Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26528 results.

(Português) Assim se constrói o Estado Global de Vigilância–e como sabotá-lo
Tom Englehardt entrevista Laura Poitras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Diretora de “Citizenfour”, o documentário sobre denúncias de Edward Snowden, alerta: controle social e esvaziamento da democracia ampliaram-se, após revelações. Esperança é consciência.

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(Italiano) Aosta. Quarant’anni sempre per la verità. Memorie e attualità della strage di Piazza Loggia (28 maggio 1974-28 maggio 2014)
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Il progetto culturale “Collettivamente memoria” è dedicato ai deportati politici Ida Désandré e Italo Tibaldi e alla partigiana Anna Dati oltre che a tutte le donne e uomini Resistenti, intende riaffermare i valori democratici di un vivere collettivo antifascista che era alla base della manifestazione di piazza Loggia del 28 maggio 1974.

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CyberPeace Demands from Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility
Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility-FifF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Political Measures Demanded by FIfF:
1) Renouncement of first strikes and offensive acts in cyberspace: States should publicly abandon the preventive use of cyber weapons to attack.

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Burma [Myanmar] Genocide: Case of Burmese Rohingyas Presented at Harvard
Alvin Powell, Harvard Gazette – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Burma’s Rohingya people are being slowly squeezed from their homeland by decades-long government policies that critics say deny them citizenship, health care, work, and schooling, with such tactics punctuated by killings, destroyed homes, and tens of thousands sent to camps.

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“Death to Iran” Over Airline Passenger Safety
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

OFAC Jeopardizes Air Traffic Safety While Congress Prepares Sanctions Coup de Grâce on Iran

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Western Nuclear Terrorism
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

The use of nuclear coercion by the US and its allies has long roots, going right back to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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The Day LBJ Ordered Cover-Up of Israeli Attack on US Ship
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Having seriously damaged the ship and killed 34 of its crew, the Israelis said it was an accident. President Johnson accepted what he knew was not true, thus ditching the surviving crew in favour of keeping the USSR out of the conflict and of maintaining US support for Israel.

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ICC: Israel Committed ‘War Crimes’ but It’s Not Our Problem
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

According to court papers seen by Reuters on Wednesday [5 Nov 2014] and to lawyers, the court’s decision confirms that Israel has a ‘special status’ in regards to international law.

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Christianity between Jewish and Islamic Banking
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Capitalism has two major contradictions: class, capital vs labor, with increasing inequality; finance vs real economy, with increasing finance economy dominance. The alternatives? Cooperatives sharing benefits and risks, not companies with labor-buyers and labor-sellers getting “jobs”. And criminalization of purely monetary relations, guided by Islamic banking.

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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership-TTIP: A Gunpowder Plot against Democracy
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

This bill of rights for corporations will blow up the sovereignty of parliaments. So outrageous is this arrangement that even the Economist, usually the champion of corporate power and trade treaties, has now come out against calling its investor-state dispute settlement “a way to let multinational companies get rich at the expense of ordinary people”.

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UN Report Condemns US Government’s “International Criminal Program of Torture”
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

The report, prepared by the “Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions” and The International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, states unequivocally that entire sections of the state apparatus are responsible for “breathtaking” crimes against international law.

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(Português) O Funil da Desigualdade
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi, OpinionSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

A desigualdade de poder (econômico, político, midiático, judicial, repressivo) opera como um tipo de funil que, sem descanso, extrai e concentra riqueza e renda nas mãos de uma ínfima fração da população mundial. Vale revisar como e porquê se gera o funil da desigualdade e a diversidade de medidas que existem para desarmá-lo.

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Peace as a Human Right
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

In the beginning was the word. OK. This is the beginning, and these are the words, but they haven’t arrived yet — at least not officially, with full force of meaning. It’s our job, not God’s, to create the new story of who we are, and millions — billions — of people fervently wish we could do so. The problem is that the worst of our nature is better organized than the best of it.

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Is ISIS Coming?
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Israelis, like Americans, are practical people. They don’t appreciate the power of ideas. They think like Stalin who, when warned of the Pope, asked: “How many divisions does he have?” It is ideas that change the world. Like those of the legendary Moses. Of Jesus of Nazareth. Of Muhammad. Of Karl Marx.

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Looking for a Leader in the Caribbean to End Discrimination against Homosexuals
Robin Guittard, CPNN – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Trinidad and Tobago’s laws prohibit entry of “homosexuals” into the country and consensual same-sex relationships can be punished with prison sentences of up to 25 years… Positive change on the island could reverberate across the region.

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Breaking the Cycle of Violent Conflict: Johan Galtung
University of California Television (UCTV) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

A noted pioneer in the field of Peace Studies, Johan Galtung makes the case for incorporating human rights as key to successful peace building around the world. University of San Diego.

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Germany’s New Right: The Unholy Alliance of Neo-Nazis and Football Hooligans
SPIEGEL Staff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

The riots in Cologne at the end of October [2014] show there is a new danger on Germany’s extremist right. Neo-Nazis and football hooligans have teamed up to go after Islamist Salafists. Many are wondering why officials didn’t recognize the development sooner.

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Foreword to “$$$$$$s in Their Hearts”, the New Book by Alberto Portugheis
Bishnu Pathak, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

[TRANSCEND member] Portugheis argues for a total change of organisational and individual perception, stressing that even most of the human rights organisations (such as Amnesty International, Human Rights groups, anti-war campaigners, including political leaders) do not speak of a weapon-free world. His motto of Enlightenment is to launch a campaign to educate and to promote a world free of militarism, thus free of war.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Albert Einstein asked the conductor,

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US Military’s ‘Defense Clandestine Service’ to Deploy Hundreds of International Spies
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

The recently formed Defense Clandestine Service, the elite in-house spying operation of the US Department of Defense, is training a large force of new CIA-trained intelligence agents. Overseen by an agency widely understood to be targeting the Chinese military, it represents another stride in the direction of world war.

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William James on Choosing Purpose Over Profit and the Life-Changing Power of a Great Mentor
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

“After all, the great problem of life seems to be how to keep body and soul together.” Life spoke to him in even more ways than to most men, and he responded to its superabundant confusion with passion and insatiable curiosity. His spiritual development was a matter of intense personal experience.

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Discovering Iran
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

As Khalil Gibran rightly observed: “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” With every wrong policy, America adds to the scars, strengthens the character and spirit of this unbreakable nation. This is what Washington is not able to grasp.

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The 2000th Death
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Although George died as victim of a bomb
let’s greet his death with patriots’ aplomb.
There’s nothing in his death that’s grim or stark,
for he is just an artificial mark

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Breaking the Rules: Working for the UN can be fun. And it can also do some good provided one is ready to lie, fib, obfuscate and break all the rules
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Alexander Casella has written a lively account of his years first as a journalist for the Journal de Genève covering events in Vietnam and China and then as a staff member of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

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When Is a Corporate Media Group Too Powerful?
Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Last June GFR Media, Puerto Rico’s largest media company, gave a five-million-dollar grant to the Communications School of Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, one of the country’s leading private universities. Upon receiving the grant, the university changed the school’s name to Ferré Rangel School of Communication, after the Ferré-Rangel family, which owns GFR Media.

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(Italiano) Cristianesimo vs Islam: controciclicità?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

PROGNOSI I: conversione massiccia all’islam; meno dogma, più azione.
PROGNOSI II: il sistema bancario islamico ispirerà l’economia occidentale.
PROGNOSI III: il cristianesimo si volge all’amore di Gesù-Maria, l’islam segue.

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New European Commission Marred by Corporate Conflicts of Interest
Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Jean-Claude Juncker was elected as European Commission president after eight years as prime minister of Luxembourg, where he helped transform the country into the largest tax haven on the continent. “He has dedicated his career to ensuring that society becomes less fair; that wealthy institutions and individuals can avoid the taxes little people and small businesses must pay,”

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Lawsuit Spotlights U.S. Charities That Fund Israel’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Program
PR Newswire – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Nov 2014

Oct. 28, 2014 – Lawsuit seeks release of a government report about how American branches of Israeli charitable and educational institutes fund secret nuclear weapons research and development programs.

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Israeli Ministers Pass Bill Jailing Stone Throwers for 20 Years
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

If Israeli courts can prove that someone threw a stone with the intent of causing serious bodily harm, they may be able to impose a jail sentence of 20 years. The law would also allow the conviction of people who hurl rocks at police cars or police officers with the aim of hindering them from carrying out their duty.

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Kahlil Gibran on the Absurdity of Self-Righteousness
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

A short poem that speaks with great subtlety and great insight to our illusion of separateness and the self-righteousness it produces, our lamentable tendency to mistake others for interruptions and nuisances, to forget that everybody is simply doing their best in this shared experience called life.

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At Home with Themselves: Sage Sohier’s Moving Portraits of Same-Sex Couples in the 1980s
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

A Tender, Thoughtful Lens on Life and Love in the Margins

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Australian Immigration
First Dog on the Moon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Comic Strip – Satirical Cartoon

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The Fizz Is Going Out of SodaStream as Boycott Shakes It Up
Jews For Justice For Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Famous for using Scarlett Johansson to pitch its carbonated-beverage makers and for drawing the wrath of the boycott movement, the company has seen sales decline in its key U.S. market.

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(Português) Trauma de Discurso
Tereza Halliday – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Quando recebo convite para ritual de posse em alguma academia que não seja de ginástica, envio presente e/ou cartão como assertiva de meu apreço, mas não compareço à solenidade.

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(Castellano) El embudo de la desigualdad
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi, OpinionSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

La desigualdad de poder (económico, político, mediático, judicial, represivo) opera como una suerte de embudo que, sin pausa, extrae y concentra riqueza e ingresos en manos de una ínfima fracción de la población mundial. Vale revisar cómo y porqué se genera el embudo de la desigualdad y la diversidad de medidas que existen para desarmarlo.

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October 22, 1964: Jean-Paul Sartre Becomes the First Person to Decline the Nobel Prize
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

My reasons for refusing the prize concern neither the Swedish Academy nor the Nobel Prize in itself, as I explained in my letter to the Academy. In it, I alluded to two kinds of reasons: personal and objective.

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Christianity vs Islam: Countercyclicity?
Johan Galtung, 3 Nov 2014 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

PROGNOSIS I: massive conversion to Islam; less dogma, more action.
PROGNOSIS II: Islamic Banking will inspire Western economy.
PROGNOSIS III: Christianity turns to Jesus-Mary love, Islam follows.

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The Inequality Funnel
Roberto Sansón Mizrahi, OpinionSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Inequality of power (economic, political, media, judiciary, repressive) operates as some kind of funnel that, permanently, extracts and concentrates wealth and incomes in the hands of a minimal fraction of the global population. It is worth analyzing how and why the inequality funnel is generated and the diversity of measures available to dismantle it.

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UN Review of US “International Criminal Program of Torture”
The International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, et al. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Since the United States last reported to the Committee Against Torture in 2006, even more evidence has emerged confirming that civilian and military officials at the highest level created, designed, authorized, and implemented a sophisticated, international criminal program of torture.

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(Deutsch) “Cyberpeace”-Kampagne engagierter InformatikerInnen wird gefördert
Christiane Schulzki-Haddouti – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Das Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung wird für seine Kampagne gegen Cyberwarfare mit 13.600 Euro unterstützt.

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No Country for Refugees
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

No British rescue missions for drowning Afro-refugees.
Really, it’s in their Karma, in their DNAs to suffer.
Give them Burmese “Buddhism” or cheap opium from Afghanistan.
Have they no wit to know Foreign Policies ain’t about human welfare?
Governments ain’t no churches. We ain’t your Messiah.

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(Italiano) Il conflitto sunniti-sciiti: soluzioni?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Attingere alle ricche esperienze di tutti gli islam, focalizzarsi sul meglio, estirpare le erbacce violente che rendono alcuni musulmani non-islamici nel loro ricorso alla violenza; molto diretti l’uno contro l’altro. Il tempo è un fattore per lavorare con entrambe le parti, sui fondamenti e sulla teologia, per andare oltre.

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Stoning in Somalia: Recent Incidents Highlight Continued Brutality
Pambazuka News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Call for action from both parties within and outside Somalia to prevent stoning and other form of torture and violence from continuing to cripple the ability of Somali people to lead viable lives.

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Interrelated Threats to Humans and to the Biosphere
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

To avoid the inevitable downturn caused by excessive inequality, our oligarchic governments resort to what might be called “Military Keynesianism”. To prevent the crash of stock markets and banks of our corporate-controlled governments, enemies have to be found: communists, terrorists, the Islamic world, Russia, Iran, China, and so on. The corporate press keeps the public perpetually in fear of these “enemies”.

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Why Do Banks Want Our Deposits? Hint: It’s Not to Make Loans
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

The reality of how money is created today differs from some economics textbooks: Rather than banks receiving deposits when households save and then lending them out, bank lending creates deposits. While banks do not need [real] deposits to create loans, they do need to balance their books; and attracting customer deposits is usually the cheapest way to do it.

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Sunni-Shia Bellum Sacrum Faultlines Deepen: Gloves Come Off in Lebanon
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

“Everyone in Lebanon, and for many generations, will have their families’ lives negatively affected by the sectarian hostility. The Sunni-Shia hatred is poisonous. Can it be eradicated? And forget about the Christians! In a few years there will probably not be enough of them left in the Middle East to matter.”

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Violence against Children: UN Gets it Wrong
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

The United Nations has just issued a report, ‘Why Children’s Protection from Violence should be at the Heart of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.’ This is a worthy ideal. Unfortunately, the UN Report does not identify the fundamental cause of violence. Given that human violence now has us on the brink of precipitating our own extinction, it is time we faced the truth and responded meaningfully to it.

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Space Launch Privatization Costing Taxpayers Dearly
Bruce Gagnon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Why the US privatized the NASA launch program? The agenda is clear – privatize space operations and rewrite space law to allow the aerospace industry to claim ownership of the heavens. But clearly they want the taxpayers to pay the freight charges.

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‘Europe to Pay for the Whole Mess in Ukraine’
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

The gas deal between Ukraine and Russia became possible because Europe realized that it wouldn’t get the gas if it didn’t get behind Ukraine.

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The Pentagon and Big Oil: Militarism and Capital Accumulation
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

There is no question that, in the immediate aftermath and for several years following US military conquests, wars, occupations and sanctions, US multi-national corporations lost out on profitable sites for investments.

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UN Launches Global Campaign to End Female Genital Mutilation
Voice of America – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

30 Oct 2014 – The U.N. secretary-general has launched a global media campaign aimed at putting an end to female genital mutilation.

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(Italiano) Epistemologia: sull’uso delle dicotomie
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

Talvolta viene criticato l’uso delle dicotomie, tagli netti come maschio-femmina, democrazia-dittatura, pace negativa-positiva: il mondo è più complicato. Che il mondo della vita organica, individuale e collettiva, sia complesso, non v’è dubbio. Che una divisione semplicistica noi-loro del mondo in due blocchi o poli, una polarizzazione, appunto, sia un passo verso la violenza e la guerra, è chiaro.

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Indian Laborers in the Gulf
Dr. Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

I am puzzled at the Indian government’s apathy at the deplorable situation of Indian laborers in the Gulf. Why does not India take a note of this situation and raise the issue with the Gulf countries with which it has diplomatic relations?

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Ebola: Are U.S. Bioweapons Labs the Solution, or the Problem?
Institute for Public Accuracy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

“If, as the Liberian press is claiming, this outbreak of Ebola is from one of the labs in West Africa run by the Center for Disease Control, it could be an unprecedented human disaster. Recall that the 2001 weaponized anthrax attacks were traced to a U.S. government lab.

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China-Led New Bank Challenges Japanese, US’ Influence
The BRICS Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

The AIIB-Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will boost China’s global influence and enhance its soft power.

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Why Foreign Military Intervention Usually Fails in the 21st Century
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

We have reached a stage in the political development of life on the planet where civilizational and species survival itself depends on the urgency of building an effective movement against the war system that remains indispensable to sustain hierarchy and exploitation, wastes huge amounts of resources, and dangerously diverts problem-solving priorities.

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Ebola and the Paradox of Human Rights
Ian Ralby – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

We have become so obsessed with romanticized notions of “human rights” that we forget there are boundaries to when and how certain rights may apply.

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New Arrivals
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

A pope arrived at the gate of heaven.

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Major Banks Prepare to Pay Billions for Foreign Exchange Manipulation
Richard Smallteacher, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

1 Nov 2014 – Some 19 investigations of multinational banks in ten different legal jurisdictions are on their way to completion and the final tally may hit $41 billion to settle charges of foreign exchange manipulation.

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Resource Insights from Plus or Minus 12 People on a Liferaft
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

The argument here arises from the observation that crises involving millions evoke a form of psychic numbing. Suffering on the larger scale does not connect with ordinary comprehension. Disasters involving millions are essentially meaningless to most. When the dilemmas are presented on a more human scale, involving very few, they then become far more comprehensible and meaningful.

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Wave – José André Plays Tom Jobim (MUSIC VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
José André Jazz Trío – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

He is just nine years old… and blind. Jazz prodigy José André Montano Baina takes Bolivia and the world music scene by storm.

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Cowardly Lions: Missed Opportunities to Prevent Deadly Conflict and State Collapse
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

There are always warning signs before the outbreak of a crisis. But one must be able to read the signs — thus the need for courage, intelligence and heart. In light of the continuing crisis and disintegration of State structures in the Central African Republic, in Libya and elsewhere, this analysis of State collapse remains of value.

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The Art of Symbolism in Peace Building
Kya Kim | TED Talks - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Nov 2014

[Former TMS Resident Journalist], peace activist and Peace Mask Project team member Kya Kim reminds us of the powerful role of symbolism in creating change towards lasting peace. Kya and her team strive to spark this lasting peace across Japan, China and Korea with the current Peace Mast East Asia Project.

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The Basis of It All, H and N: Joy of Humanity and Nature (JoHaN)
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Prof. John Galtung’s Blissful 84th Birthday, 24 Oct 2014

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Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant a ‘Stillborn Child’, Says S P Udayakumar
The Times of India – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

The Kudankulam nuclear power project is a ‘stillborn child’ and it may never be commissioned to produce electricity, S P Udayakumar, convenor of People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy, said at a protest organised by the Social Democratic Party of India on Saturday [25 Oct 2014].

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Data Secrecy Company [Whisper] Accused of Sharing Information with Media and Military
Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Whisper – a new social network that claims to provide anonymity – has been accused of secretly tracking users. The allegations were made by the Guardian newspaper, provoking renewed scrutiny of a multitude of data privacy claims made by software companies.

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EU Fines JP Morgan 61 Million Euro for Collusion
Xinhua – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

The European Union on Tuesday [21 Oct 2014] fined U.S. banking giant J.P. Morgan more than 61 million euro (about 78 million U.S. dollars) for its participation in an illegal cartel aimed at influencing the benchmark interest rate.

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(Português) Sotaques Regionais
Tereza Halliday – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Troquemos a gozação e má vontade face ao diferente, por um olhar positivo quanto à diversidade: variações de pronúncia são riqueza linguística, seja entre os países que usam um mesmo idioma, seja nas diversas regiões de um mesmo país.

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The Entry of Ebola into the US Has Hallmarks of a Planned Happening
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

More information is available that suggests the the government had advance information that ebola was coming to the US and that the government expects a much larger outbreak of the disease in the US than it admits.

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Prison Writings: The Roots of Civilization
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Abdullah Ocalan is a Marxist in the tradition of Antonio Gramsci. For him, ideology is the basis of change. Technology and the means of production come to fill the spaces first opened by ideas. Thus his prison writings are a history of the Middle East as ideology. The next steps in history must come through a new ideological construction.

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(Italiano) L’autoproduzione secondo Marinella Correggia alla festa dei Gas valdostani
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

L’autoproduzione come utopia concreta e realizzabile

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Peace May Come
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

From what I have seen of the human race
I calculate that peace may come to the world
when about ten people are left,

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Is the US Government the Master Criminal of Our Time?
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

The test consists of giving an ebola vaccine and then exposing the unaware person to ebola, an engineered version for bio-warfare. Drs. Boyle and Broderick in their articles below are correct that experimentation with ebola by the US government is underway in Africa.

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Muhammad, Where Are You?
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

When the statisticians saw the results, they were flabbergasted. The name that topped the list was Muhammad. Muhammad? The most popular name in the Jewish state? What to do? Simple: you just omit the Arab names. No Muhammad. When this became known, many Israelis laughed. How silly can you get?

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Peace and Security through the United Nations
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

On the Eve of United Nations Day, 24 Oct 2014 – The United Nations needs peace education for sustainable peace and security, but not the current one teaching predetermined values through knowledge, attitude and skill. Peace education ought to be based on universally inherent elements: body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit in all men and women everywhere without any discrimination.

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US Army Withheld Promise from Germany That Ebola Virus Wouldn’t Be Weaponized
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

German High Government Official Seeks Washington’s Reassurance That the US Did Not Weaponize the Species of Ebola That Germany Made Available to Washington

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

On the last day of school before summer, when all children were itching to go home and play, a teacher promised that those children who could answer her questions correctly could leave earlier.

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Not Only Coal ‛Good for Humanity’
News from Somewhere – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

“Death is the basic source of jobs in Australia’s funeral industry,” the Prime Minister declared. “My government is determined to protect those jobs against the fantasist-terrorist doctors who are trying to prevent it.”

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James Risen vs. the American Psychological Association
Roy J. Eidelson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Relying on never-before-disclosed emails involving senior officials from the APA and the CIA, Risen makes the case that the two organizations secretly colluded to craft the APA’s ethics policies for psychologists, policies that provided support and cover for the Bush Administration’s “enhanced interrogation” torture program.

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From Subjects to Citizens: The Great Transition – UN Day 24 October
Federico Mayor Zaragoza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Article I of the UNESCO Constitution proclaims that education creates people who are “free and responsible”. Education for all throughout life. For all, and not merely for a chosen few. And this all is very dangerous, because people with education will not remain passive, resigned and in subjugation. They will not be spectators, but rather actors.

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At the Pentagon
First Dog on the Moon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Cartoon – Comic Strip

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Why the USA May Go to War in the South China Sea
Ian Ralby – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

As China seeks to exercise its control over disputed islands and maritime waters it may seek to block US warships and military aircraft from crossing through large swathes of the South China Sea. This restriction will prove unpalatable to the US who considers it a legal right to cross these waters.

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Two Paths in the Wood: “Choice” of Life or War
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

There is an urgent need for new ideological foundations to replace our nation’s historic reliance on war and destruction to achieve ends. Our nation’s history is stained with the blood of indigenous peoples, with the blood of slavery, and with the blood of world wars whose resolutions (victories?) produced a heritage of continued reliance on military solutions and revenge from those who “lost” or from those who now see the intentions of the USA and its allies.

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Understanding and Defeating Resurgent Fascism
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

As fascism is being intruded more widely and deeply into key areas of world politics, it is important to identify this trend, to explain the psychology of fascism and to nominate key elements of any strategy to defeat it.

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The Sunni-Shia Conflict: Any Solution?
Johan Galtung, 27 Oct 2014 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

Drawing on the rich experiences of all Islams, focusing on the best, weeding violent weeds making some Muslims non-Islamic in their recourse to violence; much directed against each other. Time is there to work from both sides, on the basis and the theology, to go beyond.

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Anti-Assad Warmongers Drag in the Holocaust
Maidhc Ó Cathail, The Passionate Attachment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Oct 2014

“The irony is that the Nazi holocaust has now become the main ideological weapon for launching wars of aggression,” Norman Finkelstein tells in “Defamation,” the award-winning 2009 documentary on how perceptions of anti-Semitism affect Israeli and U.S. politics.

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(Italiano) ISIS: Negoziato, non bombardamento
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Altri bombardamenti insensati di musulmani, altre sconfitte per USA-Occidente, altri movimenti di tipo ISIS, altra polarizzazione Occidente-Islam. Qualche via d’uscita?

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(Italiano) Gabriele Del Grande su “Io sto con la sposa”
Silvia Berruto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Dopo la proiezione torinese di sabato 11 ottobre presso il cinema Fratelli Marx di Torino, ho incontrato informalmente Gabriele Del Grande.

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Systemic Equivalences between Ebola, Alien Invasion and Dissidence
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Strategic Implications of Seemingly Disparate Forms of Terrorism – Current preoccupation with the strategic measures required in the response to the threat of ebola bear a strange similarity to the manner in which the response to terrorism is framed — especially as exemplified in the case of ISIS.

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The Academic Boycott of Israel: A Policy of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Thinking about a Better Conflict Resolution for the Palestine/Israel Conflict in relation to the Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies of the University of Sydney.

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Friedrich Nietzsche on Why a Fulfilling Life Requires Embracing Rather than Running from Difficulty
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

A century and a half before our modern fetishism of failure, a seminal philosophical case for its value. “The most fulfilling human projects appeared inseparable from a degree of torment, the sources of our greatest joys lying awkwardly close to those of our greatest pains…”

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Oslo Is Dead! Long Live Oslo! The UK House of Commons Supports Diplomatic Recognition of Palestine
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

On October 13 [2014] the House of Commons by an overwhelming vote of 274-12 urged the British government to extend diplomatic recognition to Palestine. At first glance, it would seem a rather meaningless gesture. It is a non-binding resolution.

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The Paradoxical Consequences of USA Counter-Terrorism Programs
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Jihadist Terrorist Perceived Motives and Successes – “While nothing is easier than to denounce the evil doer, nothing is harder than to understand him.”
Fyodor Mihailovich Dostoevsky, The Possessed, 1872

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A Noble Surprise
Vithal Rajan, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Despite the twinning of Pakistan and India by the Nobel Committee, peace between the two countries will remain as illusory as their hope that Obama, America’s first black president, will be more peaceful than the other warlords who have shown their patriotism by bombing hapless people around the world.

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Obama Fights Ebola with a Czar and Soldiers
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

17 Oct 2014 – The public continues to be reassured that ebola is not a problem for the US, but CNN reports that Obama has appointed an Ebola Czar. The Czar is not a medical person but an insider lawyer who served as chief of staff to Vice President Biden.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Donald Rumsfeld is giving President Bush his daily briefing.

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New Evidence Links CIA to the American Psychological Association’s “War on Terror” Ethics
Roy Eidelson and Trudy Bond – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Based on revelations in James Risen’s new book, ‘Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War.’ The only matter of dispute is the extent to which the APA collaborated with and worked to support the program of torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.

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Why I Can’t Celebrate Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize
Middle East Revised - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Sure, we must acknowledge the efforts of those who are fighting for a better world, but when it is done in a way that feels so calculated, unidimensional, loaded with secret agendas and tons of hypocrisy – I just can’t celebrate it.

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Pacific Islands: “We Are Not Drowning — We Are Fighting!” (MUSIC VIDEO OF THE WEEK) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Warriors across 14 Pacific island nations answered a call, brought on by the threat of climate change. “We’re not giving up. We’re going to fight for what is ours – our island homes and cultures.”

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Pathways to Reconciliation: Between Theory and Practice
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

Reconciliation is a process that requires spiritual understanding beyond the pragmatism that rests in the calculation of causes and consequences. It needs to be seen not only as reconciliation between two persons or groups, but for something. It is not merely the repair of the past, but a bridge to the future.

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