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U.S. Successfully Tests New Nuclear Gravity Bomb in Nevada
Brendan Byrne, ValueWalk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

17 Nov 2015 – The newly upgraded B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb was successfully tested for the third time in the Nevada desert on October 20. Non-proliferation advocates appear to have lost the fight to keep the B61-12 from being deployed, and now it must be hoped that future military officials are not tempted to use it.

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Corporate Imperialism – The Only Reason for GMOs
Prof. Vandana Shiva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

The Papal Bull of 1493 -Inter Caetera- and the concept of Terra Nullius allowed the Catholic Church, and the Empires of the time, to change the destiny of millions of people and their cultures around the world, by allowing Europe to grab what it wanted from faraway lands. Terra Nullius, Latin, meaning ‘empty lands’ or ‘lands that belong to no one’ was a novel concept.

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Duty to Warn – People Who Live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

There will likely be an escalation of the ongoing and bankrupting perpetual wars with the inevitable worsening of the suffering of the refugees, continued chaos on the ground, and a global war-induced economic instability that will eventually come crashing down – literally or figuratively – on American heads, just like the too-heavy throne that fell through the second story of the grass house.

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Smoking Out a Boko Haram Closet Supporter
Rev. Olufemi Oluniyi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Boko Haram, the terrorist Islamic organisation crashed into the Nigerian national stage with fury (2002), fire (2007) and firestorm (2009). The word Boko, a Hausa adulteration of the English word “book,” and haram, the Hausa word for forbidden, together mean ‘aversion to Western education.’

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Aung San Suu Kyi: ‘I’m going to be the one who is managing the government’ in Burma/Myanmar
Lally Weymouth – The Washington Post, 23 Nov 2015

The woman who endured house arrest for the better part of 20 years heads the party that won a landslide election victory this month over the very generals who held her captive. In her office she talked about launching a democracy, ending ethnic violence, sharing power with the military and changing the constitution so that she can become president. Edited excerpts follow.

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(Português) Ecocídios, uma outra consequência da postura humana de proprietarizar a Natureza e inferiorizar e matar animais
Robson Fernando de Souza - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 23 Nov 2015

19 de novembro de 2015 – A catástrofe de Mariana/MG e do Rio Doce, resultante de crime ambiental de larga escala, resultou numa mortandade sem precedentes, com a morte dolorosa, estima-se, de milhões ou mesmo bilhões de animais na bacia hidrográfica da região.

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What Is Really at Stake at the Paris Climate Conference Now That Marches Are Banned
Naomi Klein – The Guardian, 23 Nov 2015

By banning protest at COP21, Hollande is silencing those facing the worst impacts of climate change and its monstrous violence. Once again, the message is: our security is non-negotiable, yours is up for grabs.

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Defiant Haiti – “We won’t let you steal these elections!”
Dave Welsh, Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Hooded Gangs Attack Protest March as Police Turn a Blind Eye – Haitians, determined to thwart what they see as an ongoing “electoral coup d’etat,” have been in the streets almost daily in their tens of thousands since the Oct. 25th first round Presidential elections.

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Meetings in Germany Mark the 75th Anniversary of the Death of Leon Trotsky
World Socialist Web Site – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

23 Nov 2015 – More than 200 people attended meetings in Germany marking the 75th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky, held by the International Youth and Students for Social Equality in the German cities of Berlin, Frankfurt and Bochum.

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Religion and Science – An Interdisciplinary Approach
Dr.Chandra P. Trivedi – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Mostly the people are confused about the existence of God, and contradictory statements of the intellectuals have confused further at a length. Although all the religious scriptures are saying the same, the religion is based on the existence of one God and Indian concept of polytheism based on swa dharma, self duty, with the view that God is present everywhere.

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25 November: Silent Violence Against Women
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Amartya Sen defined the major challenge of human development as “broadening the limited lives into which the majority of human beings are willy-nilly imprisoned by the forces of circumstance.” On 25 November, this day for the elimination of violence against women, we need to look closely at the social, cultural and economic walls that imprison.

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Saudi Arabia, an ISIS That Succeeded
Kamel Daoud – International New York Times, 23 Nov 2015

Daesh has a mother: the invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia and its religious-industrial complex. Until that point is understood, battles may be won, but the war will be lost. Jihadists will be killed, only to be reborn again in future generations and raised on the same books. The attacks in Paris have exposed this contradiction again, but as happened after 9/11, it risks being erased from our analyses and our consciences.

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Violence In and By Paris: Any Way Out?
Johan Galtung, 23 Nov 2015 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

I have a dream. Like an American from Atlanta, Georgia, MLK Jr. Imagine West and Islam focusing not on the worst, like Western violence for prevention and Islamic for retribution, but on the best. Like the capacity for innovation and freedom in the West, togetherness and sharing in Islam. Imagine them dialoguing publicly at a high level “how can we learn from each other”?

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The Dangers of the Gates Foundation: Displacing Seeds and Farmers
Mariam Mayet, Other Worlds – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Our seed systems in Africa are being criminalized by a corporate green revolution project. How the African Centre for Biodiversity is fighting back effectively to keep seeds in the hands of farmers and out of the multinational corporations.

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On the Phone
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

A man spoke frantically into the phone.

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Frank Sinatra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

In Concert Live

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Researchers Confirm: Giant Ancient Egyptian Underground Labyrinth Exists and Could Rewrite History
EWAO – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

The Incredible Ancient Egyptian underground Labyrinth has been found and confirmed but has been suppressed by mainstream history. It can be easily considered as one of the greatest discoveries of Ancient Egypt, yet only a few know about its existence.

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Like the Germans, Israeli Jews Don’t Want to Know about Persecuted People
Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Many Germans were appalled by the scale of the madness, cruelty and barbarism, but they didn’t lift a finger. Apart from a few who hid Jewish neighbours in their homes, or had the courage to help the wounded, most saw what was happening, heard the cries and turned away. They were frightened. They shut themselves up at home. They closed their windows.

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The Dayton Miracle: Bosnia Armistice, still Alive at 20
Nebojsa Malic – Russia Today, 23 Nov 2015

21 Nov 2015 – Twenty years after it stopped the bloodshed, the historic agreement reached in Dayton, Ohio still survives in Bosnia. More of an armistice than a peace treaty, it is under attack by the very powers sworn to uphold it.

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(Français) L’Arabie saoudite, un Daesh qui a réussi
Kamel Daoud – International New York Times, 23 Nov 2015

Daesh a une mère : l’invasion de l’Irak. Mais il a aussi un père : l’Arabie saoudite et son industrie idéologique. Si l’intervention occidentale a donné des raisons aux désespérés dans le monde arabe, le royaume saoudien leur a donné croyances et convictions. Si on ne comprend pas cela, on perd la guerre même si on gagne des batailles. On tuera des djihadistes mais ils renaîtront dans de prochaines générations, et nourris des mêmes livres.

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(Français) Vingt ans après Dayton, rendre la Bosnie aux Bosniens ?
Georges Berghezan, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

18 novembre 2015 – Le 21 novembre 1995, un accord conclu sur la base étatsunienne de Dayton (Ohio) mettait fin à la guerre en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Vingt ans plus tard, si le pays a quasiment disparu des écrans des téléviseurs, il continue à vivoter dans le moule de l’accord, officiellement signé le 14 décembre à Paris.

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Not a Joke At All
Singer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Satirical Strip Cartoon

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Statement of the 15th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

15 Nov 2015 The Barcelona Declaration – Refugees: Meeting the Challenge to Our Humanity

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I offer my sincere apologies for the delay…
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Nov 2015

… to the 10-thousand-strong subscribers to our TMS Weekly Digest. In short:

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Paris Attacks: Symbols and Choices
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Nov 2015

Within a short time period, the terrorist teams have destroyed a Russian plane with tourists returning from Egypt, badly damaged a Hezbollah center in Lebanon, and attacked symbolic sites in Paris on a Friday the 13th. Three symbolic sites in Paris were chosen by a well-coordinated team of some 12 active agents and an unknown number of “helpers.”

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(Deutsch) Die Regierung blieb Antworten schuldig
Bernard Schmid, Paris - neues deutschland, 17 Nov 2015

Der »Krieg« ist erklärt, nicht aber das Phänomen des Abdriftens junger Leute in den Dschihadismus. Ein halbes Dutzend mal fiel das Wort »Krieg« in der Ansprache von Frankreichs Präsident. Der Begriff wird sonst für zwischenstaatliche Konflikte gebraucht, weshalb seine Verwendung Aufsehen erregte.

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Putin: ISIS Financed from 40 Countries, Including G20 Members
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Nov 2015

President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.

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Calais Migrant Camp on Fire as France Reels from Paris Terror Attacks
Mikey Smith – Mirror Online, 16 Nov 2015

14 Nov 2015 – Fire broke out in the ‘Jungle’ refugee camp near Calais last night – just hours after the terror attacks in Paris. One video shows emergency service vehicles arriving at the camp, which houses around 6,000 migrants – mainly young men from Syria and North Africa.

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Beirut’s Explosion: The Sunni-Shia Bellum Sanctum Returns to Hezbollah’s Security Zone
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

At least 46 confirmed deaths and nearly 250 wounded, many seriously, are being treated at hospitals. All are victims of the 6 p.m. rush hour terrorist bombings deep inside Hezbollah’s security zone on Nov 12, 2015 that targeted civilians who were shopping at street markets or gathering at the local mosque for the fourth of the five daily prayers. The extremist Islamic State (ISIS/Da’ish) group claimed the attack.

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Paris at Midnight: Attempt to Push France Out of Anti-ISIL Coalition in Syria?
Juan Cole, Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Paris was hit by at least two well-trained and -equipped terrorist cells in a coordinated attack on 6 or 7 soft targets on Friday [13 Nov 2015] night. Some fear that these strikes will spell the end of Schengen open borders and will negatively affect the refugees that have come to Europe in the thousands recently. The terrorists may have been attempting to replicate the 2004 Madrid train bombings, which also aimed at soft targets, and which convinced Spain to withdraw its troops from Iraq.

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Paris: Who Profits?
Pepe Escobar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

14 Nov 2015 – There’s no evidence this is a false flag – at least for now. What this seems to be proving is that Daesh is a certified pro ops with badass connections. Scouring a ton of reports, I found a Danish citizen describing one of the attackers to a Paris café; ultra-pro, black-clad head to toe, AK-47, very well trained. These are not your usual al-Zawahiri underwear bombers; these are precision killers.

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Academics and Israel
The Irish Times – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

4 Nov 2015 – Sir, As scholars associated with Irish institutions of higher education, north and south, and responding to the appeal from Palestinian civil society, we declare that we will not accept invitations to visit Israeli academic institutions; act as referees in any of their processes; participate in conferences funded, organised or sponsored by them, or otherwise co-operate with them.

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(Português) O que me levou a abrir um santuário para cavalos abusados
Karyn Boswell, One Green Planet - ANDA Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 16 Nov 2015

Começar um santuário de cavalos tem sido uma batalha que me acompanha desde pequena. Para ser bem honesta, tem sido uma espécie de montanha russa com várias voltas. Todo dia é uma experiência incrível e eu não troco isso por nada no mundo.

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Why Aung San Suu Kyi’s ‘Mandela Moment’ Is a Victory for Myanmar’s Generals
Maung Zarni – The Guardian, 16 Nov 2015

With a constitution that safeguards its immense power and wealth, the military knows that, unlike in 1990, it doesn’t need a crackdown to keep its regime intact.

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Middle East: The Way Forward
Sufyan bin Uzayr – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

For the Middle East to truly blossom and bloom, it is essential that fake borders be abolished. That said, it seems highly unlikely that any form of unification or integration might happen during the oil era, especially because both domestic dictators and foreign hegemons are eager to keep the falsely drawn borders intact. How or when can unification happen? This question, unfortunately, still lacks an answer.

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Even War Has Rules
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan - Truthdig, 16 Nov 2015

Three weeks after the attack in Kunduz, another MSF hospital was struck, this time in Yemen. The hospital was hit multiple times over a two-hour period last week, even though the roof was marked with the MSF logo and its GPS coordinates had been shared multiple times with the Saudi-led coalition. Every indication is that the Saudi Arabian military, using U.S.-provided bombers and arms, launched the strike.

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Call Me by My Name
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

French Pres. Charles De Gaulle got up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom in the dark, wearing nothing.

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Johan Galtung & Keil Eggers: The World beyond Global Disorder
TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

13th Session World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” – Rhodes, Greece, 9 Oct 2015

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New Socialist Government Keeps Portuguese People under the Whip
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Portuguese Revolution Falls Far Short – In the Western world democracy has been decapitated. In Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Latvia, and the United States itself, there is no connection between the will of the people and the policies of the government. Only in tiny Iceland did the people prevail over the banks. Everywhere else the people are forced to pay for the gambling losses and leveraged debts of the financial sector.

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5 Reasons That I’m a Christian Who Stopped Supporting Israel
Benjamin L. Corey, Patheos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

5. I realized that loving Jewish people was completely different from supporting the modern, secular state of Israel.

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Spanish Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Other Officials
Middle East Monitor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

A Spanish court has issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials for their role in the 2010 attack on the Freedom Flotilla heading to Gaza, local media reported on Friday [13 Nov 2015].

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The Dolphin Killers of Cardigan Bay
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Why does the Welsh government propose this gratuitous act of destruction? It refuses to say.

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(Français) Portugal : la droite veut changer la constitution pour rester au pouvoir
Romaric Godin - La Tribune, 16 Nov 2015

Le premier ministre lusitanien, renversé mardi [10 nov] par le parlement, demande une modification d’urgence de la constitution pour permettre de nouvelles élections.

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Myanmar Rulers Exit, Successfully
Swe Mon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

People, let me be blunt.
Un-ashamed, the usurpers seem to have stopped their election game,
Having chosen the moral high ground and leaving the landsliders to be blamed – for a country lying in ruins.

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Smart Resistance: A Palestinian Call for ‘Unarmed Warfare’
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Some Palestinian intellectuals are advocating non-violent resistance as they warn against an armed uprising. Palestinians have a right in international law to resist the occupation, even violently, but this group emphasises the futility of violence faced with Israel’s military superiority. Theirs is a pragmatic argument.

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(Português) Incêndio destrói acampamento de refugiados na França
R7 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

14 novembro 2015 – Um grande incêndio atingiu um acampamento de refugiados na cidade portuária de Calais, na França, horas após os atentados terroristas em Paris.

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Duty to Warn – Agent Orange, Monsanto, Dow Chemical and Other Ugly Legacies of the Vietnam War
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

The following currently accepted list of diseases that can be caused by exposure to Agent Orange applies to American veterans, but the consequences are a hundred times worse for the Vietnamese people who were sprayed and who are still being exposed to it in the soil for the last 50 years.

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Cuba Leading Eradication of HIV/AIDS, UN Says
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Cuba is an example for the world to follow on how to eradicate AIDS, the executive director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS said Friday [13 Nov 2015].

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Here is What a Solidarity Economy Looks Like – from Quebec to Chicago to Mexico
Derek Royden, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Defining the term “solidarity economy” can be difficult: it has become a kind of catchall to describe everything from worker-owned cooperatives to open source software to complementary currencies. Surprisingly, the ideas promoted in the solidarity economy are not very well known in the English-speaking world.

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Now the Truth Emerges: How the US Fuelled the Rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
Seumas Milne – The Guardian, 16 Nov 2015

The sectarian terror group won’t be defeated by the western states that incubated it in the first place. American forces bomb one set of rebels while backing another in Syria.

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Myanmar’s Decision Is Clear. But Will the Military Let Aung San Suu Kyi Govern?
Simon Tisdall – The Guardian, 16 Nov 2015

9 Nov 2015 – The last time Aung San Suu Kyi won a landslide election victory, the army generals who rule Myanmar rejected the result, placed her under house arrest and jailed thousands of her supporters, many of whom were brutally tortured. That was in 1990. But 25 years later, with “Amay Suu” (Mother Suu) once again triumphant, the key question is whether the men in uniform will accept the people’s verdict and allow her to govern.

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A Milestone for Myanmar’s Democracy
The Editorial Board – International New York Times, 16 Nov 2015

The 2008 Constitution also bars Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel laureate, from becoming president, because her children are foreign nationals. Nobody doubts that this twisted provision was aimed at excluding her from the nation’s top job. Even so, dismissing the Constitution as “very silly,” she has asserted defiantly that she will be “making all the decisions” behind the scenes.

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Nov 16-22 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Life is short; live it. Love is rare; grab it. Anger is bad; dump it. Fear is awful; face it. Memories are sweet; cherish them.” – Anonymous

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Ending the Era of Wars
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

15th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates – Barcelona, 13-15 November 2015

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(Italiano) Culture di guerra, culture di pace
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Abbiamo guerra e pace, teoria e pratica. E più in fondo culture di guerra e di pace, nozioni di com’è o potrebbe essere il mondo. Una cultura di pace non è necessariamente pace, potrebbe anche voler dire rimozione degli ostacoli per la guerra.

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(Português) “Portugal errou ao querer ganhar o concurso de beleza da austeridade”, diz economista Paul de Grauwe
Público e Lusa – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

O economista Paul de Grauwe , professor na London School of Economics, defende que o país não deverá conseguir fugir a uma reestruturação da dívida e entende que Portugal cometeu o “erro” de ser o melhor aluno da troika, quando a economia estaria melhor se assim não fosse; defende um lobby do Sul da Europa para mudar políticas europeias.

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Dying to Live, Living to Die, Lying to Live, and Living a Lie: Should American li(v)es be saved at all costs?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

The principal slogan of American foreign policy appears to be “Saving American Lives”. It is used to justify interventions in countries around the world perceived as a threat to American full-spectrum dominance. There is also a case for exploring the slogan by which American foreign policy might well be framed, namely “Saving American Lies”.

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(Italiano) Quo Vadis Europa, dove stai andando?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Molto addentro erano invece gli USA che, isolati dietro ai loro due oceani, provocarono devastazioni in Europa Occidentale e Asia Orientale. Facciamo ospitare agli USA molti migranti, molti di più. Comunque, aldilà di ciò consideriamo i migranti come risorse, non solo una minaccia: poiché riempiono gravi vuoti di popolazione, come manodopera che sviluppa molte zone dell’Europa, come portatori di altre culture per dialoghi e apprendimento reciproco.

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A misConception of Conflict?
Daniel Erdmann – World Mediation Organization, 16 Nov 2015

2 Nov 2015 – On the origin, the handling, and the finalization of conflict – generally spoken: its nature. I believe that the understanding of a term such as Conflict, War, or Peace is based on the formed personality of each individual. The personality itself is formed by the sum of life experiences, the level of education, the social and cultural background, etc

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The Milgram Experiment
Prof. Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

The “student” was led away into a cabin where he was presumably hooked to electric wires. The “teacher” was told to ask him a series of questions, and each time he gave a wrong answer, to administer to the “student” an electric shock of increasing intensity, to study if the fear of pain would improve people’s concentration and ability to think straight.

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Arming Dictators: An American Tradition
Mel Gurtov, Peace Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

10 Nov 2015 – Recently the Obama administration announced another military aid package for Pakistan: eight F-16 fighter jets. Once again considerations of human rights and democratic values have been sacrificed to strategic calculations.

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Vietnamese Child Prodigy Plays Traditional Harp (MUSIC VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

16,640,056 Views on Facebook – 6 Nov 2015

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Monsanto Handed ‘Double Whammy’ by Mexican Courts over Planting GMOs
Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

9 Nov 2015 – Two separate court decisions in Mexico have blocked cultivation of Monsanto’s genetically modified corn in the country and soy in two states.

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From Taiji to Tanks: Dolphin Captures Show Captive Industry’s Link to Slaughter
Sea Shepherd News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

12 Nov 2015 – On November 10 (Japan time), the captive industry’s inextricable link to the slaughter of dolphins and small whales in the infamous cove was on full display once again in Taiji, Japan.

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With ‘Off-Planet’ Mining Bill, US Congress Seeks to Privatize Outer Space
Deirdre Fulton – Common Dreams, 16 Nov 2015

13 Nov 2015 – In a bipartisan bid to encourage commercial exploitation of outer space, the U.S. Senate this week unanimously passed the Space Act of 2015, which grants U.S. citizens or corporations the right to legally claim non-living natural resources—including water and minerals—mined in the final frontier.

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European Union Refuses to Recognise Israeli Sovereignty over Occupied West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, Syrian Golan
Anthony Bellchambers - Global Research, 16 Nov 2015

Consequently, all illegal settlers should be repatriated back to Israel, ­ all 500,000. Then, and only then, can there be a peace accord.

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Nicole Krauss’s Beautiful Letter to Van Gogh on Fear, Bravery, and How to Break the Loop of Our Destructive Patterns
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

“Bravery is always more intelligent than fear, since it is built on the foundation of what one knows about oneself: the knowledge of one’s strength and capacity, of one’s passion.”
[NOTE FROM TMS EDITOR: Last week we posted: Vincent van Gogh on Fear, Taking Risks, and How Making Inspired Mistakes Moves Us Forward. Here Nicole Krauss answers to Van Gogh. Delightful dialogue of minds.]

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Edward Said’s Humanism versus the U.S. State Department’s Antisemitism
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

There is an obvious tension that exists more vividly than when Edward Said was alive, and commenting on the Palestinian struggle. Israel has created on the ground a set of circumstances that seem irreversible and are institutionalizing a single apartheid Israeli state encompassing the whole of historic Palestine (minus Jordan).

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(Português) Madeira ilegal da Amazônia chega impunemente à Europa
Greenpeace Brasil – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Nova investigação expõe 26 empresas europeias que estão importando produtos de fornecedor ligado ao comércio de madeira ilegal da Amazônia.

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Quo Vadis Europe, Where Are You Going?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

The enormous move of people from devastated countries must be handled by those who caused it… Very much in it was the USA, causing havoc in Western Europe and Eastern Asia from behind its two oceans. Make USA take many, many more. However, beyond that see the people on the move as assets not only threats: as filling serious population gaps, as labor developing many areas of Europe, as carriers of other cultures for dialogues, mutual learning.

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The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians
Maidhc Ó Cathail – Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 9 Nov 2015

“For a nation to commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgement.” —The New Scofield Study Bible

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

George W. Bush went to see a specialist to examine his brain.

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Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

The text of the Agreement was released by TPP Parties on 5 November 2015 and can be accessed by chapter below. The text will continue to undergo legal review and will be translated into French and Spanish language versions prior to signature.

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‘Worse Than We Thought:’ TPP a Total Corporate Power Grab Nightmare
Deirdre Fulton – Common Dreams, 9 Nov 2015

“Worse than anything we could’ve imagined.”
“An act of climate denial.”
“Giveaway to big agribusiness.”
“A death warrant for the open Internet.”
“Worst nightmare.”
“A disaster.”

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To Derryn Hinch [in Australia]: Yes, Stand Up Against the Killing Fields in Syria – But Research Syria First
Susan Dirgham – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

On Nov 3, 2015 The AGE, one of two leading local newspapers in Melbourne, published a comment piece by Derryn Hinch, “Bashar al-Assad: Australia must not help keep this murderer in charge”. Derryn is a veteran broadcaster/commentator who is known to take strong stands on issues and has even gone to prison for his principles. He is a maverick, a rebel.

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The 5 Browns – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

The 5 Browns playing an arrangement and rift of Mozart’s Alla Turca by Greg Anderson. The video was filmed while playing the international street pianos art installment called “Play Me, I’m Yours.”

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Russia: Homophobic, Abusive Bill
Human Rights Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

Proposes Fines, Jail Time for “Coming Out”

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‘Intolerance Is the Wrong Word for the Lynching and Mass Murder of Human Beings’ in India
Arundhati Roy, Conscientious Objector – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

5 Nov 2015 – The respected author has issued a statement about her decision to return the national film award she won in 1989 for writing the screenplay of ‘In which Annie Gives It Those Ones’.

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The Relevancy of New Political Force in Nepal in Terms of Development
Shree Prasad Devkota and Shiba Bagale – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

There is political conflict in the use of the local resources too. So the corruption has been increased as the political parties are being money minded. There is no hidden interest to develop the nation rather they prefer individual development.

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Vincent van Gogh on Fear, Taking Risks, and How Making Inspired Mistakes Moves Us Forward
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

“However meaningless and vain, however dead life appears, the man of faith, of energy, of warmth … steps in and does something.”

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This Week in History
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

Nov 9–15 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Decide to be happy. Render others happy. Proclaim your joy. Love passionately your miraculous life. Do not listen to promises. Do not wait for a better world. Be grateful for every moment of life.” – Robert Müller

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The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual (Parts 1-4)
Tom Carter, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

The new US Department of Defense ‘Law of War Manual’ is essentially a guidebook for violating international and domestic law and committing war crimes. The 1,165-page document is not a statement of existing law as much as a compendium of what the Pentagon wishes the law to be.

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Constructive Conflict Applications in Obama’s Foreign Policies
Prof. Louis Kriesberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

The approach taken by Obama vis-a-vis Cuba and Iran are examples of constructive conflict methods that showed positive outcomes, writes sociologist Louis Kriesberg.

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The Punishment Society
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

With our public schools and police forces working overtime to teach the children who will comprise the future generations that violence is the solution and submission is the only alternative, expect the United States to be unliveable at home and an even worse danger to the rest of the world.

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(Italiano) Il mondo dopo la NATO. Che Pace!
Marinella Correggia – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 9 Nov 2015

novembre 2, 2015 – Racconto di una piccola azione diretta nonviolenta davanti al vicesegretario generale NATO Vershbow durante la presentazione dell’esercitazione Trident Juncture.

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Time to Stop Worshipping Economic Growth
Brent Blackwelder – Common Dreams, 9 Nov 2015

To remain within the nine planetary boundaries, nations must shed the fetish of economic growth and transition to a true-cost, steady state economy.

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The View from the Doctors Without Borders Hospital
Amy Davidson – The New Yorker, 9 Nov 2015

The night of the attack there were a hundred and five patients in the hospital. Three or four were members of the Afghan government forces, another twenty or so were affiliated with the Taliban, and about eighty belonged to neither force. The most troubling call might have been one that the group got on Thursday, October 1st, from a person the report describes as “a US government official in Washington, D.C.”

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Duty to Warn – Confessions of a Medical Heretic (Part 3)
Gary G. Kohls, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

Antipsychotic Drugs and Brain Shrinkage

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How to Build a Crisis
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

Banks and corporations are being liberated from the rule of law, and are ripping the world apart. Restraining the electorate, releasing the powerful: this is a perfectly designed formula for a multi-dimensional crisis. And boy, are we reaping it!

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Sorry, JK Rowling, You’re Wrong over the Israel Boycott
Ramzy Baroud – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

What is appropriate for South Africa should be appropriate for Palestine, too, even if J K Rowling and her respected peers find that too objectionable.

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 of 10 Nov 1975
United Nations General Assembly, 9 Nov 2015

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on November 10, 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), “determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination”.

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UK: This Surveillance Bill Threatens Investigative Journalism
Gavin Millar – The Guardian, 9 Nov 2015

If sources understand they can be identified after communicating with a journalist via a smartphone or laptop they will be reluctant to risk dismissal or prosecution. The free speech provision of the European convention on human rights, Article 10, gives journalists a strong right to protect their confidential sources of information.

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(Italiano) Opportunità interdisciplinari per i giovani
Elena Camino - Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 9 Nov 2015

L’interdisciplinarietà per salvare il mondo? Mentre il mondo scientifico accademico esalta le qualità del lavoro di squadra, vanno deserte le proposte che offriamo alle scuole secondarie per incoraggiare insegnanti e studenti ad affrontare da una varietà di prospettive temi socio-ambientali complessi e controversi.

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Hopes for the Morning After in Ankara: Taking Stock (2002-2015)
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

Let’s hope than when Erdoğan awakens the morning after his glowing victory, he chooses what is best for Turkey rather than to settle for becoming a grandiose figure who is certain to be both revered and feared. Only if he tames his ambitions will Erdoğan ensure his legacy as a great Turkish leader, second only to Ataturk.

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We Don’t Need Ketchum in Our Mustard
Dr Vandana Shiva – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

It saddens me to think that a woman is unable to see the destruction we are causing to the world our children will inherit. I hope, for the sake of Kavin’s child/ren (if any) that the future of food we pick, as humanity, is nourishing, sustainable, equitable, climate mitigating and diverse – a future of food based on Agroecology.

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Disaster Capitalism, And the Outsourcing of Violence in the UK
Antony Loewenstein – Open Democracy, 9 Nov 2015

Corporations bleed what profits they can from disaster. Democracy is replaced by a business plan.

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November: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

November 16, 1994 – After receiving formal promises of security assurances from the leaders of the U.S., Russia, and Britain, President Leonid Kuchma recommended that Ukraine formally accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a nonnuclear weapons state and agree to transfer its stockpile of strategic nuclear warheads to Russia, which was accomplished on June 1, 1996.

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America’s Myanmar Mistake
Rachel Wagley, The Fletcher Forum - Tufts University, 9 Nov 2015

If Rwanda was Bill Clinton’s greatest regret and Darfur was George W. Bush’s, Myanmar may well become President Barack Obama’s. Reports from the Yale Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic, the International State Crime Initiative, and an Al Jazeera investigation have concluded that there is strong legal evidence for classifying persecution against Rohingya as state-sponsored genocide.

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The “War on Terror” Is the Hoax Foundation of the Police/Spy State
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

The “war on terror” was a hoax. Americans were deceived by policymakers, who are pursuing a hegemonic agenda. Who can possibly believe that a handful of Saudi Arabians acting without the support of any state and any intelligence service could outwit the entire apparatus of the American National Security State and inflict a humiliating defeat on the world’s only superpower?

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René Girard: The Scapegoat and the Lamb of God
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2015

René Girard’s reflections on the role of the scapegoat, sacrifice, and the need to end violent disorder merits being read more widely. Desires are likely to keep the Wheel of Life turning for some time to come.

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