Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26528 results.

School Day of Nonviolence and Peace – 30 January
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Its basic and permanent message is: “Universal Love, Nonviolence and Peace – Universal love is better than egoism, nonviolence is better than violence, and peace is better than war.”

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Teach Your Children (Music Video of the Week)
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

From the 1970 Album “Déjà Vu” – A classic for teachers & parents.

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The High Cost of Capitalism: The Destructive Component in Capitalism’s ‘Creative Destruction’ Is Very High
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

External or social costs are associated with production that are not incurred by the producer but are inflicted on outside third parties, most often the environment, such as land, air, and water resources on which humanity is dependent.

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(Italiano) L’anno 2015: che cosa dobbiamo aspettarci?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Stanno dispiegandosi tre, forse quattro drammatici processi globali. E poi questo: il Treno-Merci della Ferrovia della Seta Yiwu dalla Cina costiera a Madrid, 8.111 miglia [13.053 km], che connette tutti i mercati in Eurasia da un’estremità all’altra – e da Madrid all’America Latina, ovviamente.

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Ayotzinapa Parents Reject Government’s Decision to Close Case
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Parents of the 43 Mexican students forcibly disappeared on Sep 26 offered a press conference Tuesday [27 Jan 2015] categorically rejecting the Attorney General’s conclusion that the students were kidnapped, killed, burned and thrown into a river.

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The NFL’s Anarchist Success Story
Matt Peppe, Just the Facts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

The Green Bay Packers prove that there is no reason for private ownership of sports teams. They are essentially an anarchist organization. Everybody involved has a stake. No one’s voice is dominant. The Packers model closely resembles anarcho-syndicalism, an anarchist theory concerned with workers’ freedom from exploitative labor conditions.

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Why Do We Fear Love?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Why do human beings fear love? That is, why do we fear loving ourselves and others, and why do we fear being fully loved ourselves? Where does obedience fit into all of this? It doesn’t. Those who require obedience are frightened. And fear is the opposite of love. If you want someone to do what you want, you are frightened, not loving.

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The Imaginary World That Holds the Real World Captive
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Chapter Six of: Economic Theory and Community Development.

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Hybrid Political Orders: In the case of Somaliland
Nubar Piriyeva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

The Concept of Hybrid Political Orders vs. the Concept of Failing or Fragile States – First of all, we should analyze and understand an ideal type of statehood based on Weberian concept and a real type of statehood.

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(русский-Russian) Россия может проиграть новую холодную войну — сначала внутри России
Владимир Дегоев, Regnum Information Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Жизнь имеет обыкновение сама подводить черту под логически более или менее завершенными эпохами. И делает это так наглядно, что самые компетентные аналитические выкладки кажутся скучными копиями «веселой» заоконной реальности. Через два года исполнится четверть века с момента развала СССР.

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God Promised Antisemitism to the Zionists
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

The following is an interesting article by Aaron Dover, a British Jewish peace activist. It offers a critical point of view on Holocaust politics and the primacy of Jewish suffering.

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Some Contributions of Islamic Culture
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

At a time when the corporate-controlled media of Europe and the United States are doing everything that they can to fill us with poisonous Islamophobia, it is perhaps a useful antidote to remember the great role that Islamic civilization played in preserving, enlarging and transmitting to us the knowledge and culture of the ancient world.

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Viewing American Sniper
Richard Falk, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

To question this American domination project is to antagonize the entrenched bureaucratic, media, and neoliberal forces that benefit from endless war making and its associated expenditures of trillions. In the end it is this grand project of late capitalism that American Sniper indirectly vindicates, thereby burdening the nation and the world, perhaps fatally.

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(Deutsch) Warum der Beschluss zur Lieferung deutscher Kriegswaffen in den Irak fundamental falsch ist und was stattdessen getan werden muss
Jürgen Grässlin, Wissenschaft und Frieden – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Keine Kriegswaffen in den Irak liefern – sofort humanitär helfen, politisch umsteuern

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(Português) Plano económico do Syriza é mais realista que o da troika, diz Krugman
Esquerda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Economista Prémio Nobel de 2008 afirma que se há algum defeito no plano do Syriza, é o de não ser suficientemente radical. E defende que “o resto da Europa devia dar-lhe a oportunidade de pôr fim ao pesadelo no seu país”.

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Zionists All
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Many times people ask me: “Are you a Zionist?” My stock answer is: “Depends on what you mean by Zionism.” This is quite sincere. The term Zionism can mean many different things. Like the term socialism, for example. Francois Hollande is a socialist. So was Joe Stalin. Any resemblance?

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(Français) Face à la tragédie de Charlie Hebdo
Jean-Marie Muller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Une dernière réflexion qui apparaîtra peut-être encore incorrecte ; la tragédie de Charlie Hebdo n’a pas fait 17 mais 20 victimes. Les trois tueurs, jeunes Français nés en France mais dont la vie était en déshérence, sont aussi des victimes du terrorisme. Quelle que soit l’horreur criminelle de leurs actes, ils sont aussi des hommes. Au-delà de la mort, il nous appartient de leur restituer leur humanité. Il nous sera alors possible de prendre le deuil de ces trois hommes dans le respect de leur personne.

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Mexican Government Rushes to Close Case of Disappeared Students
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Peña Nieto told Mexicans to get over the fate of the 43 students so he can move ahead with a “reform” agenda backed by Washington.

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Kashmir is Bleeding and Half of Humanity Now Forms the ‘Resistance’
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Kashmir is bleeding, from torture and rape, from extra-judicial killings. There, India is conducting joint exercises with both the US and Israel. It is learning how to massacre, control and torture, and it is often outdoing its gurus. I told them, to my friends: “Kashmir is not alone. We will stand by you, we will struggle with you, and if needed, we will risk our lives for you!”

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1.5M Lifted Out of Poverty in Ecuador under Correa
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

The South American country has made enormous social investments over the last eight years of the Correa government.

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A Theory of China
Johan Galtung, 2 Feb 2015 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

A theory serves comprehension, prediction and identification of conditions for change. Seven such historical-cultural pointers will be indicated for China; using the West in general, and the USA in particular, for comparisons. The presentation draws on countless dialogues in China over 40 years, since 1973.

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US AFRICOM Commander Calls for “Huge” Military Campaign in West Africa
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

2 Feb2015 – US Africa Command’s head General David Rodriguez called for a large-scale US-led “counterinsurgency” campaign against groups in West Africa last week.

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The Forum [Davos]
Christos Christidis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Forum in Davos!
The rich elite
Will repeat
Who is the boss!

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Sea Shepherd Receives € 8.3 Million from the Dutch Postcode Lottery for the Protection of the Southern Ocean
Sea Shepherd – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Sea Shepherd will use the donation to build a new ‘dream’ ship, which will enable the organization to be more effective than ever in the fight against poaching, whaling on the high seas.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

February 2–8
Quote of the Week: “The mind is everything. Every thought you create manifests itself in the world; if you didn’t achieve something you strive for, you simply didn’t believe in it enough.” – Mario Novak

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Not Again!
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

A wife and husband lived in a third floor apartment. One day, the husband died.

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United, We Will Never Be Defeated: Guatemala’s Victory Over Monsanto
Cultural Survival – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

A new law would require all farmers to purchase their corn seeds from Monsanto. Anyone caught cultivating corn from their own seeds would be fined and could even face jail time… The victory over Monsanto is a glimpse of the power of this country. Community radios from all over the country broadcast the event, which will go down in history as the victory over Monsanto.

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Rejecting the Obama-Cheney Alliance against Torture Prosecutions
Roy Eidelson, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

Following the release of the Senate report on the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation program,” we are drawn to another deceptive distinction: the difference between “torture tolerance” and what might be called “torture tolerance-lite. Torture, regardless of whether it relies on physical pain or psychological torment, is cruel, immoral, misguided, and illegal.

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Barrett Brown: Locked Up – My Post Cyberpunk Indentured Servitude
Barrett Brown, The Daily Beast – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Feb 2015

31 Jan 20215 – Not long ago I was a mild-mannered freelance journalist, activist, and satirist, contributing to outlets like the Guardian and Vanity Fair. But last Thursday I was sentenced to 63 months [5+ years] in federal prison. As inconvenient as this is for me, the upside is that for the first time in the two and a half years since I was arrested, I am at last able to speak freely about what has been happening to me.

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(Português) Tsipras: “O veredicto do povo grego significa o fim da troika”
Esquerda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

25 Jan 2015 – No seu discurso de vitória, Alexis Tsipras, líder do Syriza, vencedor das legislativas gregas, afirmou este domingo que “o povo grego escreveu História” e “deixou a austeridade para trás”.

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Quit Bamming Us, Obama!
Dr. Vithal Rajan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

On India’s Republic Day, Jan 26 2015, Barack Obama will be in Delhi. What is his agenda? As America’s salesman-in-chief he needs to get rid of inventories of defence material, nuclear technology, and other build-ups hurting profit. He will return from India half satisfied with what he achieves, but he has never aimed, nor has been permitted to aim, for much more.

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The Assassination of Gandhi, 30 Jan 1948
Eyewitness to History – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

“Just an old man in a loincloth in distant India: Yet when he died, humanity wept.” Gandhi’s violent death came just months after the realization of his long sought-after goal – the independence of India from Great Britain.

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Selma: A Gandhian Critique
Timothy Braatz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

On August 28, 1963, an estimated 250,000 people, from across the country, converged on Washington, DC, to demonstrate their support for the Civil Rights Movement.

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Iberia a Thousand Years Ago
Johan Galtung, 26 Jan 2015 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

A time machine set on the long haul backward may be useful to understand the present in the light of the past. For instance Iberia, the peninsula, today with two states, Spain and Portugal.

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Messenger of the Gods
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

Our ‘Impartial’ Broadcasters Have Become Mouthpieces of the Elite – The illusion of neutrality is one of the reasons for the rotten state of journalism, as those who might have been expected to hold power to account drift thoughtlessly into its arms.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

January 26–February 1
Quote of the Week: “When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” — Peace Pilgrim

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Galant’s Gallant Act
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

There used to be a joke about a sadist and a masochist. “Hit me! Beat me! Kick me!” the masochist pleads with the sadist. The sadist smiles a cruel smile and slowly answers: “No!” That, more or less, reflects the situation on Israel’s northern border at this moment.

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Drones and the New Ethics of War
Neve Gordon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

If Guantanamo was the icon of George W. Bush, drones have become the emblem of the Obama presidency. He has adopted a totally different doctrine: kill rather than capture, replace torture with targeted assassinations. Drones change the ethics of war. To kill exposing one’s life to danger is bad; to kill without endangering one’s own is good.

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The Muslim Catch-22
Jen Sorensen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

Not your free speech, buddy. – Satirical Comic Cartoon

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To Strike or Not to Strike: Israel’s Electoral Calculus
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

An Israeli air strike in Syria on Sunday [18 Jan 2015] that killed 12 commanders from Hizballah and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard follows a long and ignoble tradition in Israeli politics. Prime ministers facing poor ratings have been tempted to launch a major military offensive in the middle of an election campaign. The strike was the biggest against Hizballah since summer 2006 and Israel’s first undisguised military clash with Iran.

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After Charlie Hebdo Attack, France Announces Draconian Anti-Terror Law
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

After a cabinet meeting yesterday [21 Jan 2015] morning at the Elysée presidential palace, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls unveiled a draconian new anti-terror law.

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Why Myanmar Is Committing a Slow Genocide against Nearly 2 Million Rohingya Muslims
Maung Zarni, Rohingya Blogger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

Jan 18, 2015 – Myanmar’s slow Rohingya genocide is a brilliant strategy that kills several birds with a single stone – as far as the country’s ruling military Bama regimes.

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Canadian Expert: What Occurred in Paris Was Theater on a Grand Scale
Tehran Times – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

“Extremists groups are the instrument with which the West and its closest allies seek to transform the Middle East without violating international law or asking the UN Security Council to approve military incursions on sovereign countries to achieve desired political outcomes.” — Leader of Human Rights Party of Canada, Kevin Galalae.

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Charlie Hebdo Fired ‘Anti-Semitic’ Cartoonist for Ridiculing Judaism in 2009
We Are Anonymous – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

The cartoon world’s double standards on freedom of speech… 80-year-old Maurice Sinet, political cartoonist with Charlie Hebdo for 20 years, was fired in 2009 for his ‘anti-Semitic’ cartoons mocking the relationship of former French President Sarkozy’s son with a wealthy Jewish woman.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

A reporter asked an American,

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Syria Strike Caps Israel’s Provocations in Middle East
Chris Marsden, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

21 Jan 2015 – Israel’s strike on leading Hezbollah figures near the occupied Golan Heights is the latest move in a campaign to escalate Middle East tensions. It has been accompanied by a series of provocative actions against the Palestinians and European powers now considered to be too “pro-Palestinian.”

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Genocides, Not Wars
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

What followed WWII were not really true wars, anymore, but genocides; holocausts. All perpetrated mainly through carpet-bombing, poisonous chemicals, enlisting corrupt foreign military, US-trained and financed death-squads, and most recently by using ‘smart bombs’, stealth fighters, cruise missiles and drones, as well as ‘Muslim terrorists’ (created in NATO camps).

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It Is 3 Minutes to Midnight in the Doomsday Clock
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

23 Jan 2015: Unchecked climate change and the nuclear arms race have pushed the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock forward to three minutes closer to midnight, announced in Washington DC members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the body behind the calculations and creation of the Clock of Doom in 1947.

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Financial Markets Celebrate European Central Bank Launch of €1 Trillion Quantitative Easing Program
Nick Beams, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

[Quantitative Easing: euphemism for ‘printing more money for benefit of banks, financial vultures.’ – TMS Editor] The measures will have little or no impact on the real economy. Rather, they are aimed at making available further supplies of ultra-cheap cash for financial speculation.

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UN: Israel Illegally Demolished 77 Palestinian Houses This Week
Falastin News Palestine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

24 Jan 2015 – The UN said in a statement on Friday [23 Jan 2015] that 77 Palestinian families, half of them children, have been rendered homeless in the past three days. Some demolished structures were provided by the international community to shelter poor Palestinian families.

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$$$$$s in Their Hearts: An Exposé of Wars in All Their Complexity – Highly Recommended
Ronald Stein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

$$$$$s in Their Hearts, by Alberto Portugheis, (Opus, London, Nov 2014) – He has had many years to gather all his data and shows how various situations have developed by considerations of politics, religion, military necessities, and the ever present malignant influence of the now worldwide Military Industrial Complex.

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Pope Francis, Salman Rushdie, and Charlie Hebdo
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

The Associated Press reports that despite present tensions and the public celebration of free speech the government in Paris has “ordered prosecutors around the country to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism, and glorifying terrorism.” But no message by the French government mentioning ‘hate cartooning’ or the surge of ‘Islamophobia’ in the country.

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Eliciting Insight from Covert Operations by US
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

The argument here therefore explores the dynamic within a reappropriated US, understood as Universal Synthesizer or Universal Sympathizer — aspiring to global organization and expression of identity, through the embodiment of the highest values. This cognitive dynamic is recognized as challenged by the negativity of Terrifying Hypothetical External Mentalities (THEM) seeking to undermine the coherence articulated and sustained so positively by US.

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Russia and US End Collaboration on Nuclear Disarmament
Clara Weiss, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

Russia and the United States ended their collaboration in the disposal of nuclear waste in mid-December, according to a report in the Boston Globe on Monday [19 Jan 2015]. After the US, Russia is the second largest nuclear power in the world. Together Washington and Moscow own 90 percent of global nuclear weapons.

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Murdering Journalists … Them and Us
William Blum – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

Where has all this Islamic fundamentalism comes from? Most of it comes – trained, armed, financed, indoctrinated – from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. These four countries had been the most secular, modern, educated, welfare states in the Middle East. In the 1980s, the USA overthrew the Afghan government that was progressive, with full rights for women, believe it or not , leading to the creation of the Taliban and their taking power.

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Prison Trauma
Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

In an exercise of
Students are told
To find
A safe place
And to go in

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Post-Sentence Statement: Journalist Barrett Brown – 63 Months [5 Years] Imprisonment for Association with ‘Anonymous’
Sparrow Media Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jan 2015

22 Jan 2015 – “The U.S. government decided today that because I did such a good job investigating the cyber-industrial complex, they’re now going to send me to investigate the prison-industrial complex. Wish me luck!” — Barrett Brown

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(Português) A Jaula de Aço, Max Weber e o Marxismo Weberiano
Jorge Costa, Esquerda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

No seu novo livro, Michael Löwy aborda a paradoxal influência de Max Weber, pensador pessimista e resignado, sobre a teoria crítica e revolucionária. Um estudo cativante, nesta época de submissão total a forças impessoais – mercados, finança, dívida, austeridade – em que a barbárie moderna identificada por Weber volta a apresentar-se como destino inevitável.

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#Freespeech, but We Won’t Cover Your Skin or Honor Your God
Maung Zarni, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

A poem in solidarity and honor of persecuted and targeted Muslims, the latest victims of the “Civilization.”

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Russia Cuts Off Ukraine Gas Supply to 6 European Countries
Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

14 Jan 2015 – The EU raged that the sudden cut-off to some of its member countries was “completely unacceptable,” but Gazprom later added that Russia plans to shift all its natural gas flows crossing Ukraine to a route via Turkey; and the Russian Energy Minister stated unequivocally, “the decision has been made.”

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Calling All Whistleblowers: afriLeaks Offers a Secure Platform
Mail & Guardian Africa – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

In the post-Snowden world with government and corporate surveillance a reality, it has become critically important for journalists and whistleblowers to ensure their digital safety. Enter afriLeaks, a joint project of the African Network of Centres for Investigative Reporting and the Hermes Centre for Transparency and Digital Human Rights.

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The Shortness of Life: Seneca on Busyness and the Art of Living Wide Rather Than Living Long
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

“The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today… The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.” I frequently worry that being productive is the surest way to lull ourselves into a trance of passivity and busyness the greatest distraction from living, as we coast through our lives day after day, showing up for our obligations but being absent from our selves, mistaking the doing for the being.

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Memetic Analogue to the 20 Amino Acids as Vital to Psychosocial Life?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Number 37 as indicative of fruitful pathways of transformation? With respect to the number 37, as the key feature of the report, Kemp notes the discovery that: “37 recurs frequently within the code. For example, the mass of the molecular ‘core’ shared by all 20 amino acids is 74, namely 37 doubled”.

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European Powers Implement Police State Measures in Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack
Ulrich Rippert, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Governments throughout Europe have responded to the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in France by moving quickly to push through a raft of anti-democratic measures that have long been prepared, but that have so far encountered resistance.

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How Americans Can Help Preserve Our Shared Cultural Heritage in Syria
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

To date, it has been primarily the Syrian people themselves, without much international and practically no American help, taking the lead to protect and preserve this cradle of civilization which has hosted nearly a dozen empires over ten thousand years.

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Cast Into the Depths: Perilous Waters for the American Psychological Association
Roy Eidelson, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

The brutal treatment of detainees was not merely the isolated and abhorrent inspiration of two so-called rogue psychologists, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen; indeed, from the start the Office of Legal Counsel “torture memos” were drafted with key roles for psychologists specifically in mind.

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Waving in the First Row
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

One has to understand what pushes young local-born Muslims to commit such acts. Who are they? What do they think? What are their feelings? In what circumstances did they grow up? What can be done to change them? It takes time and effort, with results uncertain. Much easier for politicians to march in the street in front of the cameras. And who marched in the first row, beaming like a victor? Our own and only Bibi.

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Peculiarities of Russian National Character
Dmitry Orlov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Byzantine cultural influences, which came along with Orthodox Christianity, first through Crimea (the birthplace of Christianity in Russia), then through the Russian capital Kiev (the same Kiev that is now the capital of Ukraine), allowed Russia to leapfrog across a millennium or so of cultural development…. Russia has just offered the EU a deal. Why freeze yourselves out when we can all freeze out Washington instead?

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Trade Secrets*
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Why will no one answer the obvious, massive question about the TTIP-Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership? The UK government, like that of the US and 13 other EU members, wants to set up a separate judicial system, exclusively for the use of corporations.

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The Charlie Hebdo ‘Hot Takes’
Tom Tomorrow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Cartoon – This Modern World – Comic Satirical Strip

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(Italiano) Parigi – e poi?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

C’è un altro valore, un’altra norma nel campo dell’ espressione: la considerazione. La decenza. Il rispetto per la vita. Abbiamo leggi sui libelli che chiedono non solo “è vero?” ma “è rilevante?”, per smorzare la malignità per esempio nel “dibattito” politico. Escludiamo discorsi di odio, propaganda per la tortura, il genocidio, la guerra, la pornografia che coinvolga bambini. Molti, incapaci di capire o argomentare con i convertiti all’Islam in Francia, oltrepassano invece le norme della decenza; la facile soluzione.

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Lisboa Antiga – Old Lisbon (MUSIC VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amália Rodrigues – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

FADO: Alma Portuguesa – Portuguese Soul
Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999) is the greatest Portuguese ‘Fadista-Interpreter of Fados’ of all time.

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The Year 2015-What Are We In For?
Johan Galtung, 19 Jan 2015 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Three, maybe four dramatic, global processes are unfolding. And then this: the Silk Railway Freight Train Yiwu from coastal China to Madrid, 8,111 miles, connecting all markets in Eurasia from one end to the other–and from Madrid on to Latin-America, of course.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

January 19-25 – Quote of the Week: “At the center of nonviolence stands principle of love.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

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The Importance of Being Angry
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

If we want obedient and hardworking students, reliable and pliant employees/soldiers and submissive law-abiding citizens, then we must terrorize people out of being angry. Social control is not easy with people who are powerful and you need your anger to be powerful.

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Hell on Earth: Massacre in Nigeria
Charles P. Pierce, Esquire – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Massacre of somewhere north of 2000 people in the Nigerian fishing village of Baga. The details are horrifying. People fleeing the violence and drowning in a lake. Bodies still littering the streets and bushes. The idea that all of these individual acts of savagery are linked and there is one solution for the infinite facets of the problem — “More NSA spying!” “More torture!” “Immigration quotas!” — is as dangerous as it is fanciful.

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Imperialist War, the “War on Terror,” And the End of Democracy
Chris Marsden, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

For decades, the US, France and other imperialist powers have rained down bombs on defenceless civilians, carried out assassinations, and committed horrible war crimes.

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(Français) Une Tribu Guaranis de la Forêt Amazonienne Se Suicide
Center Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Pourchassés, harcelés, destitués et privés de leurs espaces de vies séculaires, de leurs droits et légitimité, n’acceptant pas le tribut sous forme de Diktat avilissant de la civilisation, ne pouvant plus lutter contre les intérêts des systèmes d’exploitation de la forêt Amazonienne : ils choisissent la Mort !

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

A mountain climber slipped down a slope and barely got hold of a small branch at the edge of an abyss.

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To Change Everything: Change Anything, Start Everywhere
CrimethInc – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

An Anarchist Appeal – Our private financial and emotional struggles mirror global upheaval and disaster. We could spend the rest of our days trying to douse these fires one by one, but they stem from the same source. No piecemeal solution will serve; we need to rethink everything. All it takes to find each other is to begin acting according to a different logic. The secret is to begin. Don’t cling to the old world.

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Denied Visa by Israel, UN Rights Expert Cancels Visit to Palestine
Ma’an News Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

An official visit by Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, was cancelled Friday [16 Jan 2015] after Israeli authorities refused to give her a visa to enter Palestine. She had been invited on a fact-finding mission by the Palestinian Authority.

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2000 Estimated Dead in Nigeria from Boko Haram Massacre. But Who Is Arming Them?
Cassius Methyl, The Anti Media – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

While recognizing how intense and horrific this event is, the only logical thing to do now is find out why this happened. A good first question might be: Who armed these people? Please keep in mind there is a lot of background information ignored by the mainstream media. It’s much more complicated than it seems.

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The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation”
E Hanzai, Waking Times – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of destruction, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people.

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Investigation – Secret America
Alex Jordanov – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Over 1 million people inhabit the parallel world created by the US Secret Services after September 11.

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Countries Ranked by Military Strength: 2014
Global Firepower – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

The Military Powers of the World in Full Perspective – The GFP list makes use of over 50 factors to determine each nation’s Power Index (“PwrIndx”) score.

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Je Suis Martin Luther King
Daniel Horgan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Today, January 19, 2015, is Martin Luther King Day here in the US. The world has changed quite a bit since our former great civil rights leader was with us.

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I Am a Marxist, Dalai Lama Says
The Times of India – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

“As far as social-economic theory is concerned, I am still a Marxist,” the spiritual leader said adding that he admires Marxism because of its focus on reducing gap between the rich and the poor.

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The Unmourned: Another Mass Killing by the Nobel Peace Prize Prez
Chris Floyd, Empire Burlesque – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

A U.S.-led coalition airstrike killed at least 50 Syrian civilians late last month when it targeted a headquarters of Islamic State extremists in northern Syria, according to an eyewitness and a Syrian opposition human rights organization.

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San Francisco Buses Running Islamophobic Ads
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

Once again, an anti-Islam organization has bought ads on San Francisco buses, this time comparing Islam to Nazis.

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U.N. Helpless as Saudi Flogging Flouts Torture Convention
Thalif Deen, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jan 2015

“His flogging [1000 lashes, 50/week] and 10-year sentence are testament to the extreme lengths to which the Saudi Arabian authorities will go in order to crush dissent.”

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(Português) Brasil: Maus Comportamentos
Tereza Halliday – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

Educação, palavra mágica onde todo mundo diz que está a solução, mas quase ninguém se importa. Educação não é somente adquirir habilidades. Abrange ética e civilidade. Do contrário, o mau comportamento prevalece no calçadão onde caminho e nos descaminhos do país.

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On Freedom of Speech
David van Mill, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

The discussion moves on from the harm principle to assess the argument that speech can be limited because it causes offense rather than direct harm. [From TMS Editor – Of interest, in view of recent atrocities in Paris: 3.3 HATE SPEECH AND THE OFFENSE PRINCIPLE]

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U.N. Confirms Palestinians Will Be ICC Member on April 1, 2015
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has confirmed the Palestinians will formally become a member of the International Criminal Court on April 1 and the court’s registrar said on Wednesday [7 Jan 2015] that jurisdiction would date back to June 13, 2014.

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On Love (from The Prophet)
Kahlil Gibran – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

When love beckons to you follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.

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Jan 17, 1893: Americans Overthrow Hawai’ian Monarchy
History & Wikipedia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

In January 1893, a revolutionary “Committee of Safety,” organized by Sanford B. Dole, staged a coup against Queen Liliʻuokalani with the tacit support of the United States. The Queen was deposed on January 17, 1893, and temporarily relinquished her throne to “the superior military forces of the United States”.

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The Satyagraha of John Brown
Timothy Braatz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

In popular memory, Brown is known for taking an unwavering stand against the evil of slavery, to the point of killing civilians who stood in his way. In academic circles, Brown serves as the centerpiece of discussions regarding the use of violence for moral ends. As such, the John Brown story can easily become an aspect of cultural violence, meaning those beliefs, ideologies, and cosmologies that legitimize and perpetuate direct and structural (indirect) violence.

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Charlie Hebdo Massacre: a Tragic, Universal Failure
Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

Imagine if Charlie Hebdo drew a big-nosed Moses sitting amid buckets of cash. Does no one understand why if one is wrong the other is as well? In fact, a Hebdo cartoonist derided Nicholas Sarkozy’s son for “doing well” by converting to Judaism to marry a wealthy Jewish heiress. The cartoonist was fired. But cartoonists ridiculing the Prophet are now folk heroes.

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(Italiano) Pace positiva: che cos’è?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

Sì, che cos’è? – cominciamo quest’anno nuovo con una nota positiva. Tenendo a mente che la pace è una parola d’onore, come la salute una salvezza per molti: un centro focale di sogni e desideri, un sommo bene che dev’essere sia molto preciso sia riconducibile a un lavoro di pace professionale e mantenuto aperto, riempito di nuovi sogni ed aspirazioni.

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Pope Francis and Religious Cosmopolitanism
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

It has never been more important to counter the widely disseminated view that religion is ‘inherently’ responsible for political extremism, and more destructively, to blame Islam as a religion for sociopathic violence when the culprits are Muslim. True, religious doctrine can be twisted to serve any values, however demonic, as can secularist thinking.

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Be Like Water: The Philosophy and Origin of Bruce Lee’s Famous Metaphor for Resilience
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015

“In order to control myself I must first accept myself by going with and not against my nature.”
Nothing is weaker than water,
But when it attacks something hard
Or resistant, then nothing withstands it,
And nothing will alter its way.

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