Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26528 results.

A Formula for Palestinian Survival in Damascus
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Will it Work? For more than a year, Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp, one of nine in Syria, has been a war zone between supporters of the Syrian government and those seeking its overthrow. But the number of camp residents actively engaged in fighting on either side is negligible.

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Christmas Spirit
TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

On Christmas morning, a cop on horseback was sitting at a traffic light. Next to him was a kid on his shiny new bike.

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What Google Knows About You
Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Imagine there’s a list somewhere that contains every single webpage you visited, everything you searched for, address you looked up, email you sent, chat message, YouTube video you ever watched. Each entry is time-stamped. With all that imagined, can you think of ways a hacker with access to it could use against you? Now go to, and see it all become reality.

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Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Security Are Coming Together, and Asia Must Drive the Post-2015 Global Agenda and Global Goals
Mukul Sanwal, India Environment Portal – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

As China re-shapes its urban future, with its planned urbanization involving 250 million farmers, its willingness to lead by example in reforming the United Nations, rather than the United States defending the current arrangements, will determine the outcome and the new global rules. It may well be a complete break with the past, equitable and democratic.

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The Bad Seed: The Health Risks of Genetically Modified Corn
Caitlin Shetterly, Elle – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

With symptoms including headaches, nausea, rashes, and fatigue, Caitlin Shetterly visited doctor after doctor searching for a cure for what ailed her. What she found, after years of misery and bafflement, was as unlikely as it was utterly common.

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North Korea Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Victory
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

I lived in Manhattan, but this was very different grandeur. New York was growing towards the sky, while Pyongyang consisted of tremendous open spaces and massive eclectic buildings. Outside the capital I saw green fields, and farmers walking home. Clearly, there was no malnutrition among children, and despite the embargo, everyone was decently dressed.

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(Português) O Garoto Que Desafiou o Império — E Está Vencendo
Cauê Seignemartin Ameni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

“Quando se dá conta de que o mundo que
ajudou a criar será pior para as próximas gerações
e que esta arquitetura de opressão se estendem,
você entende que é preciso aceitar qualquer risco.
Sem se preocupar com as consequências.”
Edward Snowden em sua primeira entrevista ao The Guardian

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(Italiano) Sistemi di Difesa Alternativa per gli Stati
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Per un paese che basi la propria sicurezza sulla pace, non allineato, utile agli altri, invulnerabile, che si occupi di mediazione dei conflitti e dei traumi rilevanti, di grande empatia e con progetti equi, dotato solo di armi non-provocatorie, preparato a difendere i propri confini e ogni parte del proprio territorio attraverso una difesa militare e non militare e coordinato da un Ministro della Pace, un attacco è molto improbabile.

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One’s Burden Is One’s Freedom: Rejected Refugees in the Context of Sri Lanka
Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Asylum seekers are not refugees but they are refugees without rights to be refugees.

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(Português) O Mundo Orwelliano da NSA
James Bamford, New York Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Onde internet e telefonia globais são interceptadas? Como Obama manteve espionagem ilegal de Bush? Por que esquema faz lembrar “1984″?

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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International Conference on “Is Science Able to Explain the Scientist?”
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

On Dec 8, 2013 an International Conference ‘Science and Scientist’ will be held at Bhubaneswar, India, organized by Bhakti Vedanta Institute of Spiritual Culture and Science, Princeton, NJ, USA and Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Institute, Siliguri, West Bengal, India in collaboration with Synergy Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

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What Is War?
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

What is war, and whom shall we ask?
Clausewitz gave his bland definition,
“nothing but the continuation
of politics by other means,”
but he did not then bleed.

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Edward Snowden in His Own Words
Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

On Sunday Jun 9, 2013 in Hong Kong, the whistleblower and source to the stories about the PRISM surveillance program revealed himself as 29-year-old Edward Snowden. This is his story, in his own words.

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What the Psychology of Suicide Prevention Teaches Us about Controlling Our Everyday Worries
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2013

Two surprisingly simple yet effective techniques for ameliorating anxiety.

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Courts Rule MMR & Thimerosal Containing Vaccines Caused Autism & Brain Damage
Joe Martino, Collective Evolution – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

All information containing new and unprecedented conclusions begins by being violently opposed by those who create the prior information and those who subscribe heavily to it. This is very much the case with the link between Autism Spectrum Disorder and vaccines; mainly the MMR vaccine and other thimerosal containing vaccines.

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Glenn Greenwald: Low-Level NSA Analysts Have ‘Powerful and Invasive’ Search Tool
Kari Rea, ABC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

“These programs are very simple screens, like the ones that supermarket clerks use, where all a low-level analyst has to do is enter an email or an IP address, and it searches that database and lets them listen to the calls or read the emails, or look at the browsing histories or Google search terms, and it also alerts them to any further activity that people connected to that email address or that IP address do in the future.”

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CIA Is Funding Government-Led Chemtrailing Project
Steve Watson, InfoWars – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Spy Agency to Help Study “Security Impacts” of Geo-Engineering – Our skies are riddled with artificial clouds, that are patently not merely the contrails of standard air planes. These programs are already having the effect of blocking out sunlight. The emergence of the chemtrails phenomenon coincided with an average 22% drop in sunlight reaching the earth’s surface.

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Time to Decide: Are We Ready for Economic Democracy?
Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

We do know that we are in a time of transition, an era that will define the next economy. The effects of the neo-liberal economic agenda of privatization are becoming obvious. One thing is clear: it is going to take action from below to create an economy that puts people and the planet before profits.

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Happy Birthday, Thoreau: The Beloved Transcendentalist on Friendship, Sympathy, and Animal Consciousness
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

The beloved transcendentalist, born on July 12, 1817, considers the essence of friendship, what it means to be human, and how inextricably connected we are to our fellow non-human beings, who are just as worthy of our sympathy and respect as our human friends.

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Who Authorized Preparations for War with China?
Amitai Etzioni, Yale Journal of International Affairs – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

The United States is preparing for a war with China, a momentous decision that so far has failed to receive a thorough review from elected officials, namely the White House and Congress. This important change in the United States’ posture toward China has largely been driven by the Pentagon.

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(Italiano) Competizione, Cooperazione e Archetipi
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Ci sono vincitori e sconfitti; la diseguaglianza viene istituzionalizzata, anzi premiata. Qualunque competizione è un conflitto per un obiettivo da poco, vincere; più c’è competizione più c’è conflitto irrisolto.

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Toxic Groundwater Reaching Sea: NRA
The Japan Times – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

“We must find the cause of the contamination . . . and put the highest priority on implementing countermeasures,” Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shunichi Tanaka said after examining recent studies carried out on groundwater samples at the plant that detected high levels of cesium, tritium and other radioactive contamination.

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Role Reversal: How the US Became the USSR
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Snowden harmed no one except the liars and traitors in the US government. Contrast Washington’s animosity against Snowden with the pardon that Bush gave to Dick Cheney aide, Libby, who took the fall for his boss for blowing the cover, a felony, on a covert CIA operative, the spouse of a former government official who exposed the Bush/Cheney/neocon lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

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Oscar Wilde’s Stirring Love Letters to Lord Alfred “Bosie” Douglas
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

“It is a marvel that those red rose-leaf lips of yours should be made no less for the madness of music and song than for the madness of kissing.”

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(Português) A Incrível Pirâmide da Desigualdade Global
José Eustáquio Diniz Alves, EcoDeabte – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Milionários são apenas 0,6% da população, mas abocanham doze vezes mais riqueza que 69,3% dos habitantes da Terra. Concentração e consumismo podem tornar civilização insustentável.

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Bankers Own the World – And Are Ultimately Destroying It
Chris Martenson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money. ~ Josiah Stamp – Bank of England Chairman, 1920s

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Israel Blocks EU Projects in West Bank over Settlement Measures
Allyn Fisher-Ilan, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Israel has blocked the European Union from aiding tens of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank in retaliation for Brussels’ ban on financial assistance to Israeli organizations in the occupied territories. An Israeli official said on Friday [26 Jul 1013] the move was a result of the EU decision “to sanction or boycott the settlements”.

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Understanding Conflict with Prof. Johan Galtung
Asian Study Center for Peace & Conflict Transformation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Nepal is composed of 80% Hindus, whose characteristic is hierarchical caste system, 9% Buddhists who are less caste-oriented and people of more than 100 ethnic groups. They have different living conditions in terms of social organization, access to resources and satisfaction of basic needs. From peace studies point of view, inequalities are the target more than the framework of democracy theory, which otherwise remains empty of content.

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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India: Army ‘Mistook Planets for Spy Drones’
BBC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

25 Jul 2013 – India’s army reportedly spent six months watching “Chinese spy drones” violating its air space, only to find out they were actually Jupiter and Venus.

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Halliburton Destroying Gulf Spill Evidence a ‘Misdemeanor’
EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

This charge – knowingly destroying evidence during a government investigation in an attempt to cover up the cause of 11 human deaths and one of the largest disasters in the country’s history – is considered a ‘misdemeanor’ charge. Halliburton is required to pay a $200,000 fine.”

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Waterborne Radioactive Levels in Fukushima Plant Pit Unchanged from 2011
The Asahi Shimbun – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Water in a pit on the grounds of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has been found to contain high levels of radioactive substances, the plant operator said July 27, 2013. 2.35 billion becquerels of radioactive cesium were detected per liter of water on July 26 in the No. 2 reactor. The breakdown was 750 million becquerels of cesium-134 and 1.6 billion becquerels of cesium-137.

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Garry Davis: « And Now the People Have the Floor »
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Garry Davis, who died 24 July 2013, in Burlington, Vermont, was often called “World Citizen N°1”. The title was not strictly exact as the organized world citizen movement began in England in 1937 by Hugh J. Shonfield and his Commonwealth of World Citizens, followed in 1938 by the creation jointly in the USA and England of the World Citizen Association.

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Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

After the fun, after the shooting spree,
this is the part we did not want to see—
Two groups of victims on a smoking plain,
one armed with tanks, the other armed with pain.

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Global Power Project, Part 7: Banking on Influence with Citigroup
Andrew Gavin Marshall, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Over ensuing decades and mergers it eventually came to be Citibank, and in the late 1990s, Citigroup. At that time, the bank was dealing with accusations that it had aided in the laundering of roughly $100 million in payoffs by Mexican drug cartels. In 2000, the mega-bank was accused of abusing borrowers and clients through predatory lending practices.

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What the Media Isn’t Telling You about War in Syria
Ben Swann – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Full Disclosure – Ben Swann Is an Investigative Journalist

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Protecting Whistleblowers
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

We need a new global ethic, an ethic as advanced as our technology. Of course we can continue to be loyal to our families, our localities and our countries. But this must be supplemented by a higher loyalty: a loyalty to humanity as a whole.

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Bye, Mom
TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

A couple were going out for the evening. They were ready and all dressed up as the taxi arrived.

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[Nobel Peace Laureate] Tutu Says He Cannot Worship ‘Homophobic’ God
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

South African peace icon Desmond Tutu has said he would rather go to hell than worship a homophobic God, likening the fight against gay prejudice to the anti-apartheid struggle. Tutu made the comments on Friday [26 Jul 2013] at the launch of a United Nations gay equality campaign in Cape Town.

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Bee Apocalypse Now: Scientists Discover What’s Killing the Bees and It’s Worse Than You Thought
Todd Woody, Quartz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

In a first-of-its-kind study published today in the journal PLOS ONE [24 Jul 2013], scientists at the University of Maryland and the US Department of Agriculture have identified a witch’s brew of pesticides and fungicides contaminating pollen that bees collect to feed their hives. The findings break new ground on why large numbers of bees are dying.

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Reimagining Principles Enabling an Existential Ecostery
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

There are many elaborations of fundamental principles to which people are encouraged to subscribe as a key to appropriate behaviour and understanding — notably of world order. Examples include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Ten Commandments of the Bible, or the elements of a Global Ethic. Human rights are now readily used as a decorative fig leaf to disguise agendas thereby hidden.

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Geopolitical Winds Blow in China’s Direction
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Among those who comment influentially from the sidelines of power, there are new trends visible in thinking about American foreign policy.

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Sean MacBride Peace Prize 2013 Awarded to US Whistleblower BRADLEY MANNING
International Peace Bureau, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

The International Peace Bureau is delighted to announce that this year’s Sean MacBride Peace Prize is to be awarded to Bradley Manning, the US whistleblower whose case has attracted worldwide attention, for his courageous actions in revealing information about US war crimes.

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A Government with Many Secrets Is Not a Democracy
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

President Obama has initiated an enormous Stasi-like program called “Insider Threats”, which forces millions of federal employees to spy on each other. It extends beyond the US national security bureaucracies to most federal departments and agencies nationwide, including the Peace Corps, the Social Security Administration, and the Education and Agriculture Departments.”

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Indian People’s Charter on Nuclear Energy
Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Nuclear energy is today widely seen as posing a threat to the life, livelihoods and the environment, not least because it can have irreversible catastrophic consequences and radiation effects spanning across generations. Chernobyl, followed by the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan has led to global rethinking on the pursuit of nuclear energy.

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How We Are Impoverished, Gentrified and Silenced – And What to Do About It
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jul 2013

Momentous change almost always begins with the courage of people taking back their own lives against the odds. There is no other way now. Direct action. Civil disobedience. Unerring. Read Percy Shelley – “Ye are many; they are few”. And do it.

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Systems of Alternative Defense for States
Johan Galtung, 23 Jul 2013 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2013

A country based on security through peace, nonaligned, useful to others, invulnerable, mediating relevant conflicts and traumas, high on empathy and equitable projects, only non-provocative arms, prepared to defend its borders and any part of its territory with military and nonmilitary defense and a Ministry of Peace; attack very unlikely.

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Japan’s Constitutional Changes Could Echo through Asia
National Constitution Center – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Possible changes to Japan’s constitution may restrict some rights and expand its military, having implications regionally and even in America. They also raise a basic question: Should it be easy to change a constitution?

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India’s Children
S.P. Udayakumar – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Our Children
Born malnourished and underweight
Get hopeless education
Eat mid-day meals and even get killed

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Egypt: On Why Only an Inclusive Transition Is the Only Solution to Civil Strife and Regional Instability
Alemayehu Fentaw Weldemariam – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

It now seems that the first popular uprising associated with the now famous names of Tahrir square and the Arab Spring had little more than symbolic significance to the Egyptian populace. Not because it didn’t result in the downfall of Hosni Mubarak, the country’s long-reigning dictator, but because it led to the hijacking of the revolution by the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Revive Aung San’s Original Secularist Multicultural Vision for the New Myanmar
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Aung San was murdered on 19 July 1947, 66 years go. He was killed by 27 bullet wounds from the British Army-issued machine guns in the British-assisted assassination. When he and his multi-cultural and multi-faith comrades were killed it was not just the men’s lives that were taken away. Aung San’s secularist, egalitarian and multiculturalist vision too was killed and buried along with their remains.

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(Italiano) La Micro-Gestione USA del Mondo
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Cosa c’è di nuovo a proposito di PRISM-TEMPORA di marchio USA-Regno Unito? Il dito sul dominio – con lo scopo di spiare il resto del mondo – l’enorme impiego di operatori esperti della rete, e la palese prima linea: Anglo-America contro il Resto del mondo, inclusi i soci membri dell’UE. Se tutto ciò fosse stato fatto da stati più piccoli, le relazioni bilaterali con loro sarebbero state sospese, declassate, e la loro appartenenza all’UE revocata. Per quanto tempo ancora USA e Regno Unito sfuggiranno all’impunità?

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On Leaks and Pseudo-Reality: The US’ Futile Search for ‘World Domination’
Ramzy Baroud – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Global surveillance is merely an indication that President Barack Obama – as a representation of the US ruling class – was never sincere as he attempted to woo the world with an image of a more gentle and peaceful American government.

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Are Palestinian Students in Lebanon Being Pressured to Choose Kalashnikovs over College?
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The choice for many Palestinian young men in Lebanon has come down to guns or education. By force of Lebanese law and under threat of prison for violators, Palestinians are denied the elementary civil rights to work in more than 50 professions and are barred by a 2001 racist law from even owning a home.

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UN Struggles to Feed Millions of Syrians
Margaret Brennan, CBS News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

“People cannot borrow. People do not have credit cards; people do not have a purchasing facility,” said Muhannad Hadi, the Regional Emergency Coordinator for the World Food Program. “We have gotten to the stage where people receive food from the World Food Program inside Syria or they don’t eat. It is very simple. There is no other way.”

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Special Report: Thai Authorities Implicated in Rohingya Muslim Smuggling Network
Jason Szep and Stuart Grudgings, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The beatings were accompanied by threats: If his family didn’t produce the money, Myanmar refugee Abdul Sabur would be sold into slavery on a fishing boat, his captors shouted, lashing him with bamboo sticks.

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Trash the TPP: Why It’s Time to Revolt against the Worst “Trade Agreement” in History
Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The media black-out is quite impressive since this is the largest corporate trade agreement to be negotiated since the World Trade Organization got underway in 1995. Commonly called a global corporate coup, the TPP makes transnational corporations more powerful than governments. Others call it “NAFTA on steroids” because it will multiply the failures of NAFTA.

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Administration’s Syria Problem: U.S. Can’t Find Non-Al Qaida Rebels
World Tribune – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The United States has withheld at least $50 million worth of aid to Sunni rebels in Syria. The reason: neither Congress nor the administration of President Barack Obama can find rebel militias not linked to Al Qaida.

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Communal Tensions in Burma Continue
John Roberts, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

“A recurring theme from locals is that ‘outsiders’ are bussed in by trucks and nearly all of them are armed with sticks, swords and machetes. An incident soon happens between a Muslim and a Buddhist that provides the spark and then the gangs swing into action, agitating and enlisting locals to join the ensuing riot. Muslim homes and shops are demolished and along with them previous inter-communal and religious harmony.”

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Indiana’s Anti-Howard Zinn Witch-Hunt
Bill Bigelow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States, one of the country’s most widely read history books, died on January 27, 2010. Shortly after, then-Governor of Indiana Mitch Daniels got on his computer and fired off an email to the state’s top education officials: “This terrible anti-American academic has finally passed away.”

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(Português) Veja Mapa da Corrupção pelo Mundo
BBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Segundo a pesquisa feita pelo Transparency International em 95 países, uma em quatro pessoas já subornou algum orgão público no último ano.

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(Castellano) Unesco Reconoce Obra del Che Guevara y la Incluye en la “Memoria del Mundo”
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

El registro de la Memoria del Mundo comprende casi 300 documentos y colecciones de los cinco continentes, los trabajos de Guevara figuran entre las 54 nuevas adiciones de este año.

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From the Women of Idinthakarai-Koodankulam, India
Sisters of Idinthakarai – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Please think of us and come visit us when you can. Remember the People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy against the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant is gaining momentum and not dying. It is not and will never be a losing battle. Because it has raised the real questions on justice and human welfare.

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Bradley Manning Wins Peace Prize
David Swanson, War Is a Crime – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

19 Jul 2013 – U.S. whistleblower and international hero Bradley Manning has just been awarded the 2013 Sean MacBride Peace Award by the International Peace Bureau, itself a former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, for which Manning is a nominee this year.

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(Castellano) Evo Morales: Mi Secuestro Demuestra la Soberbia de los Países Europeos
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

El presidente de Bolivia consideró que ”hay cierta soberbia en los gobiernos de Europa” que se demostró con su secuestro, acción que no representa nada en comparación con las políticas de exterminio que los europeos realizaron en Latinoamérica en el pasado.

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The 4th Dimension
Carl Sagan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Carl Sagan (1934-1996) was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer and science communicator in astronomy and natural sciences. He spent most of his career as a professor of astronomy at Cornell University where he directed the Laboratory for Planetary Studies.

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(Português) Por Que a Indústria Farmacêutica Evita Curar
Richard J. Roberts, Nobel da Medicina – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

“As farmacêuticas bloqueiam medicamentos que curam, porque não são rentáveis”. O Prémio Nobel da Medicina Richard J. Roberts denuncia a forma como funcionam as grandes farmacêuticas dentro do sistema capitalista, preferindo os benefícios económicos à saúde, e detendo o progresso científico na cura de doenças, porque a cura não é tão rentável quanto a cronicidade.

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A World Citizen Passport and Edward Snowden’s Catch 22
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

To break out of Snowden’s “Catch 22” situation of no passport-to travel-no travel- no asylum – a world citizen passport was issued to Snowden on July 7, 2013 by Garry Davis, who founded the Registry of World Citizens in 1949, and today is the president of the World Government of World Citizens. The world passport is now reportedly in Snowden’s hands.

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Activist and Iraq War Veteran Vincent Emanuele Speaks Out
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Vince Emanuele is a former US Marine of two tours to Iraq who refused to go again by laying down his weapon. He is now organiser for the Michigan chapter of Veterans for Peace and serves on the national board of directors of Iraq Veterans Against War. He hosts the Veterans Unplugged program on Radio WMS, Michigan.

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Global Big Brother and the Snowden Hollywood Chase
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

We will miss the most crucial point of Snowden’s ‘crimes’ if we do not devote our attention to these fundamental political challenges directed at human security, democratic ways of life, and a pluralist world order. To be distracted by the circus of the Snowden chase any longer is to play along with a shameless geopolitical caper!

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The Destruction of Barack Obama
Robert J. Burrowes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Some people have been surprised or disappointed by certain decisions of President Barack Obama. His war-making, his use of illegal drone strikes, his failure to close Guantanamo, his failure to genuinely help those ordinary Americans who voted him into office, and even his pursuit of whistleblowers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden have all raised concerns among those with the audacity to hope that he would be different.

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Blond Stewardess
TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

An airline captain was breaking in a new blonde stewardess. The route they were flying had a layover in another city.

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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Global Power Project, Part 6: Banking on Influence with Bank of America
Andrew Gavin Marshall, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

What is clear is that Bank of America, like all big banks in our era, isn’t merely a financial institution but simultaneously acts as an influential institution in the media, military industrial complex, think tanks, chemical companies and government circles. The bank is too big to fail. Too big to jail. And too connected to change.

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Call On President Putin and Russians to Grant Asylum to Edward Snowden
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Edward Snowden, by revealing the existence and extent of the surveillance by the US government and exposing their spying programme that violates national and international laws, has done a great service to humanity. We can all be grateful to this courageous man of conscience for his personal sacrifice in revealing the secret NSA spying programmes. 55 percent of US citizens support his action.

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Be the Change: Why Myanmar’s Subversive Band “Side Effect” Is Inspiring Freedom
Matt Carter, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

“Now there’s no censorship, but there’s no guarantee that we won’t go to jail, of course,” explained Side Effect’s lead singer Darko, during the band’s recent concert stopover in Berlin. “The laws are tricky, we’re not sure yet if they would protect us. It’s still dangerous to sing – not even the political but the controversial stuff – to criticize culture or conservatism.”

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(Castellano) Brasil Considera Insuficientes Explicaciones de EE.UU. sobre Espionaje
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

El canciller de Brasil, Antonio Patriota, afirmó este lunes [15 Julio 2013] que son insuficientes las explicaciones que el Gobierno de Estados Unidos ha dado sobre las denuncias de espionaje contra el exconsultor de inteligencia norteamericano, Edward Snowden. “Fueron hechas algunas aclaraciones, las consideramos insuficientes”, dijo el canciller brasileño a periodistas.

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Monsanto Virtually Gives Up On Growing GMO Crops in Europe
John Upton, Grist – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Monsanto has pretty much given up any hope (at least for now) of selling its genetically engineered seeds for corn, sugar beets, and other crops in Europe, where opposition to GMO food is overwhelming.

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John Lennon – Give Peace a Chance (Music Video of the Week)
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Released in 1969, when the Vietnam War was ravaging. Wake up Anglo America, you changed for the worse!

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Syrians Fleeing War at Rate Not Seen Since Rwandan Genocide: U.N.
Michelle Nichols, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The number of people fleeing the conflict in Syria has escalated to an average of 6,000 a day during 2013 – a rate not seen since the genocide in Rwanda nearly two decades ago, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday [16 Jul 2013].

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Do Scientists Pray? Einstein Answers a Little Girl’s Question about Science vs. Religion
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man.”
— Albert Einstein

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Patience Running Out in Bulgaria
Nick Thorpe, BBC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Protesters in Bulgaria pack the streets of Sofia each evening, but after 35 days in a row, their patience with Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski’s government is wafer-thin.

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British Aid for Myanmar/Burma Ethnic Cleansing
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Britain, the largest donor country and former colonizer of Myanmar, is effectively aiding and abetting the unfolding “ethnic cleansing” of Muslim Rohingya by helping to finance the country’s controversial 2014 national census.

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Judge Retains “Aiding the Enemy” Charge against Bradley Manning
Matthew MacEgan and Joseph Kishorej, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The US military judge presiding over the court martial of Private Bradley Manning decided Thursday [18 Jul 2013] against dropping the most draconian charge sought by the prosecution, that of “aiding the enemy.”

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(Português) América Latina Está Bastante Furiosa e a Europa, Um Pouquinho
Juan Gelman, Página 12 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Diante da espionagem dos EUA e do constrangimento causado a Evo Morales, nações latino-americanas elevaram o tom contra os norte-americanos e ofereceram asilo a Snowden. Mas depois se descobriu que também europeus haviam sido espionados. Eles tiveram de reclamar, ainda que num tom mais baixo.

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Free Syrian Army Arming Al Qaeda, ISIL Commander Claims
Bill Roggio – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Buried at the end of this Al Jazeera story on tensions between the Free Syrian Army and an al Qaeda affiliate, a leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed that the FSA is selling weapons to the terror group:

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Never Worried about a Nuclear Disaster in India? Do It Now, Koodankulam Has Started
Prajnya K – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The Koodankulam nuclear plant went critical this weekend [14 Jul 2013] despite stinging criticism from both pro and anti-nuclear experts. Shouldn’t we be terrified that the plant has been dealing with Russian conmen suppliers, missing wiring and electrocution deaths? Shouldn’t we be scared that the nuclear establishment itself admits that they have no disaster management plans?

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CNDP Statement on Koodankulam Reaching Criticality
Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The Koodankulam reactor was made critical despite the massive and sustained peaceful popular protests against the plant, and despite numerous warnings by nuclear experts, including former AERB chairman A Gopalakrishnan, about the plant’s vulnerability to hazards and the use of substandard equipment supplied by Russian company Zio-Podolsk. This is profoundly anti-democratic and totally unacceptable.

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European Commission President Meets Religious Leaders
Kumari Kunti Sherreitt, ISKCON News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

Eighteen senior religious leaders from all over Europe met on May 30, 2013 to discuss the EU’s yearly theme of “citizenship” hosted by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, President Van Rompuy and Vice Presiden Laszlo Surjan, and organized by the Bureau of European Policy Advisors.

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Full Text of the European Union’s Israeli Settlement Guidelines
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2013

The new European Union directive concerning EU funding for entities established beyond the 1967 border lines including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

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(Português) “Porquê o Socialismo?”
Albert Einstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

“Será aconselhável para quem não é especialista em assuntos económicos e sociais exprimir opiniões sobre a questão do socialismo? Eu penso que sim, por uma série de razões”, afirma Einstein. O artigo foi publicado na edição de lançamento da revista “Monthly Review”, em Maio de 1949.

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Global Power Project, Part 5: Banking on Influence with Goldman Sachs
Andrew Gavin Marshall, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

One of the largest banks in the United States, Goldman Sachs was central to the process of creating the housing bubble that popped in 2007-8, which led to the largest economic crisis since the Great Depression. As Matt Taibbi famously documented in Rolling Stone, Goldman has been involved in “every major market manipulation since the Great Depression,” profiting along the way as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”

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Second FAC Clearance a Preemptive Attempt of Nuclear Authorities to Circumvent Legal Notice and Action
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

The people of India will hold the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Government of India squarely responsible for any untoward incidents that may happen at the KKNPP. They are all playing a dangerous game with the lives of millions of people without complying with several important legal and safety measures such as CRZ clearance for the desalination plants, effluent outlet pipes and so on.

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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Argentina’s President Kirchner: US Industrial Espionage Gave Me Chills down My Spine
Juan Cole, Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

The relationship between the United States and Latin America may have just plunged to its lowest level since the 1910s and 1920s, the height of US imperialism in the area, when United Fruit and the Marines imposed themselves on the region.

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Rapper Yasiin Bey (Aka Mos Def) Force Fed under Standard Guantánamo Bay Procedure
The Guardian – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

In this four-minute film made by Human Rights organisation Reprieve and Bafta award-winning director Asif Kapadia, US actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def), experiences the procedure. Warning: Some Viewers May Find These Images Distressing – Guantánamo inmates are submitted to this horrible procedure TWICE DAILY.

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Would Jesus Now Be Prosecuted by US?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

As a Law-Breaker — Like Manning, Assange and Snowden — Yes We Can! The pattern follows proceedings by the House Un-American Activities Committee — McCarthyism –, the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without evidence… It is noteworthy that presidents of countries originally named as “terrorists” were subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize: Nelson Mandela and Yasser Arafat. Barack Obama is unique in being labelled “terrorist” subsequent to being awarded that distinction.

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ECHELON Today: The Evolution of an NSA Black Program
Tom Burghardt, Antifascist Calling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

While the public is angered by the illegal, unconstitutional nature of NSA programs which seize and store data for retrospective harvesting including the content of phone calls, emails, geolocational information, bank records, credit card purchases, travel itineraries, even medical records, in secret, the historical context of how, and why, this vast spying apparatus came to be is often given short shrift.

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NSA Casts Massive Surveillance Net Over Latin America
Bill Van Auken, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2013

According to Rio de Janeiro-based daily O Globo, the most intensive surveillance has been conducted against US allies Brazil, Colombia and Mexico—and against Venezuela. Also subjected to the NSA surveillance net have been Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Paraguay, Chile, Peru and El Salvador, according to the O Globo report.

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