Articles by TRANSCEND Media Service

We found 26528 results.

Cooperative Economics: Replacing a Capitalism in Collapse
Carl Gibson, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

All it takes to form a co-op is a small group of determined people set on an idea to cooperatively own and operate a facet of the economy and allow them to make decisions in a democratic process. By democratizing society through housing and work, we can start a new revolution in our politics, our economy, and even our environment.

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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The Social Cost of Capitalism
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Social costs are costs of production that are not born by the producer or included in the price of the product. There are many classic examples: the pollution of air, water, and land from mining, fracking, oil drilling and pipeline spills, chemical fertilizer farming, GMOs, pesticides, radioactivity released from nuclear accidents and the pollution of food by antibiotics and artificial hormones.

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Israeli Soldiers Breaking The Silence on the Occupation of Palestine
GreenLeftTV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Former Israeli paratrooper Avner Gvaryahu, now an activist with Breaking The Silence explains to Green Left Weekly’s Peter Boyle how 850 former Israeli soldiers have given testimony about the gross injustices against the Palestinian people they have witnessed and made to participate in as part of Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

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Media Coverage of the Bilderberg Group Adopts a Tone of Desperation
Orwellwasright's Weblog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

This year’s annual Bilderberg conference is set to meet in Watford, UK. Global elite power brokers from the world of politics, finance, business and media will once again meet to discuss their agenda for the coming years and, much like the secretive Bohemian Grove gathering, many are more than a little concerned as to what exactly these powerful public figures discuss behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes and ears of the public.

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(Português) Mia Couto: “Não há outro caminho que não seja a insubordinação”
Esquerda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

O escritor moçambicano venceu a 25ª edição do Prémio Camões no Rio de Janeiro. “É preciso sair à rua, é preciso revoltarmo-nos, é precisa esta insubordinação. As pessoas, acho que todas, se compenetraram, principalmente nos últimos anos, que isto não é uma crise localizada, não é uma falha, nem é um erro de um certo sistema, mas que é o próprio sistema que tem que ser radicalmente questionado”.

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Services Collapsing in Syrian Rebel-Controlled Areas
The Media Line, Ynetnews – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Ravaged Aleppo sees food, fuel prices skyrocket, staples like medicine, baby formula non-existent; ‘We’ve nothing to feed babies,’ says resident. The streets in the Aleppo neighborhood of Hannano are piled high with garbage. Flies buzz around putrid bags that extend farther than the eye can see.

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Why Disinformation Works
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing, most everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation, because they can hook their agenda to the government’s account.

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(Italiano) Mono- Multi- Inter- Trasversal- Trans-Disciplinare
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

La mia introduzione al taoismo è avvenuta tramite Joseph Needham e filosofi cinesi di Pechino. Essi considerano la scienza occidentale molto preconcetta con il suo atomismo, la sua deduzione – l’aristotelico tertium non datur – i suoi valori, che conducono a false dicotomie. Il taoismo ispira la ricerca del sia-sia, come nell’attuale capi-comunismo cinese. O comu-capitalismo.

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TRANSCEND General Assembly in Germany, 16-18 Aug, 2013
Erika Degortes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Usually our general meeting occurs every two years. However, this year marks the 20th anniversary of TRANSCEND International so we decided to get together for our General Assembly one year earlier. The Venue will be the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice in Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany, 15 minutes by train/bus from Basel-Switzerland.

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If the Syrian Dictator Must Go… Why Not the Dictators in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain?
Washington’s Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

If We Are “Fighting for Democracy”, Then Why Are We Arming and Financially Supporting Dictatorships Throughout the Middle East?

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The EU Continues Targeting the Civilian Population of Syria with US-Led Sanctions While Scraping the EU Arms Embargo
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Oxfam warned before and after the vote of “devastating consequences” if the embargo ends.”There are no easy answers when trying to stop the bloodshed in Syria, but sending more arms and ammunition clearly isn’t one of them,” the aid agency’s head of arms control, Anna Macdonald told the media this week.

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Background to the Mussalaha Peace Delegation to Syria May 2-11, 2013
Susan Dirgham – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Our press conference was televised but few journalists attended; however, there was one young female reporter who asked a rather forthright question, prefaced with the comment, “Many delegations come, but then nothing changes…” I learnt just today [29 May 2013] that Yara Abbas was the young journalist with the question. Less than three weeks later, Yara was killed while reporting from the battlefront.

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Ending Perpetual War? Endorsing Drone Warfare?
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

That President Obama chose on 23 May [2013] to unveil his second term cautionary approach to counter-terrorism at the National Defense University epitomized the ambiguity of the occasion. The choice of venue was itself a virtual guarantee that nothing would be said or done on that occasion that challenges in any fundamental way the global projection of American military power.

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Siria: Messaggio del Premio Nobel per la Pace Mairead Maguire al Popolo Italiano
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

English with Italian Subtitles – Message from Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire to the Italian people.

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From the Women and Children of Koodankulam, India
The Women and Children of Idinthakarai – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Today, 26th May 2013 marks 650 days since we, the people of Idinthakarai, have made this Samara pandal in the courtyard of the 150 year old Lourde Mother Church our home. We have witnessed many many events and seen so many people from India and other parts of the world by being here.

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Dispatch #5 from the Mussalaha Delegation to Syria: 72 Prisoners of Conscience
Paul Larudee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

When a request is made – especially by a guest – Arab culture demands that it should not be refused. If, therefore, the host finds it impossible or unacceptable to grant the request, its fulfillment will be deferred indefinitely. I regretfully must conclude that this is what is happening with respect to the request that the Mussalaha Peace and Reconciliation Mission made to the Syrian Minister of Justice on May 9, 2013, to release 72 nonviolent prisoners of conscience.

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Rebel Terrorists Kidnap Hundreds of Syrian Kurds in Aleppo: Activists
People’s Daily, Xinhua – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Jihadist foreign fighters in Syria have kidnapped hundreds of Syrian Kurds in the northern province of Aleppo, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday [May 27, 2013].

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Syrian Militants Used Chemical Weapons: UN Investigators
PressTV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

United Nations investigators say they have found testimony from victims and medical staff that shows militants have used the nerve agent sarin in Syria, which has been classified as a weapon of mass destruction in UN Resolution 687.

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Towards a ‘Lagom’ Society
Kaj Embren – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

I like to think of it in reference to the classic fairytale, ’Goldilocks and the three bears’, where a thieving little girl breaks and enters into the family home of three bears and proceeds to sample all their possessions. In the kitchen, for instance, she tastes three soups, one which is ’too hot’, the other ’too cold’, but the last is ‘just right’. That final soup is ‘lagom!’

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Take It from the Rabbi’s Mouth
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

This rabbinical pronouncement proves that as early as 1942, the American Jewish religious establishment was already deeply Zionist. And if this is not enough, the rabbis also regarded Zionism as the ‘implementation’ of Judaism.

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Le Sacre du Printemps — 100th Anniversary: A Quartet of Creators
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

29 May marks the 100th anniversary of the first presentation of Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) in 1913 in the then newly built Théatre des Champs-Elysées designed by August Perret in the then new Art Déco style.

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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Il Volo – Nobel Peace Concert 2012 (Music Video of the Week)
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Il Volo at the 2012 Nobel Gala singing Il Mondo and We Are Love.
Virtuosi: Piero Barone (18 y.o.), Gianluca Ginoble (17), Ignazio Boschetto (17)

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800 Tunisian Islamists Fighting in Syria, Minister Says
AFP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Tunisian Foreign Minister Othmane Jarandi told AFP on Saturday [11 May 2013] that some 800 Tunisians are fighting in Islamist rebel ranks in Syria and said the country would work to repatriate its citizens taken prisoner there.

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Blood and Oil
Tom Greening – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

The war is over, and I’m told
we good guys won,
so God must love us,

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The Koodankulam Mystery (2): Russian Officials’ Anxiety
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

What indeed is the “mutual interest” that tends to work up the Russian officials in India? Why are the Russian officials nervous about the Koodankulam project and want an immediate commissioning? What are they trying to hide? Who are they trying to protect? The inter-governmental skeletons will start tumbling out of the Koodankulam closet one by one soon.

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(Italiano) Un Mondo Ottagonale
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Gli USA ovviamente cercano di neutralizzare l’autonomia latinoamericana/caraibica come fanno con i vari interventi e uccisioni selettive, Francia-Gran Bretagna-Italia cercano di riconquistare l’Africa, e il Giappone vuole una certa egemonia nell’Asia dell’Est. Non ci riusciranno: l’integrazione latinoamericana è già troppo avanzata. L’Africa ricupererà con l’Islam, e Abe non può basare una propria massiccia esportazione ai paesi che il Giappone ha brutalizzato senza impegnarsi in una riconciliazione che fa di tutto per evitare.

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Verizon (and Google) Helped U.S. Government to Spy on Reporters
Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Technology companies willingly provided information to U.S. government agencies to help the Obama administration snoop on reporters from the Associated Press (AP) and Fox news in order to ostensibly crack down on leaks that pose a “threat” to national security. This is not the first time that the Obama administration has asked telecommunication companies to turn over records on journalists.

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(Italiano) Frattanto, Manchester United
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Libia: una striscia di terra simile ai luoghi donde provengono gli invasori italiani, francesi ecc. a colonizzare l’Africa, il resto Berbero-Tuareg con le proprie cosmologie e l’islam soppressi, all’attacco di un consolato-ambasciata, eventualmente anche un centro di detenzione CIA, per liberare i loro amici l’11 settembre 2012 (quando fu ucciso l’ambasciatore J.C. Stevens), l’aver attaccato la sede del Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa (ICRC) a 1 km di distanza il 22 maggio: “l’ICRC dovette ammainare la propria bandiera con la croce (corsivo mio) rossa / la Libia è uno stato islamico” (lettera a Hillary Clinton del Parlamento USA del 02-10-2013).

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Genesis, by Sebastião Salgado: Exhibition Review
Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Genesis, an unfathomable eight-year long work, that took the Brazilian documentary photographer Sebastião Salgado to 32 countries, explores the earth in the way it must have originated and the way its vast undiscovered stretches have remained untouched. It asks us, the humans, to question our view of this world and our relationship with this fragile planet that is powerful enough to create, sustain as well as destroy.

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The Capone Moment: Could LIBOR Fracture the International Banking Cartel?
Steve Rushton, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

The connections and complicity evident in the LIBOR rate-rigging scandal – especially on the part of regulators – are a weak point for the global banking cartel, which connects a broad network of financial institutions that until now have been discussed as “too big to jail.” But a brief look at the way Al Capone’s crime network was toppled by tax evasion in the 1930s reveals similar, delicate threads that could quickly unravel the current criminal banking regime.

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Study: Fukushima Radiation Has Already Killed 14,000 Americans
Washington’s Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal International Journal of Health Services alleges that 14,000 people have already died in the United States due to Fukushima. Specifically, the authors of the study claim:

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Nepal: Regmi Is Becoming an Obstacle – International Community Must Help Organize Free and Fair Elections
Asian Centre for Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

“The consequences of not holding or not being able to hold elections are more anarchy. The impatience with Khil Raj Regmi government including by four big political parties will grow while Regmi’s tenure as Chief Justice will expire in June 2014.

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Hawai’i: Military Radiation from Pohakuloa – Blowing in the Wind?
James Albertini – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

After years of denial, the military now admits to using Depleted Uranium radiation weapons in Hawaii as early as 1961 for the secret Davy Crockett nuclear weapon system. How much DU has been used in Hawaii over the years is in question. But since the Army says that DU was only banned in training in 1996 the amount of contamination could be extensive.

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(Castellano) Siria Reclama a la ONU Acciones Para Detener Constantes Ataques de Israel
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

El Gobierno de Siria reiteró este miércoles [22 Mayo 2013] ante la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) su derecho a la autodefensa frente a los constantes ataques y violaciones de soberanía que emprende Tel Aviv contra el pueblo sirio, al tiempo que exigió al Consejo de Seguridad ejerza acciones para poner fin a la impunidad del Estado de Israel.

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Hezbollah and the Syrian Pit
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

It is the strategic crossroads town of al-Qusayr, and its environs, which whoever controls, can block supplies and reinforcements to and from Damascus and locations north and east. For those seeking the ouster of Syria’s government, including NATO countries led by Washington, were their “allies” to lose control of al-Qusayr it would mean the cutting off of supplies from along the Lebanese border, from which most of the local opposition’s weapons flow and fighters have been smuggled over the past 26 months.

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Beaten, Bullied, Badgered: EU Study Finds Widespread Homophobia in Europe
Der Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Harassed at work and the doctor’s office, bullied and assaulted in public: The gay, bisexual and transgender community is still widely discriminated against in Europe. In an new EU survey, the most comprehensive to date, more than 90,000 participants report on the extent of their harassment.

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A Golden Age?
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

We need to act today to save the future. We need to stabilize global population today; we need to achieve world peace today; we need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses today; we need to make the transition to renewable energy today; we need to stop overfishing today; we need agricultural research today; we need to save the rainforests today.

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Appeal for Dialogue and Reconciliation in Syria without Foreign Interference
Mairead Maguire – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

When we enquired from the Prime Minister about allegations that the Syrian government had used Sarin Gas, he told us that as soon as allegations came from Aleppo that this gas had been used, his government invited immediately the UN to come and investigate, but they heard nothing from them. More recently however, High Commissioner Carla Del Ponte, a UN investigator, confirmed that it was the jihadists, not Syrian government, that used Sarin Gas.

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The Koodankulam Mystery (1): Indian Officials’ Exodus
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

We, struggling people, demand a comprehensive, complete, independent inquiry into the financial and technical dealings of the Koodankulam project one more time! This is a frantic appeal of the people of India to the “leaders” of India in the larger interest of India! Truth may be hidden for the time being with paisa, power and political patronage but will never be killed! Truth will triumph! And come to haunt!

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Pentagon Contractors Have Trained the Terrorists in the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

8 May 2013 – CNN just a couple of months ago confirmed that contractors hired by the Pentagon were in fact training the terrorists in the use of chemical weapons. And now we have a statement by a UN Independent Commission, which has confirmed unequivocally – and it was revealed on the same day – that the terrorists who are backed by the United States and its allies, they are in possession of deadly sarin nerve gas, which they are using against the civilian population.”

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Refugee Camps as War Zones – How Lebanon’s Palestinians Are Being Pulled into Syria’s War
Franklin Lamb – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Historically, Palestinian refugees, wherever they have sought temporary sanctuary following the ethnic cleansing of their country by the 19th century Zionist colonial enterprise, and pending their return to Palestine, have insisted on avoiding local and international conflicts while seeking a modicum of interim civil rights from the host countries.

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BBC Poll: Israel among World’s Least Popular Nations
Haaretz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

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Global Wealth Inequality – What You Never Knew You Never Knew
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

The extreme truth about how wealth is divided globally.

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Brazil to Write Off $900m of African Debt`
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

Brasilia pardons debts for 12 African countries after creating agency to support development in continent.

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Potential of Feynman Diagrams for Challenging Psychosocial Relationships?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

The complexity and subtlety of the arguments and models offered by fundamental physics are widely recognized as one means of comprehending reality. To most they are essentially incomprehensible, if not irrelevant to the experience of daily life. It is of course the case that another form of complexity is evident in psychosocial systems, whether at the macro-level of global modeling or at the micro-level of interpersonal relationships.

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Mystery Sponsor of Weapons and Money to Syrian Mercenary “Rebels” Revealed
Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

The tiny gas-rich state of Qatar has spent as much as $3bn over the past two years supporting the rebellion in Syria, far exceeding any other government.

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Global Capital and the Nation State
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2013

As global capital becomes ever more powerful, giant corporations are holding governments and citizens up for ransom — eliciting subsidies and tax breaks from countries concerned about their nation’s “competitiveness” — while sheltering their profits in the lowest-tax jurisdictions they can find. Meanwhile, at a time when you’d expect nations to band together to gain bargaining power against global capital, the opposite is occurring: Xenophobia is breaking out all over.

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Dispatch #1 from the Mussalaha Delegation to Syria: “When can we go back?”
Paul Larudee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

“When can we go back?”

This plaintive question of refugees since time immemorial was asked again of Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire at the United Nations High Commission on Refugees intake center in Zahleh, Lebanon, overlooking the vast Beqaa valley, now dotted with refugee camps wherever we look.

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Dispatch #2 from the Mussalaha Delegation to Syria
Paul Larudee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

As I begin to compose this, I hear what sounds like artillery and rocket fire in the distance, mixed with occasional small arms and possible explosions. Most of their targets must be far away, because I don’t hear them hit. The explosions may or may not be something else.

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Syria Dispatch #3: Prisoner Release; Attack on Mother Agnes; Homs Project
Paul Larudee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

9 May, 2013 – Damascus – the delegation meets with the Minister of Justice and presents a petition for the release of 72 non-violent activists. If the government wants to make a strong impression of its good will, it will release all 72 at one time before the end of the week, in which case it will be big news. If it decides not to release all of them, it will probably do so in stages, without a lot of fanfare. Let us hope.

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Dispatch #4: Declarations of the Delegation; Prisoner Release
Paul Larudee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Further to the sniper firing at the car transporting Mother Agnes, it apparently happened twice, both coming and going, and as far as she knows, the attack was not directed specifically at her, but rather towards all vehicles, with a view toward making the route impassable. The car was damaged but Mother Agnes is fine.

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Mali under Indefinite Occupation
Roger Annis, The Bullet – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

France Parliament Votes to Extend Combat Mission While UN Security Council Readies a Policing Force

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Russia’s Plan for the BRICS to Dismantle the Dollar System
Valentin Mândrăşescu – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

A week before the recent BRICS summit in Durban, the Kremlin administration has silently produced a document which describes the Russian strategy in the context of BRICS cooperation. The document makes for a fascinating read for anyone brave enough to plow through the dense Russian legalese. The strategy has been designed in the “inner circle” of Vladimir Putin’s team, so it is safe to assume that it represents the official view on the BRICS future.

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La Délégation Internationale de la Paix Participe a Une Prière Pour la Paix en Syrie
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

11 May, 2013 – In Arabic

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Sri Lanka: Four Years after the War’s End, Little Reconciliation, Few Creative Changes
Rene Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

In the end, no offer of compromise was ever enough, and all forms of moderation were seen as betrayal. The war continued with the last months being particularly destructive. The psychological wounds are deep, and the healing of individual traumas with psycho-spiritual techniques remains a real priority, for the sufferings of the war may sow the seeds of future unrest and a desire for revenge.

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Declaration of the Mussalaha Delegation to Syria on the Refugee Situation in Lebanon
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Since the cause of this crisis is the widespread violence in Syria, we call for an immediate end of all aid – lethal and nonlethal – to all combatants, an immediate and mutual ceasefire, and immediate negotiations among all the parties without preconditions. Lebanese citizens, Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon, Lebanese charitable institutions and other Lebanese civil society institutions deserve much credit for providing support that the international society has not done. However, a refugee influx of this magnitude is more than any society the size of Lebanon can accommodate without aid from the UN.

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Syrian Democratic Party Declaration to the Peace Delegation
SDP General Assembly – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

First, we would like to welcome the members of the international committee for the support of reconciliation and solidarity, wishing them a comfortable stay so that they can work on revealing the facts and incidents and the scope of injury that our great nation has undergone on its third year. The SDP is one of the national parties of the opposition. What we greatly fear of is the transformation of the Syrian crisis from a political to a social crisis, sliding into a civil war, entailing a foreign intervention and internationalization of the crisis under the pretext of terrorism to implement foreign agendas.

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Turkish Authorities Involved in Stealing Body Organs of Injured Syrians
SANA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

The Lebanese ad-Diyar newspaper revealed that Turkish authorities are involved in traffic of body organs of injured Syrians who reach Turkish territories. In its issue on Saturday [4 May 2013], it said they transport young Syrian injured to hospitals in Antalya and Iskenderun in cars guarded by Turkish police and intelligence. Injured Syrians have their body organs excised after being anesthetized to be later killed and mostly buried in the Turkish lands or sent to the border.

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Syrian President Bashar Al Assad’s 18 May, 2013 Interview
Clarin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

(Spanish with English Subtitles) – In an exclusive interview for the Argentine newspaper Clarin, shared with the Observer, Assad says he welcomes attempts at dialogue, but believes that western states are looking for ways to fuel the violence, rather than stop it, and are seeking to topple his regime regardless of the toll.

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International Peace Activists Report the Real Situation in Syria
TeleSur TV – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

(Spanish with English subtitles) – May 10, 2013 – The crisis in Syria and its effect on civil society continues to draw attention of journalists and international peace activists, a delegation led by the Nobel-Peace-Prize Winner Mairead Maguire, arrived in Damascus to witness the situation and report the truth to the world.

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India’s Child Soldiers: Thousands Recruited, Government Defends Record of Terror Groups before UN Child Rights Committee
Asian Centre for Human Rights - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) today released its report, “India’s Child Soldiers” (, the first ever comprehensive study on the subject in India, and accused the Government of India of defending the records of the armed opposition groups, officially designated as terrorist groups, on the recruitment of child soldiers before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

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(Português) O Que Fazer com o Seu Dinheiro: O Discurso de Autoajuda em Manchetes de Capa de Jornais
Leusa Santos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Dissertação de Mestrado em Letras

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(Italiano) Siria
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

La ricerca potrebbe riguardare varie soluzioni, anziché la soluzione. Che fioriscano 1.000 dialoghi, in ciascun quartiere, ciascun villaggio, ad arricchire il prodotto nazionale lordo d’idee. Facilitatori sostenuti dall’ONU, con conoscenza della mediazione, anziché con armi e binocoli.

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Internet Advocates Say the Trans-Pacific Partnership Is the Biggest Threat Yet to Open Web
Russell Brandom, The Verge – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Closed-door meetings mean no one knows for sure how damaging the final treaty will be.

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On Political Preconditions
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

The Netanyahu led government is clearly committed to achieving the political embodiment of Greater Israel, and would not settle for anything less. It is seeking as much legitimation as possible for this expansionist objective, hopeful that adroit diplomacy with American help can yield such a result.

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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Ten Years after Invasion, Iraq Continues to Import Oil Products
Global Research News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Former Iraqi oil minister Issam al-Jalabi says that although Iraq is an oil-rich country, it still imports petroleum products from abroad to meet its needs 10 years after the US-led invasion of the country.

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Moaz al-Khatib Exposes Roles of Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the Syrian Crisis
Al-Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

May 13, 2013 – Outgoing Syrian National Coalition President Moaz al-Khatib talks about the issues he was facing as the head of the Syrian National Coalition. He said that he felt like a salesman for foreign governments who had their own agendas in Syria rather than representing the Syrian people, as he was being used to sign papers on behalf of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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G20 Governments All Agreed to Cyprus-Style Theft of Bank Deposits … In 2010
Colin McKay – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

To address the problem of “systemically important” banks, “without exposing the taxpayer to the risk of loss,” our puppet politicians have agreed to confiscate … the savings of taxpayers.

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U.N. Assembly Slams Syrian Government’s ‘Escalation’ of War
Al Arabiya with Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday [15 May 2013] condemned the Syrian government’s ”escalation” of the country’s war and backed the opposition Syrian National Coalition in transition talks. While the non-binding text has no legal force, resolutions adopted by the 193-nation assembly can carry significant moral and political weight, according to Reuters.

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Syrian Forces Inflict Heavy Losses on US Sponsored Terrorists
Global Research News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

19 May 2013 – Reports from Syria suggest that the US sponsored Al Nusra mercenary force and affiliated formations have inflicted heavy losses in different part of the country. Press reports confirm that the rebel stronghold of Al Qusayr on the Northern border of Lebanon is now under the control of government forces.

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‘Moonlight’ Sonata (Music Video of the Week)
HJ Lim – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Beethoven – Adagio Sostenuto – ”This exceptionally gifted artist ignited an incomparably fiery pianistic space…with super-virtuoso sound images, an incredible enchantment of possibilities of pianistic expressions, subtle and grandiose, magically performed by the phenomenal virtuoso.”
— Basellandschaftlicher Zeitung

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TRANSCEND General Assembly in Germany, 16-18 Aug, 2013
Erika Degortes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Usually our general meeting occurs every two years. However, this year marks the twentieth anniversary of TRANSCEND International and we decided to get together for our TRANSCEND General Assembly one year earlier. The Venue that will host us will be the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice in Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany, 5 minutes by train from Basel-Switzerland.

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U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit
Washington’s Blog – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

And Many More Covert Wars Without Congressional Oversight … Let Alone Public Knowledge

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Fake Commissioning Planned at Koodankulam?
People’s Movemenmt Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Following the Supreme Court’s verdict, the Indian nuclear authorities are announcing various dates to fake-commission the project and trying to protect their own self interests and save the Russians from all the embarrassing and serious charges. Instead of answering the component-related concerns, financial improprieties and liability commitments in an earnest manner, they are spreading irresponsible rumors and conjectures as they have been doing since 2005 about commissioning the Koodankulam project.

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Former Guatemala Dictator Rios Montt Convicted of Genocide
Mike McDonald, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt was found guilty on Friday [10 May 2013] of genocide and crimes against humanity during the bloodiest phase of the country’s 36-year civil war and was sentenced to 80 years in prison. It was the first time a former head of state had been found guilty of genocide in his or her own country.

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Obama: Walk Your Talk on Guantánamo
The Nation, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

As the hunger strike reaches its 100th day on May 17 [2013], 100 prisoners are refusing food. The Pentagon, which once called prisoner suicides “asymmetric warfare,” has dismissed the hunger strike as a publicity stunt. Rather than “reward bad behavior,” the official response has been to throw the men into solitary confinement and keep the most weakened alive through torturous means.

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Time We Civilize Our Foreign Affairs
Mazher Hussain – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Apart from spying, many countries spread misinformation, instigate violence, kidnap or kill people in covert operations, facilitate terrorist attacks and even wage wars against other countries in the name of national interest and security. But if individuals or groups engage in similar things like rumour mongering, acts of violence or rioting, then we declare them to be deviant and criminal.

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The Concluding Declaration of the Mussalaha Peace Delegation to Syria
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Mussalaha Peace Mission to Syria – May 1- 11, 2013. We consider it beyond debate that the Syrian people have the right to determine their own government and their own future. Foreign interference is currently preventing the Syrian people from exercising their right to self-determination. We are concerned that such pernicious intervention is tearing apart the fabric of the country itself, with long-term consequences that can only be imagined. The cautionary example of Iraq serves to remind us of the dire consequences of such international folly.

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Health Insurance for the Planet
Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

An individual has health insurance so that in case of illness or bodily injury he can have insurance benefits. I am inspired by the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres, who argued passionately at the University Massachusetts Boston that we must think about the health of our planet as we think about health of the individual.

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Are Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar Elites Complicit in the Rohingya Ethnocide?
Maung Zarni – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Is Burma’s Aung Suu Kyi herself complicit in this Rohingya ethnnocide? is a valid, empirical question that needs to be raised.

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(Italiano) ABEconomia e lo Stato del Giappone
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

Alternative: rendersi conto che i vecchi tempi d’oro sono finiti, che USA-Occidente-Giappone sono battuti dalla concorrenza BRICS. Agire per accordi più modesti, accettabili. E, invece di associarvi agli USA nell’aumentare l’insicurezza, associatevi ai vostri vicini in una Comunità dell’Asia dell’Est e rivedete la TPP per una partnership egalitaria dalla Cina agli USA e dal Giappone all’America Latina.

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Syria: Ten Points towards Reconciliation and Peace
ISTEAMS-International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria – Transcend Media Service, 20 May 2013

A focus of the work of AMRIS-Australians for Mussalaha (Reconciliation) In Syria is to support the “Ten Points towards Reconciliation and Peace in Syria”, which were presented to politicians, community groups, leaders of faith groups, and the media by Mother Agnes Mariam when she visited Australia in October 2012.

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On the Road to Damascus
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

I participated, May 1-11, 2013 in the Mussalaha International Peace Delegation to Lebanon-Syria alongside fellow TRANSCEND member Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, from Ireland, and 15 others from eight countries. Like Paul meeting the angel Ananias on his way to Damascus experienced a change of heart and became St Paul, so have I met many angels on my own Road to Damascus and, although not gone into sainthood, I have reinterpreted and upgraded my own vision of reality—which I now share with you.

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(Castellano) ONU Califica de Histórica Condena a Dictador Guatemalteco Ríos Montt
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

La Alta Comisionada de la Organización de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Navi Pillay, calificó de histórica la condena a 80 años de prisión al dictador guatemalteco, José Efraín Ríos Montt. Pillay celebró que Guatemala hizo historia al convertirse en el primer país en condenar a un dictador por genocidio en una corte nacional.

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Beyond Theory – the Practice of Building Socialism in Latin America
Jorge Capelan and Toni Solo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

For the imperial propaganda machine, leftist Latin American governments and political leaders are either too leftist, not really leftist, or blind fanatics, as well as being shrewdly machiavellian, capitalists in red clothing, enemies of the market and scores of other contradictory pairs of things all at once.

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Rethinking ‘Red Lines’
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

What is strange in all this is that Obama talks the talk, but seems unwilling to walk the walk. Such a disjunction invites cynicism about law and morality, and induces despair on the part of those of us who believe the world we inhabit badly needs red lines, but the right red lines.

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Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain
Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2013

A documentary produced by Survival International, is a record of the multi-billion pounds FTSE 100-listed British mining giant Vedanta Resources Plc with its ambitions to destroy the breathtaking beauty, culture, forests and tribal life of the Niyamgiri Hills located in eastern India in order to mine millions of tons of bauxite from these hills to produce aluminium.

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Mussalaha International Peace Delegation to Syria
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

I participated, May 1-11, 2013, in a Peace Delegation to Lebanon-Syria, along with fellow TRANSCEND member Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire and 15 others from six countries. I shall report next week on what I saw, heard and witnessed along with my own conclusions and insights from interviews (including with armed rebels), audiences (incl. Prime Minister, four others), visits to hospitals, refugee camps, churches and mosques. I talked with a member of the political opposition to Assad’s regime. He was in prison for 24 years (out for 11) and wants changes—but without outside interference.

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Higher Ground (Music Video of the Week)
Playing For Change – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

“Higher Ground” is a song that speaks of the perseverance it takes to reach the higher consciousness. Let’s all keep trying together, one heart and one song at a time, until we all reach the Higher Ground.

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Israeli Football, Racism and Politics: The Ugly Side of the Beautiful Game
Jonathan Cook, The View from Nazareth – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

Israel’s increasing integration into European competitions, despite its refusal to revive peace talks with the Palestinians, respect human rights and halt illegal settlement, is, according to critics, contrary to sporting values and should be met with international opposition of the kind faced by apartheid South Africa.

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A Clear and Present Danger at Koodankulam: Shoddy Parts, Shabby Leaders, and Shaky Indian Lives!
People’s Movemenmt Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

The Koodankulam reactors present a danger to Indian citizens with many substandard equipment and parts supplied by discredited Russian companies such as ZiO-Podolsk, Informtekh and Izhorskiye Zavody. The PMANE demands a comprehensive, complete, independent inquiry into the financial and technical scams of the Koodankulam project, and the closure of the KKNPP in the larger interests of the people of India.

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The Self-Hating State
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

Devolving policy to “the market” doesn’t solve the problem of power. It makes it worse. States now operate at the behest of others. Deregulation, privatisation, the shrinking of the scope, scale and spending of the state: these are now seen as the only legitimate policies. The corporations and billionaires to whom governments defer will have it no other way.

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Elephant Poaching On Rise in Chaos-Hit Central African Republic
Bate Felix, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

Elephant poachers are taking advantage of the chaos in CAR to hunt down the animals in protected wildlife areas and openly sell their meat in village markets, campaigners said on Friday [26 Apr 2013]. Rhinos have already been hunted to extinction in the region due to demand for their horns for Asian medicinal concoctions.

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US Lets Swiss Banks, Accused of Aiding Tax Fraud, Avoid Prosecution with Fines
The Real News Network – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

“Swiss banks are negotiating fines to avoid prosecution, while billions of dollars continue to be hidden away from taxes.”

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(Galego) Acoso Escolar, Maltrato entre Iguais, Bulling
Manuel Dios Diz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

Para abordar os casos de maltrato entre iguais, vulgarmente coñecidos como acoso ou co seu termo en inglés “bulling”, o primeiro que debemos fomentar nun centro educativo que ten menores ó seu cargo, é a prevención, é dicir, de acordo cun Plan Integral de Mellora da Convivencia Escolar de referencia, como o que temos vixente en Galicia.

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Meanwhile, Manchester United
Johan Galtung, 13 May 2013 - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

Libya: a strip of land similar to where the Italian, French etc. invaders-colonizing Africa come from, the rest Berber-Tuareg with their world views and Islam suppressed, attacking a consulate-embassy possibly also a CIA detention center to liberate their friends on 11 Sep 2012 (when Ambassador J.C. Stevens was killed), having attacked the International Committee of the Red Cross 1 km away on 22 May: “the ICRC must take down their flag with the red cross Libya is an Islamic State” (letter to Hillary Clinton from the US Congress 02-10-2013).

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General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2013

A Global Harmony Association Constant Petition to the UN to Collect 1 Million Signatures by September 21, 2013 – International Peace Day. PLEASE HELP THE WORLD BY SIGNING THE PETITION

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