Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26528 results.

Operation Bibi Rescue
Gilad Atzmon - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

The IDF launched a vast ground operation in Gaza last night [17 Jul 2014]. Until now, Israel has failed to articulate its military objectives or a definition of what a victory would look like. The military objective is obvious: saving Netanyahu’s political career.

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BRICS Set Up $100-Bln Bank to Counter West in Global Finance
Today’s Zaman – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Leaders of the BRICS emerging market nations launched a $100 billion development bank and a currency reserve pool on Tuesday [15 Jul 2014] in their first concrete step toward reshaping the Western-dominated international financial system.

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US Terrorist Database Growing at Rapid Rate
Matthew Barakat, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

The U.S. government is rapidly expanding the number of names it accepts for inclusion on its terrorist watch list, with more than 1.5 million added in the last five years, according to numbers divulged by the government in a civil lawsuit. About 99 percent of the names submitted are accepted, leading to criticism that the government is “wildly loose” in its use of the list.

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“Buddhists Betray the Teachings” — Jack Kornfield on the Anti-Muslim Violence in Burma
Jack Kornfield, Shambhala SunSpace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

A religion known for nonviolence is being used to fuel a genocidal campaign against the Muslims of Burma. Inside the coming, September 2014 Shambhala Sun, Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield, who recently returned from Burma, urges us to join the call for peace.

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The Political Objective and Strategic Goal of Nonviolent Actions
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Whether or not activists achieve their political objective is strategically irrelevant. This is because an effective nonviolent action is designed to achieve its strategic goal, irrespective of the response of opponents or the authorities to the political objective of the action. Whether or not activists achieve their strategic goal, however, is always strategically determinative.

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A Brief History of How Bees Sexed Up Earth and Gave Flowers Their Colors
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

How a striped, winged, six-legged love machine sparked “the longest marketing campaign in history.”

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No Exit from Gaza: A New War Crime?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

As the casualty totals continue to mount while the world looks on in stupefied inaction, the attacks go on; at the very least, from a humanitarian perspective, there should be a global outcry demanding that children, mothers, and those sick and disabled be allowed to leave the Gaza Strip until current hostilities end. Yet this is a gap in international humanitarian law and refugee law.

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Structural Violence Re-Explored
Johan Galtung, 21 Jul 2014 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

The essay “Galtung’s Structural Violence and the Sierra Leone Civil War c. 1985-1992” by Philip Leech [TMS-Analysis 14 Jul 2014],–of all the commentators the deepest–is a very welcome opportunity to clarify and develop further some of the underlying thinking.

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Who is Winning?
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

What would history look like if it were written in the style of the “Solid Cliff (a.k.a. Protective Edge) operation? For example: Winston Churchill was a scoundrel.

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100 Years of War-100 Years of Peace and the Peace Movement, 1914-2014
Peter van den Dungen, World Beyond War – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

The West, and the rest of the world, would indeed be a great deal more civilised if war – ‘the foulest blot upon our civilization’ in the words of Andrew Carnegie – was abolished. When he said so, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were still Japanese cities like any other.

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Sixth BRICS Summit – Fortaleza Declaration
Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

July 15, 2014 – Fortaleza, Brazil – To inaugurate the second cycle of BRICS Summits, the theme chosen for our discussions was “Inclusive Growth: Sustainable Solutions”, in keeping with the inclusive macroeconomic and social policies carried out by our governments and the imperative to address challenges to humankind posed by the need to simultaneously achieve growth, inclusiveness, protection and preservation.

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Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Jeremy R. Hammond – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Myth #8 – God gave the land to the Jews, so the Arabs are the occupiers.
Myth #10 – The U.S. is an honest broker and has sought to bring about peace in the Middle East.

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MH17: World See Tragedy, US Sees “Game Changer”
Tony Cartalucci, New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

NATO needed a “game changer,” because it was playing a game it was clearly losing. The dubious circumstances surrounding the downing of MH17 – occurring just as Kiev’s forces were deteriorating across the country and additional US sanctions against Russia fell flat – is more than a mere coincidence.

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(Italiano) Con che cosa ha che fare la storia – Guardate questa mappa della storia
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Tentiamo una spiegazione basata sui concetti di impero e dinastia; gli imperi in espansione e contrazione nello spazio, le dinastie nel tempo. Entrambi si basano su contraddizioni, forze e contro-forze, dialettica; ma negli imperi la dialettica è esterna, nelle dinastie interna.

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Tormenting Gaza
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

There is so much regional turbulence at present that it is unlikely to hope for anything more than scattered verbal denunciations from authorities in the region preoccupied with other concerns, but given the gravity of the situation, attention needs to be refocused on the Palestinian ordeal.

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(Italiano) Elicotteri Agusta all’Uganda dei diritti violati
Antonio Mazzeo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Nuovi sistemi d’arma italiani per il continente africano.

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Israel: An Obstacle to World Peace
Dr. M. Ashaq Raza – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

The nation yesterday we over empowered
Today is out of control of any super power
Neither any law works there, nor any order
The US, UN, NATO, EU, all are now weaker

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The Gaza Massacre: The Underlying Motives
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Massacre has become a habit. Every two or three years, Israel launches a massive military assault upon largely unarmed Palestinians in Gaza. Every time, Israel claims the moral high ground for its brutal, barbaric action. It blames Hamas, an important component of the Palestinian liberation movement, for the present cycle of violence.

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Sanctions and Airliners
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Before you say Washington is too sophisticated to mistake one airliner for another, keep in mind that when Washington shot down an Iranian airliner over Iranian air space, the US Navy claimed that it thought the 290 civilians that it murdered were in an Iranian fighter jet, a F-14 Tomcat fighter, a US-made fighter that was a mainstay of the US Navy.

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BRICS Forges Ahead With Two New Power Drivers – India and China
Shastri Ramachandaran, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Two external groups defined by divergent interests closely watched proceedings: on the one hand, emerging economies and developing countries, and on the other, a group comprising the United States, Japan and other Western countries thriving on the Washington Consensus and the Bretton Woods twins (the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund).

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(Castellano) Dónde Jugarán los Niños (MUSIC VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Maná – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Maná es una banda mexicana de rock en español que ha obtenido múltiples premios por su labor a favor de la ecología. [En Vivo]

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Forget or Forgive or Fight
Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

If I would ask
Just to forget the past
Who I am and
Who will I be?

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30th Anniversary! Hilo Bay Nuclear Warship Blockade (Hawai’i)
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

For three years the Navy repeatedly violated the law. In June of 1984 peace activists announced a nonviolent blockade of the next nuclear ship visiting Hilo. Three people entered the water and held their hands up in a symbolic message to the ship –”STOP.” Jim Snyder, Warren Wineman and Jim Albertini were imprisoned and/or fined for their nonviolent protest.

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Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz Hails New BRICS Bank Challenging U.S.-Dominated World Bank & IMF
Democracy Now – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

“The BRICS countries today are richer than the advanced countries were when the World Bank and the IMF were founded. We’re in a different world — but the old institutions haven’t kept up.”

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Deploying Drones to Get an Overview of Factory Farms
Peggy Lowe, NPR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

An independent journalist says he’s found a way around the so-called “ag-gag” laws by flying drones over large livestock operations to document animal welfare problems and pollution.

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Could the Use of Rockets Be Banned in the Middle East?
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

The use of rockets by Islamic groups from Gaza toward Israel and the more deadly use of rockets and bombs by Israeli forces toward Gaza have raised in a dramatic way the possibility of banning rocket use in the Middle East. Arms control in the ME has always been difficult as there is no equivalent of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe there.

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Time for BDS to Oppose Israeli War Crimes
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

16 Jul 2014 – I have spent the last year defending my right, through Australia’s Federal Court, not to take part in fellowship schemes that link the University of Sydney, where I direct the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, and two institutions from Israel. This week, Judge Alan Robertson dismissed the case against me and awarded costs.

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Climate Change: Will a Disaster Wake Us Up?
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

In a 2011 interview in The Guardian, Sir David Attenborough was asked: “What will it take to wake people up about climate change?” He replied “Disaster. It’s a terrible thing to say, isn’t it? And even disaster doesn’t always do it.

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“Evacuate to Where?” – Report from Gaza and Israel
The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Jul 17, 2014 – Gaza-based blogger Nalan al Sarraj and TRNN’s Lia Tarachansky report on the mood of the people in Gaza and Israel as Israeli ground troops join the attack.

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The Oxymoron of Peace
Robert C. Koehler – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

Austerity is for losers. There’s always money to wage war and build weapons, indeed, to continue developing weapons, generation after generation after generation. The contractors are adept at playing the game. Jobs link arms with fear and patriotism and the next war is always inevitable.

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Buddhist Economics: How to Stop Prioritizing Goods Over People and Consumption Over Creative Activity
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

What does it really mean to create wealth for people — for humanity — as opposed to money for governments and corporations? That’s precisely what the influential German-born British economist, statistician, Rhodes Scholar, and economic theorist E. F. Schumacher explores in his seminal 1973 book Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered

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Positive Thoughts on Dark Times
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Despite this generally gloomy picture, important positive developments have emerged raising the possibility of fundamental changes to reverse the current reactionary wave. I will proceed by outlining these positive developments, taking account of the retrograde context in which they occur.

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Pope Francis: ‘About 2%’ of Catholic Clergy Paedophiles
BBC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

The Pope said that abuse of children was like “leprosy” infecting the Church, according to the Italian La Repubblica newspaper. He vowed to “confront it with the severity it demands”.

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Human Rights Watch – Murder’s Apologists
Norman G. Finkelstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

It takes considerable talent to describe Hamas’s firing of primitive “rockets” that to date have indirectly killed one person (she died of a heart attack) as a “war crime,” while describing Israel’s killing to date of 120 Palestinians, overwhelmingly civilians, and its systematic targeting of civilian infrastructure, as mere “collective punishment.”

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The Return of George Orwell and Big Brother’s War on Palestine, Ukraine and the Truth
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

In everyday discourse, political language is turned on its head, as Orwell prophesised in ‘1984’. “Democracy” is now a rhetorical device. Peace is “perpetual war”. “Global” is imperial. The once hopeful concept of “reform” now means regression, even destruction. “Austerity” is the imposition of extreme capitalism on the poor and the gift of socialism for the rich: an ingenious system under which the majority service the debts of the few.

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Save Gaza Today – Tomorrow May Be Too Late!
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

With the growing extremism in Israeli military, their “holy wars” and nukes, it is not just Gaza that is burning – this is a war on humanity and perhaps even human race. If we do not stop it today, tomorrow may be too late.

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(Italiano) Sette vie alla felicità
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

• Piaceri negativi: godiamoci i problemi che non abbiamo.
• Piaceri positivi: godiamoci ancor di più quelli che abbiamo.
• Competizione con noi stessi, non con gli altri – ponendoci obiettivi di auto-miglioramento.
Per tutte queste vie la parola chiave è consapevolezza.

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Whistleblower: NSA Stores 80% of All Phone Calls, Not Just Metadata – Full Audio
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

“At least 80 percent of fiber-optic cables globally go via the US,” Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80 percent of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.”

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Before the Next ISIS, We Need Nonviolent Counterterrorism Strategies
Erin Niemela, War Is A Crime – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

All violent counterterrorism-intervention policies have completely failed. We’re sowing and reaping perpetual tragedy with this violence machine and the only people benefitting are sitting on top of a mountain of cash in the conflict industry (I’m looking at you, Lockheed Martin.)

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(Português) E Assim Está Sendo a Copa…
Tereza Halliday – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Em campo, 22 homens bonitos e feios, pés e panturrilhas maceteados, alguns com penteados carnavalescos, correm atrás de uma bola, empurram-se, cospem, caem (e como caem!), permutam suores em abraços de regozijo, levantam as mãos para o céu quando seu time faz gol, num gesto de “Alá é grande!”.

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A Tale of Two Cities: Istanbul and Rome
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Symbolically and culturally Istanbul deserves to be privately christened as the global capital of the 21st century. It is only world city that qualifies by virtue of its geographic and civilizational hybridity, Western by history and experience, Eastern by culture and location, Northern by stage of development, modernism, and urban dynamism, Southern by affinities, outreach, and partial identification.

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(Castellano) Lo que la independencia de Cataluña representa y lo que debemos aprender de ella
Daniel Marty, TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

¿quién se beneficia de la independencia política y económica? ¿Será el pueblo en general o una pequeña élite? ¿será la independencia del Estado de Cataluña otorgada y protegida? ¿quién se beneficia de la división, no solamente de los catalanes, pero de los españoles también?

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Paris’s Return to Public Water Supplies Makes Waves beyond France
Geert De Clercq, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Nearly five years after Paris took the management of its water supply back into its own hands, the move is inspiring other cities at home and abroad and hurting profits at private water firms Veolia and Suez Environnement.

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Psychologists Have Uncovered a Troubling Feature of People Who Seem Nice All the Time
Eileen Shim – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Those who are described as “agreeable, conscientious personalities” are more likely to follow orders and deliver electric shocks that they believe can harm innocent people, while “more contrarian, less agreeable personalities” are more likely to refuse to hurt others.

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How to Distinguish a Genuinely Practising Buddhist Monk from a Nazi with a Shaven Head in Saffron Robe
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Nazi “Monk” Wirathu versus the Good Buddhist Monks of Mandalay – Mandalay Peace Committee meeting, Moe Gaung Monastery, Mandalay, 6 Jul 2014

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Galtung’s ‘Structural Violence’ and the Sierra Leone Civil War c.1985-1992
Philip Leech, Globalization Café – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

This paper, however, also notes that no theoretical concept can tell the whole story and while Galtung’s concepts and terminology are useful, awareness and appreciation of their short comings is also fundamental for full appreciation of a case study such as Sierra Leone.

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(Português) Documentos secretos dos EUA revelam técnicas de tortura durante ditadura militar no Brasil
National Security Archive – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Em junho/2014 o Vice Presidente Joseph Biden entregou à presidenta Dilma documentos que revelam técnicas de tortura empregadas durante a ditadura militar brasileira.

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Child and Forced Marriage – Manifestation of Gender Discrimination
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

“In the absence of viable legal remedies, discriminatory cultural practices based on stereotypical views of women’s roles and sexuality are among the structural causes of child and forced marriage.”

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Infographic: Who Is Who in the 2014-2019 European Parliament?
EurActiv – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

After a first plenary session and a series of committee meetings in early July 2014, key positions were distributed in the European Parliament. Find an overview of its key new faces in our infographic.

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Embodying a Hypercomplex of Unhygienic Nescience
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

The argument focuses on the unfruitfulness of global discourse in response to current crises — as exemplified by the political and religious doublespeak enabled by science (Enabling Suffering through Doublespeak and Doublethink, 2013).

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NO to Currency Slavery
Michael Hudson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Western support will allow more IMF and European lending to prop the Ukrainian currency so the Ukrainian oligarchs can move their money safely to British and US banks.

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BRICS to Open Alternatives to World Bank, IMF
Valentina Pop, EU Observer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

The “New Development Bank” to rival the World Bank will be launched at a BRICS summit in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza next week, with all agreed except where to put the main headquarters, Russian finance minister Anton Siluanov said Wednesday (9 July, 2014).

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Russia Proposes Energy Association within BRICS
Xinhua – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Russia plans to establish an energy association within the BRICS countries, the Kremlin said Thursday [10 Jul 2014]. “Russia is going to propose the establishment of the BRICS energy association, which would guarantee energy security of the member countries, conduct integrated research and analysis of global markets.”

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BRICS Bank, Ukraine Likely to Dominate 2014 BRICS Summit
The BRICS Post – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

The annual BRICS Summit in the Brazilian cities of Brasilia and Fortaleza on July 14-15 [2014] comes at a time in which the global political scene is arguably more unsettled than at any other point in the past 20 years. Given the inherent diversity of the BRICS members, each country will therefore – and understandably – pursue very different goals and agendas at the Summit.

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Jihadists in Lebanon: Can Hezbollah Prevent DAASH (IS) from Pulling Lebanon into Its Caliphate?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

The answer to that question is—perhaps. But for a number of reasons, some suggested below, it’s not a happy picture, and it won’t be a walk in the park.

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What Was History About-Look at the Histomap
Johan Galtung, 14 Jul 2014 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Let us try an explanation based on empire and dynasty; empires expanding and contracting in space, dynasties in time. Both are based on contradictions, forces and counter-forces, dialectics; but in the empires the dialectic is external, in the dynasties internal.

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Kashmir Back in New Delhi’s Radar
Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Modi is perhaps the first prime minister of India who visited the conflict-torn state even before completing two months in office. This is an indication of seriousness of the new government to prioritize Kashmir. Modi’s visit to Kashmir and emphasis on peace and prosperity in the region needs to be viewed in a new light.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

A Chinese businessman arrived on his first flight to the United States.

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Nation Editor Stuns ‘Architect of Catastrophe’ Bill Kristol: “Join Iraqi Army if You Want War “
ABC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Jun 29, 2014 – Katrina vanden Heuvel and Bill Kristol tussled over Iraq on ABC’s This Week today when vanden Heuvel lumped in Kristol with the Iraq “architects of catastrophe” and suggested he enlist in the Iraqi army if he’s so serious about fixing the region.

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The Long, Winding History of Prison Camps – Where Does Gitmo Fit In? Infographic
Infographic World – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

The U.S. spent US$ 454 Million in 2013 on Gitmo’s detention center. Get a better grasp on Guantánamo–from the history of prison camps to the financial, political and human toll it takes.

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Why Are Most Human Beings So Powerless?
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Unless someone lives in a cave secluded from all news, the evidence that human beings are in deep trouble – with violence in its many forms intruding on all aspects of our lives and threatening our very existence – is readily available.

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We Do Not Believe in Violence… We Are the Real Patriots: SP Udayakumar
Jiby J. Kattakayam, DNA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

SP Udayakumar, leader of the anti-nuclear agitation against the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, talks about the movement, his name featuring in the Intelligence Bureau report on NGOs harming India’s economic interest, and his foray into politics.

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Alan Watts on the Difference between Belief and Faith
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Belief, as I use the word here, is the insistence that the truth is what one would “lief” or wish it to be. The believer will open his mind to the truth on the condition that it fits in with his preconceived ideas and wishes. Faith, on the other hand, is an unreserved opening of the mind to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Faith has no preconceptions; it is a plunge into the unknown.

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Remember Haiti?
Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Four years after the massive earthquake that devastated Haiti, it is time to move from a largely humanitarian approach to a development based drive, a United Nations human rights expert on 4 July 2014 said, while calling for durable solutions for the internally displaced and the vulnerable segments of the population of the island nation.

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CNN: Palestinians Want to Die
David Swanson, War Is A Crime – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

William Westmoreland once remarked on Vietnam, where the United States killed 4 million men, women, children, and infants: “The Oriental doesn’t put the same high price on life as does a Westerner.” Banastre Tarleton stood up in Parliament and defended the slave trade on the grounds that Africans did not object to being slaves. President William McKinley said little brown Filipinos appreciated being conquered and dominated.

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Jewish Hate of Arabs Proves: Israel Must Undergo Cultural Revolution
Haaretz, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Without a revolution based on humanist values, the Jewish tribe will not be worthy of its own state.

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Remembering Fouad Ajami
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

For me Fouad Ajami’s legacy is that of ‘sleeping with the enemy.’ And it is an enemy that is politically, morally, and legally responsible for millions of deaths, displacements, and devastating losses.

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(Português) Por Uma Pedagogia dos Humilhados
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Uma Reflexão Rimada

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This Land Is Mine
Nina Paley – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

It tells the story of the wars in the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant, since the cavemen until today.

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(Français) Dédollarisation: approche technique ou approche géostratégique
Jean-Paul Baquiast – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Il se constituerait ainsi une zone monétaire (que nous appellerons pour simplifier zone roren) qui constituerait une alternative aux deux grandes zones se partageant aujourd’hui le monde, la zone dollar et la zone euro.

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Fake Identity
Mahdi Jalili – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

I was beheaded in Africa
My corpse was set on fire in Vietnam
And I was left in pieces in Palestine

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Record Levels of Solar Ultraviolet on Earth’s Surface Hit South America
Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

8 Jul 2014 – A team of researchers from the US and Germany has measured the highest level of ultraviolet radiation ever recorded on earth’s surface. The extraordinary UV fluxes, observed in the Bolivian Andes, are far above those normally considered to be harmful to both terrestrial and aquatic life.

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Hate Crime, Racism on the Rise in Southeast Asia
Abby Seiff, UCANews – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Global Minorities Report Highlights Resurgence of ‘Ethno-Religious Nationalism’

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Climate Refugees: An Entire Island Nation Is Preparing to Evacuate to Fiji Before They Sink Into the Pacific
Gwynn Guilford, Quartz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

The seas around Kiribati’s 32 atolls are rising 1.2 centimeters a year—about four times faster than the global average—thanks to the flux of ocean currents. Some residents expect the sea to subsume their homes within 20 or 30 years.

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The Great Human Delusion: All Parents Love Their Children
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Evolution’s great trick was to connect reproduction with intense but transitory sexual pleasure, not love. Many children are conceived outside the loving long-term relationship necessary to nurture a child and even those children who are conceived within this framework will routinely suffer parental violence.

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Prof. Bishnu Pathak – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Bishnu Pathak’s introduction to Alberto Portugheis’ book, ‘$$$$$s in Their Hearts,’ which will be launched soon. “Portugheis puts emphasis on the fact that weapons do not exist “for Peace”. They will never bring about Peace. Some of his aims are: to ensure basic support for the needy, (to stop them being “needy”) restrict weapon manufacturing to cover Police needs, abolish the Arms Trade and the disbanding of all armed forces.”

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After Losing Vote, U.S.-EU Threaten to Undermine Treaty
Thalif Deen, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Jun 28 2014 – The USA and the 28-member EU have assiduously promoted – and vigorously preached – one of the basic tenets of Western multi-party democracy: majority rules. But at the United Nations, they have frequently abandoned that principle insisting on “consensus” when they are clearly outvoted.

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Problems Inspire Ingenious Solutions in Peruvian Amazon Town
Milagros Salazar, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

He may look like a rapper, but 33-year-old José Antonio Bardález is the mayor of Jepelacio, in the Peruvian Amazon. His ingenious innovations in the municipality include transforming waste management into a source of income and making spring water a source of drinking water.

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In Flanders Fields
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

This remains to this day one of the most memorable war poems ever written. It is a lasting legacy of the terrible battle in the Ypres salient in the spring of 1915.

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Anti-NSA “Blackphone” Arrives on Market, Immediately Sells Entire Supply
Waqas, HackRead – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Blackphone is the result of collaboration between Silent Circle, an anti-NSA encryption powerhouse, and Geeksphone a company founded and owned by an ex tech prodigy. The phone is already being shipped around the world and the initial inventory reveals that it is “sold out.”

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Some Deaths Really Matter – The Disproportionate Coverage of Israeli and Palestinian Killings
Media Lens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Israeli deaths matter much more than Palestinian deaths. This has long been a distinguishing feature of Western news media reporting on the Middle East. The recent blanket coverage afforded to the brutal killing of three Israeli teenagers highlights this immutable fact.

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(Italiano) Spagna 2050 – Dieci Predizioni
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Come possiamo gettare un po’ di luce sul futuro? Fondamentalmente ci sono due approcci: quello cartesiano basato su tendenze estensive, e il taoismo basato sull’olismo e la dialettica. Che non si escludono reciprocamente.

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The Guns of August – Lowering the Flag on the American Century
Chalmers Johnson | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

I wish I had a crystal ball to peer into and see what historians will make of our own guns of August in 2060. The fog of war, after all, is just a stand-in for what might be called “the fog of the future,” the inability of humans to peer with any accuracy far into the world to come.

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The Soaring Profits of the Military–Industrial Complex and the Soaring Costs of Military Casualties
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

There are two major beneficiaries of the two major wars launched by the US government: one domestic and one foreign. The three major domestic arms manufacturers, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon have delivered record-shattering returns to their investors, CEOs and investment banks during the past decade and a half.

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Fukushima’s Children Are Dying
Harvey Wasserman, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

More than 48 percent of some 375,000 young people—nearly 200,000 kids—tested by the Fukushima Medical University near the smoldering reactors now suffer from pre-cancerous thyroid abnormalities, primarily nodules and cysts. The rate is accelerating.

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OAS Declares Solidarity with Argentina in U.S. Hedge Fund Dispute
Ewan Robertson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

4th July 2014 – The Organization of American States has declared its solidarity with Argentina in its debt repayment dispute with a U.S.-based hedge fund. The only countries in the hemisphere to not support the resolution were the United States and Canada.

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U.S. Retailers Look to Limit Pesticides to Help Honeybees
Carey Gillam, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

U.S. companies are working to eliminate or limit use of a type of pesticide suspected of helping cause dramatic declines in honeybee populations needed to pollinate key American crops, officials said on Wednesday [25 Jun 2014].

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Chile to Build Largest Solar Farm in Latin America
Brandon Baker, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

A large solar power plant is coming to Chile’s Atacama Desert, and the U.S. is providing financial support to make it happen.

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Israeli Government and Press Knew Teenagers Were Dead for Weeks
The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

TRNN Middle East Correspondent Lia Tarachansky says Palestinian anger towards the Palestinian Authority has reached unprecedented levels, and that the Israeli government is now trying to instigate a third intifada in order to legitimate military actions in the West Bank and Gaza.

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The Malaysian Link to Terror in Syria
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

We are told that they see themselves as “jihadis” who are fighting for an Islamic cause. A lot of Malaysian Muslims may also harbor some of the misconceptions and prejudices which impelled some of these jihadis to take the road to Damascus.

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Washington’s War Crimes Spread from Africa and the Middle East to Ukraine
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

A person might think that revulsion in “the world community” against Washington’s wanton slaughter of civilians in eight countries would have led to War Crimes Tribunal warrants issued for the arrest of presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama and many officials in their regimes… Putin has done what he can to avoid conflict. Now he needs to do the right thing, as he did in Georgia and Crimea.

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The Watch on the Jordan
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

The thousand-year old conflict between Muslim Sunnis and Muslim Shiites is reaching a new climax. A historic drama is unfolding around us. And what is the reaction of our government? Binyamin Netanyahu put it succinctly: “We must defend Israel on the Jordan River, before they reach Tel Aviv.” Simple, concise, idiotic.

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu Urges US Presbyterians to Adopt Divestment
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Israel will either end its occupation through a one or two state solution, or live in an apartheid state in perpetuity. The latter option is unsustainable and an offense to justice. We learned in South Africa that the only way to end apartheid peacefully was to force the powerful to the table through economic pressure.

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Shifts in the Climate Change Debate: Hope and Suspicion
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

The intense lobbying efforts by climate deniers, reinforced in the United States by a right wing anti-government tsunami that has paralyzed Congress, succeeded in blocking even modest market-based steps to induce energy efficiency.

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The Slow Burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingya
Dr Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

London Conference on Decades of Persecution and Destruction of Myanmar’s Rohingya

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Gustavo Montesano – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

A Virtuoso Popularizing a Classic – Art Beautiful — Composition: Ludwig van Beethoven

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(Italiano) Buona Governance, innovativa: che cos’è?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Oggi la Cina combina il meglio del marxismo-comunismo, l’attenzione centrata sui bisogni fondamentali dei più bisognosi, con il meglio del liberalismo-capitalismo, lo spirito imprenditoriale innovativo. Sollevando le sorti delle fasce più misere, forse 400 milioni dal 1991 al 2004, affinché partecipino a un mercato fiorente.

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Israel’s SodaStream Closes Main UK Store after 2-Yr Boycott Campaign
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

“The news that SodaStream is closing its main UK store and that John Lewis is taking Soda Stream products off its shelves is a major success for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.”

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The World is NOT a U.S. Colony!
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

In a host of countries around the world the U.S. portrays itself as “the good guy” instead of the problem. It’s a classic colonial attitude. The U.S. must stop intervening in the internal and domestic affairs of independent nations all over the world, including the U.S. occupied Kingdom of Hawai`i.

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Sri Lankan Minister Confirms Australia’s Handover of Tamil Refugees
Mike Head, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Canberra is forcibly handing over Tamil refugees to the Sri Lankan navy on the treacherous high seas of the Indian Ocean. This operation is a criminal violation of the fundamental legal and democratic rights of asylum seekers, as well as a blatant violation of international law, including the international Refugee Convention and the UN Convention Against Torture.

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