Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26528 results.

Sri Lankan Minister Confirms Australia’s Handover of Tamil Refugees
Mike Head, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Canberra is forcibly handing over Tamil refugees to the Sri Lankan navy on the treacherous high seas of the Indian Ocean. This operation is a criminal violation of the fundamental legal and democratic rights of asylum seekers, as well as a blatant violation of international law, including the international Refugee Convention and the UN Convention Against Torture.

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UNREDACTED: Declassified Documents Given by Biden to Rousseff Detail Secret Dictatorship-Era Executions, “Psychophysical” Torture in Brazil
Peter Kornbluh, National Security Archive – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

“One of the most detailed reports of torture ever declassified by the US government,” it was among 43 State Department documents that Vice President Joseph Biden turned over to President Dilma Rousseff during the World Cup competition on June 17 [2014], for use by the Brazilian National Truth Commission.

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US Presbyterian General Assembly Votes to Divest from Israeli Occupation
End the Occupation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

20 Jun 2014– Following a ten-year process, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has voted 310 to 303 to divest from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett Packard as a result of the companies’ involvement in the Israeli military occupation.

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(Português) Diferenças entre ESCREVER e REDIGIR
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Posso saber escrever, mas redigir, saberei?
As diferenças entre os dois processos, explicar saberei?

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(Italiano) Il mondo in questo preciso momento: rapporto di metà anno
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Perfino i media mainstream oggi si preoccupano molto della violenza strutturale, che chiamano disuguaglianza, pur non curandosi del numero dei morenti (140.000 al giorno, di fame e malattie prevenibili-curabili, niente denaro a disposizione). Chiamare un paese, una regione del mondo pacifica con tali atrocità rampanti di morte e disuguaglianza è violenza culturale.

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Non-State Actors in International Relations
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

There is a growing interest in the role of non-governmental organizations in the making and the implementation of policies at the international level. A group of international relations scholars from the Netherlands looks at the increasing role of NGOs in day-to-day politics at the United Nations and the European Union.

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Climate Change Fact Sheet
Earth Policy Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

COAL, mainly used for electricity generation, accounts for 44 percent of global fossil-fuel-related CO2 emissions.
OIL, used primarily for transportation, accounts for 36 percent of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.
NATURAL GAS, used for electricity and heating, accounts for the remaining 20 percent of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning.

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Obama’s Fickle Gitmo Policy
Tom Tomorrow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

This Modern World – Comic Strip

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(Italiano) Intervista – Johan Galtung
Al McKay, E-International Relations – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Quel che importa è come le macroregioni si rapporteranno fra loro e la lotta contro la violenza del sistema economico – “potere morbido” che uccide ben più che il potere militare – e lo stato, addirittura il mondo, “securitario”, di marca USA – e Cinque Occhi! – la sorveglianza, ora allo stadio NSA.

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Save the Bees, Ban Neonic Pesticides
Dr. David Suzuki, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Bees may be small, but they play a big role in human health and survival. The insects pollinate everything from apples and zucchini to blueberries and almonds. If bees and other pollinators are at risk, entire terrestrial ecosystems are at risk, and so are we.

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Anticipating When Blackbirds Sing Chinese
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Conversion from Tweets to Songbites to Ensure Integrity of Communication – Blackbirds are renowned for the imaginative quality and complex variety of their song, as well as their capacity for mimicry. Such song invites speculation on how information could be encoded into it.

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Hindering Restoration of Global Heritage in Syria – EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

Today, a civilization that used to lead the world and for centuries was the beacon of learning, tolerance and trade, and that still protects our global cultural heritage, is damaged—and only the Syrian people can rebuild it for all of us. We need to help them.

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Isaac Asimov on Optimism vs. Cynicism about the Human Spirit
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

It’s insulting to imply that only a system of rewards and punishments can keep you a decent human being. Isn’t it conceivable a person wants to be a decent human being because that way he feels better?

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My Thoughts on Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire’s Speech on 6th June, 2014 in Sarajevo
Alberto Portugheis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

As much as I agree with Mairead Maguire’s emphatic call for a world without weapons and admire her for making this call, I feel that her suggestions for action are insufficient. It is not enough to shout in all directions “I don’t want a militarized world”! whilst the games we buy for our children and grandchildren, the films they watch on television, the teaching at schools of Nationalism, Patriotism, Religious superiority, etc, etc., are all promoting violence and a militarized world.

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Syrian Students Restore Our Global Heritage, Tesserae by Tesserae…
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

The Damascus Citadel, Syria

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Snowden Gets German Fritz Bauer Award for Exposing US Intelligence
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

21 Jun 2014 – Former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden has been awarded the Fritz Bauer Prize of the German Humanist Union, a prominent civil rights organization, for exposing the controversial surveillance practices of the NSA and its accomplices.

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New NSA Revelations: Inside Snowden’s Germany File
Der SPIEGEL – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

17 Jun 2014 – The National Security Agency has turned Germany into its most important base of operations in Europe, according to a story published by Der Spiegel this week.

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Mapping Militarism
World Beyond War – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

World Beyond War has created a set of online interactive maps to help us all see where and how war and preparations for war exist in the world today. We’ll be updating some of these maps with new data every year and displaying animation of the progress away from war or the regress toward more war as the case may be.

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The Devil’s Dynamo
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Why is the military-industrial complex sometimes called “The Devil’s Dynamo”? Today, the US government is taking actions that seem almost insane, risking a nuclear war with Russia and simultaneously alienating China. In the long run, such hubris cannot succeed. Overspending on war will lead to economic collapse.

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Reflections on Sports, Education and Peace
Prof. Alicia Cabezudo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

On the World Football (Soccer) Cup and Education for a Culture of Peace

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Comprehension of Numbers Challenging Global Civilization
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Number Games People Play for Survival – It could seem strange to use “numbers” to frame the challenge of global civilization. The obvious arguments for doing so may no longer have adequate traction.

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Ukraine: The Dogs of the Cold War Are Awakened
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Without a well-organized movement of pan-European peace-green-human rights movements, “Europe from Below” has been unable to act in the Ukraine crisis. Individual governments, in particular Russia and the USA, have taken a highly visible role. The media in both countries dusted off the Cold War vocabulary and political analysis.

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Zulfiya Tursunova: Women’s Lives and Livelihoods in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan–Ceremonies of Empowerment and Peacebuilding
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Zulfiya Tursunova, a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment, on the basis of extensive field research, has written an important book highlighting the ways in which women deal with socio-economic change in post-USSR Uzbekistan.

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United Behind So-Called ‘Rohingya” Genocide
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

A poem in memory of the two Rohingya infants who became the well-publicized victims of Myanmar’s “Buddhist” genocide.

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(Português) Ucrânia e Síria: Eleições de Destruição em Massa
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Eleições avançam na Ucrânia, obstruídas na Síria, para que assassinatos em massa continuem. O armamento ocidental da democracia.

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(Italiano) Studi per la Pace: dieci punti fondamentali
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Grazie per volere un compendio dei punti chiave nei “Galtung Peace Studies”. Sono appena stato onorato con un “Premio alla carriera” (Lifetime Award) della sociologia mondiale, oltre 60 anni; in breve, tempo sufficiente per un compendio con un avvertimento: non un surrogato alla lettura dei libri.

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(Italiano) Messico: 50 Pacifiche Politiche di Pace
Johan Galtung & Fernando Montiel T. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Toluca, Stato di México; Seminari su narcotraffico e violenza – Di seguito presentiamo 50 idee su come fare quanto sopra, divise in 10 settori con 5 proposte ciascuno; alcune di esse basate su esperienze positive all’estero.

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(Castellano) Los países de Colombia: violencia(s), conflicto(s), lo rural y lo urbano
Adriana Roque, Hoja Blanca – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

9 Jun 2014 – Desde Amsterdam, Adriana Roque inicia una serie de reflexiones sobre los diferentes países que Colombia es para ella. En esta primera entrega, previa a las elecciones presidenciales, un oportuno texto sobre la violencia y el conflicto armado.

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The Syrian Election and ISIS in Iraq
Judy Bello, War Is A Crime – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), a violent, fanatical organization of religious extremists, supposedly a breakaway from al-Qaeda, is not new to Iraq. It was born there during the US occupation. The man who currently leads ISIS spent several years in the US prison camp at Bucca.

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ISIS (DAASH) Now Recruiting in Palestinian Camps in Lebanon–Who Are Those Guys?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

As Washington and London were affirming the past few days their intentions to continue to arm “moderate rebel factions” in Syria, Tel Aviv just announced it would like to be helpful by joining with “moderate Arab nations” to battle their mutual Muslim enemies.

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The “Just Enough” Policy: Behavioral Control of Collective Protest through Minimum Reward
Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

“A society can assume unlimited diversity, as long as it provides equal access to opportunity.” It is the disproportion in opportunity, rights, and freedoms that lead to resentment, struggle, and violence.

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The Journey to Self-Awareness
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

What causes this damage? Terror. And what makes a mind react with terror thus disrupting all other functions simultaneously? Violence. And particularly the unrelenting onslaught of ‘invisible’ violence and ‘utterly invisible’ violence inflicted on children throughout their childhood.

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Some Myths about Muslims
Nivedita Menon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

In the context of massive propaganda campaigns, the subtle use of stereotypes, and the fact that both the Western and the Indian media share certain basic biases, many people end up believing in a range of myths about the adherents of the world’s second largest religion. This is a quick attempt at exposing those myths.

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The World Right Now: A Mid-Year Report
Johan Galtung, 30 Jun 2014 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Even mainstream media are today deeply concerned with structural violence, under the heading of inequality, staying away from the numbers dying (140,000/day from hunger and preventable-curable diseases, no money). Calling a country, region or the world peaceful with such atrocities of death and inequity being rampant is cultural violence.

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60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Poem-Plea
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Sixty years ago the UDHR was proclaimed
Humankind’s living conditions to improve

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The Ethnic Cleansing Going On Right Now You Probably Haven’t Heard About: Burma, aka Myanmar
Joseph Allchin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have fled their homes, their leaders tortured and killed. Is this what democracy in Burma was supposed to look like?

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International Peace Research Association at 50
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Known as IPRA, founded in 1964 in London–and this author, 34 at the time, is the only surviving founder. IPRA rotates every two years from one peace research center to the other, and is now in very competent Turkish hands. And what is more natural than having the 50th anniversary for the hub of peace studies in that hub of the world, Istanbul, 10-14 August this year!! Hurry up, register!!!

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Honesty about Lies
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

A reporter asked the mother of Jimmy Carter whether he ever lied. She said, “Maybe once in a while a white lie.”

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The Journey of One Hijab
Daniel Horgan and Hibak Hussein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jun 2014

Hibak is grateful for everything she has in the U.S., but as a young Muslim woman who wears a hijab in a Western society, she strives to have her religion, culture, and identity understood and respected.

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Edward Snowden: Former intelligence contractor interviewed in Brazil
ABC News Australia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

6 Jun 2014 – Former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, wanted by US authorities and currently living in Russia, has told Brazil’s Globo TV network he would “love to live in Brazil”.

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Foreign Aid Funding Luxury Hotels in Myanmar
Michelle Tullo, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

New investments from the World Bank’s private-sector investment arm may perpetuate economic inequality rather than alleviate poverty in Myanmar. “A significant factor contributing to the urban versus rural income inequality is that the vast majority of investment in Burma is concentrated in the urban sector, despite the fact that only one-third of the population lives in these areas,”

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Exposed: Killing Dolphins – Dying for Lobsters
Link TV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

1-Thousands of dolphins are killed solely for shark bait each year off the coast of Peru. 2-The epidemic of decompression disease or bends suffered by Miskito Indians involved in commercial lobster diving off Nicaragua’s coast. (27:17)

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Successful Elections
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

President Carter was worried about his prospects for reelection.

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A Hard Won Victory… The Story of 68 Palestinian Families in Lebanon
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

Masnaa Border Crossing (Syria/Lebanon)

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Spain 2050–Ten Predictions
Johan Galtung, 16 Jun 2014 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

Can we know the future? Rhetorical answer: can we know the past? We rewrite history all the time, not because facts become dubious and new facts appear, but because our angle, perspective, changes.

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An Explanation of Syria’s Nightmarish Situation
Mint Press News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

Based on the World Café Methodology – Written by Mnar A. Muhawesh, editor in chief of Mint Press.

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They Knew Our Secrets. One Year Later, We Know Theirs.
American Civil Liberties Union – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

One year ago, the world had never heard of Edward Snowden, and we knew very little about the breathtaking scope of U.S. government surveillance. One year later, we know more than ever before about our government’s mass surveillance apparatus. We now have the power to rein it in.

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Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

I suppose there was looting in 331 B. C.
when Alexander the Great “liberated” Babylon.

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I Quit Drinking, Then I Got Addicted to Food
Jenny Chu – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

Recovering alcoholics and addicts often become “transfer-addicted” to food: After years of flooding the reward centers of our brains with chemicals, we continue to seek the same kind of high elsewhere.

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Leo Tolstoy on Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

“For man to be able to live he must either not see the infinite, or have such an explanation of the meaning of life as will connect the finite with the infinite… In complete contrast to my ignorance, [they] knew the meaning of life and death, labored quietly, endured deprivations and sufferings, and lived and died seeing therein not vanity but good…”

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Vodafone Privacy Report Reveals State Access to Its Networks
Mike Ingram, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

The world’s second largest mobile phone group, Vodafone, revealed the existence of secret permanent access to its networks from governments in six of the 29 countries in which it operates. Vodafone did not name the countries, citing fear that they could revoke licenses and pursue legal action.

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Saving Threatened Species
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

Current [atmospheric] CO2 values are more than 100 ppm higher than at any time in the last one million years (and maybe higher than at any time in the last 25 million years)… These increases in atmospheric CO2 are causing real, significant changes in the Earth system now, not in some distant future climate, and will continue to be felt for centuries to come.

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(Português) Como O Reino Unido Ensinou os Militares Brasileiros a Torturar
Emily Buchanan, BBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

A BBC encontrou evidências de que o Reino Unido colaborou ativamente com os generais e os treinou com técnicas sofisticadas de interrogatório.

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Obama Pledges $1bn for More Troops, Military Drills in Eastern Europe
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jun 2014

President Obama has announced a plan to invest $1 billion in stepping up its military presence in Eastern Europe amid the Ukrainian crisis. “I cannot think of anything more dangerous in the current circumstances than to have a deployment of UK and US troops alongside Ukrainian troops this summer,” John Rees, British political analyst and national officer at Stop the War Coalition, told RT.

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Good for the Jews?
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Seriously, the claim by Binyamin Netanyahu that he has a right to pick and choose the Palestinian government is rather astonishing.

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An Open Letter to the Graduates of West Point: Refuting President Obama’s Lies, Omissions and Distortions
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

On May 2014 President Obama delivered the commencement address to the graduates of United States Military Academy at West Point. Beyond the easy banter and eulogy to past and present war heroes, Obama outlined a vision of past military successes and present policies, based on a profoundly misleading diagnosis of the current global position of the United States.

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Sonia Bridi Entrevista [Interviews] Edward Snowden
Globo News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Portuguese Subtitles – Legendado em Português –
Interview conducted in English with Comments in Portuguese –
Entrevista em inglês com comentários em português

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Misogyny, Guns, and Their Lethal Confluence
Tom Tomorrow - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

This Modern World

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Death’s Rainbow
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

I walked upon the battlefield
and saw a grotesque scene revealed:
the corpses there, both friend and foe,
all formed a sort of weird rainbow.

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One Year of Edward Snowden’s Revelations
Eric London and Barry Grey, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Thursday [5 Jun 2014] marked one year since evidence of the US government’s mass surveillance programs first began appearing in the Guardian newspaper. The international surveillance apparatus Snowden has uncovered is more powerful than any in history.

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(Castellano) De la Fiesta del Futbol a la Fiesta de la Tolerancia
Profesora Alicia Cabezudo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

La “fiesta del Mundial” es también una extraordinaria oportunidad en la labor educativa para convertirla en un aprendizaje diferente . Aprendizaje donde la educación para la tolerancia, el respeto hacia el otro, las diferencias culturales y el esfuerzo colectivo como valor social adquieren una dimensión pedagógica actual y necesaria.

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China Leads from the Shadows
Felix Imonti – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

While the West tries to preserve the power and the glory of another time, the people with the plans and the determination to reshape the world are in Beijing and Moscow. It has been a gradual, cautious journey from obscurity to the second most important currency in the world. The Chinese yuan achieved that standing at the end of 2013.

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Obama Advisor Susan Rice: US Providing ‘Lethal’ Aid to Syrian Rebels
Agence France-Presse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

President Barack Obama’s top foreign policy advisor Susan Rice on Friday [6 Jun 2014] said Washington was providing “lethal and non-lethal” support to select members of the Syrian opposition, offering more detail than usual on US assistance.

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The Enemy Within – Beware of Kicking the Dragon and Bear!
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

The North Americans are the extremists of the capitalist system. We must hope that the skilful diplomacy of both Russia and China, their bilateral cooperation and their steps to achieve multilateral cooperation from Latin American to Africa and Europe and Asia will change the power dynamics of the world.

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Acrobatic Female Quartet (MUSIC VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Salut Salon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

SPECTACULAR!! – “The Summer”, composed by Antonio Vivaldi, becomes the stage for a musical competition. Salut Salon, a Hamburg quartet, ‘fights’ acrobatically and with a special sense of humor.

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Syria’s Twin Jihads
Mona Alami, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Armageddon ideology used in the Syria conflict has fanned Shiite-Sunni fires in Lebanon as well as across the region. Reducing the conflict to a battle within Islam, as portrayed by jihadists on one side and by Hezbollah on the other, could portend a greater conflict that would wreak havoc in region where the Muslim divide runs deep, and religious identities prevail over nationalism.

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New Whistleblower Organization Launched on Anniversary of Snowden Revelations
The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Jun 4, 2014 – Former whistleblowers Radack, Wiebe, Coleman-Adebayo and Ellsberg speak out at the launch of a US based independent media organization that encourages whistleblowers to expose government and corporate malfeasance.

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Busted Pilot Forgets to Turn Off CHEMTRAILS while Landing
TruthTV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

A pilot of a commercial airliner made a mistake that PROVES the existence of CHEMTRAILS — by forgetting to turn them off before he landed! We have video of the plane landing while still spraying chemtrails as it hits the runway. See for yourself.

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USDA Reports Honeybee Death Rate Too High for Long-Term Survival
EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Honeybees in the U.S. are dying at a rate too high to ensure their long-term survival, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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Democracy’s Crisis – 10 Points
Jan Oberg, TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Democracy requires a reasonable level of knowledge and information, freely available. The “world’s largest democracy” [India] also has the world’s largest population who can’t read and write (26%, 287 million people). In comparison, China illiterate citizens make up about 3% and is regularly called a dictatorship.

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(Castellano) Portugal, Un País Sin Abrigo
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

La mistificación consiste en hacer creer a alguien una mentira como si fuera verdad. La mentira es que el proceso de la troika terminó con éxito, que Portugal goza hoy de mejores condiciones para desarrollarse como país europeo.

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(Português) Flaskô, a Fábrica Brasileira Sob Controle Operário
Paloma Rodrigues, Carta Capital – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Quebrada por patrões, recuperada pelos trabalhadores, indústria reduziu jornada, estabeleceu democracia interna e criou centro cultural. Após onze anos, luta entra em nova fase.

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NATO Troops and Bases Not Welcome In Slovakia and Czech Republic
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Two Eastern European nations, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, have refused to host foreign troops and military bases. The prime ministers of both countries have consecutively spoken against the proposal voiced by US President Barack Obama.

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Israelis Deny Palestinian Ministers-Elect West Bank Entry
Gulf News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

The Israeli occupation has denied three future Palestinian ministers from the Gaza Strip entry to the West Bank ahead of the unveiling of a new unity government, a senior source said on Sunday [1 Jun 2014].

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Obama’s Legacy: “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff”
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Cautioning against militarism at West Point President on May 22nd Obama in a speech mostly notable for its reassertion of what might be best understood as imperial nationalism of global scope declared the following:

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We Need the Dissolution of NATO – It Has No Mission”
Karina Boeckmann, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Subrata Ghoshroy, an engineer of Indian descent, describes how sophisticated weapon systems are being used as dominant instruments of U.S. foreign policy. He had worked in the field of high-energy laser before he turned defence analyst and whistleblower against faked ‘Star Wars’ missile defence tests by U.S. government contractors.

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Rich Getting Richer as the Poor Crawl Slowly Out of Poverty
Diana Cariboni, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Are we returning to the Middle Ages? Gaps in income and wealth are growing wider, including in places with well-established middle classes, like Europe or the United States.

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Peace Movements’ Common Vision: The Abolition of Militarism
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

If our common dream is a world without weapons and militarism, why don’t we say so? Why be silent about it? It would make a world of difference if we refused to be ambivalent about the violence of militarism. We should no longer be scattered attempts to modify the military, each one of us would do our thing as part of a global effort. Across all divisions of national borders, religions, races. We must be an alternative, insisting on an end to militarism and violence.

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U.S. Pledges Millions More in Aid to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

The United States pledged millions of dollars in additional aid to Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia on Saturday [7 Jun 2014], deepening American support to the Western-leaning countries on Russia’s border.

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Radical Cognitive Mirroring of Globalization
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Dynamically Inning the Unquestioningly Outed – There is no lack of references to the complexity of global society and to the challenges it faces — nor to the manner in which people experience an increasing sense of disempowerment and uncertainty. The question is whether it is possible to think otherwise about this experience — to reframe it more fruitfully in some way.

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UK Referred to International Criminal Court for War Crimes in Iraq
Jean Shaoul, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, has accepted the complaint lodged in January [2014] alleging that UK military personnel committed war crimes against Iraqis in their custody between 2003 and 2008. She has ordered a preliminary investigation.

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US Supreme Court Rejects Appeal by New York Times Reporter James Risen
Thomas Gaist, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

The US Supreme Court on Monday [2 Jun 2014] decided not to intervene in the case of James Risen, an author and reporter who is facing imprisonment for refusing to reveal the identity of one of his sources. He wrote a piece for the New York Times about the NSA’s compiling facial images of hundreds of millions of people in the US and around the world [published on TMS Spotlight today].

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Israel in Political Isolation over New Palestinian Government
Thalif Deen, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

The United States’ decision to “work with” the new Palestinian government has virtually isolated Israel: the only country so far to have publicly rejected the political alliance between Fatah and Hamas.

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Reclaiming the Kellogg-Briand Pact
James Page – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

This was a treaty signed in 1928 by most of the nations of the world and by which the signatory nations pledged to renounce war as an official instrument of national policy and to use peaceful means to resolve disputes. One of the interesting facts about this Treaty is that it is still current.

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Good, Innovative Governance – What Is That?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Today China combines the best of marxism-communism, the focus on basic needs of the most needy, with the best of liberalism-capitalism, the innovative, entrepreneurial spirit. Lifting the bottom up indeed, maybe 400 million from 1991 to 2004, for participation in a blossoming market.

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Prosecuting Syrians for War Crimes Now
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Is justice served when the authority of the ICC is invoked as a political instrument to influence the outcome of a civil war? Why was there never any initiative to pursue leaders of the United States and the United Kingdom during the course of the Iraq War, which also included many incidents that seemed to qualify as crimes against humanity? Double standards?

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The Heavens Declare: Astrological Ages and the Evolution of Consciousness
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

There are a number of currents of thought which hold that humanity is coming to the end of an historical cycle and has entered into a new age with the start of the new millennium. Alice Howell, influenced by the work of C.G. Jung and astrological analysis has written a useful guide to the start of the New Age.

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Being a Vegetarian
Brown University Health Education – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Vegetarian foods are a major source of nutrition for most people in the world.
Vegetarians have lower rates of heart disease and some forms of cancer than non-vegetarians.
Vegetarian diets can be simple and easy to prepare.

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Good Care
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Vice President Dick Cheney underwent surgery. When he woke up from his anesthesia, all shades were closed.

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The-O Ring and The Bull Ring as Spectacular Archetypes
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Dramatic Correlation of Theatre, Theory, Theorem, Theology, and Theosophy – The argument as a whole might be caricatured by an adaptation of the title of a famed study of psychotherapy: We’ve Had a 1000 Years of Theo — And the World’s Getting Worse.

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The Rise of the European Right: Reaction to the Neoliberal Right
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

The European parliamentary elections witnessed a major breakthrough for the right-wing parties throughout the region. The rise of the Right runs from the Nordic countries, the United Kingdom, the Baltic and Low countries, France, Central and Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean.

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Greenwald: ‘I Wanted a Debate about Journalism’
Deutsche Welle – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

In an exclusive interview with DW, Edward Snowden ally Glenn Greenwald says one central aim of breaking the NSA story was provoking a discussion about journalists’ tacit deference to government power.

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Cold Play & Buena Vista Social Club – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Cold Play & Buena Vista Social Club in Cuba

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To Grow or Not to Grow GMO Crops
Silvia Giannelli, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

So far, 129.000 hectares of land – roughly the area covered by a city the size of Rome – are being cultivated with genetically modified corn in Europe, 90 percent of which is in Spain, while the rest is spread across Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania.

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Prepackaged Thought
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

No longer staid and antiquated,
my thinking now is automated.
Why dream up ideas by myself
when I can get them off the shelf?

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[More pornography] Hedge Fund Managers Still Making Billions
Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

David Tepper was the world’s highest earning hedge fund manager for the second year in a row, according to the Rich List. Tepper earned $3.5 billion in 2013, a major increase on his $2.2 billion take home income in 2012. Critics say that these sky-high salaries are a major cause of increasing poverty.

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US Deploys Special Forces to Train Military Units in North and West Africa
Eric London, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

The Obama administration is establishing new elite military units in Libya, Niger, Mauritania and Mali. Although the ostensible purpose of the program is to combat terrorism, the new detachments are being set up to aid US to gain control of natural resources and establish positions of strategic geopolitical importance on the continent.

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Chlorine in Your Chicken: Why Poultry Is More Dangerous Than Ever
Tracie McMillan, OnEarth – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Whichever part of the bird she happened to be packing on a given shift, the smell was as constant as it was noxious: a combination of raw poultry and chlorine, the latter emanating from the pathogen-killing chemical bath that the carcasses—often contaminated with fecal matter—would receive during processing.

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Weather Weapons Have Existed for over 15 Years, Testified U.S. Secretary of Defense
J. D. Heyes, Natural News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.”

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Ukraine & Syria: Elections of Mass Destruction
Tony Cartalucci, NEO – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jun 2014

Elections pushed ahead in Ukraine, obstructed in Syria, so mass murder can continue. The West’s weaponization of democracy.

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