Articles by RD

We found 3495 results.

Oslo Is Dead! Long Live Oslo! The UK House of Commons Supports Diplomatic Recognition of Palestine
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Oct 2014

On October 13 [2014] the House of Commons by an overwhelming vote of 274-12 urged the British government to extend diplomatic recognition to Palestine. At first glance, it would seem a rather meaningless gesture. It is a non-binding resolution.

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The U.S. Without a War Is like an Apple Pie without Apples
William Boardman – Reader Supported News, 20 Oct 2014

A Nobel Peace Prize recipient is among the loudest voices for war nowadays. Better, this Nobel Peace prize recipient has unchecked power to wage war and uses it willfully in a variety of nations. Perhaps best, this prize-winning peace president has set out to a plan to make a desert and call it peace, for which a grateful power structure might well give him yet another prize.

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Lockheed Announces Breakthrough on Nuclear Fusion Energy
Reuters – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

Lockheed Martin Corp said on Wednesday [15 Oct 2014] it had made a technological breakthrough in developing a power source based on nuclear fusion, and the first reactors, small enough to fit on the back of a truck, could be ready for use in a decade.

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Climate Change: How to Make the Big Polluters Really Pay
Naomi Klein – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

By dropping Shell, Lego shows new ways to target the astronomical profits of the fossil fuel industries.

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Secret Space Plane Lands at US Air Force Base after Unknown Two-Year Mission
Associated Press – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

Resembling a small space shuttle, the X-37B landed in southern California Friday [17 Oct 2014], after 674 days in orbit on a secret mission.

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Syria-to-Ukraine Wars Send U.S. Defense Stocks to Records
Richard Clough, Bloomberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

Led by Lockheed Martin Corp. the biggest U.S. defense companies are trading at record prices as shareholders reap rewards from escalating military conflicts around the world. Investors see rising sales for makers of missiles, drones and other weapons as the U.S. hits Islamic State fighters in Syria and Iraq.

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US to Deploy 3000 Troops to Ebola Crisis Areas
Jeff Mason and James Harding Giahyue, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

President Barack Obama called West Africa’s deadly Ebola outbreak a looming threat to global security and announced a major expansion of the U.S. role in trying to halt its spread, including deployment of 3,000 troops to the region.

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Police Go Nuts over Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Remote Speech in Vermont
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 13 Oct 2014

When Goddard announced that students had chosen Mumia to be the commencement speaker at their graduation, Philadelphia police, politicians, media, and Fox News went crazy with angry rhetoric aimed at curbing free speech.

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Did Israel Commit Genocide in Gaza?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

In a special session of the Russell Tribunal, Israel’s Operation Protective Edge was critically scrutinized from the perspective of international law, including the core allegation of genocide through testimonies by legal and weapons experts, health workers, journalists and others who experienced the 50 days of military assault.

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Questioning Sweden’s ‘Bold’ Diplomatic Initiative
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

The new center-left Swedish Prime Minister, Stefan Lofven, in his inaugural speech to Parliament indicated on October 3 [2014] the intention of the Swedish government to recognize Palestinian statehood.

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China Just Overtook the US as the World’s Largest Economy
Mike Bird – Business Insider, 13 Oct 2014

8 Oct 2014 – Sorry, America. China just overtook the US to become the world’s largest economy, according to the International Monetary Fund.

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Hypocrisy: Saudi Arabia Beheads 26 People in 1 Month, Some for ‘Sorcery’ – The West Has Nothing to Say about It (Images)
Richard Rowe, AATP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Oct 2014

We condemn ISIS’ public beheadings, but in 2012-13, our allies in Saudi Arabia cut the heads off of 79 people [in public]. Let’s play “Compare and Contrast” for a moment:

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Iran Nuclear Talks: Why Tehran Must Be Brought In from the Cold
Christopher de Bellaigue – The Guardian, 6 Oct 2014

A deal with Iran is vital for the stability of the wider Middle East. The opportunity must be grasped.

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Changing the Political Climate: A Transitional Imperative
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Oct 2014

The most daunting challenging of adapting to the realities of the anthropocene era is achieving a soft transition from state-centric world order to a geo-centric reconfiguring of political community to enable the emergence of effective and humane global governance.

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Neoliberalism Has Brought Out the Worst in Us
Paul Verhaeghe – The Guardian, 6 Oct 2014

An economic system that rewards psychopathic personality traits has changed our ethics and our personalities. We are forever told that we are freer to choose the course of our lives than ever before, but the freedom to choose outside the success narrative is limited.

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(Castellano) Sustentación, aceptación y legitimación de los extractivismos: múltiples expresiones pero un mismo basamento
Eduardo Gudynas – Centro Tricontinental-CETRI, 6 Oct 2014

Los extractivismos se expanden y profundizan a pesar de sus impactos y la resistencia ciudadana. Esto es posible porque distintas argumentaciones les brindan sustentación, permiten su aceptación y los legitiman. Entre las más importantes se analizan las siguientes:

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‘Africa’s Arms Dump’: Following the Trail of Bullets in the Sudans
Charlton Doki in Juba and Adam Mohamed Ahmad in Khartoum - The Niles, The Guardian Africa network, 6 Oct 2014

Sudan and South Sudan are among the most heavily armed countries in the world. The Niles investigates how this came about and the consequences of spiraling bloodshed.

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4+ Logics of Living Together on Planet Earth
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Sep 2014

It is misleading to describe ‘world order’ as consisting exclusively of sovereign territorial states. This misimpression is further encouraged by the structure of the United Nations, whose members are states, and only states.

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Right Livelihood Awards 2014 – ‘Alternative Nobel’ Goes to Edward Snowden
Society for the Right Livelihood Award – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Sep 2014

25 Sep 2014 – The 2014 Right Livelihood Honorary Award goes to EDWARD SNOWDEN (USA) “for his courage and skill in revealing the unprecedented extent of state surveillance violating basic democratic processes and constitutional rights”.

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Bhutan Could Be World’s First Wholly Organic Nation within a Decade
Jo Confino – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

Political parties in the Himalayan kingdom unite to eradicate chemical fertilisers and pesticides as part of its Gross National Happiness programme.

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Backsliding on Nuclear Promises
The Editorial Board – The New York Times, 29 Sep 2014

The administration is making a foolish trade-off — pouring money into modernization while reducing funds that help improve security at nuclear sites in Russia and other countries where terrorists or criminals could get their hands on nuclear materials.

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Julian Assange: ‘When you post to Facebook, you’re being a rat’
James Camp – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

Assange said: “Compare the mission statements of Google and the NSA – the NSA say, ‘We want to collect all private information, pool it, store it, sort it, index it, and exploit it.’ Whereas Google says, ‘We want to collect all private information, pool it, store it, sort it, and sell those profiles to advertisers.’ “Really, they’re identical. Every time you go to a party and take a picture and post that picture to Facebook, you’re being a rat. You’re being a narc.”

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The Myth of Religious Violence
Karen Armstrong – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

The popular belief that religion is the cause of the world’s bloodiest conflicts is central to our modern conviction that faith and politics should never mix. But the messy history of their separation suggests it was never so simple.

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Fatah and Hamas Agree Deal for Unity Government to Take Control of Gaza
Peter Beaumont – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

25 Sep 2014 – The two main Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, have reached a “comprehensive” agreement that would turn over the civil administration of Gaza immediately to officials of a Palestinian unity government led by President Mahmoud Abbas. Breakthrough agreement negotiated in Cairo is designed to ease blockade and open way to reconstruction after Gaza war.

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The Fight to Keep Toxic Mining—and the World Bank—Out of El Salvador
Diana Anahi Torres-Valverde – Foreign Policy In Focus, 29 Sep 2014

Hundreds of protesters recently gathered at the World Bank to shame a gold mining firm’s shakedown of one of Central America’s poorest countries. For miners, investors, and artisans, few things are more precious than gold. But for human life itself, nothing is more precious than water.

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José Mujica: Is This the World’s Most Radical President?
Giles Tremlett – The Guardian, 29 Sep 2014

Uruguay’s José Mujica lives in a tiny house rather than the presidential palace, and gives away 90% of his salary. He’s legalised marijuana and gay marriage. But his greatest legacy is governing without giving up his revolutionary ideals.

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How to Make Isis Fall on Its Own Sword
Chelsea E Manning – The Guardian, 22 Sep 2014

Degrade and destroy? The west should try to disrupt the canny militants into self-destruction, because bombs will only backfire.

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NATO Makes War – NATO Is Not an Alliance for Peace
Robin Edward Poulton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Sep 2014

NATO’s summit in Wales (September 4-5, 2014) was BAD NEWS for peace makers, and bad for all world citizens. Are the NATO Nuts going to invade Ukraine? Do they want to create a new European war? Dangerous rhetoric and dangerous ideas lead to dangerous actions.

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The New (Religious) Face of Civil Disobedience
Sanford Levinson – Al Jazeera America, 22 Sep 2014

A resurgent sanctuary movement may complicate the precepts of the Christian right. Conservatives and liberals might find themselves rethinking some of their views about the meaning of religious freedom and the responsibilities of good citizenship.

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Snowden: New Zealand’s Prime Minister Isn’t Telling the Truth about Mass Surveillance
Edward Snowden – The Intercept, 22 Sep 2014

Let me be clear: any statement that mass surveillance is not performed in New Zealand, or that the internet communications are not comprehensively intercepted and monitored, or that this is not intentionally and actively abetted by the GCSB, is categorically false.

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Memo on the Evaluation of the Community Work Program
Howard Richards – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Sep 2014

This memo stresses the importance of evaluating CWP´s compliance with its mandate to use public employment to catalyse community development. It also underlines the importance of issues in economic theory that bear on CWP´s contribution to society.

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Naomi Klein: The Hypocrisy behind the Big Business Climate Change Battle
Naomi Klein – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

I denied climate change for longer than I care to admit. I told myself the science was too complicated and the environmentalists were dealing with it. And I continued to behave as if there was nothing wrong with the “elite” frequent-flyer card in my wallet. A great many of us engage in this kind of denial.

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Iraq: Yazidis’ Genocide?
René Wadlow, UN Geneva Association of Word Citizens – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Sep 2014

With the incomplete evidence at hand, I would maintain that the ISIS policy is genocide and not just a control of territory. Although the UN “track record” of dealing with genocide is very mixed, the first immediate step is for a State to raise the issue within the UN.

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An Open Letter to Rabbi Ira Youdovin
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Serice, 15 Sep 2014

We have exchanged views frequently in the last few years, most often by way of adversary comments. I write now an ‘open letter’ because of your most recent comment objecting to my support for Steven Salaita in his campaign to have his tenure faculty appointment reinstated at the University of Illinois.

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The Fourth Branch – The Rise to Power of the National Security State: Who Rules Washington?
Tom Engelhardt – TomDispatch, 15 Sep 2014

As every schoolchild knows, there are three check-and-balance branches of the U.S. government: the executive, Congress, and the judiciary. That’s bedrock Americanism and the most basic high school civics material. Only one problem: it’s just not so.

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Isis Jihadis Aren’t Medieval – They Are Shaped by Modern Western Philosophy
Kevin McDonald – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

We should look to revolutionary France if we want to understand the source of Islamic State’s ideology and violence. Contemporary jihadism is not a return to the past. It is a modern, anti-traditional ideology with a very significant debt to western political history and culture.

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Steven Salaita and Zionist McCarthyism
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Sep 2014

The outcome of the Salaita case will exhibit the current balance of influence as between Zionist McCarthyism and academic freedom. That such a struggle should be in doubt is itself a national disgrace that suggests the worrisome fragility of academic freedom as reinforced by the potency of money and regressive ideology.

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The Sad Legacy of 9/11: Isis and Al-Qaida Are Stronger Than Ever
Ali Soufan – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

Thirteen years later, it’s becoming clear that we have not fought a 13-year war so much as a one-year war, 13 times. It is the sad legacy of our tactic-driven response to 9/11 that bin Ladenism has spread far beyond Osama bin Laden’s wildest dreams.

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(Italiano) Due tipi di antisemitismo
Richard Falk – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 15 Sep 2014

Questo secondo tipo di presunto antisemitismo è una tattica impiegata per screditare i critici di Israele insistendo che non andrebbero distinti la critica di Israele e l’odio del popolo ebraico.

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MH17 Crash Caused by ‘Objects Penetrating Aircraft from Outside’
Gwyn Topham – The Guardian, 15 Sep 2014

9 Sep 2014 – Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 broke up in mid-air as a result of structural damage caused by “a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside”, according to the Dutch investigators’ preliminary report.

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Fukushima Crisis Continues, Was Worse Than First Reported
William Boardman - Reader Supported News, 8 Sep 2014

Nobody in the world knows how to dispose of radioactive waste safely and permanently. That’s a given. So Tokyo announced on August 29 [2014] that the Fukushima waste would be stored for 30 years in Fukushima prefect, in an “interim facility.” In Japanese, “Fukushima” means “Island of Good Fortune.”

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How America Made ISIS – Their Videos and Ours, Their “Caliphate” and Ours
Tom Engelhardt - TomDispatch, 8 Sep 2014

Looking back, it’s hard not to think of it as a kind of American jihadism and an attempt to establish what might have been an American caliphate in the region. In the process, the U.S. effectively dismantled and destroyed state power in the countries in which it intervened [Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya], while ensuring the destabilization of neighboring countries and finally the region itself.

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Two Types of Anti-Semitism
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Sep 2014

This second type of supposed anti-Semitism is a tactic deployed to discredit critics of Israel by insisting that criticism of Israel and hatred of the Jewish people should not be distinguished.

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Israel to Build 283 Homes on West Bank
Agence France-Presse – The Guardian, 8 Sep 2014

5 Sep 2014 – Israel has published tenders to build 283 homes in a West Bank settlement, days after announcing its biggest land grab on occupied Palestinian territory for three decades. That move drew international condemnation, even from its staunch ally, the US, and some Israeli cabinet ministers.

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Russell Tribunal Session on Palestine
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Sep 2014

On September 24 [2014] a special session of the Russell Tribunal will examine war crimes allegations against Israel arising from the 50-day Operation Protective Edge military operation that commenced on July 8th.

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Fearing Political Islam: Why Arabs Betrayed Gaza
Ramzy Baroud – Toward Freedom, 1 Sep 2014

Some Arab rulers continue to declare their strong support of Palestine and its cause. ‘Operation Protective Edge,’ however, has exposed beyond a doubt that such solidarity is just a mere show of words.

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The US Government Can Brand You a Terrorist Based on a Facebook Post. We Can’t Let Them Make Up the Rules
Arjun Sethi – The Guardian, 1 Sep 2014

Innocent people’s lives are being ruined. Why isn’t anyone watching the watchlist?

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The Outlaw State of Israel (Part I)
Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji – Al Jazeera, 25 Aug 2014

Since 1948 Israel has drawn a long list of military aggression, human rights violations and war crimes. It has become an outlaw state.

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The Outlaw State of Israel (Part II)
Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji – Al Jazeera, 25 Aug 2014

Unconditional US support for the state of Israel has precluded a peace settlement and destabilised the Middle East. In Part I we described the reasons that Israel has become an outlaw state. In this part we discuss US support for Israel and its consequences.

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Three Questions for Hamas
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Aug 2014

Whether wittingly or not, the international diplomacy of the West has produced dispossession, violence, and seemingly irreconcilable conflict with disastrous and tragic consequences for the indigenous population of Palestine ever since the end of World War I.

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“Muslim Rage” and the Hypocrisy of the Western Liberal Elite
Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Aug 2014

The western liberal élite has a problem with Muslims, in particular with Muslim Rage, as Newsweek’s cover called it. It reminds me of that priceless, old misogynist quotation from Sigmund Freud: women–what do they want? What do Muslims want? They want to be part of the modern world yet they import these age-old hatreds that are so–well, primitive and unmodern. Muslims aren’t ready for civilization-primetime.

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Strange Regional Alignments in the Gaza Massacre
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Aug 2014

Neighborly Crimes of Complicity in Gaza – The abysmal failure of the Kerry induced talks showed definitively that Israel has lost all interest in a diplomacy that promises the Palestinians a viable and independent sovereign state at the end of the road.

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SeaWorld Shares Tumble 33% Following Blackfish Documentary
Ben Beaumont-Thomas – The Guardian, 18 Aug 2014

The negative publicity from Blackfish, a documentary film that followed the violent behaviour of an orca kept captive by SeaWorld, has caused attendance to fall at the theme parks.

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Edward Snowden the Most Wanted Man in the World
James Bamford, Wired – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Aug 2014

In May [2014] I received an email from his lawyer, ACLU attorney Ben Wizner, confirming that Snowden would meet me in Moscow and let me hang out and chat with him for what turned out to be three solid days over several weeks. It is the most time that any journalist has been allowed to spend with him since he arrived in Russia in June 2013.

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Gaza Homes ‘Uninhabitable’ as Tens of Thousands Come Back to Rubble
Jason Burke in Beit Lahia – The Guardian, 18 Aug 2014

United Nations says the level of destruction is ‘unprecedented’ as 30,000 people in Beit Hanoun alone need rehousing.

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Hashtag Genocide: Why Gaza Fought Back
Ramzy Baroud – Toward Freedom, 18 Aug 2014

Since Israel besieged Gaza with Egypt’s help and coordination, life for Gazans has become largely about mere survival. Gazans were not allowed to venture out, fish, or farm, and those who got even close to some arbitrary “buffer zone,” determined by the Israeli army within Gaza’s own borders, were shot and often killed.

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UK Government to Block Arms Exports to Israel If Military Action Resumes
Rupert Neate – The Guardian, 18 Aug 2014

Announcement comes after lengthy dispute between leading Tories and Liberal Democrats over restriction of arms sales.

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1914: The Great War Has Become a Nightly Pornography of Violence
Simon Jenkins – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

The centenary has been seized as a military propaganda opportunity. So-called lessons learned have been ignored or forgotten. Britain’s commemoration of the Great War has lost all sense of proportion. It has become a media theme park, an indigestible cross between Downton Abbey and a horror movie.

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Palestinian Open Letter to UNSG Ban Ki-moon on Gaza
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Aug 2014

Open letter to Mr. Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon: stand for law and Justice or resign!

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5 Myths about Nuclear Weapons
Ward Wilson – Publishers Weekly, 11 Aug 2014

We were misled in the first instance, developed a wildly exaggerated sense of nuclear weapons’ power, and then spent forty years too frightened by the Cold War to re-examine our initial assessments.

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Hollywood Divided: Passions High as Actors and Celebrities Speak Out on Gaza
Rory Carroll – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

Artists voicing solidarity for Palestinians trigger backlash from industry heavyweights in a town with strong Israel connections. It is perhaps the last taboo in Hollywood but the carnage in Gaza is prompting an increasing number of artists and celebrities to do the unthinkable: criticise Israel.

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(Italiano) Dichiarazione congiunta sull’offensiva di Israele contro Gaza da parte di esperti di Diritto Internazionale
Richard Falk – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 11 Aug 2014

La comunità internazionale deve fermare la punizione collettiva che Israele sta riservando alla popolazione civile nella Striscia di Gaza.

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Gaza Blockade Must End
Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

The UN should mandate an end to the siege of Gaza as a first step towards a settlement. There is no humane or legal justification for how the Israeli Defence Force is conducting this war, pulverising with bombs, missiles and artillery large parts of Gaza, including thousands of homes, schools and hospitals.

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Crimes against Humanity in Gaza: Is It Really a ‘Buffer Zone’ – Or a Bigger Plan?
Dennis Kucinich – The Guardian, 11 Aug 2014

5 Aug 2014 – It’s time to step back and ask if we want to support Israel if it wants to eject all Palestinians from their land. Late last week, the White House decried Israel’s attack on a UN school in Gaza as “totally unacceptable” and “totally indefensible”, then proceeded to approve $225m in funding for its Iron Dome.

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Want to Have a Real Impact on Climate Change? Then Become a Vegetarian
Travis McKnight – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Millennials who care about the environment should put their money where their mouths are and stop eating meat. It’s time to start a dietary revolution.

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(Castellano) Javier Bardem sobre la masacre en Gaza
Javier Bardem – El Diario, 4 Aug 2014

25 Jul 2014 – Solo las alianzas geopolíticas, esa máscara hipócrita de los negocios -por ejemplo, la venta de armas- explican la posición vergonzosa de EEUU, la UE y España.

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Cruelties of Ceasefire Diplomacy
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

Devastation and violence has continued in Gaza, with Palestinians deaths now numbering over 1000 (overwhelmingly civilians) and Israeli deaths latest reported at being 43 (almost all military personnel). Such casualty figures and disparities raise questions of state terrorism in a stark manner.

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As the Gaza Crisis Deepens, Boycotts Can Raise the Price of Israel’s Impunity
Rafeef Ziadah – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

If governments refuse to act on Gaza, we must emulate the methods that isolated South Africa during apartheid.

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(Português) Galeano: Pouca Palestina Resta. Pouco a Pouco, Israel Está Apagando-a do Mapa
Eduardo Galeano – TRANCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

Desde 1948, os palestinos vivem condenados à humilhação perpétua. Não podem sequer respirar sem autorização. Têm perdido a sua pátria, as suas terras, a sua água, a sua liberdade, tudo. Nem sequer têm direito a eleger os seus governantes.

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Javier Bardem: Genocide in Gaza
Javier Bardem – El Diario, 4 Aug 2014

In the horror happening right now in Gaza there is NO place for distance or neutrality. It’s a war of occupation and extermination waged against a people with no means, confined in a minimum territory, with no water, and where hospitals, ambulances, and children are targets and presumed to be terrorists.

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Modern-Day Slavery – Qatar World Cup: Migrants Wait a Year to Be Paid for Building Offices
Robert Booth, and Pete Pattisson in Doha – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Monday 28 July 2014 – Migrant workers who built luxury offices used by Qatar’s 2022 football World Cup organisers have told the Guardian they have not been paid for more than a year and are now working illegally from cockroach-infested lodgings.

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Joint Declaration on International Law & Gaza – Final List of Endorsers
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Aug 2014

With only a voluntary effort the Joint Declaration on International Law in relation to the Gaza Attacks by Israel has elicited an encouraging response from legal experts from around the world, including some of our most distinguished colleagues. Others without formal legal credentials have also indicated their support, and expressed their desire to endorse the Joint Declaration.

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Portugal Uses EU Bailout Cash to Shore Up Troubled Banco Espírito Santo
Chris Johnston – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Portugal injected almost €5bn into Banco Espírito Santo on Sunday [3 Ago 2014] night to stave off the collapse of the country’s biggest bank following a series of financial scandals.

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Modern-Day Slavery – Trapped in Qatar: The Migrants Who Helped Build the ‘Tower of Football’
Robert Booth, and Pete Pattisson in Doha – The Guardian, 4 Aug 2014

Despite World Cup host’s promises to improve life for foreign labourers, many still live desperate lives in the shadow of unimaginable riches.

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Both Israelis and Palestinians Are Losers in This Conflict
Daniel Barenboim – The Guardian, 28 Jul 2014

There can be no military solution. Both sides need to acknowledge the other’s suffering and their rights.

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(Português) Povos de todo o mundo exigem fim do genocídio israelense contra palestinos
Leonardo Wexell Severo – Brasil de Fato, 28 Jul 2014

Em repúdio à carnificina, as grandes avenidas da Alemanha, Argélia, Colôm¬bia, Egito, França, Grécia, Indonésia, Ir¬landa, Estados Unidos e Turquia, entre outras dezenas de países, foram tomadas por multidões vestindo o vermelho, ver¬de, preto e branco da bandeira palestina.

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Palestinian Recourse to the International Criminal Court: The Time Has Come
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jul 2014

The political plausibility of invoking the International Criminal Court to investigate allegations of criminality directed at Israel increases with each passing day.

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When BBC Calls, Don’t Answer
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jul 2014

That is, don’t answer, if you are a certified critic of Israeli policies and practices.

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(Castellano) Galeano: Ya poca Palestina queda. Paso a paso, Israel la está borrando del mapa
Eduardo Galeano – Sin Permiso, 28 Jul 2014

Desde 1948, los palestinos viven condenados a humillación perpetua. No pueden ni respirar sin permiso. Han perdido su patria, sus tierras, su agua, su libertad, su todo. Ni siquiera tienen derecho a elegir sus gobernantes.

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Gaza Interview
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jul 2014

[Prefatory note: This is an interview with a knowledgeable Greek journalist covering a range of issues associated with the Gaza ordeal] – “Blood on American Hands”: Richard Falk on Palestine

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Google Doesn’t Want You to Limit Its Ability to Follow You around the Internet
Dan Gillmor – The Guardian, 28 Jul 2014

Behind our screens, tech companies are racing to extract a price for what we read and watch on the web: our personal information.

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On ‘Human Shielding’ in Gaza
Nicola Perugini and Neve Gordon – Al Jazeera, 21 Jul 2014

The Israeli army has tried to justify striking civilian areas. For Palestinians living in Gaza today, simply spending time in their own homes, frequenting a mosque, going to a hospital or to school has become a dangerous enterprise since any one of these architectural edifices can become at any moment a target.

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No Exit from Gaza: A New War Crime?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

As the casualty totals continue to mount while the world looks on in stupefied inaction, the attacks go on; at the very least, from a humanitarian perspective, there should be a global outcry demanding that children, mothers, and those sick and disabled be allowed to leave the Gaza Strip until current hostilities end. Yet this is a gap in international humanitarian law and refugee law.

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I, Spy: Edward Snowden in Exile
Alan Rusbridger and Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

He doesn’t drink, he’s reading Dostoevsky and, no, he doesn’t wear a disguise. A year after blowing the whistle on the NSA, America’s most wanted talks frankly about his life as a hero-pariah – and why the world remains ‘more dangerous than Orwell imagined’.

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America: Where the “Good Guys” Torture – A Nation of Cowards?
Rebecca Gordon - TomDispatch, 21 Jul 2014

Once upon a time, if a character on TV or in a movie tortured someone, it was a sure sign that he was a bad guy. Now, the torturers are the all-American heroes. There is a word for people whose first concern is always for their own safety and who will therefore permit anything to be done in their name as long as it keeps them secure. Such people are sometimes called cowards.

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Tormenting Gaza
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

There is so much regional turbulence at present that it is unlikely to hope for anything more than scattered verbal denunciations from authorities in the region preoccupied with other concerns, but given the gravity of the situation, attention needs to be refocused on the Palestinian ordeal.

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Edward Snowden Urges Professionals to Encrypt Client Communications
Alan Rusbridger and Ewen MacAskill – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

Whistleblower says NSA revelations mean those with duty to protect confidentiality must urgently upgrade security. Watch Snowden’s interview with the Guardian in Moscow.

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A Nurse at Gitmo Refuses to Force Feed Any More Prisoners – Others Should Too
Cori Crider – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

What the US military does to detainees at Guantánamo is shocking. Perhaps change can come from within.

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Nobel Literature Laureate Nadine Gordimer Dies Aged 90
David Smith – The Guardian, 21 Jul 2014

Nobel-prize-winning chronicler of apartheid died peacefully in Johannesburg on Sunday [13 Jul 2014].

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The Last Days of Che Guevara: A Graphic Novel – Book Review
Paul Buhle – Toward Freedom, 21 Jul 2014

No iconic, rebellious image of anyone from the 1960s, it is safe to say, looms larger than that of Che Guevara, even today, so long past his death. Che is the one in museums, and on towels in Italy, posters in Vietnam, statues and assorted monuments in Venezuela and so on.

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A Tale of Two Cities: Istanbul and Rome
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

Symbolically and culturally Istanbul deserves to be privately christened as the global capital of the 21st century. It is only world city that qualifies by virtue of its geographic and civilizational hybridity, Western by history and experience, Eastern by culture and location, Northern by stage of development, modernism, and urban dynamism, Southern by affinities, outreach, and partial identification.

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Blood Test Breakthrough in Search for Alzheimer’s Cure
Sarah Boseley – The Guardian, 14 Jul 2014

Test for 10 proteins predicts onset of disease over 12 months in those with mild memory loss with 87% accuracy.

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Remembering Fouad Ajami
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jul 2014

For me Fouad Ajami’s legacy is that of ‘sleeping with the enemy.’ And it is an enemy that is politically, morally, and legally responsible for millions of deaths, displacements, and devastating losses.

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Climate Refugees: An Entire Island Nation Is Preparing to Evacuate to Fiji Before They Sink Into the Pacific
Gwynn Guilford, Quartz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

The seas around Kiribati’s 32 atolls are rising 1.2 centimeters a year—about four times faster than the global average—thanks to the flux of ocean currents. Some residents expect the sea to subsume their homes within 20 or 30 years.

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Shifts in the Climate Change Debate: Hope and Suspicion
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jul 2014

The intense lobbying efforts by climate deniers, reinforced in the United States by a right wing anti-government tsunami that has paralyzed Congress, succeeded in blocking even modest market-based steps to induce energy efficiency.

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Isis Announces Islamic Caliphate in Area Straddling Iraq and Syria
Mark Tran and Matthew Weaver – The Guardian, 7 Jul 2014

Jihadist group challenges al-Qaida as it changes name to Islamic State and pledges to free Palestine in video.

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Facebook Denies Emotion Contagion Study Had Government and Military Ties
Samuel Gibbs – The Guardian, 7 Jul 2014

Researchers say the study was not funded by Minerva Research Initiative, which engaged scientists in national security issues.

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Pentagon Preparing for Mass Civil Breakdown
Nafeez Ahmed – The Guardian, 30 Jun 2014

Social science is being militarised to develop ‘operational tools’ to target peaceful activists and protest movements.

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Revealed: Asian Slave Labour Producing Prawns for Supermarkets in US, UK
Kate Hodal, Chris Kelly and Felicity Lawrence – The Guardian, 30 Jun 2014

Thai ‘ghost ships’ that enslave, brutalise and even kill workers are linked to global shrimp supply chain, Guardian investigation discovers.

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China’s Subversive Propaganda War against the Dalai Lama
Gerardo E. Martinez-Solanas – Open Democracy, 30 Jun 2014

The Chinese government is engaged in an intense propaganda war to disrupt or prevent the Dalai Lama’s visits to every country he travels to.

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