Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26528 results.

The Palestinian National Movement Advances
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

The Palestinian shift toward Legitimacy Wars is a recognition that in this kind of conflict the decisive battles are generally not won by the side with the superior weaponry and technology but rather by the side that prevails in the realm of ideas and symbols of just cause.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, and Ryan, 3.

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Fred Halliday
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

It is useful to have an overview of the life and thought of others working in the same vineyards of political analysis and conflict resolution. Fred Halliday was such a co-worker.

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Lynne Stewart, Our Lady Mandela
Gary Corseri – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

She is ten feet tall… and dying in her cage.
While Obama and Cameron take “selfies,”
shedding crocodile tears,
our Lady Mandela gazes over
the path she has made by her walking.

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Johan Galtung – Russell Tribunal on Palestine, New York
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

What is Sociocide?

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George Galloway Speaks with Mother Agnes of the Cross on Syrian Situation
Gallowayist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

30 Nov 2013 – Episode 3 of Sputnik with George Galloway and Gayatri on Russia Today.

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Peace as a Break between Wars and Preparation for New Wars
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Of course, there should be a reason why wars continue to take place, especially when the population as a whole never wants to experience the tragedies of such events by all means.

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Some Examples of Genocide
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Last Monday [9 Dec 2013], 65 years ago, the United Nations adopted a convention prohibiting genocide. It therefore seems appropriate to recall some examples of genocide, many of which have occurred since 1948.

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The Nobel for Peace – An Expanding Scandal
Fredrik S. Heffermehl, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

A March 2012 decision by the Swedish authority supervising foundations is a ticking box of dynamite under the Nobel Peace Prize. Even presented in an official, open document, the decision has not reached the general public and become the news story it actually is.

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Is America’s ‘Passionate Attachment’ to Israel Coming to an End?
Maidhc Ó Cathail, The Passionate Attachment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

In an analysis piece entitled “Israel’s New Strategic Position,” Stratfor’s George Friedman claims that Tel Aviv has already lost its stranglehold over the U.S. political system.

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Mother Agnes: “Nobody is Safe-Foreign Forces Need to Stop Fueling Violence in Syria”
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Dec 10, 2013 – RT’s Meghan Lopez speaks with Mother Agnes-Mariam de la Croix, founder of the James the Mutilated Monastery in Syria, who says that the videos show the chemical weapons were used by Syrian rebels.

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Women Lead to Peace in Syria
CODEPINK – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN and Arab League Special Envoy to Syria, continues to ignore the call by prominent international organizations for women to be fully represented at the peace table. Resolution 1325 states that the UN must recognize the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.

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A Man and an Ant
Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

An ant
In a hurry
Runs alone

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Syria’s War: The Next Phase
Tony Cartalucci – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

While the initial conflict was disingenuously portrayed as the spontaneous militarization of unarmed protesters fighting against a “brutal regime,” in reality Al Nusra was already inside the country and operating on a national scale. The US State Department itself would reveal this in its December 2012.

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Heating Your Home Office Almost for Free
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

[Note from TMS editor: I post this video because I have tested the efficacy of the Flower Pot Heater in my own office/apartment. IT WORKS!]

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Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

I personally hope we do not choose to have a truth commission, and hope that we can move on as a people and society to a better future. Perhaps in its place we could deploy the resources into training and job creation to give people opportunities for work.

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UN Claims Uruguay Not Allowed to End Marijuana Prohibition
Alex Newman, New American – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

UN narcotics bureaucrats, whose generous tax-funded salaries depend on the perpetuation of the war on various plants and substances, have responded with outrage and concern. The controversial global body is now under fire after claiming that Uruguay’s recent decision to end marijuana prohibition violates “international law.”

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Japan’s New ‘Fukushima Fascism’
Harvey Wasserman, EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

The site has been infiltrated by organized crime. There are horrifying signs of ecological disaster in the Pacific and human health impacts in the U.S. But within Japan, a new State Secrets Act makes such talk punishable by up to ten years in prison.

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(Português) Ninguém É Gay Por Escolha!
Silvana Macedo, Debates Culturais – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Esta semana recebi em meu consultório um rapaz de 19 anos que queria se curar de sua homossexualidade.

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Metaphors to Die By
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Correspondences between a Collapsing Civilization, Culture or Group, and a Dying Person – Produced on the occasion of the G8 Dementia Summit (London 2013) attended by world leaders after participating in commemoration of the death of Nelson Mandela.

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Leaked: Pussy Riot, Greenpeace Activists Will Be Freed Under Amnesty
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

The members of the Pussy Riot punk band, Greenpeace activists and protesters jailed after the May 2012 Bolotnaya demonstration will be freed in an amnesty dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution, Russian media report. Russia celebrates the 20th anniversary of the country’s Constitution on December 12.

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Uruguay Becomes First Country to Legalize Marijuana Trade
Malena Castaldi and Felipe Llambias, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Uruguay became the first country to legalize the growing, sale and smoking of marijuana on Tuesday [10 Dec 2013], a pioneering social experiment that will be closely watched by other nations debating drug liberalization.

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Not Too Bad
Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

An elderly man went to the doctor for his annual checkup.

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Aloha Nelson Mandela!
Jim Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Mandela was a political activist and agitator. He did not shy away from controversy and he did not seek — or obtain — universal approval. Before and after his release from prison, he embraced an unabashedly progressive and provocative platform.

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The Earth Dialogues Geneva Declaration on Action for a Peaceful and Sustainable World
Green Cross International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

We, the participants of the Earth Dialogues 2013 are deeply concerned by the failure of the world community to act decisively to avert the mounting risks of ecological, environmental and climatic disaster.

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Scientists Sign Declaration That Animals Have Conscious Awareness-Just Like Humans
Higher Perspectives – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

An international group of prominent scientists has signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in which they are proclaiming their support for the idea that animals are conscious and aware to the degree that humans are — a list of animals that includes all mammals, birds, and even the octopus.

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O Holy Night (Music Video of the Week)
Libera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

The boys who make up the vocal band Libera have been described as “normal” and “ordinary”. However, as their recordings and performances demonstrate, the music they produce is truly extraordinary. These are truly sounds to lift the soul. The singers are aged seven to sixteen, attend different local schools in South London and come from a variety of backgrounds. Although they are boys and they sing, they do not think of themselves as choirboys, but rather as an alternative kind of boy band.

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(Português) Veja Como a NSA Acessa Seu Gmail
Alberto Sicilia, Principia Marsupia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Procuramos explicar de maneira simples como funcionam os dois programas do governo dos Estados Unidos que recolhem os nossos dados na Internet.

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Reports on Syrian Paramilitary Groups
The Carter Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

The reports are part of the Center’s Syria Conflict Mapping Project, which analyzes the unprecedented volume of online citizen-generated information about the conflict in an effort to better inform peace-building efforts.

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Washington Drives the World toward War
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Exceptionalism Killing America’s Soul – A person might wonder what is exceptional and indispensable about a government that is a reincarnation of Nazi Germany in every respect. People propagandized into the belief that they are the world’s special people inevitably lose their humanity.

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War No More
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

A poem-plea dedicated to Johan Galtung.

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(Русский-Russian) Евромайдан – новое слово в цветных революциях
Правда – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

12 декабря 2013 – Напряжение в Киеве, кажется, спадает: милиция освобождает город и государственные учреждения от активистов очередной увядающей цветной революции.

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Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Refusing to be Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli Occupation (Reading, UK: Ithaca Press, 2011). The book of Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta comes at an opportune time when the US Secretary of State John Kerry is making a concerted effort to mediate in the Israeli-Palestine tensions.

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The West Needs to Bite Ukraine Off from Russia at All Costs
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

12 Dec 2013 – Tension in Kiev seems to be subsiding. The city police are vacating the city and government agencies from activists of another fading color revolution. Ara Stepanyan, the executive secretary of the Academy of Geopolitical Issues, talked about it in a live feed.

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Analysis of STRATFOR Leaks Misrepresents Nonviolent Movements
Stephen Zunes, WarIsACrime - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Many of us were becoming concerned that, despite some very valuable contributions he and his colleagues at CANVAS have made to the field, Srdja Popovic appeared to be increasingly into self-promotion and lacking much discernment regarding those with whom he was willing to work.

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Stop Giving the West a Bad Name!
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Syria responded to the chemical arms issue by giving a Nobel Peace Prize to an NGO for the prohibition of chemical weapons; in line with Nobel’s testament, reduction of standing forces. But why not shared with Putin, the politician who focused on the arms not on “who done it” (with two good candidates), and WMD to boot, when Obama had nothing but missile attacks on Assad strongholds to offer? But no; a NATO country gives a prize to the West, not to Russia.

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(Italiano) Dove vanno gli Stati Uniti d’America?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

Da dove possono provenire controforze di rinnovamento capaci di spostare il paese su un’altra rotta? Economicamente: non si riesce a ripeterlo abbastanza: sollevare i ceti più bassi, dando loro speranza e dignità, portandoli dentro l’economia e soprattutto cambiando l’ethos dell’ economia dall’arricchimento dei ricchi all’empowerment dei poveri.

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Bibi and Bandar Badger Obama: Better Six Billion than Six Trillion!
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates—along with certain Arab League countries, plus Turkey and Israel, have this past week reportedly committed themselves to raising nearly $6 billion to “beef up” the just-hatched Islamic Front (IF) in Syria.

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Escaping the Abusive State: After Snowden
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

We can and must do better, above all as citizens engaged in the protection of the sort of society we wish to live in; without civic activism of a militant character we can wave goodbye to the promise of genuine democracy.

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On Nelson Mandela`s Legacy to the History of Dignity
Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Nelson Mandela left us physically
but he is still among us dignifyingly

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FBI Can Secretly Turn On Laptop Cameras Without the Indicator Light
Gizmodo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

FBI has had the ability to secretly activate a computer’s camera “without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording” for years now.

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In Memoriam: Howard Clark
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Howard Clark, long time co-editor of Peace News and “coordinator” of War Resisters International died Nov. 28, 2013. He was more tuned to broader social change — “Nonviolent Revolution” became a subtitle on the Peace News masthead and Making Nonviolent Revolution was Howard’s most widely circulated booklet within WRI.

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Japan Enacts Strict State Secrets Law despite Protests
Linda Sieg and Kiyoshi Takenaka, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Japan enacted a state-secrets law toughening penalties for leaks on Friday [6 Dec 2013]. Media, publishers, lawyers and even entertainers have denounced the bill, which drastically expands the definition of state secrets and for some has echoes of Japan’s harsh authoritarian regime before and during World War Two.

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Remembering Nelson Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it is done.” – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Dec 5, 2013 – Nelson Mandela inspired all of us with his courage, his unyielding resistance, and his grace. Inspired by his vision climate activists from around the world helped make this video.

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Mandela and Gandhi
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Nelson Rohihlahla Mandela (1918-2013) and Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) were two of human history’s greatest leaders in the struggle against governmental oppression. They are also remembered as great ethical teachers. Their lives had many similarities; but there were also differences.

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Nelson Mandela’s “I am Prepared to Die” Speech on Being Sentenced to Life Imprisonment with Hard Labor
The History Place – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

In 1962 Mandela was arrested for his opposition to the white government and its apartheid policies against the nonwhite majority. In 1964 the government brought further charges including sabotage, high treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government. This is Mandela’s statement from the dock at the opening of his defense in the 1964 trial.

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Nelson Mandela’s Inspiration
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Fifteen years ago I had the extraordinary pleasure of meeting Nelson Mandela in Cape Town while he was serving as President of South Africa. His journey, like that of Gandhi, was not without its major disappointments.

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Lobbying Elites: The Fast Track to Extinction
Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

The evidence teaches us that elites want us to lobby (or vote for) them so that they can ignore us, and that mobilizations of people in one place provide easy targets for repression. So we need to develop strategies that primarily allow us to organise collectively in small local groups, to work with people whose values we share and to minimize the opportunities for military and police repression.

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The Lies behind This Transatlantic Trade Deal – Managing Transparency
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

* Politicians and officials are desperately seeking to justify their transatlantic assault on democracy.
* Plans to create an EU-US single market will allow corporations to sue governments using secretive panels, bypassing courts and parliaments.

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Ivana Milojevic – Breathing: Violence In, Peace Out
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Ivana Milojevic analyses the long-term impact of trans-generational trauma by looking at the personal experience of her family over three generations caught up in the Stalinist repression in the Soviet Union, the Second World War, especially in Yugoslavia, and the 1990s breakup of the Yugoslav federation.

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Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

A foreman at a construction site told a new worker, “Your two colleagues carry two buckets of cement at a time…

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Confronting the Nuke-Colonization of India
People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

National Convention of Anti-Nuclear Movements – The PMANE and the Idinthakarai Village will host this convention on January 4-5, 2014 (Saturday & Sunday) here at Idinthakarai. We can make arrangements for everyone’s room and board. Please make your own travel arrangements as soon as possible.

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UN Launches Its Own Spy Drone Program
Allen McDuffee, Wired – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

The United Nations has turned to spy drones for the first time in its history in an effort to increase pressure in militias in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, marking both a major technological advancement in the organization’s peacekeeping arsenal as well as a shift in how it views the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

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The Jason Bourne Strategy: CIA Contractors Do Hollywood
Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Global Response Staff is a new unit set up by the CIA to hire private security contractors to accompany dangerous spying missions. Unlike Jason Bourne – the fictional character on which they appear to be modeled on – this gang cannot shoot straight.

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Transforming the Cycle of Violence in Rakhine State: Toward Inter-Communal Peace in Myanmar
Tatsushi Arai, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

The inter-communal violence we have seen in Myanmar’s Rakhine State since 2012 is a manifestation of the deep-rooted structural inequity and unhealed traumas that have continuously grown in scope and intensity over generations.

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The Surprising Republican Civil War That Erupted Over Nelson Mandela and Apartheid
Sagar Jethani, Policymic – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Ronald Reagan appeared on TV to warn Americans against the Anti-Apartheid Act, decrying it as “immoral” and “utterly repugnant.” Congress disagreed, and one month later it overrode Reagan and passed tough new measures against South Africa’s Apartheid government.

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Europe Sending Armies to Stop Immigrants
Apostolis Fotiadis, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

A Nov. 19 [2013] paper by the European External Action Service, the EU diplomatic corps, considers the possibility of the European military getting involved in the south Mediterranean in an effort to curb the influx of irregular migrants and refugees into Europe.

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Defeated by the Taliban, Washington Decides to Take on Russia and China
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

It is a good bet that the Ukrainian protests are a CIA organized event, using the Washington and EU funded NGOs and manipulating the hatred of Ukrainian nationalists for Russia. The protests are directed against Russia.

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A Taste of the Horrible Things to Come for Windows XP
Zach Epstein, Yahoo News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Windows XP is now more than 12 years old but is still used on more than 31% of desktop and laptop computers around the world. Those tens of millions of PC users could be in for a very rude awakening next year once Microsoft cuts off support for the aged operating system.

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(Italiano) Dove va l’economia globale?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Amici degli USA: date consigli assennati; ma de-americanizzatevi, prendete le distanze. L’economia globale è diretta a est e a sud: BRCS+altri, con una UE stagnante. Crescita con distribuzione, non stagnazione con disuguaglianza.

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Peace Education for Protection of Human Rights and Global Peace
Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

This article of Prof. Prasad is on the eve of UN Day of Human Rights which annually falls on December 10. The job of conscientization to the citizens and people of the different nations of the world about their rights can be done very successfully through the knowledge and practice of peace education leading to global peace.

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The United States of America–Heading Where?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Where would renewal, counter-forces that might get the country on another course come from? Economically: cannot be said often enough: lifting the bottom up, giving them hope and dignity, bringing them into the economy and above all changing the ethos of the economy from enriching the rich to empowering the poor.

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‘Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach’: Evil Octopus Strangling the World Becomes Latest US Intelligence Seal
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

The latest spy satellite to be sent into orbit by the NRO can be recognized by its seal: a malevolent octopus with furrowed brows that also happens to be wrapping its tentacles around all corners of the Earth.

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Whose Sarin?
Seymour M. Hersh, London Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

8 Dec 2013 – The White House’s misrepresentation of what it knew about the attack, and when, was matched by its readiness to ignore intelligence that could undermine the narrative. Al-Nusra and its Islamist allies could end up as the only faction inside Syria with access to the ingredients that can create sarin, a strategic weapon that would be unlike any other in the war zone.

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Spain’s Anti-Protest Bill Criticized as Anti-Democratic
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Spain’s conservative government agreed on Friday [29 Nov 2013] to toughen penalties for unauthorized street protests up to a possible 600,000 euro ($816,000) fine, a crackdown that belies the peaceful record of the anti-austerity protests of recent years.

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EU Commission Fines Banks $2.3 Billion for Benchmark Rigging
Foo Yun Chee, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

EU antitrust regulators vowed to keep investigating rate- rigging on Wednesday [4 Dec 2013] as they slapped a record 1.7 billion euro ($2.3 billion) penalty on six financial institutions including Deutsche Bank, RBS and JPMorgan.

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Israel Destroys More Houses and Wells in the Jordan Valley
Middle East Monitor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

3 Dec 2013 – Local sources claim that the Israelis are on standby to carry out even more demolitions on the pretext that the buildings do not have planning permission. This is often used as an excuse by the Israelis who are trying to drive Palestinians off their land so that more illegal Jewish settlers can be moved in.

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The Continuity of Wars in World History
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

When we analyze carefully the sources of each war we generally discover that it was waged by those in the government. The vast majority of people across every continent always yearned to live at peace on a permanent basis.

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(Français) [BDS] Soutien au Pr. Jake Lynch
CAPJPO-Europalestine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Nous sommes allés à une trentaine remettre à l’ambassade d’Australie en France, une lettre de soutien au Pr. Jake Lynch de l’université de Sydney, qui est attaqué en justice par un cabinet d’avocats israéliens parce qu’il applique le boycott académique, dans le cadre de la campagne internationale BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions), et refuse donc de collaborer avec des universités israéliennes.

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US Government Considered Nelson Mandela a Terrorist Until 2008
Robert Windrem, Investigative Producer, NBC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

From the White House to the halls of Congress, U.S. government officials have responded to the death of Nelson Mandela with a hail of testimonials to the late South African president’s leadership in the struggle for freedom and human rights. Until five years ago, however, the U.S. officially considered Mandela a terrorist.

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‘Modern Slavery’: Int’l Delegation Decries Migrant Rights Abuses in Qatar
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

2 Dec 2013 – Qatar has made no progress in abolishing laws that effectively force foreign workers into slavery, an international delegation has said. A worker’s rights group has estimated 4,000 migrant workers could die if nothing is done before the 2022 World Cup.

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10 Foods That Cause Polyps
Oxy-Powder – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Colon polyps, or colorectal polyps, are fleshy growths which can develop on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. They may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Malignancies can take years to develop. Proper screening usually creates ample time to identify pre-malignant polyps; if not caught, however, they can develop into colorectal cancer, one of the leading causes of death in North America and Western Europe.

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Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (Music Video of the Week)
Lang Lang – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Liszt – Virtuoso. Classical Pop – Pop Classic

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(Un)holy River
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

So here comes John Kerry again, for the umpteenth time (but who is counting?) to make peace between us and the Palestinians. Unfortunately, it is based on a false premise. To wit: that the Israeli government wants peace based on the two-state solution.

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Elected Leader
Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Sitting on the throne
Having the crown
Dwindles the brain
Having power Crane

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Resolution on Academic Boycott of Israel
American Studies Association – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

It is resolved that the American Studies Association endorses and will honor the call of Palestinian civil society for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. It is also resolved that the ASA supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about Israel-Palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement.

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Tom Daley Reveals He’s In a Relationship with a Man
The Sydney Morning Herald – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

British diving star Tom Daley said Monday [2 Dec 2013] he was in a relationship with a man but that he still “fancied” girls as he became the latest sports star to make a public declaration regarding their sexuality. The 19-year-old, a bronze medallist at last year’s London Olympics and one of the faces used in the pre-Games publicity, made the announcement in a YouTube clip.

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Exposed: Globally Renowned Activist Collaborated With Intelligence Firm Stratfor
Steve Horn and Carl Gibson, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2013

Serbia’s Srdja Popovic is known as a leading architect of regime changes in Eastern Europe since the late-1990s. Lesser known investigation reveals that Popovic and the Otpor! offshoot CANVAS have maintained close ties with a Goldman Sachs executive and the intelligence firm Stratfor, as well as the U.S. government. Popovic’s wife also worked at Stratfor for a year.

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(Italiano) Pace in Colombia?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

In questa conferenza si sta usando una parola molto controproducente: post-conflitto, invece di post-violenza. Non confondetele: la violenza significa fare del male, nuocere; i conflitti sono obiettivi incompatibili. “Post-conflitto” suona come se tutto fosse risolto con la fine della violenza, senza la consapevolezza di dover ridurre la diseguaglianza flagrante, e procedere verso l’armonia attraverso l’empatia, la riconciliazione dei traumi, e la capacità di risoluzione ricorrente dei conflitti.

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Brazil Confirms Secure Satellite Deal to Stifle U.S. Spying
Agence France-Presse – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Brazil’s state-owned telecom provider Telebras signed a $560 million contract to deliver a satellite for secure communications on Thursday [28 Nov 2013], following months of outrage over revelations of US cyber-spying.

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Imagining Attractive Global Governance
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

The argument is that this pattern might help to frame the “language” through which attractive global governance of any viability can be usefully envisaged — prior to articulating the content of any global governance proposal. The approach is partly inspired by the initiative of Johan Galtung with respect to Forms of Presentation in the context of the UNU project.

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Special Report – Deformities, Sickness and Livestock Deaths: The Real Cost of GM Animal Feed?
Andrew Wasley, The Ecologist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Much of our meat and dairy produce is made from animals raised on GM feeds. Alarming new claims suggest that the GM diet is affecting animal health – prompting fears over human safety.

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Monsanto, the TPP, and Global Food Dominance
Ellen Brown, Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Global food control has nearly been achieved, by reducing seed diversity with GMO (genetically modified) seeds that are distributed by only a few transnational corporations. But this agenda has been implemented at grave cost to our health; and if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) passes, control over not just our food but our health, our environment and our financial system will be in the hands of transnational corporations.

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World Press Photo 2013: Exhibition Review
Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

The World Press Photo 2013 exhibition, currently on display at London’s Southbank Centre is a tribute to a diverse global civilisation pre-occupied with ceaseless challenges, chaos, celebration and reflection.

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Genetically Modified Crop Could Migrate Dangerously
Ranjit Devraj, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Food security activists who secured a moratorium on introducing GM brinjal (aubergine) into India fear that their efforts are being undermined by release of same in neighbouring Bangladesh. “India and Bangladesh share a long and porous border and it is easy for GM brinjal varieties to be brought over.”

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HARDTalk – Glenn Greenwald – Journalist
BBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

28 Nov 2013 – HardTALK speaks to journalist Glenn Greenwald – he broke the Snowden story. His mission, he says, is to hold power to account. Is this a journalistic crusade that has gone too far?

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The Debacle
Uri Avnery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

The greatest danger to Israel is not the putative Iranian nuclear bomb. The greatest danger is the stupidity of our leaders. Let us start from the end.

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(Castellano) Ecuador Es Referente Mundial en Inclusión de Personas con Discapacidad
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

La directora de la División de Política Social y Desarrollo de Asuntos Sociales y Económicos de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), Daniela Bas, elogió que Ecuador posea hasta 21 artículos de la Constitución en favor de los grupos vulnerables o especiales, hecho que lo convierte como un referente mundial en la inclusión integral de personas con alguna discpacidad.

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Can You Hack It? Everything Electronic You Own Can Be Hacked
Amy Webb, Slate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

After the annual Black Hat Internet security convention a few months ago in Las Vegas, I asked a group of my friends—a Navy engineer, a professional hacker, and a hobbyist—to help me come up with a quick list of devices that will be vulnerable. Here’s our (incomplete) list. (Entries with a * are those we’ve tried hacking at home, for fun.).

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Delhi Accord: BRICS for Fair Play
Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Recently the competition authorities of the BRICS countries signed the Delhi Accord, in which the members expressed “resolve and commitment to exchange views on different aspects of competition policy.”

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Thanksgiving: A National Day of Mourning for Indians
Mahtowin Munro and Moonanum James, Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

We object to the “Pilgrim Progress” parade and to what goes on in Plymouth because they are making millions of tourist dollars every year from the false pilgrim mythology. That money is being made off the backs of our slaughtered indigenous ancestors.

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The Decline of the US (and Everyone Else …)
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

The world political economy is a mosaic of cross currents: Domestic decay and elite enrichment, new sources for greater profits and deepening political disenchantment, declining living standards for many and extravagant luxury for a few, military losses in some regions with imperial recovery in others.

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With or Without You (Music Video of the Week)
2Cellos– TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

2CELLOS Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser perform With or Without You by Bono-U2 at C Music TV’s studios in London.

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Peacebuilding, Power, and Politics in Africa
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

This is a useful collection of essays, a cooperative effort between the Centre for Conflict Resolution in Cape Town, South Africa and the Centre of African Studies at Cambridge University, England including a policy seminar held at the University of Botswana.

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(Catalan) ‘Els Paries del Caribe’ [Haitians]
Mario Vargas Llosa – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Carta de la Pau Dirigida a l’ONU – 4 Nov 2013. La decisió converteix en apàtrides a més de 200.000 dominicans d’origen haitià. El racisme apareix quan calen bocs expiatoris que ocultin els veritables problemes.

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Culture of War and Militaristic Culture of Peace
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

A careful study of history reveals that while people in general always opted for peace through dialogues on a mutually beneficial basis, their public officials often tended to resort to struggles and wars to get what they want.

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Criminal Intent
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Were I to be a criminal
I’d try to be original.

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PMANE and People of Idinthakarai Have Nothing to Do with the Blast
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Nov 27, 2013 – We would like to clarify one more time that the PMANE does not believe in violence or bomb-making, and the people of Idinthakarai and the PMANE have absolutely nothing to do with the blast. We condemn those who are behind this mindless action and express our sincere condolences to the bereaved families.

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Matt Damon on Howard Zinn’s Civil (dis)Obedience
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Matt Damon, a lifelong friend of Howard Zinn and his family, read excerpts from a speech Howard Zinn gave in 1970 as part of a debate on civil disobedience. He is not asking you to participate and be proactive but when you hear this you might anyway. The problem is not Civil Disobedience, but Civil Obedience.

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Iceland Defies Banks and Advances $1.2bn Debt Relief Plan
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Iceland’s government has announced that it will be writing off up to 24,000 euros ($32,600) of every household’s mortgage, fulfilling its election promise, despite overwhelming criticism from international financial institutions.

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