael Hudson, a professor of economics who worked for many years on Wall Street, where you don’t succeed if you don’t grasp Marx’s dictum that capitalism is about exploitation. And he is also, I should mention, the godson of Leon Trotsky.

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Holland: Five Prisons to Close as Falling Crime Rate Leaves Cells Empty
Dutch News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

21 Mar 2016 – More prisons will close in the next few years as the government looks to cut the cost of hundreds of empty cells, justice minister Ard van der Steur has told parliament. The downward trend in crime is expected to mean 3,000 prison cells and 300 youth detention places will be surplus to requirements in five years’ time.

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A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence.
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

What has happened to the great tradition of popular direct action, unfettered to parties? Where are the courage, imagination and commitment required to begin the long journey to a better, just and peaceful world? Where are the dissidents in art, film, the theatre, literature? Where are those who will shatter the silence? Or do we wait until the first nuclear missile is fired?

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Shooting Up: How War and Drugs Go Together
Matt Gallagher – The Intercept, 28 Mar 2016

A new book by Lukasz Kamienski delves into the history of war and drugs, from ancient Greeks to Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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The U.S. Military Is Moving into These 5 Bases in the Philippines
Andrew Tilghman, Military Times – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

24 Mar 2016 – A new agreement between the United States and the Philippines clears the way for a new permanent American military presence across five bases near the contested South China Sea. The announcement comes almost two years after President Obama signed a new 10-year agreement with the former U.S colony.

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Chanda Mama (Music Video of the Week)
Playing for Change – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

This Song around the World is a folk tune from Chennai, India. We started the track in New Orleans and added musicians from the across the globe before finally delivering it the people of its origin. The track has a feeling of perseverance and joy and features vocalists from four continents.

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Military Admits Trillion Dollar F-35 Program is a Failure
Joshua Krause, Activist Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

20 Mar 2016 – For over a decade the US military has spent $1.5 trillion dollars to create an all-purpose fighter jet that would replace their diverse fleet of warplanes. Now officials with the Pentagon are admitting that this massive boondoggle is a total bust.

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Renewable Energy Investments Set New Record, Twice That of Coal and Gas
Climate Nexus – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

Global investment in renewable energy was more than twice that of coal and gas last year, according to a new report, despite plummeting fossil fuel prices.

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U.S. Can’t See ‘Genocide’ When It Might Benefit: Analyst
PressTV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

22 Mar 2016 – The United States will not determine that the persecution of Rohingyas in Myanmar is genocide because its priorities are to eventually make the Southeast Asian nation a client state as part of its long-term strategy of confronting China, an international lawyer and political analyst says.

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Religious Festivals for Brotherhood, Joy and Peace
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

On 24 March, we celebrate the festival of Holi in North India by sprinkling coloured powder called gulal and coloured water on each other. Songs, dances and merrymaking mark this day.

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While the Arctic Superheats, Pipeline Wars Continue
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

When it became clear that smoking is a serious danger to health, films and television dramas rose to their responsibility and stopped showing people with cigarettes drooping from their lips. Can we not have similar responsibility today, when the future of the biosphere depends on everyone rapidly adopting an oil-free lifestyle?

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Protein Deficiency
TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016


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China: Broken Rice Bowls, Stifled Voices
Mel Gurtov, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

China, no different from any other large country, has a multitude of domestic problems, but those two are especially worrisome in that they have the potential for significant unrest. And for the Chinese leadership, social instability always raises red flags.

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Urging UK to End Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and Saudis to End Their Bombing Campaign in Yemen
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, today called for Britain to stop breaking national and international law by selling arms o Saudi Arabia. The British government has sold £2.8 billion worth of arms to Saudi Arabia since it began bombing Yemen last year and continues to remain silent on the UN reports of Saudi war crimes against the civilian population of Yemen.

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Johan Galtung, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: ‘Best Offense Is Defense against Daesh’
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

24 Mar 2016 – ‘We’re at war’ with Daesh, and to get out of it, the West should use its military defensively to protect threatened areas as the previous strategy of brutality has only generated more extremists, said Prof. Johan Galtung, the father of Peace Studies and founder, among others, of the International Peace Research Institute and TRANSCEND Media Service.

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Turkey’s Covert War
Diego Cupolo – Jacobin Magazine, 28 Mar 2016

A dispatch from Diyarbakır, Turkey, where Erdoğan continues his military assault on the Kurdish resistance. Locals tell stories of bodies being left in the street so long that dogs and cats begin to feed on them, and of tanks entering residential neighborhoods and firing indiscriminately at houses.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

Mar 28–Apr 3 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” – John A. Shedd

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(Italiano) USA, e poi?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

Nessuno lo sa, ma nel regime presidenzialista USA i presidenti contano; non così diversi da una dittatura per un turno di governo. È lì che entra in gioco la democrazia – almeno riguardo ai delegati, a quanto pare; con un sofferto procedimento di nomina, come in nessun altro paese.

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Extracting Democracy
Joshua Lew McDermott – Jacobin Magazine, 28 Mar 2016

A growing socialist movement in Sierra Leone knows that democracy can’t live alongside neoliberal development.

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Reflections on the Brussels Attack
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

The themes addressed and the policies proposed are advanced in a tentative spirit. Debate and reflection are urgently needed with respect to the political violence that is being unleashed in various forms in the West and non-West.

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A Force unto Itself: A Military Leviathan Has Emerged as the U.S. 51st and Most Powerful State
William J. Astore - TomDispatch, 28 Mar 2016

A Military Leviathan Has Emerged as the U.S. 51st and Most Powerful State – A post-democratic force that prides itself on its warrior ethos rather than the old-fashioned citizen-soldier ideal, increasingly divorced from the people, with a way of life ever more foreign to most Americans (adulatory as they may feel toward its troops).

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America’s Astounding Human Rights Hypocrisy in Cuba
Harvey Wasserman - Reader Supported News, 28 Mar 2016

Maybe our elected officials should cease their hypocritical yapping about the human rights situation in Cuba until they come clean about what’s happening here in the United States. The idea of the United States lecturing Cuba or any other country on this planet about human rights comes down somewhere between embarrassing and nauseating. Consider:

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(Português) Brasil: A ditadura e seus psicopatas de ontem e de hoje
Antonio Lassance – Carta Maior, 28 Mar 2016

Os que marcham em defesa do golpe são gente que fede a religião, mas não acredita em Deus – como diria Mário de Andrade. É gente que esbofeteia cada um dos milhões de brasileiros que foram privados da liberdade por mais de duas décadas neste país. Que marchem, mas não ousem tocar suas mãos sujas em nossa democracia, nem pisar sobre nossas consciências.

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USA’s Persian and Arabian Wars
Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. (That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away, and you have their shoes.) In that spirit, let me offer a few thoughts as well as a question or two. What it is that we Americans are trying to accomplish? Is there no better way than warfare to protect and advance our interests? How can we finally end the many wars we have begun? On what terms should they be ended and with whom? At what point is enough enough?

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West Ignores Iraq and Yemen Massacres, Still Weeps for Brussels
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

25 Mar 2016 – Suicide attacks killing scores of people in Iraq and Yemen in the last few days have revealed once again the fickle nature of Western sympathies, after the bloodbath failed to produce the massive outpouring of grief prompted by the Brussel attacks.

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Rockefellers Dump Exxon Holdings That Made Family’s Fortune
Joe Carroll, Bloomberg - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

* Rockefeller Family Fund plans to divest all fossil fuel stocks
* Descendants of founder call company `morally reprehensible’

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Charlie Chaplin’s Famous Speech Still Holds True Today
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

One of the most inspirational speeches in recorded history was given by a silent comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin in his famous movie: ‘The Dictator’.

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The Art of Living: The Great Humanistic Philosopher Erich Fromm on Having vs. Being and How to Set Ourselves Free from the Chains of Our Culture
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

“The full humanization of man requires the breakthrough from the possession-centered to the activity-centered orientation, from selfishness and egotism to solidarity and altruism.”

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How Not to Talk about Muslims after a Fringe Terrorist Group Attacks
Juan Cole, Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

2. Call the terrorists “Muslim” if you have to characterize them, not “Islamic” or even worse, “Islamics.” There is no such thing as “Islamic” terrorism. The word “Islamic” has to do with the ideals and verities of the religion of Islam, and is analogous to “Judaic.”

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Returning Guantánamo
Tim Reynolds – Jacobin Magazine, 28 Mar 2016

The Guantánamo Bay naval base has long been a site of US imperial power. Castro urged the US to return it to Cuban hands, drawing focus to an oft-ignored obstacle to the normalization of relations between the old enemies. Castro’s request is nothing new.

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US-Saudi Terror in Yemen Dwarfs ISIS Attacks in Europe
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 28 Mar 2016

25 Mar 2016 – Why are two of the richest countries in the World, the United States and Saudi Arabia, engaged in unrelenting, aggressive war against one of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen?

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Global Incomprehension of Increasing Violence
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

The question in the minds of many is “why” such irrational attacks are so unreasonably made against innocents. The title of this note is usefully ambiguous, however, for it also holds the more crucial question as to why so little effort is made to address the question of “why”.

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(Português) Tigres morrem em condições miseráveis para produção de vinho
ANDA–Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

Milhares de tigres estão morrendo em condições miseráveis em fazendas mascaradas como parques de vida selvagem da China, para sustentar um negócio multimilionário de venda de vinho feito com os seus ossos após os mesmos morrerem de fome. Novos ricos chineses que têm a falsa crença de que consumir vinho de ossos de tigres aumenta a sua potência sexual estão pagando mais de US $700 por uma garrafa.

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What Does Daesh Mean? ISIS ‘Threatens to Cut Out the Tongues’ of Anyone Using This Word
Nicola Oakley and Suchandrika Chakrabarti - Mirror, 28 Mar 2016

Google searches for the term have leapt almost 600% in the last week, since the Brussels Attacks – but what does it mean, and why does ISIS hate the word so much?

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Japan Kills 333 Minke Whales Including 200 Pregnant Females
Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

According to Reuters, 103 of the slaughtered whales were male and 230 were female, with 90 percent of the mature females pregnant. “This rogue act is in blatant disregard of international law and diplomacy, and sets a dangerous precedent for all nations that respect the rule of law.”

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Brazil’s Presidential Crisis: What’s Happening and Why You Should Care
Bryan Dewan, ThinkProgress – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

Brazil’s economy is the eighth largest in the world. A political crisis in Brazil will no doubt have implications on the nation’s economic confidence. The Eurasia Group listed Brazil’s political crisis as one of the Top 10 risks facing the globe in 2016, citing the long-term international economic implications of a Brazilian governance failure.

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Monsanto vs Indian Farmers
Dr Vandana Shiva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

If we believe in democracy, it is imperative that we have the right to choose which technologies are best for our communities, rather than having unaccountable institutions like Monsanto decide for us. Rather than technologies designed for the continued enrichment of a few, we can ground our technology in a hope of a greater harmony between our human communities and the natural world.

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We Had All Better Hope These Scientists Are Wrong about the Planet’s Future
Chris Mooney – The Washington Post, 28 Mar 2016

22 Mar 2016 – An influential group of scientists led by James Hansen, the former NASA scientist often credited with having drawn the first major attention to climate change in 1988 congressional testimony, has published a dire climate study that suggests the impact of global warming will be quicker and more catastrophic than generally envisioned.

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The Right to Boycott Is Non-Negotiable
Amjad Iraqi - +972 Magazine, 21 Mar 2016

Regardless of one’s views of BDS, it is ridiculous that one should have to tell self-proclaimed ‘democracies’ that the right to boycott is a basic civil right, not a punishable crime.

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Fascism: Can It Happen Here [in the USA]?
Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!, 21 Mar 2016

“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross,” goes a saying that is widely attributed to the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, Sinclair Lewis.

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(Português) O Brasil Está Sendo Engolido pela Corrupção — E por Uma Perigosa Subversão da Democracia
Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Fishman and David Miranda – The Intercept, 21 Mar 2016

Tudo isso parece historicamente familiar, particularmente para a América Latina, onde governos de esquerda democraticamente eleitos tem sido repetidamente removidos do poder por meios não legais ou democráticos. A mídia internacional está apresentando os protestos de rua como uma revolta nobre e populista. Os fatos são muito mais complicados.

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Duty to Warn – “Free Speech Zones”, the Rigged Economy and Organized Crime
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

“The fascist state must not forget that all means must serve the ends; it must not let itself be confused by the drivel about so-called “freedom of the press”…it must make sure that (the media) is placed in the service of the state.”
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

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Interview with Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern
AcTVism – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Mar 7, 2016 – Ray McGovern talks about his experience in the agency and the reasons that led him to become an activist and outspoken critic of the US government. The interview surfaces a number of issues that include: “Enhanced interrogation techniques” a euphemism for the U.S. government’s program of systematic torture, the role that European governments played in supporting this program, Edward Snowden & the NSA, the significance of activism today, etc.

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The Global Refugee Crisis: Humanity’s Last Call for a Culture of Sharing and Cooperation
Rajesh Makwana, Share the World’s Resources – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

The real crisis is not the influx of refugees to Europe per se but a toxic combination of destabilising foreign policy agendas, economic austerity and the rise of right-wing nationalism, which is likely to push the world further into social and political chaos in the months ahead.

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Joy in the Midst of Haiti’s Election
Barbara Rhine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

If the Haitian people can find meaning in all this hardship through their resilience and determination, their refusal to endure the terms of modern economic slavery, then from my luxurious first world perch, well, so can I. If the elderly woman who got out of the fabulous gaudy tap-tap can move with grace and dignity among her fellow citizens, then surely I can take her as my model.

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Celebrate Boycotts on St. Patrick’s Day
Rivera Sun, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

There is hardly a nonviolent movement around the world, out of hundreds of case studies, that has not used some form of a boycott! Think of Gandhi’s spinning wheel and concurrent boycott of British cloth imports, the American Independence movement’s boycott of tea, the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the United Farm Workers’ Grape Boycott, the boycott of white-owned stores in South African townships during the anti-apartheid struggle: the examples are numerous.

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Maurice F. Strong, Marc Nerfin, Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, SDGs and COP 21
Branislav Gosovic – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

The purpose of this essay is to contribute to the institutional history of the United Nations by highlighting some less known details and the continuity of the process launched in the World Organization some 50 years ago. It is written as a tribute in memoriam of Maurice F. Strong and Marc Nerfin, two remarkable and visionary United Nations personalities and leaders.

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Michael Jackson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

A pungent, powerful, moving video performed by Michael Jackson showing side by side beauty and destruction, life and death. Much sadness, pain and suffering caused by humankind. What about the earth? What about the children? He asks. Are we really destined to kill the planet and every life in it? What about us? This video was forbidden in the USA when it was launched in 1995.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Mar 21-27 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only what you are expecting to give — which is everything. What you will receive in return varies. But it really has no connection with what you give. You give because you love and cannot help giving.” – Katherine Hepburn

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Seeking Peace in a Healthy Environment
Dr Ravi P Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Peace is multi dimensional entity that does not mean just the absence of conflict or violence; it signifies friendship, sharing, harmony, beauty and tranquillity. It signifies harmony with nature, enjoying and cherishing its diversity and beauty.

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(Italiano) Sahara Occidentale: una vision
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Ai due estremi del Mediterraneo si combattono due guerre molto simili contro due popoli arabo-musulmani: i palestinesi in Palestina – ex-colonia inglese – dal 1948; e i sahrawi nel Sahara Occidentale – ex-colonia spagnola e tuttora tale, dal 1975, mentre moriva Franco.

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World Bank: Humanitarian Aid or Raid?
Claire Provost and Matt Kennard – Mother Jones, 21 Mar 2016

Is the International Finance Corporation’s primary role to alleviate poverty? I think you could question that. They’re pretending to be an investment bank. Serving as both adviser and investor can create perverse incentives. The tension between the IFC’s mandate to help end global poverty and turn a profit has only grown. The bank’s private investment arm is increasingly chasing profits at the expense of its anti-poverty mission.

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Understanding Self-Hatred in World Affairs
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Conscious self-hatred is an intensely unpleasant feeling to experience and, consequently, people who feel self-hatred learn to fearfully and deeply suppress their awareness of it when they are very young. Having learned to do this, subsequent opportunities for this self-hatred to be felt are progressively more easily suppressed. I emphasise the word fearfully suppressed.

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‘Doing Nothing’ for Positive Peace
Tim Bryar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Structural violence today is sustained by a liberal-capitalist frame that links structural transformation to individual action, participation and voice. It is in this way that Zizek claims the problem today is not passivity but over-activity in which we are active all the time to ensure that nothing really changes.

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(Italiano) L’energia da fonte nucleare… a che punto siamo?
Elena Camino - Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 21 Mar 2016

11 Mar 2016 – Nel maggio 2015, pochi mesi prima del Convegno di Parigi sul cambiamento climatico (COP21) è stato pubblicato un articolo accademico nel quale due studiosi (Qvist & Brook) incoraggiano ‘una grande espansione della produzione di energia nucleare a livello globale.’

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Please Help Us Save the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney
Prof. Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

CPACS has a long and distinguished record of bringing the perspectives of Peace with Justice to bear on the University’s research, teaching and community outreach. We honour the tradition of speaking truth to power on vital issues where the mainstream of Australian politics and media would rather look the other way.

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Myanmar’s New President Might Not Be Aung San Suu Kyi, but He Does Represent Progress
Maung Zarni – The Guardian, 21 Mar 2016

For the first time in decades, the Burmese people have a civilian president. Now they must weather the clash of military and opposition proxies to come.

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Israel, Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Holocaust
Gilad Atzmon, Redress Information & Analysis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

19 Mar 2016 – Thanks to WikiLeaks, which has published Hillary Clinton’s email archive, we now have a clear indication of the prime suspects behind the holocaust in Syria.

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Brazil Is Engulfed by Ruling Class Corruption — and a Dangerous Subversion of Democracy
Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Fishman and David Miranda – The Intercept, 21 Mar 2016

Western media are depicting street protests as a noble populist uprising. The facts are much more complicated. It all seems historically familiar, particular for Latin America, where democratically elected left-wing governments have been repeatedly removed by non-democratic, extra-legal means.

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Cesar Chavez: When Real Uniters Were Among Us
José-Antonio Orosco, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

California politicians and their agri-business supporters realized that they were facing a major civil rights movement and that its leader, Cesar Chavez, was someone to contend with. The importance of the Sacramento March today is more than just historical, it is a lesson about how to use nonviolence to respond to economic hardship in a way that builds a powerful force for justice.

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The Trillion-Dollar Question
Lawrence S. Wittner, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Isn’t it odd that America’s largest single public expenditure for the coming decades has received no attention in the presidential debates? It is for a 30-year program to “modernize” the U.S. nuclear arsenal and production facilities. Although President Obama began his administration with a dramatic public commitment to build a nuclear weapons-free world, that commitment has long ago dwindled and died.

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(Castellano) Situación de los refugiados, peor que la Primera Guerra Mundial
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 21 Mar 2016

14 mar 2016 – Cuando los líderes de la Unión Europea disfruten el jueves 17 y el viernes 18 de sus vuelos exclusivos, sus suites de lujo y sus limusinas oficiales, en una nueva cumbre en Bruselas, para adoptar una decisión final sobre su propuesto plan de usar los refugiados como moneda de cambio, es probable que 20.000 sirios sigan aún en el campo de refugiados de Idomeni en Grecia, en una situación descrita como “peor que la Primera Guerra Mundial”.

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(Italiano) Un papa, un patriarca, una rivoluzione spirituale
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Il promo editoriale, “50 anni di Fidel Castro” del 3 marzo 2008, celebrava una rivoluzione politica che cambiò il mondo, e significò la fine dell’imperialismo USA-Occidentale. Questo editoriale celebra una rivoluzione spirituale che può cambiare anch’essa il mondo, significando la fine del materialismo Occidentale, e diffondersi da lì. Nuovamente, Cuba ci ha avuto un ruolo preminente, come luogo d’incontro fra due parti principali del cristianesimo, cattolici e ortodossi.

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Building New “Nonviolent Cities”
John Dear, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Each city will be summoned to address its violence in all its aspects, structures, and systems; to connect the dots between its violence; and to pursue a more holistic, creative, city-wide nonviolence, where everyone together is trying to practice nonviolence, promote nonviolence, teach nonviolence and institutionalize nonviolence on the local level.

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Russia and the US Now Have the Power to Impose Peace in Syria
Charles Glass – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Both sides know that this US v Russia proxy war is out of control: Europe has been hit with a tide of refugees that threatens the EU’s fragile unity; and the conflict has spread to Iraq, and threatens to erupt in Lebanon and Jordan.

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Indian-American Scientist Has Discovered a Way to Eat Meat without Killing Animals
The Huffington Post, The Times of India – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

14 Mar 2016 – An Indian-American scientist-led team has developed contamination-free meat from animal cells in a laboratory that could be harvested in 9 to 21 days, a new technique that could help in stopping large scale slaughtering of animals globally.

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Why BDS Cannot Lose: A Moral Threshold to Combat Racism in Israel
Ramzy Baroud – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

16 Mar 2016 – A foray of condemnations of the boycott of Israel seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Calls from Western governments, originating from the UK, the US, Canada and others, to criminalize the boycott of Israel have hardly slowed down the momentum of the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). On the contrary, it has accelerated.

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Your Body Is Acidic. How to Alkalize It Naturally (The Truth behind Cancer That You Will Never Hear from Your Doctor)
Best Herbal Health – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Dr. Otto H. Warburg gives the best answer for how to alkalize your body naturally by using lemon and baking soda. He is a Nobel Prize winner famous for his breakthrough in the field of medicine – he managed to find the true cause of cancer.

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Einstein’s Unification Theory Akin to Phonon: A New Hypothesis
Prof. Chandra P Trivedi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

The Photon and Phonon are two distinct opposite complimentary forces of nature. They held up the creation and life, under space-time fabric. The Phonon is earliest with pre-cosmic dawn; it has activated the dark matter with echo in ripper with blast and light.

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‘Worse Than World War I’
Baher Kamal - Human Wrongs Watch, 21 Mar 2016

14 Mar 2016 – When the leaders of 28 European states enjoy again this week their exclusive flights, luxurious suites and official limousines, to meet for a new summit in Brussels to adopt a final decision on their proposed plan of using refugees as bargaining chips, 20.000 Syrians will most probably be still starving in the Idomeni camp in Greece, in a situation that has been described as “worse than World War I.”

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Organized Crime
Ethan Miller and Kate Boverman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

Well the old mafiosos and cinema crooks
They may sport the pinstripes and sinister looks
But you’ll have to look elsewhere if you’d like to find
The real perpetrators of organized crime

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2016

“My wife is good; she made me a necktie out of an old pair of pants.”

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(Português) Hora de abolir os zoológicos!
Caique Botkay - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 21 Mar 2016

Pelo fim programado dos zoológicos de todo o mundo, por sua substituição por aparatos tecnológicos, pelo absoluto cuidado com os animais que ainda permanecem enclausurados até que o derradeiro encerre sua existência. Encerrará assim também uma fase humana que será considerada primitiva, desformativa e cruel no futuro.

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President Obama Is Wrong on Encryption; Claims the Realist View Is ‘Absolutist’
TechDirt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

The President says he won’t comment directly on the Apple legal fights, but then launches into the standard politician talking point of “yes, we want strong encryption, but bad people will use it so we need to figure out ‘some way’ to break in.”

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Why I Bought Four Syrian Children off a Beirut Street
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

This observer confesses to having purchased four children near Ramlet el Baida beach recently from a stressed –out Syrian woman.

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Syria’s Truce Bodes Well for Salvaging Our Cultural Heritage
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

9 Mar 2016 – The tentative cessation of hostilities in Syria, which came into effect on 2/28/2016, brokered by Washington and Moscow, is only in its second week. If the truce holds and the war ends, there are many reasons to believe it will have helped save our cultural heritage in Syria. And that its protection, preservation and restoration will begin in earnest.

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31,000 Women Pregnant in Islamic State
Noman Benotman and Nikita Malik, Quilliam – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

7 March 2016 – Quilliam releases seminal REPORT on Children and Islamic State, in partnership with The Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative and UNESCO. ISIS encourages children to participate in public brutality.

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(Português) Sobre a Formação dos Estados-Nação
José Filipe Leite Nogueira de Sousa – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

“Apenas após a Segunda guerra Mundial é que quase todo o mundo foi ocupado por Estados nominalmente independentes cujos governantes reconhecem, mais ou menos de forma recíproca, o direito de cada um a existir.”

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(Castellano) Europa a Turquía: Tome mis iraquíes y deme algunos sirios
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS, 14 Mar 2016

8 mar 2016 – En otra violación de las leyes internacionales y sus propios valores humanos, 28 países europeos acaban de acordar con Turquía abrir un nuevo “bazar” de refugiados, esta vez utilizando el viejo sistema de trueque: iraquíes y afganos a cambio de sirios y algo de dinero.

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‘Take My Iraqis and Give Me Some Syrians’ – Europe to Turkey
Baher Kamal – Human Wrongs Watch, 14 Mar 2016

8 March 2016 – In a yet another violation of international laws and their own human values, 28 European countries have just agreed with Turkey to open a new “bazaar” of refugees, this time using the old barter system. i.e. Iraqis and Afghans in exchange of Syrians.

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Lessons from the Swiss Experience of Nation-Building: Implications for Multi-National Societies in Conflict
Tatsushi Arai, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

This essay explores lessons from the contemporary Swiss experience of nation building as well as their applicability to conflict-affected multi-national societies searching for long-term visions of inter-communal coexistence.

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Engaging with Hyperreality through Demonique and Angelique?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

Mnemonic Clues to Global Governance from Mathematical Theology and Hyperbolic Tessellation

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Still Waiting
Bizarro Comics – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016


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DOD Woe: Pentagon’s War on the Earth
Tom H. Hastings, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

We are waging war. We are the Nation of War. We destroy. We kill. Everyone fears us. Fewer and fewer admire us. The Pentagon is relentless in seeking immunity from federal environmental protection laws.

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Duty to Warn – The Gulf War Syndrome and the Over-looked Aluminum Adjuvanted Vaccine Connection
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Mar 2016

I actually am quite familiar with the situations that colleges are facing when it comes to traumatized or toxified veterans in academia. Not only had I studied posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for several decades as a part of my medical practice and teaching experiences, but I also practiced as a physician at a mental hospital for 2 ½ years in the late 1990s.

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